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目的探讨快速康复外科(fast track surgery,FTS)理论在高龄患者腹腔镜胆囊切除术(laparoscopiccholecystectomy,LC)中的应用价值。方法 2008年3月~2011年3月30例80岁以上择期3孔法LC,随机分为FTS组及对照组,FTS组接受FTS方案治疗,对照组接受传统方法治疗。比较2组术后肠道排气时间、住院时间、术后并发症和住院总费用等。结果 FTS组术后排气时间(22.9±5.5)h显著短于对照组(36.1±8.1)h(t=-5.280,P=0.000),FTS组术后住院时间(2.8±2.1)d显著短于对照组(5.6±2.0)d(t=-3.725,P=0.000),FTS组术后住院总费用(9.9±1.8)千元显著少于对照组(12.2±2.1)千元(t=-3.231,P=0.000);2组并发症发生率无统计学差异(P=0.586)。结论对80岁以上患者择期LC应用FTS能缩短患者的住院时间,加速康复。  相似文献   

郑红波  梅伟  李勇  程鹏  花璐  刘天柱 《骨科》2024,15(2):109-114
目的 探讨不同麻醉方式对老年全膝关节置换术后早期预后的影响。方法 回顾性分析2018年10月至2021年9月在我院骨科行单侧全膝关节置换术病人的临床资料,根据麻醉方式分为全身麻醉组(GA组)、复合麻醉组(CA组)、外周神经阻滞组(PNB组)和腰麻组(SA组),与GA组和CA组比较,PNB组和SA组病人美国麻醉医师协会(ASA)分级,合并症比率更高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。记录病人的一般资料、手术时间、麻醉时间、术后恢复室(PACU)观察时间和术后住院天数;记录低血压、血管活性药物泵注、术后24 h补救镇痛、舒芬太尼用量、术后炎性指标和48 h内并发症的发生率。结果 与GA组、CA组比较,PNB组和SA组病人低血压、低氧血症、血管活性药物泵注、急性心肌损伤、术后谵妄、术后恶心呕吐(PONV)、补救镇痛、入住ICU的发生率更低,舒芬太尼用量、炎性指标水平更低,术后PACU观察时间和住院时间缩短,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。与GA组比较,CA组术中舒芬太尼用量、术中低血压、血管活性药物泵注和补救镇痛率显著降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 与全身麻醉和复合麻醉相比,外周神经阻滞和腰麻是老年病人全膝关节置换术推荐的麻醉方式,可以改善早期预后。  相似文献   

目的分析老年患者心脏瓣膜置换术的治疗效果,总结围手术期处理经验。方法回顾性分析徐州医学院附属医院2011年1月至2014年5月施行心脏瓣膜置换术的47例老年患者的临床资料,其中男19例、女28例,年龄60~79岁;风湿性心脏病35例,退行性心脏瓣膜病10例,先天性主动脉瓣二叶畸形2例;术前心功能分级(NYHA)Ⅱ级23例,Ⅲ级19例,Ⅳ级5例。体外循环下行心瓣膜置换术,或同期行三尖瓣成形术(TVP)、左心房血栓清除术、冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)。观察手术早期病死率、并发症及心功能改善情况。结果全组行二尖瓣置换术(MVR)27例,主动脉瓣置换术(AVR)15例,MVR+AVR5例,同期行TVP4例,左心房血栓清除术3例,CABG6例。全组手术时间138~412(196±52)min,体外循环时间48~301(108±33)min,主动脉阻断时间34~196(87±21)min,住院时间12~31(19±5)d。无术中死亡病例,术后早期死亡2例(4.3%),死亡原因为左心功能衰竭和多器官功能衰竭。术后发生并发症23例(51.1%),包括呼吸功能不全6例,肺部感染5例,心律失常5例,切口感染2例,胸腔积液2例,低心排血量综合征2例,肾功能不全1例。通过电话、网上视频、来院复查等方式随访生存患者45例,随访时间1~32个月,随访率100%,心功能改善至I级11例、Ⅱ级32例、Ⅲ级2例。结论针对老年瓣膜疾病的特点,提高手术技巧,改善围手术期处理,可有效降低病死率,减少并发症。  相似文献   

