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Does sexual abuse in childhood cause pedophilia: An exploratory study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The reliability of the notion that pedophilia is caused by sexual abuse in childhood was explored by examining retrospective self-reports of 344 males. Included in the study were 77 heterosexual pedophiles, 54 homosexual pedophiles, 51 nonpedophilic sex offenders against children, 36 sex offenders against physically mature females, 75 heterosexual paid volunteers who erotically preferred mature females, and 51 homosexual clients who preferred mature males. For each sex offender the differential diagnosis of an erotic preference for minors vs. a preference for physically mature partners was made by means of the phallometric test of erotic gender and age preferences. The analysis of self-reports confirmed that the proportion of pedophiles who report having been sexually abused in childhood by mature persons is larger than that of men who were not charged for or accused of a sex offense against a child though the difference is relatively small (28.6 vs. 13.9 and 10.7% for the heterosexual pedophiles and the two groups of gynephiles, respectively, and 25.9 vs. 11.8% for the homosexual pedophiles and androphiles, respectively). Further analysis demonstrated, however, that pedophiles who admitted having an erotic interest in children significantly more often claimed that they had been sexually abused as children than pedophiles who did not admit having such feelings. This interdependence renders the reliability of these self-reports questionable.This research was supported in part by grant MA-9134 from the Medical Research Council of Canada.Forensic Division Clarke Institute of Psychiatry  相似文献   

Previous research has found that pedophilic men referred for clinical assessment of their sexual behavior are more likely to report that they suffered head injuries before their 13th birthday than are nonpedophilic men referred for the same purpose. This study investigated whether pedophilic patients are also more likely to report head injuries after their 13th birthday. The 685 participants represented all patients with usable data from a consecutive series of men referred to a clinical laboratory specializing in phallometric assessment of erotic preferences. In addition to phallometric testing, participants were administered a brief neuropsychological test battery and a companion interview, which included questions on head injury, drug abuse, and childhood diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The results showed that the pedophilic patients reported more head injuries before age 13 than did the nonpedophilic patients, but they did not report more head injuries after age 13. The association between pedophilia and childhood head injuries could mean either that subtle brain damage after birth increases a boy's risk of pedophilia, or that neurodevelopmental problems before birth increase a boy's accident-proneness along with his risk of pedophilia. Additional analyses showed that self-reported head injuries before age 13 were associated with attentional problems and with left-handedness; in contrast, head injuries after age 13 were associated with drug abuse and promiscuity. These analyses suggest that, among patients with primary presenting complaints of sexual rather than cognitive problems, childhood head injuries cluster with neuropsychological phenomena, whereas later head injuries cluster with lifestyle variables.  相似文献   

The present study investigated whether head injuries in childhood might increase the risk of pedophilia in males. The subjects were 1206 patients referred to a clinical sexology service for assessment of their erotic preferences. These were classified, on the basis of phallometric test results, as pedophilic (n = 413) or nonpedophilic (n = 793). Information regarding early head injuries, other signs of possible neurodevelopmental problems, and parental histories of psychiatric treatment were collected with self-administered questionnaires. The results showed that childhood accidents that resulted in unconsciousness were associated with pedophilia and with lower levels of intelligence and education. These associations were statistically significant for accidents that occurred before the age of 6, but not for accidents that occurred between the ages of 6 and 12. These results are compatible with the hypothesis that neurodevelopmental perturbations in early childhood may increase the risk of pedophilia. They are also, however, compatible with the alternative explanation that prior neurodevelopmental problems lead to accident-proneness and head injury, on the one hand, and to pedophilia, on the other, and that head injury has no causal influence on pedophilia. A secondary finding was that the pedophiles were more likely to report that their mothers had undergone psychiatric treatment. This finding suggests that pedophilia may be influenced by genetic factors, which are manifested in women as an increased risk of psychiatric problems, and in their sons, as an increased risk of erotic interest in children.  相似文献   

The connection between the retrospective self-report of sexual abuse in child-hood by an adult person, and (i) erotically preferred age bracket and (ii) type of offense, was investigated in 303 heterosexual males. This group consisted of 83 pedophilic sex offenders against female children, 52 sex offenders against female children who erotically preferred adult women, 34 sex offenders against adult women, and 134 volunteer controls. An earlier exploratory investigation with somewhat smaller numbers of individuals had rendered only ambiguous results. After regrouping of individuals and more precise analysis of results, the present study demonstrated that the self-report of having been sexually abused in childhood is mainly connected with pedophilia. Status as a sex offender in general was not related to childhood abuse.  相似文献   

