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Ben-kida and ben-saalga are popular pearl-millet-based fermented gruels in Burkina Faso. A survey of 318 households in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) showed that they are often used as complementary food for young children. Pearl millet and gruels, sampled in 48 production units, were analysed for proximate composition, factors reducing nutrient bioavailability (phytate, insoluble fibres and iron-binding phenolic compounds), alpha-galactosides, sugars, total lactic acid and d-lactic acid, zinc and iron contents. The effects of processing of pearl millet into fermented gruel are discussed. Both positive effects (e.g. a decrease in factors reducing nutrient bioavailability or alpha-galactosides) and undesirable effects (e.g. considerable lipid, protein, iron and zinc losses) were observed. Lactic acid was produced during processing and d(-)-lactate was detected in all samples. The gruels had very low energy density, even after addition of sugar, and low lipid, protein and mineral contents, well below recommendations for complementary foods.  相似文献   

The process variables for extrusion cooking of pearl millet were standardized and some of the physicochemical characteristics of the millet extrudates and also the nutritional qualities of the millet and legume-based extruded supplementary foods were determined. The millet grits less than 355 µm in size, equilibrated to 18±1% moisture content, extruded at 150±5°C temperature and at 200±10 rpm of the barrel of a twin-screw extruder yielded the extrudates of 1.75±0.21 expansion ratio and 7.5±1.5 kg breaking strength. The cold and cooked paste viscosity, the melt energy and also the carbohydrate digestibility of the extrudates indicated that the products were pre-cooked and were of ready-to-eat nature. The millet was blended with grain legumes (30%) and also with defatted soy (15%) separately and extruded to prepare ready-to-eat nutritious foods suitable as food supplements to children and mothers. The foods based on the millet and legumes and also the millet and soy contained 14.7% and 16.0% protein with 2.0 and 2.1 protein efficiency ratio values, respectively. The shelf-life of the foods was about 6 months in different flexible pouches at ambient storage conditions. The study showed that applications of extrusion cooking technology to pearl millet have promise for preparation of diversified and value-added food products from the millet.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to use lemon and selected foods to improve the nutritional characteristics, quality and the nutrient content of a traditional complementary porridge made of lactic acid fermented yellow maize. Boiled egg yolk, roasted peanut paste, dry crayfish flour, roasted soybean flour and lemon juice were used as food additions. Amounts of food added were calculated on the basis of World Health Organization estimated energy needs from complementary foods of well-nourished children in developing countries, aged 9–11 months, at four servings per day and a low amount of breast milk energy. The pH and viscosity increased in porridges with food addition, but lemon juice contributed to lowering them. Energy and nutrient densities/100 g porridge improved with food addition regardless of the use of lemon juice. An increase in iron, zinc and calcium in vitro availability was observed (P < 0.05) with the addition of lemon juice.  相似文献   

赵莹  王玮  刘存卫 《实用预防医学》2022,29(12):1477-1483
目的 对陕西省9个代表性品种的荞麦进行氨基酸组成成分分析,比较不同品种荞麦的氨基酸组成,并做出营养评价,为荞麦的合理膳食提供选择依据。方法 选取陕西地区9种代表性荞麦品种,研磨成粉,运用全自动氨基酸分析仪对荞麦全粉的氨基酸成分进行检测分析,采用模糊识别法、氨基酸评分(amino acid score, AAS)法、化学评分(chemistry score, CS)法及氨基酸比值系数(ratio coefficient of amino acid, RCAA)法从不同角度对不同品种的荞麦进行蛋白质营养价值的评价。结果 9个品种的荞麦样品中均检出18种氨基酸,氨基酸总量(total amino acids, TAA)介于9.237 g/100 g~16.287 g/100 g之间,必需氨基酸/氨基酸总量(essential amino acids/total amino acids, EAA/TAA)的值在0.348~0.375之间,各品种的功能性氨基酸和呈味氨基酸含量均有差异,色氨酸含量为28.197 mg/g~44.521 mg/g,高于全蛋蛋白模式(17 mg/g)。9个品种的第一限...  相似文献   

