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腹腔镜切除左位胆囊尤其是内脏全部反位型左位胆囊的报道少见,经验也较缺乏。2003年我院肝胆外科中心行腹腔镜胆囊切除术中,遇到内脏全部反位型左位胆囊2例。现将经验总结如下。  相似文献   

<正>全脏器反位(situs inversus totalis,SIT)是一种先天性胸腔及腹腔器官的完全性倒转镜像位,非常罕见,也就是俗称的“镜面”人。SIT合并外科疾病的发生率较低,迄今暂无证据表明内脏转位患者胆囊结石的发生率高于正常人群。在镜面人中行微创手术的病例虽然不断有报道,但总体例数不多。左位胆囊患者在解剖上存在其特异性,因此术中极易损伤血管、胆管,给微创手术操作增加了难度。我科行腹腔镜全内脏反位胆囊切除手术一例,现报道如下。  相似文献   

全内脏反位腹腔镜胆囊切除术一例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.临床资料:病人,女,72岁。因“左中上腹疼痛12h,向背部放射,伴呕吐”于2005年5月11日入院。查体辅助检查提示全内脏反位及胆囊炎,胆囊结石(左位),经抗炎、补液、解痉等治疗症状缓解后,于2005年5月18日在全身麻醉下行腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC)。术中见胆囊及肝脏位于左上腹,脾脏位于右上腹,腹腔脏器全反位,仍以脐下戳孔为观察孔,腋前线肋下3cm戳孔为操作孔,剑突下3~5cm稍偏左戳孔及左锁骨中线肋下5cm戳孔为辅助操作孔。  相似文献   

病人:女性,56岁。因“反复左上腹痛9月,再发1d”入院。体检:体温37.6℃。左上腹深压痛,无反跳痛及肌紧张。辅助检查:X线胸部摄片及B型超声提示全内脏反位;胆囊位于左上腹,前后径3.6cm,囊壁增厚、毛糙,囊内见多个强回声后伴声影,最大直径约3.3cm;胆总管不扩张。血WBC12.1×10^9/L,N0.81。急诊在气管内插管全身麻醉下行腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC)。  相似文献   

<正>患者男,78岁,因左上腹及剑突下疼痛反复发作7年,加重半年入院。入院查体:生命体征平稳,痛苦面容,巩膜无明显黄染,心肺无明显异常,腹平软,左上腹及剑突下偏左压痛(+),反跳痛(-),墨菲征(+),无手术史。肝、胆、脾彩超示:肝、胆、脾  相似文献   

目的总结完全性胸腹腔内脏反位合并十二指肠壶腹周围癌的临床诊治方法。方法报道2006年3月收治的1例极为罕见的完全性胸腹腔内脏反位合并十二指肠壶腹周围癌行胰十二指肠切除术的病例,并复习国内外相关文献。结果本例患者病理诊断为十二指肠乳头及壶腹部腺癌Ⅰ-Ⅱ级。术后1周胆红素降至正常;但2周后出现胃-空肠吻合输出袢粘连性不完全性梗阻,经内镜下置管、鼻饲、营养支持、针灸等处理,40d后痊愈出院。经检索,全球自1936-2006年间报道的全胸腹腔内脏反位合并恶性肿瘤的患者仅15例;其中只有5例全胸腹腔内脏反位合并胰头与壶腹周围癌的报道。结论完全性胸腹腔内脏反位合并肿瘤时,若无明显禁忌证,应同样予以积极的外科治疗,术中操作应注意完全相反的解剖学结构。  相似文献   