The relationship between sexual orientation and handedness in a large sample of men was examined. Subjects were 6544 nondelinquent men interviewed by the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction from 1938 to 1963. Subjects were classified as either homosexual (n=1004) or heterosexual (n=4579). Results failed to demonstrate a difference in handedness, with both groups having rates of non-right-handedness (i.e., 11–12%) approximately equal to establish norms. These findings do not replicate some recent studies indicating an increased level of non-right-handedness in homosexual men.  相似文献   

Penile circumference and penile volumephallometry are laboratory methods of assessing sexualarousal. Volume phallometry is reportedly more sensitiveto responses, but comparative studies have beeninconclusive and beset with methodological problems. In thisstudy, 42 self-professed heterosexual volunteers wereassessed with both methods simultaneously, employing astandard test for erotic partner preference. Pearson correlations between test outcomeprofiles were very high (r > .80) for subjects whosecircumferential increase was >2.5 mm [10% of a fullerection (FE)]. However, among lower responders the agreement dropped precipitously (mean r =–.15). Moreover, as a group higher respondersdifferentiated adult and pubescent age female stimulifrom each other and all other categories with eithermethod, but lower responders made this differentiationonly with the volume method. We conclude that (1) athigh levels of response both methods are equally good,(2) at low levels of response volumetric phallometry is a more accurate measure of arousal, and (3)10% FE, or a 2.5-mm circumference increase, should bethe minimum response criterion for the circumferentialmeasure.  相似文献   

A sample of 701 adult men underwent assessment following illegal or clinically significant sexual behaviors or interests. Patients were categorized on the basis of phallometric (penile) responses in the laboratory to erotic stimuli depicting adults, pubescent children, and prepubescent children; histories of sexual offenses; and self-reported sexual interests. Comprising the categories were men sexually interested in prepubescent children (pedophiles; n = 114), men sexually interested in pubescent children (hebephiles; n = 377), men sexually interested in adults and who had committed a sexual offense against an adult (teleiophilic offenders; n = 139), and men sexually interested in adults and who had no known history of any sexual offenses (teleiophilic nonoffenders; n = 71). Patients' assessments included IQ testing and self-reported academic history, which included any grade failures and assignment to special education classes. Relative to the teleiophilic offenders, both the pedophilic and the hebephilic groups showed approximately double the odds of failing a grade or being enrolled in special education, both before and after covarying IQ. No significant differences were detected between the teleiophilic offenders and the teleiophilic nonoffenders. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that an erotic age preference for children sometimes results from a perturbation of neurodevelopment occurring early in life.  相似文献   

This study assessed large numbers of heterosexual and homosexual men and women on handedness and gender-related personality traits. Initial analyses employed a dichotomous measure of handedness (right-handed vs. non–right-handed). For men and women combined, homosexual participants had 50% greater odds of being non–right-handed than heterosexual participants, a statistically significant difference. Homosexual men had 82% greater odds of being non–right-handed than heterosexual men, a statistically significant difference, whereas homosexual women had 22% greater odds of being non–right-handed than heterosexual women, a nonsignificant difference. When participants were classified into five graduated categories of handedness, both men and women showed significant homosexual–heterosexual differences in handedness distributions. Within groups, handedness showed a number of weak but statistically significant associations with sex-typed occupational preferences, self-ascribed masculinity, and self-ascribed femininity, but not with instrumentality or expressiveness. Rates of non–right-handedness were virtually identical for heterosexual men and women, suggesting that sex differences in handedness may result from higher rates of homosexuality in men.  相似文献   

Physiological and cognitive variables may compromise the physiological assessment of sexual arousal, particularly in forensic settings. Thus, the effects of physiological and cognitive variables as potential moderators need investigation with respect to physiological measures of sexual arousal. Penile erection, demographic, and psychometric data were analyzed among 169 inpatient adult male sexual offenders. The hypotheses that (i) sexual arousability would be inversely related to age and (ii) subjects who were able to cognitively inhibit their sexual arousal would exhibit lower levels of pedophilic arousal than subjects who were unable to inhibit arousal were supported. Subject age did not interact with inhibition ability. Age and the presence of inhibitory ability appear to be arousability variables in that these variables mediate both deviant and nondeviant arousal.  相似文献   

Using the literature of the early sexual histories of normal women and two recent studies on the sexual histories of prostitutes, this article examines the pattern of early sexual experience among prostitutes and how it differs from that common to nonprostitute women. Some significant differences found between the samples of prostitutes and the samples of normal women were that the prostitute samples, on the whole, learned less about sex from parents and more from personal experiences, as children experienced more sexual advances by elders, were more victimized by incest, generally initiated sexual activity at a younger age, more often had no further relationship with their first coital partner, and experienced a higher incidence of rape. The analysis of these data on early sexual history concentrates on abusive sexual experiences such as incest and rape. The authors believe that an abusive sexual self-identity relates to the development of an adult female pattern of occupational deviance such as prostitution.Research funded through the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Division of Research, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Grant No. 1 R01 DA 00918.  相似文献   

