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The anterior buccal gland of the rat is a mucous salivary gland which develops as a branch of the main (Stensen's) duct of the serous parotid gland, a few mm from its oral orifice. The purpose of the present study was to further characterize the mature gland by means of electron microscopy and the histochemical demonstration of myoepithelial cells. The tubuloacini were found to have intercellular extensions (canaliculi) of the lumina, prominent Golgi complexes, and mucous secretory granules with a biphasic substructure. Discharge was by exocytosis of individual granules. The tubuloacini joined directly to striated ducts; no intercalated ducts were seen. First-order excretory ducts had larger lumina and shorter columnar cells, with fewer mitochondria and basal infoldings, than the striated ducts. Myoepithelial cells invested the tubuloacini but not the ducts. The anterior buccal gland has several features that are unusual for a minor salivary gland of mucous type, and which are usually associated with serous glands such as the parotid. It should provide a particularly interesting model for investigating factors which control the differentiation of secretory and myoepithelial cells, and the glycosylation of polypeptides to form mucous secretory products.  相似文献   

The anatomical, histological, histochemical and ultrastructural characteristics of the Harderian gland of the armadillo Chaetophractus villosus were described. The gland is the largest structure in the bony orbit. It is situated in the anteroventral region of the orbit. Obvious structural differences are not observed between males and females. The gland is compound-branched tubulo-alveolar, being characterized by a single layer of columnar cells surrounded by myoepithelial cells. It possesses a single excretory duct opened into the inner canthus. All glandular cells show yellow-green autofluorescence and additionally some glandular lumen may contain dense autofluorescent solid accretions. There are two peculiar and outstanding cytoplasmic features. One is represented by the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER), forming a closely woven meshwork. The other one is represented by “membranous bodies” apparently derived from the SER, RER and cytoskeleton with a “Star of David” configuration situated in the supranuclear region. Three types of vesicles are detected in the cytoplasm. Histochemical staining methods reveal lipids, proteins, neutral and acidic containing glycoconjugates in secretory vesicles. The mechanism of secretion appears either merocrine or apocrine. The epithelium of the intra- and inter-lobular excretory ducts suggests secretory activity. Tubulo-acinar glands similar to those seen in the lacrimal gland and nictitans glands are found related to the intralobular and main excretory ducts. The capillary network is characterized by fenestrated endothelium. The stroma possesses unmyelinated axons and plasma cells. The normal secretion of the secretory endpieces, particularly lipids, proteins and glycoconjugates, is complemented by mucous and serous secretions released by ductal cells and glands associated to the ducts.  相似文献   

The postnatal development of Brunner's glands in the opossum has been traced, using 170 specimens divided into 21 groups according to snout-rump length. The newborn opossum has a well developed small intestine, possessing villi and a differentiated intestinal epithelium with concentrations of PAS-positive material in the apical cytoplasm. The ducts of the glands begin to develop within 24 hours after birth and, as they proliferate, two cell types appear. A tall, columnar cell type lines the excretory duct whereas the intralobular duct system is lined by pyramidal cells. Intralobular ducts undergo differentiation by the 50 mm stage and, after this event, secretory units appear as outgrowths from the intralobular duct system. Development continues into early adulthood. Duodenal glands appear to evaginate simultaneously at localized foci, resulting in the formation of a duodenal sinus between glandular elements. The glands evaginate from the mucosa in the most proximal portion of the duodenum, involving both intestinal and gastric mucosal elements. That portion of mucosa lying between the forming glands is submerged and forms the floor of the duodenal sinus. Excretory duct epithelium often lines the sinus in part. The development of Brunner's glands in the opossum is completely independent both of pyloric and intestinal glands.  相似文献   


