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The comorbidity between attention deficit disorder (ADD) and anxiety and/or depressive disorders was examined in the children of parents with panic disorder, major depressive disorder, or with no diagnosis. A child received a diagnosis by a self-report, parent report, and by consensus, using a best estimate procedure. The prevalence rates of ADD were significantly greater in offspring of parents with depressive and panic disorder by the parents' report and in children of depressed parents by consensus. A significant relationship between ADD and anxiety and/or depression was found for parent, child, and consensus diagnoses. Higher rates of ADD were reported by children (1% versus 13%), parents (8% versus 31%), and in the consensus diagnoses (13% versus 29%) when anxiety and/or depression was present. These results suggest that in children referred for evaluation of ADD, the possibility of a primary anxiety or depressive disorder should be considered.  相似文献   

There are limited data on the neurocognitive correlates of childhood anxiety disorders. The objective of this study was to examine whether visual and verbal memory deficits of nonemotional stimuli are (1) a shared feature of three common childhood anxiety disorders (social phobia, separation anxiety disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder) or whether these deficits are restricted to specific anxiety disorders, and (2) present in offspring who possess at least one of the following established risk factors for anxiety disorders, parental history of panic disorder (PD), or major depressive disorder (MDD). One hundred and sixty offspring, ages 9-20 years, were recruited from parents with lifetime diagnoses of PD, MDD, PD plus MDD, or neither illness. Different clinicians blindly administered semistructured diagnostic interviews to offspring and parents. Verbal and visual memory subtests of the Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning were administered to offspring. The results showed that offspring with ongoing social phobia demonstrated reduced visual but not verbal memory scores compared to those without social phobia when controlling for offspring IQ, separation anxiety disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. No other offspring anxiety disorder predicted memory performance. Neither parental PD nor parental MDD was associated with offspring memory performance. These findings are relevant to understanding the phenomenology of childhood anxiety disorders and may provide insights into the neural circuits underlying these disorders.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The high-risk strategy is one of the most powerful approaches for identifying premorbid risk factors and reducing etiologic and phenotypic heterogeneity characteristic of the major psychiatric disorders. METHODS: This paper reviews the methods of high-risk research and findings from previous high-risk studies of anxiety. The preliminary results of the 6-8 year follow-up of a high-risk study of 192 offspring of probands with anxiety disorders, substance abuse, and unaffected controls are presented. The key study measures include comprehensive diagnostic interviews, symptom ratings, indirect measures of brain functioning (neuropsychologic, neurologic and psychophysiologic function), developmental measures, and family functioning measures. RESULTS: The major findings reveal that there is specificity of familial aggregation of anxiety disorders among parents and children; children at high risk for anxiety have increased startle reflex, autonomic reactivity, and stress reactivity, higher verbal IQ, and deficits in paired associative learning as compared to other children. CONCLUSIONS: The finding that family environment and parenting do not differ between children at risk for anxiety disorders and other children, when taken together with the strong degree of specificity of transmission of anxiety disorders, suggests that there may be temperamental vulnerability factors for anxiety disorders in general that may already manifest in children prior to puberty.  相似文献   

Data from the Children in the Community Study, a prospective longitudinal investigation, were used to investigate the association of personality disorder (PD) traits, evident by early adulthood, with risk for development of anxiety disorders by middle adulthood. Individuals without a history of anxiety disorders who met diagnostic criteria for >or=1 PD by early adulthood were at markedly elevated risk for agoraphobia, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and panic disorder by middle adulthood. Antisocial, avoidant, borderline, dependent, depressive, histrionic, obsessive-compulsive, passive-aggressive, and schizotypal PD traits, evident by early adulthood, were associated with elevated risk for >or=1 anxiety disorder during middle adulthood. These associations remained significant after a history of anxiety disorder and co-occurring Axis I psychiatric disorder was controlled statistically. Findings of this study suggest that some types of PD traits that become evident by early adulthood may contribute to increased risk for the development of anxiety disorders by middle adulthood.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the longitudinal course of psychiatric disorders in children of parents with and without panic disorder and major depression as they transition through the period of risk from early to late childhood. Over a 5-year follow-up, we compared the course of psychiatric disorders in offspring of parents with panic disorder, major depression, or neither disorder. Subjects consisted of 233 offspring (from 151 families) with baseline and follow-up assessments. Subjects were comprehensively assessed with structured diagnostic interviews. Anxiety disorders at baseline were used to predict anxiety disorders and major depression at follow-up using stepwise logistic regression. Separation anxiety disorder significantly increased the risk for the subsequent development of specific phobia, agoraphobia, panic disorder, and major depression, even after parental panic and depression were covaried. Agoraphobia significantly increased the risk for subsequent generalized anxiety disorder. These findings suggest that separation anxiety disorder is a major antecedent disorder for the development of panic disorder and a wide range of other psychopathological outcomes, and that it increases the risk for subsequent psychopathology even among children already at high familial risk for anxiety or mood disorder.  相似文献   

