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This work aimed to characterize Al2O3 matrix composites fabricated by the slip casting method using NiAl-Al2O3 composite powder as the initial powder. The composite powder, consisting of NiAl + 30 wt.% Al2O3, was obtained by mechanical alloying of Al2O3, Al, and Ni powders. The composite powder was added to the Al2O3 powder to prepare the final powder for the slip casting method. The stained composite samples presented high density. EDX and XRD analyses showed that the sintering process of the samples in an air atmosphere caused the formation of the NiAl2O4 spinel phase. Finally, the phase composition of the composites changed from the initial phases of Al2O3 and NiAl to Al2O3, Ni, and NiAl2O4. However, in the area of Ni, fine Al2O3 particles remaining from the initial composite powder were visible. It can be concluded that after slip casting, after starting with Al2O3 and the composite powder (NiAl-Al2O3) and upon sintering in air, ceramic matrix composites with Ni and NiAl2O4 phases, complex structures, high-quality sintered samples, and favorable mechanical properties were obtained.  相似文献   

The paper describes an investigation of Al2O3 samples and NiAl–Al2O3 composites consolidated by pulse plasma sintering (PPS). In the experiment, several methods were used to determine the properties and microstructure of the raw Al2O3 powder, NiAl–Al2O3 powder after mechanical alloying, and samples obtained via the PPS. The microstructural investigation of the alumina and composite properties involves scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The relative densities were investigated with helium pycnometer and Archimedes method measurements. Microhardness analysis with fracture toughness (KIC) measures was applied to estimate the mechanical properties of the investigated materials. Using the PPS technique allows the production of bulk Al2O3 samples and intermetallic ceramic composites from the NiAl–Al2O3 system. To produce by PPS method the NiAl–Al2O3 bulk materials initially, the composite powder NiAl–Al2O3 was obtained by mechanical alloying. As initial powders, Ni, Al, and Al2O3 were used. After the PPS process, the final composite materials consist of two phases: Al2O3 located within the NiAl matrix. The intermetallic ceramic composites have relative densities: for composites with 10 wt.% Al2O3 97.9% and samples containing 20 wt.% Al2O3 close to 100%. The hardness of both composites is equal to 5.8 GPa. Moreover, after PPS consolidation, NiAl–Al2O3 composites were characterized by high plasticity. The presented results are promising for the subsequent study of consolidation composite NiAl–Al2O3 powder with various initial contributions of ceramics (Al2O3) and a mixture of intermetallic–ceramic composite powders with the addition of ceramics to fabricate composites with complex microstructures and properties. In composites with complex microstructures that belong to the new class of composites, in particular, the synergistic effect of various mechanisms of improving the fracture toughness will be operated.  相似文献   

We studied the fabrication of functionally graded Al2O3–CeO2-stabilized-ZrO2 (CTZ) ceramics by spark plasma sintering. The ceramic composite exhibits a gradual change in terms of composition and porosity in the axial direction. The composition gradient was created by layering starting powders with different Al2O3 to CTZ ratios, whereas the porosity gradient was established with a large temperature difference, which was induced by an asymmetric graphite tool configuration during sintering. SEM investigations confirmed the development of a porosity gradient from the top toward the bottom side of the Al2O3–CTZ ceramic and the relative pore volume distributed in a wide range from 0.02 to 100 µm for the samples sintered in asymmetric configuration (ASY), while for the reference samples (STD), the size of pores was limited in the nanometer scale. The microhardness test exhibited a gradual change along the axis of the ASY samples, reaching 10 GPa difference between the two opposite sides of the Al2O3–CTZ ceramics without any sign of delamination or cracks between the layers. The flexural strength of the samples for both series showed an increasing tendency with higher sintering temperatures. However, the ASY samples achieved higher strength due to their lower total porosity and the newly formed elongated CeAl11O18 particles.  相似文献   

The 3YSZ/40 wt% Al2O3 composites were prepared by flash sintering at a low furnace temperature (700 °C). The effects of the current density on the relative density and Vickers hardness of the composites were systematically investigated. The results showed that the relative densities and Vickers hardness of the samples increased gradually with the increasing of the current densities, and the relative density was as high as 94.2%. The Vickers hardness of 11.3 GPa was obtained under a current density of 102 mA/mm2. Joule heating and defects generation are suggested to be the main causes of rapid densification in flash sintering. The microstructure of the molten zone showed the formation of eutectic structures in the composite, suggesting that grain boundary overheating may have contributed to the formation of the molten zone.  相似文献   

