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PURPOSE: Hepatic stellate cells (HSC) are a type of pericyte with varying characteristics according to their location. However, the electrophysiological properties of HSC are not completely understood. Therefore, this study investigated the difference in the voltage-dependent K(+) currents in HSC. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The voltage-dependent K(+) currents in rat HSC were evaluated using the whole cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. RESULTS: Four different types of voltage-dependent K(+) currents in HSC were identified based on the outward and inward K(+) currents. Type D had the dominant delayed rectifier K(+) current, and type A had the dominant transient outward K(+) current. Type I had an inwardly rectifying K(+) current, whereas the non-type I did not. TEA (5 mM) and 4-AP (2 mM) suppressed the outward K(+) currents differentially in type D and A. Changing the holding potential from -80 to -40 mV reduced the amplitude of the transient outward K(+) currents in type A. The inwardly rectifying K(+) currents either declined markedly or were sustained in type I during the hyperpolarizing step pulses from -120 to -150 mV. CONCLUSION: There are four different configurations of voltage-dependent K(+) currents expressed in cultured HSC. These results are expected to provide information that will help determine the properties of the K(+) currents in HSC as well as the different type HSC populations.  相似文献   

In many species, including vertebrates and invertebrates, first-order olfactory neuropils are organized into spherical glomeruli, partially enveloped by glial borders. The effect of this characteristic organization on olfactory information processing is poorly understood. The extracellular concentration of potassium ions ([K(+)]) must rise around olfactory receptor axons in specific glomeruli following odor-induced activation. To explore the time course and magnitude of K(+) accumulation and possible effects of such accumulation on neural activity within and among glomeruli, we developed a theoretical model to simulate the diffusion of K(+) in extracellular spaces of the glomeruli of the moth Manduca sexta. K(+) released by activated axons was assumed to diffuse through the extracellular spaces in glomeruli and the glial borders that surround them. The time-dependent diffusion equations were solved in spherical coordinates using a finite-difference method. The results indicate that the glial envelope forms a significant barrier to the spread of K(+) between neighboring glomeruli, thus reducing the likelihood of cross-talk between glomeruli, and may cause elevation of extracellular [K(+)] to levels that influence neural activity within the activated glomerulus for many seconds. Such effects could enhance olfactory discrimination and sensitivity, respectively.  相似文献   

In tobacco, there are two types of compounds that interact with neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nnAChRs) in the brain. The first is the addictive component of tobacco and an agonist of these receptors, nicotine. The second are cyclic diterpenoids called cembranoids that non-competitively inhibit many types of nnAChRs. Nictotinic receptors composed of alpha4beta2 subunits are the predominant type of nicotinic receptors in the brain. These alpha4beta2 receptors are up-regulated upon chronic exposure to nicotine and have been implicated in nicotine addiction. The present study was designed to determine whether the inhibitory effects of two cembranoids from tobacco [(1S, 2E, 4R, 6R, 7E, 11E)-2,7,11-cembratriene-4,6-diol (4R) and its diastereoisomer (1S, 2E, 4S, 6R, 7E, 11E)-2,7,11-cembratriene-4,6-diol (4S)] were comparable on acetylcholine (ACh) and nicotine-evoked currents through alpha4beta2 nnAChRs. alpha4beta2 nnAChRs from rat brain were expressed in Xenopus oocytes and studied using the two-electrode voltage-clamp technique. The dose-response curves for acetylcholine and nicotine were hyperbolic and bell-shaped, respectively. Although there was no difference in the potency between cembranoids 4R and 4S, both of these cembranoids more potently inhibited nicotine-induced currents than acetylcholine-induced currents. Furthermore, both cembranoids were more potent inhibitors of this receptor when they were preincubated for 1 min prior to application of agonist. The finding that cembranoids preferentially inhibit nicotine-induced currents over those elicited by the natural neurotransmitter acetylcholine may have important implications when developing strategies to prevent nicotine addiction and tobacco use.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is enhanced by [Ca2+]i-dependent stimulation of phospholipases and mitochondria and has been implicated in immune defense, ischemia, and excitotoxicity. Using whole cell recording from hippocampal neurons, we show that arachidonic acid (AA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) both reduce the transient K+ current I(A) by -54 and -68%, respectively, and shift steady-state inactivation by -10 and -15 mV, respectively. While AA was effective at an extracellular concentration of 1 microM and an intracellular concentration of 1 pM, extracellular H2O2 was equally effective only at a concentration >800 microM (0.0027%). In contrast to AA, H2O2 decreased the slope of activation and increased the slope of inactivation of I(A) and reduced the sustained delayed rectifier current I(K(V)) by 22% and shifted its activation by -9 mV. Intracellular application of the antioxidant glutathione (GSH, 2-5 mM) blocked all effects of AA and the reduction of I(A) by H2O2. In contrast, intracellular GSH enhanced reduction of I(K(V)) by H2O2. Decrease of the slope of activation and increase of the slope of inactivation of I(A) by hydrogen peroxide was blocked and reversed to a decrease, respectively, by intracellular application of GSH. Intracellular GSH did not prevent H2O2 to shift inactivation and activation of I(A) and activation of I(K(V)) to more negative potentials. We conclude, that AA and H2O2 modulate voltage-activated K currents differentially by oxidation of GSH accessible intracellular and GSH inaccessible extracellular K+-channel domains, thereby presumably affecting neuronal information processing and oxidative damage.  相似文献   

