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目的 探讨更昔洛韦凝胶联合碱性成纤维细胞生长因子滴眼液治疗单纯疱疹性角膜炎的疗效.方法 32例(35眼)单纯疱疹性角膜炎患者分为治疗组17例(19眼),联合使用更昔洛韦凝胶和碱性成纤维细胞生长因子滴眼液进行治疗,对照组15例(16眼),使用传统的无环鸟苷滴眼液进行治疗,用药4周,观察和对比不同用药的疗效.结果 治疗4周...  相似文献   

目的:探讨更昔洛韦治疗单疱病毒浅层性角膜病的疗效。方法:单疱病毒浅层型60例,分为2组。治疗组32例用更昔洛韦针5mg/kg一日一次,更昔洛韦眼用凝胶点眼每12小时一次。对照组用阿昔洛韦针5mg/kg一日一次,2组均为静脉滴注,一日一次。结果:治疗组有效率为90.6%,对照组有效率为60.8%,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:更昔洛韦治疗单疱病毒性浅层性角膜炎效果显著,并且安全。  相似文献   

徐丽华 《西南军医》2011,13(6):1054-1055
目的观察分析更昔洛韦凝胶在带状疱疹病毒性角膜炎中的临床疗效。方法治疗前查血常规、肝肾功能,检查视力、角膜以及虹膜。两组患者均口服消炎痛25mg,2次/d,无环鸟苷0.2g,3次/d,静脉滴注200g/L甘露醇500ml,有虹膜睫状体炎者加用复方托品酰胺滴眼剂散瞳。上述基础上观察组采用0.15%的更昔洛韦眼用凝胶(湖北科益药业股份公司生产)局部滴患眼,每天4次。对照组采用0.1%更昔洛韦滴眼液(武汉天天明药业有限责任公司生产)局部滴患眼,每天6次。疗程14d,随防12个月,记录患者治疗前后的眼部刺激症状、球结膜睫状充血程度、角膜改善情况。结果 56例经药物治疗14d后,观察组治愈18例,占64.29%,总有效率96.43%,与对照组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。观察组畏光流泪眼睛疼痛、眼睛干涩不适、虹膜睫状体炎消失时间和角膜损伤愈合时间与对照组比较有明显缩短,差异有统计学意义P<0.05。所有患者未发生带状疱疹后遗神经痛,未出现明显不良反应。结论更昔洛韦眼用凝胶治疗带状疱疹病毒性角膜炎能明显缩短病程,且使用方便,依从性好,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

更昔洛韦治疗老年带状疱疹疗效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:评价更昔洛韦治疗老年带状疱疹的疗效及安全性。方法:126例老年带状疱疹患者分为两组,更昔洛韦组静脉滴注更昔洛韦0.25g,每日1次;阿昔洛韦组静脉滴注阿昔洛韦0.5g,每日2次。两组疗程均为7d。结果:更昔洛韦组有效率为93.8%,阿昔洛韦组有效率为78.7%,两组比较差异有显著性(P<0.05),在减轻症状和体征方面,更昔洛韦比阿昔洛韦组疗效更显著(P<0.01)。两组均无严重的不良反应发生。结论:更昔洛韦治疗老年带状疱疹安全,速效。  相似文献   

更昔洛韦治疗小儿EB病毒感染疗效观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
EB病毒感染在我国极为普遍,多发生于儿童期,不仅人群中EB病毒感染者众多,且容易通过母婴传播使新生儿得到感染。2005年-2007年收治小儿EB病毒感染患儿96例,给予更昔洛韦治疗,取得满意效果。1资料和方法1.1一般资料96例,男42例,女34例,年龄6个月-14岁随机分为2组,两组患儿在性别  相似文献   