Due to the chemically inert surface of MoS2, uniform deposition of ultrathin high-κ dielectric using atomic layer deposition (ALD) is difficult. However, this is crucial for the fabrication of field-effect transistors (FETs). In this work, the atomic layer deposition growth of sub-5 nm La2O3/Al2O3 nanolaminates on MoS2 using different oxidants (H2O and O3) was investigated. To improve the deposition, the effects of ultraviolet ozone treatment on MoS2 surface are also evaluated. It is found that the physical properties and electrical characteristics of La2O3/Al2O3 nanolaminates change greatly for different oxidants and treatment processes. These changes are found to be associated with the residual of metal carbide caused by the insufficient interface reactions. Ultraviolet ozone pretreatment can substantially improve the initial growth of sub-5 nm H2O-based or O3-based La2O3/Al2O3 nanolaminates, resulting in a reduction of residual metal carbide. All results indicate that O3-based La2O3/Al2O3 nanolaminates on MoS2 with ultraviolet ozone treatment yielded good electrical performance with low leakage current and no leakage dot, revealing a straightforward approach for realizing sub-5 nm uniform La2O3/Al2O3 nanolaminates on MoS2.  相似文献   

This study’s main goal was to obtain and characterize Al2O3-Cu-Ni composites with different metallic phase content. The study analyzed the three series of samples differing in the metallic phase 5, 10, 15 vol.% volume contents. An identical volume share of the metallic components in the metallic phase was used. Ceramic–metal composites were formed using uniaxial pressing and sintered at a temperature of 1400 °C. The microstructural investigation of the Al2O3-Cu-Ni composite and its properties involved scanning electron microscopes observations and X-ray diffraction. The size of the metallic phase in the ceramic matrix was performed using a stereological analysis. Microhardness analysis with fracture toughness measures was applied to estimate the mechanical properties of the prepared materials. Additionally, magnetic measurements were carried out, and the saturation magnetization was determined on the obtained magnetic hysteresis loops. The prepared samples, regardless of the content of the metallic phase in each series, were characterized by a density exceeding 95% of the theoretical density. The magnetic measurements exhibited that the fabricated composites had ferromagnetic properties due to nickel and nickel-rich phases. The hardness of the samples containing 5, 10, 15 vol.% metallic phases decreased with an increase in the metallic phase content, equal to 17.60 ± 0.96 GPa, 15.40 ± 0.81 GPa, 12.6 ± 0.36 GPa, respectively.  相似文献   

This work aims to improve the penetration ability of a 14.5 mm standard armor-piercing projectile into ceramic/armor steel (Al2O3/RHA) composite armor. To this end, ZrO2 toughened Al2O3(ZTA) is prepared as the material for bullet tips, utilizing in situ solidification injection molding that is realized via ceramic dispersant hydrolytic degradation. The penetration power of ZTA ceramic composite projectile, compared with standard armor, against 15 mm armor steel (RHA) and 30 mm Al2O3/RHA composite armor, is studied by ballistics testing combined with numerical simulation. The Tate theory is optimized and then employed to calculate the penetration depth and bullet core’s residual mass when ZTA ceramic composite projectile penetrates into Al2O3/RHA composite armor. The results show that when penetrating RHA of 15 mm, the penetration area of ZTA ceramic composite projectile into RHA increases by 27.59% and the exit area by 42.93%. While the standard projectile fails to penetrate the 30 mm Al2O3/RHA composite armor, the ZTA ceramic composite armor-piercing projectile succeeds, with the mass loss reduced by 66.67% over the standard one. The ZTA ceramic composite bullet has a better performance than the standard bullet in penetrating RHA and Al2O3/RHA composite armors. The test results, simulation, and theoretical analysis are consistent. This study has practical values for engineering applications to design new ceramic composite bullets.  相似文献   

An Al2O3/5 vol%·ZrO2/5 vol%·Y3Al5O12 (YAG) tri-phase composite was manufactured by surface modification of an alumina powder with inorganic precursors of the second phases. The bulk materials were produced by die-pressing and pressureless sintering at 1500 °C, obtaining fully dense, homogenous samples, with ultra-fine ZrO2 and YAG grains dispersed in a sub-micronic alumina matrix. The high temperature mechanical properties were investigated by four-point bending tests up to 1500 °C, and the grain size stability was assessed by observing the microstructural evolution of the samples heat treated up to 1700 °C. Dynamic indentation measures were performed on as-sintered and heat-treated Al2O3/ZrO2/YAG samples in order to evaluate the micro-hardness and elastic modulus as a function of re-heating temperature. The high temperature bending tests highlighted a transition from brittle to plastic behavior comprised between 1350 and 1400 °C and a considerable flexural strength reduction at temperatures higher than 1400 °C; moreover, the microstructural investigations carried out on the re-heated samples showed a very limited grain growth up to 1650 °C.  相似文献   

