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心肺复苏(cardiopulmonary resuscitation,CPR)是心搏骤停时最常用的抢救方法.2010年CPR指南强调高质量胸外按压,建议除颤后继续按压2 min后再判断循环以减少按压中断时间.然而,临床中自主循环恢复(return of spontaneous circulation,ROSC)多发生在按压过程中,此时持续按压不利于自主循环稳定.因此在CPR中识别ROSC十分重要.目前临床上可用于CPR中ROSC的预测和识别方法包括:触及脉搏搏动、波幅谱面积、呼气末二氧化碳分压、冠脉灌注压、中心静脉氧饱和度、胸外按压分数、局部脑氧饱和度、光学容积描记图、结膜氧张力、经胸阻抗容积描记术及超声心动图.本文对以上CPR过程中ROSC预测及识别方法做一综述.  相似文献   

AIM: To describe the association between the interval between the call for ambulance and return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) and survival in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. PATIENTS: All patients suffering an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in whom cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) was started, included in the Swedish Cardiac Arrest Registry (SCAR) for whom information about the time of calling for an ambulance and the time of ROSC was available. RESULTS: Among 26,192 patients who were included in SCAR and were not witnessed by the ambulance crew, information about the time of call for an ambulance and the time of ROSC was available in 4847 patients (19%). There was a very strong relationship between the interval between call for an ambulance and ROSC and survival to one month. If the interval was less than or equal to 5 min, 47% survived to one month. If the interval exceeded 30 min, only 5% (n = 35) survived to one month. The vast majority of the latter survivors had a shockable rhythm either on admission of the rescue team or at some time during resuscitation. CONCLUSION: Among patients who have ROSC after an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, there is a very strong association between the interval between the call for ambulance and ROSC and survival to one month. However, even if this delay is very long (> 30 min after calling for an ambulance), a small percentage will ultimately survive; they are mainly patients who at some time during resuscitation have a shockable rhythm. The overall percentage of patients for whom CPR continued for more than 30 min who are alive one month later can be assumed to be extremely low.  相似文献   



Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR) has been shown to have survival benefit over conventional CPR (CCPR) in patients with in-hospital cardiac arrest of cardiac origin. We compared the survival of patients who had return of spontaneous beating (ROSB) after ECPR with the survival of those who had return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) after conventional CPR.


Propensity score-matched cohort of adults with in-hospital prolonged CPR (>10 min) of cardiac origin in a university-affiliated tertiary extracorporeal resuscitation center were included in this study. Fifty-nine patients with ROSB after ECPR and 63 patients with sustained ROSC by CCPR were analyzed. Main outcome measures were survival at hospital discharge, 30 days, 6 months, and one year, and neurological outcome.


There was no statistical difference in survival to discharge (29.1% of ECPR responders vs. 22.2% of CCPR responders, p = 0.394) and neurological outcome at discharge and one year later. In the propensity score-matched groups, 9 out of 27 ECPR patients survived to one month (33.3%) and 7 out of 27 CCPR patients survived (25.9%). Survival analysis showed no survival difference (HR: 0.856, p = 0.634, 95% CI: 0.453-1.620) between the groups, either at 30 days or at the end of one year (HR: 0.602, p = 0.093, 95% CI: 0.333-1.088).


This study failed to demonstrate a survival difference between patients who had ROSB after institution of ECMO and those who had ROSC after conventional CPR. Further studies evaluating the role of ECMO in conventional CPR rescued patients are warranted.  相似文献   

