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PURPOSE: To determine differences in outcomes of care for patients treated by clinicians with or without advanced orthopaedic certification. Levels of certification studied included orthopaedic clinical specialist certification (OCS), graduation from residency programs approved by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy (AAOMPT) and miscellaneous manual therapy certifications (MTC). SUBJECTS: Retrospective study was performed using Focus On Therapeutic Outcomes, Inc. (Knoxville, TN) data, which was obtained from 930 therapists (28 OCS, 7 AAOMPT, 7 MTC, 2 OCS/AAOMPT) from 39 states who treated 24,276 patients with lumbar impairments in 1999 and 2000. METHODS: Patients completed health status surveys at intake and discharge. Three health status measures were calculated: overall health status (OHS), SF-12 Physical Component Summary scale (PCS), and SF-36 physical functioning scale (PF-10). Change in health status over the episode of rehabilitation was risk adjusted by developing linear mixed models and analyzed across certification processes. RESULTS: Patients treated by therapists with MTC reported higher OHS, PCS, and PF-10 discharge scores than patients treated by therapists without MTC (P<.001). CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest a positive influence of therapist manual therapy certification on patient outcomes.  相似文献   


The teaching and learning of fundamental principles that guide valid and effective assessment and intervention techniques in joint mobilization is a basic foundation to those health professions that make use of manual therapy. Such principles help establish the specificity of manual therapy techniques, the foremost quality of 'best practice.' However, authors of few textbooks or reference books devote space to establishing such fundamental principles for learners and practitioners of manual therapy techniques. The purpose of this paper is to present four cardinal principles that have impressed us, over our years as educators and clinicians, as the foundation for the teaching and practice of sound manual therapy techniques for either joint play assessment or joint mobilization. These principles are utilized in practice from entry-level to master clinicians, they can guide educators as to how to introduce and monitor effective manual therapy skills among students and colleagues, and they can also serve as a source of refreshment for experienced clinicians who desire continuing education for maintenance of their hands-on skills in manual therapy interventions and assessment.  相似文献   

《Physical Therapy Reviews》2013,18(6):453-461

Background: Muscle energy techniques (METs) have been used to treat cervical and thoracic range of motion (ROM) restrictions for over 40 years. Of the trials published on METs, most have examined the effectiveness of METs on ROM in the cervical and thoracic spine.

Objectives: The aim of this systematic review was to investigate the sensitivity of cervical and thoracic rotation active range of motion, as an objective measure of function, for detecting changes associated with individuals receiving METs compared to (1) individuals receiving no treatment and (2) individuals receiving manipulation.

Methods: Relevant databases were searched from January 1970 up to March 2010. Methodological quality of each included study was assessed using the PEDro scale. Effect sizes (Hedges' g) and their 95% confidence intervals were calculated for active rotation ROM scores between and within the MET and comparison groups.

Results: Five randomized controlled trials were included in this review. Four studies addressed the first clinical question and one study answered the second. The average PEDro score was 5.8. In general, between and within group effect sizes were moderate to strong in favour of METs.

Conclusion: There is fair evidence that cervical and thoracic active range of motion is sensitive to changes associated with individuals who receive an MET. The change in ROM was associated with asymptomatic individuals having restricted rotation. Further studies with higher methodological quality are needed to make a stronger clinical conclusion about the effectiveness of METs.  相似文献   


