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The duodenal glands of the adult opossum form a lobed, glandular collar in the submucosa immediately distal to the pyloric sphincter. They empty into funnel-shaped mucosal depressions. The depressions, which form two or three irregular rows that run parallel to the pyloroduodenal junction, are lined by either pyloric or intestinal epithelium. An individual gland of Brunner has an extensive intralobular duct system which terminates in a single excretory duct just prior to entry into a depression. Histochemical studies indicate that the duodenal glands elaborate a neutral glycoprotein whereas the duct system appears to produce both neutral and acidic elements. Light and electron microscopic studies have shown the duodenal glands to consist of large, pyramidal cells which lie on a distinct basal lamina. Discrete, mottled or pale secretory granules are found in close association both with the apices of the cells and with the Golgi complexes. The ergastoplasm, cisternae of which are dilated and contain amorphous material, is associated with polysomes and, in the supranuclear region, often becomes markedly dilated, forming what appear to be large vacuoles containing fibrillar material. Blebbing of the ergastoplasm results in the formation of several small vesicles, many of which lie in close association with the Golgi network. Direct membrane continuity has been noted between the two elements.  相似文献   

The sublingual gland of the cat consists primarily of branched secretory tubules that open into an abbreviated duct system. The simple epithelium that composes the secretory tubules consists of an admixture of mucous and serous cells, with the former predominating. Some secretory tubules are capped by a serous demilune. Regardless of position, almost all serous cells have prominent basal folds and border on at least one intercellular canaliculus as well as on the tubule lumen. Serous cells possess an extensive array of irregular, distended cisternae of rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum that frequently contain dense intracisternal granules. Serous granules are relatively few in number and rarely show evidence of substructure. Mucous cells, which lack basal folds, contain an apical mass of secretory material in the form of partially fused droplets. The duct system is somewhat less ordered than in most major salivary glands; secretory tubules empty into structures resembling intercalated ducts or may be in direct continuity with ducts intermediate in morphology between intercalated and excretory ducts. The absence of striated ducts noted in this study may be correlated with the high sodium content of cat sublingual saliva. The main excretory duct of the sublingual gland closely resembles that of the cat submandibular gland in terms of morphology, but exhibits little of the transport functions reported in the latter duct.  相似文献   

The postnatal development of Brunner's glands in the opossum has been traced, using 170 specimens divided into 21 groups according to snout-rump length. The newborn opossum has a well developed small intestine, possessing villi and a differentiated intestinal epithelium with concentrations of PAS-positive material in the apical cytoplasm. The ducts of the glands begin to develop within 24 hours after birth and, as they proliferate, two cell types appear. A tall, columnar cell type lines the excretory duct whereas the intralobular duct system is lined by pyramidal cells. Intralobular ducts undergo differentiation by the 50 mm stage and, after this event, secretory units appear as outgrowths from the intralobular duct system. Development continues into early adulthood. Duodenal glands appear to evaginate simultaneously at localized foci, resulting in the formation of a duodenal sinus between glandular elements. The glands evaginate from the mucosa in the most proximal portion of the duodenum, involving both intestinal and gastric mucosal elements. That portion of mucosa lying between the forming glands is submerged and forms the floor of the duodenal sinus. Excretory duct epithelium often lines the sinus in part. The development of Brunner's glands in the opossum is completely independent both of pyloric and intestinal glands.  相似文献   

