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Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a serious public health problem that has received increased attention in the military. We review existing literature regarding prevalence, consequences, correlates, and treatment of IPV perpetration among military veterans and active duty servicemen. Rates of IPV across these military populations range from 13.5% to 58%, with considerably lower rates obtained among samples not selected on the basis of psychopathology. For both military veterans and active duty servicemen, IPV results in significant victim injury and negative child outcomes, and problematic substance use, depression, and antisocial characteristics represent psychiatric correlates of IPV perpetration. For veterans, posttraumatic stress disorder also is an important correlate that largely accounts for the relationship between combat exposure and IPV perpetration. Additional correlates include military service factors, relationship adjustment, childhood trauma, and demographic factors. The only experimentally controlled IPV treatment study indicates that standard treatments are ineffective for active duty servicemen. Further research is needed to advance the development of etiological models of IPV among military populations, to determine whether such models necessarily differ from those developed among civilians, and to rigorously test IPV interventions tailored to the specific characteristics of these individuals.  相似文献   

This longitudinal investigation examined potential risk factors for intimate partner violence (IPV) among women during pregnancy and 6 weeks postpartum. A sample of 180 pregnant women was collected in order to investigate (1) whether associations between partner alcohol misuse, partner jealousy, partner suspicion of infidelity, and stress were associated with IPV victimization; (2) the indirect effects of alcohol misuse on these relationships; and (3) factors related to changes in IPV victimization over time. At baseline, partner alcohol misuse was associated with each type of IPV victimization and the combination of partner alcohol misuse, partner jealousy, and partner suspicion of infidelity was most strongly associated with severe physical victimization. Partner alcohol misuse mediated the relationship between partner jealousy and psychological and severe physical victimization. At follow-up, partner jealousy and stress were related to women’s psychological victimization and partner alcohol misuse was related to women’s severe physical victimization. Findings suggest that partner alcohol misuse is a risk factor for women’s IPV victimization during pregnancy and jealousy and that stress may increase risk for some types of IPV. Findings also suggest that intervention should target parents early in pregnancy in order to reduce the risk for future IPV.  相似文献   

Studies of birth cohorts show evidence of greater risk of violence among patients with schizophrenia compared to the general population. However, the contribution of schizophrenia to violence is heavily debated and remains unclear. This debate has spurred research whose focus can be associated with one of the following areas: psychotic symptoms, personality disorders (in particular psychopathy), mentalizing abilities, substance abuse and demographic factors. The aim of the current review is to evaluate the predictive role of these risk factors in the occurrence of violence among patients with schizophrenia. We identified two different trajectories for violent behavior in schizophrenia: one pertains to patients with no prior history of violence or criminal behavior and for whom positive symptoms appear to explain violent behavior, and another where personality pathology, including psychopathy, predict violence, regardless of other symptomatology associated with schizophrenia. Furthermore, emergent data suggest that specific mentalizing profiles can be associated with the occurrence of violence in schizophrenia, an issue that warrants further consideration in future research.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There are no prospective cohort studies of prognostic factors on the outcome of Gulf War veterans. We aimed to test the hypotheses that Gulf War veterans who were older; had more severe symptoms; had more exposures during deployment; had increased psychological distress and believed they had 'Gulf War syndrome' would experience greater fatigue and poorer physical functioning at follow-up. METHOD: Gulf War veterans who responded to an earlier retrospective cohort study were followed with a postal survey. More symptomatic individuals were oversampled. Outcome was measured on the Chalder fatigue questionnaire, the General Health Questionnaire and the Medical Outcome Study Short-Form 36. RESULTS: Of those surveyed, 73.8% responded. We found some evidence for four of the five hypotheses. More self-reported exposures at baseline were not associated with poorer outcome, but older people, those with more severe symptoms at baseline, those with psychological distress and who believed they were suffering from 'Gulf War syndrome' had more fatigue at follow-up. Officer status was associated with a better outcome. A similar lack of association was found for exposures and physical functioning and GHQ-12 score. 'Gulf War syndrome' attribution was associated with a worse outcome for GHQ-12 and physical functioning even after controlling for severity of symptoms at baseline. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that while multiple vaccination and military exposures are important risk factors for the onset of symptoms in Gulf War veterans, these are not important risk factors for persistence of such symptoms. Instead the severity of the initial symptoms; psychological distress and attributions may be more important determinants of outcome.  相似文献   

