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OBJECTIVES: To analyse the characteristics of the infant population suffering trauma in our setting. To evaluate the importance of the different aetiological mechanisms. To study the pre- and intra-hospital management of these children. To describe the relative significance of the different lesions. To establish the magnitude of paediatric trauma as a social problem in terms of morbidity and mortality. MATERIAL AND METHODS: From January 1995 to April 2002, a total of 2633 children admitted to our Centre (Hospital Universitario Gregorio Maranon) after suffering some type of injury were included in our Trauma Register. 108 variables have been analysed, including the identification of the patient, type, site and mechanism of the accident, pre-hospital care, transport, complete evaluation on admission, indices of injury severity, diagnostic tests, lesions, treatments performed and morbidity and mortality. RESULTS: The accidents were more frequent in boys than in girls (68.5 % versus 31.5 %). The predominant age group was the 12 - 15 year old group (36.8 %). There was a higher frequency of accidents in the street (37.2 %) than at home (19.4 %) or at school (13.8 %). The most frequent mechanism was a fall (35.6 %), followed by road traffic accidents (23.7 %). On admission, 14.7 % of the children had a Paediatric Trauma Score (P.T.S.) < or = 8 (n = 388). 3.8 % were considered severe multiple trauma patients, presenting an Injury Severity Score (I.S.S.) > or = 15 (n = 101). 4.2 % of the children required intensive care. The most frequent lesions were those of the locomotor system (58.1 %) and head injuries (34.9 %). Some type of surgical or orthopaedic procedure was performed under general anaesthesia in 1522 patients (57.8 %). The mean length of stay was 4.4 days (range 1 - 214 days). Sequelae of some form were detected in 36.4 % of the patients over 3 years of age. The total mortality was 0.5 % (n = 13), being 12.8 % in the group of patients with an I.S.S. > or = 15. CONCLUSIONS: Analysis of the data in our Registry has helped us to define the characteristics of the paediatric trauma population in our setting, to monitor the management of trauma in the different care levels and to develop prevention programmes. It has also enabled us to compare the results with those of other centres in terms of morbidity and mortality with the aim of identifying and correcting any possible deficiencies in the care system.  相似文献   

Blunt carotid injury (BCI) is an uncommon yet potentially devastating entity which has received little attention in the pediatric literature. In an attempt to better characterize pediatric BCI, a review of the National Pediatric Trauma Registry was performed. Records were obtained from all children diagnosed with internal or common carotid injury associated with blunt trauma. The incidence of BCI was 0.03% (15 of 57,659 blunt trauma patients). Variables examined included: age, gender, mechanism of injury, associated injuries, various injury severity scores, and outcome. Various injuries were associated with an increase in BCI incidence including chest trauma (4-fold), combined head and chest trauma (6-fold), basilar skull fractures (4-fold), intracranial hemorrhage (6-fold), and clavicle fractures (8-fold). Thirty-three percent of the patients diagnosed with BCI suffered neurological complications directly attributable to their carotid injuries. Current practices regarding screening, diagnosis, and treatment are reviewed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the yield of array-based comparative genomic hybridization. STUDY DESIGN: The results of array comparative genomic hybridization were collected on 1500 consecutive clinical cases sent to our laboratory for a variety of developmental problems. Confirmation fluorescence in situ hybridization of metaphase or interphase cells, depending on the aberration, was performed. RESULTS: Of the 1500 cases, 134 (8.9%) showed an abnormality: 36 (2.4%) showed polymorphisms or familial variants, 14 (0.9%) showed alterations of unknown clinical significance, and 84 (5.6%) showed clinically relevant genomic alterations. These included subtelomeric deletions and unbalanced rearrangements, microdeletions and reciprocal duplications, rare abnormalities, and low-level trisomy mosaicism. CONCLUSIONS: A targeted array detects a substantial proportion of abnormalities even in those patients who have already had extensive cytogenetic and/or fluorescence in situ hybridization testing. This study, although not a controlled ascertainment of subjects with specific selection criteria, accurately reflects the reality of clinical cytogenetic practice and provides an estimate of the cytogenetic abnormalities that can be identified with a targeted microarray in a diagnostic laboratory. Microarray analysis likely doubles the current yield of abnormal results detected by conventional cytogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

