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A National Public Health Education Leadership Institute was developed through collaboration among national health education professional organizations, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and a school of public health. The institute provides health educators in leadership positions throughout the country access to a 15-month integrated and sequential professional leadership development program. This article presents a conceptual model and competency framework for that program. The model contains elements considered critical for design of leadership programs in public health and can be used by both professional development and academic programs to shape their design of leadership curricula.  相似文献   

The Catholic Health Association's (CHA's) study "Transformational Leadership for the Healing Ministry: Competencies for the Future" is a powerful tool for the identification and development of leaders in Catholic healthcare. The study can help executives measure their own performance against a standard of excellence and establish goals to improve their performance. Trustees can use the study to establish policies for identification, assessment, development, and career planning for senior executives. Sponsors might consider the competencies as they intensify collaboration in ministry with lay colleagues by encouraging leadership development or as they participate with trustees in the selection of executives. The model presented in CHA's study is dynamic and adaptable to the leadership needs of various organizations. It should not yield a homogenized view of the "ideal" leader in the Catholic ministry. Nor should it encourage elitism or invidious comparisons between leaders or organizations.  相似文献   

The boundary between occupational and environmental exposures is often artificial, as occupational hazards can readily escape the workplace. One way that this occurs is when workers “take-home” occupational hazards, exposing family members. While take-home exposures have long been recognized, there is no comprehensive framework describing the pathways by which workers bring home workplace hazards. In this article, we provide such a conceptual model that includes three pathways for take-home exposures: external contamination, internal dose, and behavior change of workers. This conceptual model should help to describe the problems of take-home exposures more comprehensively in future research.  相似文献   

After fall 2001, scientists and professionals recognized the importance of integrating public health with traditional first-response professions in planning and training for disasters. However, operationalizing this approach among professionals in the field confronted barriers that were both inter-cultural and jurisdictional. The Pennsylvania Preparedness Leadership Institute (PPLI) is a collaboration of the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the University of Pittsburgh Center for Public Health Preparedness. Team members are recruited from public health, emergency medicine, emergency management, hospitals, and public safety agencies from each of nine multi-county regions in Pennsylvania. Each team takes on a year-long project that addresses a strategic problem as a focus for capacity-building within its region. Unexpectedly during PPLI's first year in operation, a hepatitis-A outbreak tested whether one regional team could successfully mount the necessary integrated response. This experience, as well as the planned evaluation for PPLI, demonstrated both the successful processes and the positive impact of this integrated leadership training initiative.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The objective of this study was to derive a conceptual model of community capacity development for health promotion based on the 5-year demonstration phase of the Alberta Heart Health Project. METHOD: Community actions associated with successful implementation and uptake of initiatives in four diverse target sites were identified by case study evaluation. RESULTS: Thirteen common elements of capacity development were found across the projects and categorized to define three primary dimensions of the process: (a) leadership that provided a driving force for implementation, (b) policy making that ensured diffusion and sustainability, and (c) use of local community resources and infrastructure. A conceptual model was constructed using these 3 dimensions and their interactions. CONCLUSION: Effective implementation of community health initiatives to promote heart health can be conceptualized as the involvement of local leadership, policy advocacy, and enhancement of existing infrastructure. The model highlights building these dimensions of community capacity development for health promotion.  相似文献   

In this paper I propose a methodology for paying short-term general hospitals on the basis of prospective cost-based case-mix revenue budgets. A hospital's budget is divided into patient care--related components and other components. The patient care--related budget is based on the case mix of patients treated by the hospital. Diagnosis-related groupings of patients are developed and a revenue per case amount is calculated for each group, based on reasonable costs of treatment, with a profit incentive for cost reduction resulting from improvements in productivity, efficiency, or more rational delivery of hospital services. The institutional budget is calculated on the basis of interinstitutional comparisons using a peer grouping method. I discuss various fundamental issues related to payment including paying for bad debt and indigency, the effect of insurance coverage, and a regional approach to capital funding. Case-mix payment allow for closer integration of payer programs with the activities of Professional Standards Review Organizations and health planning agencies. Additionally, payment based on the treatment of patients encourages a clear-cut management relationship between physician activities and hospital programs.  相似文献   

