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目的: 探讨门静脉栓塞术在二期精准肝切除的应用。方法: 分析7例在超声扫描及X线数字减影血管造影引导下,经皮经肝穿刺门静脉栓塞术后,行二期精准肝切除术的肝癌病人临床资料。分成肝硬化组3例和无肝硬化组4例,分别检测门静脉栓塞术前和术后肝功能指标及肝体积变化,总结二期手术切除。结果: 7例病人均成功实施经皮经肝穿刺门静脉栓塞术,其中6例病人达到肝脏体积代偿增大的预期效果,顺利完成二期精准肝切除术。1例结肠直肠癌肝转移病人在门静脉栓塞8周后,未栓塞肝脏代偿性增大体积未达到精准肝切除的条件,转外院顺利行拯救性联合肝脏离断和门静脉结扎的二步肝切除术。两组经皮经肝穿刺门静脉栓塞术后1 d,肝功能指标较术前升高(P<0.05),予护肝治疗3~7 d后降至术前水平。未发生严重并发症。结论: 门静脉栓塞技术成功率高、安全可行。剩余肝脏代偿性增大明显,可显著提高二期精准肝切除手术率。  相似文献   

目的探讨门静脉栓塞术在肝胆肿瘤手术治疗中的应用价值。方法回顾2017年1月1日至2019年5月31日我院收治的所有诊断为肝胆肿瘤且术前行门静脉栓塞术(PVE)的病例,比较患者行PVE前后残余肝体积(FLR)及残余肝体积与标准肝体积(SLV)比值(FLR/SLV)的变化,分析门静脉栓塞术对手术相关指标及患者预后情况的影响。结果本次研究共纳入了12例病人,他们PVE术前平均FLR为374.96±48.77 mL,术后平均FLR为518.47±102.98 mL,平均增加了145.70±75.81 mL(P0.001);术前FLR/SLV平均为(32.06±4.01)%,术后FLR/SLV平均为(44.45±8.54)%,平均增加了(12.44±6.3)%(P0.001)。病人PVE后等待时间平均为31.2±9.53天,其中9例进行了根治性手术,7例达到了R0切除,共1例病人出现了术后并发症(Ⅲa级)。结论门静脉栓塞术可以显著增加患者残余肝体积,使原本无法耐受手术的肝胆肿瘤患者获得手术机会,提高根治性手术率及R0切除率,减少术后肝衰竭的发生,同时可以降低术后并发症发生率,有助于改善患者预后。  相似文献   

术前选择性门静脉栓塞在肝癌二期切除中的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 探讨术前选择性门静脉栓塞(POSPVE)后不能手术切除的原发性肝癌(HCC)二期切除的可能性。方法 采用B超引导下经皮经肝细针门静脉分支穿刺栓塞法对26例不能手术切除的HCC病人行POSPVE,栓塞剂由无水乙醇、碘油按1:2比例配制,以0.4ml/kg为标准,平均用量26.5ml。观察手术成功率及术后不良反应、肝功能改变、各肝叶体积及肝切除率的动态变化、二期手术切除率等指标。结果 POSPVE成功24例(92.3%),右侧门静脉支栓塞的21例栓塞后,右肝体积逐步减小,栓塞前、栓塞后1,2,3周体积分别为683.7,657.4,621.3,604.1cm^3,左肝体积逐步增大,栓塞前、栓塞后1,2,3周体积分别为332.2,343.7,375.1,392.8cm^3。肝切除率逐步下降,栓塞前、栓塞后1,2,3周分别为66.3%、65.4%、62.7%、59.2%。POSPVE后出现不同程度的肝区隐痛、恶心呕吐、低热和以肝酶、胆红素升高为主的肝功能减退。POSPVE后2—3周,12例(46.2%)完成了肝切除术。结论 POSPVE扩大肝癌肝切除手术的适应证,提高手术的安全性,具有确定的临床实用价值。  相似文献   

