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In the adult cat injections of retrograde fluorescent tracers near the border between areas 17 and 18 and extending to the underlying white matter label neurons in restricted parts of nine other ipsilateral visual areas. A very similar, restricted distribution of retrograde labeling is found in newborn kittens when injections near the 17/18 border are confined to the cortical gray matter. When, however, the neonatal 17/18 border injection reaches the underlying white matter, more visual areas and numerous nonvisual areas become labeled, each of them over nearly its whole tangential extent. Labeled nonvisual areas include the primary and secondary auditory areas, the auditory areas of the posterior ectosylvian gyrus, areas 7 and 5, the cingulate gyrus, and the primary and secondary somatosensory areas. The widespread labeling in kittens was not due to larger or differently placed injections, since the distribution and extent of retrograde labeling in the ipsilateral lateral geniculate nucleus were similar at all ages. The transitory projections from the auditory and somatosensory areas are not reciprocated by a projection from areas 17 or 18. In kittens injected around the end of the first postnatal month the distribution of labeled association neurons is similar to that found in the adult; i.e., many of the juvenile projections have been eliminated. Only a few of the transitory axons to areas 17 and 18 enter the gray matter; the others remain confined to the white matter. Some of these axons were anterogradely labeled with rhodamine-B-iso-thiocyanate from the auditory cortex; they show bulbous endings, some of which are probably growth cones. Retrograde double-labeling experiments showed that, in the newborn, some neurons on the lateral sulcus have at least two long collaterals, one running rostrally, the other caudally; such branching is not observed in adults. In conclusion, areas 17/18 receive at birth from a large, continuous territory including areas, or parts of areas, which will later eliminate these projections. Most of the transitory projections do not appear to enter the cortex to any great extent. The major reshaping of association projections occurs before end of the first postnatal month. The development of association projections resembles that of callosal projections.  相似文献   

Anatomical tracing and quantitative techniques were used to examine the tempo and pattern of maturation for callosal projection neurons in the monkey prefrontal cortex (PFC) during fetal and postnatal development. Nineteen monkeys were injected with retrograde tracers (fluorescent dyes, horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin [WGA-HRP] or HRP crystals) at various ages between embryonic day 82 (E82) and adulthood. The size of injection sites was varied in fetal, newborn, and adult cases. In adults, labeled neurons were found in greatest density in the homotopic cortex of the opposite hemisphere and considerable numbers were also observed in a constellation of heterotopic areas including the medial and lateral orbital cortex, the dorsomedial convexity, and the pregenual cortex. The majority of labeled neurons were consistently concentrated in the lower half of layer III in all areas. In cases with large injection sites, callosal neurons of layer III formed a continuous and uninterrupted band that extended over the entire lateral surface of the prefrontal cortex spanning both homotopic and heterotopic areas. In contrast, in cases with small injection sites, the labeling of layer III neurons exhibited discontinuities. Between embryonic ages E82 and E89, injections limited to the cortical layers labeled only a small number of neurons in the opposite hemisphere, indicating that few callosal axons have invaded the cortex by this age. However, by E111 comparable injections labeled a large number of callosal neurons and many features of their distribution were adult-like. The number and constellation of cytoarchitectonic areas that were labeled in the frontal cortex of the opposite hemisphere were the same as in adults and the majority of callosal neurons were found in supragranular layer III. Finally, in fetal animals beyond E111, labeled neurons extended as a nearly unbroken band over a wide expanse of the dorsolateral PFC, resembling the pattern seen in adult monkeys with large injections. The conclusion we draw from these results, together with our earlier findings (Schwartz and Goldman-Rakic: Nature 299:154, 1982), is that callosal neurons whose axons enter the cortical layers of the primate prefrontal cortex achieve their mature laminar and areal distribution prior to birth and do so largely by cumulative processes.  相似文献   

