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Paired liver and kidney samples from 100 free-range cattle in different parts of Jamaica were analyzed for essential and non-essential trace elements. We found significant enrichment of elements in the kidney (K) compared to the liver (L) with the K/L concentration ratios being 5.2 for Cd, 4.1 for Pb, 3.5 for Se and 2.1 for As, but the Cu contents of the kidney were significantly higher with the K/L ratio of 0.45. A large number of kidney and liver samples showed Cu concentrations in the ranges that were associated with deficiency effects in mammals. About 15% of the hepatic samples had Zn concentrations below 20 microg/g, suggesting that there might be zinc insufficiency in some of the animals. Positive associations were found between the metals in both the kidney and liver. On average, the intake of Cd from consumption of both bovine kidney and liver from the island was estimated to be 5.2 microg/day, equivalent to about 7% of the provisional tolerable daily intake (PTDI), although anyone who habitually consumed the few kidneys or livers with >40 microg/g cadmium may be at some risk of exceeding the PTDI. The consumption of offal from local animals did not appear to be an important dietary source of any of the essential microelements.  相似文献   

目的了解孕妇和新生儿脐血中铅、镉、砷、汞、锰和硒元素的含量,分析其胎盘通透性。方法于2010年9月至2013年12月在山东省渤海莱州湾某二甲医院,招募符合标准的孕妇及其新生儿为研究对象。共纳入773对孕妇及其新生儿。根据所测定元素的种类,分为汞测定组(595对)、铅测定组(534对)和镉、砷、锰、硒测定组(244对)。问卷调查获得孕妇及新生儿的人口学信息,检测母血和脐血中铅、镉、砷、汞、锰和硒的浓度,并计算各元素的胎盘通透性(某元素脐血浓度/母血浓度);采用Spearman秩相关分析母血和脐血中各元素的相关性。结果773名母亲年龄为(28.34±4.50)岁,孕周为(39.47±1.39)周;773名新生儿出生体重为(3419.47±497.39)g。母血和脐血中铅、镉、砷、汞、锰和硒各元素的中位数浓度分别为31.12和30.02、1.19和0.47、8.05和6.03、0.69和1.26、100.70和105.55、127.25和115.00μg/L。铅、镉、砷、汞、锰和硒的胎盘通透性分别为0.98、0.41、0.73、1.73、0.96和0.91。铅、镉、汞、锰和硒在母血和脐血中均呈正相关,Spearman相关系数分别为0.397、0.298、0.698、0.555和0.285(P值均<0.001)。结论铅、镉、砷、汞、锰和硒元素在母血和脐血中均普遍检出;汞的胎盘通透性较高。  相似文献   

目的:建立碰撞池ICP-MS测定近海海水中Cr、As、Se、Cd、Cu、Zn、Hg和Pb的分析方法。方法:样品用0.2%HNO3 0.2 mg/L Au溶液稀释5倍后直接用碰撞池ICP-MS进行分析,用耐高盐接口和内标法消除非质谱干扰,用碰撞池技术消除质谱干扰。结果:方法的检出限为0.005~0.03 ng/m l,精密度为0.5%~2.6%,回收率为96.0%~105%,对3个标准参考物质的分析结果令人满意。结论:可以采用碰撞池ICP-MS测定近海海水中Cr、As、Se、Cd、Cu、Zn、Hg和Pb,方法检出限低,并且简单、快速和准确,适用于实验室日常分析。  相似文献   

ICP-MS法测定化妆品中铅、砷、镉、汞   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 建立电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP—MS)测定化妆品中铅、砷、镉、汞四种元索的方法。方法 样品经微波消解后,以钇、铟、铋作为内标物质,补偿基体效应,直接用ICP—MS同时测定上述四种元素。结果 Pb、As、Cd、Hg四种元素的检出限分别在l0-55ng/L之间;线性良好,线性相关系数均r≥0.999;精密度良好RSD<4.6%,回收率在97%-l17%之间;对标准物质GBW07605、GBW08508测定,结果满意。去斑类化妆品样品中汞含量严重超标。结论 ICP—MS法测定化妆品中的Pb、As、Cd、Hg含量,分析速度快,线性范围宽,各项分析性能指标均达到要求。  相似文献   

