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Objective: Current resuscitation guidelines recommend that defibrillation be undertaken as soon as possible in patients suffering a cardiac arrest where the cardiac rhythm is either ventricular fibrillation (VF) or ventricular tachycardia (VT). Evidence from animal and clinical studies suggests that outcomes may be improved if a period of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is given prior to defibrillation. The objective of this study was to determine if 90 seconds of CPR before defibrillation improved survival. Methods: Patients suffering non‐paramedic witnessed VF/VT cardiac arrest were randomized to receive either 90 seconds of CPR before defibrillation (treatment) or immediate defibrillation (control). The study was carried out in Perth, Western Australia between June 2000 and June 2002. The primary endpoint was survival to hospital discharge with secondary endpoints of return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) and survival at 1 year. Results: A total of 256 patients underwent randomization. Baseline characteristics including response intervals were similar in both groups. Survival to hospital discharge in the CPR first group was 4.2% (5/119) compared with 5.1% (7/137) for the immediate defibrillation group (OR 0.81; 95%CI. 0.25–2.64). No difference in those achieving ROSC was observed between the groups (OR 1.16; 95% CI 0.49–2.80). Conclusion: Ninety seconds of CPR before defibrillation does not improve overall survival in patients suffering VF/VT cardiac arrests. Further studies to evaluate various aspects of this treatment strategy are required as published outcomes to date are inconclusive.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Ventricular fibrillation (VF) is treated optimally with a defibrillation shock shortly after patient collapse, but may benefit from initial cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if the shock is delayed. An objective measure of potential responsiveness to defibrillation could help decide optimal initial therapy. METHODS AND RESULTS: a new electrocardiogram (ECG) analysis algorithm was compared with response interval (call-to-shock) for prediction of patient outcome in a population of 87 VF patients in the Rochester, Minnesota area. In a retrospective analysis, both call-to-shock interval (p = 0.009) and ECG analysis (p < 0.001) predicted neurologically intact survival, with ECG analysis the stronger predictor (p = 0.034). When applied to advising initial patient treatment, ECG analysis compared favorably with the call-to-shock interval. Using a 7 min call-to-shock time criterion, 69% of patients would receive shocks first treatment using ECG analysis versus 67% using the call-to-shock interval (p = NS), 94% of survivors would retain successful shocks first treatment versus 85% (p = NS), and 48% of non-survivors receive alternate CPR-first treatment versus 45% (p = NS). Similarly, no significant differences were observed between ECG analysis and call-to-shock interval using an 8 min criterion. CONCLUSIONS: Both call-to-shock interval and a real-time ECG analysis are predictive of patient outcome. The ECG analysis is more predictive of neurologically intact survival. Moreover, the ECG analysis is dependent only upon the patient's condition at the time of treatment, with no need for knowledge of the response interval, which may be difficult to estimate at the time of treatment.  相似文献   

AimsThe reported proportion of ventricular fibrillation (VF) in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) has declined worldwide. VF decline may be caused by less VF at collapse and/or faster dissolution of VF into asystole. We aimed to determine the causes of VF decline by comparing VF proportions in relation to delay from emergency medical services (EMS) call to initial ECG (call-to-ECG delay), and VF dissolution rates between two study periods.MethodsData from the AmsteRdam REsuscitation STudies (ARREST), an ongoing OHCA registry in the Netherlands, were used. We studied cardiac OHCA in the study periods 1995–1997 (n = 917) and 2006–2012 (n = 5695). Cases with available ECG and information on call-to-ECG delay were included. We tested whether initial VF proportion and VF dissolution rates differed between both study periods using logistic regression.ResultsDespite a 15% VF decline between the periods, VF proportion around EMS call remained high in 2006–2012 (64%). The odds ratio (OR) for VF proportion in 2006–2012 vs. 1995–1997 was 0.52 (95%-CI 0.45–0.60, P < 0.001), with similar rates of VF dissolution in both periods (P = 0.83). VF decline was higher for unwitnessed collapse (OR 0.41, 95%-CI 0.28–0.58) and collapse at home (OR 0.50, 95%-CI 0.42–0.59), but not for categories of bystander CPR, age or sex.ConclusionVF proportion early after collapse remains high. VF decline is explained by the occurrence of less initial VF, rather than faster dissolving VF. An increase in unwitnessed OHCA and collapse at home contributes to the observed VF decline.  相似文献   