A national household probability sample of 4,023 adolescents aged 12 to 17 years was interviewed by telephone about substance use, victimization experiences, familial substance use, and posttraumatic reactions to identify risk factors for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders--(4th ed.; American Psychiatric Association, 1994) defined substance abuse/dependence. Age and ethnicity data were available for 3,907 participants. Major findings were (a) adolescents who had been physically assaulted, who had been sexually assaulted, who had witnessed violence, or who had family members with alcohol or drug use problems had increased risk for current substance abuse/dependence; (b) posttraumatic stress disorder independently increased risk of marijuana and hard drug abuse/dependence; and (c) when effects of other variables were controlled, African Americans, but not Hispanics or Native Americans, were at approximately 1/3 the risk of substance abuse/dependence as Caucasians.  相似文献   

Examined the accuracy with which rape and lesser sexual assaults were predicted among a representative national sample of 2,723 college women. A total of 14 risk variables operationalized three vulnerability hypotheses: (a) vulnerability-creating traumatic experiences, (b) social-psychological vulnerability, and (c) vulnerability-enhancing situations. Each hypothesis was tested individually, and a composite model was developed via discriminant analysis. Only the traumatic experiences variables clearly improved over the base rates in identifying rape victims, but risk variables from each vulnerability hypothesis met criteria for inclusion in the composite model. A risk profile emerged that characterized only 10% of the women, but among them the risk of rape was twice the rate of women without the profile. The concept of traumatic sexualization was used to explain this finding. However, the vast majority of sexually victimized women (75-91%) could not be differentiated from nonvictims.  相似文献   

Correlates of intimate partner violence among male alcoholic patients   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Male-to-female partner violence was investigated in heterosexual couples with an alcoholic male partner. Partner violent (PV) alcoholic patients (n = 183), when compared with nonviolent (NV) alcoholic patients (n = 120), had more antisocial personality characteristics, greater alcohol problem severity, greater use of other drugs, higher relationship distress, and stronger beliefs in the link between alcohol consumption and relationship problems. Demographic factors did not account for these PV-NV differences. Relationship distress and alcohol problem severity had independent associations with partner violence. Relationship adjustment and drug use remained significantly associated with partner violence, whereas alcohol problem severity did not, after controlling for patient antisocial traits. Beliefs in the link between drinking and relationship problems were associated with partner violence independent of other clinical factors.  相似文献   

Risk factors affecting the course of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are poorly understood. As part of a larger study on characterizing exposure to herbicides in Vietnam, the authors investigated this issue in a random sample of 1,377 American Legionnaires who had served in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War and were followed over a 14-year period. High combat exposure, perceived negative community attitudes at homecoming, minority race, depression symptoms at Time 1, and more anger at Time 1 predicted a more chronic course. Community involvement at Time 1 was protective and associated with decreased risk at Time 2. Discomfort in disclosing Vietnam experiences was associated with an increased risk for developing PTSD but did not predict its course. Combat exposure predicted PTSD course more strongly than any other risk factor. Findings suggest recovery from PTSD is significantly influenced by perceived social support.  相似文献   

The question whether depression is related to trauma as part of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) itself or whether it represents autonomous symptoms occurring separately (from PTSD) has not been answered. We addressed two issues: (a) What is the relationship between PTSD and depression as measured by continuous measures on outcomes? and (b) By removing depression components from the PTSD diagnosis, what is the impact on standard outcomes? Older veterans from World War II or Korea were interviewed and given self-report measures on PTSD and depression. The CAPS-1 and the MMPI-D were used as the continuous measures for PTSD and depression. The outcome measures were health status, overall adjustment, social support, and physiological status. Results showed that depression influenced health status and social support: PTSD did not contribute to the equation. The CAPS-1 also was further divided into CAPS-PTSD and CAPS-D (depression) based on item content. For adjustment and health status, PTSD asserted a greater influence; for social support and heart rate, depression was the greater influence. Discussion addressed the fact that depression is an important consideration in the expression of PTSD.  相似文献   