In this study, ceramic–metal composites in the Al2O3/Ti/Ni system were fabricated using the slip casting method. Two series of composites with 15 vol.% metal content and different solid phase contents were obtained and examined. A proper fabrication process allows obtaining composites enhanced by intermetallic phases. The microstructure of the base powders, slurries, and sintered composites was analyzed by scanning electron microscope. Analysis of the sedimentation tendency of slurries was carried out. The phase composition of the sintered samples was examined by X-ray diffraction analysis. A monotonic compression test was used to investigate the mechanical properties of the composites. A fractography investigation was also carried out. The research conducted revealed that the slip casting method allows the obtaining of composites enhanced by intermetallic phases (TiNi, Ni3Ti). The results show the correlation between solid-phase content, microstructure, and mechanical properties of the composites.  相似文献   

The present work deals with the evaluation of the effect of ZrO2 on the structure and selected properties of shapes obtained using the centrifugal slip casting method. The samples were made of alumina and zirconia. The applied technology made it possible to produce tubes with a high density reaching 99–100% after sintering. Very good bonding was obtained at the Al2O3/ZrO2 interphase boundaries with no discernible delamination or cracks, which was confirmed by STEM observations. In the case of Al2O3/ZrO2 composites containing 5 vol.% and 10 vol.% ZrO2, the presence of equiaxial ZrO2 grains with an average size of 0.25 µm was observed, which are distributed along the grain boundaries of Al2O3. At the same time, the composites exhibited a very high hardness of 22–23 GPa. Moreover, the environmental influences accompanying the sintering process were quantified. The impacts were determined using the life cycle analysis method, in the phase related to the extraction and processing of raw materials and the process of producing Al2O3/ZrO2 composites. The results obtained show that the production of 1 kg of sintered composite results in greenhouse gas emissions of 2.24–2.9 kg CO2 eq. which is comparable to the amount of emissions accompanying the production of 1 kg of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Polypropylene (PP), or hot-rolled steel products.  相似文献   

Trepanning pattern is an important factor in laser hole machining, affecting both the hole quality and process efficiency. The influence of laser trepanning patterns on the hole ablating using nanosecond pulse laser in Al2O3 ceramics substrate was studied. Two laser trepanning patterns were evaluated, filled spiral trepanning and multiple rings trepanning, with the optimized laser machining parameters. In conjunction with the studies, the hole saturated taper and the saturated processing time were taken as the primary criteria for evaluation of the hole quality and the machining efficiency, respectively. Finally, the trepanning patterns were optimized aiming for the high hole quality; the process was based on the saturated hole tapers. The hole high qualities and machining efficiencies were obtained based on the saturated processing time, which was proven to have a great significance when using the nanosecond pulse laser to machine Al2O3 ceramics substrate.  相似文献   

This work focuses on research on obtaining and characterizing Al2O3/ZrO2 materials formed via slip casting method. The main emphasis in the research was placed on environmental aspects and those related to the practical use of ceramic materials. The goal was to analyze the environmental loads associated with the manufacturing of Al2O3/ZrO2 composites, as well as to determine the coefficient of thermal expansion of the obtained materials, classified as technical ceramics. This parameter is crucial in terms of their practical applications in high-temperature working conditions, e.g., as parts of industrial machines. The study reports on the four series of Al2O3/ZrO2 materials differing in the volume content of ZrO2. The sintering process was preceded by thermogravimetric measurements. The fabricated and sintered materials were characterized by dilatometric study, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and stereological analysis. Further, life cycle assessment was supplied. Based on dilatometric tests, it was observed that Al2O3/ZrO2 composites show a higher coefficient of thermal expansion than that resulting from the content of individual phases. The results of the life cycle analysis showed that the environmental loads (carbon footprint) resulting from the acquisition and processing of raw materials necessary for the production of sinters from Al2O3 and ZrO2 are comparable to those associated with the production of plastic products such as polypropylene or polyvinyl chloride.  相似文献   

