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The barn owl determines the directions from which sounds emanate by computing the interaural differences in the timing and intensity of sounds. These cues for sound localization are processed in independent channels originating at nucleus magnocellularis (NM) and nucleus angularis (NA), the cochlear nuclei. The cells of NM are specialized for encoding the phase of sounds in the ipsilateral ear. The cells of NA are specialized for encoding the intensity of sounds in the ipsilateral ear. NM projects solely, bilaterally, and tonotopically to nucleus laminaris (NL). NL and NA project to largely nonoverlapping zones in the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (ICc), thus forming hodological subdivisions in which time and intensity information may be processed. The terminal field of NL occupies a discrete zone in the rostromedial portion of the contralateral ICc, which we have termed the "core" of ICc. The terminal field of NA surrounds the core of ICc and thus forms a "shell" around it. The projection from NL to the core conserves tonotopy. Low-frequency regions of NL project to the dorsal portions of the core whereas higher-frequency regions project to more ventral portions. This innervation pattern is consistent with earlier physiological studies of tonotopy. Physiological studies have also suggested that NL and the core of ICs contain a representation of the location of a sound source along the horizontal axis. Our data suggest that the projection from NL to the core preserves spatiotopy. Thus, the dorsal portion of NL on the left, which contains a representation of eccentric loci in the right hemifield, innervates the area of the right ICc core that represents eccentric right loci. The more ventral portion of the left NL, which represents loci close to the vertical meridian, innervates the more rostral portions of the right core, which also represents loci near the vertical meridian.  相似文献   

The barn owl's head grows after hatching, causing interaural distances to more than double in the first 3 weeks posthatch. These changes expose the bird to a constantly increasing range of interaural time cues. We have used Golgi and ultrastructural techniques to analyze the development of the connections and cell types of the nucleus magnocellularis (NM) and the nucleus laminaris (NL) with reference to the growth of the head. The time coding circuit is formed but immature at the time of hatching. In the month posthatch, the auditory nerve projection to the NM matures, and appears adult-like by posthatch day (P)21. NM neurons show a late growth of permanent dendrites starting at P6. Over the first month, these dendrites change in length and number, depending upon rostrocaudal position, to establish the adult pattern in which high best frequency neurons have few or no dendrites. These changes are not complete by P21, when NM neurons still have more dendrites than in the adult owl. The neurons of NL have many short dendrites before hatching. Their number is greatly reduced by P6, and then does not change during later development. Like NM neurons, NL neurons and dendrites grow in the first month posthatch, and at P21, NL dendrites are longer than those in the adult owl. Thus, the auditory brainstem circuits grow in the first month after hatching, but are not yet mature at the time the head reaches its adult size. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Interaural phase and intensity are cues by which the barn owl determines, respectively, the azimuth and elevation of a sound source. Physiological studies indicate that phase and intensity are processed independently in the auditory brainstem of the barn owl. The phases of spectral components of a sound are encoded in nucleus magnocellularis (NM), one of the two cochlear nuclei. NM projects solely and bilaterally to nucleus laminaris (NL), wherein interaural phase difference is computed. The other cochlear nucleus, nucleus angularis (NA), encodes the amplitudes of spectral components of sounds. We report here the projections of NA and NL to the lateral lemniscal nuclei of the barn owl. The lateral lemniscal complex comprises nucleus olivaris superior (SO); nucleus lemnisci lateralis, pars ventralis (LLv); and nucleus ventralis lemnisci lateralis (VLV). At caudal levels, VLV may be divided into a posterior (VLVp) and an anterior (VLVa) subdivision on cytoarchitectonic grounds. At rostral levels, the cytoarchitectural differences diminish and the boundaries between the two subdivisions become obscured. Likewise, our data from anterograde tracing studies suggest that at caudal levels the terminal fields of NA and NL remain confined to VLVp and VLVa, respectively. They merge, however, at rostral levels. The data also suggest that NL projects to the medial portion of the ipsilateral SO and that NA projects bilaterally to all parts of SO and LLv. Studies with the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase confirm these projections.  相似文献   