Summary The Harderian gland of the North American opossum (Didelphis virginiana) is large and well developed, despite the absence of a nictitating membrane in the adult of this species. The elongate glands are surrounded by a delicate connective tissue capsule from which thin septae extend, subdividing the gland into numerous lobules. The secretory units of the opossum Harderian gland are drained by a well defined but not extensive intralobular and interlobular duct system. Most of the secretory end pieces consist of tubuloalveolar units with widely dilated lumina filled with secretory product. Numerous intact lipid vesicles suspended within an amorphous material constitute the luminal contents. Cells lining the tubuloalveolar secretory endpieces are usually columnar in shape, and characterized by numerous lipid-containing secretory vesicles and aggregations of polytubular complexes 40–60 nm in diameter. In addition, these cells contain numerous large irregularly shaped mitochondria, whose matrix is of considerable electron density. Intralobular and interlobular ducts are lined by electron-lucent epithelial cells that lack both the lipid-containing vesicles and the large mitochondria, although typical smaller mitochondria are found scattered within the cytoplasm. Both secretory endpieces and ductal elements are invested by an abundance of myoepithelial cells. A second, smaller serous type of secretory unit may occur near the centre of some Harderian gland lobules. In these units secretory tubules and acini are compactly arranged surrounding a narrow lumen. Serous cells are pyramidal in shape and the cytoplasm is characterized by numerous electron-dense secretory granules and scattered profiles of rough endoplasmic reticulum. Basolateral cell membranes show extensive infoldings and intercellular canaliculi are present. The overall size of cells forming the serous secretory units is much less than that comprising the tubuloalveolar secretory endpieces.  相似文献   

We studied the morphology and ultrastructure of the bat (Pipistrellus k.k. and Rhinolophus f.e.) deep posterior lingual glands (Ebner's glands) during hibernation, summer and after stimulation with pilocarpine. Ebner's glands are formed by serous tubulo-alveolar adenomeres and by an excretory system organized in intercalated ducts, long excretory ducts and a main excretory duct. The latter opens in the vallum which surrounds the circumvallate papillae and in the groove of the foliate papillae. The secretory cells, which lack basal folds, show abundant and dense granules (PAS+, Alcian blue -), microvilli (scarce during hibernation), a Golgi apparatus (well developed during summer and after stimulation with pilocarpine), a large nucleus and RER cisternae stacked at the basal pole. Centrioles, lipid droplets, heterogeneous bodies (in content and density, probably lipofuscin bodies), lysosomal multivesicular bodies and large, dense granules with a microcrystalline structure were also encountered. The lateral membranes of adjacent cells are joined by desmosomes; their interdigitations are neither numerous nor prominent during summer. Microfilaments, often gathered in small bundles, lie in the lateral, peripheral cytoplasm without any relation with desmosomes. In summer and particularly after stimulation with pilocarpine, the apical pole of the secretory cells is characterized by many long microvilli, pedunculated hyaloplasmic protrusions and secretory granules. During hibernation the lumen is filled with secretory material. Myoepithelial cells are arranged among secretory cells or between them and the basal lamina. The short intercalated ducts show similarities with the analogous ducts of the parotid gland. Striated ducts are absent. Excretory ducts are endowed with: a) an inner layer of cuboidal cells characterized by poorly developed cytoplasmic organelles, rare dense granules and a few small microvilli; b) an outer layer of basal cells lying on the basal lamina. Myoepithelial cells are absent. The main excretory duct is lined by a stratified epithelium with an inner layer of conical-pyramidal cells surrounded by two-three rows of basal cells. The conical-pyramidal cells show poorly developed organelles, an apical border with small short microvilli and a prominent terminal web.  相似文献   

The anatomical, histological, histochemical and ultrastructural characteristics of the Harderian gland of the armadillo Chaetophractus villosus were described. The gland is the largest structure in the bony orbit. It is situated in the anteroventral region of the orbit. Obvious structural differences are not observed between males and females. The gland is compound-branched tubulo-alveolar, being characterized by a single layer of columnar cells surrounded by myoepithelial cells. It possesses a single excretory duct opened into the inner canthus. All glandular cells show yellow-green autofluorescence and additionally some glandular lumen may contain dense autofluorescent solid accretions. There are two peculiar and outstanding cytoplasmic features. One is represented by the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER), forming a closely woven meshwork. The other one is represented by “membranous bodies” apparently derived from the SER, RER and cytoskeleton with a “Star of David” configuration situated in the supranuclear region. Three types of vesicles are detected in the cytoplasm. Histochemical staining methods reveal lipids, proteins, neutral and acidic containing glycoconjugates in secretory vesicles. The mechanism of secretion appears either merocrine or apocrine. The epithelium of the intra- and inter-lobular excretory ducts suggests secretory activity. Tubulo-acinar glands similar to those seen in the lacrimal gland and nictitans glands are found related to the intralobular and main excretory ducts. The capillary network is characterized by fenestrated endothelium. The stroma possesses unmyelinated axons and plasma cells. The normal secretion of the secretory endpieces, particularly lipids, proteins and glycoconjugates, is complemented by mucous and serous secretions released by ductal cells and glands associated to the ducts.  相似文献   

