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OBJECTIVE: To describe trends in seroprevalence of undiagnosed HIV-1 infection among attenders at 15 genitourinary medicine clinics in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland between 1990 and 1996. METHOD: Prospective, cross sectional sentinel serosurvey. Unlinked anonymous testing of remnant serum drawn for routine syphilis screening. RESULTS: In 1996, the seroprevalence of undiagnosed HIV-1 infection was 5% in homosexual men, 0.48% in heterosexual men, and 0.33% in heterosexual women. Between 1990 and 1996, there was a significant linear decrease in the seroprevalence of undiagnosed HIV-1 infection among homosexual and bisexual men within and outside London (p < 0.0001; p = 0.0141), equivalent to yearly decreases of 7.65% and 10.73% respectively. However, seroprevalence among homosexual and bisexual men under 25 years of age did not decline either inside or outside London. Seroprevalence among heterosexual men declined outside London (p < 0.005), equivalent to an average annual decrease of 14.54%. There was a significant increase among male heterosexuals inside London (p < 0.05) equivalent to a 8.09% increase per annum. Seroprevalence over time was unchanging among female heterosexuals both inside and outside London. Seroprevalence was significantly higher among those who injected drugs than those who did not report injecting in the following groups: homosexual and bisexual males within London (p < 0.005), male heterosexuals both within and outside London (p < 0.05; p < 0.05) and female heterosexuals within London (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The study highlights a significant burden of undiagnosed HIV-1 infection more than 15 years since the HIV epidemic began. Methods of offering HIV testing need to be reassessed to extend the practice of routinely testing for HIV in GUM clinics. HIV transmission among young homosexual and bisexual men continues. The contrasting trends between homosexual and bisexual men, injecting drug users, and heterosexuals attending GUM clinics indicate these groups should be considered separately. The substantial HIV seroprevalence in each group indicates that they should be priorities for targeted HIV prevention.  相似文献   

Workloads in genitourinary medicine clinics in England.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Work loads in venereal disease--sexually transmitted disease (STD)--genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics have risen greatly in recent years. The increase in viral infections which are more difficult and time consuming to manage than those caused by bacteria and the higher expectations and demands of patients have combined to increase workloads more than the case figures indicate. This prompted the Department of Health and Social Security in 1988 to set up a survey of clinics in England with the following terms of reference: "To examine current and forecast workloads on GUM clinics, taking account of AIDS and other STDs, and to recommend any action which may need to be taken on manpower (including nursing manpower), training, resources and accommodation". The team concluded that the GUM service was ill equipped to meet the demands for its services, and made 36 recommendations. The priority recommendations included: the need to provide more resources; government ministers should give a lead in developing the service; all health districts should provide care for STD and HIV infection; all new patients should be seen on the day of presentation or failing that on the next occasion the clinic was open. Other recommendations included: location of all GUM clinics in the general outpatient department of general hospitals; accommodation of the same standard as other outpatient departments; review of the distribution of clinics; review of staffing levels and roles; and coordination of care of HIV infection. Many of these recommendations have already led to action including a lead from government ministers and provision of more funds. Many of the problems and recommendations will apply in other countries.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To investigate how attenders with sexually transmitted disease (STD) differ from the general population with respect to sexual behaviour, and to identify which attenders at genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics are at particular behavioural risk for acquiring STD. DESIGN: Multicentre cross sectional survey. SETTING: Two genitourinary medicine clinics, one in London and one in Sheffield SUBJECTS: 20,516 patients attending the two clinics over an 18 month period. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Behavioural and demographic characteristics and clinical diagnoses were recorded for each patient. RESULTS: 8862 patients, in whom 12,506 diagnoses were made, were seen in the Sheffield clinic, and 11,654 patients, in whom 20,243 diagnoses were made, were seen in the London clinic. When compared with the reported results from a general population survey, there were higher proportions of clinic attenders reporting two or more sexual partners in the preceding 12 months (p < 0.001), and a higher proportion of males reporting homosexual contact (13% compared with 1%, p < 0.001). Only age and number of sexual partners in the past 12 months were significantly associated with acute STDs for each sex in each clinic. Acute STDs tended to occur with greater frequency in the younger age groups, peaking among 16-19 year olds, particularly among females. CONCLUSIONS: The results have confirmed that patients with STDs exhibit higher risk sexual behaviour than the general population, and have highlighted the problem of continuing high risk behaviour among younger attenders, particularly younger homosexual men. This study has demonstrated that among GUM clinic attenders age and number of sexual partners are key risk factors for the acquisition of an acute STD. The results of this survey also indicate, however, that half of the females and more than one quarter of males with acute STDs reported only one sexual partner in the past 12 months, suggesting that health education messages should point out that it is not only those who have multiple recent sexual partners, or who have recently changed sexual partner, that are at risk of STD, including HIV.