长时程室颤先行心肺复苏对复苏效果的影响及机制研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 比较7 min室颤先行心肺复苏2 min后除颤与直接除颤的复苏效果,并探讨其机制.方法 建立猪闭胸电诱发室颤模型,CPR First组优先心肺复苏2 min后连续三次除颤,Shock First组直接予连续三次除颤,观察冠脉灌注压、室颤波频率和振幅变化,计算除颤成功率和自主循环恢复率.结果 CPR First组先行心肺复苏2 min后可提高初次除颤前的冠脉灌注压、室颤波的频率和振幅, CPR First组比Shock First组有高的除颤成功率和自主循环恢复率(P<0.05).结论 7 min室颤除颤前先行胸外按压和人工呼吸可明显提高复苏成功率,其机制与增加冠脉灌注,改善心脏能量储备,提高室颤波的频率和振幅有关.  相似文献   



Few studies have described the value of the precordial thump (PT) as first-line treatment of monitored out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) from ventricular fibrillation and pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VF/VT).


Patient data was extracted from the Victorian Ambulance Cardiac Arrest Registry (VACAR) for all OHCA witnessed by paramedics between 2003 and 2011. Adult patients who suffered a monitored VF/VT of presumed cardiac aetiology were included. Cases were excluded if the arrest occurred after arrival at hospital, or a ‘do not resuscitate’ directive was documented. Patients were assigned into two groups according to the use of the PT or defibrillation as first-line treatment. The study outcomes were: impact of first shock/thump on return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), overall ROSC, and survival to hospital discharge.


A total of 434 cases met the eligibility criteria, of which first-line treatment involved a PT in 103 (23.7%) and immediate defibrillation in 325 (74.8%) cases. Patient characteristics did not differ significantly between groups. Seventeen patients (16.5%) observed a PT-induced rhythm change, including five cases of ROSC and 10 rhythm deteriorations. Immediate defibrillation resulted in significantly higher levels of immediate ROSC (57.8% vs. 4.9%, p < 0.0001), without excess rhythm deteriorations (12.3% vs. 9.7%, p = 0.48). Of the five successful PT attempts, three required defibrillation following re-arrest. Overall ROSC and survival to hospital discharge did not differ significantly between groups.


The PT used as first-line treatment of monitored VF/VT rarely results in ROSC, and is more often associated with rhythm deterioration.  相似文献   



We compare the outcomes for patients who received esmolol to those who did not receive esmolol during refractory ventricular fibrillation (RVF) in the emergency department (ED).


A retrospective investigation in an urban academic ED of patients between January 2011 and January 2014 of patients with out-of-hospital or ED cardiac arrest (CA) with an initial rhythm of ventricular fibrillation (VF) or ventricular tachycardia (VT) who received at least three defibrillation attempts, 300 mg of amiodarone, and 3 mg of adrenaline, and who remained in CA upon ED arrival. Patients who received esmolol during CA were compared to those who did not.


90 patients had CA with an initial rhythm of VF or VT; 65 patients were excluded, leaving 25 for analysis. Six patients received esmolol during cardiac arrest, and nineteen did not. All patients had ventricular dysrhythmias refractory to many defibrillation attempts, including defibrillation after administration of standard ACLS medications. Most received high doses of adrenaline, amiodarone, and sodium bicarbonate. Comparing the patients that received esmolol to those that did not: 67% and 42% had temporary return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC); 67% and 32% had sustained ROSC; 66% and 32% survived to intensive care unit admission; 50% and 16% survived to hospital discharge; and 50% and 11% survived to discharge with a favorable neurologic outcome, respectively.