Widespread callosal connections in infragranular visual cortex of the rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Following multiple injections of HRP into the posterior cortex of one hemisphere of adult rats, dense and overlapping distributions of retrogradely labeled cells and anterogradely labeled terminations are observed throughout the depth of the cortex in the region of the border between the lateral portion of area 17 and area 18 in the opposite hemisphere. In contrast to previous studies of the visual callosal pathway, we also find large numbers of labeled callosal cells extending throughout areas 17 and 18 in cortical layers Vc and VIa.  相似文献   

The kitten's auditory cortex (including the first and second auditory fields AI and AII) is known to send transient axons to either ipsi- or contralateral visual areas 17 and 18. By the end of the first postnatal month the transitory axons, but not their neurons of origin, are eliminated. Here we investigated where these neurons project after the elimination of the transitory axon. Eighteen kittens received early (postnatal day (pd) 2 - 5) injections of long lasting retrograde fluorescent traces in visual areas 17 and 18 and late (pd 35 - 64) injections of other retrograde fluorescent tracers in either hemisphere, mostly in areas known to receive projections from AI and AII in the adult cat. The middle ectosylvian gyrus was analysed for double-labelled neurons in the region corresponding approximately to AI and AII. Late injections in the contralateral (to the analysed AI, AII) hemisphere including all of the known auditory areas, as well as some visual and 'association' areas, did not relabel neurons which had had transient projections to either ipsi- or contralateral visual areas 17 - 18. Thus, AI and AII neurons after eliminating their transient juvenile projections to visual areas 17 and 18 do not project to the other hemisphere. In contrast, relabelling was obtained with late injections in several locations in the ipsilateral hemisphere; it was expressed as per cent of the population labelled by the early injections. Few neurons (0 - 2.5%) were relabelled by large injections in the caudal part of the posterior ectosylvian gyrus and the adjacent posterior suprasylvian sulcus (areas DP, P, VP). Multiple injections in the middle ectosylvian gyrus relabelled a considerably larger percentage of neurons (13%). Single small injections in the middle ectosylvian gyrus (areas AI, AII), the caudal part of the anterior ectosylvian gyrus and the rostral part of the posterior ectosylvian gyrus relabelled 3.1 - 7.0% of neurons. These neurons were generally near (<2.0 mm) the outer border of the late injection sites. Neurons with transient projections to ipsi- or contralateral visual areas 17 and 18 were relabelled in similar proportions by late injections at any given location. Thus, AI or AII neurons which send a transitory axon to ipsi- or contralateral visual areas 17 and 18 are most likely to form short permanent cortical connections. In that respect, they are similar to medial area 17 neurons that form transitory callosal axons and short permanent axons to ipsilateral visual areas 17 and 18.  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess the relative distributions of two entrinsic afferent fiber systems in the rat auditory cortex as indicated by the patterns of specific lesion-induced degeneration evident in Fink-Heimer preparations. The auditory cortex consists of cytoarchitectural areas 41, 20 and 36. Lesions were made in the medial geniculate body (MGB) or the corpus callosum in some rats, while in other rats, lesions were made in both the MGB and the corpus callosum. Following the thalamic lesions, degenerating terminals occur throughout the auditory region of cortex, principally in layer IV and deep layer III, but also in layer VI and in the superficial part of layer I. With the exception of the band of degenerationin layer I, the density of the thalamic degeneration is uneven, such as that patches of increased density of degeneration are seperated by regions with few degenerating terminals. Following lesions of the corpus callosum, degenerating callosal terminals are also evident thoughout the auditory region of cortex and they occur in deep layer I through layer III, superficial layer V and layer VI. The dennsity of the degenerating callosal terminals is not uniform throughout most of area 41, to the extent that there are radially-oriented bands of increased density which appears within the continuous callosal projection. Following the double lesions, degenerating terminals throughout the auditory region are distributed homogenoously within all cortical layers with the exception of deep layer Vwhish is relatively free of degeneration. The results indicate that all regions within the rat auditory cortex are subject to both thalamic and callosal influence, although the input is not completely uniform, for the zones in layers IV and VI which have decreased thalamic input appear to have increased callosal input.  相似文献   