Loss of hip extension is often compensated for by extension of the lumbar spine. This compensation can result in hypermobility and ultimately be a source of low back dysfunction and pain. Joint mobilizations have been known to return physiologic and accessory motion to hypomobile structures. Mobilization has also been demonstrated to improve muscular strength when secondary to joint hypomobility. The purpose of this study was to determine the usefulness of posteroanterior (P-A) hip-joint mobilization in improving strength of the gluteus maximus muscle. Forty subjects were randomly assigned to a control group (Grade I P-A mobilization) and an experimental group (Grade IV P-A mobilization). The subjects performed a pretest/posttest set of five isometric repetitions on the Cybex Norm? isokinetic machine. The peak torque was determined for both pretest and posttest measurements. The data collected were analyzed using an independent t-test with a significance level of p < .05. The results demonstrated a statistically significant difference between the experimental and control groups (t=1.68, p=0.002). This study demonstrated a significant increase in gluteus maximus strength in response to Grade IV P-A mobilizations performed on the anterior hip capsule. Clinicians can utilize these findings in everyday practice to improve muscle strength by integrating manual therapy with therapeutic exercise.  相似文献   


Use of manual therapy in the form of manipulation and massage is evident in the earliest recordings of history. Today, manual therapy is an evidence-based practice that can be used with predictable results in the treatment of a variety of neuromusculoskeletal problems. However, for some manual therapists, treatment is still based on a belief system that incorporates vitalism, energy healing, and other metaphysical concepts. Cooperation of practitioners in researching the effects of manual therapy would require uniformity based upon the guidelines of science, following rules for selection of an evidence-based therapy that produces predictable and replicable results. Such an approach would not allow contamination by dogma or by an agenda that is designed more to support a belief system than to find the truth. The chiropractic profession, which began with a founding father in 1895, is identified primarily by its use of manipulation. But chiropractic is based upon a vertebral subluxation theory that is generally categorized as supporting a belief system. The words "manipulation" and "subluxation" in a chiropractic context have meanings that are different from the meanings in evidence-based literature. An orthopedic subluxation, a partial dislocation or displacement of a joint, can sometimes benefit from manipulation or mobilization when there are joint-related symptoms. A chiropractic subluxation, however, is often an undetectable or asymptomatic "spinal lesion" that is alleged to be a cause of disease. Such a subluxation, which has never been proven to exist, is "adjusted" by chiropractors, who manipulate the spine to restore and maintain health. The reasons for use of manipulation/ mobilization by an evidence-based manual therapist are not the same as the reason for use of adjustment/manipulation by most chiropractors. Only evidence-based chiropractors, who have renounced subluxation dogma, can be part of a team that would research the effects of manipulation without bias.  相似文献   


Background/Purpose: The purpose of this case report is to describe the clinical management of a patient with sacroiliac joint dysfunction (SIJD) and a concomitant asymmetrical hip-joint rotation range of motion. The patient was a 53-year-old male whose chief complaint was right low back pain (LBP) that interfered with work and leisure activities. Physical therapy consisted of manual therapy, stretching, and postural education to address SIJ and hip motion abnormalities. At the conclusion of 6 visits, the hip-joint rotation range of motion was more symmetrical. The patient reported self-correction of unilateral standing and sitting postures. He returned to full-time work and to playing golf, and he rated pain at 0-1/10. This patient's asymmetrical hip-joint rotation range of motion may have been associated with SIJD, either as a result of trauma or subsequent habitual postural adjustments. Clinician awareness of the possible relationship between SIJD and asymmetrical hip joint rotation range of motion is recommended.  相似文献   


This study compared socio-demographic characteristics, health problem characteristics, and primary process data between database samples of patients referred to physical therapy (PT) versus a sample of patients referred to manual physical therapy (MPT) in the Netherlands. Statistical analysis indicated that that the MPT sample was significantly (P<0.01) different from the PT samples with regards to the socio-demographic data in that the patients in the MPT sample were younger, had attended post-secondary education to a greater degree, and were more often gainfully employed. The MPT sample was significantly (P≤0.01) different from the PT samples in that health problem data in the MPT sample indicated mainly acute, non-surgical orthopaedic or neurological, spine-related complaints of recent occurrence. Recurrence was significantly (P<0.01) more common and complaints were significantly (P=0.01) more often non-traumatic in the MPT sample. MPT referrals were significantly (P<0.01) different from PT referrals in that the MPT referral originated more frequently with a general practitioner but not with a medical specialist and that referral occurred within three months of occurrence. Primary treatment goals and interventions are discussed, as are study limitations, suggestions for future research, and relevance to the international situation.  相似文献   