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine important risk factors associated with cases of gonorrhoea in England, and whether any particular risk groups were associated with the substantial rise in numbers of cases seen between 1994 and 1996. DESIGN: Two retrospective cross sectional surveys. SETTING: 70 randomly selected genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics in England. SUBJECTS: 10% of all gonorrhoea patients attending GUM clinics in England in 1994 (847 patients) and 1996 (1146 patients). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: For risk factors in 1996 (study 1), unadjusted rates per 100,000 population aged 14-70 and relative rates (RR) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). For the change in risk factors between 1994 and 1996 (study 2), adjusted odds ratios (ORs) with 95% CIs, derived from logistic regression analyses of data on patients in 1996, with patients in 1994 as the comparison group. RESULTS: The incidence of gonorrhoea in 1996 was higher in homosexual males (812 per 100,000; RR = 30.2, CI = 25.2 to 36.0) compared with heterosexual males (27 per 100,000); in black Caribbeans (467 per 100,000; 21.4, 17.9 to 25.5) and black Africans (235 per 100,000; 10.8, 7.5 to 15.5) compared with white people (22 per 100,000); and in previous GUM clinic attenders (433 per 100,000; 37.93, 35.46 to 40.56) compared with those who had not attended previously (11 per 100,000). However, most patients were either white or heterosexual. Heterosexual patients in 1996 were significantly more likely to have reduced sensitivity to penicillin (2.55, 1.20 to 5.41) than those in 1994. Male homo/bisexual patients in 1996 were significantly more likely to be from the north west (3.77, 1.45 to 9.80) and to have either reduced sensitivity (2.63, 1.03 to 6.73) or complete resistance (1.98, 1.03 to 3.78) to penicillin, compared with those in 1994. CONCLUSIONS: Homo/bisexual men and the black Caribbean population in England experience a disproportionate burden of gonococcal infections, however, the bulk of diagnoses are in white heterosexuals. No single risk group was associated with the rise in numbers of cases between 1994 and 1996. Resistance to penicillin is widespread and has increased in homo/bisexual men, and it is possible that a rise in treatment failures has, to some extent, enhanced transmission of gonorrhoea and contributed to the rise in numbers of diagnoses in this group.  相似文献   

Changes in female sexual behaviour with the advent of AIDS and safer sex campaigns were studied. Subjects were drawn from a wide social spectrum of women attending an STD clinic in West London where there is a high prevalence of HIV infection among homosexual men. Between 1982 and 1989, 4224 women answered a self-administered questionnaire: women who reported more than one sexual partner in the previous year fell from 56.9% in 1982 to 51.8% in 1989 (p = 0.003). Anal intercourse showed no change and was reported by 8.8% in 1982 and 9.4% in 1989 (p = 0.8). Oral intercourse increased from 36.9% in 1982 to 44.7% in 1989 (p = 0.001). Condom use for contraception increased from 3.6% in 1982 to 16.2% in 1989 (p less than 0.001). Between 1987 and 1989, 35.6% of 3199 women reported having non-regular partners with no significant trend over this period; these women had earlier coitarche (17.0 years cf 17.9 years), many more partners (p less than 0.0001) and more practised anal (p = 0.007) and oral (p less than 0.0001) intercourse. However, frequent use of condoms doubled from 23.6% in 1987 to 47.6% in 1989. During this period, the prevalence of antibody to HIV (anti-HIV) remained unchanged (0.27-0.37%), but more women declined to be tested. Anonymised testing showed that none of those who refused consent for named testing was anti-HIV positive. It is concluded that significant changes in female sexual behaviour have taken place with the advent of AIDS but there has been no evidence of heterosexual spread beyond the confines of well defined risk behaviours. Risks of the magnitude reported in homosexual men were not found in heterosexual women.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study was conducted to examine the variation in clinical practice in genitourinary medicine clinics in the United Kingdom in early 2002. METHODS: Questionnaires were sent to all 234 consultants in charge of genitourinary medicine clinics in the United Kingdom in March-May 2002. The questions concerned clinical practice in respect of asymptomatic patients presenting for an infection screen, and practice in respect of some specific sexually transmitted and other genitourinary infections. RESULTS: The test for infection least likely to be offered to heterosexuals is an HIV test (71% and 70% of clinics routinely offer this to male and female heterosexuals respectively). The practice of permitting "low risk" patients to telephone for their HIV results now extends to 24% of clinics. 34% of clinics do not require patients with non-specific urethritis to attend for follow up. 41% of clinics routinely ask patients treated for Chlamydia trachomatis to return for a follow up chlamydia detection test. 25% of clinics routinely offer two tests of cure to all patients with gonorrhoea. 6% of clinics do not routinely offer syphilis serology to heterosexuals. Other significant variations in clinical practice were documented. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, our findings indicate the need for further evidence to guide clinical practice and a wider knowledge and debate of national guidelines.