One hundred children with enuresis were studied to find out various factors responsible for this condition. Enuresis was more frequent in first born, service class and bottle fed children. There was a significant role of stress factors in causation of enuresis. We found a higher frequency of behavioral symptoms among children with enuresis. There was no significant correlation between enuresis and sex, education of parents, social class, sleep patterns, age of mother at marriage and intellectual grades of the children. Worm infestations, giardiasis, amebiasis and urinary infection were seen in 70% of cases. General body weakness, cold and nervousness were the common causes of enuresis in the parents' opinion. The main reason for not seeking the treatment at an early stage in view of parents' was that they thought enuresis a normal variant.  相似文献   

Fatal rotavirus gastroenteritis: an analysis of 21 cases.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the period of May 1972 to March 1977, twenty-one fatal cases of rotavirus acute gastroenteritis were recorded in the city of Toronto. The mean age of these subjects was approximately 1 year. Boys outnumbered girls by 12 to 9. Death occurred within three days of onset of symptoms in all cases. Sixteen of the subjects were profoundly dehydrated and had sodium levels (serum or vitreous humor) in excess of 150 mEq/liter. In 11 subjects, sodium values were greater than 160 mEq/liter. Although a physician was contacted in 16 instances, these infants still perished. We suggest that both language difficulties and the rapid rate of fluid depletion contributed significantly to the fatal outcome. At autopsy the bowel was often dilated and filled with fluid. Postmortem autolysis precluded an accurate histological assessment of the small bowel mucosa.  相似文献   

Cystic dilatation of Cowper''s gland ducts (Cowper''s syringocele) is uncommon in children and is frequently asymptomatic, but it may cause urinary infection, haematuria, dysuria, and obstructive voiding symptoms. Fifteen consecutive children with syringocele aged 15 days to 15 years old are reported here. Only four patients with obstructive syringocele were successfully treated surgically; all the others were successfully treated conservatively. The true clinical significance of Cowper''s syringocele lies in its potential to cause urethral obstruction. Careful clinical, radiological, endoscopic, and urodynamic evaluation is necessary in order to avoid unnecessary surgery.  相似文献   

目的 调查研究儿童遗尿症病因及特征.方法 深圳市人民医院1999年10月至2006年10月通过对1500例遗尿症患儿的问卷调查及临床检查,对其遗尿特征、遗传状态、器质性病变以及学习成绩等进行分析.结果(1)男女=854646(1.31),5~7岁787例(52.5%);7~10岁518例(34.5%);10~14岁181例(12%);14~18岁14例(1%).(2)遗尿次数≥7次/周的患儿1022例,占68%.(3)发现有器质性病变781例(占53.3%),包括隐性脊柱裂、包茎、下尿路感染、高钙尿症、肾结石、单纯性血尿、单肾不发育、癫等.(4)继发性遗尿症34例(2.2%).(5)学习成绩中等及中下者1233例(82.2%).(6)有遗尿家族史者435例(29%).结论 在深圳地区就诊的遗尿患儿中,近1/3的患儿合并有器质性病变,近1/3的患儿有遗尿家族史,绝大多数遗尿患儿学习成绩不理想,说明遗尿患儿需要早期的专科检查并治疗.  相似文献   

A prospective study of 454 newborn babies with pathological hyperbilirubinemia revealed that in about one-third of cases (34.6%), no cause could be identified despite detailed investigations. Nearly three-fifth of infants (62.5%) had hyperbilirubinemia due to hemolytic causes. On the basis of four variables, i.e., peak serum bilirubin level, age of attaining the peak level, age of starting phototherapy and total duration of phototherapy, the cases of hyperbilirubinemia can be categorized into three groups: (a) Group I (mild) included non-hemolytic hyperbilirubinemia, i.e., idiopathic, bacterial infections, intrauterine infections and others, (b) Group II (moderate) comprised of hemolytic as well as non-hemolytic hyperbilirubinemia due to prematurity, administration of oxytocin, bruising/cephalhematoma, and (c) Group III (severe) comprised of hyperbilirubinemia due to hemolysis as a result of blood group incompatibility between the mother and the neonate and G-6-PD deficiency. Sixty six babies required exchange blood transfusion (EBT) and a total of 100 EBTs were performed. Most of the babies (80.3%) requiring exchange blood transfusion belonged to Group III. The most common cause of hemolytic hyperbilirubinemia needing exchange blood transfusion was Rh isoimmunization followed by G-6-PD deficiency and ABO isoimmunization. There was no death attributable to the procedure of exchange blood transfusion.  相似文献   