Owing to its excellent mechanical properties and aesthetic tooth-like appearance, lithium disilicate glass–ceramic is more attractive as a crown for dental restorations. In this study, lithium disilicate glass–ceramics were prepared from SiO2–Li2O–K2O–P2O5–CeO2 glass systems with various Al2O3 contents. The mixed glass was then heat-treated at 600 °C and 800 °C for 2 h to form glass–ceramic samples. Phase formation, microstructure, mechanical properties and bioactivity were investigated. The phase formation analysis confirmed the presence of Li2Si2O5 in all the samples. The glass–ceramic sample with an Al2O3 content of 1 wt% showed rod-like Li2Si2O5 crystals that could contribute to the delay in crack propagation and demonstrated the highest mechanical properties. Surface treatment with hydrofluoric acid followed by a silane-coupling agent provided the highest micro-shear bond strength for all ceramic conditions, with no significant difference between ceramic samples. The biocompatibility tests of the material showed that Al2O3-added lithium disilicate glass–ceramic sample was bioactive, thus activating protein production and stimulating the alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity of osteoblast-like cells.  相似文献   

TiAlN/Al2O3 multilayers with different Ar/N2 ratios were deposited on Sisubstrates in different N2 partial pressure by magnetron sputtering. The crystalline and multilayer structures of the multilayers were determined by a glancing angle X-ray diffractometer (XRD). A nanoindenter was used to evaluate the hardness, the elastic modulus and scratch scan of the multilayers. The chemical bonding was investigated by a X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). The maximum hardness (36.3 GPa) and elastic modulus (466 GPa) of the multilayers was obtained when Ar/N2 ratio was 18:1. The TiAlN/Al2O3 multilayers were crystallized with orientation in the (111) and (311) crystallographic planes. The multilayers displayed stably plastic recovery in different Ar/N2 ratios. The scratch scan and post scan surface profiles of TiAlN/Al2O3 multilayers showed the highest critical fracture load (Lc) of 53 mN for the multilayer of Ar/N2 = 18:1. It indicated that the multilayer had better practical adhesion strength and fracture resistance.  相似文献   

High-energy heavy ion irradiation can produce permanent damage in the target material if the density of deposited energy surpasses a material-dependent threshold value. It is known that this threshold can be lowered in the vicinity of the surface or in the presence of defects. In the present study, we established threshold values for Al2O3, MgO and CaF2 under the above-mentioned conditions, and found those values to be much lower than expected. By means of atomic force microscopy and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry in channelling mode, we present evidence that ion beams with values of 3 MeV O and 5 MeV Si, despite the low density of deposited energy along the ion trajectory, can modify the structure of investigated materials. The obtained results should be relevant for radiation hardness studies because, during high-energy ion irradiation, unexpected damage build-up can occur under similar conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper, the interfacial adhesion work (Wad), tensile strength, and electronic states of the Fe-amorphous Na2SiO3-Al2O3 and Fe-Al2O3 interfaces are well-investigated, utilizing the first-principles calculations. The results indicate that the Fe-amorphous Na2SiO3-Al2O3 interface is more stable and wettable than the interface of Fe-Al2O3. Specifically, the interfacial adhesion work of the Fe-amorphous Na2SiO3 interface is 434.89 J/m2, which is about forty times that of the Fe-Al2O3 interface, implying that the addition of amorphous Na2SiO3 promotes the dispersion of Al2O3 particle-reinforced. As anticipated, the tensile stress of the Fe-amorphous Na2SiO3-Al2O3 interface is about 46.58 GPa over the entire critical strain range, which is significantly greater than the Fe-Al2O3 interface control group. It could be inferred that the wear resistance of Al2O3 particle-reinforced is improved by adding amorphous Na2SiO3. To explain the electronic origin of this excellent performance, the charge density and density of states are investigated and the results indicate that the O atom in amorphous Na2SiO3 has a bonding action with Fe and Al; the amorphous Na2SiO3 acts as a sustained release. This study provides new ideas for particle-reinforced composites.  相似文献   