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine attendees reported experiences of health advice provision in genitourinary (GUM) clinics with different histories. DESIGN: A self-completed anonymous questionnaire was distributed at five clinics in the West Midlands Region of the United Kingdom. RESULTS: 297 of the 360 attendees approached returned completed questionnaires; 89.5% reported receiving health advice, 86.4% found all of this easy to understand and 10.4% wanted more advice. However, 33.9% received no advice on either HIV or safer sex. Those attending new clinics, set up since the HIV pandemic, were more likely than those attending older clinics, to have understood the advice given, to have had advice on both HIV and safer sex, and less likely to have wanted more advice. Among those attending with a concern about HIV, 14% claimed to have received no advice on either HIV or safer sex; with no difference between old and new clinics. For those attending with reasons particularly relevant to receiving HIV related advice, but not with a concern about HIV, 40% claimed to have received neither HIV nor safer sex advice. In this sub-sample, those attending new clinics were more likely to have received advice on HIV as well as safer sex, and less likely to want more advice. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that the provision of advice needs to be reconsidered, particularly in older clinics.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Nurses in genitourinary medicine (GUM) services are progressively extending their roles to conduct "comprehensive care" nurse led clinics. In such roles the nurse coordinates the first line, comprehensive care of patients presenting with sexual health conditions and issues. OBJECTIVES: To identify and describe comprehensive care nurse led clinics in GUM services across England. METHODS: A postal questionnaire consisting of 17 closed response questions was sent to 209 GUM services across England. A second questionnaire was sent to non-responders to increase the response rate. Data were single entered and analysed using SPSS. RESULTS: Of the 190 GUM clinic respondents (91% response rate), 44 (23%) reported providing some form of comprehensive care nurse led clinic, 90% of which were initiated since 1995. Key results show staff development featured as the main reason for initiating such services and there was general consistency in the aspects of care undertaken by these nurses. There was evidence of guideline development specific to nurse led care and some patient group direction use for supplying medication. The level of support from medical staff while nurse led clinics were being conducted varied between services. Few services have conducted any audit or research to monitor/evaluate nurse led care. There was little consistency in the clinical experience and educational prerequisites to undertake comprehensive care nurse led clinics. Continuing professional development opportunities also varied between services. CONCLUSIONS: The steady growth of comprehensive care nurse led clinics indicates that the skills of GUM nurses are being recognised. Nurses working in advanced practice roles now require courses and study days reflecting these changes in practice. Locally agreed practice guidelines can define nursing practice boundaries and ensure accountability, as will the development of patient group directions to supply medication. Monitoring and evaluation of nurse led clinics also require attention.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In England, screening for genital chlamydial infection has begun; however, screening frequency for women is not yet determined. AIM: To measure chlamydia incidence and reinfection rates among young women to suggest screening intervals. METHODS: An 18-month prospective cohort study of women aged 16-24 years recruited from general practices, family planning clinics and genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics: baseline-negative women followed for incidence and baseline-positive women for reinfection; urine tested every 6 months via nucleic acid amplification; and behavioural data collected. Extra test and questionnaire completed 3 months after initial positive test. Factors associated with infection and reinfection investigated using Cox regression stratified by healthcare setting of recruitment. RESULTS: Chlamydia incidence was mean (95% CI) 4.9 (2.7 to 8.8) per 100 person-years (py) among women recruited from general practices, 6.4 (4.2 to 9.8) from family planning clinics and 10.6 (7.4 to 15.2) from GUM clinics. Incidence was associated with young age, history of chlamydial infection and acquisition of new sexual partners. If recently acquiring new partners, condom use at last sexual intercourse was independently associated with lower incidence. Chlamydia reinfection was mean (95% CI) 29.9 (19.7 to 45.4) per 100/person-year from general practices, 22.3 (15.6 to 31.8) from family planning clinics and 21.1 (14.3 to 30.9) from GUM clinics. Factors independently associated with higher reinfection rates were acquisition of new partners and failure to treat all partners. CONCLUSIONS: Sexual behaviours determined incidence and reinfection, regardless of healthcare setting. Our results suggest annual screening of women aged 16-24 years who are chlamydia negative, or sooner if partner change occurs. Rescreening chlamydia-positive women within 6 months of baseline infection may be sensible, especially if partner change occurs or all partners are not treated.