Beta-blockade should be considered in patients with RVF in the ED prior to cessation of resuscitative efforts.  相似文献   



Human studies over the last decade have indicated that delaying initial defibrillation to allow a short period of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) may promote a more responsive myocardial state that is more likely to respond to defibrillation and result in increased rates of restoration of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) and/or survival. Out-of-hospital studies have produced conflicting results regarding the benefits of CPR prior to defibrillation in relation to survival to hospital discharge. The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials comparing the effect of delayed defibrillation preceded by CPR with immediate defibrillation on survival to hospital discharge.


A systematic literature search of key electronic databases including Medline, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library was conducted independently by two reviewers. Randomised controlled trials meeting the eligibility criteria were critically appraised according to the Cochrane Group recommended methodology. Meta-analyses were conducted for the outcomes of survival to hospital discharge overall and according to response time of emergency medical services.


Three randomised controlled trials were identified which addressed the question of interest. All included studies were methodologically appropriate to include in a meta-analysis. Pooled results from the three studies demonstrated no benefit from providing CPR prior to defibrillation compared to immediate defibrillation for survival to hospital discharge (OR 0.94 95% CI 0.46-1.94). Meta-analysis of results according to ambulance response time (≤5 min or >5 min) also showed no difference in survival rates.


Delaying initial defibrillation to allow a short period of CPR in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest due to VF demonstrated no benefit over immediate defibrillation for survival to hospital discharge irrespective of response time. There is no evidence that CPR before defibrillation is harmful. Based on the existing evidence, EMS jurisdictions are justified continuing with current practice using either defibrillation strategy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We reassessed 1-month survival of patients with witnessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) of cardiac origin with ventricular fibrillation (VF) or pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VT) in Osaka, Japan, and identified factors associated with 1-month survival using updated data from 1998 to 2004 collected based on the Utstein Style. METHODS: Using the Utstein Osaka Project database, we analyzed 1028 cases which met the following criteria: (1) patient age 18 years or older; (2) presumed cardiac origin based on the definition of the Utstein Style; (3) witnessed by citizens; (4) VF or pulseless VT at the time of arrival of the ambulance. The main outcome measure was survival at 1 month after collapse. Variables to develop a predictive model for 1-month survival were selected by stepwise logistic regression. RESULTS: Survival at 1 month was 19.6%. Factors retained in the final logistic regression were age, sex, type of witness, and time interval from (a) ambulance call receipt to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) by the ambulance crew; (b) ambulance call to defibrillation; (c) CPR by the ambulance crew to hospital arrival. Area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve for the model developed with the six variables was 0.738 and Hosmer-Lemshow goodness-of-fit p-value was 0.94. CONCLUSION: We successfully developed a model to estimate the probability of 1-month survival using variables easy to collect in the early phase of resuscitation, and this model would help physicians and family members predict the likelihood of 1-month survival of OHCA patients on admission.  相似文献   



Increasing evidence indicates that health professionals often may not achieve guideline standards for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Little is known about layperson CPR performance.


The investigation was a retrospective cohort study of cardiac arrest patients treated by layperson CPR and one model of automated external defibrillator (AED) as part of the Public Access Defibrillation Trial (n = 26). CPR was measured using software that integrates the event log, ECG signal, and thoracic impedance signal. We assessed chest compression fraction (proportion of attempted resuscitation spent performing chest compressions), prompted compression fraction (proportion of attempted resuscitation spent performing compressions during AED-prompted periods), compression rate, and compressions per minute.


Of the 26 cases, 13 presented with ventricular fibrillation and 13 with nonshockable rhythms. Overall, during the period when patients did not have spontaneous circulation, the median chest compression fraction was 34% (IQR 17-48%), median prompted chest compression fraction was 49% (IQR 30-66%), and the median chest compression rate was 96/min (IQR 90-110/min). Taken together, the median chest compression delivered per minute among all arrests was 29 (IQR 20-42). CPR characteristics differed according to initial rhythm: median chest compression per minute was 20 (IQR 13-29) among ventricular fibrillation and 42 (IQR 28-47) among nonshockable rhythms (p = 0.003).