Little information is available on the specific roles of different cellular mechanisms involved in extracellular K(+) homeostasis during neuronal activity in situ. These studies have been hampered by the lack of an adequate experimental paradigm able to separate K(+)-buffering activity from the superimposed extrusion of K(+) from variably active neurons. We have devised a new protocol that allows for such an analysis. We used paired field- and K(+)-selective microelectrode recordings from CA3 stratum pyramidale during maximal Schaffer collateral stimulation in the presence of excitatory synapse blockade to evoke purely antidromic spikes in CA3. Under these conditions of controlled neuronal firing, we studied the [K(+)]o baseline during 0.05 Hz stimulation, and the accumulation and rate of recovery of extracellular K(+) at higher frequency stimulation (1-3 Hz). In the first set of experiments, we showed that neuronal hyperpolarization by extracellular application of ZD7288 (11 microM), a selective blocker of neuronal I(h) currents, does not affect the dynamics of extracellular K(+). This indicates that the K(+) dynamics evoked by controlled pyramidal cell firing do not depend on neuronal membrane potential, but only on the balance between K(+) extruded by firing neurons and K(+) buffered by neuronal and glial mechanisms. In the second set of experiments, we showed that di-hydro-ouabain (5 microM), a selective blocker of the Na(+)/K(+)-pump, yields an elevation of baseline [K(+)]o and abolishes the K(+) recovery during higher frequency stimulation and its undershoot during the ensuing period. In the third set of experiments, we showed that Ba(2+) (200 microM), a selective blocker of inwardly rectifying K(+) channels (KIR), does not affect the posttetanus rate of recovery of [K(+)]o, nor does it affect the rate of K(+) recovery during high-frequency stimulation. It does, however, cause an elevation of baseline [K(+)]o and an increase in the amplitude of the ensuing undershoot. We show for the first time that it is possible to differentiate the specific roles of Na(+)/K(+)-pump and KIR channels in buffering extracellular K(+). Neuronal and glial Na(+)/K(+)-pumps are involved in setting baseline [K(+)]o levels, determining the rate of its recovery during sustained high-frequency firing, and determining its postactivity undershoot. Conversely, glial KIR channels are involved in the regulation of baseline levels of K(+), and in decreasing the amplitude of the postactivity [K(+)]o undershoot, but do not affect the rate of K(+) clearance during neuronal firing. The results presented provide new insights into the specific physiological role of glial KIR channels in extracellular K(+) homeostasis.  相似文献   