Expression patterns of glycoconjugates were examined by lectin histochemistry in the nasal cavity of the Japanese red-bellied newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster. Its nasal cavity consisted of two components, a flattened chamber, which was the main nasal chamber (MNC), and a lateral diverticulum called the lateral nasal sinus (LNS), which communicated medially with the MNC. The MNC was lined with the olfactory epithelium (OE), while the diverticulum constituting the LNS was lined with the vomeronasal epithelium (VNE). Nasal glands were observed beneath the OE but not beneath the VNE. In addition, a secretory epithelium was revealed on the dorsal boundary between the MNC and the LNS, which we refer to as the boundary secretory epithelium (BSE) in this study. The BSE seemed to play an important role in the construction of the mucous composition of the VNE. Among 21 lectins used in this study, DBA, SBA and Jacalin showed different staining patterns between the OE and the VNE. DBA staining showed remarkable differences between the OE and the VNE; there was intense staining in the free border and the supporting cells of the VNE, whereas there was no staining or weak staining in the cells of the OE. SBA and Jacalin showed different stainings in the receptor neurons for the OE and the VNE. Furthermore, UEA-I and Con A showed different stainings for the nasal glands. UEA-I showed intense staining in the BSE and in the nasal glands located in the ventral wall of the MNC (VNG), whereas Con A showed intense staining in the BSE and in the nasal glands located in the dorsal and medial wall of the MNC (DMNG). The DMNG were observed to send their excretory ducts into the OE, whereas no excretory ducts were observed from the VNG to the OE or the VNE. These results suggested that the secretion by the supporting cells as well as the BSE and the DMNG establishes that there are heterogeneous mucous environments in the OE and the VNE, although both epithelia are situated in the same nasal cavity.


Expression patterns of glycoconjugates were examined by lectin histochemistry in the nasal cavity of the Japanese red-bellied newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster. Its nasal cavity consisted of two components, a flattened chamber, which was the main nasal chamber (MNC), and a lateral diverticulum called the lateral nasal sinus (LNS), which communicated medially with the MNC. The MNC was lined with the olfactory epithelium (OE), while the diverticulum constituting the LNS was lined with the vomeronasal epithelium (VNE). Nasal glands were observed beneath the OE but not beneath the VNE. In addition, a secretory epithelium was revealed on the dorsal boundary between the MNC and the LNS, which we refer to as the boundary secretory epithelium (BSE) in this study. The BSE seemed to play an important role in the construction of the mucous composition of the VNE. Among 21 lectins used in this study, DBA, SBA and Jacalin showed different staining patterns between the OE and the VNE. DBA staining showed remarkable differences between the OE and the VNE; there was intense staining in the free border and the supporting cells of the VNE, whereas there was no staining or weak staining in the cells of the OE. SBA and Jacalin showed different stainings in the receptor neurons for the OE and the VNE. Furthermore, UEA-I and Con A showed different stainings for the nasal glands. UEA-I showed intense staining in the BSE and in the nasal glands located in the ventral wall of the MNC (VNG), whereas Con A showed intense staining in the BSE and in the nasal glands located in the dorsal and medial wall of the MNC (DMNG). The DMNG were observed to send their excretory ducts into the OE, whereas no excretory ducts were observed from the VNG to the OE or the VNE. These results suggested that the secretion by the supporting cells as well as the BSE and the DMNG establishes that there are heterogeneous mucous environments in the OE and the VNE, although both epithelia are situated in the same nasal cavity.  相似文献   

Brunner's glands in the platypus form a lobulated, glandular collar confined to the submucosa of the most distal portion of the stomach. The glands end immediately proximal to the gastrointestinal junction and excretory ducts empty in the region where the stratified squamous epithelium lining the stomach changes abruptly to the intestinal lining epithelium of the duodenum. An individual gland of Brunner is composed of several elongate lobules drained by intralobular ducts which often join to form a single excretory duct. Light and electron microscopic studies have shown the secretory tubules to be comprised of large, pyramidal cells limited basally by a delicate basal lamina. The ergastoplasm, cisternae of which are dilated and contain amorphous material, is associated with numerous ribosomes. In basal and perinuclear regions intercisternal granules and smooth surfaced vesicles are found. Numerous small vesicles found in supranuclear areas apparently form from the smooth membrane portions of ergastoplasm located adjacent to Golgi complexes. Membrane-bound amorphous granules of varying electron density occupy the apical cytoplasm and show a tendency to coalesce before emptying their contents into the adjacent lumen. The intralobular duct system is lined initially by a columnar epithelium which changes to a simple squamous form before the ducts combine to form a short excretory duct lined by stratified squamous epithelium. The epithelium lining the duct system contains relatively few organelles but appears to be engaged in a limited amount of synthesis and release of secretory material. Histochemical studies indicate that both the secretory tubules and the duct system elaborate a neutral mucopolysaccharide.  相似文献   

