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Predicting clinician injury prevention counseling for young children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Injury is the primary cause of morbidity and mortality in children and an important topic for counseling. OBJECTIVE: To describe and explain clinicians' reported counseling behavior during the well-child examinations for children aged 5 years and younger on the following 4 injury prevention topics: motor vehicle crashes, toxic ingestion, drowning, and firearm injuries. METHODS: A random sample of 465 pediatricians, family physicians, and pediatric nurse practitioners in an urban setting received mailed questionnaires; 325 (69.9%) responded. Multivariate logistic regression predicting counseling on each injury prevention topic was performed. RESULTS: Most reported discussing motor vehicle occupant protection (66.2%) and toxic ingestion prevention (62.1%) during the well-child examination. Only 31.8% stated they counseled on drowning prevention and 15.7%, on firearm injury prevention. Knowledge of injury mortality and morbidity rates was not associated with counseling. For most topics, female respondents were more likely to counsel than male respondents (motor vehicle crash odds ratio [OR], 2.24 [P = .03]; toxic ingestion OR, 1.82 [P = .05]; drowning OR, 1.97 [P = .04]). Health maintenance organization settings predicted injury prevention counseling for most topics (motor vehicle crash OR, 2.52 [P = .04]; toxic ingestion OR, 2.77 [P = .01]; firearm injury OR, 2.97 [P = .001]). Clinicians placing lower importance on counseling were less likely to counsel on drowning and firearm injury (drowning OR, 0.73 [P = .006]; firearm injury OR, 0.58 [P<.001]). CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians' knowledge of local injury epidemiology did not influence their counseling on these topics. Clinicians and their patients might benefit by using programs such as The Injury Prevention Program to help them standardize their approach to injury prevention counseling during the routine well-child examination.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of a community based, all age, all injury prevention program, the Safe Living Program, on injury risk and injury rates. DESIGN: A quasiexperimental population based evaluation using an intervention and comparison community design. SETTING: The intervention community (Shire of Bulla, n = 37,257) is an outer metropolitan area of Melbourne, Australia. The demographically matched comparison community (Shire of Melton, n=33,592) is located nearby. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The Safe Living Program in the Shire of Bulla targeted injury reduction in all settings with a focus on high risk groups. Strategies included program publicity, education and training, injury hazard reduction, and environmental change. Baseline and follow up measures of program reach, risk factors, and injury rates in both communities were used to evaluate program process, impact, and outcome. RESULTS: Increase in program awareness was moderate and similar to other community based programs. The program achieved injury hazard reduction on the road, in schools, and, to a more limited extent, in the home. Other changes in injury risk factors could not necessarily be attributed to the program as similar changes were observed in the comparison community. No significant changes were found in rates of injury deaths, hospitalisations, or emergency department presentations in the Shire of Bulla after six years. Self reported household injuries, mostly minor, were reduced in the intervention community, but had been higher at program launch than in the comparison community. CONCLUSIONS: The Safe Living Program was unable to replicate the significant reductions in injuries reported in other community based interventions. Replication of apparently successful community based injury prevention programs in different settings and populations requires evidence based interventions, sustained and effective program penetration, reliable data systems to measure change, at least one control community, and sufficient budget and time for effects to be observable.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This pilot study evaluates the effectiveness of a community based childhood injury prevention program on the reduction of home hazards. METHODS: High risk pregnant women, who were enrolled in a home visiting program that augments existing health and human services, received initial home safety assessments. Clients received education about injury prevention practices, in addition to receiving selected home safety supplies. Fourteen questions from the initial assessment tool were repeated upon discharge from the program. Matched analyses were conducted to evaluate differences from initial assessment to discharge. RESULTS: A significantly larger proportion of homes were assessed as safe at discharge, compared with the initial assessment, for the following hazards: children riding unbuckled in all auto travel, Massachusetts Poison Center sticker on the telephone, outlet plugs in all unused electrical outlets, safety latches on cabinets and drawers, and syrup of ipecac in the home. CONCLUSIONS: A community based childhood injury prevention program providing education and safety supplies to clients significantly reduced four home hazards for which safety supplies were provided. Education and promotion of the proper use of child restraint systems in automobiles significantly reduced a fifth hazard, children riding unbuckled in auto travel. This program appears to reduce the prevalence of home hazards and, therefore, to increase home safety.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the impact of a community based fire prevention intervention directed only to parents on the fire safety knowledge and behavior in elementary school children. This was a prospective, quasi-randomized controlled study in which third and fourth grade students from two elementary schools in an urban, poor, minority community completed knowledge/behavior surveys at baseline and following completion of the intervention. The intervention group received an in-home visit from fire department personnel who installed free lithium smoke detectors and provided a fire escape plan. After accounting for a small difference in baseline summary scores of knowledge and behavior between the control and intervention groups, this study found a modest improvement in fire safety behavior among children whose families received a fire prevention intervention reflecting a change in household fire safety practices. However, there was no significant change in fire safety knowledge.  相似文献   