目的:目的:观察更昔洛韦治疗新生儿巨细胞病毒(CMV)感染的疗效.方法:将新生儿巨细胞病毒感染的66例患儿随机分为两组,治疗组33例,应用更昔洛韦注射剂,诱导期7.5mg/(kg·次),每日2次,连续应用14d后改为10mg/(kg·d),每周3次,共维持3个月.对照组33例,应用利巴韦林注射剂,10mg/(kg·d),连用7d.两组均检测CMV-IgM判断疗效.结果:治疗组的转阴率为75.8%,对照组的转阴率为30.3%(P<0.01).治疗过程中两组患儿均出现轻度肝功能受损及WBC,PLT减少,无显著差别(P>0.05).结论:更昔洛韦治疗新生儿巨细胞病毒感染疗效较好,值得临床进一步推广.  相似文献   

更昔洛韦治疗儿童水痘60例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王茜丽  焦丽  邵彬  刘向萍  李少闻  田莹 《武警医学》2004,15(12):928-929
水痘是传染性极强的儿童期出疹疾病 ,临床特点是皮肤黏膜分批出现迅速发展的斑疹、丘疹、疱疹与结痂 ,传染性强。易感者接触患者后约 90 %发病 ,尤其是幼儿和学龄前儿童。因其持续高热 ,少数出现疱疹感染、继发性肺炎、水痘脑炎等并发症。为缩短病程 ,减少并发症 ,我院从 2 0 0 2年 3月~ 2 0 0 3年 8月 ,对收治的 10 8例水痘患儿进行分组治疗和临床观察 ,现报告如下。1 对象和方法1.1 对象 确诊的水痘患儿 10 8例 ,其中男 6 1例 ,女 4 7例 ,年龄 3~ 12岁 ,平均年龄 6 .5岁。入院前病程 1~ 3d。 10 8例患儿随机分为治疗组 (更昔洛韦组 …  相似文献   

目的:观察更昔洛韦治疗毛细支气管炎的疗效。方法:140例毛细支气管炎患儿随机分为治疗组80例,对照组60例。对照组给予利巴韦林10~15mg/(kg·d)抗病毒治疗,辅以雾化吸痰,扩张支气管药物,抗菌的综合治疗方案。治疗组给予更昔洛韦5mg/(kg·d)静脉滴注治疗,辅以上述综合治疗,观察两组患者在症状、体征改善方面的差异。结果:治疗组喘憋症状缓解,哮鸣消失及总住院时间均短于对照组,差异有显著性(P〈0.05)。结论:更昔洛韦治疗毛细支气管炎疗效显著。  相似文献   

We report a case of herpes simplex encephalitis in which sequential MR imaging and SPECT studies showed interesting findings. SPECT in the acute stage showed wide increased uptake in the left cerebral hemisphere, as well as increased uptake in the contralateral right cerebellar hemisphere. Tl-weighted images in the subacute stage showed hyperintense signals along the cerebral cortices, but T2*-weighted gradient-echo images did not show any signal decrease caused by the magnetic susceptibility effect of hemoglobin degradation. Sequential SPECT studies in addition to MR imaging facilitate precise understanding of the pathophysiology of herpes simplex encephalitis.  相似文献   