Lörinc E & Öberg S
(2012) Histopathology  61, 53–58 Submucosal glands in the columnar‐lined oesophagus: evidence of an association with metaplasia and neosquamous epithelium Aim: A multipotential stem cell, possibly located in the submucosal gland ducts, has been suggested as the origin of metaplastic mucosa in the oesophagus. The topographic distribution of these glands and their excretory ducts (SMG) within the columnar lined oesophagus (CLO) is largely unknown. The aim of this study was to examine the distribution of SMG in relation to the type of overlying epithelium in patients with CLO. Methods and results: Seven oesophageal resection specimens were examined histologically in toto. The median frequency of SMG was similar in the metaplastic segments (0.12 SMG/mm) and the normal squamous segments (0.10 SMG/mm). Within the metaplastic segments, the median frequency of SMG beneath the squamous islands was significantly higher than that observed under the columnar lined parts (0.22 versus 0.08 SMG/mm, P = 0.046), There was a strong accumulation of SMG at the squamo‐columnar transition zones (0.53 SMG/mm), which was significantly greater than that found in the columnar and squamous parts (P = 0.001 and 0.002, respectively). Conclusions: The relative accumulation of SMG beneath squamous islands and the squamo‐columnar junctions within the metaplastic segment supports the hypothesis that both metaplastic columnar mucosa and neosquamous epithelium originate from a progenitor in the SMG.  相似文献   

Background: Speciamens of human anterior lingual salivary glans obtained by surgery and by dissection of cadavers were studied ultrastructurally and histochemically. Methods: Specimens were obtained by surgery for ultrastructural study. Other specimens for histochemistry were obtained by dissection of fresh cadavers. Tissues for electron microscopy were fixed and processed by conventional mesns. Formalin-fixed cadaver specimens were subjected to a battery of tests for glycoconjugates. Results: The anterior lingual salivary glands are composed predominantly of mucous tubules (which come in two distinct sizes: large and small), seromucous demilunes, and rare seromucous acini. Regardless of tubule size, mucous cells are typically in appearance and, like mucous cells in other human salivary glands, contain filamentous bodies. Histochemically, the larger tubules contain neutral glycoproteins, low concentrations of sialoglycoproteins, and large amounts of sulfated glycoproteins. The small mucous tubules contain neutral glycoproteins, much sialoglycoprotein, and relatively small amounts of sulfated glycoprotein. The seromucous cells, whether demilunar or acinar, are identical. They contain numerous secretory granules, which show a spectrum of internal patterns from one individual to another. These cells have considerable concentrations of neutral- and sialoglycoproteins and lower concentrations of sulfated gly-coproteins. Countrary to previously published reports, we could find no differences in the ratio of mucous to seromucous cells along the anteriorposterior lingual axis: there was no gradient of seromucous cells in our specimens. The ducts in the anterior lingual salivary glands are not precise counterparts of those in the major salivary glands, since the former have no capsules, hence lack lobulation. Without these familiar structural landmarks, the only duct that can be identified with certainty is the intercalated duct, and then only if it is in continuity with or lies close to a secretory endpiece. Such ducts consist of simple cuboidal epithelium of prosaic appearance. The ductular epithelium gradually thickens and gives rise to what appear to be excretory ducts consisting of columnar cells with few mitochondria. Scattered within the walls of the walls of the larger ducts are patches of typical striated ducts wherein the taller cells display basal striations resulting from highly folded basal plasma membranes and numerous, vertically oriented, virgulate mitochondria. In other atypical regions of the excretory duct, basal cells may have a primary cilium that juts into the intercellular space. Conclusions: There is a high degree of structural variability in human anterior lingual salivary glands. Because of the technical difficulties in collecting pristine saliva from these glands, the precise functions(s) of these organs remains unknown. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The anatomical, histological, histochemical and ultrastructural characteristics of the Harderian gland of the armadillo Chaetophractus villosus were described. The gland is the largest structure in the bony orbit. It is situated in the anteroventral region of the orbit. Obvious structural differences are not observed between males and females. The gland is compound-branched tubulo-alveolar, being characterized by a single layer of columnar cells surrounded by myoepithelial cells. It possesses a single excretory duct opened into the inner canthus. All glandular cells show yellow-green autofluorescence and additionally some glandular lumen may contain dense autofluorescent solid accretions. There are two peculiar and outstanding cytoplasmic features. One is represented by the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER), forming a closely woven meshwork. The other one is represented by membranous bodies apparently derived from the SER, RER and cytoskeleton with a Star of David configuration situated in the supranuclear region. Three types of vesicles are detected in the cytoplasm. Histochemical staining methods reveal lipids, proteins, neutral and acidic containing glycoconjugates in secretory vesicles. The mechanism of secretion appears either merocrine or apocrine. The epithelium of the intra- and inter-lobular excretory ducts suggests secretory activity. Tubulo-acinar glands similar to those seen in the lacrimal gland and nictitans glands are found related to the intralobular and main excretory ducts. The capillary network is characterized by fenestrated endothelium. The stroma possesses unmyelinated axons and plasma cells. The normal secretion of the secretory endpieces, particularly lipids, proteins and glycoconjugates, is complemented by mucous and serous secretions released by ductal cells and glands associated to the ducts.  相似文献   

