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The development of secure diagnostic immunoassays requires, among others, rigorous characterisation of potential antibody reagents. The reactivity profiles of seven antibodies (six monoclonal [MAb] and one polyclonal [PAb]) with putative specificity for tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) and/or osteoclasts were evaluated in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and/or immunocytochemistry. MAbs 2H1, 4E6 and 5C1 demonstrated assay restriction: exhibiting reactivity only in ELISA. The remaining three MAbs (G211D, G312G and V35B) and the PAb 8023 recognised recombinant TRAP (rTRAP) in ELISA and native acid phosphatases in selected tissues and cell lines. The latter were cytochemically assessed for both tartrate-sensitive acid phosphatase (TSAP) and TRAP. V35B showed reactivity against the monocytic leukaemia cell line U937 and guinea pig kidney tissue (both TSAP+ and TRAP+) and ECV304 (TSAP+) cells. Interestingly, the reactivity of MAb G211D co-localised with TRAP activity in the membrane of osteoclasts but also detected cytoplasmic components in U937 cells and human embryonic lung fibroblasts (TRAP+ and TRAP+). G211D exhibited immunoreactivity against placental trophoblasts (positive for total AP). Intriguingly, MAbs 2H1, 4E6, 5C1 and PAb 8023 cross-reacted with potato acid phosphatase in ELISA, suggesting reactivity to conformationally similar epitopes. Thus, some of these reagents could be used in the development of standardised diagnostic immunoassays or as drug-targeting agents for conditions in which the pathological process involves bone resorption, the MAbs G211D, 2H1, 4E6, 5C1 and PAb 8023 being useful in ELISA but not immunocytochemical detection of TRAP.  相似文献   

We have developed and characterized a rapid semiautomated pneumococcal serotyping system incorporating a pneumococcal lysate preparation protocol and a multiplex serotyping assay. The lysate preparation incorporates a bile solubility test to confirm pneumococcal identification that also enhances assay specificity. The multiplex serotyping assay consists of 24 assays specific for 36 serotypes: serotypes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 7A/7F, 8, 9L/9N, 9V, 10A/10B/39/(33C), 11A/11D/11F, 12A/12B/12F, 14, 15B/(15C), 17F, 18C, 19A, 19F, 20, 22A/22F, 23F, and 33A/33F. The multiplex assay requires a flow cytometer, two sets of latex particles coated with pneumococcal polysaccharides, and serotype-specific antibodies. Fourteen newly developed monoclonal antibodies specific for common serotypes and a pool of polyclonal rabbit sera for some of the less-common serotypes are used. The two monoclonal antibodies specific for serotypes 18C and 23F recognize serotype-specific epitopes that have not been previously described. These monoclonal antibodies make the identification of the 14 common serotypes invariant. The specificity of the serotyping assay is fully characterized with pneumococci of all known (i.e., 90) serotypes. The assay is sensitive enough to use bacterial lysates diluted 20 fold. Our serotyping system can identify not only all the serotypes in pneumococcal vaccines but also most (>90%) of clinical isolates. This system should be very useful in serotyping clinical isolates for evaluating pneumococcal vaccine efficacy.  相似文献   

In order to develop an immunocytochemical method suitable for the study of the cellular localization and intracellular distribution of polyamines we have prepared and characterized antibodies to polyamines. Artificial immunogens were prepared by coupling putrescine, spermidine and spermine to a carrier protein. Immunogens containing bovine serum albumin as a carrier protein were used to immunize rabbits (polyclonal antibodies) and mice (for the production of Mabs). The specificity of the antibodies was tested in an ELISA system utilizing antigens synthesized from thyroglobulin and one of the polyamines. Polyclonal antibodies to putrescine, spermidine and spermine were obtained. However, these antibodies showed a variable degree of cross-reactivity to the polyamines not used for immunization. Two hybridoma cell lines were developed. The first, MPut88, selectively produces a Mab to putrescine, the second, MSpm/d88 produces a Mab which recognizes spermine and spermidine but does not react with putrescine.  相似文献   

Two-site lectin-haptoglobin-enzyme immunosorbent assay (L-Hp-ELISA), is described. Haptoglobin binding to Concanavalin A, immobilized to polystyrene microtiter plate, was estimated by anti-haptoglobin polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies conjugated with horse-radish peroxidase. The range of haptoglobin binding to Concanavalin A, measured by the L-Hp-ELISA was 25 to 300 ng/ml using polyclonal, and 50 to 600 ng/ml using monoclonal anti-haptoglobin antibodies, respectively.  相似文献   