Murine autoimmune gastritis, induced by neonatal thymectomy or the injection of CD25-depleted lymphocytes into nu/nu recipients, is characterized by an inflammatory infiltrate into the gastric mucosa, parietal cell destruction and circulating anti-parietal cell antibodies. Using RAG-2(-/-)mice as recipients, we determined that the induction of disease relies on CD4(+)CD25(-)effector cells and prevention relies on CD4(+)CD25(+)regulatory cells; neither requires participation of CD8 cells or B cells. The severity of gastritis was dependent on the cytokine repertoire of CD4(+)CD25(-)effector T cells. Recipients of IL-4(-/-)T cells developed more severe gastritis and recipients of INF-gamma(-/-)T cells developed milder disease than recipients of wildtype or IL-10(-/-)effector T cells. Gastritis did not develop in the absence of IL-12. Protection from gastritis does not require either IL-4 or IL-10 because CD4(+)CD25(+)cells from IL-4(-/-)or IL-10(-/-)mice completely abrogated the disease process. CD4(+)CD25(+)cells also protected RAG-2(-/-)recipients from colitis and inhibitory activity was partially dependent on IL-10 expression. These findings highlight the critical role of CD4(+)CD25(+)regulatory T cells in protection from several autoimmune syndromes and delineate the differential contribution of IL-10 to CD4(+)CD25(+)Treg activity in the settings of gastritis and colitis.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes are of rich in delayed rectifier K+-channels (Kv1.3) in their plasma membranes, and the channels play crucial roles in the lymphocyte activation and proliferation. Since chloroquine, a widely used anti-malarial drug, exerts immunosuppressive effects, it will affect the channel currents in lymphocytes. In the present study, employing the standard patch-clamp whole-cell recording technique, we examined the effects of chloroquine on the channels expressed in murine thymocytes. Published papers report that chloroquine will inhibit voltage-dependent K+-channel currents by plugging into the open-pore. We observed, indeed, that chloroquine suppressed the pulse-end currents of Kv1.3-channels at higher voltage steps. Surprisingly, however, we found that the drug enhanced the peak currents at both higher and lower voltage steps. Since chloroquine showed such biphasic effects on the thymocyte K+-channels, and since those effects were voltage dependent, we examined the effects of chloroquine on the activation and the inactivation of the channel currents. We noted that chloroquine shifted both the activation and the inactivation curves toward the hyperpolarizing potential, and that those shifts were more emphasized at lower voltage steps. We conclude that chloroquine facilitates both the activation and the inactivation of Kv1.3-channel currents in thymocytes, and that those effects are voltage dependent.  相似文献   

We previously reported (see also the accompanying paper) that dynorphin A significantly enhanced the voltage-dependent K(+) M-current (I(M)) in CA3 and CA1 hippocampal pyramidal neurons (HPNs). Because the opioid-receptor-like-1 (ORL-1) receptor shares a high sequence homology with opioid receptors and is expressed in rat hippocampus, we examined the effects of orphanin FQ or nociceptin, the endogenous ligand for the ORL-1 receptor, using the rat hippocampal slice preparation and intracellular voltage-clamp recording. Current-voltage (I-V) relationships from CA1 HPNs revealed that nociceptin superfusion induced an outward current reversing near the equilibrium potential for K(+) ions. Ba(2+) (2 mM) blocked this effect. The nociceptin-induced current was largest at depolarized membrane potentials, where I(M) is largely activated. Nociceptin concentrations of 0.5-1 microM (but not 0.1 microM) significantly increased I(M) relaxation amplitudes with recovery on washout. Interestingly, both the general opiate antagonist naloxone and the kappa receptor antagonist nor-binaltorphimine (nBNI) inhibited the nociceptin-induced I(M) increases and outward currents in the depolarized range but not the inward current induced at hyperpolarized potentials. The putative ORL-1 receptor antagonist, [Phe(1)Psi(CH(2)-NH)Gly(2)]NC(1-13)NH(2) (hereafter ORLAn), blocked most of the nociceptin current near rest but not the I(M) increase. However, ORLAn alone had direct effects similar to those of nociceptin, indicating that ORLAn might be a partial agonist. Our results suggest that nociceptin postsynaptically modulates the excitability of HPNs through ORL-1 and kappa-like opiate receptors linked to different K(+) channels.  相似文献   