目的 探索生脉注射液对心搏骤停动物模型的自主循环恢复和复苏后早期血流动力学的影响,为心搏骤停复苏后动物的后续研究提供稳定循环的辅助支持.方法 将家兔30只随机(随机数字法)分成两组各15只,采用窒息法建立心搏骤停动物模型;生脉组在复苏开始即刻给予2mL/kg生脉注射液静注,自主循环恢复后10 min再次给予相同剂量一次;盐水组给药时间和盐水剂量与生脉组相同.记录家兔心搏骤停时间、自主循环恢复时间和自主呼吸恢复时间,分别记录窒息前和自主循环恢复即刻、ROSC后30 min,60 min和120 min的左室收缩压(LVSP)、左室等容收缩期最大上升速率(+dp/dtmax)和等容舒张期最大下降速率(-dp/dtmax)、左室舒张末压(LVEDP)等血流动力学指标的变化.计算自主循环恢复率与6 h存活率.结果 生脉组和盐水组家兔在心搏骤停时间、自主呼吸恢复时间、自主循环恢复率以及6 h存活率等指标之间的比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但生脉组家兔自主循环恢复时间要明显早于盐水组;两组家兔在自主循环恢复30 min,60min和120 min的左室收缩压(LVSP)、左室等容收缩期最大上升速率(+dp/dtmax)和等容舒张期最大下降速率(-dp/dtmax)与窒息前相比明显降低,但左室舒张末压(LVEDP)升高(P<0.05);生脉组在相应时间点的左室收缩压(LVSP)、左室等容收缩期最大上升速率(+dp/dtmax)和等容舒张期最大下降速率(-dp/dtmax)高于盐水组,左室舒张末压(LVEDP)低于盐水组(P<0.05).结论 生脉注射液辅助用于心搏骤停家兔心肺复苏,可缩短家兔自主循环恢复时间,并且可改善其自主循环恢复后心肌舒缩功能,有利于复苏后血流动力学的稳定.  相似文献   

目的 比较采用空气或纯氧复苏宫内窒息新生大鼠效果,为寻求合理的新生儿复苏气源提供一些理论依据.方法 将77只胎龄21 d的SD新生大鼠随机(随机数字法)分为三组:对照组(SHAM组);正常新生大鼠,剖宫产娩出;空气复苏组(RAR组),宫内窒息新生大鼠,剖宫产娩出后采用空气复苏;纯氧复苏组(POR组),宫内窒息新生大鼠,剖宫产娩出后采用纯氧复苏.比较各组新生大鼠复苏后0 h,6 h及24 h 血气结果和大脑超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase SOD)水平以及复苏后新生大鼠死亡率.结果 POR组复苏后0 h,新生大鼠动脉血氧分压(PaO2)(69.0±8.2)mmHg,与RAR组新生大鼠PaO2(55.5±10.3)mmHg比较,差异具有统计学意义(P=0.004),POR组复苏后6 h及24 h,新生大鼠PaO2与RAR组比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).POR组复苏后0 h及6 h,新生大鼠大脑SOD值分别为(38.3±9.8)U/mgprot和(8.6±3.6)U/mgprot,与RAR组新生大鼠大脑SOD值(53.8±10.6)U/mgprot和(13.0±4.6)U/mgprot比较,差异均具有统计学意义(P值为0.003和0.04),POR组复苏后24 h,新生大鼠大脑SOD值为(17.6±6.8)U/mgprot,与RAR组(19.8±6.3)U/mgprot比较,差异无统计学意义(P=0.53).RAR组和POR组在复苏后0 h,6 h及24 h新生大鼠大脑SOD水平,与对照组比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).POR组新生大鼠复苏后0 h死亡率3.7%,与RAR组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 纯氧或空气复苏窒息新生大鼠,复苏后短期死亡率相似,但纯氧复苏后窒息新生大鼠出现短暂血氧分压升高,同时大脑SOD在一定时期内维持较低水平.
Objective To test the effects of restuscitation with air or oxygen on the blood gas and cerebral superoxide dismutase (SOD) concentration in neonatal rats with experimental intrauterine asphyxia. Method Seventy-seven neonatal rats were randomly (random number) divided into three experimental groups: sham operation group (SHAM), air resuscitation group (AR), and oxygen resuscitation group (OR). In groups AR and OR, animal models of intrauterine asphyxia were established and then resuscitated with air (AR) or oxygen (OR) for 30min. Comparison was made between groups including the mortality 0 hour after resuscitation, and the levels of blood gas and cerebral SOD concentrations 0 h, 6 h and 24 h after resuscitation. Results Mortality of neonatal rats in SHAM group, AR group and OR group were 0 (0/24), 0 (0/26) and 3.7% (1/27), respectively (P >0.05). The average levels of blood PaO2 in OR group and AR group 0 h after resuscitation were (69.2 ± 8.2)mmHg and (55.5±10.3) mmHg,respectively (P=0.004). Blood pH and PaCO2 and BE levels in OR group 0 h after resuscitation were not significantly different from those in AR group (P>0.05). Blood pH, PO2, PCO2and BE levels in OR group were also not significantly different from those in AR group 6 h and 24 hours after resuscitation. The average concentrations of cerebral SOD in OR group 0 h and 6 hours after resucitation were (38.3±9.8) U/mgprot and (8.6±3.6) U/mgprot, and those in AR group were (53.8± 10.6) U/mgprot and (13.0±4.6) U/mgprot, respectively (P = 0.003, 0.04). The cerebral SOD concentration in OR group 24 hours after resuscitation was not significantly different from that in AR group (P>0.05). The cerebral SOD concentrations in SHAM group 0 h,6 h and 24 hours after resuscitation were much higher than those in OR group and AR group (P<0.05). Conclusions Resuscitation with air is as good as pure oxygen in neonatal resuscitation, in respect of early mortality and improvement of acidosis in neonatal rats after intrauterine asphyxia. Resuscitation with air will generate less radical oxygen species than pure oxygen in neonatal rats after intrauterine asphyxia.  相似文献   