The sublingual gland of the cat consists primarily of branched secretory tubules that open into an abbreviated duct system. The simple epithelium that composes the secretory tubules consists of an admixture of mucous and serous cells, with the former predominating. Some secretory tubules are capped by a serous demilune. Regardless of position, almost all serous cells have prominent basal folds and border on at least one intercellular canaliculus as well as on the tubule lumen. Serous cells possess an extensive array of irregular, distended cisternae of rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum that frequently contain dense intracisternal granules. Serous granules are relatively few in number and rarely show evidence of substructure. Mucous cells, which lack basal folds, contain an apical mass of secretory material in the form of partially fused droplets. The duct system is somewhat less ordered than in most major salivary glands; secretory tubules empty into structures resembling intercalated ducts or may be in direct continuity with ducts intermediate in morphology between intercalated and excretory ducts. The absence of striated ducts noted in this study may be correlated with the high sodium content of cat sublingual saliva. The main excretory duct of the sublingual gland closely resembles that of the cat submandibular gland in terms of morphology, but exhibits little of the transport functions reported in the latter duct.  相似文献   

The histology as well as glycogen and mucosubstances were described in the cranial, middle and caudal segments of the disseminate prostate of the Philander opossum. The prostate tubuli show external, medium and internal zones. The stroma presents few thin colagenous fibers while the reticular fibers form a well developed network around the glands. The elastic fibers are scant and only observed amidst the excretory ducts (internal zones). The cranial segment is formed by the narrowest tubuli of the gland. The external and medium zones are formed by cubic or cuboidal epithelium with acidophilic granules in the cytoplasm. The internal zone is lined by slightly acidophilic columnar cells. Several excretory ducts join to each other, before emptying in the urethral lumen. The middle segment is formed by largest and longest tubuli of the gland. The secretory epithelium of the external zone shows 2 morphologically distinct types of cells. The medium zone is formed by cells showing strong acidophilia at basal part and slightly basophilia in the apical part. The caudal segment is formed by cuboidal acidophilic epithelium and show the largest lumen of the gland. The luminal secretion of the gland is constituted by acidophilic fluid and numerous globules. Neutral mucosubstances were demonstrated in epithelium and lumen secretion of the 3 prostatic segments; epithelial glycogen was not found in the medium zone of the middle segment. Sialomucins were detected in the cranial and middle segments. Sulfomucins were not found in the prostate of the Philander opossum.  相似文献   

目的 通过对藏酋猴上颌窦的应用解剖,为上颌窦的临床应用提供形态学依据。方法 对6只藏酋猴的12侧上颌窦进行大体解剖,从整体和局部对上颌窦的位置、形态,窦腔与眶、鼻腔和口腔的结构进行观察和测量。结果 藏酋猴的上颌窦位于上颌骨体内,由前、后窦构成。后窦位于前窦的后方,窦腔较小。前窦和人的上颌窦类似,位于第1前臼齿至第2臼齿及相应骨腭的上方,毗邻眶、鼻腔、口腔,窦腔较大且形态无异常;窦腔与眶间骨质较薄,有鼻泪管连通,其管径为(4.31±0.10)mm、长度为(15.89±0.31)mm;窦腔底与鼻腔间有大且恒定的上颌窦裂孔,自然状态下裂孔长度(12.59±0.46)mm、高度(1.01±0.12)mm;向上牵拉海绵状血管球可使裂孔高度增大到(11.14±1.44)mm;窦腔与口腔间骨质最厚处位于第1前臼齿根尖的上方,厚度为(6.20±0.20)mm,最薄处位于第2臼齿根尖的上方,厚度为(1.57±0.23)mm,窦底最低处位于第1、2臼齿间。同一个体双侧对比,差异无统计学意义。结论 藏酋猴上颌窦的形态结构特点,适合于作为动物模型,应用于人类上颌窦病变、上颌窦提升及种植牙的相关研究;其上颌窦裂孔是上颌窦底非开窗手术入路的最佳部位。  相似文献   