张元璋  虞婧  方名戌 《职业与健康》2014,(20):2957-2958
目的对ICP-AES法测定黄金饰品中铅、镉、铬、砷、汞含量的不确定度进行分析,为评价检验结果提供科学依据。方法通过对测定方法流程进行分析,建立数学模型,确定不确定度的来源,由各分量标准不确定度的计算得到合成不确定度及扩展不确定度。结果用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱(ICP-AES)法测定铅、镉、铬、砷、汞的相对扩展不确定度分别为1.34%、2.40%、2.70%、1.60%、2.86%,此不确定度主要来源于最小二乘法拟合的工作曲线。结论在实际工作中,应规范做好标准溶液的配制、样品溶液的制备、仪器测量等几个步骤,以保证测量结果准确、可靠。测量不确定度的评定为评价分析结果的准确程度和方法的可靠性研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

微波消解测定食品中铅、镉、砷、汞的方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]通过对微波消解条件的最优化研究,以达到快速、简便、准确的测定食品中铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)、砷(As)、汞(Hg)。[方法]采用标准样品进行不同处理方法间的对比实验,来证明新方法的准确度、精密度满足现行标准要求。[结果]微波消解前处理,回收率和相对标准偏差(RSD)分别为Pb:89.3%-106.7%,6.87%;Cd:93.4%-116.2%,7.23%; As:89.2%-113.5%,9.05%;Hg:91.9%-111.2%,7.70%。与国标法比较差别没有显著性。[结论]微波消解技术具有快速、简便、准确的特点,是能适用于食品中微量元素测定前处理要求的新技术。  相似文献   

目的了解湖南省怀化市市售大米中Pb、Cd、As和Hg的污染状况,评价其对人体健康产生危害的潜在风险。方法利用单项污染指数法、综合污染指数法和美国环境保护局(USEPA)推荐的健康风险评价方法对该市市售部分大米中Pb、Cd、As和Hg的污染状况与其导致的健康风险进行评价。结果大米中Pb、Cd、As和Hg的含量超标率分别为8.60%、8.14%、7.69%和6.79%;综合污染指数值均大于1小于2;4种重金属对人体健康危害的年总风险值分别为1.70×10-7/a、4.88×10-5/a、1.23×10-4/a、9.31×10-9/a,总和为1.72×10-4/a;结论该市市售部分大米均有重金属超标;综合污染指数评价结果说明该市大米属轻度污染;健康风险指数表明,该市售大米中Pb、Cd和Hg对人体健康危害的个人年风险处于安全水平,As对人体健康危害的个人年风险水平较高。该市居民通过饮食摄入大米的重金属已具有潜在的健康威胁。  相似文献   

Knowledge of normal levels of concentrations of trace elements (Cd, Pb, Hg, Cu, Zn, and Se) in the population serves, among others, in design of regulations concerning health protection, determination of exposure limits and prevention of diseases caused by deficiency of trace elements. Concentrations of the named elements in whole blood of the Czech population were determined by means of atomic absorption spectrometry. The blood was collected during 1996-1998 from 1,216 blood donors (896 males and 320 females, average age 33 years) and 758 children (397 boys and 361 girls, average age 9.9 years). Mineralisation in a microwave digestion system was used in sample preparation. The accuracy of results was checked by means of the Control material Seronorm Whole Blood 404107 and Seronorm Serum 704121, Nycomed. Values of concentrations of the trace elements in blood found for adult (medians) were 0.7 microgram Cd.l-1, 800 micrograms Cu.l-1, 0.78 microgram Hg.l-1, 41 micrograms Pb.l-1, 76 micrograms Se.l-1, and 5,800 micrograms Zn.l-1, respectively. Statistically significant differences between men and women have been found in the concentrations of Cu, Hg, Pb, and Zn. In the juvenile population following medians of concentrations have been found: 0.15 microgram Cd.l-1, 1,047 micrograms Cu.l-1, 0.46 microgram Hg.l-1, 34 micrograms Pb.l-1, 69 micrograms Se.l-1, and 8,180 micrograms Zn.l-1. Statistically significant differences between boys and girls were found only in Pb and Zn concentrations. Concentrations of the studied elements correspond to the published values concerning population not exposed professionally.  相似文献   