We have investigated the somatosensory and auditory representations in the nucleus basalis of the barn owl. In pigeons and finches, the nucleus basalis contains a representation of the beak and an auditory area. In the barn owl, the nucleus basalis also contains a complete somatotopic map of the head and body (as in the budgerigar), with a tonotopically organized auditory area in close proximity to the representation of the facial ruff and the preaural area. Recordings within and around the nucleus basalis revealed predominantly (about 80%) contralateral responses to somatic stimulation. The somatotopic map was oriented with the head down and rostral. Penetrations revealed an over-representation of the feet in dorsal basalis, followed by the rest of the body and wings more ventrally. Towards more rostral positions in nucleus basalis, responses from the head and beak predominated ventrally. The auditory response area was encountered below the region that responded to stimulation of the facial ruff and preaural flap regions and above a region responsive to beak stimulation. Auditory responses were tonotopically organized, with low best frequencies dorsal. Some penetrations yielded predominantly monaural responses with a fairly broad dynamic range, similar to those recorded from the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (LLV) and the cochlear nucleus angularis, whereas other penetrations contained predominantly binaural responses sensitive to interaural time differences (ITD). The physiological responses could be predicted on the basis of auditory projections to the nucleus basalis. An injection of biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) in the auditory region of nucleus basalis retrogradely labeled cells in both the caudal and rostral parts of the intermediate lateral lemniscal nucleus (LLIc and LLIr), and a few cells in the anterior part of the dorsal lateral lemniscal nucleus (LLDa, previously known as nucleus ventralis lemnisci lateralis, pars anterior, or VLVa) and in the posterior part of the dorsal lateral lemniscal nucleus (LLDp, previously known as nucleus ventralis lemnisci lateralis, pars posterior, or VLVp). A large injection of cholera toxin B-chain (CTB) into the nucleus basalis also produced dense retrograde labeling of a previously unidentified nucleus on the lateral aspect of the rostral pons, that we here call nucleus pontis externus (PE). An injection of CTB into PE produced dense retrograde labeling of the contralateral dorsal column nuclei and anterograde labeling of the ipsilateral lateral and dorsolateral nucleus basalis. Together these results define major somatosensory and auditory projections to the owl telencephalon that bypass the thalamus.  相似文献   

The response of single units in the cochlear nucleus when confronted with step increments and step decrements in stimulus intensity was studied in the rat using tones that were amplitude modulated with square waves or with pseudorandom noise. Cycle histograms of the responses to tones modulated with square waves revealed that the probability of firing increased as a result of step increments in stimulus intensity for tones at characteristic frequency (CF) and that the probability of firing decreased as a result of step decrements. When two tones were presented simultaneously, one at CF and one at the unit's best inhibitory frequency (BIF), and one or the other of the tones was modulated, the modulation of the cycle histogram of the responses was greater than when only one tone was presented. Modulation of the inhibitory tone gave rise to histograms that were mirror images of the histograms of the responses to modulation of the excitatory tone. An increase in probability of firing always occurred at a faster rate than a decrease, independent of whether the increase was brought about by increase in the intensity of the excitatory tone or by a decrease in the intensity of the inhibitory tone. The cycle histograms of the responses to square wave-modulated tones and the step response estimated from the responses to tones amplitude-modulated with pseudorandom noise showed a greater similarity when the cycle histograms depicted the case of an increase in the probability of firing than when they concerned a decrease in the probability of firing.  相似文献   