Development of projections from auditory to visual areas in the cat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In newborn kittens, cortical auditory areas (including AI and AII) send transitory projections to ipsi- and contralateral visual areas 17 and 18. These projections originate mainly from neurons in supragranular layers but also from a few in infragranular layers (Innocenti and Clarke: Dev. Brain Res. 14:143-148, '84; Clarke and Innocenti: J. Comp. Neurol. 251:1-22, '86). The postnatal development of these projections was studied with injections of anterograde tracers (wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase [WGA-HRP]) in AI and AII and of retrograde tracers (WGA-HRP, fast blue, diamidino yellow, rhodamine-labeled latex beads) in areas 17 and 18. It was found that the projections are nearly completely eliminated in development, this, by the end of the first postnatal month. Until then, most of the transitory axons seem to remain confined to the white matter and the depth of layer VI; a few enter it further but do not appear to form terminal arbors. As for other transitory cortical projections the disappearance of the transitory axons seems not to involve death of their neurons of origin. In kittens older than 1 month and in normal adult cats, retrograde tracer injections restricted to, or including, areas 17 and 18 label only a few neurons in areas AI and AII. Unlike the situation in the kitten, nearly all of these are restricted to layers V and VI. A similar distribution of neurons projecting from auditory to visual areas is found in adult cats bilaterally enucleated at birth, which suggests that the postnatal elimination of the auditory-to-visual projection is independent of visual experience and more generally of information coming from the retina.  相似文献   

The principal finding in this study is that the callosal projection to the occipital cortex in rats and mice follows a complex and highly reproducible pattern which has not previously been described in detail. In some regions, the callosal projection is associated with well defined cytoarchitectonic boundaries such as the border between areas 17 and 18a. However, extrastriate cortex lateral to area 17 receives callosal inputs which are not related to previously defined cytoarchitectonic boundaries. Following intraocular injections of [3H]fucose, transneuronal label occupies area 17 and mainly the posterior part of area 18a. A region in posterolateral area 18a which is ‘subdivided’ into callosal and sparsely callosal regions appears to receive an input from the lateral geniculate nucleus, based on transneuronal autoradiography. Comparison of the distribution of callosal axons and transneuronal label suggests that regions of murid cortex similar to areas 18, 19 and lateral suprasylvian cortex in cats may be located posteriorly in area 18a.  相似文献   

The visual receptive field physiology and anatomical connections of the lateral intraparietal area (area LIP), a visuomotor area in the lateral bank of the inferior parietal lobule, were investigated in the cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis). Afferent input and physiological properties of area 5 neurons in the medial bank of the intraparietal sulcus (i.e., area PEa) were also determined. Area LIP is composed of two myeloarchitectonic zones: a ventral zone (LIPv), which is densely myelinated, and a lightly myelinated dorsal zone (LIPd) adjacent to visual area 7a. Previous single-unit recording studies in our laboratory have characterized visuomotor properties of area LIP neurons, including many neurons with powerful saccade-related activity. In the first part of the present study, single-unit recordings were used to map visual receptive fields from neurons in the two myeloarchitectonic zones of LIP. Receptive field size and eccentricity were compared to those in adjacent area 7a. The second part of the study investigated the cortico-cortical connections of area LIP neurons using tritiated amino acid injections and fluorescent retrograde tracers placed directly into different rostrocaudal and dorsoventral parts of area LIP. The approach to area LIP was through somatosensory area 5, which eliminated the possibility of diffusion of tracers into area 7a. Unlike many area 7a receptive fields, which are large and bilateral, area LIP receptive fields were much smaller and exclusively confined to the contralateral visual field. In area LIP, an orderly progression in visual receptive fields was evident as the recording electrode moved tangentially to the cortical surface and through the depths of area LIP. The overall visual receptive field organization, however, yielded only a rough topography with some duplications in receptive field representation within a given rostrocaudal or dorsoventral part of LIP. The central visual field representation was generally located more dorsally and the peripheral visual field more ventrally within the sulcus. The lower visual field was represented more anteriorly and the upper visual