A sensitive and specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for human urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA) and its inactive proenzyme (pro-u-PA) was developed. A monoclonal antibody was used as solid-phase antibody, while rabbit antibodies against human u-PA followed by peroxidase-conjugated third antibody were used for detection of bound u-PA. No reaction was observed with tissue-type plasminogen activator or with a variety of other human proteins. The assay was used for quantitation of u-PA in human urine and in culture fluid from human tumor cells. The recovery of added pro-u-PA was greater than 95%. A good agreement with the results obtained by enzymatic assays was found. The detection limit was less than 0.1 ng per ml, both for u-PA and pro-u-PA. The advantages of the use of ELISA compared with enzymatic assays and radioimmunoassays for quantitation of u-PA and pro-u-PA in biological samples are discussed.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (McAb) were used to develop nonisotopic and radioimmunoassays (RIA) for quantitative determination of the major nicotine metabolite, cotinine, in physiological fluids. ELISAs and fluorescence immunoassays were carried out in microtiter plate wells coated with a conjugate of cotinine 4'-carboxylic acid bound covalently to poly-L-lysine. The detection systems were horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-labeled staphylococcal protein A, HRP-streptavidin-biotin, and biotinylated alkaline phosphatase-4-methylumbelliferyl phosphate. With the three McAb tested, I50 values ranged between 0.024-0.063 ng cotinine and as little as 0.005-0.015 ng gave 15% inhibition. These assays were 5-20 times more sensitive than similar assays using six rabbit antisera. With McAb the standard inhibition curves were steeper and complete inhibition of immune binding was achieved with approximately 1 ng cotinine. In contrast, 100-500 ng cotinine failed to give greater than 80-90% inhibition with rabbit antibodies either in the plate assays or in RIA using a 125I-labeled tyramine derivative of cotinine as the tracer. In this RIA, the sensitivity with McAb (mean I50 of 0.55 ng cotinine) was over three-fold greater than with rabbit antisera (mean I50 of 1.84 ng). The presence of antibodies directed to the amide linkage group common to the polylysine conjugate. 125I-tyramine derivative and the immunogen likely accounts for the inferior quality of assays using rabbit antisera. Consistent with this conclusion, superimposable inhibition curves were obtained in the RIA when monoclonal or rabbit antibodies were used with [3H]cotinine. Cotinine levels in saliva, serum and plasma from smokers and non-smokers determined with McAb-based assays showed a strong correlation with values obtained by RIA using rabbit antisera or by gas chromatography. Properly selected McAb offer distinct advantages over conventional antisera in nonisotopic immunoassays and RIAs for cotinine as a biochemical marker of active or passive smoking.  相似文献   

Three systems of immunoradiometric assays (IRMAs), a two-site monoclonal antibody sandwich IRMA (MAb-IRMA), two-site polyclonal antibody-monoclonal antibody sandwich IRMA (PAb-MAb-IRMA), and two-site polyclonal antibody sandwich IRMA (PAb-IRMA), were developed to detect low-grade infections with Plasmodium falciparum. The assays showed good correlation with parasitemia when tested against parasites from in vitro cultures (r = 0.996, 0.994, and 0.998 for MAb-, PAb-MAb-, and PAb-IRMA, respectively), with the ability to detect as few as 0.24, 0.67, and 1.82 parasites per 10(7) erythrocytes, respectively. The assays were specific for P. falciparum, since a serially diluted specimen from a patient with vivax malaria with an initial parasitemia of 0.8% and almost all of the undiluted specimens from five other vivax malaria patients were negative. The assays were performed on patients with falciparum malaria before and after treatment with antimalarial drugs. Before treatment, all 24 patients were positive by all three systems of two-site sandwich IRMAs. Two weeks after treatment, 81.8% (18 of 22) of the patients were positive by microscopic examination, but the IRMA positivity rates were 90.9% (20 of 22), 86.4% (19 of 22), and 81.8% (18 of 22) for MAb-, PAb-MAb-, and PAb-IRMA, respectively. Four weeks after treatment, all 19 patients were negative by microscopic examination, but 52.6% (10 of 19) of the patients were still positive with MAb- and PAb-MAb-IRMA and 31.6% (6 of 19) were positive with PAb-IRMA. Comparison between the three systems of IRMA showed that the MAb-IRMA was superior to the other two systems for three reasons. First, it gave a lower count when tested with blood from healthy individuals. Second, it gave a higher count when tested with blood from patients with falciparum malaria. Third, it gave better correlation with parasitemia when blood from falciparum malaria patients was tested. MAb-IRMA is recommended for use for the detection of low-grade P. falciparum infection.  相似文献   

