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目的 为修复相邻两指指端软组织缺损提供一种新的术式.方法 在手指近节指根部同时切取两块岛状皮瓣,修复7例相邻两指指端软组织缺损,其中利用一块皮瓣来修复同指,另一块皮瓣修复邻指.示、中指2例,中、环指4例,环、小指1例;手指末节指腹缺损8指,中节以远软组织缺损4指,手指残端缺损2指,均伴有肌腱、神经或指骨外露.切取指根部近侧皮瓣面积为1.2 cm×1.5cm~2.3 cm×1.5 cm;远端皮瓣面积为1.0 cm×1.0 cm~1.5 cm×1.0cm.结果 术后7例14块皮瓣均顺利存活.1例患者术后6个月因勾甲畸形而再次行矫形术.术后6例随访时间为6~18个月,皮瓣血供及质地良好,两点分辨觉为8~12mm.根据中华医学会手外科学会上肢部分功能评定试用标准,手指功能恢复优良率为95.7%.结论 本术式根据近节指动脉交通支的解剖特点,充分利用了手指近节的皮肤面积,在一块供区上切取两块皮瓣,减少了对另一指的外型及功能破坏,拓展了原有指根部岛状皮瓣的应用范围,为修复邻近两指的指端缺损提供了一种新思路.  相似文献   

Objective To introduce a new surgical procedure for repairing fingertip defects of two neighboring fingertips.Methods Seven cases of fingertip defects of two neighboring fingers were treated by transferring a proximal and a distal island flap harvested from the base of one of the involved fingers.The distal flap was transferred to repair defect of the same finger,while the proximal one was transferred to repair defect of the neighboring finger.There were defects of the index and middle fingers in 2 cases,defects of the middle and ring fingers in 4 cases,and defects of the ring and little fingers in 1 case.Finger pulp defect occurredins 8 digits,soft tissue defect distal to middle phalanx in 4 digits,and defect of ringer stump in 2 cases.Exoosure of the tendon,nerve or bone was seen in all cases.The size of the proximal flaps ranged from 1.2cm× 1.5 cm to 2.3 cm×1.5cm,while the size of distal flaps ranged from 1.0cm×1.0 cm to 1.5cm×1.0cm. Results All 14 flaps in the 7 cases survived completdy.One patient underwent secondary correction of crooked nail 6months after the fkap surgery.Postoperative follow-up rangea from 6 months to 18 months.All repaired fingers had satisfactory appearance and texture.Two-point discrimination was 8 to 12 mm.The good and excellent rate of finger function recovery was 95.7%according to the provisional functional assessment criterion for upper limbs issued by the Chinese Hand Surgery Society. Condusion The flap design of this procedure is based on the anatomical characteristics of communicating branches of the digital artery at the base of the finger.Two flaps from the base of the same finger are harvested to make full use of the harvestable area of the donor finger,and avoid damage to another finger.This procedure expands the applicable indications of finger base island flaps and is an ideal method to repair defects of neighboring fingers.  相似文献   

目的报道指动脉双岛状皮瓣修复相邻两指指端软组织缺损的疗效。方法切取以指总动脉为蒂的串联两个指根部皮瓣,分别逆行岛状修复相邻两指指端软组织缺损6例,其中食、中指3例,中、环指3例;手指末节残端软组织缺损10指,末节指腹缺损2指;10指伴有指骨外露,2指伴有肌腱外露。于指根部切取近侧皮瓣面积为1.2cm×1.5cm~1.5cm×2.0cm.远侧皮瓣面积为1.0cm×1.5cm~1.5cm×1.5cm。结果术后6例12块皮瓣全部成活,4例经6~24个月随访.皮瓣血供及质感良好。结论一侧指动脉皮瓣供区同时切取成2块带指动脉的皮瓣,修复相邻两指指端软组织缺损,可减少对另一指外形及功能损伤.同时也对此类型供血皮瓣的应用提供一种新的思路.  相似文献   

目的 探讨带指动脉神经的指背岛状皮瓣修复指端缺损的方法和疗效.方法 2011年6月至2012年9月,对15例18指指端皮肤缺损患者,以一侧指固有动脉神经背侧支为营养支,于远指间关节背侧设计皮瓣,带一侧指动脉神经,皮瓣旋转90°修复指端皮肤缺损,指背供区取上臂全厚皮片游离植皮.皮瓣携带指固有神经背侧支重建感觉.结果 术后15例18指皮瓣均存活.随访时间为6~ 12个月,皮瓣质地外观良好,感觉恢复至S~S4,两点分辨觉为4~8mm,患指指间关节主动活动度恢复优良.结论 采用指动脉神经的指背岛状皮瓣修复指端缺损,操作简单,不牺牲指固有动脉、神经,血供可靠,供区损伤小,并能重建感觉,是一种修复指端缺损的理想方法.  相似文献   