Substance misuse by children and young people is an important public health issue, with levels of use and misuse of alcohol and drugs by British teenagers among the highest in Europe. Many of these children will come to the attention of paediatric services, related to excessive use and/or associated health or other problems. Families can be both affected by and also influence the use and misuse of substances by younger family members. This paper explores the extent of substance use and misuse among children and young people, discusses key issues that are faced by families who are struggling to cope with substance misuse and examines the forms of support and intervention that are available, both to children and young people who misuse alcohol or drugs and to their families. There is good evidence for a range of intervention and prevention strategies, but further work is needed in this area.  相似文献   

Unintentional injury is the leading killer of children in the United States. Although many may consider such injuries to be accidents, the majority of unintentional injuries are preventable. This article reviews research on programs intended to prevent injuries in young children. The article examines levels of intervention (e.g., national, community, family, and individual), methods of intervention (e.g., legislation, education, and behavioral training), types of intervention (e.g., passive and active), and targets of intervention (e.g., families, caregivers, and children). The paper also suggests a means of categorizing types of interventions along a numerical continuum from most passive to most active.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Delays and deficits in joint attention and symbolic play constitute two important developmental problems in young children with autism. These areas of deficit have been well studied in autism but have rarely been the focus of treatment efforts (see Kasari, Freeman, & Paparella, 2001). In this study, we examine the efficacy of targeted interventions of joint attention and symbolic play. METHODS: Participants were 58 children with autism aged 3 and 4 years (46 boys). Children were randomized to a joint attention intervention, a symbolic play intervention, or control group. Interventions were conducted 30 minutes daily for 5-6 weeks. Both structured assessments of joint attention and play skills and mother-child interactions were collected pre and post intervention by independent assessors. RESULTS: Results indicate that both intervention groups improved significantly over the control group on certain behaviors. Children in the joint attention intervention initiated significantly more showing and responsiveness to joint attention on the structured joint attention assessment and more child-initiated joint attention in the mother-child interaction. The children in the play group showed more diverse types of symbolic play in interaction with their mothers and higher play levels on both the play assessment and in interaction with their mothers. CONCLUSIONS: This randomized controlled trial provides promising data on the specificity and generalizability of joint attention and play interventions for young children with autism. Future studies need to examine the long-term effects of these early interventions on children's development.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Natural disasters negatively affect children's emotional and behavioral adjustment. Although treatments to reduce psychological morbidity following disasters are needed, it has been difficult to conduct treatment research in postdisaster environments because of the sensitivity of victims to perceived intrusiveness and exploitation. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of a public health--inspired intervention combining school-based screening and psychosocial treatment to identify and treat children with persistent disaster-related trauma symptoms. DESIGN: To identify children with continued high levels of trauma-related symptoms 2 years after a major disaster, we conducted a community-wide school-based screening of disaster-exposed public elementary school children. Children with the highest levels of trauma-related symptoms were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 consecutively treated cohorts. Children in the cohorts awaiting treatment served as wait-list controls. Within each cohort, children were randomly assigned to either individual or group treatment to allow comparison of the efficacy of the 2 treatment modalities. SETTING: All 10 public elementary schools on the island of Kauai (one of the Hawaiian Islands) 2 years after Hurricane Iniki. PARTICIPANTS: All 4258 children in second through sixth grade were screened. The 248 children with the highest levels of psychological trauma symptoms were selected for treatment. INTERVENTION: Children were randomly assigned to either individual or group treatment provided by specially trained school-based counselors. Treatment comprised 4 sessions. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The Kauai Reaction Inventory, a self-report measure of trauma symptoms, and the Child Reaction Inventory, a semistructured clinical interview for posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. RESULTS: After treatment, children reported significant reductions in self-reported trauma-related symptoms. This symptom reduction was maintained at the 1-year follow-up. Clinical interviews also indicated that treated children had fewer trauma symptoms compared with untreated children. CONCLUSIONS: School-based community-wide screening followed by psychosocial intervention seems to effectively identify and reduce children's disaster-related trauma symptoms and may facilitate psychological recovery. While group and individual treatments did not differ in efficacy, fewer children dropped out of the group treatment. This approach may be applicable to screening and treating children exposed to a variety of large-scale disasters.  相似文献   