The value of community development (CD) practices is well documented in the health promotion literature; it is a foundational strategy outlined in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. Despite the importance of collaborative action with communities to enhance individual and community health and well-being, there exists a major gap between the evidence for CD and the actual extent to which CD is carried out by health organizations. In this paper it is argued that the gap exists because we have failed to turn the evaluative gaze inward-to examine the capacity of health organizations themselves to facilitate CD processes. This study was designed to explicate key elements that contribute to organizational capacity for community development (OC-CD). Twenty-two front-line CD workers and managers responsible for CD initiatives from five regional health authorities in Alberta, Canada, were interviewed. Based on the study findings, a multidimensional model for conceptualizing OC-CD is presented. Central to the model are four inter-related dimensions: (i) organizational commitment to CD, rooted in particular values and beliefs, leadership and shared understanding of CD; (ii) supportive structures and systems, such as job design, flexible planning processes, evaluation mechanisms and collaborative processes; (iii) allocation of resources for CD; and (iv) working relationships and processes that model CD within the health organization. These four dimensions contribute to successful CD practice in numerous ways, but perhaps most importantly by supporting the empowerment and autonomy of the pivotal organizational player in health promotion practice: the front-line worker.  相似文献   

A discussion of severity index development is presented in relation to conceptual issues in index definition, analytic issues in index formulation and validation issues in index application. The CHOP index is discussed along with six severity indexes described in an earlier paper dealing with underlying concepts to illustrate the material presented. Replies are provided to specific questions raised in an accompanying paper discussing the Injury Severity Score. This conceptual material is presented to provide a foundation for severity index development, to suggest criteria to be used in their formulation and testing, and to identify analyses that can lead to the successful selection and application of an index for a defined purpose.  相似文献   

A conceptual model that can be applied to improve community-based drinking-water in crisis-type situations has been developed from the original general science and technology/development bridging concept and from a case study in Northwest Bangladesh. The main feature of this model is the strengthened role of communities in identifying and implementing appropriate drinking-water improvements with facilitation by multi-disciplinary collaborative regional agency networks. These combined representative community/regional agency networks make decisions and take actions that involve environmental and health data, related capacity factors, and appropriateness of drinking-water improvements. They also progressively link regional decisions and actions together, expanding them nationally and preferably within a sustainable national policy-umbrella. This use of the model reflects stronger community control and input with more appropriate solutions to such drinking-water crisis situations and minimization of risk from potentially-inappropriate 'externally-imposed' processes. The application here is not intended as a generic or complete poverty-alleviation strategy by itself but as a crisis-solving intervention, complementary to existing and developing sustainable national policies and to introduce how key principles and concepts can relate in the wider context. In terms of the Bangladesh arsenic crisis, this translates into community/regional networks in geographic regions making assessments on the appropriateness of their drinking-water configuration. Preferred improvement options are decided and acted upon in a technological framework. Options include: pond-sand filters, rainwater harvesting, dugwell, deep-protected tubewell, and shallow tubewell with treatment devices. Bedding in the regional drinking-water improvement configuration protocols then occurs. This involves establishing ongoing representative monitoring and screening, clear delineation of arsenic-contaminated wells with inter-regional linking, and national expansion within national drinking-water policy frameworks.  相似文献   

The Values in Leadership program, a new leadership development program created by the Sisters of Charity Health Care Systems (SCHCS), is designed to empower effective leaders to live out personal values compatible with those of the organization. The program, designed for middle and senior managers, comprises seven educational modules- Living Our Values; Valuing Individual Differences; Leader as Servant; Leader as Visionary; Leader as Catalyst; Leader as Mentor; Formative Leadership; and Leader as Mentor; Motivational Coaching. Throughout the sessions, participants discuss the four roles of an effective leader-servant, visionary, catalyst, and mentor-which are grounded in SCHCS core values. Participants are also challenged to identify specific actions that can be integrated into their leadership styles. These actions, drawn from SCHCS leadership practices and core values, are reinforced when participants return to their jobs and write plans to incorporate these practices into their daily work.  相似文献   

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