Functional anatomy of human lacrimal duct epithelium   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 Resorption of tear fluid in the lacrimal ducts has hitherto been controversial; one reason for this has been insufficient knowledge of the anatomical structure and function of the lacrimal duct epithelium. The present study analyzes the structure of lacrimal duct epithelium by means of histological, histochemical, immunohistochemical and electronmicroscopical methods and draws a conclusion about its physiological function regarding its role in immunodeficiency. Investigations were performed on 31 lacrimal systems of 17 male and 14 female individuals (aged 54–88 years). Lacrimal ducts are surrounded by a wide-ranging cavernous system, which is embedded in an osseous canal between the maxilla and the lacrimal bone. The internal wall of the lacrimal canaliculi is lined by a stratified epithelium. The lacrimal sac and nasolacrimal duct contain a double-layered epithelium, which rests on a broad basement membrane. In their apical part epithelial cells contain large lipid droplets and secretory vacuoles. Epithelial cells are faced by microvilli and some tufts of kinociliae are also visible. Goblet cells are integrated in the epithelium as solitary cells or in a characteristical arrangement of several cells. The secretory product of these cells contains carbohydrates including fucose and sialic acid. Inside the surrounding cavernous system serous glands are found that open their excretory ducts into the lacrimal sac and nasolacrimal duct. Some T- and B-lymphocytes and macrophages may be demonstrated immunohistochemically in the submucosa partly penetrating the epithelium. Synthesized mucins of goblet cells form a specialized protective layer on the epithelium of the lacrimal ducts, which functionally serves for a simplified drainage of tear fluid into the inferior meatus of the nose. Together with immunocompetent cells, the protective layer plays a role in antigen defense and prevents invasion of pathogenic agents. The facing of epithelial cells by microvilli gives hints of reabsorption of lacrimal fluid inside the lacrimal ducts. Accepted: 13 January 1998  相似文献   

The archinephric duct of ammocoetes consists of two morphologically distinct regions. An anterior and posterior region are lined by a columnar epithelium that often possesses wide, lateral intercellular spaces. Some cells in the anterior region are characterized by an electron-dense apical cell coat and dense apical vesicles, while others resemble cells of the collecting tubule. In the posterior region all cells possess large accumulations of glycogen, mitochondria, and smooth endoplasmic reticulum. There is reason to believe that transport of ions and fluids may occur in the duct and, although some morphological evidence indicates a role in protein absorption, these cells do not appear to be specialized for this function. The archinephric duct of the adult lamprey is morphologically distinct from that of the ammocoete and appears to be involved in the production of mucus and in the expulsion of urine by contraction of its muscular wall. Its stratified epithelium is divided into basal, intermediate, and superficial cells and intracellular PAS-positive granules increase progressively in number from the basal to surface cells. The superficial cells can be further divided into four types and a progression of cell types from the base to the surface of the epithelium is suggested. A thick electron-dense apical cell coat, apical vesicles, and mucous granules probably account for the intense staining of the surface with PAS. These features indicate that a closer structural relationship exists between the lamprey archinephric duct and the excretory ducts of other lower vertebrates than with the ureter of mammals.  相似文献   