Aim of the study

Although sustained return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) can be initially established after resuscitation from non-traumatic out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) in some children, many of the children lose spontaneous circulation during hospital stay and do not survive to discharge. The aim of this study was to determine the clinical features during the first hour after ROSC that may predict survival to hospital discharge.


We retrospectively evaluated the medical records of 228 children who presented to the emergency department without spontaneous circulation following non-traumatic OHCA during the period January 1996 to December 2008. Among these children, 80 achieved sustained ROSC for at least 20 min. The post-resuscitative clinical features during the first hour after achieving sustained ROSC that correlated with survival, median duration of survival, and death were analyzed.


Among the 80 children who achieved sustained ROSC for at least 20 min, 28 survived to hospital discharge and 6 had good neurologic outcomes (PCPC scale = 1 or 2). Post-resuscitative clinical features associated with survival included sinus cardiac rhythm (p = 0.012), normal heart rate (p = 0.008), normal blood pressure (p < 0.001), urine output > 1 ml/kg/h (p = 0.002), normal skin color (p = 0.016), lack of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)-induced rib fracture (p = 0.044), initial Glasgow Coma Scale score > 7 (p < 0.001), and duration of in-hospital CPR ≤ 10 min (p < 0.001). Furthermore, these variables were also significantly associated with the duration of survival (all p < 0.05).


The most important predictors of survival to hospital discharge in children with OHCA who achieve sustained ROSC are a normal heart rate, normal blood pressure, and an initial urine output > 1 ml/kg/h.  相似文献   



To determine the most important indicators of prognosis in patients with return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) following out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest (OHCA) and to develop a best outcome prediction model.

Design and patients

All patients were prospectively recorded based on the Utstein Style in Osaka over a period of 3 years (2005-2007). Criteria for inclusion were a witnessed cardiac arrest, age greater than 17 years, presumed cardiac origin of the arrest, and successful ROSC. Multivariate logistic regression (MLR) analysis was used to develop the best prediction model. The dependent variables were favourable outcome (cerebral-performance category [CPC]: 1-2) and poor outcome (CPC: 3-5) at 1 month after the event. Eight explanatory pre-hospital variables were used concerning patient characteristics and resuscitation. External validation was performed on an independent set of Utstein data in 2007.


