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Purpose. Rehabilitation agencies, policy makers and donors are faced with the choice of the level of rehabilitation provider to promote in developing countries. This is particularly the case after conflict when new systems are considered and the need for rehabilitation becomes a priority. The complete decimation of medical services in Cambodia highlights the effects of both social change and development agency impact on the establishment of rehabilitation services. This paper discusses the factors that led to the development of four types of physical therapy provider levels in Cambodia with the goal of providing a framework for these decisions.

Methods. Case study analysis utilizing interviews, site analysis and literature review.

Results. There are four levels of physical therapy provider systems that were initiated at different stages of the rebuilding of the country. Rehabilitation workers were trained during the war in refugee camps and afterwards in rehabilitation centers, professional physical therapists were trained in a university programme after the conflict ceased and community follow-up workers and community-based rehabilitation workers were trained to address some of the geographic accessibility issues. Factors that affected the different systems include the post-conflict development agency philosophy, instructor availability and training, financial support, high school education standards, geographic and rural/urban distribution and cost and time for training. The community-based rehabilitation and community follow-up models also address referral systems and social and vocational support.

Conclusions. The comparison of the different types of provider and the initiating or driving forces that led to development of these systems are discussed in order to provide agencies which are planning to implement training of rehabilitation providers in developing countries with a decision-making framework. A combined system is the optimal approach; however, the choice of which type of provider level to promote will differ according to political stability, stage of development, presence of trained educators, rural vs. urban need, funding agency philosophy and educational standards in the country.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Rehabilitation agencies, policy makers and donors are faced with the choice of the level of rehabilitation provider to promote in developing countries. This is particularly the case after conflict when new systems are considered and the need for rehabilitation becomes a priority. The complete decimation of medical services in Cambodia highlights the effects of both social change and development agency impact on the establishment of rehabilitation services. This paper discusses the factors that led to the development of four types of physical therapy provider levels in Cambodia with the goal of providing a framework for these decisions. METHODS: Case study analysis utilizing interviews, site analysis and literature review. RESULTS: There are four levels of physical therapy provider systems that were initiated at different stages of the rebuilding of the country. Rehabilitation workers were trained during the war in refugee camps and afterwards in rehabilitation centers, professional physical therapists were trained in a university programme after the conflict ceased and community follow-up workers and community-based rehabilitation workers were trained to address some of the geographic accessibility issues. Factors that affected the different systems include the post-conflict development agency philosophy, instructor availability and training, financial support, high school education standards, geographic and rural/urban distribution and cost and time for training. The community-based rehabilitation and community follow-up models also address referral systems and social and vocational support. CONCLUSIONS: The comparison of the different types of provider and the initiating or driving forces that led to development of these systems are discussed in order to provide agencies which are planning to implement training of rehabilitation providers in developing countries with a decision-making framework. A combined system is the optimal approach; however, the choice of which type of provider level to promote will differ according to political stability, stage of development, presence of trained educators, rural vs. urban need, funding agency philosophy and educational standards in the country.  相似文献   

This paper describes how a new framework for clinical nursing education was introduced at Counties Manukau District Health Board (CMDHB), New Zealand. The project was initiated in response to the significant legislative and post registration nursing education changes within New Zealand. The journey of change has been a significant undertaking, and has required clear management, strong leadership, perseverance and understanding of the organisation’s culture.The approach taken to managing the change had four stages, and reflects various change management models. The first stage, the identification process, identified the impetus for change. Creating the vision is the second stage and identified what the change would look like within the organisation. To ensure success and to guide the process of change a realistic and sustainable vision was developed. Implementing the vision was the third stage, and discusses the communication and pilot phase of implementing the nursing education framework. Stage four, embedding the vision, explores the process and experiences of changing an education culture and embedding the vision into an organisation. The paper concludes by discussing the importance of implementing robust, consistent, strategic and collaborative processes – that reflect and evaluate best educational nursing practice.  相似文献   

目的 研究《国际功能、残疾和健康分类》(ICF)在作业治疗中的理论架构、方法体系及其在临床实践中的系统应用。方法 基于ICF理论,结合世界作业治疗师联合会的相关政策文件,分析作业治疗发展的理论架构,探讨基于ICF框架下临床情境下系统化的作业治疗。结果 基于ICF构建作业治疗的理论架构与方法体系,明确现代康复服务中综合作业治疗干预的目标、原则与应用方法。作业治疗干预目标是通过多学科、跨领域地应用综合作业治疗方案,提高个体的活动和参与,使功能最佳化。作业治疗基于生物-心理-社会模式,坚持以人为本和功能定向的原则,在不同情景下实施个性化的干预方案。在临床实践中,建议系统应用世界卫生组织国际健康分类家族,构建系统化的作业治疗服务体系,即功能与需求分析(ICHI)-功能分类、评估及编码(ICF)-疾病分类、诊断及编码(ICD)-作业治疗干预(ICHI)。结论 构建了基于ICF的作业治疗理论架构与方法体系,建立了综合性的临床作业治疗应用模式,明确了以活动和参与为导向的作业治疗干预目标,提高了作业治疗的系统化、结构化、标准化及精细化水平。  相似文献   