The parotid and submandibular glands of the mongoose are described. Essential differences between the 2 glands were recognized in the acini; however, the intra- and interlobular ducts are built up similarly. The parotid gland is acinar. Its secretory cells are filled with distinct types of granula, which show a considerable variation of size and structure of their secretory material. Organelles are found sparsely. The submandibular gland, however, is tubuloacinar. Its tubuli are capped with cells which belong to the demilunes of v. EBNER, but because of their pale granules they occupy an exceptional position. As the acinar cells of the parotid gland, they form intercellular canaliculi by their plasmalemmata. In the secretory cells of the tubules an intimate contact between the rER and the granules is observed. The intralobular duct surface is built up by an onelayered epithelial cell formation. The cytoplasm of the intercalated duct cells is rich in bundles of filaments, and these cells contain mitochondria with a particular dense matrix. Some microvilli cover the apical surface. In the cells of the striated ducts several populations of granules differing in size and electron density are found. The material of the dense granules shows a marginal plate-like condensation, sometimes it cristallizes. It is supposed that they were released by an apocrine extrusion mechanism. Terminal axons innervate the acini, the duct cells, and also the myoepithelial cells. The findings are compared with the well-known morphology of the salivary glands of the cat.  相似文献   

The secretory endpieces of the rabbit submandibular gland are unusual in that they consist of seromucous acini (not demilunes) that empty into serous tubules that in turn drain into intercalated ducts. Seromucous granules consist of a moderately dense spherule in a fibrillogranular matrix. Serous granules contain a feltwork of filaments, which are liberated as a tangled skein during exocytosis. Peculiar granulated cells that have secretory granules of complex morphology are present at each end of the serous tubules. Intercalated ducts are, cytologically speaking, relatively simple, but the duct cells may contain a few oblong secretory granules. Striated ducts are typical in structure, although postfixation with ferrocyanide-reduced osmium reveals significant amounts of glycogen in the basal processes. Modified mitochondria are present in striated duct cells, but their frequency varies from rabbit to rabbit. Such mitochondria contain either an array of parallel, rigid cristae linked by intermembranous bridges, or a bundle of helical filaments within an expanded crista. Interspersed with the striated duct cells, especially near the duct origin, are some highly vacuolated cells with sparse mitochondria. Excretory ducts consisting of stratified columnar (sometimes pseudostratified) epithelium often show bleb formation of the luminal surface of the tall cells.  相似文献   

Parotid glands of adult pigs were studied by light and electron microscopy. The parenchyma consists of acini, intercalated ducts, striated ducts, and excretory ducts. Acini had little affinity for periodic acid-Schiff and were alcian blue-negative at pH 2.6 or 0.5. These results indicate a paucity of neutral mucins and an absence of sialo- and sulfomucins. Histologically, acinar cells had vacuoles which corresponded ultrastructurally to large electron-lucent secretory granules. The latter contained electron-dense bodies and lipid droplets. Acinar cells differed histochemically and ultrastructurally from typical serous cells and were classified as special serous. Intercalated duct cells near acini contained electron-dense secretory granules and numerous microfilaments. Cells in distal segments lacked secretory granules. Striated ducts were lined by two types of columnar epithelial cells, light cells and dark cells. Light cells were characterized by numerous infoldings of the basal plasma membrane, mitochondria between the infoldings, and electron-lucent vesicles in the apical cytoplasm. The mitochondria contained tubular cristae. Dark cells were characterized by an abundance of microfilaments and numerous infranuclear processes which extended to the basement membrane. Excretory ducts, in addition to light and dark cells, also contained basal cells and goblet cells. Mitochondria in the light cells had flattened rather than tubular cristae. The pig parotid is a unique salivary gland and the most atypical mammalian parotid gland studied thus far. Mitochondria with tubular cristae and vacuolated special serous cells with lipid in the secretory granules are hallmarks of the pig parotid.  相似文献   