Subjects comprised 285 patients in VF and 577 patients with pulseless electrical activity (PEA)/asystole. The percentage of favourable outcomes was 31.9% (91/285) in VF and 5.7% (33/577) in PEA/asystole. The most important prognostic indicators of favourable outcome found by MLR were age (p = 0.10), time from collapse to ROSC (TROSC) (p < 0.01), and presence of pre-hospital ROSC (PROSC) (p = 0.15) for VF and age (p = 0.03), TROSC (p < 0.01), PROSC (p < 0.01), and conversion to VF (p = 0.01) for PEA/asystole. For external validation data, areas under the receiver-operating characteristic curve were 0.867 for VF and 0.873 for PEA/asystole.


A model based on four selected indicators showed a high predictive value for favourable outcome in OHCA patients with ROSC.  相似文献   

目的 评价休克指数和体温修正休克指数(以下简称“修正休克指数”)评估心脏骤停后自主循环恢复患者预后的价值.方法 以心肺复苏Utstien模式前瞻性注册登记并分析111例院内心脏骤停经心肺复苏恢复自主循环患者的生命体征等资料,以进一步评价休克指数和修正休克指数评估其预后的价值.结果 收缩压、心率在成活出院组与死亡组患者组间差异无统计学意义,P>0.05.死亡组患者休克指数和修正休克指数[(1.109±0.428)和(1.082 ±0.410)]明显高于成活出院组[(0.899±0.303)和(0.844 ±0.265)],P<0.05.修正休克指数>1.1的患者死亡风险比为5.4,明显高于收缩压<90 mm Hg组(1.6)和心率>100次/min组(3.1),P>0.05.休克指数>1.1预测该组患者死亡风险的比值比为2.8.结论 休克指数和修正休克指数是易于记忆和获取的有效评价指标,有助于预测诸如心脏骤停循环恢复患者最终死亡或成活出院等病情预后.  相似文献   



Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) algorithms are the default standard of care for in-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA) management. However, adherence to published guidelines is relatively poor. The records of 149 patients who experienced IHCA were examined to begin to understand the association between overall adherence to ACLS protocols and successful return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC).


A retrospective chart review of medical records and code team worksheets was conducted for 75 patients who had ROSC after an IHCA event (SE group) and 74 who did not survive an IHCA event (DNS group). Protocol adherence was assessed using a detailed checklist based on the 2005 ACLS Update protocols. Several additional patient characteristics and circumstances were also examined as potential predictors of ROSC.


In unadjusted analyses, the percentage of correct steps performed was positively correlated with ROSC from an IHCA (p < 0.01), and the number of errors of commission and omission were both negatively correlated with ROSC from an IHCA (p < 0.01). In multivariable models, the percentage of correct steps performed and the number of errors of commission and omission remained significantly predictive of ROSC (p < 0.01 and p < 0.0001, respectively) even after accounting for confounders such as the difference in age and location of the IHCAs.


Our results show that adherence to ACLS protocols throughout an event is correlated with increased ROSC in the setting of cardiac arrest. Furthermore, the results suggest that, in addition to correct actions, both wrong actions and omissions of indicated actions lead to decreased ROSC after IHCA.  相似文献   



Non-invasive monitoring of cerebral perfusion and oxygen delivery during cardiac arrest is not routinely utilized during cardiac arrest resuscitation. The objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility of using cerebral oximetry during cardiac arrest and to determine the relationship between regional cerebral oxygen saturation (rSO2) with return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) in shockable (VF/VT) and non-shockable (PEA/asystole) types of cardiac arrest.


Cerebral oximetry was applied to 50 in-hospital and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients.