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the risk factors for four common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in attenders at three large urban genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics in England. METHODS: Clinical, demographic, and behavioural data on attenders at two clinics in London and one in Sheffield were collected. Risk factors associated with first episodes of genital warts and genital herpes simplex virus (HSV), and uncomplicated gonorrhoea and chlamydia were investigated using the presence of each of these STIs as the outcome variable in separate multiple logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: Using data on the first attendance of the 18,238 patients attending the clinics in 1996, the risk of a gonorrhoea or chlamydia diagnosis was strongly associated with teenagers compared with those aged over 34, with black Caribbeans and black Africans compared with whites, and increased with the number of sexual partners. The risk of genital warts or HSV diagnosis was lowest in black Caribbeans and black Africans compared with whites and was not associated with the number of sexual partners. While genital warts were associated with younger age, odds ratios were much lower compared with those for the bacterial infections. Genital HSV diagnoses were not associated with age. CONCLUSIONS: This study of GUM clinic attenders suggests a reduction in the incidence of bacterial STIs may be achievable through targeted sexual health promotion focusing particularly on black ethnic minorities, teenagers, and those with multiple sexual partnerships. Viral STIs were less clearly associated with population subgroups and a broader population based approach to sexual health promotion may be more effective in controlling these infections.  相似文献   

The current wide choice of microscopes and the use of the microscope as a diagnostic tool is discussed. The formation of images and the aberrations which occur with lenses and the ways in which these are corrected are described. The functions of eye pieces and illuminating systems are presented. The requirements for microscopes in every day use, research microscopes and portable microscopes are described, and suggestions made as to how these requirements may be fulfilled. Brief comments on the care and maintenance of microscopes are made, and a list of manufacturers and suppliers appended.  相似文献   

The number of patients attending genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics in Britain has risen greatly in recent years. In contrast there have been very modest increases in staff and there are no data on accommodation or facilities. The Department of Health therefore set up a team to provide guidance on the planning and design of GUM clinics. After a survey the team concluded that GUM clinics in England were poorly and inappropriately accommodated. In their guidance they recommended that GUM clinics are sited in general outpatient departments (OPDs) of general hospitals; this improves patient care simplifying cross referral, consultation and other aspects of operational efficiency and convenience for patients, improves cost effectiveness and increases convenience for staff. Some facilities may be shared. Reception should be an attractive focal point and allow patients to be received and registered in privacy. Facilities for clinical examination are the central part of a clinic. Rooms which allow consultation and examination (CE) rooms of male and female patients maximise efficiency, flexibility and confidentiality. Sound attenuation is vital and decor should be attractive so inspiring confidence by producing a non-institutional atmosphere. An adequate number of CE rooms is essential and the waiting area should be sufficient for booked and walk in patients plus companions. There must be rooms for venepuncture, treatment and colposcopy. Interviewing rooms and offices are important, and there must be a secure health records store. A childrens play area and staff accommodation can be shared. An area for handling and simple investigation of patients' specimens is essential. This guidance should be interpreted flexibly. Though commissioned by the Department of Health for England, it is hoped that it will be useful for planning and designing genitourinary medicine clinics throughout Britain and in other countries.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine which of the options available to modernise genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics in the UK are most acceptable to patients and potential patients; to assess whether the views of a general population sample differ from those of clinic attenders. . METHODS: A questionnaire was used to explore the acceptability of different ways of delivering sexual healthcare including the potential trade-off between convenience/range of services with cost/staffing constraints. Potential differences in responses by age, sex, ethnicity and current attendance at a GUM clinic were evaluated using multivariate analysis. RESULTS: 542 respondents in the community and 202 clinic attenders provided responses. Delivery of sexual healthcare by specialist nurses and general practitioners was acceptable to 81% and 72% of interviewees, respectively, assuming common protocols were adhered to. The proportion of individuals who would accept a consultation with a nurse increased to 91% if the waiting time for an appointment could be reduced as a result. Men were less likely to accept a consultation with a nurse (odds ratio (OR) 0.52, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.35 to 0.79), and Asian (OR 0.38, 95% CI 0.23 to 0.64) and other black (OR 0.41, 95% CI 0.2 to 0.87) ethnic groups were less likely to accept a consultation with a general practitioner. 44% of patients preferred walk-in clinics even if waiting times for an appointment were reduced to 48 h. CONCLUSION: Delivery of sexual healthcare by nurses and general practitioners was generally found to be acceptable, although this varies by patient sex and ethnicity. Some differences exist between the preferences of a general population sample compared with clinic attenders, but overall there is a high level of concordance. Walk-in clinics remain a popular choice even when appointment waiting times are short.  相似文献   

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