目的 探讨右美托咪定联合超声引导下腰骶丛神经阻滞在老年髋关节置换术中的应用效果。方法 选取80例接受髋关节置换术的老年患者,分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ组。Ⅰ组给予全身麻醉,Ⅱ组行超声引导下的腰骶丛神经阻滞复合静脉麻醉。比较两组患者术后48 h的VAS评分,检测各时间点S100-β蛋白和神经元特异性烯醇化酶(NSE)浓度,观察术后7 d谵妄(POD)发生情况。结果 术后2 h、6 h、12 h、24 h和36 h时,Ⅱ组VAS评分明显低于Ⅰ组(P<0.05);术后各时间点Ⅱ组S100-β及NSE的浓度明显低于Ⅰ组(P<0.05)。术后Ⅱ组POD发生率明显低于Ⅰ组(P<0.05)。结论 右美托咪定联合超声引导下腰骶丛神经阻滞用于老年患者髋关节置换术,镇痛效果好,可改善术后认知功能,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

目的探讨70岁以上高龄患者电视胸腔镜手术(vdieo-assisted thoracoscopic surgery,VATS)围术期处理经验。方法1998年5月~2008年5月胸腔镜手术治疗70岁以上患者78例,术前根据患者第1秒用力呼气量(forced expiratoryvolume in first second,FEV1)、一氧化碳弥散量(diffuse capacity of carbon monoxide,DLCO)、超声心动左室射血分数(leftventricular ejection fraction,LVEF)、动脉血气分析、运动试验等结果评估其手术风险。在双腔气管插管全身麻醉下行标准胸腔镜手术(n=46)和胸腔镜辅助小切口手术(n=32)。术后11例延迟拔除气管插管,呼吸机辅助通气以利于麻醉恢复期平稳过渡。结果术后病理:原发性肺癌20例,肺良性病变26例,胸膜间皮瘤3例,胸膜转移癌5例,脓胸5例,纵隔良性肿瘤15例,食管裂孔疝3例,食管平滑肌瘤1例。术后并发症发生率33.3%(26/78),无术中死亡,围术期死亡率2.6%(2/78)。结论VATS对于高龄患者是一个安全的选择,通过充分的术前准备,选择适当的手术适应证,积极防治术后并发症,可以获得相对良好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

闫国剑 《医学美学美容》2024,33(13):106-108
目的 分析在老年患者中应用四步法眼袋整形术进行眼部整形的效果。方法 选取2022年1月-2024年 1月于我院接受眼部整形的68例老年患者为研究对象,根据手术类型不同分为对照组和试验组,各34例。 对照组应用常规眼袋整形术治疗,试验组应用四步法眼袋整形术治疗,比较两组临床疗效、 围术期指标、眼部状况积分及并发症发生情况。结果 试验组总有效率为9 7 . 0 6 %,高于对照 组的76.47%(P <0.05);试验组术后恢复时间、出血量低于对照组(P <0.05);试验组治疗后下眼 睑皮肤臃肿、松弛、下垂积分低于对照组(P <0.05);试验组并发症发生率为2.94%,低于对照组的 17.65%(P<0.05)。结论 在老年患者眼部整形中应用四步法眼袋整形术的效果确切,能提高术后恢复速 度,且术后并发症发生率低。  相似文献   

目的探讨局麻下脊柱内镜减压治疗高龄腰椎退变性脊柱侧凸合并神经根管狭窄的疗效。方法局部麻醉下经椎间孔入路,从背侧和腹侧减压受压神经根。术后症状改善采用下肢痛视觉疼痛模拟评分(Visual Analogue Scale,VAS)和Oswestry功能障碍指数(Oswestry Disability Index,ODI)评估,手术疗效采用改良MacNab标准评估。结果术中1例硬膜撕裂,术后出现随体位变化的疼痛不适感,3周后症状改善。12例侧凸腰椎冠状面Cobb角39.3°±6.8°。12例随访(19.4±3.4)月。下肢痛VAS评分从术前(6.5±1.2)分,改善为末次随访(1.2±0.9)分(P=0.000)。ODI从术前(67.5±6.1)%,改善为末次随访(29.0±6.6)%(P=0.000)。末次随访改良MacNab标准优良率为83.3%(10/12)。结论高龄退变性腰椎侧凸合并神经根管狭窄的处理需要考虑患者自身条件,局麻脊柱内镜下减压能够有效缓解神经压迫症状,改善生活质量,是一种可供选择且安全有效的方法。  相似文献   