In this study of trained laypersons, CPR varied substantially and often did not achieve guideline parameters. The findings suggest a need to improve CPR training, consider changes to CPR protocols, and/or improve the AED-rescuer interface.  相似文献   



Public access defibrillation rarely reaches out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients in residential areas. We developed a text message (TM) alert system, dispatching local lay rescuers (TM-responders). We analyzed the functioning of this system, focusing on response times and early defibrillation in relation to other responders.


In July 2013, 14 112 TM-responders and 1550 automated external defibrillators (AEDs) were registered in a database residing with the dispatch center of two regions of the Netherlands. TM-responders living <1000 m radius of the patient received a TM to go to the patient directly, or were directed to retrieve an AED first. We analyzed 1536 OHCA patients where a defibrillator was connected from February 2010 until July 2013. Electrocardiograms from all defibrillators were analyzed for connection and defibrillation time.


Of all OHCAs, the dispatcher activated the TM-alert system 893 times (58.1%). In 850 cases ≥1 TM-responder received a TM-alert and in 738 cases ≥1 AED was available. A TM-responder AED was connected in 184 of all OHCAs (12.0%), corresponding with 23.1% of all connected AEDs. Of all used TM-responder AEDs, 87.5% were used in residential areas, compared to 71.6% of all other defibrillators. TM-responders with AEDs defibrillated mean 2:39 (min:sec) earlier compared to emergency medical services (median interval 8:00 [25–75th percentile, 6:35–9:49] vs. 10:39 [25–75th percentile, 8:18–13:23], P < 0.001). Of all shocking TM-responder AEDs, 10.5% delivered a shock ≤6 min after call.


A TM-alert system that includes local lay rescuers and AEDs contributes to earlier defibrillation in OHCA, particularly in residential areas.  相似文献   

目的 通过猪心室颤动(VF)模型,观察胺碘酮原液、稀释液以及单纯标准CPR对心肺复苏效果的影响.方法 21头北京长白猪,应用程控刺激仪诱导VF,VF 3 min后,将动物随机(随机数字法)分为3组.①单纯CPR组:只进行单纯标准CPR;②胺碘酮原液组:予胺碘酮原液5 mg/kg快速(<3 s)静推,生理盐水20 mL冲管,观察30 s后开始CPR;③胺碘酮稀释液组:予胺碘酮5 mg/mg溶于20 mL生理盐水用30 s缓慢静推,20 mL生理盐水冲管,观察30 s后开始CPR.VF 5 min若猪未恢复自主循环(ROSC),给予电击除颤,并再次给予CPR,依此类推如15 min后猪仍未ROSC则宣布猪死亡.结果 CPR组及胺碘酮原液组复苏成功率高于胺碘酮稀释液组[85.7%vs.71.4%vs.42.9%],但差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).标准CPR组除颤能量(450±150)J高于胺碘酮原液组(200±77)J(P=0.009)及稀释液组(330±125)J,P=0.170.标准CPR组除颤次数(3±1)多于胺碘酮原液组(1.3±0.5),P<0.05.ROSC 10 min时胺碘酮原液组的平均动脉压(MAP)和冠脉灌注压(CPP)明显低于稀释液组和CPR组(P<0.05),而ROSC 0.5 h以后胺碘酮原液组和稀释液组之间MAP和CPP差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 心肺复苏时应用胺碘酮原液可以减少除颤次数和能量;较标准CPR和快速推注胺碘酮原液,胺碘酮稀释液缓慢推注有增加死亡率的可能.  相似文献   



We tested the hypothesis that shock success differs with initial and recurrent episodes of ventricular fibrillation (VF).