Overall, 52% (n = 26) achieved ROSC and 48% (n = 24) did not achieve ROSC. There was a significant difference in mean ± SD rSO2% in patients who achieved ROSC compared to those who did not (47.2 ± 10.7% vs. 31.7 ± 12.8%, p < 0.0001). This difference was observed during asystole (median rSO2 (IQR) ROSC versus no ROSC: 45.0% (35.1–48.8) vs. 24.9% (20.5–32.9), p < 0.002) and PEA (50.6% (46.7–57.5) vs. 31.6% (18.8–43.3), p = 0.02), but not in the VF/VT subgroup (43.7% (41.1–54.7) vs. 42.8% (34.9–45.0), p = 0.63). Furthermore, it was noted that no subjects with a mean rSO2 < 30% achieved ROSC.


Cerebral oximetry may have a role as a real-time, non-invasive predictor of ROSC during cardiac arrest. The main utility of rSO2 in determining ROSC appears to apply to asystole and PEA subgroups of cardiac arrest, rather than VF/VT. This observation may reflect the different physiological factors involved in recovery from PEA/asytole compared to VF/VT. Whereas in VF/VT, successful defibrillation is of prime importance, however in PEA and asytole achieving ROSC is more likely to be related to the quality of oxygen delivery. Furthermore, a persistently low rSO2 <30% in spite of optimal resuscitation methods may indicate futility of resuscitation efforts.  相似文献   

目的 心搏骤停后的神经功能恢复是临床治疗的难点,实验和临床研究表明亚低温治疗是有益的.本文通过Meta分析探讨亚低温治疗对心搏骤停后患者的有效性和安全性.方法 检索Medline(1966年至2012年4月)、OVID(1980年至2012年4月)、EMBASE(1980年至2012年4月)、中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM)(1978年至2012年4月)、中文生物医学期刊文献数据库(CMCC)(1995年至2012年4月)和中国医学学术会议论文数据库(CMAC)(1994年至2012年4月).纳入文献符合:①随机对照试验(RCT);②比较常温与亚低温治疗心搏骤停心肺复苏成功的患者;③结果为神经功能恢复和出院存活.合并效应量,计算相对危险度(RR)和95%可信区间(95% CI).结果 4个RCT共纳入417例心搏骤停心肺复苏成功的患者.与常温组比较,亚低温治疗组患者神经功能恢复更好(RR=1.43,95% CI 1.14~ 1.80,P=0.002),出院存活更高(RR=1.32,95% CI 1.08 ~ 1.63,P=0.008).所纳入文献报道的不良事件在两组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).各研究同质性好,不存在发表偏倚.结论 亚低温治疗改善了心搏骤停后患者的神经功能和出院存活.  相似文献   

目的:探讨高敏C反应蛋白(high sensitivity C-reactive protein,hs-CRP)与血清白蛋白(Albumin,Alb)比值对院内心脏骤停(in-hospital cardiac arrest,IHCA)患者预后的判断价值。方法:连续入选2017年1月1日至2020年09月30日期间在徐州医科大学附属医院收治的IHCA后经心肺复苏(cardiopulmonary resuscitation,CPR)自主循环恢复(restoration of spontaneous circulation,ROSC)的患者为研究对象,按照IHCA后14 d是否存活分为存活组和死亡组,分析IHCA患者高敏C反应蛋白与血清白蛋白比值(hs-CRP/Alb)与预后的相关性。结果:存活组和死亡组的性别、年龄、既往病史、使用心电监护、复苏时通气方式、首次监测心率人数所占比例、复苏前Alb等指标的差异无统计学意义( P>0.05);非心源性CA、使用肾上腺素剂量>5 mg占比,CPR持续时间,血乳酸、Alb和hs-CRP浓度,以及hs-CRP/Alb比值等指标的差异有统计学意义( P<0.05)。Logistic回归分析显示肾上腺素剂量>5 mg占比,血乳酸浓度、心肺复苏持续时间、hs-CRP/Alb比值是预测死亡的独立危险因素。ROC曲线分析显示hs-CRP/Alb比值、血hs-CRP和Alb浓度对患者死亡均有一定预测价值;曲线下面积分别为0.876、0.864、0.745,hs-CRP/Alb比值的预测效能优于hs-CRP浓度或Alb浓度。 结论:hs-CRP/Alb比值对IHCA患者的预后有一定预测价值,且预测效能优于单用血hs-CRP浓度或Alb浓度。  相似文献   