This article evaluated risk factors such as personality, depression, and anxiety in relation to migraine transformation in Turkish patients. Thirty-seven patients with chronic migraine and 50 patients with episodic migraine were investigated The scores for hysteria, hypochondriasis, psychasthenia, depression, and social introversion were all significantly higher in the chronic-migraine group than the episodic-migraine group. Seventy-four percent of the chronic-migraine group and 26% of the episodic-migraine group had depression. Eighty percent of the chronic-migraine group and 36% of the episodic-migraine group had anxiety. The results suggest that depression, anxiety, and personality characteristics such as hysteria, hypochondriasis, psychasthenia, depression, and social introversion may be associated with chronic migraine in Turkish patients.  相似文献   

Two-year recall and mother-child agreement with respect to a child's DSM-III lifetime diagnoses of major depression and anxiety disorder, based on K-SADS-E interviews with children, were assessed for a sample of 59 children, 6 to 16 years of age, at high and low risk for depression. The mothers had excellent recall and the children had good recall of a child's major depression. Both mothers and children had poor recall of a child's anxiety disorder. Mother-child agreement on major depression in children improved at the 2-year follow-up. A comparison of diagnoses based on mother and child reports with the psychiatrists' best estimate diagnoses of major depression suggested that children were more informative than mothers at the initial interview. The children were slightly less informative than the mothers at follow-up. These findings underscore the importance of multiple informants and longitudinal assessment in research on childhood psychiatric disorder.  相似文献   

Background: Executive functioning deficits (EFDs) have been found in adults with major depression and some anxiety disorders, yet it is unknown whether these deficits predate onset of disorder, or whether they reflect acute symptoms. Studies of at‐risk offspring can shed light on this question by examining whether EFDs characterize children at high risk for depression and anxiety who are not yet symptomatic. Methods: This study examined neuropsychological functioning in a sample of 147 children, ages 6–17 years (M age=9.16, SD=1.82), of parents with major depression (MDD) and/or panic disorder (PD) and of controls with neither disorder. Children were assessed via structured diagnostic interviews and neuropsychological measures. Results: Although parental MDD and PD were not associated with neuropsychological impairments, presence of current offspring MDD was associated with poorer performance on several executive functioning and processing speed measures. Children with current generalized anxiety showed poorer verbal memory, whereas children with social phobia had more omissions on a continuous performance task. Conclusions: Findings suggest that EFDs do not serve as trait markers for developing anxiety or depression but appear to be symptomatic of current disorder. Depression and Anxiety, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


Studies using dichotic listening tests and electroencephalographic (EEG) measures of hemispheric asymmetry have reported evidence of abnormal brain laterality in patients having depressive disorders. We present new findings from a multigenerational study of risk for depression, in which perceptual asymmetry was measured in dichotic listening tests of emotional and verbal processing. Biological offspring and grandchildren of probands with a major depressive disorder (MDD) who were at high risk and those of nondepressed controls who were at low risk were tested on dichotic emotional recognition and consonant–vowel syllable tests. In the emotion test, individuals with a lifetime diagnosis of MDD had a smaller right hemisphere advantage than those without a MDD, but there was no difference between high- and low-risk groups or between those with or without an anxiety disorder. In the syllable test, a smaller left hemisphere advantage was found in individuals with an anxiety disorder compared to those without an anxiety disorder, but there was no difference between high- and low-risk groups or between those with or without a MDD. This double dissociation indicates that lifetime diagnosis of MDD and anxiety disorders have a differential impact on lateralized hemispheric processing of emotional and verbal information.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Previous work suggested that children of parents with panic disorder and agoraphobia were likely to be classified as behaviorally inhibited and that behaviorally inhibited children were likely to develop anxiety disorders. However, the factors determining which inhibited children were at risk for childhood onset of anxiety disorders remained unknown. The authors of this study hypothesized that greater anxiety loading in parents would increase the risk for anxiety disorders in children with behavioral inhibition. METHOD: Using DSM-III structured interviews, the authors examined patterns of aggregation of anxiety disorders in parents of two existing cohorts of children, one cross-sectional and clinically derived (31 children, 60 parents) and the other epidemiologically derived and longitudinal (40 children, 75 parents). Within each cohort, parents were stratified into three groups based on the presence (behavioral inhibition and anxiety) or absence (behavioral inhibition only, no behavioral inhibition and no anxiety) of behavioral inhibition and two or more anxiety disorders in their child. RESULTS: Parents of children with behavioral inhibition and anxiety, from both the clinical and nonclinical cohorts, had significantly higher rates of two or more anxiety disorders than did parents of children with behavioral inhibition only and parents of children with no behavioral inhibition and no anxiety. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that the presence of parental loading for anxiety disorders may help to identify the subgroup of inhibited children at very high risk for developing childhood-onset anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: In a previous controlled study of offspring at risk for anxiety disorders, the authors found that parental panic disorder with comorbid major depression was associated with child behavioral inhibition, the temperamental tendency to be quiet and restrained in unfamiliar situations. To explore whether this association was mediated by environmental factors, the authors examined associations between psychosocial adversity variables and behavioral inhibition in this group of children. METHOD: Subjects included 200 offspring of parents with panic disorder and/or major depression and 84 comparison children of parents without mood or anxiety disorders. Behavioral inhibition was assessed through laboratory observations. The associations between behavioral inhibition and the following psychosocial factors were examined: socioeconomic status; an index of adversity factors found in previous studies to be additively associated with child psychopathology; family intactness, conflict, expressiveness, and cohesiveness; exposure to parental psychopathology; sibship size; birth order; and gender. RESULTS: The results showed no associations between behavioral inhibition and any of the psychosocial factors in the study group as a whole, despite adequate power to detect medium effect sizes. Among low-risk comparison children only, some definitions of behavioral inhibition were associated with low socioeconomic status, low family cohesion, and female gender. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that the psychosocial adversity factors examined in this study do not explain the previous finding that offspring of parents with panic disorder are at high risk for behavioral inhibition.  相似文献   