We demonstrated the performance of an Al2O3/SiO2 stack layer AlGaN/GaN metal–oxide semiconductor (MOS) high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) combined with a dual surface treatment that used tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) with post-gate annealing (PGA) modulation at 400 °C for 10 min. A remarkable reduction in the reverse gate leakage current (IG) up to 1.5×1012 A/mm (@ VG = −12 V) was observed in the stack layer MOS-HEMT due to the combined treatment. The performance of the dual surface-treated MOS–HEMT was significantly improved, particularly in terms of hysteresis, gate leakage, and subthreshold characteristics, with optimized gate annealing treatment. In addition, an organized gate leakage conduction mechanism in the AlGaN/GaN MOS–HEMT with the Al2O3/SiO2 stack gate dielectric layer was investigated before and after gate annealing treatment and compared with the conventional Schottky gate. The conduction mechanism in the reverse gate bias was Poole–Frankel emission for the Schottky-gate HEMT and the MOS–HEMT before annealing. The dominant conduction mechanism was ohmic/Poole-Frankel at low/medium forward bias. Meanwhile, gate leakage was governed by the hopping conduction mechanism in the MOS–HEMT without gate annealing modulation at a higher forward bias. After post-gate annealing (PGA) treatment, however, the leakage conduction mechanism was dominated by trap-assisted tunneling at the low to medium forward bias region and by Fowler–Nordheim tunneling at the higher forward bias region. Moreover, a decent product of maximum oscillation frequency and gate length (fmax × LG) was found to reach 27.16 GHz∙µm for the stack layer MOS–HEMT with PGA modulation. The dual surface-treated Al2O3/SiO2 stack layer MOS–HEMT with PGA modulation exhibited decent performance with an IDMAX of 720 mA/mm, a peak extrinsic transconductance (GMMAX) of 120 mS/mm, a threshold voltage (VTH) of −4.8 V, a higher ION/IOFF ratio of approximately 1.2×109, a subthreshold swing of 82 mV/dec, and a cutoff frequency(ft)/maximum frequency of (fmax) of 7.5/13.58 GHz.  相似文献   

Gadolinia (Gd2O3) is potentially attractive as a dispersive phase for copper matrix composites due to its excellent thermodynamic stability. In this paper, a series of 1.5 vol% nano-Gd2O3/Cu composites were prepared via an internal oxidation method followed by powder metallurgy in the temperature range of 1123–1223 K with a holding time of 5–60 min. The effects of processing parameters on the microstructure and properties of the composites were analyzed. The results showed that the tensile strength and conductivity of the nano-Gd2O3/Cu composite have a strong link with the microporosity and grain size, while the microstructure of the composite was determined by the sintering temperature and holding time. The optimal sintering temperature and holding time for the composite were 1173 K and 30 min, respectively, under which a maximum ultimate tensile strength of 317 MPa was obtained, and the conductivity was 96.8% IACS. Transmission electron microscopy observations indicated that nano-Gd2O3 particles with a mean size of 76 nm formed a semi-coherent interface with the copper matrix. In the nano-Gd2O3/Cu composite, grain-boundary strengthening, Orowan strengthening, thermal mismatch strengthening, and load transfer strengthening mechanisms occurred simultaneously.  相似文献   

Mixtures of powders essentially differing in their particle morphology and size were applied to prepare polycrystals in a Y2O3-ZrO2 system. An yttria–zirconia solid solution nanometric powder with a Y2O3 concentration of 3.5% was prepared by subjecting co-precipitated gels to hydrothermal treatment at 240 °C. The crystallization occurred in distilled water. The pure zirconia powders composed of elongated and sub-micrometer size particles were also manufactured through the hydrothermal treatment of pure zirconia gel, although in this case, the process took place in the NaOH solution. Mixtures of the two kinds of powder were prepared so as to produce a mean composition corresponding to an yttria concentration of 3 mol%. Compacts of this powder mixture were sintered, and changes in phase composition vs. temperature were studied using X-ray diffraction. The dilatometry measurements revealed the behavior of the powder compact during sintering. The polished surfaces revealed the microstructure of the resulting polycrystal. Additionally, the electron back scattering diffraction technique (EBSD) allowed us to identify symmetry between the observed grains. Hardness, fracture toughness, and mechanical strength measurements were also performed.  相似文献   

High-k dielectric stacks are regarded as a promising information storage media in the Charge Trapping Non-Volatile Memories, which are the most viable alternative to the standard floating gate memory technology. The implementation of high-k materials in real devices requires (among the other investigations) estimation of their radiation hardness. Here we report the effect of gamma radiation (60Co source, doses of 10 and 10 kGy) on dielectric properties, memory windows, leakage currents and retention characteristics of nanolaminated HfO2/Al2O3 stacks obtained by atomic layer deposition and its relationship with post-deposition annealing in oxygen and nitrogen ambient. The results reveal that depending on the dose, either increase or reduction of all kinds of electrically active defects (i.e., initial oxide charge, fast and slow interface states) can be observed. Radiation generates oxide charges with a different sign in O2 and N2 annealed stacks. The results clearly demonstrate a substantial increase in memory windows of the as-grown and oxygen treated stacks resulting from enhancement of the electron trapping. The leakage currents and the retention times of O2 annealed stacks are not deteriorated by irradiation, hence these stacks have high radiation tolerance.  相似文献   

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