This report describes the binaural basis of the auditory space map in the optic tectum of the barn owl (Tyto alba). Single units were recorded extracellularly in ketamine-anesthetized birds. Unit tuning for interaural differences in timing and intensity of wideband noise was measured using digitally synthesized sound presented through earphones. Spatial receptive fields of the same units were measured with a free field sound source. Auditory units in the optic tectum are sharply tuned for both the azimuth and the elevation of a free field sound source. To determine the binaural cues that could be responsible for this spatial tuning, we measured in the ear canals the amplitude and phase spectra produced by a free field noise source and calculated from these measurements the interaural differences in time and intensity associated with each of 178 locations throughout the frontal hemisphere. For all frequencies, interaural time differences (ITDs) varied systematically and most strongly with source azimuth. The pattern of variation of interaural intensity differences (IIDs) depended on frequency. For low frequencies (below 4 kHz) IID varied primarily with source azimuth, whereas for high frequencies (above 5 kHz) IID varied primarily with source elevation. Tectal units were tuned for interaural differences in both time and intensity of dichotic stimuli. Changing either parameter away from the best value for the unit decreased the unit's response. The tuning of units to either parameter was sharp: the width of ITD tuning curves, measured at 50% of the maximum response with IID held constant (50% tuning width), ranged from 18 to 82 microsecs. The 50% tuning widths of IID tuning curves, measured with ITD held constant, ranged from 8 to 37 dB. For most units, tuning for ITD was largely independent of IID, and vice versa. A few units exhibited systematic shifts of the best ITD with changes in IID (or shifts of the best IID with changes in ITD); for these units, a change in the value of one parameter to favor one ear shifted the best value of the other parameter in favor of the same ear, i.e., in the direction opposite to that expected from "time-intensity trading." Overall sound intensity had little or no effect on ITD tuning, but did increase the best IIDs of units tuned to nonzero IIDs. The tuning of units for ITD and IID changed systematically along different dimensions of the optic tectum to create coextensive, independent neurophysiological maps of ITD and IID.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The nucleus ventralis lemnisci lateralis pars posterior (VLVp) is the first binaural station in the intensity-processing pathway of the barn owl. Contralateral stimulation excites and ipsilateral stimulation inhibits VLVp cells. The strength of the inhibition declines systematically from dorsal to ventral within the nucleus. Cells selective for different intensity disparities occur in an orderly sequence from dorsal to ventral within each isofrequency lamina. Cells at intermediate depths in the nucleus are selective for a particular narrow range of interaural intensity differences independently of the absolute sound-pressure level. A simple model of the interaction between inhibition and excitation can explain most of the response properties of VLVp neurons. The map of selectivity for intensity disparity is mainly based on the gradient of inhibition.  相似文献   

The cochlear nucleus angularis (NA) of the barn owl (Tyto alba) was analyzed using Golgi, Nissl, and tract tracing techniques. NA forms a column of cells in the dorsolateral brainstem that partly overlaps with, and is rostral and lateral to, the cochlear nucleus magnocellularis (NM). Highest best frequencies are mapped in lateral NA (NAl), intermediate in medial NA (NAm), and lowest in the foot region (NAf). Cell density followed the tonotopic axis and decreased with decreasing best frequency. NA contained four major cell classes: planar, radiate, vertical, and stubby. Planar and radiate classes were further subdivided into bipolar and multipolar types according to their number of primary dendrites. Planar neurons were confined to an isofrequency band, whereas radiate neurons had dendrites that could extend across an isofrequency band. Vertical cells had long dendrites oriented perpendicularly to isofrequency bands. Stubby cells were the most numerous and were confined to an isofrequency band because of their short dendrites. Neurons in each of these four classes projected to the inferior colliculus and dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus.  相似文献   

Nucleus laminaris (NL) is the site at which the timing of sounds arriving in the 2 ears is compared in the auditory system of the barn owl. Earlier studies have reported vitamin D-dependent calcium binding protein (CaBP)-like immunoreactivity in the somata of NL. We report here that CaBP-like immunoreactivity stains the terminal field of NL. The specific CaBP immunoreactivity is localized to a dense plexus of fibers that have bouton-like swellings, usually around unstained somata. This type of immunoreactivity is found in a restricted portion of the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (ICc), in the anterior division of the ventral lateral lemniscal complex (VLVA), and in the superior olivary nucleus (SO), all of which have been shown by anterograde transport of 3H-proline to be innervated by NL. The immunoreactivity is absent from the posterior division of ventral lateral lemniscal complex and from the region that surrounds the portion of ICc innervated by NL. A restricted lesion in NL results in a localized deficit in immunoreactivity in those regions of ICc and VLVA that are known to be innervated by the lesioned area of NL. In adjacent sections processed by the Fink-Heimer method, degenerating axons are present in the region of the deficit in immunoreactivity.  相似文献   