Treatment of adjacent segment disease (ASD) is still controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the short-term efficacy and safety and to analyze the technical advantages, surgical approach, and indications of percutaneous full endoscopic lumbar discectomy (PELD) in the treatment of ASD after lumbar fusion in elderly patients.


A retrospective of 32 patients with symptomatic ASD were accepted for PELD from October 2017 to January 2020. All patients used the transforaminal approach and recorded the operation time and intraoperative conditions. Preoperative, 3, 12, 24 months of postoperative and at the last follow-up, the pain of back and leg of visual analog scale (VAS), Oswestry dysfunction index (ODI), and Japanese Orthopaedic Association Assessment Treatment Score (JOA) were performed, and the paired student's t test was used to the compare the continuous variables preoperatively and postoperatively. The clinical efficacy was evaluated according to MacNab standards. The lumbar MRI was performed to evaluate the decompression of the nerve roots, and the lumbar lateral and dynamic X-rays were performed to evaluate the stability of the surgical segment.


A total of 32 patients were included in the study, including 17 males and 15 females. The follow-up time ranged from 24 to 50 months, with an average of (33.2 ± 8.1) months and an average operation time of (62.7 ± 28.1) minutes. Compared to preoperatively, the VAS score of the back and leg pain (p < 0.05), ODI (p < 0.05), and JOA (p < 0.05) postoperatively were significantly improved. At the last follow-up, according to the modified MacNab standard assessment, 24 cases were excellent, five cases were good, and three cases were fair, the excellent and good rate was 90.65%. As for complications, one case had a small rupture of the dural sac during the operation, which was found but not repaired during the operation, and one case recurred after the operation. At the last follow-up, there were three cases of intervertebral instability.


PELD showed satisfactory short-term efficacy and safety in the management of ASD after lumbar fusion in elderly patients. Therefore, PELD might be an alternative choice for elderly patients with symptomatic ASD after lumbar fusion, but surgical indications must be strictly controlled.  相似文献   

目的:探讨两孔全胸腔镜手术在老年肺部疾病治疗中应用的可行性及临床价值。方法2009年10月~2013年12月,采用两孔全胸腔镜手术治疗48例60岁以上老年患者,其中肺叶切除术6例,肺楔形切除术22例,肺大疱切除及胸膜固定术20例。结果45例两孔完成手术,1例中转开胸手术,2例改为三孔手术。手术时间20~180 min,(52.6±33.8)min。术中出血量10~250 ml,(75.3±52.9)ml。术后胸腔引流时间5~14 d,(7.2±3.2)d。术后住院时间8~16 d,(10.4±3.8)d。术后肺持续漏气6例,肺不张2例,肺部感染3例,心律失常5例,余患者术后恢复顺利。结论对老年患者行两孔全胸腔镜手术诊治胸部疾病在技术上是安全、可行的,具有创伤小、恢复快等优点。  相似文献   