Anxiety disorders are highly prevalent and have negative consequences on individual and societal level. This study examined the usefulness of screening for anxiety disorders in primary school children. More specifically, the value of the screening method to discriminate between and to predict anxiety disorders was studied. Children and their parents were selected if the children had self-reported scores on the screening questionnaire Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders-71 (SCARED-71) within the top-15% (High-anxious) or from two points below to two points above the median (Median-anxious). Of the selected children, 183 high-anxious children and their parents, and 80 median-anxious children and their parents took part in a diagnostic interview, the Anxiety Disorder Interview Schedule (ADIS). Of the high-anxious children, 60% had an anxiety disorder versus 23% of the median-anxious children, whereas groups did not differ on rates of dysthymia/depression and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The diagnoses separation anxiety disorder, social phobia and specific phobia were specifically predicted by the corresponding subscales of the screening questionnaire, while the diagnosis generalised anxiety disorder was not predicted by any of the subscales. The screening method has proven its utility for discriminating between children with and without anxiety disorders when applying the top-15% cut-off. Moreover, separation anxiety disorder, social phobia, and specific phobia, all known to be prevalent and debilitating childhood anxiety disorders, can be predicted by the corresponding subscale of the screening instrument.  相似文献   

While conventional clinical wisdom has been that panic disorder does not occur in children, evidence derived from structured diagnostic interviews suggests that panic disorder, similar in symptom pattern to the adult disorder, does occur in children and can occur before puberty.  相似文献   

Personality traits and personality disorders in 298 consecutive outpatients with pure major depression, major depression with dysthymic or cyclothymic disorder, pure dysthymic or cyclothymic disorder and other disorders were investigated. Patients with dysthymic or cyclothymic disorders alone or in combination with major depression showed more self-doubt, insecurity, sensitivity, compliance, rigidity and emotional instability. They were more schizoid, schizotypal, borderline and avoidant according to MCMI and had a higher prevalence of DSM-III Axis II diagnoses, and more borderline, avoidant, and passive-aggressive personality disorders, as measured by SIDP. All in all, dramatic and anxious clusters of personality disorders were more frequent among patients with dysthymic-cyclothymic disorders in addition to major depression than among patients with major depression only. The findings elucidated the close connection between the more chronic affective disorders and the personality disorders, irrespective of any concomitant diagnosis of major depression.  相似文献   

目的探讨焦虑障碍和抑郁障碍人格基础是否相同。方法使用CPI-RC、HAMD和HAMA对符合DSM-Ⅵ焦虑障碍、抑郁障碍30例进行评定,并与30名正常人进行对照。结果1.焦虑组Do、Cs、Sy、Sp、Sa、In、Em高于抑郁组(P〈0.01),抑郁组Sc、Gi、To高于焦虑组(P〈0.01);焦虑组除Em高于对照组(P〈0.01)外,In、Re、So、Sc、Gi、Cm、To、Ac、Ai、Ie、Py低于封照组(P〈0.05、P〈0.01);抑郁组Sc、To、Fx与对照组无差别,其余各量表分均低于对照组。2.各组的人格类型构成分布有非常显着的差异(P〈0.01)。3.焦虑组和抑郁组的自我实现水平低于对照组(P〈0.01)。结论焦虑障碍和抑郁障碍的自我确认和人际适应水平以及人格类型不同。  相似文献   

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