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Leser-Trélat-syndrome is characterized as the eruptive appearance of multiple seborrheic keratoses in association with underlying malignant disease. A 73 year old female patient with a metastatic adenocarcinoma of the colon presented with this paraneoplastic change. The rapid appearance of solitary seborrheic keratoses with associated inflammation, seen clinically and histologically, may be an early sign of Leser-Trélat-syndrome. The recognition of this inflammatory component as an early sign may contribute to the prompt diagnosis of this paraneoplasia, even before the eruption of numerous seborrheic keratoses.  相似文献   

Objective: To analyze the clinical and histological characters of subungual melanoma. Methods: Retrospective analysis of 22 cases of subungual melanoma was made at the Department of Dermatology, Xijing Hospital from 2003 to 2009. Results: The clinical data showed all patients were adult (9 males, 13 females). Nine lesions were located on thumbs, 5 on index fingers, 4 on the first toes and 4 distributed on other fingers or toes. Sixteen cases showed darkening of skin around nail, 10 damage of nail plate, nodules or ulceration, 6 cases presented as melanonychia. Histological data showed 10 cases were melanoma in situ and 12 invasive melanoma. Conclusion: Subungual melanoma always appears in adults, especially in the senile. Thumbs, index fingers and the first toes were the most predilection sites. Its early stage always presented as broad melanonychia with uneven color. Its late stage always involves skin around the nail, or forms nodules or ulceration. Subungual melanoma in situ showed proliferations of single cells distributed at very high level in matrix or nail bed. The neoplasm cells always show dense chromatin, prominent dendrites and contained coarse pigment. Subungal invasive melanoma involves dermis and shows infiltrative growth pattern, maturation of melanocytes is not existed and cellular polymorphism is prominent.  相似文献   

In concluding my remarks on structure and function of the skin, I wish to make one additional observation. Most dermatologists have acknowledged the role of the skin and its ability to protect the human organism from invasion by pathogenic organisms. There is good scientific evidence that skin plays an important protective role. Although an intact epidermis is of utmost importance as a protective unit, the contribution of the "acid mantle" is of considerable magnitude. The acidity or alkalinity and stability of this mantle is contributed to, in large measure, by the presence of eccrine gland secretions and sebaceous gland secretions. It is then not logical to assume that if black skin contains larger numbers of large and overly active adnexal glands, it would have a most effective mechanism for control of bacterial, viral, and other infections? That this is not the situation becomes apparent in the discussions that follow on cutaneous infections in black skin.  相似文献   



Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome (BHDS) (OMIM #135150) is an autosomal dominant disease, characterized by fibrofolliculomas (FFs) of the skin, pulmonary cysts with/without pneumothorax, and renal tumors. The prevalence of skin manifestations reported for Japanese BHDS patients is lower (<30%) compared with that of Western countries (75  90%), which appear to be underestimated.


To precisely examine the prevalence of skin lesions with dermoscopy and histopathology with reference to genetic analyses.


We studied 31 patients (47.0 ± 13.2 years old, range 15–71) consisting of 26 unrelated families consecutively from May 2013 to June 2015 specifically for skin-colored papules on their faces and cervicothoracic regions. Patients initially suspected of BHDS from multiple pulmonary cysts that resulted in pneumothorax (30/31; 96.8%) received dermoscopic examinations and skin biopsies if applicable. The diagnosis of BHDS was established by folliculin (FLCN) genetic testing, and the results were compared to the histopathological findings of FFs or trichodiscomas (TDs).


FLCN germline mutation was demonstrated in 25/26 (96.2%) unrelated families tested and 28/29 patients (96.6%) tested. Skin lesions were recognized in 26/31 patients (83.9%); skin biopsies were performed in 23 patients of whom FFs and/or TDs were histologically demonstrated in 17 (73.9%). Although our study population included patients whose skin manifestations were evaluated prior to or after FLCN genetic testing, skin lesions were clearly prevalent and recognizable irrespective of whether genetic testing was or wasn’t done. When examined with dermoscopy, distinct FFs appeared as well-demarcated areas of pallor with central follicular openings in 13 of 15 FF-bearing patients (86.7%); however, those manifestations were not recognized for TD.