To study the fetal morphogenesis of the lateral nasal wall and nasal conchae as well as the initial development of the paranasal sinuses, 15 specimens were investigated. Their crown-rump lengths ranged from 25 to 263 mm. The specimens were fixed in Bouin's solution. Serial sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and Mallory's trichrome stain. The objectives were to ascertain the time and course of development of: (1) ossification in the maxilla and palate, (2) formation of the nasal capsule and the conchae, (3) chondrification and ossification in the nasal capsule and conchae, (4) the maxillary sinus and ethmoidal cells, and (5) glands in the respiratory mucosa. The earliest appearance of the conchae was observed in a 25 mm CR fetus. In a 32 mm CR fetus, ossification in the maxilla and palate was begun and the first maxillary sinus primordium was observed. The glands associated with the maxillary sinus and the inferior concha developed in a 49 mm and in a 90 mm CR fetus, respectively. The ethmoid and three conchae started to ossify in a 160 mm CR fetus. It was concluded that the transformation of mesenchyme into the bony skeleton was accomplished in a 263 mm CR fetus. Both groups of paranasal sinuses and the respiratory glands in the 263 mm CR fetus were morphologically well differentiated. In addition to an extensive survey of the literature, the possible role of the mucosal glands in development of the paranasal system was discussed.  相似文献   

The nictitans and Harderian glands are enigmatic glands situated in the anterior aspect of the orbit. Traditionally, the nictitans and Harderian glands of mammals have been considered to be two fundamentally distinct glands. However, a consistent, unambiguous distinction between these two glands has remained elusive due to conflicting anatomical and histochemical definitions. The Harderian gland was originally described, and first distinguished from the nictitans gland, in adult deer. We examined the organogenesis and histochemistry of the anterior orbital glandular mass in two species of deer (Muntiacus reevesi and Dama dama) to determine whether it comprises two distinct glands or one bilobed gland. The anterior orbital regions of 30 fetal specimens of both species, along with some adult material, were examined histologically. Four stages of glandular organogenesis were observed. Most notably, both glandular portions developed from the same inception point, but the deep lobe developed faster than the superficial lobe. The common inception point and the relationship of the collecting ducts clearly shows that this is a single glandular mass that differentiates into two lobes rather than two distinct glands. Moreover, although the histochemical profiles of the two lobes differ slightly, both lobes produce lipids, which is further indication that these are not profoundly different glands but part of a single, heterogeneously developed gland. Thus, it is proposed that the terms nictitans and Harderian glands, as separate entities, be discontinued and that the entire gland be referred to as the anterior orbital gland (glandula orbitalis anterior), with superficial and deep lobes (pars superficialis and pars profundus, respectively).  相似文献   

In the major salivary glands of mammals, excretory ducts (EDs) succeed striated ducts. They are for the most part interlobular in position, although their proximal portions sometimes are on the periphery of a lobule, where they occasionally retain some of the structural features of striated ducts. Based on a survey of a broad range of mammalian species and glands, the predominant tissue type that composes EDs is pseudostratified epithelium. In some species, there is a progression of epithelial types: the proximal EDs are composed of simple cuboidal or columnar epithelium that, in the excurrent direction, usually gives way to the pseudostratified variety. Secretory granules are visible in the apical cytoplasm of the principal cells of the EDs of only a few species, but histochemistry has shown the presence of a variety of glycoproteins in these cells in a spectrum of species. Moreover, the latter methodology has revealed the presence of a variety of oxidative, acid hydrolytic, and transport enzymes in the EDs, showing that, rather than simply acting as a conduit for saliva, these ducts play a metabolically active role in gland function. It is difficult to describe a "typical" mammalian ED because it can vary along its length and interspecific variation does not follow a phylogenetic pattern. Moreover, in contrast to intercalated and striated ducts, ED cellular features do not exhibit a relationship to diet.  相似文献   