The central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (ICC) is particularly important for the processing of interaural time differences (ITDs). In the barn owl, neuronal best frequencies in a subnucleus of the ICC, the ICCcore, span the animal's entire hearing range (approximately equal to 200-10 000 Hz). This means that low-frequency ITD-sensitive ICCcore neurons in the owl can be directly compared to ITD-sensitive mammalian ICC neurons with similar best frequencies as well as to the high-frequency ITD-sensitive neurons usually studied in owls. This report represents a first attempt to systematically describe important physiological properties of ICCcore neurons in the barn owl, with particular attention to the low-frequency region (< 2 kHz). Responses were obtained from 133 neurons or small clusters of neurons; recording sites were confirmed by histological reconstruction of electrode tracks based on electrolytic lesions. Iso-intensity frequency response functions were typically approximately equal to 1 octave wide in the low-frequency range and approximately equal to 1/3 octave wide in the high-frequency range. Most neurons were ITD-tuned; both noise and pure tone stimuli yielded periodic ITD tuning curves with several equivalent response maxima. In most cases ITD tuning curves had a response peak within the barn owl's physiological ITD range. ITD tuning widths were inversely correlated with neuronal best frequency. None of the ICCcore neurons studied were sensitive to interaural level differences. Monaural inputs to ICCcore cells were typically binaurally balanced, i.e. they exhibited similar response thresholds, dynamic ranges, slopes and saturation levels, for both left and right ear monaural stimulation.  相似文献   

The central projections of the auditory nerve were examined in the barn owl. Each auditory nerve fiber enters the brain and divides to terminate in both the cochlear nucleus angularis and the cochlear nucleus magnocellularis. This division parallels a functional division into intensity and time coding in the auditory system. The lateral branch of the auditory nerve innervates the nucleus angularis and gives rise to a major and a minor terminal field. The terminals range in size and shape from small boutons to large irregular boutons with thorn-like appendages. The medial branch of the auditory nerve conveys phase information to the cells of the nucleus magnocellularis via large axosomatic endings or end bulbs of Held. Each medial branch divides to form 3-6 end bulbs along the rostrocaudal orientation of a single tonotopic band, and each magnocellular neuron receives 1-4 end bulbs. The end bulb envelops the postsynaptic cell body and forms large numbers of synapses. The auditory nerve profiles contain round clear vesicles and form punctate asymmetric synapses on both somatic spines and the cell body.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine how the functional specialization of the barn owl's auditory brainstem might correlate with histochemical compartmentalizaiton. The barn owl uses interaural intensity and time differences to encode, respectively, the vertical and azimuthal positions of sound sources in space. These two auditory cues are processed in parallel ascending pathways that separate from each other at the level of the cochlear nuclei. Sections through the auditory brainstem were stained for acetylcholinesterase (AChE) to examine whether nuclei that process different auditory cues stain differentially for this enzyme. Of the two cochlear nuclei, angularis showed more intense staining than nucleus magnocellularis. Nucleus angularis projects to all of the nuclei and subdivisions of nuclei that belong to the intensity processing pathway. Acetylcholinesterase stained all regions that contain terminal fields of nucleus angularis and thus provided discrimination between the time and intensity pathways. Moreover, staining patterns with acetylcholinesterase were complementary to those prevously reported with an anti-calbindin antibody, which stains terminal fields of nucleus laminaris, and thus stains all the nuclei and subdivisions of nuclei that belong to the time pathway. Some of the gross staining patterns observed with AChE were similar to those reported with antibodies to glutamate decarboxylase. However, AChE is a more convenient and definitive marker in discriminating between these pathways than is calbindin or glutamate decarboxylase. Acetylcholinesterase staining of the intensity pathway in the owl may be related to encoding of sound intensity by spike rate over large dynamic ranges. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Antisera to GAD (glutamic acid decarboxylase) and GABA were used to determine the distribution of GABAergic cells and terminals in the brainstem and midbrain auditory nuclei of the barn owl. The owl processes time and intensity components of the auditory signal in separate pathways, and each pathway has a distinctive pattern of GAD- and GABA-like immunoreactivity. In the time pathway, all the cells of the cochlear nucleus magnocellularis and nucleus laminaris receive perisomatic GABAergic terminals, and small numbers of GABAergic neurons surround both nuclei. The ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (anterior division) contains both immunoreactive terminals and some GABAergic neurons. In the intensity pathway, dense immunoreactive terminals are distributed throughout the cochlear nucleus angularis, which also contains a small number of GABAergic neurons. The superior olive contains two GABAergic cell types and immunoreactive terminals distributed throughout the neuropil. All the neurons of the nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (ventral part) appear to be GABAergic, and this nucleus also contains a moderate number of immunoreactive terminals. Immunoreactive terminals are distributed throughout the neuropil of the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (posterior division), whereas multipolar and small fusiform GABAergic neurons predominate in the dorsal regions of the nucleus. The time and intensity pathways combine in the inferior colliculus. The central nucleus of the inferior colliculus contains a larger number of fusiform and stellate GABAergic neurons and a dense plexus of immunoreactive terminals, whereas the external nucleus contains slightly fewer immunoreactive cells and terminals. The superficial nucleus contains dense, fine immunoreactive terminals and a small number of GABAergic neurons.  相似文献   