Skin lesions appear to be more prevalent than previously reported (<30% vs.73.9%) in Japanese BHDS patients. Dermoscopy is a useful diagnostic aid for finding FFs.  相似文献   

Lymphogranuloma venereum is an infection caused by a variety of the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. Both genital and extragenital manifestations of the disease can cause serious differential diagnostic difficulties, indirectly leading to progression and dissemination of the infection. This work describes cases of patients with lymphogranuloma venereum showing atypical clinical and/or histopathological findings. It also focuses on alternative therapeutic approaches, such as surgical excision at stage 1, that may lead to a positive outcome. It is not completely clear whether histopathological findings of lymphogranuloma venereum can reveal progression or changes in the course of the disease over time, as is the case in other diseases. We conclude that both clinical and histopathological observations in a larger number of patients are needed in order to further evaluate the findings presented in this article.  相似文献   

Human β-defensin-2 (hBD-2) is an endogenous antimicrobial peptide recently found in the skin with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity and unique mechanism of function. Recent studies have confirmed that the expression of hBD-2 is upregulated in the lesions of some dermatoses, such as psoriasis,acne vulgaris, verruca, dermatophytosis and basal cell carcinoma, etc. The susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections may be associated with the decreased or absent expression of hBD-2. Further researches into HBD-2will provide a new direction for the prevention and treatment of skin diseases.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The cosmetic result after laser resurfacing depends not only on the type of laser and the technique used, but also on post-treatment care. The efficacy of Locobase Repair ® cream, which improves skin barrier function due to its content of natural skin analogue fats and cholesterol, was investigated. METHODS: A total of 18 Caucasian patients underwent resurfacing for acne scars. Laser treatment was performed with a Sharplan 1020 CO 2 laser and a Silk Touch scanner. Locobase Repair cream (a water-in-oil cream with 63% lipids including natural components of stratum corneum: cholesterol, ceramide and free fatty acids) was applied daily to one side of the face and petrolatum was applied to the other. In addition, both sides were treated with a 2% fusidic acid cream. RESULTS: There was a significant reduction of oozing during the first 2 days after CO 2 laser treatment on the sides treated with Locobase Repair cream ( p < 0.05), CO 2 laser while from day 3 to day 7 no differences were demonstrated between the Locobase Repair cream and petrolatum. For the other parameters scored (scaling, oedema, erythema and pain), no significant differences between Locobase Repair cream and petrolatum were found. Furthermore, no significant differences were found between the two creams regarding the duration of wound healing and final cosmetic outcome. In all, 62% of the patients preferred to use Locobase Repair cream during the postoperative period, and 11% preferred petrolatum. The remaining 27% expressed no preferences. CONCLUSION: The use of Locobase Repair cream as a post laser resurfacing treatment reduces tissue fluid oozing during the first 2 postoperative days, indicating a quick restoration of skin barrier and hence possibly a reduction in the incidence of wound infections as well as enhancing patient compliance due to less fluid oozing.  相似文献   

Background: This study was done to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of a novel fractional 1550 nm laser device with a rolling mechanism (FRAX1550 Ellipse Medical, Horsholm, Denmark).

Objectives: To evaluated the effectiveness of the 1550 nm device for improvement in wrinkles, pigmentation, and texture on a six point (?1 to 4) global improvement scale.

Methods: Five female subjects between the ages of 44 and 71 years, with visible wrinkles and/or dyspigmentation were enrolled in the study. Two full face treatments were performed four weeks apart Follow-up visits at 1 and 3 months posttreatment were scheduled for photographic assessments. Assessment of improvement were performed by the investigators and two blinded evaluators through use of a six-point scale.

Results: All subjects demonstrated improvement in all monitored parameters. The mean improvement scores were: wrinkles 1.6, skin texture 1.8, and pigmentation 1.7. All score improvements were statistically significant. Biopsy was performed on one patient immediately post-treatment and showed 800 μ penetration depth at a treatment level of 88 mJ and 400 μ at 44 mJ.