The diagnosis and treatment of patients with dizziness of a cervical origin may pose a challenge for orthopaedic and vestibular physical therapy specialists. A thorough examination, which consists of a screening examination to rule out pathologies not amenable to sole physical therapy management and, if indicated, a physical therapy differential diagnostic process incorporating both cervical spine and vestibular tests and measures, may indicate an appropriate course of management. The treatment progression is then based on patient signs, symptoms, and response to physical therapy interventions. This case study describes the diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes of a patient with cervicogenic dizziness co-managed by a vestibular and an orthopaedic manual physical therapist.  相似文献   


Study Design. This prospective research project statistically analyses the difference between two randomized groups of patients, one receiving manipulation plus exercises for acute low back pain of mechanical origin, the other receiving an exercise program alone. Objectives. To determine if orthopaedic manipulation is beneficial in treating acute low back pain of mechanical origin. Summary of Background Data. Orthopaedic manipulative physiotherapists have frequently observed dramatic results including elimination of pain and restoration of pain-free range of movement following manipulation of the acute locked back. Spinal manipulative therapy is a widely used method of treating lower back pain with millions of patient treatments performed each year, the majority in Western societies. Trials have emphasized the immediate and short-term symptomatic relief of low back pain following manipulation; however, the longterm difference in effects between manipulated and control groups has required further evaluation. Methods. A sample of convenience of acute low back pain participants were randomly assigned to two groups. A pre-test/post-test experimental design approach was used with 29 participants. This design included three dependent variables (pain, range of movement, and disability assessment) and one independent variable (15 participants in Group I received an exercise program with manipulation and 14 participants in Group II received an exercise program only). Participants were assessed for pain, range of movement, and disability before treatment. Participants were reassessed weekly for four weeks, then at two months and three months after initiation of treatment. Results. The findings of this study illustrate a statistically significant difference between the two treatments (p = <0.0005). Univariate post hoc tests concluded that the two treatment regimens had significantly different effects at three months on disability (p = 0.001), pain (p = <0.0005), and ROM (p = <0.0005). As well as being statistically significant, the magnitude of the relationships was strong, with 42.8% of the variability attributed to the disability measure, 64.3% of the variability attributed to the pain measure, and 65.9% of the variability attributed to the ROM measure. Conclusion. Patients who receive orthopaedic manipulation with an exercise program for acute low back pain of mechanical origin are likely to improve more than patients who receive an exercise program alone.  相似文献   


Manual therapy is a widely used form of treatment among physical therapists and has been shown to be effective in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. In numerous studies, the reliability of clinicians performing the four grades of mobilization of manual therapy has been poor. A sample of 23 licensed physical therapists participated in quasi-experimental repeated measures designed to determine if predictive factors such as gender or years of experience contribute to inter-rater reliability variances. In this design, therapists performed Grade I, II, III and IV mobilizations on two asymptomatic volunteers at the level of L3, based on resistance defined Grades of Movement. The Kistler Force Plate ? was used to record mobilization forces for each physical therapist at a rate of 600 data-point measurements per second. Data were assessed to determine if poor inter-rater reliability is reflective of certain predictive variables. The results identified that the independent variables of age, years of experience, gender, frequency of use, education, and background of the rater did not contribute to the overall variance within the study. Further investigation is required as to what determines the poor inter-rater reliability of spinal accessory mobilizations by practicing clinicians.  相似文献   