烧伤是位居第二的儿童意外伤害原因,也是小儿致残的主要原因之一。及时有效的现场救治对烧伤的预后有重大影响,但大众缺乏烧伤处理相关知识。该共识通过专家意见和查阅相关文献,对包括烧伤原因、烧伤的预防措施、常见烧伤的急救方法,以及对严重烧伤并发症的防治进行总结,将目前最适宜院前救治的方法进行推荐。旨在强调预防烧伤的重要性的同时,提高目击者和救援人员的现场救治能力,避免不当处置对患儿造成进一步损害,进而降低我国儿童居家意外烧伤的病死率和致残率,减少对家庭和社会的危害。该共识主要适用于现场施救医护人员、儿童父母及路人对儿童烧伤的院前初步处理。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A variety of educational efforts, policies, and regulations have been adopted to reduce all-terrain vehicle (ATV) injury in children. Despite this, ATV use by children continues and serious injuries are common. The purpose of this study was to investigate the knowledge, practices, and beliefs of ATV users to help develop effective educational strategies to promote safer ATV use. DESIGN: Focus groups were conducted to characterize participant ATV use and safety awareness as well as to explore avenues for prevention. Feedback on draft ATV safety public service announcements was elicited. Themes of transcribed focus group data were summarized. SETTING: Rural state with high ATV use and injury rates. SUBJECTS: Adult and adolescent ATV users. INTERVENTIONS: None. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Summaries of focus group discussions. RESULTS: ATV riders frankly discussed current use and safety behaviors and were aware of some ATV risks. Youths felt that age specific regulation was unlikely to be a helpful strategy. Participants endorsed messages demonstrating graphic consequences as likely to get the attention of young riders regarding risks. Educational settings were suggested, including hunter and driver safety classes. CONCLUSIONS: Efforts to improve ATV safety awareness should clearly show pediatric ATV injury risk and safety practices. Campaigns must also show realistic understanding of current use practices to be credible for users. Messages emphasizing the consequences of ATV use were endorsed as most likely to have impact. Approaches based on age based restrictions were considered unrealistic and alternative strategies were suggested.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The use of methylphenidate (Ritalin) for treatment of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has increased dramatically over the last decade. However, the influence of methylphenidate on growth remains controversial. Our goals were to assess whether methylphenidate, as prescribed in the community setting, influences growth. DESIGN: We examined the growth of 84 patients with ADHD treated with methylphenidate in two large pediatric practices. Height standard deviation (SD) scores of treated children were compared with those of untreated biological siblings. We also analyzed the doses of methylphenidate in relation to changes in growth. RESULTS: We found significant differences in mean height SD scores between treated children and sibling controls after 2 years of treatment. Effects on growth were observed over the broad range of doses used (10-80 mg per day). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that the prevalence of grow-suppressive effects of methylphenidate is greater than previously suspected.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of recall on estimation of non-fatal injury rates in Tanzania. DESIGN: Retrospective population based survey. SETTING: Eight branches in an urban area and six villages in a relatively prosperous rural area in Tanzania. SUBJECTS: Individuals of all ages living in households selected by cluster sampling. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Estimated non-fatal injury rates calculated at each of the 12 recall periods (one to 12 months before the interview). RESULTS: Out of a population of 15 223 persons, 509 individuals reported 516 injuries during the preceding year. Of these 313 (61.5%) were males and 196 (38.5%) females. The data showed notable declining incidence rates from 72 per 1000 person-years when based on a one month recall period to 32.7 per 1000 person-years for a 12 month recall period (55% decline). The decline was found for injuries resulting in fewer than 30 days of disability whereas rates for severe injuries (disability of 30 days or more) did not show a consistent variation with recall period. Decline in injury rates by recall period was higher in rural than in urban areas. Age, sex, and education did not notably affect recall. CONCLUSIONS: Longer recall periods underestimate injury rates compared with shorter recall periods. For severe injuries, a recall period of up to 12 months does not affect the rate estimates. It is essential that a recall period of less than three months be used to calculate injury rates for less severe injuries.  相似文献   

Children commonly present for medical care after sustaining head trauma. In children younger than 2 years of age, the practitioner must distinguish accidental head injury from abusive head injury. The following article discusses the evaluation of children with head injury and how to make the distinction between accidental and abusive head injury.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To compare hospital admission rates for all causes and specific causes of injury in children and the elderly by a measure of economic deprivation. STUDY DESIGN: All emergency admissions for Welsh residents from 1997-99 were located to one of 865 electoral tracts, which were grouped into fifths using a measure of socioeconomic deprivation. Standardised admission rates for all ages and 0-14, 15-75, and 75+ year groups for each quintile were calculated with 95% confidence intervals. RESULTS: There were 90 935 admissions in a population of 2.84 million yielding a crude admission rate of 1601/100 000/year and a standardised rate of 1493/100 000. The ratio of admissions in deprived and affluent areas varied with category of injury and age group. In general, socioeconomic variations in injury rates were much smaller in older people than in children with the exception of pedestrian related injuries where the rates were similar. The largest variations were for injuries sustained in assaults or self inflicted. CONCLUSIONS: The relationship between socioeconomic position and injury varies by cause and age group. This should be considered when developing area based preventive interventions or monitoring the effectiveness of policies to reduce inequalities in injury occurrence.  相似文献   

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