经皮经肝门静脉栓塞术在肝门部胆管癌手术中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的探讨对肝门部胆管癌行扩大右半肝切除术前使用经皮经肝门静脉栓塞术(portal vein embolization,PVE)的疗效。方法2005年10月对1例伴有肝硬化的肝门部胆管癌施行经皮经肝门静脉栓塞术(percutaneous portal veinembolization,PTPE),记录肝脏在血流动力学、体积、功能、病理方面的改变。结果PTPE术后第5天体温升至39.2℃,然后逐渐下降,同时伴有轻度右上腹痛,无恶心呕吐,未见腹腔出血及胆漏。PTPE术后左叶体积从417.0ml增加到522.4ml(肥大率125.2%);右叶体积从1041.3ml减少到1017.4ml(萎缩率97.7%);左叶占全肝的体积比从28.6%升至33.9%。左矢状部血流速度术前为12.8ml/s,术后当日、第6天分别为23.2、17.1ml/s。较原流量增加100%和39%(术后当日,第6天)。PTPE术后17d左肝胆汁的引流量超过右肝。PTPE术后34d患者接受扩大右半肝切除术,术中见肝左叶可见明显的肥大,肝脏5、6、7段(S5,6,7)与其余肝段间有明显的界限,术后3个月病情平稳。术后病理:栓塞叶门静脉狭窄及闭塞而肝细胞变性,坏死及凋亡。结论PVE能有效诱导未栓塞肝叶的肥大,从而提高对伴有肝损害的患者行扩大肝脏切除的安全性。  相似文献   

声学造影导向下经细针门静脉栓塞术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吕明德  梁力建 《中华外科杂志》1994,32(11):659-661,T121
作者介绍了声学造影导向下细针注射无水酒精门静脉栓塞术。于28只犬进行的实验结果表明,只要酒精剂量选择适当,能达到预期的栓塞目的,对肝脏损害较轻。临床应用时在B超导向下经皮经肝选择性穿刺门静脉,先注入CO2作声学造影,依据造影剂的分布范围和弥散方向确认刺支为荷瘤血管且元血流逆流后,注射不超过10ml的无水酒精。用此法对18例原发性肝癌伴肝硬变的患者手术前施行了栓塞。在14例手术切除标本中12例病检证  相似文献   

胆道癌的治疗主要是手术切除,根治性切除能获得较长的生存期,根据1988年至1997年期间全日本的统计资料,根治切除术后5年生存率,3132例胆管癌的是26%,3249例胆囊癌的是42%,1272例乳头壶腹部癌的是51%,IV期肿瘤淋巴结转移达到40%以上[1]。因此规范性根治术后可达到较好的疗效,手术有扩大的趋势,但挑战来自术后高病死率和高并发症率,其中,肝功能衰竭是胆道癌切除手术后最严重的并发症之一,也是导致患者术后死亡的主要原因。  相似文献   

超声引导下选择性门静脉栓塞在肝癌二期切除中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨超声引导下经皮经肝细针穿刺术前选择性门静脉栓塞 (POSPVE)后对不宜手术切除的肝细胞性肝癌 (HCC)二期切除的可能性。 方法  32例不宜手术切除的HCC患者行超声引导下经皮经肝细针穿刺POSPVE ,观察手术成功率及术后不良反应、各肝叶体积及预计肝切除率的动态变化、二期手术切除率等指标。 结果 手术成功 30例 (93.8% ) ,右侧门静脉支栓塞后右肝体积逐步减少 ,左肝体积逐步增大 ,术前、术后 1w、2w、3w时的预计肝切除率分别为 6 6 .6 %、6 5 .5 %、6 2 .9%、6 0 6 %。术后 2 6例出现不同程度的肝区隐痛 (2 6例 )、低热 (19例 )、恶心呕吐 (7例 )。有程度不同的肝功能减退 ,AST由术前 (44 .6± 5 .3)IU/L ,至术后 1d (5 6 .2± 7.6 )IU/L ,术后 3d (5 1.4± 5 .5 )IU/L ;ALT由术前(5 8.4± 7.4 )IU/L ,至术后 1d (6 2 .8± 9.6 )IU/L ,术后 3d (6 0 .2± 8.5 )IU/L ;TBIL由术前 (14 .6± 5 .3) μmol/L至术后 1d (19.1± 8.6 ) μmol/L ,术后 3d (17.4± 7.7) μmol/L ;PT由术前 (82 .6± 6 .3) % ,至术后 1d (78.6±8.2 ) % ,术后 3d (75 .3± 6 .4 ) %。术后 2w - 4w ,14例 (43.8% )完成了肝癌二期肝切除手术。 结论 超声引导下经皮经肝细针穿刺POSPVE简便易行 ,可扩大肝癌肝切除手术  相似文献   

目的 探讨术前经皮选择性门静脉栓塞术在肝胆肿瘤治疗中的应用价值.方法 回顾近2年来我院收治的因预计术后残余肝脏体积(FLR)不足而不宜一期手术切除的5例肝胆肿瘤患者,选择术前行经皮门静脉栓塞术(PVE),观察PVE治疗后的全身反应、各肝叶体积的动态变化,二期手术切除率及对患者预后情况的影响.结果 5例患者PVE后均有一...  相似文献   