field more posteriorly. In LIP, receptive field size increased with eccentricity but with much variability with in the sample. Area LIPv was found to have reciprocal cortico-cortical connections with many extrastriate visual areas, including the parieto-occipital visual area PO; areas V3, V3A, and V4: the middle temporal area (MT); the middle superior temporal area (MST); dorsal prelunate area (DP); and area TEO (the occipital division of the intratemporal cortex). Area LIPv is also connected to area TF in the lateral posterior parahippocampal gyrus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Medial agranular cortex (AGm) is a narrow, longitudinally oriented region known to have extensive corticortical connections. The rostral and caudal portions of AGm exhibit functional differences that may involve these connections. Therefore we have examined the rostrocaudal organization of the afferent cortical connections of AGm by using fluorescent tracers, to determine whether there are significant differences between rostral and caudal AGm. Mediolateral patterns have also been examined in order to compare the pattern of corticocortical connections of AGm to those of the laterally adjacent lateral agranular cortex (AGl) and medially adjacent anterior cingulate area (AC). In the rostrocaudal domain, there are notable patterns in the connections of AGm with somatic sensorimotor, visual, and retrosplenial cortex. Rostral AGm receives extensive afferents from the caudal part of somatic sensorimotor area Par I, whereas caudal AGm receives input largely from the hindlimb cortex (area HL). Middle portions of AGm show an intermediate condition, indicating a continuously changing pattern rather than the presence of sharp border zones. The whole of the second somatic sensorimotor area Par II projects to rostral AGm, whereas caudal AGm receives input only from the caudal portion of Par II. Visual cortex projections to AGm originate in areas Oc1, Oc2L and Oc2M. Connections of rostral AGm with visual cortex are noticeably less dense than those of mid and caudal AGm, and are focused in area Oc2L. The granular visual area Oc1 projects almost exclusively to mid and caudal AGm. Retrosplenial cortex has more extensive connections with caudal AGm than with rostral AGm, and the agranular and granular retrosplenial subregions are both involved. Other cortical connections of AGm show little or no apparent rostrocaudal topography. These include afferents from orbital, perirhinal, and entorhinal cortex, all of which are bilateral in origin. In the mediolateral dimension, AGm has more extensive corticocortical connections than either AGl or AC. Of these three neighboring areas, only AGm has connections with the somatic sensorimotor, visual, retrosplenial and orbital cortices. In keeping with its role as primary motor cortex, AGl is predominantly connected with area Par I of somatic sensorimotor cortex, specifically rostral Par I. AGl receives no input from visual or retrosplenial cortex. Anterior cingulate cortex has connections with visual area Oc2 and with retrosplenial cortex, but none with somatic sensorimotor cortex. Orbital cortex projections are sparse to AGl and do not appear to involve AC.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The rat claustrum: Afferent and efferent connections with visual cortex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have examined the afferent and efferent projections between the claustrum and visual cortex in the Long-Evans rat using anterograde and retrograde axonal transport techniques. Injections of either wheat germ agglutinin/horseradish peroxidase (WGA/HRP) or Fast Blue were made into each of the main visual regions (17, 18a or 18b) as well as directly into the claustrum. The cortical injections were placed in either the upper, middle or deep layers so as to assist in determining the laminar organization of these connections. Of the 3 visual areas, only area 18b appears to have extensive and reciprocal connections with the claustrum. After a WGA/HRP injection of this area, dense labeled terminals and numerous labeled cells were found intermixed throughout the full extent of the claustrum. The density of this labeled activity was found to vary directly with the amount of the infragranular layers involved by the injections. Injections in the other visual areas did produce labeled cells in the claustrum, but their number was always small or even negligible. There was never any evidence of anterograde labeled terminals in the claustrum from any injection of areas 17 or 18a. Tracer injections directly in the claustrum confirmed and extended these findings by showing that the labeled terminals and/or labeled cells were localized predominantly in layer VI of area 18b of visual cortex. On the basis of these injections, two major conclusions are reached. First, the pattern of connections between the claustrum and visual cortex in the rat differs fundamentally with that found in other species.