An experimental cancer gene therapy model was employed to develop a non-invasive imaging procedure using radiolabelled 2'-fluoro-2'-deoxy-5-iodo-1--d-arabinofuranosyluracil (FIAU) as an enzyme substrate for monitoring retroviral vector-mediated herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase gene (HSV1-tk) transgene expression. Iodine-131 labelled FIAU was prepared by a no-carrier-added (n.c.a.) synthesis process and lyophilised to give "hot kits". The labelling yield was over 95%, with a radiochemical purity of more than 98%. The stability of [131I]FIAU in the form of lyophilised powder (the hot kit) was much better than that in the normal saline solution. The shelf life of the final [131I]FIAU hot kit product is as long as 4 weeks. Cellular uptake of [131I]FIAU after different periods of storage was investigated in vitro with HSV1-tk-retroviral vector transduced NG4TL4-STK and parental non-transduced NG4TL4 murine sarcoma cell lines over an 8-h incubation period. The NG4TL4-STK cells accumulated more radioactivity than NG4TL4 cells in all conditions, and accumulation increased with time up to 8 h. The kinetic profile of the cellular uptake of n.c.a. [131I]FIAU formulated from the lyophilised hot kit or from the stock solution was qualitatively similar. For animal model cancer gene therapy studies, FVB/N mice were inoculated subcutaneously with the HSV1-tk(+) and tk(–) sarcoma cells into the flank to produce tumours. Biodistribution studies showed that tumour/blood ratios were 2, 3.5, 8.2 and 386.8 at 1, 4, 8 and 24 h post injection, respectively, for the HSV1-tk(+) tumours, and 0.5, 0.5, 0.7 and 5.4, respectively, for the HSV1-tk(–) tumours. Radiotracer clearance from blood was completed in 24 h and was bi-exponential. A significant difference in radioactivity accumulation was revealed among the HSV1-tk(+) tumours, the tk(–) tumours and other tissues. At 24 h p.i., higher activity retention was observed in HSV1-tk(+) tumours (9.67%±3.89%ID/g) than in HSV1-tk(–) tumours (0.48%±0.19%ID/g). After seven consecutive daily treatments with the prodrug ganciclovir, planar gamma camera imaging showed HSV1-tk(+) tumour regression at day 4, and complete tumour regression at day 7. These results clearly demonstrate that the simplified n.c.a. synthesis process developed in this study is reliable and that the [131I]FIAU product is useful for in vivo monitoring of HSV1-tk gene transfer, expression and gene therapy.  相似文献   

Lesions in acute herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) have been reported to show decreased uptake of Tc-99m ethyl cysteinate dimer (ECD). A patient with acute HSE displaying a lesion in the left temporal lobe was evaluated by means of Tc-99m ECD single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). Dynamic SPECT images indicated regionally increased uptake of tracer in the ipsilateral temporal lobe in early phases, followed by slight washout of Tc-99m ECD from the lesion. Static SPECT images revealed increased tracer uptake in the same region. MRI later demonstrated that the HSE lesion involved the whole cortex of the temporal lobe on the affected side. These findings suggest that acute HSE lesions do not always exhibit hypoactivity on static Tc-99m ECD SPECT, and that dynamic Tc-99m ECD SPECT may help physicians diagnose acute HSE.  相似文献   

目的 :观察中药热毒清眼药水治疗单纯疱疹性角膜炎 (herpessimplexkeratitis,HSK)的疗效与超声雾化强化给药的临床疗效。方法 :1 1 0例HSK患者随机分为热毒清雾化组、热毒清滴眼组和阿昔洛韦 (无环鸟苷 )滴眼对照组。雾化组热毒清眼药水通过超声雾化治疗 ,滴眼组用热毒清眼药水滴眼治疗 ,对照组用阿昔洛韦眼药水滴眼治疗。观察 3组 1 5d时的疗效和治疗后的复发率。结果 :热毒清雾化组有效率高于热毒清滴眼组 ,热毒清滴眼组又高于对照组。热毒清雾化组和滴眼组在 4~ 1 2个月随访期间的复发率低于对照组 (P <0 .0 5 )。在安全性上 ,所有病例均未发生全身、局部不良反应。结论 :中药热毒清眼药水治疗HSK有提高治疗效果和减少复发的作用 ;中药雾化透入法是眼科局部能连续给药并强化药效的新的给药途径  相似文献   

We describe an 8-year-old boy with fatal herpes simplex encephalitis in whom CT performed 2 days following the onset of symptoms apparently demonstrated an extensive infarct.  相似文献   

Conjunctivitis is currently diagnosed using white light microscopy of corneal or conjunctival cells in culture. This takes time and is subjective. An ideal test would be sensitive, specific, near-patient and quick. Raman spectroscopy is the measurement of inelastic light scatter that produces unique molecular spectra. Infected human tear film can be analysed for viral and bacterial particles. However, the concentration of these and the constituents of the tear are very low. Surface enhanced Raman scattering can be used to amplify the Raman signal. For this experiment two different SERS substrates were used: silver mirror reaction glass and gold thin film. Heat denatured herpes simplex virus in transport medium culture and transport medium only were added to different ratios of a synthetic tear. The synthetic tear was modelled on the aqueous layer of the human tear film. Linear discriminant analysis was performed on each spectral dataset for each ratio of mixture on both substrates. From the classification tables, the sensitivity and specificity for silver mirror reaction glass were 75.5 ± 13.8%, 77.3 ± 8.3%, and for gold thin film 75.5 ± 5.9% and 78.3 ± 6.2% respectively. The results show proof of principle that SERS could potentially be used to detect the presence of herpes simplex viral particles in an aqueous solution such as the tear film.  相似文献   

BackgroundHerpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) is one of the most widespread infections that can effect the orofacial region. Recurrent infection is considered a life-long oral health problem, leading to pain, discomfort, and social restriction due to esthetic features when active. Effective therapies are needed. This study aimed to compare photodynamic therapy (PDT), Topical Acyclovir (AC), and the association of both in the healing process and self-reported symptomologies of HSV-1 recurrences.MethodsPatients were randomly assigned into 3 groups (n = 25): PDT (low-power laser, 660 nm, 40 mW, 120 J/cm2, 4.8 J, 120 s per point) and methylene blue (0.005 %) as photosensitizer; AC (5%); PDT + AC.Data concerning lesion size, healing time, and self-reported healing parameters, such as pain, tingling, and edema were taken every day up to complete healing for all studied groups.ResultsThere was no significant difference in healing time and pain between groups. AC group showed a significant minor reduction of the lesion compared to the AC-PDT group on day 1. Regarding edema and tingling, the comparison of treatments showed a statistical difference only on day 1, where PDT showed better results.ConclusionWith all the limitations of this study, it can be concluded that only on day 1 PDT showed positive effects in the treatment of herpes lesions in comparison to AC.  相似文献   

目的:探讨单纯疱疹病毒性脑炎的影像学表现。方法:回顾性分析9例经PCR(polymerasechainreaction)证实的单纯疱疹病毒性脑炎患者的影像及临床资料,9例患者均行颅脑MRI及增强检查,3例行头部CT扫描。结果:2例病灶位于单侧颞叶、岛叶和扣带回;2例位于双侧颞叶,岛叶、基底节、额叶内侧回及海马钩回;5例位于双侧额叶、颞叶、岛叶,一侧为重,病灶多累及皮层及皮层下白质;其中2例出现不同程度的占位效应。CT扫描病灶呈低密度;MRl扫描病灶呈长T,长T2信号,TIRM序列上病灶呈高信号,DWI显示病灶区扩散受限,增强扫描5例出现脑膜样强化,4例无强化。结论:单纯疱疹病毒性脑炎影像学表现具有一定特征性,常侵犯颞叶、额叶、基底节及岛叶,尤其一侧颞叶、岛叶和眶额区为重.MRI对病灶的显示优于CT.  相似文献   

Introduction The CT, MR, and diffusion-weighted initial and follow-up imaging findings in neonatal herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) encephalitis were assessed. Methods The clinical, laboratory and imaging findings in 12 patients (eight girls and four boys) with proven neonatal HSV-2 encephalitis with follow-up were retrospectively reviewed. Patterns of brain involvement and distribution of lesions were studied and the contribution of diffusion-weighted imaging to the imaging diagnosis of this disease was explored. A total of 24 CT and 22 MRI studies were performed with a mean follow-up time of 38 months. Results Neonatal HSV-2 encephalitis can be multifocal or limited to only the temporal lobes, brainstem, or cerebellum. The deep gray matter structures were involved in 57% of patients, and hemorrhage was seen in more than half of the patients. CT images were normal or showed mild abnormalities in the early stages of the disease. Conventional MR images may be normal in the early stages of the disease. Lesions were initially seen only by diffusion-weighted imaging in 20% of the patients and this modality showed a substantially more extensive disease distribution in an additional 50% of patients. In 40% of patients, watershed distribution ischemic changes were observed in addition to areas of presumed direct herpetic necrosis. Conclusion Neonatal HSV-2 encephalitis has a variable imaging appearance. Diffusion-weighted MRI is an important adjunct in the imaging evaluation of this disease. Watershed distribution ischemia in areas remote from the primary herpetic lesions may be seen.  相似文献   

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