Summary We constructed and expressed different overlapping fusion proteins with the nef gene of HIV-1 and generated specific polyclonal rabbit and monoclonal mouse antibodies against these recombinant proteins. The rabbit antisera, one of the monoclonal antibodies as well as a serum from a HIV-1 infected patient recognized the nef protein with Mr 27 kDa in latently HIV-1 infected glioma cells in the immunoblot. In contrast, these antibodies could not detect nef in productively HIV-1 infected Molt-3 cells neither in immunoblot nor in indirect immunofluorescence assays. These results indicate the possible participation of nef in viral latency.The recombinant nef proteins were used as probes for anti-nef antibodies in human sera. We observed in 17 of 57 sera tested specific anti-nef antibodies. All of these anti-nef positive sera also contained antibodies directed against viral structural proteins. The NH2-terminal region of the recombinant nef was shown to be the major immunodominant antigenic site in the immunoblot assay.  相似文献   

Three monoclonal antibodies raised against a purified human IgG3 paraprotein were found to exhibit a restriction profile for IgG3/G3m(u) and pan-IgG specificity which was dependent on the assay system. When adapted to an IgG3 subclass capture ELISA, all three McAbs discriminated between paraproteins expressing G3m(u) and antithetical markers G3m(st). One of the antibodies (PNF69C) was selected and conditions were optimised for Gm typing purposes. Using this system G3m(u) could be detected on captured IgG3 derived from human sera. This system may prove useful in the elucidation of Gm allotype profiles.  相似文献   

Rabbits, rats and hamsters were immunized with KLH-coupled synthetic peptide sequences of the murine MD-1 molecule. Serum from immunized animals bound in Western gels to a 25 KDa protein extracted from LPS stimulated mouse spleen cells, as did a rat hybridoma (SH1.2.47) prepared from peptide-immunized rats. CHO cells transfected with a plasmid cDNA construct encoding murine MD-1, the target antigen for the antibodies in question, were also stained (in FACS) by the same antibodies. Patching and capping of the antigen(s) detected by any one of these sera abolished binding of all antibodies in subsequent FACS analysis, consistent with the hypothesis that they all detected the same antigen. In a final study to assess the possible involvement of MD-1 in regulation of cell activation for cytokine production following allostimulation, we found that all of the antibodies inhibited IL-2 and IFNgamma production, while enhancing IL-4 and IL-10 production, in mixed leukocyte reactions (MLR) in vitro.  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibodies produced by a variety of hybridomas making antibody specific for E. coli 0113 lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were purified by affinity chromatography and their fine specificity studied. All reacted specifically with the polysaccharide moiety of LPS from E. coli 0113 and from Neisseria lactamica; two reacted with LPS from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and one reacted with LPS from Klebsiella pneumoniae. Polyclonal and monoclonal syngeneic and semi-syngeneic anti-idiotypic antisera were produced to study the idiotypy of LPS-specific monoclonal antibodies which express a complex cross-reactive idiotype (IdX) as well as individual idiotypes. E. coli 0113 LPS-specific antibodies produced by B ALB/c mice express this IdX and the kinetics for its expression was examined using mice either primed or hyperim-munized with LPS; idiotypic maturation was observed, but we were unable to detect an auto-anti-idiotypic antibody response. This IdX was expressed on E. coli 0113 LPS-specific antibodies from all strains of mice examined, indicating that its expression is not restricted by genes linked to the IgCH locus.  相似文献   