Whether homosexual pedophiles have more older brothers (a higher fraternal birth order) than do heterosexual pedophiles was investigated. Subjects were 260 sex offenders (against children age 14 or younger) and 260 matched volunteer controls. The subject's relative attraction to male and female children was assessed by phallometric testing in one analysis, and by his offense history in another. Both methods showed that fraternal birth order correlates with homosexuality in pedophiles, just as it does in men attracted to physically mature partners. Results suggest that fraternal birth order (or the underlying variable it represents) may prove the first identified universal factor in homosexual development. Results also argue against a previous explanation of the high prevalence of homosexuality in pedophiles (25% in this study), namely, that the factors that determine sexual preference in pedophiles are different from those that determine sexual preference in men attracted to adults. An alternative explanation in terms of canalization of development is suggested.  相似文献   

Objective: Previous studies of handedness and cognitive function rely on self-classification and yield inconsistent results. This study examines the associations of self-reported versus grip-strength-based handedness with cognitive function in healthy older men and women.Design: Cross-sectional study.Setting: 1988–91 follow-up clinic visit and 1991 mailed survey.Participants: 684 men and 985 women aged 55–95 who were community dwelling.Measurements: Cognitive function was assessed with 12 tests and grip strength was measured by hand-held dynamometer. Self-reported handedness was obtained with a mailed survey.Results: By self-report, 92.1% of men and women were right-handed; 2.0% were left handed. By grip strength, in men, 64.3% were right-handed, 22.5% left-handed, and 13.2% ambidextrous. In women, 61.3% were right-handed, 17.3% left-handed, and 21.4% ambidextrous. No cognitive function differences were found by self-reported handedness in either sex (p’s>0.10). However, based on grip strength, left-handed women scored poorer than right-handed or ambidextrous women in immediate and delayed memory, attention, and verbal fluency (p’s<0.05). Using categorical definitions, left-handed or ambidextrous individuals based on grip strength were more likely to show poor cognitive function on 4 of 5 tests.Conclusion: Grip strength is a useful alternative to self-reports for classifying handedness. Left-handedness by grip-strength, may be related to poorer cognitive function; this association may vary by gender.  相似文献   

Some self-help groups for individuals with aberrant sexual interests (e.g., Sexaholics Anonymous and Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous) maintain that a period of “sexual sobriety” is necessary for treatment. The hypothesis was tested that sexual urges during a 30-day period of voluntary abstinence from masturbation would be less frequent and intense than during a period when masturbation was not avoided. Outpatient pedophiles were randomly assigned to either refrain from masturbating or make no attempt to alter their masturbation frequency for a period of 30 days. All participants were crossed over to the other treatment condition at the start of the 2nd month. Sexual urges and behavior were measured using weekly self-reports. A repeated measures ANOVA failed to show a difference in reported intensity of sexual urges,F(7, 91)=1.15,p=0.34; masturbation urges,F(7, 91)=1.73,p-0.11; adult sex urges,F(7, 91)=1.82,p=0.09; or child sex urges,F(7, 91) =1.58,p=0.15, in Masturbation Allowed vs. Masturbation Not Allowed conditions. Of 17 participants, 3 (18%) were able to retain completely from masturbating for 1 month, 4 participants (25%) thought it was helpful not to masturbate; 1 participant (7%) thought therapists should recommend avoidance of masturbation. This study suggests that sexual sobriety from masturbation does not aid in the control of pedophilic fantasies. This may be because the technique is ineffective, or because so few participants are willing to engage in it.  相似文献   

Test—retest reliability and concurrent validity studies on the Adolescent Sexual Interest Card Sort (ASIC) were conducted in two samples of 38 juvenile sexual offenders, each. Of the 64 items of the ASIC, 60 were found to be significantly correlated across test administrations. Cronbach's coefficient alpha was employed to determine the internal consistency of ASIC items. Coefficients ranged from .62 to .96 across categories, with an overall alpha of .97. Client ratings of sexual interests via the Card Sort were correlated with phallometric response to similar categories of stimuli. Significant correlations were found for only 4 of the 14 categories examined, suggesting little correspondence between client report of sexual interest on the ASIC and phallometric assessment of the same. Findings are consistent with the adult sex offender literature suggesting that self-report measures are particularly vulnerable to dissimulation and often at variance with more objective measurement. Clinical and research issues pertinent to the measurement of sexual arousal and interest in juvenile sexual offenders are discussed.  相似文献   