The nutritional status of 1180 0–14 year old New Guinean children in two contrasting areas where dietary intakes were often less than recommended levels, was assessed by various methods. Clinical examination revealed the presence of two or more signs of protein‐energy malnutrition in only six children. Vitamin deficiencies and obesity were absent. Weight deficits were common and 2nd plus 3rd degree “stunting” (<90 percent Harrard standard height) was present in half the children. However, 2nd and 3rd degree “wasting” (<80 percent standard weight for height) was observed in only 1–3 percent. Arm muscle circumference indicated good muscular development. Urinary biochemical indices (urea N/creatinine and inorganic sulphate sulphur/creatinine ratios) confirmed the dietary findings of low protein intakes but serum non‐essential/essential amino acid ratios and the hydroxyproline index were essentially normal. Birth weights were low but growth was satisfactory up to about six months. It is concluded that the small body size of these New Guineans may represent a successful adaptation to the nutritional and health environment which allows many of the other indices of nutritional status to be essentially normal.  相似文献   

目的对湖南产地4种豆类蔬菜的氨基酸组成及含量进行分析评价,为豆类蔬菜合理利用提供依据。方法采用Kjeltee 2300自动凯氏定氮仪对湖南产地4种豆类蔬菜的蛋白质进行测定,采用曼默博尔A300全自动氨基酸分析仪进行氨基酸成分分析;采用氨基酸评分法对豆类营养价值进行了评价。结果豆类中氨基酸除了黑豆不含蛋氨酸外,其余均含17种氨基酸;黑豆中的蛋白质含量、氨基酸含量以及必需氨基酸含量均最高,分别为35.60 g/100 g、31.75 g/100 g、9.20 g/100 g;3种豆类蔬菜的必需氨基酸中赖氨酸含量最高,分别为花豆(1.39 g/100 g)、芸豆(0.92 g/100 g)、豇豆(1.07 g/100 g),黑豆的必需氨基酸中赖氨酸含量居第二(1.91 g/100 g),略低于亮氨酸;芸豆中赖氨酸含量(44.88 mg/g蛋白)低于WHO/FAO模式(55 mg/g蛋白),其余3种豆类蔬菜的赖氨酸含量均高于或者接近WHO/FAO模式(55 mg/g蛋白)和卵清蛋白模式(55 mg/g蛋白),分别为花豆(72.40 mg/g蛋白)、豇豆(53.77 mg/g蛋白)、黑豆(53.65 mg/g蛋白);4种豆类蔬菜的限制氨基酸均为异亮氨酸或缬氨酸或色氨酸。结论豆类蔬菜中赖氨酸含量优异,具有较高的营养价值;可以通过与富含异亮氨酸、缬氨酸、色氨酸的食物等进行结合食用,构建合理膳食,提高食用价值。  相似文献   

目的 对湖南地区5种常见食用菌的氨基酸组成及含量进行分析评价,为食用菌合理利用提供依据。 方法 采用Kjeltee 2300自动凯氏定氮仪对湖南地区5种常见食用菌的蛋白质进行测定,采用曼默博尔A300全自动氨基酸分析仪进行氨基酸成分分析;采用氨基酸评分法对食用菌营养价值进行了评价。结果 食用菌除了杏鲍菇和茶树菇不含蛋氨酸以及香菇不含蛋氨酸和酪氨酸外,其余均含16种氨基酸;香菇中的蛋白质含量、氨基酸含量以及必需氨基酸含量均最高,分别为3 807、2 279、665 mg/100 g;5种食用菌的必需氨基酸中以苏氨酸和亮氨酸含量较高;5种食用菌口感好,但杏鲍菇口感不如另外4种食用菌;香菇中苏氨酸含量(38.16 mg/g蛋白)略低于WHO/FAO模式(40 mg/g蛋白),其余4种食用菌的苏氨酸含量均高于WHO/FAO模式,分别为双孢菇(43.33 mg/g蛋白)、金针菇(43.48 mg/g蛋白)、杏鲍菇(41.60 mg/g蛋白)、茶树菇(56.52 mg/g蛋白);茶树菇中苏氨酸含量(56.52 mg/g蛋白)高于卵清蛋白模式(51 mg/g蛋白);苏氨酸的氨基酸评分最高,为141.30,因此氨基酸模式为最优;5种食用菌的限制氨基酸均为苯丙氨酸和酪氨酸或异亮氨酸。结论 食用菌中苏氨酸含量优异,具有较高的营养价值;可以通过与富含苯丙氨酸、酪氨酸或异亮氨酸的食物等进行结合食用,构建合理膳食,提高食用价值。  相似文献   