Lumbar foraminal stenosis is a common disorder, with surgical treatment varying from simple decompression to interbody fusion. It is often associated with degenerative lumbar scoliosis, but the effects of scoliosis on outcomes are unclear. The objectives of this study were to clarify long-term outcomes after microsurgical decompression of lumbar foraminal stenosis through Wiltse’s approach and to determine the effects of scoliosis on these outcomes. A total of 86 consecutive patients with lumbar foraminal stenosis were prospectively followed after microsurgical decompression. They were categorized in multiple subcohorts with follow-up durations ranging from 6 months to 5 years. Outcomes were assessed using the Short Form 36 questionnaire (average physical scores and bodily pain scores). Local Cobb angle of the operative segment was measured preoperatively, and its effects on outcomes were analyzed. Average physical scores improved significantly from 33.8 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 29.1–38.5) preoperatively to 59.5 (95% CI: 54.6–64.3) at 6 months postoperatively and remained improved for 5 years. Bodily pain scores improved significantly from 23.7 (95% CI: 18.7–28.6) preoperatively to 56.3 (95% CI: 51.2–61.6) at 6 months postoperatively and remained improved for 5 years. Patients with preoperative scoliosis (local Cobb angle >10 degrees) had poorer outcomes: average physical scores were worse by 9.6 points (p = 0.07) and bodily pain scores were worse by 12.1 points (p = 0.02), compared with patients without scoliosis (local Cobb angle ≤10 degrees). Microsurgical foraminal decompression produced overall excellent outcomes in patients with lumbar foraminal stenosis. Preoperative scoliosis attenuated these beneficial effects.  相似文献   

目的 探讨氢吗啡酮超前镇痛对老年肩关节镜手术患者围术期疼痛程度、血流动力学及应激反 应的影响。方法 选取2022年1月-12月于泰州市人民医院择期行全麻下单侧肩关节镜手术患者90例作为研 究对象。根据随机数字表法分为观察组和对照组,每组45例。观察组麻醉诱导前10 min静脉注射氢吗啡 酮,对照组静脉注射等体积的生理盐水,之后均行常规气管插管全麻,手术结束后送入PACU复苏,统 一术后镇痛方案,比较两组不同时间点[麻醉诱导前(T0)、插管即刻(T1)、手术切皮时(T2)、手 术结束时(T3)、气管拔管时(T4)、出麻醉复苏室时(T5)、术后4h(T6)、术后8h(T7)、术后 24h(T8)]围术期血流动力学[平均动脉压(MAP)、心率(HR)]、VAS评分、应激指标[去甲肾上腺素 (NE)、肾上腺素(E)、皮质醇(Cor)、血糖(Glu)水平]。结果 观察组T1~T5时间点MAP及HR 低于对照组,T5~T8时间点VAS评分低于对照组,T2及T3时间点Glu和血清NE、E及Cor含量低于对照 组(P<0.05)。结论 氢吗啡酮超前镇痛可有效减轻老年肩关节镜手术患者围术期疼痛程度、降低围术期 应激反应及血流动力学波动,值得临床应用。  相似文献   

Background: Dreaming reported after anesthesia remains a poorly understood phenomenon. Dreaming may be related to light anesthesia and represent near-miss awareness. However, few studies have assessed the relation between dreaming and depth of anesthesia, and their results were inconclusive. Therefore, the authors tested the hypothesis that dreaming during anesthesia is associated with light anesthesia, as evidenced by higher Bispectral Index values during maintenance of anesthesia.

Methods: With approval, 300 consenting healthy patients, aged 18-50 yr, presenting for elective surgery requiring relaxant general anesthesia with a broad range of agents were studied. Patients were interviewed on emergence and 2-4 h postoperatively. The Bispectral Index was recorded from induction until the first interview. Dream content and form were also assessed.

Results: Dreaming was reported by 22% of patients on emergence. There was no difference between dreamers and nondreamers in median Bispectral Index values during maintenance (37 [23-55] vs. 38 [20-59]; P = 0.68) or the time at Bispectral Index values greater than 60 (0 [0-7] vs. 0 [0-31] min; P = 0.38). Dreamers tended to be younger and male, to have high home dream recall, to receive propofol maintenance or regional anesthesia, and to open their eyes sooner after surgery. Most dreams were similar to dreams of sleep and were pleasant, and the content was unrelated to surgery.  相似文献   