From September 2008 to March 2010 out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients with VF as the initial rhythm at 9 study sites were defibrillated by paramedics using a rectilinear biphasic waveform. Shock success was defined as termination of VF within 5 s post-shock. We used generalized estimating equation (GEE) analysis to assess the association between shock type (initial versus refibrillation) and shock success.


Ninety-four patients presented in VF. Mean age was 65.4 years, 78.7% were male, and 80.9% were bystander-witnessed. VF recurred in 75 (79.8%). There were 338 shocks delivered for initial (n = 90) or recurrent (n = 248) VF available for analysis. Initial shocks terminated VF in 79/90 (87.8%) and subsequent shocks in 209/248 (84.3%). GEE odds ratio (OR) for shock type was 1.37 (95% CI 0.68-2.74). After adjusting for potential confounders, the OR for shock type remained insignificant (1.33, 95% CI 0.60-2.53). We observed no significant difference in ROSC (54.7% versus 52.6%, absolute difference 2.1%, p = 0.87) or neurologically intact survival to hospital discharge (21.9% versus 33.3%, absolute difference 11.4%, p = 0.31) between those with and without VF recurrence.


Presenting VF was terminated with one shock in 87.8% of cases. We observed no significant difference in the frequency of shock success between initial versus recurrent VF. VF recurred in the majority of patients and did not adversely affect shock success, ROSC, or survival.  相似文献   

BackgroundDismal prognosis after failed out-of-hospital resuscitation has previously been demonstrated. Changes in resuscitation and post-resuscitation care may affect patient outcomes. We describe characteristics and outcomes of patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OOHCA) transported to specialty cardiac centers after failure of out-of-hospital interventions.MethodsIn Los Angeles (LA) County, patients with non-traumatic OOHCA with return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) are transported to specialized cardiac care centers. Outcomes are reported to a registry maintained by the LA County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Agency. We report patient characteristics and outcomes for the subset of patients treated at these specialty centers in whom initial ROSC was achieved in the ED. The primary outcome was neurologically intact survival, defined by a cerebral performance category (CPC) score of 1 or 2.Results105 patients transported to the SRC after failure to achieve ROSC with out-of-hospital resuscitation were successfully resuscitated in the ED. The median age was 68 years (IQR 57–78); 74 (70%) were male. The presenting rhythm was ventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia in 40 patients (38%) and 86 (82%) were witnessed. Twenty-two patients (21%) survived to hospital discharge. Of the 103 patients with known CPC scores, 13 (13% [95% CI 7–21%]) survived to hospital discharge with a CPC score of 1 or 2. No patient who survived with good neurologic outcome met criteria for termination of resuscitation in the field.ConclusionFailure of out-of-hospital resuscitation is not universally predictive of poor neurologic outcome.  相似文献   

AIM: Cardiac arrest with ventricular fibrillation (VF) has been divided into three phases in which phase-specific therapy may improve outcome. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between call-to-shock time, bystander CPR (BCPR), and cardiac arrest outcomes. METHODS: In a retrospective analysis of prospectively-acquired data from witnessed VF out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA), patients were classified as phases 1, 2, or 3 based on call-to-shock time (<5, 5-8, and >8 min) and further stratified based on performance of BCPR. Groups were compared with regard to survival, neurological outcome, and restoration of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) with defibrillation only (no ALS interventions to achieve sustained ROSC). RESULTS: Survival, neurologically intact survival, and ROSC with defibrillation were different between phases 1 and 2 (p=0.014 and p=0.005, p<0.01) but not between phases 2 and 3. Patients were further classified as having received BCPR (N=111) or no BCPR (N=107). Neurologically intact survival with and without BCPR, respectively, was 61% versus 72% (phase 1), 44% versus 41% (phase 2), and 42% versus 29% (phase 3). ROSC with defibrillation only with and without BCPR, respectively, was 64% versus 56% (phase 1), 37.0% versus 29% (phase 2), and 33% versus 8% (phase 3). ROSC with defibrillation alone was statistically higher in univariate analysis in phase 3 with BCPR (p=0.033) but not in multivariate analysis (p=0.068). CONCLUSIONS: BCPR did not significantly improve survival in any phase of OHCA, though there was a trend toward increased neurologically intact survival and increased ROSC with defibrillation alone in phase 3.  相似文献   