Conclusions: The new rolling fractional 1550 nm laser device from this study offers improvement of aging facial skin with short downtime and minimal side effects.  相似文献   

Objective: Evaluation of the efficacy and side effects of neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) laser and Nd:YAG laser–intense pulsed light (IPL) combination treatments in photorejuvenations of skin of the hand, and determining their impacts on patient satisfaction. Materials and Methods: Thirty-five female patients with signs of photoaging on the skin of their hands were included in the study. Three sessions of IPL and four sessions of Nd:YAG laser treatment were applied to the right hand in total with 2-week intervals between each session, whereas six sessions of Nd:YAG laser treatment were applied to the left hand of patients with 2-week intervals between each session. Results: The patients’ ages ranged between 31 and 78, and mean age was 60.77 ± 9.48. While there was no difference in pigment distribution, fine wrinkles, coarse wrinkles, and global scores between the right and left hand prior to treatment (p > 0.05), average pigment tone score was higher in the right hand with a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05). There was greater improvement in scores of pigment distribution, fine wrinkles, sallowness, pigment tone parameters, and global score on the right hand compared to left hand, which was statistically significant (p <0.001). Conclusion: In rejuvenation of photoaged dorsal skin of the hand, IPL–Nd:YAG laser combination treatment surpasses Nd:YAG laser treatment.  相似文献   

Microchimerism, the stable presence of foreign cells in an individual, may result from trafficking during pregnancy or from organ or hematopoietic transplantation, and has been hypothesized to cause autoimmunity and certain skin diseases. Yet microchimeric cells are found in normal individuals and may be important to tissue repair. Thus microchimerism may be common, and finding microchimeric cells in diseased as well as normal tissue may be a "true-true unrelated" situation.  相似文献   

Sunscreens are employed to mitigate the adverse effects of sunlight on skin but are primarily designed to prevent ultraviolet-B-associated burning and damage. The increasingly recognized role of ultraviolet A in aging, and possibly melanoma, highlights the need to include ultraviolet A screens; however, validation remains difficult. We have used a novel method to establish the efficacy of sunscreens, by measuring ultraviolet-A-induced free-radical production (thought to contribute towards ultraviolet-A-related aging and malignant change). Electron spin resonance spectroscopy was used to detect free radicals directly in human Caucasian skin during irradiation with levels of ultraviolet comparable to solar intensities. Using this system the protection afforded by three high factor sunscreens (sun protection factor 20+) that claim ultraviolet A protection was examined. Each sunscreen behaved similarly: at recommended application levels (> or = 2 mg per cm2) the ultraviolet-induced free radicals were reduced by only about 55%, and by about 45% at 0.5-1.5 mg per cm (0.5 mg per cm2 reported for common usage). A "free-radical protection factor" calculated on the basis of these results was only 2 at the recommended application level, which contrasts strongly with the erythema-based sun protection factors (mainly indicative of ultraviolet B protection) quoted by the manufacturers (20+). The disparity between these protection factors suggests that prolonged sunbathing (encouraged by use of these creams) would disproportionately increase exposure to ultraviolet A and consequently the risk of ultraviolet-A-related skin damage.  相似文献   

Pruritus is not the equivalent of the cough of the skin, but itch and scratch can certainly be defined as such. In physiological conditions, they share the same function: to exclude a foreign body. Itch/scratching and cough could be selective responses for the same diseases, mainly atopic diseases, and their pathophysiology is similar (role of C fibers and mast cells; role of histamine, substance P and tachykinins). This is an intriguing analogy rather than a pathophysiological identity. It may be inappropriate for many disease settings. Itch and cough can be triggered or enhanced by stress. This similarity is very interesting because it could give rise to many new research ideas.  相似文献   

The term vasculitis refers to the inflammation of vessel walls. It may range in severity from a self-limited disorder in one single organ to a life-threatening disease due to multiple organ failure. It has many causes, although they result in only a few histological patterns of vascular inflammation. Vessels of any type and in any organ can be affected, a fact that results in a broad variety of signs and symptoms. Different vasculitides with indistinguishable clinical presentations have quite different prognosis and treatments. This condition presents many challenges to physicians in terms of classification, diagnosis, appropriate laboratory workup, and treatment. Moreover, it compels a careful follow-up. This article reviews the Chapel-Hill 2012 classification, etiology, recent insights in pathophysiology, some important dermatological clues for the diagnosis and summarizes treatment of some of these complex vasculitis syndromes.  相似文献   

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