腹腔镜胆囊切除延迟出血一例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘武 《腹部外科》2001,14(1):64
患者 :男 ,33岁 ,因患慢性胆囊炎、胆囊结石入院。行腹腔镜胆囊切除术(laparoscopiccholecysteomy ,LC) ,术中见胆囊呈慢性炎症表现 ,无粘连 ,解剖清楚 ,手术经过顺利 ,术后恢复良好 ,第 4天顺利出院。第 6天患者忽感右上腹疼痛 ,查体右肋下深压痛 ,无肌卫 ,予对症解痉处理后缓解。第 8天又感右上腹疼痛 ,呕吐 ,并出现巩膜轻度黄染 ,仍为右上腹局限性深压痛 ,腹软 ,B超检查胆总管直径 0 .9cm ,未见结石 ,肝下及腹腔均未见积液。给予抗感染对症治疗 ,症状有所减轻 ,但进食即痛 ,且伴呕吐 ,2天后在频繁呕吐后不…  相似文献   

腹腔镜切除左位胆囊报道少见,2005年6~7月份我院肝胆外科诊治中心收治2例内脏全反位型左位胆囊结石病人,并成功施行腹腔镜胆囊切除,现将治疗体会报告如下。  相似文献   

患者,女,48岁,因反复上腹部疼痛半月入院。神志清楚,生命体征稳定,巩膜无黄染,无发热,双肺无异常,心音右侧为强,腹平软,上腹部压痛(+),反跳痛(-),墨菲征(-)。左上腹叩诊呈浊音,右上腹肝浊音界消失。ECG诊断为右位心。胸部透视证实心影呈右位心型,心尖向右下方,右侧膈下区见胃泡影,左侧未见。B超:左上腹探及肝脏大小正常,回声均匀,左肝内探及多个强回声团,直径0.6~1cm,后方伴声影,左肝内胆管扩张,内径0.9cm,右肝内胆管未见扩张。胆囊长7cm,前后径2.5cm,大小形态正常,囊壁厚约0.4cm,回声增强,囊内探及一直径约2.8cm的强光团,后方伴声影,胰管不扩张。CT:左肝内胆管扩张(约2cm),内脏全反位畸形。临床诊断为全内脏反位,左肝内胆管结石伴扩张,结石性慢性胆囊炎急性发作,于全麻下行完全腹腔镜下左肝外叶及胆囊切除术。术中证实腹内脏器全反位,左肝外叶肥大肿胀充血,  相似文献   

目的:研究有腹部手术史患者行电视腹腔镜胆囊切除术的措施和要点。方法:LC前有腹腔手术史肠粘连60例,通过切口或穿刺建立气腹,对不能暴露温氏孔和Calot三角的患者多行胆囊切除术。结果:57例安全地施行了LC,仅3例中转剖腹手术,无1例发生并发症。结论:时有腹部手术史的患者行LC安全有效,施行LC有赖于扎实的外科基本功和熟练的腹腔镜操作技术。  相似文献   

Background: Wandering spleen is a spleen lacking its normal ligamentous attachments, and thus subjected to free movement in the abdominal cavity, and even torsion around its pedicle. Surgical treatment includes either fixation (splenopexy) or resection (splenectomy). Both procedures can now be accomplished using the laparoscopic approach. Methods and results: We describe a case of a torsion of a wandering spleen, leading to recurrent episodes of abdominal pain, and eventually to splenic ischemia, necessitating splenectomy. The diagnosis was complicated by associated angiographic findings of celiac axis occlusion, possibly by median arcuate ligament compression. Laparoscopic splenectomy was successful, and led to complete resolution of symptoms. Conclusions: Although a rare condition, wandering spleen can be diagnosed accurately by imaging studies, mainly CT scan and angiography. Nowadays, the laparoscopic approach is preferred and enables the surgeon to perform either splenopexy or splenctomy, depending on the vascular status of the spleen.  相似文献   