肝切除后剩余肝脏组织太少,不足以维持肝脏的正常功能,限制了部分肝肿瘤病人接受肝切除治疗,通过术前患侧门静脉支的栓塞使切除肝叶萎缩和剩余肝叶代偿性增生肥大。使原来不能耐受肝切除的病人能够安全地经历手术治疗,近来国外对此有较多报道,本文就有关门静脉栓塞的研究现状作一综述。  相似文献   

BackgroundBoth portal vein embolization (PVE) and associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy (ALPPS) have merits and demerits when used in patients with unresectable liver cancers due to insufficient volumes in future liver remnant (FLR).MethodsThis study was a single-center, prospective randomized comparative study. Patients with the diagnosis of hepatitis B related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to the 2 groups. The primary endpoints were tumor resection and three-year overall survival (OS) rates.ResultsBetween November 2014 to June 2016, 76 patients with unresectable HBV-related HCC due to inadequate volume of FLR were randomly assigned to ALPPS groups (n=38) and TACE + PVE groups (n=38). Thirty-seven patients (97.4%) in the ALPPS group compared with 25 patients (65.8%) in the TACE + PVE group were able to undergo staged hepatectomy (risk ratio 1.48, 95% CI: 1.17–1.87, P<0.001). The three-year OS rate of the ALPPS group (65.8%) (95% CI: 50.7–80.9) was significantly better than the TACE + PVE group (42.1%) (95% CI: 26.4–57.8) (HR 0.50, 95% CI: 0.26–0.98, two-sided P=0.036). However, no significant difference in the OS rates between patients who underwent tumor resection in the 2 groups of patients was found (HR 0.80, 95% CI: 0.35–1.83, two-sided P=0.595). Major postoperative complications rates after the stage-2 hepatectomy were 54.1% in the ALPPS group and 20.0% in the TACE + PVE group (risk ratio 2.70, 95% CI: 1.17–6.25, P=0.007).ConclusionsALPPS resulted in significantly better intermediate-term OS outcomes, at the expenses of a significantly higher perioperative morbidity rate compared with TACE + PVE in patients who had initially unresectable HBV-related HCC.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of right portal vein embolization (PVE) vs. right portal vein ligation (PVL) for induction of hypertrophy of the left lateral liver lobe before extended right hepatectomy. Thirty-four patients with primary or secondary liver tumors and estimated remnant functional liver parenchyma of less than 0.5% of body weight underwent either right PVE (transcutaneous, n= 10; transileocolic, n =7) or right PVL (n=17). Liver volume was assessed by CT scan before occlusion of the right portal vein and prior to resection. There were no deaths. The morbidity rate in each group was 5.8% (PVE, 1 abscess; PVL, 1 bile leak). The increase in liver volume was significantly higher after PVE compared with PVL (188±81 ml vs. 123±58 ml) (P= 0.012). Postoperative hospital stay was significantly shorter after PVE in comparison to PVL (4±2.9 days vs. 8.1±5.1 days;P<0.01). Curative liver resection was performed in 10 of 17 patients after PVE and 11 of 17 patients after PVL. PVE and PVL were found to be feasible and safe methods of increasing the remnant functional liver volume and achieving resectability for extended liver tumors. PVE results in a significantly more efficient increase in liver volume and a shorter hospital stay. Presented at the Forty-Third Annual Meeting of The Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, San Francisco, California, May 19–22, 2002 (oral presentation).  相似文献   

With the aim of minimizing postoperative liver dysfunction and promoting increased resectability, we employed portal vein embolization (PVE). In this study, the effect of PVE on major hepatic resection for advanced-stage hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in injured livers was evaluated. PVE was performed prior to hepatectomy in 13 patients with stage III and IV HCCs. Following PVE, right trisegmentectomy was performed in 3 patients, extended right lobectomy in 3 and right lobectomy in 7. To evaluate the effect of PVE, the changes in liver functional capacity and estimated remnant liver volume (ERLV), determined by computed tomography, were examined before and after PVE. The operative morbility, mortality, and survival rates after hepatectomy were also assessed. By 2 weeks after PVE, ERLV had increased in all patients, by an average of 28%, and the mean resection rates had decreased from 70.0% to 62.2%. Postoperatively, the 30-day mortality rate was 15.3%, and the 1- and 2-year survival rates were 69% and 46%, respectively. The results of this study indicate that resectability can be increased, and major hepatectomy can be made safer by employing PVE preoperatively, in view of the fact that major hepatectomy was not considered feasible without PVE in these patients.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is often associated with chronic liver disease, such as hepatitis or cirrhosis, and this association may limit the use of surgery as a therapy, and if surgery is pursued, may give rise to postoperative hepatic failure. We evaluated the outcome in patients with HCC given preoperative portal vein embolization (PVE) before they underwent major hepatectomy. After PVE, portal pressure increased significantly. Two weeks after PVE, both the volume of the non-embolized lobe and the 15-min indocyamine green retention rate (ICG R15) were significantly increased. The prognostic score, calculated on the basis of age, ICG R15, and the resection rate, was significantly decreased. The operative mortality rate was significantly lower in patients who underwent PVE before surgery than in patients who did not receive PVE. The cumulative survival rate of the PVE patients, even those with cirrhosis of the liver, was significantly higher. Prior PVE appears to allow more extensive major hepatectomy and to lessen the risk of this invasive surgery. However, patients in whom the portal pressure immediately after PVE was more than 30cm H2O and/or whose prognostic score exceeded 50 points developed postoperative hepatic failure. These features should be kept in mind when it is decided whether surgery is indicated. Nevertheless, preoperative PVE appears to be a beneficial procedure for patients undergoing major hepatectomy, particularly those with chronic liver disease.  相似文献   

