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丙型肝炎病毒结构蛋白在痘苗病毒中的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究中国丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)的抗原性及在细胞内的加工,将丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)5’非编码区(NTR)和结构基因(Core+E1+E2/NS1)插入痘苗病毒表达载体pJSA1175中,转染TK-143细胞,经纯化得到丙型肝炎(HCV)重组痘苗病毒vJSA1175CE株。Southernblot杂交表明,HCV结构基因存在于痘苗病毒之中。Westernblot分析发现,vJSA1175CE表达蛋白带位于90kDa,为一多聚蛋白;此蛋白为分泌型,分泌量与细胞裂解物内量大致相同  相似文献   

Nishio M  Tsurudome M  Ito M  Kawano M  Komada H  Ito Y 《Virology》2003,314(1):110-124
It is commonly accepted that the temperature-sensitive phenotype of Sendai virus (SeV) persistently infected cells is caused by the M and/or HN proteins. Expression level of the L, M, HN, and V proteins is extremely low in L929 cells persistently infected with SeVpi (L929/SeVpi cells) incubated at 38°C. The HN protein quickly disappears in L929/SeVpi cells following a temperature shift up to 38°C, and pulse-chase experiments show that the Lpi, HNpi, and Mpi proteins are unstable at 38°C. Following a temperature shift either upward or downward, M protein is translocated into the nucleus and then localizes to the perinuclear region. None of virus-specific polypeptides are detected in the cells primarily infected with SeVpi and incubated at 38°C and virus proteins are not pulse-labeled at 38°C, indicating that temperature-sensitive step is at an early stage of infection. The Mpi protein is transiently located in the nucleus of the SeVpi primarily infected cells. Recombinant SeVs possessing the HNpi or/and Mpi proteins are not temperature-sensitive. The HN protein is expressed at very low levels and the F protein localizes to the perinuclear region in rSeV(Mpi)-infected cells incubated at 38°C for 18 h. rSeVs having the Mpi protein exhibit lower cytotoxicity and are incapable of establishing persistent infection. Amino acid 116 of the Mpi protein is related to the nuclear translocation and lower cytopathogenesis, whereas aa183 is involved in the interaction between M protein and viral glycoproteins.  相似文献   

We prepared the chimeric recombinant Sendai virus [rSeV(Ppi)] by replacing the P gene of the Z strain with that of pi strain for analyzing the function of Ppi, Vpi and Cpi proteins. Intriguingly, HA production by rSeV(Ppi) is significantly lower at 38°C than at 32°C, showing that virus growth of rSeV(Ppi) is slightly suppressed at 38°C. However, the main phenotypes of SeVpi, a marked temperature sensitivity as viral replication and an ability of establishing persistent infection, are not explained by the Ppi, Vpi and Cpi proteins. The V and C proteins form inclusion bodies in L929 cells infected with rSeV(Ppi) and incubated at 38°C. L929 cells infected with rSeV(Ppi) and L929 cells stably expressing the Cpi protein show resistance to interferon-β at 32 and 38°C, indicating that the Cpi protein per se is not temperature-sensitive to inhibition of IFN signaling. The complete genome sequences of Sendai virus (SeV) pi and parent Nagoya strains were determined. Fifty nucleic acid substitutions are found in the genome sequence of SeV pi strain in comparison with Nagoya strain. There are three nucleic acid substitutions in the leader sequence, while the trailer, intergenic, gene-end and gene-start sequences of both strains are completely identical. Deletions and insertions of nucleotide are not found. There are 32 amino acid substitutions in Sendai virus pi strain. The specific amino acid substitutions unique to the SeVpi are 18. Information about the complete genome sequences of SeVpi strain is important to totally understand the persistent infection and lower pathogenicity of SeV.Machiko Nishio and Ai Nagata have contributed equally.  相似文献   