指根部逆行岛状皮瓣修复指腹指端缺损   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王谦  谭琪 《实用骨科杂志》2008,14(9):554-555
目的探讨采用指根部逆行岛状皮瓣修复指腹指端缺损的方法和价值。方法自2005年5月至2006年12月对14例18指指腹指端缺损采用由指固有动静脉及指神经背侧支为蒂的逆行岛状皮瓣修复。结果术后除1指皮瓣边缘有少量坏死外,其余皮瓣均完全成活,皮瓣外形、质地及弹性均满意,无一指出现瘢痕过度生长及挛缩。结论指根部逆行岛状皮瓣适用于修复指腹指端各种深度的软组织损伤。  相似文献   

目的 探讨指动脉顺行岛状皮瓣修复指端缺损的临床效果.方法 2005年12月至2008年10月,采用指动脉顺行岛状皮瓣修复63例72指指端软组织缺损,最大面积为21 mm×27mm,最小为8 mm×11 mm.结果 63例72指皮瓣全部成活,术后随访4~19个月,功能及外观效果满意,两点辨别觉7~9 mm,平均8 mm,手功能TAM法测定:优59指,良11指,可2指.结论 该手术方法操作简便、安全,是修复指端缺损较为理想的方法.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of island flaps pedieled with digital artery for the defects at the end of fingers. Methods 63 eases with 72 soft tissue defects at the end of fingers were treated with the island flaps. The flap size ranged from 8 mm× 11 mm to 21 nun × 27 ram. Results All the flaps survived completely. The follow-up period ranged from 4 to 19 months. The functional and cosmetic results were satisfactory. The two-point discrimination was 7 ~ 9 mm. The TAM functional examination showed excellent in 59 fingers, good in 11 fingers and common in 2 fingers. Conclusions The technique with island flap is simple and reliable for the defects at the end of fingers.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of island flaps pedieled with digital artery for the defects at the end of fingers. Methods 63 eases with 72 soft tissue defects at the end of fingers were treated with the island flaps. The flap size ranged from 8 mm× 11 mm to 21 nun × 27 ram. Results All the flaps survived completely. The follow-up period ranged from 4 to 19 months. The functional and cosmetic results were satisfactory. The two-point discrimination was 7 ~ 9 mm. The TAM functional examination showed excellent in 59 fingers, good in 11 fingers and common in 2 fingers. Conclusions The technique with island flap is simple and reliable for the defects at the end of fingers.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of island flaps pedieled with digital artery for the defects at the end of fingers. Methods 63 eases with 72 soft tissue defects at the end of fingers were treated with the island flaps. The flap size ranged from 8 mm× 11 mm to 21 nun × 27 ram. Results All the flaps survived completely. The follow-up period ranged from 4 to 19 months. The functional and cosmetic results were satisfactory. The two-point discrimination was 7 ~ 9 mm. The TAM functional examination showed excellent in 59 fingers, good in 11 fingers and common in 2 fingers. Conclusions The technique with island flap is simple and reliable for the defects at the end of fingers.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of island flaps pedieled with digital artery for the defects at the end of fingers. Methods 63 eases with 72 soft tissue defects at the end of fingers were treated with the island flaps. The flap size ranged from 8 mm× 11 mm to 21 nun × 27 ram. Results All the flaps survived completely. The follow-up period ranged from 4 to 19 months. The functional and cosmetic results were satisfactory. The two-point discrimination was 7 ~ 9 mm. The TAM functional examination showed excellent in 59 fingers, good in 11 fingers and common in 2 fingers. Conclusions The technique with island flap is simple and reliable for the defects at the end of fingers.  相似文献   

目的 介绍及探讨以指固有血管神经为蒂的指侧方顺行岛状皮瓣修复指端缺损并重建感觉功能的方法.方法 自2007年8月至2009年11月,应用指侧方固有血管神经束为蒂,设计以血管为轴的岛状皮瓣,向远端顺行推进,修复11例手指远端缺损的患者,并重建其指端的良好感觉.结果 术后经6~12个月的随访,11例患者均获满意疗效,无明显的并发症出现,指端缺损修复满意,感觉重建良好.结论 本手术方法安全、可靠,疗效明显,患者满意度高,有助于提高手指指端外伤性缺损的整体修复效果.  相似文献   

