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患者女,8岁.以右前臂包块伴手指麻木1年入院.患儿在1年前无意中发现右前臂包块生长,碰触后桡侧手指有麻木感.临床检查:右前臂远端桡侧腕屈肌及掌长肌间隙可扪及一约3.5锄×1.0 cm大小之包块,质软,边界清,可滑动,轻压痛;叩诊时向示、中指远端放射,拇指对掌、外展及屈、伸活动正常,各指间关节活动正常,肌力正常.  相似文献   

患者女,8岁.以右前臂包块伴手指麻木1年入院.患儿在1年前无意中发现右前臂包块生长,碰触后桡侧手指有麻木感.临床检查:右前臂远端桡侧腕屈肌及掌长肌间隙可扪及一约3.5锄×1.0 cm大小之包块,质软,边界清,可滑动,轻压痛;叩诊时向示、中指远端放射,拇指对掌、外展及屈、伸活动正常,各指间关节活动正常,肌力正常.  相似文献   

患者女,52岁,因头晕、呕吐5 d,行走不稳4 d于2008年6月26日入院.检查:头颅CT示鞍上区实性肿块及梗阻性脑积水;腰穿测压为350 mmH_2O;脑脊液常规:WBC 2×10~6/L,Pandy弱阳性,Glu 5.97 mmol/L,CI 118 mmol/L,M-TP 2.99g/L;性激素6项:FSH、LH偏低,PRL稍高,余正常;MR检查示鞍上区实性占位,大小约28 mm×28 mm×25 mm,边界清晰,T1W1周边呈略高信号,中央呈低信号,T2W1及FLAIR上均呈低信号为主的高低混杂信号,增强后明显强化,但强化不太均匀,肿块向上明显压迫视交叉,向下沿垂体柄进入鞍内,垂体柄相应增粗,考虑异位脑膜瘤.  相似文献   

患者男,19岁。无明显诱因出现右前臂远端掌侧包块伴右手掌胀痛,指尖麻木1年余。参加重体力活动、训练或局部受凉刺激后右手症状明显,经休息后症状稍缓解。入院前3月右前臂远端包块明显渐增,并影响日常生活及工作,诊断为“右前臂远端正中神经纤维瘤”收入院。  相似文献   

周围神经结核报道少见。我们临床遇到一例正中神经和尺神经结核。报告如下。病例男,29岁,1979年9月在井下作业时煤块落下砸伤左肩和左手,伤后4个月左手小指残端感觉麻木,左手逐渐出现爪形手畸形,骨间肌、小鱼际肌明  相似文献   

患者女,45岁.主因"左腋下肿物切除后15个月复发10个月"于2008年8月28日入院.患者15个月前因"左腋下肿物"在当地医院行"左腋下肿物切除术",第1次手术后病理报告示:软组织颗粒细胞瘤.10个月前,肿物复发,增长速度较快.  相似文献   

睾丸颗粒细胞瘤一例报告刘现军,任俊英患者,男性,3个月。家长发现患儿左睾丸渐肿大1个月,无外伤史。于1989年5月8日入院。查体:肿物位于左睾丸上端,质中等硬,表面光滑,透光试验(一),对侧睾丸正常。无内分泌紊乱表现,血、尿、粪检查正常,胸部X线及腹...  相似文献   

阴茎颗粒细胞瘤一例报告马吉城,申明宇,王宝仁,吕月润,杨国江,虞颂庭颗粒细胞瘤(GCT)发生在阴茎部位极为罕见,我们于1994年收治一例,报告如下。患者,男,39岁。于入院前3年无意中发现阴茎头包皮间有一黄豆大肿物,无红肿疼痛,表面无破溃流脓,排尿无...  相似文献   

We report the case of a large intraneural neurothekeoma of the median nerve at the wrist. Neurothekeomas are rare; they are small, superficial, and typically asymptomatic benign tumors of undetermined cellular origin. Complete excision is usually curative. This case is interesting owing to the tumor's large size and location within the median nerve, which made it highly symptomatic, mimicking carpal tunnel syndrome.  相似文献   

Fibrolipoma of the median nerve: a case report and review of the literature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 38 year-old patient presented with right median nerve distribution paresthesias. Electrodiagnostic studies confirmed severe carpal tunnel syndrome. A palmar mass prompted a magnetic resonance imaging scan, which suggested a fibrolipoma of the median nerve. Carpal tunnel release resulted in resolution of preoperative pain and paresthesias. We review the literature dealing with this primary nerve tumor.  相似文献   

The authors report a case of fibrolipoma of the median nerve in a 6-year old boy presenting as macrodactyly with clinodactyly. The causal relationship between the nerve lesion and the deformities is discussed. The difficulties of diagnosis of the condition are presented as are the difficulties of management where a balance has to be struck between conservative treatment and amputation.  相似文献   

Complications of carpal tunnel release, while infrequent, include incomplete release resulting in persistent symptoms or recurrence due to postoperative scarring, as well as iatrogenic damage to nerves and vessels. We present the case of a patient who underwent carpal tunnel release with resolution of symptoms in the immediate postoperative period. At one and a half years post release he started to experience numbness and tingling in a median nerve distribution triggered by repetitive ulnar to radial deviation of the wrist, with no symptoms at rest. Dynamic ultrasound showed a subluxation of the median nerve from one side of the palmaris longus tendon to the other. The patient's symptoms were triggered as the median nerve squeezed in between the palmaris longus and flexor digitorum superficialis tendons.  相似文献   

Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumours (MPNST) are rare tumours, which usually occur in patients with multiple neurofibromatosis. They are common in the head and neck and trunk and only a few cases have been reported in the hand. Many of these occur in patients with von Recklinghausens disease and rarely as a malignant transformation of benign schwannomas. When they appear in the hand they often present with various symptoms. We encountered a patient who presented with a longstanding asymptomatic swelling of the palm. On excision the histopathology showed a high-grade malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour, which led us to speculate that a malignant transformation had occurred in a pre-existing benign swelling. This is reported for its unusual presentation, which, to our knowledge, has never been described previously.  相似文献   

Ancient schwannomas are benign long standing schwannomas of the neural sheaths. Histological findings are these seen as in conventional schwannomas, but ancient schwannomas additionally demonstrate cystic hemorrhagic changes and degenerative nuclei with pleomorphism and hyperchromasia. Due to the nuclear atypia, and cystic degeneration, ancient schwannomas might be confused with malignant tumors on histology and imaging, leading to a radical surgical approach. The median nerve is rarely affected. We present a rare case of an ancient schwannoma involving the median nerve at the mid humerus. The tumor slowly grew up within ten years and become symptomatic with local pain, mild numbness in the distribution of the median nerve in the palm and Tinel’s test. The tumor was successfully removed by separating it from the nerve fascicles to negative margins. Post-operatively local symptoms relieved but minor sensory loss in the median nerve distribution in the palm was noticed which improved in the following six months. Ancient schwannomas can be misdiagnosed as sarcomas due to specific imaging and histologic findings. Patients’ physical examination, history and fine radiologic and pathology features should be cautiously interpreted in order to achieve correct diagnosis and avoid unnecessary wide tumor excisions.  相似文献   

A Mintz  R Carneiro 《Neurosurgery》1989,25(6):965-968
The authors present a case of a schwannoma associated with high division of the median nerve in a patient who had previously had a diagnosis of a ganglion. The case is presented and the literature concerning these 2 conditions is reviewed.  相似文献   

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