This paper describes how a new framework for clinical nursing education was introduced at Counties Manukau District Health Board (CMDHB), New Zealand. The project was initiated in response to the significant legislative and post registration nursing education changes within New Zealand. The journey of change has been a significant undertaking, and has required clear management, strong leadership, perseverance and understanding of the organisation's culture. The approach taken to managing the change had four stages, and reflects various change management models. The first stage, the identification process, identified the impetus for change. Creating the vision is the second stage and identified what the change would look like within the organisation. To ensure success and to guide the process of change a realistic and sustainable vision was developed. Implementing the vision was the third stage, and discusses the communication and pilot phase of implementing the nursing education framework. Stage four, embedding the vision, explores the process and experiences of changing an education culture and embedding the vision into an organisation. The paper concludes by discussing the importance of implementing robust, consistent, strategic and collaborative processes--that reflect and evaluate best educational nursing practice.  相似文献   


Purpose: An estimated 75 million people with disabilities need wheelchairs globally, of whom 5–15% have one. Access to an appropriate wheelchair requires rehabilitation professionals trained to provide wheelchair service. One aim of the International Society of Wheelchair Professionals (ISWP) is to promote and facilitate the integration of wheelchair service provision education into academic rehabilitation programs worldwide. To inform the development of integration strategies, the purpose of this study was to develop an in-depth global portrait of the wheelchair service provision education offered in academic rehabilitation programs, the process of its integration and the associated facilitators and barriers.

Method: Semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of 14 representatives from academic rehabilitation programs (i.e., occupational therapy, physical therapy, and prosthetics and orthotics) in 11 countries, including low, middle and upper resourced settings.

Findings: Thematic data analyses identified three overarching themes. The first theme, “impact of context”, portrays factors related to local population needs, governance and supply chain of equipment and service delivery. The second theme, “current and planned wheelchair education”, describes the content, pedagogic approach, student evaluation and feedback process. The third theme, “integration process”, details five states of this process.

Conclusions: This study describes in-depth the wheelchair service provision education across academic rehabilitation programs and resource settings, illustrating the context-dependent nature of its integration. This understanding may assist the global community of educators in preparing future rehabilitation professionals to better serve wheelchair users. This work has informed the development of ISWP’s Seating and Mobility Academic Resource Toolkit (http://smart.wheelchairnetwork.org/).
  • Implications for Rehabilitation
  • The Dynamics of Context-Dependent Integration of Wheelchair Service Provision Education in Curricula model, depicting the findings of this study, may help to inform key stakeholders (i.e., academic institutions, health care providers and policy makers) about potential barriers and facilitators to the implementation of adequate wheelchair service provision education in the curricula of academic rehabilitation program.

  • Study findings may lead to creative strategies, such as the expansion of ISWP’s Seating and Mobility Academic Resource Toolkit (SMART; http://smart.wheelchairnetwork.org/), that may enable academic rehabilitation programs to be a part of the solution to strengthening rehabilitation systems worldwide, through appropriately trained rehabilitation professionals in wheelchair service provision.


This paper describes the use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) as an educational framework for the development of the Doctoral Programme in Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Western Ontario in London, Canada. The ICF and the concepts underlying disability and universalism provided the framework from which the programme evolved. As a result, this interdisciplinary programme was facilitated through use of the ICF and efforts to present a common language. We believe that this framework was essential in providing an enriched educational environment for graduate students. Details of the programme's structure, its requirements, and the optimized opportunities for interdisciplinary academic study are described. Additionally, we address coursework and the explicitly designed opportunity for developing a programme of independent research for each student. This includes discussion concerning a new vision for comprehensive examination that provides an ideal opportunity for those interested in communication disorders. Finally, we reflect on both the successes and challenges that have been faced by our programme including student perceptions and the suitability of this educational model for addressing larger and more complex questions specific to functioning and disability in the context of the traditional academic environment.  相似文献   