The structure of rat respiratory glands has been investigated by light and electron microscopy. The glands exhibited a tubulo-acinar organization. Individual secretory units were composed of serous tubules or serous demilunes and mucous tubules with narrow lumens at the blind end (proximally), and of mucous ducts with wide lumens which opened to the tracheal lumen distally. Near the junction of the duct with the trachea, mitochondria-rich cells and a few ciliated cells were interspersed with mucous cells. It was found that the histology as well as the ultrastructure of the secretory product of these gland cells varied depending upon the location of the glands in the airway. For this reason, the glands of the epiglottis, larynx and trachea have been described separately. Epiglottal glands consisted of many mucous tubules, a few serous elements and an occasional mucous duct. Laryngeal glands contained many serous and mucous tubules and a few mucous ducts. Tracheal glands were composed of serous tubules, a few mucous tubules and prominent mucous ducts. Serous tubule cell granules formed a uniform population within a cell profile but varied in cells of the epiglottis, compared with those of the larynx and trachea. Granules in mucous tubule cells differed from those of serous cells. Mucous cell granules also appeared uniform within a single cell but differed from cell to cell and at different levels of the respiratory tract. A particular granule type was predominant at each level. Cells of mucous ducts differed somewhat from those of mucous tubules and comprised two general secretory cell populations. Proximal mucous duct cells contained abundant granules that generally resembled those of mucous tubule cells but were localized in two areas of the cytoplasm. Dilated cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum with a bizonal content similar in density to zones seen in mature granules further characterized proximal mucous duct cells. The distal mucous duct cell generally contained sparse apical granules and lacked dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

The anatomical, histological, histochemical and ultrastructural characteristics of the Harderian gland of the armadillo Chaetophractus villosus were described. The gland is the largest structure in the bony orbit. It is situated in the anteroventral region of the orbit. Obvious structural differences are not observed between males and females. The gland is compound-branched tubulo-alveolar, being characterized by a single layer of columnar cells surrounded by myoepithelial cells. It possesses a single excretory duct opened into the inner canthus. All glandular cells show yellow-green autofluorescence and additionally some glandular lumen may contain dense autofluorescent solid accretions. There are two peculiar and outstanding cytoplasmic features. One is represented by the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER), forming a closely woven meshwork. The other one is represented by membranous bodies apparently derived from the SER, RER and cytoskeleton with a Star of David configuration situated in the supranuclear region. Three types of vesicles are detected in the cytoplasm. Histochemical staining methods reveal lipids, proteins, neutral and acidic containing glycoconjugates in secretory vesicles. The mechanism of secretion appears either merocrine or apocrine. The epithelium of the intra- and inter-lobular excretory ducts suggests secretory activity. Tubulo-acinar glands similar to those seen in the lacrimal gland and nictitans glands are found related to the intralobular and main excretory ducts. The capillary network is characterized by fenestrated endothelium. The stroma possesses unmyelinated axons and plasma cells. The normal secretion of the secretory endpieces, particularly lipids, proteins and glycoconjugates, is complemented by mucous and serous secretions released by ductal cells and glands associated to the ducts.  相似文献   

Hilar cholangiocarcinomas involving the bifurcation of the hepatic duct are called Klatskin tumors. A resected specimen of the hilar hepatic region with Klatskin tumor was analyzed. The lining epithelium of major biliary ducts was regular, while the majority of epithelial cells lining the excretory ducts of peribiliary glands (PBGs) exhibited malignant features. The connective tissue surrounding the PBGs was infiltrated by mucinous malignant epithelial cells, sometimes in a signet-ring cell form, with perineural invasion. The tumor epithelial cells showed distinct CK 7 and CA 19-9 positivity. The described cholangiocarcinoma was classified as the Bismuth-Corlette type IIIb and originated from the excretory ducts and acinar cells of PBGs.  相似文献   

Light- and electronmicroscopic and some histochemical investigations on the major excretory ducts of pancreas and liver was carried out on 24 adult chicken. The epithelium of both ducts was shown to include: cells with apical secretory granules, non-differenciated duct cells, ciliated cells and migrating cells. In addition the epithelium of the pancreatic ducts included goblet cells. The distal plasmalemm and the microvilli are covered with surfacecoat, which like the secretory granules produces precipitate with PA-silver. This area of the cell also shows a strong reaction to M++ and Ca++ activated ATPase.  相似文献   