D C Ponsard  B Cinader  C T Chou    S Dubiski 《Immunology》1986,59(1):115-122
Reagents for the identification of rabbit cell markers have been developed at a relatively slow rate. In this paper, rabbit cells are being characterized by polyclonal antibodies against a T-cell antigen (RTLA), a B-cell antigen (RABELA) and an analogue of murine Ia antigen. A number of monoclonal antibodies, specific for lymphocytes and/or bone marrow and/or polymorphonuclear leucocytes, have been used for the analysis of cells with identifiable membrane antigens. Populations that have cells with two of the above antigens in the membranes were identified. To these ends, complement-mediated cell kill by antisera alone and in mixtures was employed.  相似文献   

Our present understanding of the dyslipoproteinaemias comes mainly from recent advances in our knowledge of the apolipoproteins and their metabolic roles. The concentrations of apo Al and apo B in plasma are accepted to be the best measures of lipoproteins as risk factors for cardiovascular disease. This review describes the advantages and limitations of monoclonal antibodies in the immunoassay of apo Al and apo B. Two different molecular forms of apo B are present in plasma: B-100 secreted by the liver, and the smaller B-48 from the intestine. Some, but not all, of the antigenic sites of B-100 are present on B-48, which allows us to measure all apo B or apo B-100 alone. The expression of some antigenic sites is influenced by the type of lipids present with apo B. These sites are variably expressed across the spectrum of apo-B containing lipoproteins. Some antigenic sites on apo Al vary in their expression but, while lipids have affected the reactivity of apo Al with some polyclonal antisera, our studies with monoclonal antibodies have shown that all antigenic sites are present independently of the presence of lipids. Some antigenic sites are fully expressed on all HDL but the expression of a number of sites increases during storage of samples, and at a rate which depends on the storage conditions, and probably on chemical changes in apo Al. Thus, we can choose to assay either all or only a selection of apo Al and apo B in a plasma sample, according to the antibody and conditions of assay which are chosen.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have characterized antimyeloid monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) produced to human rheumatoid arthritis (RA) synovial tissue macrophages (MPs) (8D7) and to lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-treated U937 cells (3D8). The 3D8 antigen is upregulated with LPS stimulation of monocytes/MPs and during monocyte maturation. The 8D7 antigen is upregulated on functionally distinct subpopulations of RA synovial tissue MPs. We used immunohistochemistry to determine the spectrum of reactivity of these unique mAbs on myeloid cell suspensions, monocytes, and mature tissue inflammatory and noninflammatory MPs. The antigens identified by the mAbs were characterized biochemically, by immunoprecipitation of solubilized 125I-labelled antigens from cell surfaces, and immunohistochemically by enzymatic digestion of myeloid cells followed by a cellular ELISA. MAb 3D8, characterized as an anti-CD13 antibody, recognizes a 150-170 kd antigen, has almost exclusive myeloid reactivity, but reacts with Langerhans' cells of the skin and thymus, pointing to shared antigens between these cells and MPs. Unlike 3D8 antigen, 8D7 antigen is strongly expressed in inflammatory states, being present on MPs in granulomata as well as in sarcoid lymph nodes. Both mAbs react with frozen and methanol-Carnoy's fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues and detect antigenic differences among human mononuclear phagocytes present in different anatomical sites and in varying stages of differentiation and activation. These mAbs should prove to be a valuable tool for studying heterogenous populations of myeloid cells.  相似文献   

We propose a new immunization method to stimulate a strong immune response against weak or diluted antigens. This technique is based on stimulation with polyclonal activators before exposure to the antigens. We also discuss the efficiency of various types of mitogen with particular regard to their capacity to produce monoclonal antibodies and serum antibodies. A specific immune response against soluble antigens is increased by pretreating mice with PPD. This preactivation permitted us to obtain monoclonal antibodies against weak antigens in a few days. No monoclonal antibodies were obtained by inoculating weak antigens or the activators by themselves.  相似文献   