The aim of cognitive therapy is to modify distress or dissatisfaction by changing thinking and behavior. If the source of distress is considered to relate to a desired but frustrated goal (whether to feel better or to function better), three options exist for reducing distress: changing the goal, changing the approach to the goal, or changing the assessment of one's relationship to the goal. Three ways to motivate the patient are proposed: challenges to the validity, the consistency, or the utility of one's thinking and behavior. The locus of authority for changing cognitions and behavior may reside in oneself, in the consensus of a group, or in expert authority. These considerations generate a 3 ×3 ×3 dimensional cube that provides a simple way to conceptualize structurally the strategies of therapeutic intervention. This visualization offers a means to study the process dimension of cognitive therapy. This work was supported in part by NIMH Grant MH 32756. This is a revised version of a paper presented at the first European Meeting on Cognitive Behavior Therapies, Lisbon, Portugal, September 9–11, 1981. The author wishes to thank A. W. Kruglanski, whose paper entitledLay epistemology and cognitive therapy stimulated his thinking along the lines given here. Kruglanski's paper was read at the World Congress on Behavior Therapy, Jerusalem, Israel, July 13–17, 1980. Thanks are owed to Anne D. Simons, Ph.D., to Richard D. Wetzel, Ph.D., and to anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper.  相似文献   

目的 探讨硕士研究生层次特殊体育教育专业教育体系.方法 运用世界卫生组织康复胜任力架构(RCF),形成特殊体育教育专业胜任力,并应用于特殊体育教育专业建设,探讨硕士研究生层次的特殊体育教育专业建设理论架构与方法体系.结果 基于RCF,构建了特殊体育教育教师的胜任力架构,涉及特殊体育教师的实践、专业精神、学习与发展、管理...  相似文献   

Background. It is recognized that there is a need for specialist nursing courses in a range of paediatric nursing specialities. Paediatric oncology nurses are facing challenges with clinical advances and the need for specialized care. At present there are no available courses in Scotland offering preparation for nurses working in a paediatric oncology setting. Aims and objectives. This project, supported by Macmillan Cancer Relief, addresses this deficit by developing a comprehensive framework for a small and widely dispersed speciality. Methods. Information on the needs and expectations of nurses and service managers in this field was obtained through postal questionnaires and focus groups. Due to the need for collaboration between higher educational institutions and service colleagues the views of educators were also established through questionnaires and semi‐structured interviews. Results. Problematic practice issues were cited and these issues were further discussed and recognized as the main educational needs. Availability and accessibility of education were of great importance. Conclusion. The framework developed aims to provide ongoing opportunities for continuing professional development within this speciality. Development of the educational framework is required to provide a course accessible to a wide geographical area of nurses. Relevance to clinical practice. A National Framework for Paediatric Oncology Nurse Education was developed in response to views of experts working in the field, to the views of other stakeholders and to what is known about needs and preferences of children with cancer and their families.  相似文献   

目的 分析世界卫生组织康复胜任力架构(RCF)的理论架构、方法及其在康复领域的应用。方法 运用RCF的理论与方法,分析康复胜任力的领域和关键特征,及其在康复人力资源规划、职业能力评价和教育项目和课程开发中的应用。结果 RCF包含实践、专业精神、学习与发展、管理与领导力、研究5个领域,康复工作者的工作表现是他们的核心价值观和信念、胜任力、活动、知识和技能交互作用的结果。RCF可以规划康复人力资源,建立基于胜任力的康复教育项目和课程体系,开发康复职业能力认证标准和执业资格鉴定标准。结论 本研究分析世界卫生组织RCF产生的影响、核心内容与应用架构,系统地探讨运用RCF构建国家康复人力资源发展规划、建立基于RCF的康复教育项目和课程体系,建立康复人力资源的认证和评估标准等相关的理论和方法。  相似文献   

先天性肌性斜颈(CMT)是因一侧胸锁乳突肌短缩引起头向患侧歪,面部向对侧旋转的疾病。对于1岁以下患儿往往通过手法牵伸、包块按摩等物理治疗手段进行干预,常通过目测或角度测量进行评估,尚无统一的评估及物理治疗标准。《国际功能、残疾和健康分类(儿童和青少年版)》(ICF-CY)为目前国际通用的记录和描述儿童和青少年功能、残疾和健康状况的工具,强调疾病或健康的状态是由身体结构与功能、活动、参与以及环境因素综合作用所决定,对于疾病需要整体分析、综合干预。为更好理解CMT,本文按照ICF-CY的框架对CMT评估及物理治疗做一综述。  相似文献   