We studied the morphology and ultrastructure of the bat (Pipistrellus k.k. and Rhinolophus f.e.) deep posterior lingual glands (Ebner's glands) during hibernation, summer and after stimulation with pilocarpine. Ebner's glands are formed by serous tubulo-alveolar adenomeres and by an excretory system organized in intercalated ducts, long excretory ducts and a main excretory duct. The latter opens in the vallum which surrounds the circumvallate papillae and in the groove of the foliate papillae. The secretory cells, which lack basal folds, show abundant and dense granules (PAS+, Alcian blue -), microvilli (scarce during hibernation), a Golgi apparatus (well developed during summer and after stimulation with pilocarpine), a large nucleus and RER cisternae stacked at the basal pole. Centrioles, lipid droplets, heterogeneous bodies (in content and density, probably lipofuscin bodies), lysosomal multivesicular bodies and large, dense granules with a microcrystalline structure were also encountered. The lateral membranes of adjacent cells are joined by desmosomes; their interdigitations are neither numerous nor prominent during summer. Microfilaments, often gathered in small bundles, lie in the lateral, peripheral cytoplasm without any relation with desmosomes. In summer and particularly after stimulation with pilocarpine, the apical pole of the secretory cells is characterized by many long microvilli, pedunculated hyaloplasmic protrusions and secretory granules. During hibernation the lumen is filled with secretory material. Myoepithelial cells are arranged among secretory cells or between them and the basal lamina. The short intercalated ducts show similarities with the analogous ducts of the parotid gland. Striated ducts are absent. Excretory ducts are endowed with: a) an inner layer of cuboidal cells characterized by poorly developed cytoplasmic organelles, rare dense granules and a few small microvilli; b) an outer layer of basal cells lying on the basal lamina. Myoepithelial cells are absent. The main excretory duct is lined by a stratified epithelium with an inner layer of conical-pyramidal cells surrounded by two-three rows of basal cells. The conical-pyramidal cells show poorly developed organelles, an apical border with small short microvilli and a prominent terminal web.  相似文献   

A newly described type of cutaneous gland occurring in the human anogenital region was investigated in specimens from the vulva by electron microscopy. This gland, which is characterized by a long excretory duct opening at the skin surface, by a wide coiled secretory part with multiple lateral extensions in the form of diverticula and branches lined by a two-layered pseudostratified of myoepithelium, and by a luminal layer of tall columnar cells with conspicuous “snouts”, could not be categorized as an eccrine, apocrine, or mammary gland. Electron microscopy confirmed its separate position by showing that the luminal layer of secretory cells with prominent cytoplasmic caps had elaborately folded lateral membranes, occasional canaliculi, and a large number of uniform electron-lucent to moderately electron-dense secretory granules as part of a probable merocrine secretion. The excetory duct showed a poorly developed cuticular border. This combination of ultra-structural features is alien to the other tubular cutaneous glands. The function of this anogenital “sweat” gland remains obscure, but the presence of these granules suggests a secretion product that is different from that of other cutaneous glands. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Most research done on hypothyroidism has focused on physiological and biochemical aspects of the tissues, whilst there has been little work on tissue morphology especially on salivary glands. The present study has used hypothyroid Wistar rats as a model for investigating the effects of hypothyroidism on submandibular gland structure. Two groups of Wistar rats were studied. One was made hypothyroid with methimazole and the second was an untreated euthyroid group (control). They were euthanised after 10 weeks. Submandibular glands were removed and studied. Systematic random transverse sections were obtained from submandibular glands and subjected to morphometric analysis. Volume density and absolute volume of granular, striated and excretory ducts and interlobular connective tissue were estimated by point counting. Volume-weighted mean particle volume of serous and mucous acini was also determined by unbiased stereology. Absolute volume of granular ducts in the submandibular gland of hypothyroid rats was reduced by approximately 50% (p<0.009) whilst that of the striated and excretory ducts and interlobular connective tissue was unaffected. Volume of serous acini was also significantly (p<0.03) lower in hypothyroid rats. These changes suggest that hypothyroidism has an effect on submandibular gland structure, and that this effect occurs mostly in two major exocrine compartments (granular duct and serous acinus) of the gland.  相似文献   

The distribution and selectivity of complex carbohydrates in the canine anal glands were studied by means of lectin histochemistry, using PO-labeled lectins. The secretory epithelium of the anal glands and the excretory duct system exhibited large amounts of mainly neutral glycoproteins with various terminal sugars (alpha-D-mannose, beta-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, alpha-N-acetyl-D-galactosamine, alpha-D-galactose, alpha-L-fucose, N-acetyl-neuraminic acid). Distinctly prominent in the secretion were alpha-L-fucose residues. This relatively hydrophobic sugar may in particular modify or control the viscoelastic properties of the anal gland mucus, so that a stable mucous coat of the rather dry faeces can be formed. In addition, it was obvious that the major part of the excretory duct system is also involved in secretion production, and that the essential function of the saccular dilatations of the excretory ducts is to ensure secretion maturation.  相似文献   

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