The duodenal glands of the species examined (Alces alces, Ovis canadensis, Cervus canadensis, Oreamnos americanus, Bison bison, Antilocapra americana, Odocoileus virginianas, Odocoileus heminous) are confined primarily to the submucosa of the small intestine. In one species, the moose, a significant population of secretory tubules also is observed in the mucosa. The ducts of the duodenal glands pierce the overlying muscularis mucosae to empty most often independently into the intestinal lumen. Those of the bison, unlike the other species examined, drain into intestinal glands. The duodenal glands consist primarily of a simple columnar epithelium, the cells of which contain basally positioned round or oval nuclei. The lumina of scattered duodenal glands in the pronghorn and to some extent those of the moose, white-tailed deer, and mule deer may be extremely dilated, and the surrounding epithelium thin and attenuated. Component cells of the duodenal glands of all the species examined show remarkably similar ultrastructural features. They exhibit scattered profiles of rough endoplasmic reticulum, dilated cisternae of which contain an electrondense, amorphous material. Numberous well-developed Golgi complexes occupy the supranuclear region together with transport vesicles and forming secretory granules. Electron-dense, membrane-bound secretory granules generally are concentrated in the apical cytoplasm immediately subjacent to the cell membrane. The apical cell membrane exhibits short, scattered microvilli; and the basal cell membrane is smooth without apparent specialization. Histochemically, the duodenal glands of most species examined in this study consist of a heterogeneous population. The majority of the glands of the moose, elk, mountain goat, bison, pronghorn, and white-tailed deer elaborate a neutral mucin, whereas scattered individual glands, tubules or cells also produce acid mucins. Cells near the terminations of the ducts of the bighorn sheep are the only elements to produce acid mucins in the duodenal glands of this species. The duodenal glands of the bison are unusual in that only the peripheral portions of individual glands produce acid mucins. The remainder of the glands elaborate neutral mucins. Morphological differences between the two regions were not observed. The duodenal glands of the mule deer secrete both acid and neutral mucins. The structural and histochemical observations appear unrelated to the diet of individual species.  相似文献   

Background: Speciamens of human anterior lingual salivary glans obtained by surgery and by dissection of cadavers were studied ultrastructurally and histochemically. Methods: Specimens were obtained by surgery for ultrastructural study. Other specimens for histochemistry were obtained by dissection of fresh cadavers. Tissues for electron microscopy were fixed and processed by conventional mesns. Formalin-fixed cadaver specimens were subjected to a battery of tests for glycoconjugates. Results: The anterior lingual salivary glands are composed predominantly of mucous tubules (which come in two distinct sizes: large and small), seromucous demilunes, and rare seromucous acini. Regardless of tubule size, mucous cells are typically in appearance and, like mucous cells in other human salivary glands, contain filamentous bodies. Histochemically, the larger tubules contain neutral glycoproteins, low concentrations of sialoglycoproteins, and large amounts of sulfated glycoproteins. The small mucous tubules contain neutral glycoproteins, much sialoglycoprotein, and relatively small amounts of sulfated glycoprotein. The seromucous cells, whether demilunar or acinar, are identical. They contain numerous secretory granules, which show a spectrum of internal patterns from one individual to another. These cells have considerable concentrations of neutral- and sialoglycoproteins and lower concentrations of sulfated gly-coproteins. Countrary to previously published reports, we could find no differences in the ratio of mucous to seromucous cells along the anteriorposterior lingual axis: there was no gradient of seromucous cells in our specimens. The ducts in the anterior lingual salivary glands are not precise counterparts of those in the major salivary glands, since the former have no capsules, hence lack lobulation. Without these familiar structural landmarks, the only duct that can be identified with certainty is the intercalated duct, and then only if it is in continuity with or lies close to a secretory endpiece. Such ducts consist of simple cuboidal epithelium of prosaic appearance. The ductular epithelium gradually thickens and gives rise to what appear to be excretory ducts consisting of columnar cells with few mitochondria. Scattered within the walls of the walls of the larger ducts are patches of typical striated ducts wherein the taller cells display basal striations resulting from highly folded basal plasma membranes and numerous, vertically oriented, virgulate mitochondria. In other atypical regions of the excretory duct, basal cells may have a primary cilium that juts into the intercellular space. Conclusions: There is a high degree of structural variability in human anterior lingual salivary glands. Because of the technical difficulties in collecting pristine saliva from these glands, the precise functions(s) of these organs remains unknown. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The lungs from six bowhead whales harvested by Alaskan Eskimos have been examined with light and electron microscopes. Airways ranging from 1 to 40 mm in luminal diameter are lined by a pseudostratified ciliated epithelium containing numerous mucus-secreting cells. The underlying lamina propria-tela submucosa of these airways contains tubuloalveolar glands, plasma cells, and lymphatic accumulations in addition to both elastic and collagenous fibrillar elements. Cartilage extends to the level of the respiratory airways, but smooth muscle is absent from airways larger than 3 mm, and tubuloalveolar glands are absent from airways smaller than 3 mm. Respiratory airways are lined by pseudostratified, simple cuboidal, and simple squamous epithelia. Alveolar ducts are lined by simple squamous epithelium exclusively. A connective tissue core composed mostly of elastic fibers supports the walls of the alveolar ducts. Neither smooth muscle nor cartilage has been observed in these structures. Alveoli contain the typeical cetacean double capillary bed separated by a thick septum composed mainly of collagenous connective tissue. Alveoli are lined by a simple squamous epithelium similar to that encountered in alveolar ducts and respiratory airways. This epithelium is composed of type I and II pneumocytes closely appressed to an underlying capillary network. The type II pneumocytes contain typical lamellar bodies and tubular myelin can be seen in the air spaces. The lung is surrounded by a thick (X = 2.5 mm) visceral pleura rich in blood vessels and elastic fibers.  相似文献   