Aims and objectives. The aim of this study is to explore the introduction of portfolios into the first year of an MSc in Nursing Programme. Background. This paper outlines a framework for portfolio development in postgraduate nursing practice. The framework is being piloted, within the Irish context, with students in the first year of a Masters in Nursing programme and has the potential to be developed for other nursing programmes at postgraduate level. Design and method. An action research approach has been chosen to study the implementation of the portfolio and the development of a framework to guide this initiative. To date the development of the framework is being piloted as part of the ‘taking action’ phase of a first action research cycle. Results. In its current stage of development the framework is constructed to embrace the core concepts of specialist nursing practice and the nursing management competencies, from current Irish health care documents. In addition the portfolio is anchored around personal development planning and is supported by the use of action learning tutorials and academic and practice facilitators. The first evaluating phase will take place later this year and will involve the collection of data from students, facilitators and lecturers. Conclusion. The introduction of the portfolio at postgraduate level has highlighted, to date, issues of confidentiality in committing experiences to paper, issues around its assessment, and issues around sharing this document with other students. Relevance to clinical practice. Portfolio development at postgraduate level emphasizes linking theory and practice and stresses the importance of reflection on practice. The portfolio can also be used by nurses to develop their clinical career pathways and encourage personal development planning.  相似文献   

Interprofessional collaboration is expected of healthcare providers to effect positive patient care experiences, reduce healthcare costs, and improve population health. While interprofessional education (IPE) is essential to graduate collaboration-ready healthcare professionals, faculty have limited experience and expertise in facilitating IPE, slowing adoption of this strategy. Faculty who are expected to develop, implement, and facilitate IPE activities in health professions need support and training to be successful. Faculty development programmes specific to IPE are examined through a comprehensive realist synthesis. The review began by identification of the mechanisms underpinning the intervention and then continued through a search for evidence relevant to the identified mechanisms. From 1,749 citations reviewed, 15 articles and book chapters were synthesised. The findings demonstrate that through the mechanisms—roles and role modelling, valuing diversity, reflection, group process, and knowledge, skills, and attitudes for IPE—positive outcomes can be achieved. Outcomes of increasing capacity and sustainability of IPE programmes, forming networks of individuals concerned with IPE, and evaluating and assessing of outcomes of IPE, may all be achieved through these mechanisms. The contextual factors include attitudes and expectations, programme logistics, leadership, and commitment, which interact with the mechanisms to impact the outcomes. Multiple context-mechanism-outcome configurations were revealed and analysed which help to explain how faculty development for IPE works in varying settings.  相似文献   

AIM OF THE STUDY: This study sought to explore systematically the role of Registered Nurses working in rehabilitation in Australia. BACKGROUND: Rehabilitation has been identified as an important aspect of health care. However, evidence of a comprehensive investigation of the nurses' role in rehabilitation cannot be found. From Australia, in particular, no research has been published in this area. METHODS: This study used a qualitative approach by engaging 13 nurses in one-to-one interviews and a further 21 in focus group discussions. Thematic analysis was conducted on the interview and focus group data. FINDINGS: Seven domains of practice were identified and are suggested as a framework for the specialty practice of rehabilitation nursing. They capture the 'how' and 'what' of rehabilitation nursing practice. Central to this practice is a rehabilitative approach to patient care, teaching and coaching, and continual assessment. The nurses explained in detail how these aspects of rehabilitation nursing differentiate their practice from that of their acute care colleagues. CONCLUSION: The rehabilitative approach is one of a variety of approaches to nursing care, but should not be seen as the exclusive domain of rehabilitation nurses. Rehabilitation belongs in every nurse's toolkit.  相似文献   

The facilitation of learners from different professional groups requires a range of interprofessional knowledge and skills (e.g. an understanding of possible sources of tension between professions) in addition to those that are more generic, such as how to manage a small group of learners. The development and delivery of interprofessional education (IPE) programs tends to rely on a small cohort of facilitators who have typically gained expertise through ‘hands-on’ involvement in facilitating IPE and through mentorship from more experienced colleagues. To avoid burn-out and to meet a growing demand for IPE, a larger number of facilitators are needed. However, empirical evidence regarding effective approaches to prepare for this type of work is limited. This article draws on data from a multiple case study of four IPE programs based in an urban setting in North America with a sample of neophyte facilitators and provides insight into their perceptions and experiences in preparing for and delivering IPE. Forty-one semi-structured interviews were conducted before (n == 20) and after (n == 21) program delivery with 21 facilitators. Findings indicated that despite participating in a three-fold faculty development strategy designed to support them in their IPE facilitation work, many felt unprepared and continued to have a poor conceptual understanding of core IPE and interprofessional collaboration principles, resulting in problematic implications (e.g. ‘missed teachable moments’) within their IPE programs. Findings from this study are discussed in relation to the IPE, faculty development and wider educational literature before implications are offered for the future delivery of interprofessional faculty development activities.  相似文献   

目的 基于《国际功能、残疾和健康分类》(ICF)的理论与方法,建立老年人身体活动与康复体育活动范畴和结构.方法 以已有文献资料为基础,建立老年人身体活动和康复体育活动及其效果架构、内容编码和内容分析方法,对老年人的身体活动和康复体育活动文献进行Scoping综述.结果 老年人参与的身体活动类型有体适能类、技能类和运动项...  相似文献   

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