Thesis Review     

We report a systematic analysis of group change scores of subjects with chronic neck pain not due to whiplash and without headache or arm pain, in randomized clinical trials of a single session of manual therapy. A comprehensive literature search of clinical trials of chronic neck pain treated with manual therapies up to December 2006 was conducted. Trials that scored above 60% on the PEDro Scale were included. Change scores that scored above 60% on the PEDro Scale were included. Change scores were analyzed for absolute, percentage change and e ect size (ES) whenever possible. Nine trials were identi ed: 6 for spinal manipulation, 4 for spinal mobilization or non-manipulative manual therapy (2 overlapping trials), and 1 trial using ischemic compression. No trials were identi ed for massage therapy or manual traction. Four manipulation trials (Five groups) reported mean immediate changes in 100-mm VAS of –18.94 (9.28) mm. ES for these changes ranged from .33 to 2.3. Two mobilization trials reported immediate VAS changes of –11.5 and –4 mm (ES of .36 and .22, respectively); one trial reported no difference in immediate pain scores versus sham mobilization. e ischemic compression study showed statistically signi cant immediate decreases in 100-mm pain VAS (average = –14.6 mm). There is moderate-to-high quality evidence that immediate clinically important improvements are obtained from a single session of spinal manipulation. e evidence for mobilization is less substantial, with fewer studies reporting smaller immediate changes. ere is insu cient evidence for ischemic compression to draw conclusions. There is no evidence for a single session of massage or manual traction for chronic neck pain.  相似文献   


Background: A high velocity, low amplitude thrust manipulation (HVLAT) is an intervention commonly used in the treatment of patients with spinal pain. Recent studies have reported on the possible neurophysiological effects of this technique which may be pertinent to the therapeutic value of these procedures. However, few studies have examined the temporal neurophysiological nature of a HVLAT beyond the immediate effects.

Objectives: The purpose of this review is to summarize the literature on the temporal neurophysiological effects of a single HVLAT in patients with spinal pain.

Methods: A systematic search of English articles was conducted using MEDLINE, CINAHL, and PEDro. Additional studies were identified with a hand search of the references of relevant articles. Search terms included spinal manipulation, chiropractic manipulation, osteopathic manipulation, spinal adjustment, cervical manipulation, lumbar manipulation, sacroiliac manipulation, neck pain, back pain, and sacroiliac pain. Quality scoring of the included articles was based on the Newcastle–Ottawa criteria.

Results: Of the 478 articles identified, five articles ultimately met inclusion criteria into this review. These studies were of moderate to high quality. In all, follow-up measures after a single HVLAT were taken within a 30-minute to 5-hour period.

Conclusion: In the absence of concurrent intervention, the neurophysiological effects seen after administration of a HVLAT were observed to be immediate in nature, with a return to baseline or reduction in effect noted at follow-up. Future studies examining the mechanisms of HVLAT should include dedicated follow-up periods to establish the temporal changes related to these techniques.  相似文献   


Objectives: The role of postural loads as a risk factor for back pain and musculoskeletal symptoms is unclear. McKenzie proposed in his classification of mechanical syndromes a postural syndrome, in which people only develop symptoms from sustained loading, which is relieved by a change in position and has no effect on movement or function. Because of the low level disability with postural syndrome, it was suggested that few seek healthcare for this problem.

Methods: This study used a two‐stage process first to give a questionnaire to 100 students and staff from a university to determine who appeared to have postural syndrome, and then applied a physical examination to those who consented.

Results: One hundred and thirty‐eight were approached, of who 100 completed questionnaires and 66% appeared to have postural syndrome. Of the 66 who appeared to have postural syndrome, 37 consented to have a physical examination. Of the 37, 31 met the criteria for postural syndrome, with postural syndrome being significantly associated with pain on sustained loading and pain abolition on posture correction. Most postural syndrome was in the lumbar spine and associated with sitting, but other sites and causes were also noted.

Discussion: This study lends credibility to McKenzie’s postural syndrome, but also suggests this as a possible precursor for future more disabling or painful problems. Postural syndrome may not feature in those seeking professional healthcare, but is clearly highly prevalent in a young population.  相似文献   

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