A common problem for viral vectors in the field of somatic gene therapy is the dependence of an efficient cellular transduction on the cell cycle phase of target cells. An optimized viral vector system should therefore transduce cells in different cell cycle phases equally to improve transduction efficiencies. Recent observations that recombinant Sendai viruses (SeV) can infect a broad range of different tissues suggested SeV to be a good candidate for future gene therapeutic strategies in which dividing and non-dividing cells have to be reached. However, detailed data on the influence of distinct cell cycle phases on the infection of SeV or related viruses are missing. We report that synchronization of NIH 3T3 cells as well as contact inhibition of human fibroblast cells did not exhibit any negative influence on SeV infection rates. Furthermore, different attractive target tissues like human umbilical cord derived cells or primary human hepatocytes can be reached by SeV efficiently. As an important information for further cell cycle studies of paramyxoviruses we discovered surprisingly that the DNA polymerase inhibitor aphidicolin (induces a G(1)/M arrest) functions as an inhibitor of SeV but not of an adenoviral expression vector. In conclusion, the results demonstrate SeV based vector particles to be an ideal tool to reach equally cells coexisting in different cell cycle phases.  相似文献   

Summary Host-dependent conditional lethal mutants of vaccinia and rabbitpox viruses were rescued in nonpermissive host cells by Yaba virus, a poxvirus serologically distant from the rescued viruses.With 1 Figure  相似文献   

Recombinant vaccinia viruses (VV) containing the envelope gene of bovine leukaemia virus (BLV) were constructed. Three virus constructs were designed: VV-BLV1 which contained the open reading frame for envelope glycoprotein gp51 alone, under control of VVP7.5 promoter; VV-BLV2 and VV-BLV3 contained the entire gene (gp51 + gp30) coding sequence downstream of VP7.5 and the fowlpox virus early/late promoter (PFE/L) respectively. All three VV recombinants expressed envelope glycoproteins as determined by the agar gel diffusion assay. By immunofluorescence techniques it was shown that while VV-BLV2 and VV-BLV3 expressed envelope glycoprotein on the surface of virus-infected cells, VV-BLV1 failed to do so. Rabbits inoculated with VV-BLV1 failed to show an anti envelope glycoprotein antibody response, however, significant levels of antibodies against envelope glycoprotein were detected in sera from rabbits inoculated with VV-BLV2 and VV-BLV3.  相似文献   

The paper describes a method using plasmid construction pSC11 for generation of recombinant vaccinia viruses supporting coexpression of heterologous genes and beta-galactosidase. The Ca2+-phosphate method of cell transfection by recombinant DNAs generated on the basis of pSC11, and selection of recombinant viruses from blue plaques of virus-infected cells in the presence of X-gala are reported at length.  相似文献   

Summary. Two-fold immunization of Balb/c mice with a vaccinia virus recombinant expressing the NP protein of influenza A/PR8/34 (H1N1) virus under the control of a strong synthetic promoter induced specific antibodies and protected animals against low-dose challenge by mouse-adapted heterosubtypic variants of human A/Aichi2/68 (H3N2) and avian A/Mallard/Pennsylvania/10218/84 (H5N2) influenza virus strains. The surviving immunized animals had lower anti-hemagglutinin antibody titers compared to non-immunized mice. There was no difference in viral titers in lungs of immunized and non-immunized animals that succumbed to the infection. In order to try to increase immune system presentation of NP-protein-derived peptides, and thereby increase their immunogenicity, we constructed another vaccinia-based NP-expressing recombinant containing a rapid proteolysis signal covalently bound to the NP protein. This sequence, derived from the mouse ornithine decarboxylase gene has been shown to increase degradation of various proteins. However, we found that when used as part of a recombinant NP, this signal neither increased its proteolytic degradation, nor was it more efficient in the induction of a protective response against influenza infection.  相似文献   

Summary Vaccinia virus recombinants were constructed which contained cDNA sequences encoding the structural region of dengue 2 virus (PR159/S1 strain) or yellow fever virus (17D strain). The flavivirus cDNA sequences were expressed under the control of the vaccinia 7.5k early/late promotor. Cultured cells infected with these recombinants expressed immunologically reactive flavivirus structural proteins, precursor prM and E. These proteins appeared to be cleaved and glycosylated properly since they comigrated with the authentic proteins from dengue 2 virus- and yellow fever virus-infected cells. Mice immunized with the dengue/vaccinia recombinant showed a dengue-specific immune response that included low levels of neutralizing antibodies. Immunization of mice with the yellow fever/vaccinia recombinant was less effective at inducing an immune response to yellow fever virus and in only some of the mice were low titers of neutralizing antibodies produced.  相似文献   