田薇  粟莉 《骨科》2021,12(6):555-558
目的 探讨腰部骨科固定支架在腰椎后路减压融合内固定术后康复应用的疗效。方法 选取2019年1月至12月在我科接受腰椎后路减压融合内固定术治疗的腰椎间盘突出症病人122例,将2019年1月至6月术后佩戴腰围治疗的61病人纳入对照组;2019年7月至12月术后佩戴腰部骨科固定支架治疗的61病人纳入观察组。采用简明健康状况调查表(SF-36)评分、疼痛视觉模拟评分(VAS)和日本骨科协会(JOA)、舒适状况量表(GCQ)评估病人术后的生活质量、疼痛、腰部功能和舒适情况,并观察两组不良反应情况。结果 干预后,观察组的SF-36评分、VAS评分和JOA评分均优于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05);观察组的GCQ从生理、心理、社会文化和环境方面得分都要高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 医用腰围与腰部骨科固定支架均可提高病人术后康复的疗效,但腰部骨科固定支具在舒适度、透气性方面表现更佳,明显改善病人生活质量,使病人更易接受并坚持佩戴,并有助于病人术后腰部功能恢复。  相似文献   

BackgroundThis study aimed to investigate the prevalence of Clostridium difficile colitis (CDC) in elderly patients with hip fractures using a nationwide cohort database and to analyze the effect of CDC on the all-cause mortality rate after hip fracture.MethodsThis retrospective nationwide study identified subjects from the Korean National Health Insurance Service-Senior cohort. The subjects of this study were patients who were over 65 years old and underwent surgical treatment for hip fractures from January 1, 2002, to December 31, 2015. The total number of patients included in this study was 10,158. The diagnostic code used in this study was A047 of the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision for identifying CDC. Procedure codes for C. difficile culture or toxin assay were BY021 and BY022. CDC patients were defined as follows: patients treated with oral vancomycin or metronidazole over 10 days and patients with procedure codes BY021 and BY022 or diagnostic code A047 after hip fracture. Incidence date (index date, time zero) of hip fracture for analyzing risk of all-cause mortality was defined as the date of discharge. A generalized estimating equation model with Poisson distribution and logarithmic link function was used for estimating adjusted risk ratios and 95% confidence intervals to assess the association between CDC and cumulative mortality risk.ResultsThe prevalence of CDC during the hospitalization period in the elderly patients with hip fractures was 1.43%. Compared to the non-CDC group, the CDC group had a 2.57-fold risk of 30-day mortality after discharge, and a 1.50-fold risk of 1-year mortality after discharge (p < 0.05).ConclusionsThe prevalence of CDC after hip fracture surgery in elderly patients was 1.43%. CDC after hip fracture in the elderly patients significantly increased the all-cause mortality rate after discharge.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to measure changes in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure and cerebrovascular hemodynamics following acoustic neuroma surgery. The subjects were 32 patients undergoing translabyrinthine or retrosigmoid excision of acoustic neuroma. CSF pressure and the amplitude of the CSF pressure pulse wave were measured using lumbar catheters, and all variables were recorded minute by minute on a microcomputer. Transcranial doppler (TCD) was used to measure flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery in 10 patients to monitor changes in cerebral hemodynamics. In the 24 hours after surgery, all patients showed a statistically significant rise in CSF pressure from 11.4 mm Hg (standard deviation [SD] 6.1) to 19.6 mm Hg (SD 5.2) and a corresponding fall in the compliance of the CSF compartment. These changes were reversed within 48 hours, and the CSF pressure fell below the preoperative level over the next 4 days without any drainage of CSF. The results of this study demonstrate a transient increase in CSF pressure and decrease in craniospinal compliance that is provoked by surgery. The most plausible explanation for this disturbance is impaired CSF absorption, which resolves rapidly in most patients without therapeutic CSF drainage.  相似文献   

目的:探讨短期正念减压球的使用对手术患者紧张情绪的影响.方法:选择2018年12月—2019年2月我院收治的择期行腹腔镜下胆囊切除术胆管探查术的患者100例,随机分观察组和对照组,每组50例.对照组患者运用常规护理,观察组患者给予短期正念减压球的使用辅助正念减压法进行护理.比较两组患者手术前后的血压、心率及匹兹堡睡眠质...  相似文献   

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