Total potato consumption has been declining slowly in the UK at a rate of about 1–2% per year, in tandem with an increase in consumption of other starchy staples such as pasta and rice. Consumers and even health professionals often have a negative perception of potatoes and of chips in particular. We have evaluated the nutritional contribution of potatoes and potato products to the British diet by a secondary analysis of four‐day dietary records from the National Diet and Nutrition Survey 2008–2011, and distinguished between consumption of fried chips and oven chips. We also calculated portion sizes of six different types of potato dishes [oven chips, fried chips, boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, roast potatoes and jacket (baked) potatoes]. Over 92% of respondents consumed potatoes during the four‐day survey, 27% consumed oven chips and 41% consumed fried chips. Potatoes (including chips) contributed 7% of total energy, but greater proportions of potassium and vitamin B6 (15%), vitamin C (14%), fibre (13%), folate (10%) and magnesium (9%). On the other hand, they contributed only 4% of saturated fatty acids. Per capita consumption of potatoes averaged 85 g/day, of which, fried chips contributed 20 g/day and oven chips 10 g/day. For fried chips, mean portion size per occasion was 149 g among adults, 138 g among teenagers and 94 g among 4‐ to 10‐year‐olds, while portion sizes for oven chips were slightly smaller. Potatoes can increase the nutrient density of the diet by providing a relatively high micronutrient contribution, compared with energy content, while delivering only modest amounts of saturated fatty acid and sodium. Reformulation to remove trans fatty acids and reduce saturated fatty acid and salt has improved the nutritional profile of some potato products. Still, there may be scope in catering establishments to offer smaller portions, thicker chips and more oven‐baked potato products. Nutritionally, potatoes and potato products should be seen as a white vegetable, whose consumption should be encouraged alongside other, coloured, vegetables.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of dietary supplementation for frail elderly subjects in continuing care was assessed by using nutritional measures of anthropometry and biochemistry and an 8-week period of nutritional supplementation.
Of 20 recruits six died and the remaining subjects were divided into treatment and control groups. The treatment group were supplemented with a nutritionally complete drink. Build Up, 2 units daily, and up to 1500 k) daily from glucose polymer. Food intake was measured for 3 days at the start and end of the study using validated food-intake records.
Significant differences were seen in anthropometric measures triceps skin fold thickness and arm muscle circumference in the supplemented cohort ( P <0.05), but for no other anthropometric and biochemical measures. Glucose polymer intake varied greatly between individuals, range 539–1396 kJ, mean 931 kJ ± 113.7.
Before supplementation dietary intake did not reach current recommendations for most nutrients, but after supplementation only vitamin D intake was inadequate. The study concludes a role exists for dietary supplementation in frail elderly, but further studies to outline benefits and optimum methods are required.  相似文献   

We describe an open, uncontrolled, observational study to evaluate the safety, acceptability and efficacy of a high-energy, fibre-containing oral nutritional supplement in patients who were either malnourished or who had experienced recent, acute weight loss and therefore needed a high-energy and/or fibre supplement.
Assessments For assessment of safety and tolerance, occurrence of adverse events and oedema were to be documented during the 2-week trial and routine blood biochemistry was measured. The acceptability of the oral nutritional supplement was rated by the patients. In order to assess efficacy, patients' body mass index (BMI) was calculated at baseline and following 2 weeks of nutritional intervention.
Results A daily intake of 400–600 mL of a high-energy, fibre-containing liquid nutritional supplement was well accepted and no adverse events or problems with compliance were recorded. The high acceptability was underlined by favourable ratings of taste, smell, texture and overall acceptability. The patients' median (interquartile range) BMI increased from 18 kg m–2 (18–19 kg m–2) to 20 kg m–2 (19–20 kg m–2); this increase was highly significant ( P  < 0.001).
Conclusion We conclude that a high-energy, fibre-containing nutritional supplement is safe, well tolerated and associated with improved nutritional status in malnourished patients.  相似文献   

The accurate and valid assessment of body composition is essential for the diagnostic evaluation of nutritional status, identifying relevant outcome measures, and determining the effectiveness of current and future nutritional interventions. Developments in technology and our understanding of the influences of body composition on risk and outcome will provide practitioners with new opportunities to enhance current practice and to lead future improvements in practice. This is the second of a two‐part narrative review that aims to critically evaluate body composition methodology in diverse adult populations, with a primary focus on its use in the assessment and monitoring of under‐nutrition. Part one focused on anthropometric variables [Madden and Smith (2016) J Hum Nutr Diet 29: 7–25] and part two focuses on the use of imaging techniques, bioelectrical impedance analysis, markers of muscle strength and functional status, with particular reference to developments relevant to practice.  相似文献   

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