Na,K(+)-ATPase activity is decreased in homogenized renal tissue from GM-treated rats. This study examines whether the site of the active effect of GM on Na,K(+)-ATPase activity in the kidney can be localized to the proximal convoluted tubules (PCT) where the drug is taken up and where it will produce necrosis. In rats treated with gentamicin (50 micrograms.kg-1.day-1 i.m.) for 7 days, PCT Na,K(+)-ATPase activity was reduced as compared to vehicle-treated rats but returned to control levels 7 days after treatment withdrawal. In another nephron segment, the medullary thick ascending limb of Henle (mTAL), where GM induced lesions are uncommon, Na,K(+)-ATPase activity was the same in GM- and vehicle-treated rats treatment. To study the in vitro effect of GM, dissected PCT and mTAL segments from untreated rats were preincubated for 30 min with GM 10(-3) M, a dose similar to the tissue concentration in chronically treated rats. In tubule segments that were permeabilized to allow the drug to enter the cells, GM 10(-3) M significantly inhibited Na,K(+)-ATPase activity both in PCT and mTAL. In non-permeabilized mTAL segments GM did not inhibit Na,K(+)-ATPase activity. GM inhibition of Na,K(+)-ATPase activity in permeabilized PCT segments persisted after the tubules were rinsed in GM free medium. GM does not inhibit Na,K(+)-ATPase partly purified from the renal cortex. Conclusion. Gentamicin inhibits Na,K(+)-ATPase activity in renal tubule cells when it has access to the cytoplasm. Treatment with GM will therefore cause a selective inhibition of Na,K(+)-ATPase in the proximal tubule cells.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) are powerful inducers of primary T-cell responses, but their role in secondary responses has not been extensively analysed. Here, we address the role of two DC subsets derived from human CD16(+) (16(+) mDC) or CD16(-) (16(-) mDC) monocytes on the reactivation of memory responses. CD4(+) CD45RA(-) memory T cells were obtained from adult blood donors, and central (T(CM)) and effector (T(EM)) memory T cells were isolated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting with anti-CCR7 antibodies. The 16(+) mDC and 16(-) mDC were cocultured with autologous lymphocytes, either unpulsed or loaded with purified protein derivatives of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (PPD) or tetanus toxoid (TT), and were analysed for up to 8 days. Over a range of doses, 16(+) mDC drove stronger T-cell proliferative responses against both antigens. Overall, antigen-specific memory cells tended to acquire a phenotype of T(EM) at later time-points in the culture, whereas cells that had completed fewer cycles of division were similar to T(CM). The 16(+) mDC induced higher rates of proliferation on both T(CM) and T(EM) lymphocytes than 16(-) mDC. This phenomenon was not related to the ability of both DC to induce CD25 expression on T cells, to lower secretion of interleukin-2, or to raise production of interleukin-10 during T-cell/16(-) mDC cocultures. The induction of T(CM) effector capacity in terms of interferon-gamma production was faster and more pronounced with 16(+) mDC, whereas both DC had similar abilities with T(EM). In conclusion, these data might reveal new potentials in vaccination protocols with 16(+) mDC aimed at inducing strong responses on central memory T cells.  相似文献   

Different K(+) currents participate in generating neuronal firing patterns. The Drosophila embryonic "giant" neuron culture system has facilitated current- and voltage-clamp recordings to correlate distinct excitability patterns with the underlying K(+) currents and to delineate the mutational effects of identified K(+) channels. Mutations of Sh and Shab K(+) channels removed part of inactivating I(A) and sustained I(K), respectively, and the remaining I(A) and I(K) revealed the properties of their counterparts, e.g., Shal and Shaw channels. Neuronal subsets displaying the delayed, tonic, adaptive, and damping spike patterns were characterized by different profiles of K(+) current voltage dependence and kinetics and by differential mutational effects. Shab channels regulated membrane repolarization and repetitive firing over hundreds of milliseconds, and Shab neurons showed a gradual decline in repolarization during current injection and their spike activities became limited to high-frequency, damping firing. In contrast, Sh channels acted on events within tens of milliseconds, and Sh mutations broadened spikes and reduced firing rates without eliminating any categories of firing patterns. However, removing both Sh and Shal I(A) by 4-aminopyridine converted the delayed to damping firing pattern, demonstrating their actions in regulating spike initiation. Specific blockade of Shab I(K) by quinidine mimicked the Shab phenotypes and converted tonic firing to a damping pattern. These conversions suggest a hierarchy of complexity in K(+) current interactions underlying different firing patterns. Different lineage-defined neuronal subsets, identifiable by employing the GAL4-UAS system, displayed different profiles of spike properties and K(+) current compositions, providing opportunities for mutational analysis in functionally specialized neurons.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the TEA and 4-AP sensitive K+ current (IK) in the slowly adapting lobster stretch receptor neurone were investigated in sub- and near-threshold voltage regions using electrophysiological and pharmacological techniques. In dynamic conditions IK was found to display both fast and slow reactions. These were attributed to a Hodgkin-Huxley type of K activation, and a slow type of K inactivation, respectively. The slow K inactivation could be shown to be unrelated to K+ flux dependent changes in intra- and pericellular K+ concentrations. Its stationary voltage dependence was however shifted in a depolarizing direction by increasing, and in hyperpolarizing direction by decreasing the extracellular Ca++ concentration. In view of these findings, and of its kinetic properties, the slow K inactivation was classified as a genuine channel gating process. The process of K activation was too fast for a dynamic analysis with the recording technique available. An estimate of its stationary voltage dependence could however be obtained in a voltage range from about -100 to about -40 mV. The experimental observations were utilized in the formulation of a mathematical model describing the kinetic behaviour of IK in the present preparation based on constant field and state transition theories.  相似文献   