Lactoferrin (LF), an iron-binding protein present in specific granules of neutrophils, is expressed on membrane after granulocyte activation. It may represent a target for anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) in patients affected by some immunomediated diseases. We recently produced two MoAbs, AGM 2.29 and AGM 10.14, that recognize two spatially distant epitopes of human LF. In this study we perform a cytometric analysis in order to evaluate the expression of LF on the surface of granulocytes obtained from freshly drawn blood or after purification, in both the presence and absence of stimuli. Our results demonstrate that LF is not constitutively expressed on membrane of circulating neutrophils. After priming with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) or tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), an increased mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) was obtained on neutrophils stained with polyclonal anti-LF antibodies and with AGM 2.29. The kinetics of LF expression during activation demonstrated a progressive increase in MFI within 45 min. No increase in MFI was documented when primed granulocytes were stained with MoAb AGM 10.14, thus indicating that the epitope recognized by AGM 10.14 is not exposed at the cell surface. Following membrane permeabilization, performed in order to analyse the binding of anti-LF MoAbs to cytoplasmic LF, a marked increase in MFI was obtained by staining granulocytes with both anti-LF MoAbs. Indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) analysis confirmed that AGM 2.29 and AGM 10.14 reacted with human granulocytes, showing a cytoplasmic pattern on formalin–acetone-fixed neutrophils and a perinuclear one on ethanol-fixed cells.  相似文献   

A polyclonal competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (PC-ELISA) is described for detection of antibodies to Ehrlichia (Cowdria) ruminantium by using a soluble extract of endothelial cell culture-derived E. ruminantium as the antigen and biotin-labeled polyclonal goat immunoglobulins as the competitor. For goats, the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity were both 100% with a cutoff of 80% inhibition (80 PI), with detection of antibodies for 550 days postinfection. For cattle, diagnostic sensitivity and specificity were 86 and 100%, respectively, with a cutoff of 50 PI and 79 and 100% with a cutoff of 70 PI. Cross-reactions with high-titer experimental or field antisera to other Ehrlichia and Anaplasma species were observed at up to 68 PI in cattle and up to 85 PI in sheep, and therefore to exclude these cross-reactions, cutoffs of 70 PI for bovine serology and 85 PI for small-ruminant serology were selected. Application of the PC-ELISA to bovine field sera from South Africa gave a higher proportion of positive results than application of the murine macrophage immunofluorescent antibody test or indirect ELISA, suggesting a better sensitivity for detection of recovered cattle, and results with bovine field sera from Malawi were consistent with the observed endemic state of heartwater and the level of tick control practiced at the sample sites. Reproducibility was high, with average standard deviations intraplate of 1.2 PI and interplate of 0.6 PI. The test format is simple, and the test is economical to perform and has a level of sensitivity for detection of low-titer positive bovine sera that may prove to be of value in epidemiological studies on heartwater.  相似文献   

A comparative study of human B lymphoma cells activation by monoclonal (murine hybridoma) antibodies to mu heavy chains (Ma-mu) as compared to polyclonal (rabbit) antibodies to mu heavy chains (Ra-mu) has been carried out. Early events related to calmodulin activation such as 86Rb influx and changes in cell volume at 4 h could be induced by Ma-mu. One antibody (AF6) approached Ra-mu with regard to the strength of response obtained. However, Ma-mus including AF6 were deficient in inducing DNA synthesis under conditions where this was achieved with Ra-mu. Studies in one lymphoma, where stimulation of re-expressed surface IgM could be studied, revealed that Ma-mu was deficient in stimulating re-expressed sIgM. These findings raise questions with regard to polyclonal antibody to surface Ig as a model for B cell triggering by antigen and suggest that antigen-induced B cell triggering may be more complex than indicated by previous studies with polyclonal antibody.  相似文献   

Results obtained measuring blood Cyclosporine A (CsA) concentrations in transplanted patients (124 samples of cardiac, 20 samples of liver, and 10 samples of kidney transplanted patients) by the use of two monoclonal radioimmunoassay (RIA) methods have been compared with those found using the HPLC technique (considered as the reference method) and two polyclonal RIAs. In addition, results on quality control samples collected in a multicentre collaborative study for CsA assay from the users of the same monoclonal and polyclonal RIAs were analysed to evaluate the performance of the methods under study. Polyclonal RIAs, which measure both the parent molecule and its metabolites, produced results 1.5-3 times higher than HPLC or monoclonal RIAs. On the contrary the two RIAs, which use monoclonal antibodies specific for CsA, show a better correlation with HPLC; these RIAs, which measure the intact drug molecule only, are recommended when the monitoring of the native molecule of CsA is requested. As far as the reproducibility is concerned, the four RIAs (both polyclonal and monoclonal) exhibit an unsatisfactory degree of between-assay and between-lab precision, since the coefficients of variation (CVs) ranged from 19.4% to 23.1%.  相似文献   

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