A comparative survey of trace elements in hair samples from three different regions of the world was carried out. The concentrations of the same trace elements in tissues from infants and adults from Glasgow are also presented. It was found that the Se levels in hair samples from Iceland are significantly lower than the levels found for the Glasgow area. The level of Hg was in the same range as that for the Glasgow area and the As level is much lower in Iceland. Comparison of the levels of Hg, As, and Se in hair samples from Iran and Glasgow revealed significantly lower levels of these trace elements in samples from Iran, but the Cu levels were similar. Comparison of adult and infant levels of Se and Cu revealed fetal storage of Cu in the livers of infants. Arsenic levels were higher in adult tissues. In the study of the interaction among trace elements in human tissues, a positive correlation between Hg and Cu in liver samples from the Glasgow area and hair samples from Iran was found. A positive correlation between Se and As was also found in spleen and lung tissues.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to optimize a sample preparation method for rice and wheat using microwave-assisted ultraviolet digestion (MW-UV) for subsequent determination of toxic elements. Cadmium and Pb were determined by sector-field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (SF-ICP-MS), while As and Hg were determined by chemical vapor generation coupled to atomic absorption spectrometry (CVG-AAS). A systematic evaluation of the microwave heating program, nitric acid concentrationand sample mass was performed to optimize the MW-UV digestion method for rice and wheat samples. The relationship between nitric acid concentration and sample mass was monitored by determination of the residual carbon content (RCC) and residual acidity (RA) in order to obtain a high efficiency of digestion. The MW-UV method was successful at digesting up to 1100 mg of rice and wheat using 4 mol L−1 HNO3 with RCC and RA lower than 1.5 %, and 10 %, respectively. Recovery results ranging from 88 % to 117 % and agreement with certified reference values (t-test, 95 % confidence level) were obtained after digestion using the MW-UV method for spiked samples and certified reference materials (peach leaves-NIST 1547 and tomato leaves-NIST 1573), respectively. The optimized method was suitable for analysis of toxic elements in rice and wheat in compliance with the maximum levels reported in official directives.  相似文献   

Knowledge of normal levels of concentrations of trace elements (Cd, Pb, Hg, Cu, Zn, and Se) in the population serves, among others, in design of regulations concerning health protection, determination of exposition limits and prevention of diseases caused by deficiency of trace elements. Concentrations of the named elements in urine of the Czech population were determined by means of atomic absorption spectrometry. The urine has been collected during 1996-2000 from 1192 individuals (816 males and 376 females, average age 34.6 years) and 2008 children (1052 boys and 956 girls, average age 9.9 years). Mineralization in a microwave digestion system was used in sample preparation. The accuracy of results was checked by means of the Control Materials Seronorm 403,125 and BioRad 69,041. Values of concentrations of the trace elements in urine found for adult (medians) were 0.36 microgram Cd.g-1 creatinine, 10.6 micrograms Cu.g-1 creatinine, 0.68 microgram Hg.g-1 creatinine, 3.3 micrograms Pb.g-1 creatinine, 6.2 micrograms Se.g-1 creatinine, and 397 micrograms Zn.g-1 creatinine, respectively. Statistically significant differences between men and women have been found in the concentrations of Cu and Hg. In the juvenile population following concentrations have been found: 0.29 microgram Cd.g-1 creatinine, 16.1 micrograms Cu.g-1 creatinine, 0.32 microgram Hg.g-1 creatinine, 4.8 micrograms Pb.g-1 creatinine, 10.2 micrograms Se.g-1 creatinine and 460 micrograms Zn.g-1 creatinine. Statistically significant differences between boys and girls were found only in Cu and Hg concentrations. Concentrations of the studied elements correspond to the published values concerning population not exposed professionally.  相似文献   

  目的  研究辽宁省沈阳地区大气PM2.5浓度和PM2.5中重金属污染特征。  方法  于2014年2月—2017年10月在沈阳地区采集环境大气PM2.5样品,用10%硝酸溶液60℃水浴超声提取,电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)测定样品中Cr、Mn、Ni、As、Se、Cd、Sb、Pb、Hg等9种重金属的含量,并对沈阳地区大气PM2.5浓度与PM2.5中重金属的污染特征和健康风险进行分析评价。  结果  沈阳地区PM2.5的日均质量浓度为68.4 μg/m3,低于我国环境空气质量二级标准(75 μg/m3)。PM2.5中重金属各元素平均浓度从高到低的顺序为:Pb > Mn > As > Cr > Sb > Ni > Se > Hg > Cd,其中As的浓度值超过国家环境空气质量标准中的参考浓度限值。9种非致癌性重金属非致癌风险商(HQ)值均 < 1。Cr、Ni、As、Cd 4种致癌性重金属健康风险只有Ni的致癌风险低于人类可接受风险水平10–6,而其他3种元素致癌风险 > 10–6  结论  沈阳地区大气PM2.5中的重金属非致癌健康风险可忽略,存在一定程度的致癌风险。  相似文献   