目的:探讨高敏C反应蛋白(high sensitivity C-reactive protein,hs-CRP)与血清白蛋白(Albumin,Alb)比值对院内心脏骤停(in-hospital cardiac arrest,IHCA)患者预后的判断价值。方法:连续入选2017年1月1日至2020年09月30日期间在徐州医科大学附属医院收治的IHCA后经心肺复苏(cardiopulmonary resuscitation,CPR)自主循环恢复(restoration of spontaneous circulation,ROSC)的患者为研究对象,按照IHCA后14 d是否存活分为存活组和死亡组,分析IHCA患者高敏C反应蛋白与血清白蛋白比值(hs-CRP/Alb)与预后的相关性。结果:存活组和死亡组的性别、年龄、既往病史、使用心电监护、复苏时通气方式、首次监测心率人数所占比例、复苏前Alb等指标的差异无统计学意义( P>0.05);非心源性CA、使用肾上腺素剂量>5 mg占比,CPR持续时间,血乳酸、Alb和hs-CRP浓度,以及hs-CRP/Alb比值等指标的差异有统计学意义( P<0.05)。Logistic回归分析显示肾上腺素剂量>5 mg占比,血乳酸浓度、心肺复苏持续时间、hs-CRP/Alb比值是预测死亡的独立危险因素。ROC曲线分析显示hs-CRP/Alb比值、血hs-CRP和Alb浓度对患者死亡均有一定预测价值;曲线下面积分别为0.876、0.864、0.745,hs-CRP/Alb比值的预测效能优于hs-CRP浓度或Alb浓度。 结论:hs-CRP/Alb比值对IHCA患者的预后有一定预测价值,且预测效能优于单用血hs-CRP浓度或Alb浓度。  相似文献   



In contrast to the resuscitation guidelines of children and adults, guidelines on neonatal resuscitation recommend synchronized 90 chest compressions with 30 manual inflations (3:1) per minute in newborn infants. The study aimed to determine if chest compression with asynchronous ventilation improves the recovery of bradycardic asphyxiated newborn piglets compared to 3:1 Compression:Ventilation cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

Intervention and measurements

Term newborn piglets (n = 8/group) were anesthetized, intubated, instrumented and exposed to 45-min normocapnic hypoxia followed by asphyxia. Protocolized resuscitation was initiated when heart rate decreased to 25% of baseline. Piglets were randomized to receive resuscitation with either 3:1 compressions to ventilations (3:1 C:V CPR group) or chest compressions with asynchronous ventilations (CCaV) or sham. Continuous respiratory parameters (Respironics NM3®), cardiac output, mean systemic and pulmonary artery pressures, and regional blood flows were measured.

Main results

Piglets in 3:1 C:V CPR and CCaV CPR groups had similar time to return of spontaneous circulation, survival rates, hemodynamic and respiratory parameters during CPR. The systemic and regional hemodynamic recovery in the subsequent 4 h was similar in both groups and significantly lower compared to sham-operated piglets.


Newborn piglets resuscitated by CCaV had similar return of spontaneous circulation, survival, and hemodynamic recovery compared to those piglets resuscitated by 3:1 Compression:Ventilation ratio.  相似文献   