Divided 262 phallometrically diagnosed pedophiles into heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual groups, according to the sex of their victims. Each group was then divided into 3 subgroups according to degree of admitting to an erotic preference for children. They were compared among each other and with 47 self-professed heterosexual and 20 self-professed homosexual male volunteers phallometrically diagnosed as having an erotic preference for physically mature partners. The comparison was in regard to phallometrically assessed erotic gender differentiation. Results demonstrate that gender differentiation of even the fully admitting heterosexual pedophiles was significantly weaker than that of the heterosexual controls, and the gender differentiation of the fully admitting homosexual pedophiles was significantly weaker than that of both groups of controls. Gender differentiation of the nonadmitting heterosexual pedophiles was significantly weaker than that of the heterosexual pedophiles who fully admitted to their paraphilia. This was demonstrated to be caused by the nonadmitters suppression of responses.  相似文献   

Both handedness and dermatoglyphic asymmetry reflect early, prenatal influences and both have been reported to be associated with male sexual orientation; handedness has been related to female sexual orientation as well. Neurohormonal and developmental perturbation are two competing hypothesis that attempt to explain these connections. We attempted to replicate these associations and to extend dermatoglyphic asymmetry findings to women. Dermatoglyphic directional asymmetry and fluctuating asymmetry were unrelated to sexual orientation. Homosexual women, but not homosexual men, had highly significant increases in non–right-handedness compared with same-sex heterosexual controls. Although this pattern of results does not allow resolution of the two competing models, it does lend additional support to a biological basis of sexual orientation.  相似文献   

Five groups of males were compared on penile volume changes elicited from viewing short movie strips and slides of nude children and adults of both genders. Subject groups were sex offenders against adult females, volunteer controls who erotically preferred adult females, volunteer controls who erotically preferred adult males, heterosexual pedophiles, and homosexual pedophiles. Pedophiles differentiated erotically between females and males less than males who erotically preferred physically mature partners.This research supported in part by Grant No. MA-9134 from the Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Despite intense interest in the problem of child sex abuse, base rates for different offense characteristics are poorly defined. The likelihood of otherwise uncorroborated allegations of sexual abuse could be assessed in light of known frequencies of alleged behaviors, if such were available. This paper reviews the current literature on the topic of the specific behaviors of child molesters, along with other epidemiological characteristics, and provides new data drawn from experience with 229 convicted child molesters.This study was supported in part by a grant from the St. Paul Ramsey foundation and by the Intensive Treatment Program for Sexual Aggressives.  相似文献   

Moderate support was obtained in a sample of 101 gay, bisexual, and heterosexual males for the perinatal hormone theory, which hypothesizes that attenuated levels of androgens during critical periods of male fetal development fail to masculinize and defeminize the brain. Affected individuals develop female-typical sexual orientation (assessed here by a pie chart) and cerebral organization, reflected in visual-spatial abilities and gender nonconformity. Handedness, also thought to reflect in utero hormone exposure, was evaluated. Gay and bisexual males reported greater femininity and lesser masculinity than heterosexuals, with bisexuals intermediate in masculinity, suggesting a common biological mediator for homoeroticism and sex atypicality. Among bisexual males, increased masculinity was related to enhanced performance on all spatial tasks. Group mean differences in spatial ability and handedness were not found; however, among bisexuals, poorer visual-spatial performance predicted increased homoeroticism and right-handedness positively correlated with all spatial tasks. If perinatal hormones contribute to a generalized feminization of the brain, the current data indicate that it is most apparent among bisexual males. Sexing of their brains may involve several sexually dimorphic regions that are related in a continuous manner. Inferred cerebral feminization was more circumscribed among gay and heterosexual males, for whom childhood sex atypicality was most highly-distinguishing. Unspecified mechanisms responsible for homoeroticism in them may differ from those that produce same-sex attractions in bisexuals and thus have relatively little impact on other components of cerebral feminization.  相似文献   

This article describes and evaluates a K-6 child sexual abuse prevention curriculum that was piloted in a large northwestern school district 1986–89. Paired t-tests using pre-test and post-test scores from a random sample of 1,391 K-6 students indicates that significant learning occurred at all grade levels. Analysis of variance results suggest that, overall, learning is not related to students' gender or to the school's socioeconomic level. Responses by 197 teachers concerning their evaluations of curriculum materials and training were positive. Study limitations and future research plans and needs are discussed. Presented at American Educational Research Association Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, April, 1994.  相似文献   

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