The authors examined prospective measures of psychosocial risk factors as predictors of severe intimate partner violence among a community sample of 610 young adults at risk for intergenerational transmission of depression. The hypothesized risk factors were youth history of depression by age 15 and maternal history of depression. Youth social functioning at age 15 was tested as a mediator of these associations. Results showed that youth history of depression by age 15 predicted victimization at age 20. Severe violence perpetration was predicted by maternal depressive history among women but not men. Youth social functioning was a partial mediator of both associations. In sum, the findings suggest that psychosocial factors observed in adolescence may contribute to the risk of experiencing severe intimate partner violence during young adulthood.  相似文献   

The reliability and validity of a self-report measure of combat exposure are examined in a cohort of male-male twin pairs who served in the military during the Vietnam era. Test-retest reliability for a five-level ordinal index of combat exposure is assessed by use of 192 duplicate sets of responses. The chance-corrected proportion in agreement (as measured by the kappa coefficient) is .84. As a measure of criterion-related validity, the combat index is correlated with the award of combat-related military medals ascertained from the military records. The probability of receiving a Purple Heart, Bronze Star, Commendation Medal and Combat Infantry Badge is associated strongly with the combat exposure index. These results show that this simple index is a reliable and valid measure of combat exposure.  相似文献   

This study evaluated three nosologically similar older groups (Older PTSD, POW, and Older Psychiatric) and a group of Younger PTSD veterans from Vietnam. Group membership was derived from index admission diagnoses and clinical validation of status. Groups were compared on the MMPI, PTSD measures, background variables, health measures and an outcome measure. Results showed that the Older PTSD group is closer to the Younger PTSD group than to the other groups on the MMPI and PTSD measures and also that members of this group remain in the hospital longer than do members of the other older groups. Parameters of effective test classification showed the PTSD measures to be helpful in correct identification of this disorder for the older groups.  相似文献   

Objectives: The study conducted a longitudinal assessment of insomnia as an antecedent versus consequence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression symptoms among combat veterans. Design: Two postdeployment time points were used in combination with structural equation modeling to examine the relative strength of two possible directions of prediction: insomnia as a predictor of psychological symptoms, and psychological symptoms as a predictor of insomnia. Participants were active duty soldiers (N = 659) in a brigade combat team who were assessed 4 months after their return from a 12‐month deployment to Iraq, and then again eight months later. Results: Although both insomnia and psychological symptoms were associated at both time periods and across time periods, insomnia at 4 months postdeployment was a significant predictor of change in depression and PTSD symptoms at 12 months postdeployment, whereas depression and PTSD symptoms at 4 months postdeployment were not significant predictors of change in insomnia at 12 months postdeployment. Conclusions: Results support the role of insomnia in the development of additional psychological problems and highlight the clinical implications for combat veterans, to include the importance of longitudinal assessment and monitoring of sleep disturbances, and the need for early intervention. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Psychol 67:1–19, 2011.  相似文献   

Psychometric studies have consistently shown that combat veterans evaluated for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) appear to overreport psychopathology as exhibited by (a) extreme and diffuse levels of psychopathology across instruments measuring different domains of mental illness, and (b) extreme elevations on the validity scale of the MMPI-MMPI-2, in a "fake-bad" direction. The phenomenon of this ubiquitous presentational style is not well understood at present. In this review we describe and delineate the assessment problem posed by this apparent symptom overreporting, and we review the literature regarding several potential explanatory factors. Finally, we address conceptual and practical issues relevant to reaching a better understanding of the phenomenon, and ultimately the clinical syndrome of combat-related PTSD, in both research and clinical settings.  相似文献   

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