We have used a combination of current-clamp and voltage-clamp techniques to characterize the electrophysiological properties of enzymatically dissociated Lymnaea heart ventricle cells. Dissociated ventricular muscle cells had average resting membrane potentials of -55 +/- 5 mV. When hyperpolarized to potentials between -70 and -63 mV, ventricle cells were capable of firing repetitive action potentials (8.5 +/- 1.2 spikes/min) that failed to overshoot 0 mV. The action potentials were either simple spikes or more complex spike/plateau events. The latter were always accompanied by strong contractions of the muscle cell. The waveform of the action potentials were shown to be dependent on the presence of extracellular Ca(2+) and K(+) ions. With the use of the single-electrode voltage-clamp technique, two types of voltage-gated K(+) currents were identified that could be separated by differences in their voltage sensitivity and time-dependent kinetics. The first current activated between -50 and -40 mV. It was relatively fast to activate (time-to-peak; 13.7 +/- 0.7 ms at +40 mV) and inactivated by 53.3 +/- 4.9% during a maintained 200-ms depolarization. It was fully available for activation below -80 mV and was completely inactivated by holding potentials more positive than -40 mV. It was completely blocked by 5 mM 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) and by concentrations of tetraethylammonium chloride (TEA) >10 mM. These properties characterize this current as a member of the A-type family of voltage-dependent K(+) currents. The second voltage-gated K(+) current activated at more depolarized potentials (-30 to -20 mV). It activated slower than the A-type current (time-to-peak; 74.1 +/- 3.9 ms at +40 mV) and showed little inactivation (6.2 +/- 2.1%) during a maintained 200-ms depolarization. The current was fully available for activation below -80 mV with a proportion of the current still available for activation at potentials as positive as 0 mV. The current was completely blocked by 1-3 mM TEA. These properties characterize this current as a member of the delayed rectifier family of voltage-dependent K(+) currents. The slow activation rates and relatively depolarized activation thresholds of the two K(+) currents are suggestive that their main role is to contribute to the repolarization phase of the action potential.  相似文献   

The Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) and the cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) cascades have been implicated in neural mechanisms underlying learning and memory as supported by mutational analyses of the two enzymes in Drosophila. While there is mounting evidence for their roles in synaptic plasticity, less attention has been directed toward their regulation of neuronal membrane excitability and spike information coding. Here we report genetic and pharmacological analyses of the roles of PKA and CaMKII in the firing patterns and underlying K(+) currents in cultured Drosophila central neurons. Genetic perturbation of the catalytic subunit of PKA (DC0) did not alter the action potential duration but disrupted the frequency coding of spike-train responses to constant current injection in a subpopulation of neurons. In contrast, selective inhibition of CaMKII by the expression of an inhibitory peptide in ala transformants prolonged the spike duration but did not affect the spike frequency coding. Enhanced membrane excitability, indicated by spontaneous bursts of spikes, was observed in CaMKII-inhibited but not in PKA-diminished neurons. In wild-type neurons, the spike train firing patterns were highly reproducible under consistent stimulus conditions. However, disruption of either of these kinase pathways led to variable firing patterns in response to identical current stimuli delivered at a low frequency. Such variability in spike duration and frequency coding may impose problems for precision in signal processing in these protein kinase learning mutants. Pharmacological analyses of mutations that affect specific K(+) channel subunits demonstrated distinct effects of PKA and CaMKII in modulation of the kinetics and amplitude of different K(+) currents. The results suggest that PKA modulates Shaker A-type currents, whereas CaMKII modulates Shal-A type currents plus delayed rectifier Shab currents. Thus differential regulation of K(+) channels may influence the signal handling capability of neurons. This study provides support for the notion that, in addition to synaptic mechanisms, modulations in spike activity patterns may represent an important mechanism for learning and memory that should be explored more fully.  相似文献   