DiGeorge (DGS), velocardiofacial, and conotruncal anomaly face syndromes comprise a phenotypic spectrum that is associated with a submicroscopic 22q11.2 deletion in the majority of cases. These syndromes variably express complex congenital heart disease, cellular immune deficits, hypocalcemia, craniofacial anomalies, and learning disabilities. This retrospective study correlates the presence of a deletion in this region with autopsy and clinical findings in a cohort of patients selected from the Cardiac Registry at Boston Children's Hospital. DNA was extracted from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded cardiac tissue sampled from 189 patients with conotruncal anomalies. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed using 4 fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide primer pairs for unique short tandem repeat polymorphisms in the DGS critical region. The PCR products were analyzed for loss of heterozygosity (LOH), and a deletion was assumed when at least 3 consecutive loci demonstrated homozygosity. Of the 189 cases, 16 (8%) met our criteria for LOH and were assumed to have a deletion. These patients included 6 (35%) of 17 patients diagnosed clinically with DGS prior to death. Of the 10 non-DGS patients with LOH, 4 had aortic atresia and 3 had tetralogy of Fallot, both frequently seen in DGS. Polymerase chain reaction is a useful screening alternative to fluorescence in situ hydridization for detecting 22q11.2 deletions in archived tissue samples. This study identified a probable deletion in a subset of cases from a cardiac registry with cardiac defects associated with the DGS phenotype.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Injury researchers are increasingly using the US National Trauma Data Bank (NTDB). However, there are some methodological issues that might threaten the validity of studies that use this database for injury research. METHODS: Two methodological issues were evaluated: clustering of patients within trauma centers and missing data. To illustrate how these issues might affect the results of a study, the following four analytical approaches that evaluated the association between patients' blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in the emergency department (ED), patients' resource utilization, and ED or hospital disposition were compared: (A) deleting subjects with missing BAC and ignoring clustering of patients within trauma centers; (B) deleting subjects with missing BAC while taking into account clustering; (C) using imputed values for patients' BAC and ignoring the clustering issue; (D) using the imputed data while taking into account clustering. RESULTS: Adjustment for clustering of patients within trauma centers increased the CIs in models B and D. The results of the analyses based on imputed data showed that estimates based on complete case analysis were biased. For example, the odds ratio for the use of a head CT scan fell from 1.84 (95% CI 1.49 to 2.28) in approach B to 1.26 (95% CI 0.98 to 1.64) in approach D. CONCLUSIONS: Excluding patients with missing values for BAC in studies that evaluate the association between this variable and patients' resource utilization and ED or hospital disposition, using the NTDB, led to biased estimates. Furthermore, ignoring the clustering design led to artificially narrow CIs.  相似文献   

Breast-feeding: First thoughts.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
C Weichert 《Pediatrics》1975,56(6):987-990
Factors responsible for negative attitudes toward breast-feeding are discussed. These factors do not relate to the relative properties of bottle or breast milk, but to anxieties and conflicts women experience in relation to their breasts and sexuality. A review of factual data in the literature that can be brought to bear in the clinical management of these anxieties is presented. The impact of physician attitudes and physician intervention on breast-feeding trends is discussed.  相似文献   

Thromboembolism is described as a multifactorial disorder including both congenital and acquired risk factors in children. Among these, trauma has been suggested as a possible risk factor for development of thrombosis. In this study, we reviewed the data of 158 children with thrombosis. Trauma was the major risk factor for thrombosis in three children. Cerebral infarction and cerebral venous thrombosis were detected in two patients, and thrombosis of the inferior vena cava and left renal vein in the third. In addition, the factor V Leiden mutation was demonstrated in two trauma patients with thrombosis.  相似文献   

The authors describe 4 first rib fractures in 3 infants, highlighting the difficulty in detecting first rib fractures on skeletal survey. All 4 fractures were the result of physical abuse. A literature search does not find a case of first rib fracture in a healthy infant that is not the result of child abuse. The diagnosis of first rib fracture in an infant should prompt a thorough medical and social evaluation for child abuse.  相似文献   

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