AMPA receptor subunit-specific antibodies were used to determine if the distribution of excitatory amino acid receptors in the owl's auditory brainstem and midbrain nuclei reflected specializations for temporal processing. Each auditory nucleus displays characteristic levels of immunostaining for the AMPA receptor subunits GluR1–4, with high levels of the subtypes which exhibit rapid desensitization (GluR4 and 2/3). In the auditory brainstem, levels of GluR2/3 and GluR4 were very high in the cochlear nucleus magnocellularis and the nucleus laminaris. The different cell types of the cochlear nucleus angularis and the superior olive were characterized by heterogeneous GluR2/3 and 4 immunostaining. GluR1 levels were very low or undetectable. In the lemniscal nuclei, most neurons contained low levels of GluR1, and dense GluR2/3 and GluR4 immunoreactivity, with high levels of GluR4 in the dendrites. Levels of GluR4 were higher in the anterior portion of the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus. The divisions of the inferior colliculus could be distinguished on the basis of GluR1–4 immunoreactivity, with high levels of GluR4 and moderate levels of GluR1 in the external nucleus. No major differences were observed between the pathways for encoding time and sound level cues. J. Comp. Neurol. 378:239–253, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Raabe T  Köppl C 《Brain research》2003,986(1-2):124-131
The efferent innervation of the auditory basilar papilla of birds and mammals is provided by a dedicated population of brainstem neurones that are separate from those supplying the vestibular organs. This study addresses the question whether a population of bilaterally-projecting efferents, contacting hair cells in both basilar papillae, is consistently present in birds. The chicken and the barn owl were chosen, two species where the total number of efferents was already known and which represent two extremes of an auditory generalist and an auditory specialist, respectively. Fluorogold and Choleratoxin, two potent retrograde tracers, were injected into one cochlear duct each of all individuals. Labelled neurones were subsequently identified in the brainstem using standard fluorescence techniques. A small proportion (up to 2% of the total population) of double-labelled cells was found in both species. The great majority of those double-labelled neurones could be assigned to the ventrolateral group of efferents, which has previously been shown to project exclusively to the auditory basilar papilla. Thus, in birds, like in mammals, a small subgroup of auditory efferents innervates both basilar papillae.  相似文献   

《Neural networks》1999,12(1):31-42
The barn owl is a nocturnal predator that is able to capture mice in complete darkness using only sound to localize prey. Two binaural cues are used by the barn owl to determine the spatial position of a sound source: differences in the time of arrival of sounds at the two ears for the azimuth (interaural time differences (ITDs)) and differences in their amplitude for the elevation (interaural level differences (ILDs)). Neurophysiological investigations have revealed that two different neural pathways starting from the cochlea seem to be specialized for processing ITDs and ILDs. Much evidence suggests that in the barn owl the localization of the azimuth is based on a cross-correlation-like treatment of the auditory inputs at the two ears. In particular, in the external nucleus of the inferior colliculus (ICx), where cells are activated by specific values of ITD, neural activation has been recently observed to be dependent on some measure of the level of cross-correlation between the input auditory signals. However, it has also been observed that these neurons are less sensitive to noise than predicted by direct binaural cross-correlation. The mechanisms underlying such signal-to-noise improvement are not known. In this paper, by focusing on a model of the barn owl's neural pathway to the optic tectum dedicated to the localization of the azimuth, we study the mechanisms by which the ITD tuning of ICx units is achieved. By means of analytical examinations and computer simulations, we show that strong analogies exist between the process by which the barn owl evaluates the azimuth of a sound source and the generalized cross-correlation algorithm, one of the most robust methods for the estimate of time delays.  相似文献   