第二趾趾端复合组织串联趾侧方皮瓣修复指端缺损   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨第二趾趾端复合组织串联趾侧方皮瓣瓦合修复指端缺损的临床疗效.方法 对16例拇、手指指端复合组织缺损的患者,设计以趾底固有动脉-甲皱襞血管筋膜蒂为血管蒂的第二趾趾端复合组织,串联趾侧方皮瓣进行瓦合修复.结果 术后16例皮瓣全部存活,随访时间为4~17个月,平均12个月.手指功能恢复优良,皮瓣两点分辨觉为4~9 mm,外观逼真,指甲生长外形良好.供区趾甲生长良好,趾端无疼痛,植皮无破溃发生.结论 应用第二趾趾端复合组织串联趾侧方皮瓣修复手指指端缺损,受区外形好,供区损伤小.  相似文献   

目的 介绍腹部瓦合式皮瓣修复多个手指中末节套状撕脱伤的手术方法 .方法 对48例手指中末节套脱伤,采用同侧腹部瓦合式皮瓣进行修复.根据指尖连线的弧形轴线设计连续多个相对的常规皮瓣,皮瓣两两相对瓦合,形成多个皮管,分别套入患指覆盖软组织缺损.各患指指尖间距约2.5~3.0 cm分布在腹部的弧形线上,指间关节自然弯曲,体位较舒适,皮瓣无扭转和过分反折.结果 术后48例瓦合式皮瓣均无坏死,4周行皮瓣蒂部血供阻断试验,5~6周行断蒂术.术后随访6个月至5年,平均18个月.患指屈伸功能基本正常,皮瓣恢复部分粗感觉,外形较满意.结论 采用腹部瓦合式皮瓣治疗多指中末节皮肤套状撕脱伤,手术操作简单,疗效确切.  相似文献   

手指软组织缺损的逆行岛状皮瓣修复   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的报道手指软组织缺损几种岛状皮瓣修复的方法和临床应用效果。方法应用指动脉、掌背动脉和指神经背侧支逆行岛状皮瓣修复手指软组织缺损39例45指,其中7例7指应用指动脉逆行岛状皮瓣修复末节软组织缺损;22例28指应用指神经背例支逆行岛状皮瓣。修复中、远节软组织缺损;10例10指应用掌背动脉逆行岛状皮瓣修复手指掌、背侧近节或超近节以上较大面积缺损。后32例中23例吻合神经。结果本组39例随访6~12月,皮瓣血运、质地及功能良好,皮瓣供区无功能障碍。指动脉逆行岛状皮瓣较其它两种皮瓣外形明显臃肿且感觉差。缝合神经的23例皮瓣两点分辨觉为6~8mm,未缝合神经的皮瓣由于受区神经的长入也有了保护性感觉功能。结论临床应根据不同节段的手指软组织缺损而选择不同的岛状皮瓣修复。  相似文献   

第二趾趾端复合组织串联趾侧方皮瓣修复指端缺损   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨第二趾趾端复合组织串联趾侧方皮瓣瓦合修复指端缺损的临床疗效.方法 对16例拇、手指指端复合组织缺损的患者,设计以趾底固有动脉-甲皱襞血管筋膜蒂为血管蒂的第二趾趾端复合组织,串联趾侧方皮瓣进行瓦合修复.结果 术后16例皮瓣全部存活,随访时间为4~17个月,平均12个月.手指功能恢复优良,皮瓣两点分辨觉为4~9 mm,外观逼真,指甲生长外形良好.供区趾甲生长良好,趾端无疼痛,植皮无破溃发生.结论 应用第二趾趾端复合组织串联趾侧方皮瓣修复手指指端缺损,受区外形好,供区损伤小.  相似文献   

Objective To report the application and results of venous flap with double vein trunks in replantation of degloved fingers.Methods From March 2007 to June 2009, 6 cases of soft tissue defect in the degloved finger were replanted with venous flap with double vein trunks.The interval between injury and operation was 30 minutes to 8 hours.All fingers were replanted by arterialized free venous flap from the ipsilateral forearm with double vein trunks.The flap was 1.8 cm×1.8 cm to 2.2 cm× 5.8 cm in size.The donor site was directly closed.Results Primary wound healing was observed in all 6 cases postoperatively.All the replanted fingers survived completely.In 5 cases the venous flaps survived uneventfully.In 1 case there was partial superficial necrosis of the flap which healed with conservative management.Postoperative follow-up ranged from 6 to 24 months.The flaps and fingers had good circulation, good texture and color match.According to the criteria for functional assessment of amputated finger issued by the Chinese Hand Surgery Society, the results were graded as excellent in4cases, goodin 1 case, andfairin 1 case.Theoverall excellent rate was 82.5%.Conclusion Replantation of degloved finger with fransfer of venous flap with double vein trunks is capable of repairing pulp soft tissue defect and maximizing the restoration of finger appearance and function.  相似文献   

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