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Human area 17 is known to contain a single (the primary) visual area, whereas areas 18 and 19 are believed to contain multiple visual areas (defined as individual representations of the contralateral visual hemifield). This is known to be the case in monkeys, where several boundaries between visual areas are characterized by bands of callosal afferents and/or by changes in myeloarchitecture. We here describe the pattern of callosal afferents in (human) areas 17, 18, and 19 as well as their cortical architecture and we infer the position of some visual areas. Sections from occipital lobes of 6 human brains with unilateral occipital infarctions have been silver-impregnated for degenerating axons, thereby revealing callosal afferents to the intact occipital cortex. Their tangential distribution is discontinuous, even in cases with large lesions. A band of callosal afferents straddles the area 17/18 boundary, whereas the remainder of area 17 and a 15-45 mm wide stripe of area 18 adjacent to the callosal band along the 17/18 border are free of them. Patches of callosal afferents alternate with callosal-free regions more laterally in area 18 and in area 19. We conclude that, in man, a second visual area (analogue of V2) lies in area 18, horseshoe-shaped around area 17, and includes the inner part of the acallosal stripe adjacent to the callosal band along the 17/18 boundary. The outer part of this acallosal stripe belongs to a third visual area, which may contain dorsally the analogue of V3 and ventrally that of VP. Thus the lower parts of the second and third visual areas lie on the lingual gyrus, whereas the analogue of the macaque's fourth visual area probably lies on the fusiform gyrus. Although the proposed subdivision of the occipital cortex relies largely on the pattern of callosal afferents, some putative human visual areas appear to have distinct architectonic features. The analogue of V2 is rather heavily myelinated and its layer III contains large pyramidal neurons. Its upper part is not well delimited laterally since adjacent "V" has similar architecture. Its lower part, however, differs clearly from the adjacent "VP," which is lightly myelinated and lacks the large pyramids in layer III. The cortex lateral to "VP" is heavily myelinated and contains fairly large pyramids in layers III and V. The myeloarchitecture of the lateral part of the occipital cortex is not uniform; a very heavily myelinated region stands out in the lateral part of area 19, near the occipito-temporal junction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Each division of rat visual cortex, areas 17, 18a, and 18b, has connections with sensory, motor, and association cortices. These corticocortical connections were sampled using anterograde autoradiographic and retrograde horseradish peroxidase labeling techniques. Area 17 is connected via reciprocal pathways with each division of visual cortex, the posterior one-third of motor area 8, association area 7, and posteroventral area 36 of temporal cortex. It also receives projections from perirhinal areas 13 and 35. Area 18a has reciprocal connections with areas 17 and 18b, a patch in posterior somatosensory area 3, and dorsal auditory area 41. Like area 17, area 18a receives afferents from and projects to the posterior one-third of motor area 8. The connections of area 18a with association cortices are extensive; these regions include parietal areas 7, 39, 40, and 14, posteroventral and dorsal area 36, and perirhinal cortex. Area 18b is connected with areas 17 and 18a, a patch in medial area 3, and dorsal area 41. There are reciprocal projections between area 18b and posterior area 8. As for association cortex, area 18b projects to frontal area 11, area 7, posteroventral and dorsal area 36, and perirhinal cortex. In addition, area 18b receives input from and projects efferents to the dorsal claustrum. Most of the interconnections among areas 17, 18a, and 18b originate from neurons in layers II, III, and V and end in terminal fields in layers I–III and V. In contrast, projections of other sensory, motor, and association cortices to visual cortex originate mainly from neurons in layer V and to a lesser extent from layer II. The reciprocal pathways from visual cortex terminate predominantly in the supragranular layers. In conclusion, these corticocortical pathways provide the basis for cortical visuosensory and visuomotor integration that may aid the rat in the coordination of visually guided behaviors.  相似文献   