The inferior colliculus in the barn owl contains three subdivisions: the central (ICC), external (1CX), and superficial (ICS) nuclei. The nuclei are distinguished on the basis of their cyto- and myeloarchitecture, connectivity, and physiological properties. The ICC may be further divided into dorsal (ICCd) and ventral (ICCv) parts. Auditory fibers ascending in the lateral lemniscus enter the ICCd and ICCv, but not the ICX or ICS. The ICX receives its auditory input from the ICC. The ICC and ICX in owls are similar in position, anatomy, connectivity, and physiology to the ICC and ICX in mammals, suggesting that these structures are homologous. Units in the ICC are organized to potopically, whereas units in the ICX are organized according to the locationns of their spatial receptive fields. This implies that a transformation from tonotopic to a spatiotopic organization takes place in the ICX of the owl.  相似文献   

Time coding in electric fish and barn owls   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A comparison of the coding and processing of temporally ordered information in electric fish and barn owls demonstrates a number of similar design features including different time and intensity channels and distinct morphological characteristics. Similar mechanisms, such as the presence of delay lines, underlie the sensitivity of both animals to small temporal disparities. Differences between the two systems may reflect the different substrates upon which evolution acted, and the different requirements of the two systems.  相似文献   

Local circuit interactions between the dorsal and ventral divisions of the cochlear nucleus are known to influence the evoked responses of the resident neurons to sound. In the present study, we examined the projections of neurons in the ventral cochlear nucleus to the dorsal cochlear nucleus by using retrograde transport of biotinylated dextran amine injected into restricted but different regions of the dorsal cochlear nucleus. In all cases, we found retrogradely labeled granule, unipolar brush, and chestnut cells in the granule cell domain, and retrogradely labeled multipolar cells in the magnocellular core of the ventral cochlear nucleus. A small number of the labeled multipolar cells were found along the margins of the ventral cochlear nucleus, usually near the boundaries of the granule cell domain. Spherical bushy, globular bushy, and octopus cells were not labeled. Retrogradely-labeled auditory nerve fibers and the majority of labeled multipolar neurons formed a narrow sheet extending across the medial-to-lateral extent of the ventral cochlear nucleus whose dorsoventral position was topographically related to the injection site. Labeled multipolar cells within the core of the ventral cochlear nucleus could be divided into at least two distinct groups. Planar neurons were most numerous, their somata found within the associated band of labeled fibers, and their dendrites oriented within this band. This arrangement mimics the organization of isofrequency contours and implies that planar neurons respond best to a narrow range of frequencies. In contrast, radiate neurons were infrequent, found scattered throughout the ventral cochlear nucleus, and had long dendrites oriented perpendicular to the isofrequency contours. This dendritic orientation suggests that radiate neurons are sensitive to a broad range of frequencies. These structural differences between planar and radiate neurons suggest that they subserve separate functions in acoustic processing. J. Comp. Neurol. 385:245–264, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Response of 70 neurons in area 17 of the visual cortex to optimal stimuli of different intensity in the receptive field under conditions of photopic adaptation were analyzed in unanesthetized cats. The reaction threshold, differential sensitivity, optimal intensity and the width of the brightness range were estimated. No intensity detectors were found in this area. 70% of neurons studied had inhibitory distortion in the range of their intensity functions. The neurons differed in their threshold reactions by 5-6 orders, in dynamic range--by 3-4 orders, and in differential sensitivity--by 2-3 orders. The visual cortex neurons with receptive fields in central and periphery parts of the visual field had different intensity functions.  相似文献   

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