K+ and Cl- currents activated by hypoosmotic cell swelling (IK,vol and Icl,vol) or after addition of leukotriene D4 (LTD4) to cells in isotonic medium were studied in Ehrlich ascites tumour cells. IK,vol and Icl,vol were not affected by strong buffering of intracellular Ca2+ or by additional removal of extracellular Ca2+. In isotonic media, 5 nmol/l LTD4 activated large K+ but not Cl- currents. The LTD4-activated IK was, as has been shown previously for IK,vol, insensitive to charybdotoxin (ChTX) but was blocked by the antiarrhythmic drug clofilium. The current/voltage (I/V) relation for the LTD4-activated IK was, as recently demonstrated for IK,vol, well fitted by the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz current equation between -130 mV and 30 mV in both physiological and K+-rich extracellular solutions. LTD4 had no additional effect on the magnitude of IK in Ehrlich cells already activated by the hypoosmotic stimulus. Nevertheless, the onset time for IK after hypoosmotic cell swelling was significantly less in the presence of LTD4. The similar I/V relation, pharmacological sensitivity and lack of additivity suggest that hypoosmotic swelling and addition of LTD4 activate the same K+ channels in Ehrlich cells. The influence of [Ca2+]i appears, however, to differ between IK,vol and the IK activated by LTD4 in that the latter was reduced significantly by strong buffering of [Ca2+]i. This might reflect the involvement of some additional factor in the hypoosmotic activation of K+ channels besides the stimulation mediated by LTD4.  相似文献   

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) dependent potassium channels (KATP channels) in heart ventricular muscle cells can be activated by depletion of intracellular ATP stores as well as by channel openers. In the present study we examined whether properties of KATP channels are dependent on the mode of activation. Whole-cell and single-channel currents were investigated by use of the patch-clamp technique in isolated ventricular rat myocytes. The channel opener rilmakalim dose dependency activated whole-cell currents [concentration for half-maximal activation (EC50) = 1.1 M, Hill coefficient = 3.1, saturation concentration 10 M]. Metabolic inhibition with 2-deoxy-d-glucose (10 mmol/l) also activated KATP currents after a time lag of several minutes. These currents were about two-fold higher than the rilmakalim-activated currents (rilmakalim-activated current 3.9 ±0.2nA, 2-deoxy-d-glucose-activated current 8.1±0.9 nA; both recorded at 0 mV clamp potential). While the rilmakalim-activated current could be blocked completely and with high affinity by the sulphonylurea glibenclamide [concentration for half-maximal inhibition (IC50) = 8 nM, Hill coefficient = 0.7] the 2-deoxy-d-glucose-activated current could only be blocked partially (by maximally 46%) and higher glibenclamide concentrations were needed (IC50 = 480 nM, Hill coefficient = 0.8). The partial loss of blocking efficiency after metabolic inhibition was not restricted to glibenclamide but was also observed with the sulfonylureas glimepiride and HB 985, as well as with the non-sulfonylureas HOE 511 and 5-hydroxydecanoate. Single-channel studies were in accordance with these whole-cell experiments. Both rilmakalim and metabolic inhibition with the uncoupler carbonyl cyanide p-(trifluoromethoxy) phenylhydrazone (FCCP) activated single channels in the attached mode, where the number of current levels was significantly higher in the case of FCCP. Rilmakalim-activated channels were completely blocked by 10 M glibenclamide, whereas several single-channel levels appeared in the presence of 100 M glibenclamide after metabolic inhibition. In conclusion, after metabolic inhibition the amplitude of the activated KATP current is about twice as high as under saturating concentrations of the opener rilmakalim. Moreover, channels activated by metabolic inhibition lost part of their sensitivity to known channel blockers.  相似文献   