The connections of rat cingulate cortex with visual, motor, and postsubicular cortices were investigated with retrograde and anterograde tracing techniques. In addition, connections between visual and the postsubicular (area 48) and parasubicular (area 49) cortices were evaluated with the same techniques. The following conclusions were drawn Area 29 connections: Afferents to area 29 originate mainly from cingulate areas 24 and 25, visual cortex (primarily area 18b), motor cortex area 8, area 11 of frontal cortex, areas 48 and 49, and the subiculum. Efferent connections of area 29 within cingulate cortex and to visual areas differ for each cytoarchitectural subdivision of area 29. Thus, area 29c has limited projections both within cingulate cortex and to areas 48 and 49, while area 29d projects to these areas as well as to area 8, area 18b, and medial area 17. These visual cortex afferents originate mainly from layer V neurons of areas 29b and 29d, while areas 29a and 29c have virtually no projections to visual cortex Area 24 connections: Afferents to area 24 originate primarily from cingulate areas 25 and 29 and visual area 18b and medial area 17. Efferent projections of area 24a are distributed within cingulate cortex, while area 24b has more extensive projections to posterior cingulate and visual cortices. Area 24b is the cingulate subdivision which is both the primary recipient of visual cortex afferents as well as the source of most of the projections of anterior cingulate cortex to visual areas Visual cortex has reciprocal connections with parts of the postsubicular and parasubicular cortices. Neurons of the internal pyramidal cell layer of both areas 48 and 49 project to areas 17 and 18b, while layers I and III of these parahippocampal areas receive projections from areas 17 and 18b In conclusion, areas 29d and 24b have particularly extensive interconnections with visual cortex, while area 29d also maintains projections to area 8 of motor cortex. This connection scheme supports the view that cingulate cortex may have a role in feature extraction from the sensory environment, as well as in sensorimotor integration. Finally, the postsubiculum may be classified as alimbic association cortex in which extensive visual and cingulate efferents converge.  相似文献   

Primary auditory cortex in the cat is both the source and target of callosal fibers. Injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in the high frequency representation of AI in one hemisphere retrogradely labels callosal cell bodies and anterogradely labels callosal axon terminals in AI of the opposite hemisphere. In tissue sections cut through layer III parallel to the cortical surface, elongated patches composed of dense aggregates of callosal cell bodies and callosal axon terminals alternate with regions containing lower concentrations of these elements. Labeling in AI is most dense in regions corresponding to the frequency representation of the injected site. In layer III of the densely labeled region, patches of high concentrations of labeled callosal axon terminals correspond with high concentrations of labeled callosal cell bodies. On the other hand, little correspondence is apparent between the distributions of the two elements in layer III in the sorrounding area of lighter labeling. Layers V and VI contain relatively few labeled callosal axon terminals and cell bodies, and our data do not suggest whether the two distributions covary in these layers.  相似文献   

The topographical distribution of the cortical afferent connections of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in adult cats was studied by using the retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase technique. Small single injections of the enzyme were made in different locations of the PFC, and the areal location and density of the subsequent neuronal labeling in neocortex and allocortex were evaluated in each case. The comparison of the results obtained in the various cases revealed that four prefrontal sectors (rostral, dorsolateral, ventral, and dorsomedial) can be distinguished, each exhibiting a particular pattern of cortical afferents. All PFC sectors receive projections from the ipsilateral insular (agranular and granular subdivisions) and limbic (infralimbic, prelimbic, anterior limbic, cingular, and retrosplenial areas) cortices. These cortices provide the most abundant cortical projections to the PFC, and their various subdivisions have different preferential targets within the PFC. The premotor cortex and the following neocortical sensory association areas project differentially upon the various ipsilateral PFC sectors: the portion of the somatosensory area SIV in the upper bank of the anterior ectosylvian sulcus, the visual area in the lower bank of the same sulcus, the auditory area AII, the temporal area, the perirhinal cortex, the posterior suprasylvian area, area 20, the posterior ectosylvian area, the suprasylvian fringe, the lateral suprasylvian area (anterolateral and posterolateral subdivisions), area 5, and area 7. The olfactory peduncle, the prepiriform cortex, the cortico-amygdaloid transition area, the entorhinal cortex, the subiculum (ventral, posteroventral, and posterodorsal sectors), the caudomedial band of the hippocampal formation and the