目的 探讨经皮微波或射频消融肝实质分隔联合门静脉栓塞计划性肝切除术(percutaneous microwave/radiofrequency ablation liver partition and portal vein embolization for planned hepatectomy,PAPEP)替代联合肝脏分隔和门静脉结扎的二步肝切除术(associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy, ALPPS)治疗剩余肝体积(future liver remnant,FLR)不足肝癌和胆管癌的可行性和安全性。方法 回顾性分析2015年7-9月浙江省人民医院肝胆胰外科应用PAPEP治疗FLR不足的2例原发性肝癌和1例肝门部胆管癌的临床资料。先超声引导下经皮微波消融分隔预留侧和切除侧肝实质(percutaneous microwave ablation liver partition,PMA),PMA后1~3 d行门静脉栓塞术(portal vein embolization,PVE),PVE后10~13 d测量FLR,术前系统评估后限期肝切除术:2例肝癌分别行肝右三叶和右尾叶切除术、扩大右半肝切除术,1例肝门部胆管癌行肝右三叶和尾叶切除、肝肠内引流术。结果 PMA前3例标准全肝体积(standard liver volume,SLV)分别为1231.2mL、1202.9mL、1217.1mL,FLR分别为355.6 mL、383.4 mL、385.0 mL,FLR/SLV分别为28.9%、31.9%、31.6%。PMA时间118~132 min, PVE时间158~180 min,PMA或PVE术后病人低热经对症处理好转,肝功能无明显变化。PMA+PVE后10~13 d FLR分别为502.1 mL、527.4 mL、476.3 mL,较术前分别增大41.2%、37.6%、23.7%。肝切除术时间230~440 min,术中出血120~1800 mL。肝门部胆管癌术后并发膈下脓肿,经穿刺后治愈;1例肝癌术后并发腹水、黄疸,经内科治疗后治愈,术后住院时间15~40 d。 结论 PAPEP有望代替ALPPS治疗剩余肝体积不足的肝癌或肝门部胆管癌。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Portal vein embolization (PVE), proposed to induce contralateral hepatic hypertrophy before major hepatectomy, carries some negative side effects since growth rate of metastases in the future remnant liver (RL) can be more rapid than that of nontumoral liver parenchyma. Therefore, metastases in the RL should be ideally resected before PVE, and a major hepatectomy can then be performed after PVE in patients with multiple bilobar colorectal liver metastases (MBLM). The aim of this study was to assess feasibility and outcome in patients with initially unresectable colorectal liver metastases treated by a one- or two-stage hepatectomy procedure (TSHP) combined with PVE. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From December 1996 to December 1999, 180 patients with colorectal liver metastases underwent hepatectomy. During the same period, 18 were initially considered as unresectable. TSHP combined with PVE was attempted for 7 patients (group A) among those with MBLM, and a one-stage hepatectomy after PVE was attempted in another group of 11 patients (group B) among those with non-MBLM. RESULTS: Nonanatomical resections for left liver metastases were performed as a first stage without any complications in group A. A right hepatectomy (RH) was performed in 5 patients in group A (feasibility = 71%). In group B, 7 of the 11 patients underwent a RH or an extended RH after PVE (feasibility = 64%). Postoperative complications rate did not differ between group A and B. Mortality was nil. Three-year survival rate was 53% in group A and 100% in group B. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that one- or two-stage hepatectomy combined with PVE can be applied safely to selected patients initially considered as unresectable. Three-year survival was similar to that observed in patients with initially resectable liver metastases.  相似文献   

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