某些营养素对短期染毒铅镉汞在小鼠体内分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解营养素锌(Zn)、硒(Se)和维生素C对小鼠短期铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)、汞(Hg)染毒的体内分布的影响,观察其对Pb、CA、Hg联合损害的拮抗作用。方法 染毒组小鼠灌胃给予Pb(7mg/kg)、CA(1mg/kg)和Hg(0.7mg/kg),处理组除给予Pb、CA、Hg染毒外,同日或次日给予Zn、Se或维生素C,剂量为Zn12.5mg/kg或62.5mg/kg,Se40μg/kg或200μg/kg,维生素c80mg/kg或400mg/kg。连续处理3次。结果 3种营养素都能促进毒物从粪中排出;可减少心脏中Cd含量(P〈0.05);给予营养素可使由染毒引起的肝脏器系数、肾脏器系数和脾脏器系数增大幅度降低。但是加营养素组的肝和肾中Pb、CA、Hg含量都较染毒组高,体重增长与染毒组亦没有差异。连续染毒引起动物体重下降而隔日染毒对动物体重没有明显影响。营养素拮抗效果以加Se组最好,高Se组优于低Se组,而高维生素C和高Zn组并不优于相应的低剂量组。结论 Zn、Se和维生素C对Pb、CA、Hg联合损害有明确的拮抗作用,但可引起毒物在肝、肾中的含量增加,对体重无影响,表明在此染毒剂量下,Zn、Se和维生素C的拮抗能力是有限的。  相似文献   

Knowledge of normal levels of concentrations of trace elements (Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, Se and Zn) in the population serve, among others, in the designing of regulations of exposure limits and prevention of diseases caused by deficiency in essential trace elements. Concentrations of the named elements in the hair of children in the Czech population were determined by means of atomic absorption spectrometry. The samples of hair were collected during 1994- 2001 from 3,556 children (1,741 boys and 1,815 girls, average age 9.9 years). Mineralization in a microwave digestion system was used following a washing procedure. The accuracy of results was checked by means of the control materials CRM Human Hair GBW 07601. Values of concentrations of the trace elements in hair found for children were (in medians) 0.14 microg Cd.g(-1), 0.22 microg Cr.g(-1), 12 microg Cu.g(-1), 0.19 microg Hg.g(-1), 1.6 microg Pb.g(-1), 0.22 microg Se.g(-1) and 124 microg Zn.g(-1), respectively. Statistically significant differences between boys and girls were found for Cd, Cu and Zn. Concentrations of the elements under study correspond to the published values for the non-exposed population.  相似文献   

铅、汞、镉污染对动物健康的危害   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文综述了铅、汞、镉污染对动物健康的危害,包括铅、汞、镉污染的来源,动物铅、汞、镉中毒的表现、监测,动物性食品中铅、汞、镉容许量以及防治措施。  相似文献   

The behavior of B, Cr, Se, As, Pb, Cd, and Mo in the leachates generated from two combustion residues, coal-fired power plant fly ash and municipal solid waste incineration ash, during precipitation of ettringite is presented. Experiments also were performed using modeled waste leachates as well as controlled solutions containing all the investigated elements. Moreover, to determine the possible effect of pH, lime treatment was conducted using the waste and modeled leachates. Results indicated the removal of B, Se, and Cr from the leachates because of incorporation of their oxyanions in the ettringite structure. The removal of B could further be explained by considering the structure of ettringite and monosulfoaluminate. The removal of Pb also occurred, probably because of lime-induced precipitation of Pb(OH)2. Similarly, the removal of As was observed as a result of lime-induced precipitation of Ca3(AsO4)2 and incorporation into the ettringite structure. On the other hand, the precipitation of ettringite did not reduce the concentrations of Mo and Cd because of the complex nature of these elements in the leachates. The results also suggest that the presence of high amounts of constituents such as Cl-, an alkali metal in the solution, also affected ettringite precipitation behavior. Moreover, elemental speciations as well as the presence of other constituents in the solution affected the incorporation by ettringite.  相似文献   

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