目的 了解重症监护病房患者除颤(DF)与心肺复苏(CPR)先后顺序以及心室纤颤(VF)时间和纽约心脏病协会(NYHA)心功能分级对DF效果的影响.方法 将需要紧急DF的93例患者按VF发生时间分为<4 min组(53例)、4~8 min组(24例)、>8 min组(16例)3组,每组再按先DF还是在5次循环的基本CPR后DF分为两个亚组.观察不同VF时间、DF和CPR先后顺序、不同NYHA心功能分级对DF成功率的影响.结果 随VF时间的延长,DF成功率明显下降[VF<4 min、4~8 min、>8 min组DF成功率分别为83.0%(44/53)、62.5%(15/24)、25.0%(4/16),两两比较均P<0.01].VF<4 min组,先DF者的DF成功率明显高于先CPR者[88.9% (24/27)比76.9% (20/26),P<0.05];VF 4 ~8 min组,先DF者的DF成功率略高于先CPR者[66.7%(8/12)比58.3%(7/12),P=0.09];VF>8 min组,先CPR者的DF成功率明显高于先DF者[37.5%(3/8)比12.5%(1/8),P<0.01].随NYHA心功能分级增加,患者DF成功率逐渐下降[NYHA Ⅰ~Ⅳ级分别为96.4%(27/28)、80.0%(20/25)、47.8% (11/23)、29.4% (5/17),P<0.05或P<0.01].结论 心搏骤停VF持续时间及NYHA心功能分级是影响DF效果的重要因素;DF与CPR的先后顺序应结合心搏骤停VF持续时间区别对待;NYHA心功能分级较差者应提前做出某些预判及预防措施.  相似文献   



While internationally reported survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is improving, much of the increase is being observed in patients presenting to emergency medical services (EMS) in shockable rhythms. The purpose of this study was to assess survival and 12-month functional recovery in patients presenting to EMS in asystole or pulseless electrical activity (PEA).


The Victorian Ambulance Cardiac Arrest Registry was searched for adult OHCA patients presenting in non-shockable rhythms in Victoria, Australia between 1st July 2003 and 30th June 2013. We excluded patients defibrillated prior to EMS arrival and arrests witnessed by EMS. Twelve-month quality-of-life interviews were conducted on survivors who arrested between 1st January 2010 and 31st December 2012. The main outcome measures were survival to hospital discharge and 12-month functional recovery measured by the Extended Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOSE).


A total of 38,378 non-shockable OHCA attended by EMS were included, of which 88.0% were asystole and 11.6% were PEA. Of the patients receiving resuscitation, survival to hospital discharge was 1.1% for asystole and 5.9% for PEA (p < 0.001), with no significant improvement observed over the 10 year study period. In survivors with 12-month follow-up data, the combined rate of death, vegetative state or lower severe disability was 66.7% (95% CI 41.0–80.0%) for asystole and 44.7% (95% CI 30.2–59.9%) for PEA.