Situs inversus totalis is a rare congenital defect that can present difficulties during laparoscopic surgery due to the mirror-image anatomy. We report a patient with symptomatic cholelithiasis and previous abdominal surgery in whom a chest X-ray revealed a right-sided heart, whereas abdominal ultrasound revealed that his gallbladder was located in the left hypochondrium. At surgery, the surgeon and the camera assistant were standing on the right-hand side of the patient, and the first assistant was standing on the left. The camera was introduced through an umbilical incision, and laparoscopy confirmed the situs inversus. The other 10-mm trocar was placed in the midline left of the falciform ligament and two 5-mm trocars were placed in the left subcostal midclavicular line and anterior axillary line, respectively. After dissection of multiple adhesions caused by previous abdominal surgery, a standard laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed successfully. This report suggests that situs inversus is not a contraindication for laparoscopic surgery. However, the procedure is more difficult and potentially hazardous due to the mirror-image anatomy (particularly the transposition of biliary ducts) causing difficulties in orientation, so that extreme care is required to avoid iatrogenic injuries. Despite these factors, laparoscopic cholecystectomy can be performed safely in patients with situs inversus totalis.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in patients with previous abdominal surgery.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
BACKGROUND: Laparoscopic cholecystctomy has become the treatment of choice for symptomatic gallstones. The potential risks have dissuaded some surgeons from using the laparoscopic procedure in patients with previous abdominal surgery. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the effect of previous abdominal surgery on the feasibility and safety of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. METHODS: This study included 600 well-documented patients with gallstones who underwent laparoscopic cholecystctomy at our surgical department between May 2000 and January 2004. The patients were classified into 3 groups: group 1, patients without a history of previous abdominal surgery (n = 408); group 2, patients with a history of upper abdominal surgery (n = 92); group 3, patients with a history of lower abdominal surgery (n = 100). The data were collected and analyzed for open conversion rates, operative times, perioperative and postoperative complications, and hospital stay. RESULTS: Of the 600 study patients, 192 had undergone previous abdominal surgery (92 upper, 100 lower). Conversion rate, hospital stay, and complication rates were similar in each group. Mean operating time was the longest (57 +/- 9.8 min) in patients with previous upper abdominal surgery (P < 0.05). On the other hand, the operative time was similar in groups 1 and 3 (P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: Previous abdominal surgery is not a contraindication to safe laparoscopic cholecystectomy. However, previous upper abdominal surgery is associated with a prolonged operation time.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the standard approach to manage symptomatic gallbladder stones. However, only twelve patients with total situs invertus have been previously reported in the literature. We report a new case of a 58-year-old patient hospitalized for acute pain of the left hypochondrium with fever. The diagnosis of acute cholecystitis with situs inversus totalis was made following clinical examination and radiological investigations. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was subsequently performed through a modification of the technique to adapt to the mirror image anatomy.  相似文献   

Background: Disadvantages related to CO2 pneumoperitoneum have led to development of the abdominal wall retractor (AWR), a device designed to facilitate laparoscopic surgery without conventional pneumoperitoneum (15 mmHg CO2). We investigated the effects of the AWR on hemodynamics and gas exchange in humans. We also investigated whether the use of an AWR imposed extra technical difficulties for the surgeon. A pilot study revealed that cholecystectomy without low-pressure pneumoperitoneum was technically impossible. Methods: A prospective randomized controlled trial: Twenty patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy were randomly allocated into group 1: AWR with low-pressure pneumoperitoneum (5 mmHg), or group 2: conventional pneumoperitoneum (15 mmHg). Results: Surgery using the AWR lasted longer, 72 ± 16 min (mean ± SD) vs 50 ± 18 min compared with standard laparoscopic cholecystectomy. There were no differences between the groups with respect to hemodynamic parameters, although a small reduction of the cardiac output was observed using conventional pneumoperitoneum (from 3.9 ± 0.7 to 3.2 ± 1.1 l/min) and an increase during AWR (from 4.2 ± 0.9 to 5.2 ± 1.5 l/min). Peak inspiratory pressures were significantly higher during conventional pneumoperitoneum compared to AWR. A slight decrease in pH accompanied by an increase in CO2 developed during pneumoperitoneum and during the use of the AWR. In both groups arterial PO2 decreased. Conclusions: The results indicate that the view was impaired during use of the AWR and therefore its use was difficult and time-consuming. Possible advantages of this devices' effects on hemodynamics and ventilatory parameters could not be confirmed in this study.  相似文献   

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