Intermediate-conductance, calcium-activated, potassium (IK) channels were first identified by their roles in cell volume regulation, and were later shown to be involved in control of proliferation of lymphocytes and to provide a K+ current for epithelial secretory activity. Until now, there has been no systematic investigation of IK channel localization within different epithelia. IK channel immunoreactivity was present in most epithelia, where it occurred in surface membranes of epithelial cells. It was found in all stratified epithelia, including skin, cornea, oral mucosa, vaginal mucosa, urothelium and the oesophageal lining. It occurred in the ducts of fluid-secreting glands, the salivary glands, lacrimal glands and pancreas, and in the respiratory epithelium. A low level of expression was seen in serous acinar cells. It was also found in other epithelia with fluid-exchange properties, the choroid plexus epithelium, the ependyma, visceral pleura and peritoneum, bile ducts and intestinal lining epithelium. However, there was little or no expression in vascular endothelial cells, kidney tubules or collecting ducts, lung alveoli, or in sebaceous glands. It is concluded that the channel is present in surface epithelia (e.g. skin) where it has a cell-protective role against osmotic challenge, and in epithelia where there is anion secretion that is facilitated by a K+ current-dependent hyperpolarization. It was also in some epithelial cells where its roles are as yet unknown.  相似文献   

The distribution of amylase in rat parotid glands and von Ebner's glands was examined using ion etching-immunoscanning electron microscopy, which enables both light and electron microscopic observations of identical semi-thin resin sections immunolabeled with anti-α-amylase and immunogold in association with silver enhancement. At the light microscopic level, most acinar secretory granules (SG) and striated duct secretions of parotid glands were strongly stained dark brown. In von Ebner's glands, acinar SG and duct secretions were weakly to strongly stained light to dark brown. At the electron microscopic level, labeling was observed as bright gold-silver particles. The labeling intensity of acinar SG of parotid glands was higher than that of von Ebner's glands. In parotid glands, weak labeling of SG in transitional cells between acini and intercalated ducts, very weak labeling of SG in intercalated ducts, and strong labeling of striated duct secretions were observed. In von Ebner's glands, the secretions and some SG of interlobular ducts were strongly labeled compared to those of intralobular ducts and SG of acini. Less amylase was synthesized in von Ebner's acini compared to parotid acini, whereas von Ebner's ducts may secrete significantly more amylase to modify saliva than parotid ducts.  相似文献   

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