目的 :从自由基损伤方面研究老年大鼠脑缺血的发病机制和中药的防治作用。方法 :青年大鼠分为青年对照组、青年模型组 ;老龄大鼠分为老龄对照组、老龄模型组、尼莫地平组、大黄组、益元活血组及益元活血大黄组。观察脑缺血模型大鼠脑电图幅值、脑含水量、超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)、丙二醛 (MDA)和一氧化氮 (NO)含量的变化。结果 :1青年和老龄模型组脑电图幅值以及血清与脑组织 SOD活性分别较青年和老龄对照组降低(P<0 .0 5或 P<0 .0 1) ,而脑含水量、MDA和 NO含量增高 (P<0 .0 5或 P<0 .0 1)。 2与青年模型组比较 ,老龄模型组脑电图幅值以及血清与脑组织 SOD活性降低 ,脑含水量、脑组织 MDA及血清 NO含量增高(P<0 .0 5或 P<0 .0 1)。 3与老龄模型组比较 ,用药各组脑电图幅值以及血清 SOD活性提高 (P均 <0 .0 1) ,脑含水量、脑组织 MDA含量下降 (P均 <0 .0 5 )。大黄组血清和脑组织 NO水平降低 (P均 <0 .0 1)。结论 :青年和老龄大鼠脑缺血损伤与自由基损伤有关 ,老龄大鼠较青年大鼠严重 ,其机制与增龄有一定的关系。补肾活血方药和泻下方药及其配伍通过拮抗自由基损伤、改善 NO代谢而对老龄大鼠脑缺血损伤有一定的保护作用。  相似文献   



Auscultation and palpation are recommended methods of determining heart rate (HR) during neonatal resuscitation. We hypothesized that: (a) detection of HR by auscultation or palpation will vary by more than ±15 BPM from actual HR; and (b) the inability to accurately determine HR will be associated with errors in management of the neonate during simulated resuscitation.

Subjects and methods

Using a prospective, randomized, controlled study design, 64 subjects participated in three simulated neonatal resuscitation scenarios. Subjects were randomized to technique used to determine HR (auscultation or palpation) and scenario order. Subjects verbalized their numeric assessment of HR at the onset of the scenario and after any intervention. Accuracy of HR determination and errors in resuscitation were recorded. Errors were classified as errors of omission (lack of appropriate interventions) or errors of commission (inappropriate interventions). Cochran's Q and chi square test were used to compare HR detection by method and across scenarios.


Errors in HR determination occurred in 26–48% of initial assessments and 26–52% of subsequent assessments overall. There were neither statistically significant differences in accuracy between the two techniques of HR assessment (auscultation vs palpation) nor across the three scenarios. Of the 90 errors in resuscitation, 43 (48%) occurred in association with errors in HR determination.


Determination of heart rate via auscultation and palpation by experienced healthcare professionals in a neonatal patient simulator with standardized cues is not reliable. Inaccuracy in HR determination is associated with errors of omission and commission. More reliable methods for HR assessment during neonatal resuscitation are required.  相似文献   



Bystander Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (BCPR) can improve survival for Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA). This study aimed to investigate the geographic variation of BCPR provision and survival to discharge outcomes among residential OHCA cases, evaluate this variation with individual and population characteristics and identify high-risk residential areas with low relative risk (RR) of BCPR and high RR of OHCA at the development guide plan (DGP) census tract levels in Singapore.


This was a retrospective, secondary analysis of two prospectively-collected registries in Singapore from 2001 to 2011. We used Bayesian conditional autoregressive spatial models to examine predictors at the DGP level and calculate smoothed RR to identify high-risk areas. We used multi-level mixed-effects logistic regression models to examine the independent effects of individual and neighborhood factors.


We found a total of 3942 OHCA with a BCPR rate of 20.3% and a survival to discharge rate of 1.9% and 3578 cases eligible for BCPR. After adjusting for age, witnessed status, presumed cardiac etiology and longer response time, the risk of BCPR provision significantly increased by 0.02% for every 1% increase in the proportion of household size 5 and above in the DGP area (odds ratio1.02, 95%CI = 1.002–1.038, p < 0.026). We identified 10 high-risk residential areas with low RR of BCPR and high RR of OHCA.