Survival outcomes following OHCA with initial rhythms of asystole or PEA did not improve over the 10-year study period. Our findings indicate high rates of death within 12 months, and unfavourable functional recovery for survivors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Measures of the ventricular fibrillation (VF) waveform may enable better allocation of cardiac arrest treatment by discriminating which patients should receive immediate defibrillation versus alternate therapies such as CPR. We derive a new measure based on the 'roughness' of the VF waveform, the Logarithm of the Absolute Correlations (LAC), and assess and contrast how well the LAC and the previously published scaling exponent (ScE) predict the duration of VF and the likelihood of return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) under both optimal experimental and commercial-defibrillator sampling conditions. METHODS AND RESULTS: We derived the LAC and ScE from two different populations-an animal study of 44 swine and a retrospective human sample of 158 out-of-hospital VF arrests treated with a commercial defibrillator. In the animal study, the LAC and ScE were calculated on 5s epochs of VF recorded at 1000samples/s and then down sampled to 125samples/s. In the human study, the LAC and ScE were calculated using 6s epochs recorded at 200samples/s that occurred immediately prior to the initial shock. We compared the LAC and ScE measures using the Spearman correlation coefficients (CC) and areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC). RESULTS: In the animal study, the LAC and ScE were highly correlated at 1000sample/s (CC=0.93) but not at 125samples/s (CC=-0.06). These correlations were reflected in how well the measures discriminated VF of 5min: AUC at 1000samples/s was similar for LAC compared to ScE (0.71 versus 0.76). However AUC at 125 samples was greater for LAC compared to ScE (0.75 versus 0.62). In the human study, the LAC measure was a better predictor of ROSC following initial defibrillation as reflected by an AUC of 0.77 for LAC compared to 0.57 for ScE. CONCLUSIONS: The LAC is an improvement over the ScE because the LAC retains its prognostic characteristics at lower ECG sampling rates typical of current clinical defibrillators. Hence, the LAC may have a role in better allocating treatment in resuscitation of VF cardiac arrest.  相似文献   



We examined the relationship between time from collapse to arrival of emergency medical services (EMS) and survival to hospital discharge for out-of-hospital ventricular fibrillation cardiac arrests in order to determine meaningful interpretations of this association.


We calculated survival rates in 1-min intervals from collapse to EMS arrival. Additionally, we used logistic regression to determine the absolute probability of survival per minute of delayed EMS arrival. We created a logistic regression model with spline terms for the time variable to examine the decline in survival in intervals that are hypothesized to be physiologically relevant.


The observed data showed survival declined, on average, by 3% for each minute that EMS was delayed following collapse. Survival rates did not decline appreciably if the time between collapse and arrival of EMS was 4 min or less but they declined by 5.2% per minute between 5 and 10 min. EMS arrival 11-15 min after collapse showed a less steep decline in survival of 1.9% per minute. The spline model that incorporated changes in slope in the time interval variable modeled this relationship more accurately than a model with a continuous term for time (p = 0.01).


The results of our analyses show that survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest does not decline at a constant rate following collapse. Models that incorporate changes that reflect the physiological alterations that occur following cardiac arrests are a more accurate way to describe changes in survival rates over time than models that include only a continuous term for time.  相似文献   

AimCurrent consensus guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) recommend that chest compressions resume immediately after defibrillation attempts and that rhythm and pulse checks be deferred until completion of 5 compression:ventilation cycles or minimally for 2 min. However, data specifically confirming the post-shock duration of asystole or pulseless electrical activity before return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) are lacking. Our aim was to describe the frequency of the various post-shock cardiac rhythms and the duration of post-shock pulselessness in out-of-hospital non-traumatic cardiac arrest.MethodUsing prospectively-collected data from the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Epistry database, the investigators reviewed monitor-defibrillator recordings of 176 patients who received defibrillation attempts in the out-of-hospital setting for ventricular fibrillation (VF) or ventricular tachycardia (VT) with absent pulses,.ResultsAmong 376 different defibrillation attempts delivered in the 176 patients, there were 182 resulting episodes of post-shock asystole. The mean interval of asystole after defibrillation was 69 ± 136 s (median 20 s; IQR 36) and the mean interval for return of an organized rhythm was 64 ± 157 s (median 7 s; IQR 26). The mean time to ROSC was 280 ± 320 s (median 136 s; IQR 445).ConclusionAfter defibrillation attempts, the majority of patients remain pulseless for over 2 min and the duration of asystole before return of pulses is longer than 120 s beyond the shock gap in as many as 25%. These data support the recommendation to immediately resume chest compressions for 2 min following attempted defibrillation.  相似文献   

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