Calcium chelators have been widely used in electrophysiological recordings of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor-mediated currents, as well as in studies of excitotoxicity. Intracellularly applied calcium chelators are known to inhibit, at least in part, such calcium-dependent processes as calmodulin-dependent inactivation, calcineurin-dependent desensitization, and rundown of NMDA receptors. On the other hand, the functional consequences and potential nonspecific effects of extracellularly applied chelators have not been extensively investigated. In whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells transiently transfected with recombinant NMDA receptors, we found that addition of calcium chelators such as EGTA shifted the glutamate dose-response curve to the right, from an EC(50) for NR1A/NR2A of 8 microM in 1.8 mM Ca(2+) to approximately 24 microM in a solution containing nominal 0 Ca(2+)/5 mM EGTA and further to approximately 80 microM in 20 mM EGTA. A similar shift in glutamate dose-response was observed for NR1A/NR2B currents. This dose-response shift was not due to a decrease in extracellular Ca(2+) concentration because there was no change in the glutamate EC(50) at Ca(2+) concentrations ranging from 10 mM to nominal 0/200 microM EGTA. Moreover, addition of 5 mM EGTA fully chelated with 6.8 mM Ca(2+) did not produce any shift in the glutamate dose-response curve. We propose that calcium chelators, containing four free carboxyl moieties, competitively inhibit glutamate binding to NMDA receptors.  相似文献   

Influx of Ca(2+) and Na(+) ions during an action potential can strongly affect the repolarization and the fast afterhyperpolarization (fAHP) if a neuron expresses Ca(2+)- and Na(+)-dependent K(+) currents (K(Ca) and K(Na)). This applies to cockroach abdominal dorsal unpaired median neurons (DUMs). Here the rapid activation of K(Ca) depends mainly on the P/Q-type Ca(2+) current. Adipokinetic hormones (AKHs)-insect counterparts to mammalian glucagon-mobilize energy reserves but also modulate neuronal activity and lead to enhanced locomotor activity. Cockroach AKH I accelerates spiking and enhances the fAHP of octopaminergic DUM neurons, and it is generally held that enhanced release of the biogenic amine from these and other neurons may lead to general arousal. AKH I modulates the voltage-gated Na(+) and P/Q-type Ca(2+) current and the background Ca(2+) current. Upregulation of P/Q-type Ca(2+) current increases the K(Ca) current, whereas enhanced inactivation of Na(+) current decreases the K(Na) current. We quantified the hormone-induced changes in ion currents in terms of Hodgkin-Huxley models and simulated the resulting activity of DUM neurons. Upregulation of P/Q-type Ca(2+) and K(Ca) current enhanced the hyperpolarization but had a weak effect on spiking. Downregulation of Na(+) and K(Na) current decreased hyperpolarization and slightly accelerated spiking. Superposition of these modulations produced an increase in fAHP while the spike frequency remained unchanged. Only when the upregulation of the pacemaking Ca(2+) background current was included in the simulated modulation the model reproduced the experimentally observed AKH-I-induced changes. The possible physiological relevance of this dual effect is discussed in respect to transmitter release and synaptic integration.  相似文献   

Glucose sensing by neurons of the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) plays a central role in the regulation of body energy balance. Physiological rises in extracellular glucose levels hyperpolarise and inhibit a group of VMH neurons. This specialised sensing response is currently thought to involve glucose-induced activation of chloride channels, but alternative mechanisms have not been explored in detail. In this study, we converted all chloride channels from inhibitory to excitatory by filling the cytosol of VMH neurons with a high concentration of chloride. Despite this, some VMH neurons were still strongly hyperpolarised and inhibited by glucose. Voltage-clamp analysis revealed that this was due to glucose-induced activation of K+-selective currents of sufficient size to cause complete inhibition of whole-cell electrical activity. These K+ currents exhibited leak-like biophysical properties and were inhibited by extracellular acidification. Our data support the idea that glucose-stimulated K+ currents contribute to sugar-induced suppression of firing in the VMH.  相似文献   

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