This study informed that neighborhood household size could have played a significant role in the provision of BCPR and occurrence of high-risk areas. It demonstrates the public health potential of combining geospatial and epidemiological analysis for improving health.  相似文献   



Success rates from cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) are often quantified by Utstein-style outcome reports in populations who receive an attempted resuscitation. In some cases, evidence of futility is ascertained after a partial resuscitation attempt has been administered, and these cases reduce the overall effectiveness of CPR. We examine the impact of partial resuscitation attempts on the reported outcomes of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) in Victoria, Australia.


Between 2002 and 2012, 34,849 adult OHCA cases of presumed cardiac aetiology were included from the Victorian Ambulance Cardiac Arrest Registry. Resuscitation attempts lasting ≤10 min in cases which died on scene were defined as a partial resuscitation. We used logistic regression to identify factors associated with a partial resuscitation attempt in the emergency medical service (EMS) treated population. Survival outcomes with and without partial resuscitations were compared across included years.


The proportion of partial resuscitations in the overall EMS treated population increased significantly from 8.6% in 2002 to 18.8% in 2012 (p for trend < 0.001), and were largely supported by documented evidence of irreversible death. Partial resuscitations were independently associated with older age, female gender, initial non-shockable rhythm, prolonged downtime, and lower skill level of EMS personnel. Selectively excluding partial resuscitations increased event survival by 7.6% (95% CI 4.1–11.2%), and survival to hospital discharge increased by 3.1% (95% CI 0.5–5.7%) in 2012 (p < 0.001 for both).


In our EMS system, evidence of futility was often identified after the commencement of a partial resuscitation attempt. Excluding these events from OHCA outcome reports may better reflect the overall effectiveness of CPR.  相似文献   

目的了解妇科肿瘤患者化疗所致恶心呕吐的程度、心理状态及生活质量现状,提高护士对化疗所致恶心呕吐的认识,为针对性干预提供理论依据。方法选取接受含有中度或者高度致吐风险化疗药物的肿瘤患者136例,采用恶心呕吐程度分级表、状态-特质焦虑量表、呕吐功能性生活指数进行调查。结果接受化疗的妇科肿瘤患者均发生了不同程度的恶心呕吐症状,其中恶心及呕吐最多见的是Ⅰ级(35.29%)和Ⅱ级(44.85%);患者状态-特质焦虑问卷评分为(58.16±10.05)分;呕吐功能性生活指数评分为(63.71±20.33)分;患者发生化疗所致恶心呕吐程度与其心理状态及生活质量呈正相关(P0.01)。结论妇科肿瘤患者化疗期间存在着不同程度的恶心呕吐,严重影响生活质量和心理状态,医务人员在临床实践中应加强对患者的评估,并探索有效的干预措施,以提高恶性肿瘤患者的生活质量。  相似文献   


Aim of study

The benefits of inducing mild therapeutic hypothermia (MTH) in cardiac arrest patients are well established. Timing and speed of induction have been related to improved outcomes in several animal trials and one human study. We report the results of an easily implemented, rapid, safe, and low-cost protocol for the induction of MTH.


All in-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA) and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients admitted to an intensive care unit meeting inclusion criteria were cooled using a combination modality of rapid, cold saline infusion (CSI), evaporative surface cooling, and ice water gastric lavage. Cooling tasks were performed with a primary emphasis on speed. The main endpoints were the time intervals between return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), initiation of hypothermia (IH), and achievement of target temperature (TT).


65 patients underwent MTH during a 3-year period. All patients reached target temperature. Median ROSC-TT was 134 min. Median ROSC-IH was 68 min. Median IH-TT was 60 min. IH-TT cooling rate was 2.6 °C/h. Complications were similar to that of other large trials. 31% of this mixed population of IHCA and OHCA patients recovered to a Pittsburgh cerebral performance score (CPC) of 1 or 2.


A protocol using a combination of core and surface cooling modalities was rapid, safe, and low cost in achieving MTH. The cooling rate of 2.6 °C/h was superior to most published protocols. This method uses readily available equipment and reduces the need for costly commercial devices.  相似文献   

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