postsubiculum are the allocortical sources of afferents to the PFC. The dorsolateral PFC sector is the target of the largest insular, limbic, and neocortical sensory association projections. The dorsomedial and rostral sectors receive notably less abundant cortical afferents than the dorsolateral sector. Those to the dorsomedial sector arise from the same areas that project to the dorsolateral sector and are more abundant to the dorsal part, where the medial frontal eye field cortex is located. The rostral sector receives projections principally from all other PFC sectors, and from the limbic and insular cortices. The projections from the allocortex reach preferentially the ventral PFC sector. Intraprefrontal connections are most abundant within each PFC sector. Commissural interprefrontal connections are largest from the site homotopic to the HRP injection.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Injections of the retrograde tracer HRP into the border region of the temporal visual area MT and adjoining cortex in Callithrix labeled pyramidal neurons in area 17 of the contralateral hemisphere. Evidence is presented that this newly discovered heterotopic callosal projection of the monkey striate cortex connects regions of representation of the zero vertical meridian of the visual field in a retinotopic order.  相似文献   

Cortical inhibition is determined in part by the organization of synaptic inputs to gamma-aminobutyric acidergic (GABAergic) neurons. In adult rat visual cortex, feedforward (FF) and feedback (FB) connections that link lower with higher areas provide approximately 10% of inputs to parvalbumin (PV)-expressing GABAergic neurons and approximately 90% to non-GABAergic cells (Gonchar and Burkhalter [1999] J. Comp. Neurol. 406:346-360). Although the proportions of these targets are similar in both pathways, FF synapses prefer larger PV dendrites than FB synapses, which may result in stronger inhibition in the FF than in the FB pathway (Gonchar and Burkhalter [1999] J. Comp. Neurol. 406:346-360). To determine when during postnatal (P) development FF and FB inputs to PV and non-PV neurons acquire mature proportions, and whether the pathway-specific distributions of FF and FB inputs to PV dendrites develop from a similar pattern, we studied FF and FB connections between area 17 and the higher order lateromedial area (LM) in visual cortex of P15-42 mice. We found that the innervation ratio of PV and non-PV neurons is mature at P15. Furthermore, the size distributions of PV dendrites contacted by FF and FB synapses were similar at P15 but changed during the third to sixth postnatal weeks so that, by P36-42, FF inputs preferred thick dendrites and FB synapses favored thin PV dendrites. These results suggest that distinct FF and FB circuits develop after eye opening by rearranging the distribution of excitatory synaptic inputs on the dendritic tree of PV neurons. The purpose of this transformation may be to adjust differentially the strengths of inhibition in FF and FB circuits.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that synchronous activation of cortical loci in the two cerebral hemispheres during development leads to the stabilization of juvenile callosal connections in some areas of the visual cortex. One way in which loci in opposite hemispheres can be synchronously activated is if they receive signals generated by the same stimulus viewed through different eyes. These ideas lead to the prediction that shifts in the cortical representation of the visual field caused by misalignment of the visual axes (strabismus) should change the width of the callosal zone in the striate cortex. We tested this prediction by using quantitative techniques to compare the tangential distribution of callosal neurons in the striate cortex of strabismic cats to that in normally reared cats. Animals were rendered strabismic surgically at 8–10 days of age and were allowed to survive a minimum of 18 weeks, at which time multiple intracortical injections of the tracer horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were used to reveal the distribution of callosally projecting cells in the contralateral striate cortex. HRP-labeled cells were counted in coronal sections, and data from four animals with divergent strabismus (exotropia) and four with convergent strabismus (esotropia) were compared to those from four normally reared animals. Although our data from strabismic cats do not differ markedly from those reported previously, we find that the distribution of callosal cells in the striate cortex of these cats does not differ significantly from that in our normally reared control cats. These results do not bear out the prediction that surgically shifting the visual axes leads to stabilization of juvenile callosal axons in anomalous places within the striate cortex. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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