A new transfer vector was constructed that directs the insertion of two heterologous genes into the vaccinia virus thymidine kinase (TK) gene during a single recombination event. This vector, pDAVAC2, contains bidirectional vaccinia P7.5 early/late promoter elements and two unique cloning sites. cDNA clones containing the complete coding sequences for the Lassa virus (Josiah strain) nucleoprotein (N) and glycoprotein (GPC) genes were inserted into the vaccinia TK gene using this transfer vector. The recombinant virus, V-LSGN-II, expressed proteins in cell culture that appeared to be authentic with respect to electrophoretic mobility, glycosylation, and post-translational cleavage. Indirect immunofluorescence (IFA) of recombinant virus-infected cells demonstrated both the bright granular and diffuse patterns of staining characteristic of the Lassa nucleoprotein and glycoprotein, respectively. Electron-dense inclusion bodies typical of arenavirus-infected cells were observed by electron microscopy in V-LSN and V-LSGN-II-infected cells, but not in V-LSGPC-infected cells. Mice inoculated with V-LSGN-II by intraperitoneal injection developed serum antibodies that reacted with authentic Lassa proteins in immunofluorescence and radioimmune precipitation assays. This recombinant virus represents an additional candidate for a Lassa fever vaccine and demonstrates the feasibility of expressing any two genes of interest in a single recombinant vaccinia virus through the use of the transfer vector pDAVAC2.  相似文献   

J A Curran  D Kolakofsky 《Virology》1991,182(1):168-176
Using a defective interfering Sendai virus stock (DIH4) freed of nondefective helper virus, we found that the closely related parainfluenza viruses 1 and 3 could substitute for the Sendai virus helper in replicating DIH4, creating chimeric nucleocapsids. The morbillivirus measles and the rhabdovirus VSV could not substitute. When DIH4 is incubated intracellularly for 5 days in the absence of help, the ability of PIV3 to rescue DIH4 at this time depended on fresh Sendai virus polymerase. The PIV3 polymerase apparently can only copy the chimeric template, but not that wrapped in the homologous Sendai NP protein. These results suggest that the cis-acting RNA sequences important for genome replication, e.g., the promoter and the encapsidation site, have been conserved among these viruses, but that the interactions between the polymerase and the template protein NP are unique for each virus.  相似文献   

Villacres MC  Zuo J  Bergmann CC 《Virology》2000,270(1):54-64
CD8(+) T-cell memory is critical for protection against pathogens poorly controlled by humoral immunity. To characterize two distinct vaccine vectors, the acute and memory CD8(+) T-cell responses to an HIV-1 epitope (p18) expressed by recombinant vaccinia (vp18) and Sindbis (SINp18) viruses were compared. Whereas 9 to 13% of CD8(+) splenocytes were p18 specific during the acute response to vp18, 4% were induced by SINp18 as revealed by class I tetramer staining. Increased T-cell activation by vp18 was confirmed by higher numbers of both p18-specific IFN-gamma-secreting splenocytes and activated CD8(+) and CD4(+) T cells. Although higher frequencies of p18-specific CD8(+) T cells during primary responses correlated with higher frequencies during memory, the overall decline was only two- to threefold during the transition to memory, demonstrating equally efficient maintenance of memory in SINp18- as in vp18-immune mice. Despite modest in vivo activation, SINp18-induced CD4(+) T cells secreted substantial amounts of IFN-gamma and IL-2, potentially contributing to sustained CD8(+) memory. Collectively the data indicate that Sindbis virus recombinants provide effective vaccines for inducing protective memory CD8(+) T cells in the absence of the extensive inflammation and replication associated with vaccinia virus.  相似文献   

H R Thacore  J S Youngner 《Virology》1973,56(2):512-522
The rescue of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) from interferon-induced resistance in rabbit (RK-13) and mouse (L) cell cultures superinfected with vaccinia requires early (up to 2 hr) vaccinia DNA-dependent RNA synthesis. The inability of hydroxyurea to inhibit rescue of VSV in interferon-treated RK-13 and L cells, whether the drug is added at the time of or after infection, suggests that vaccinia DNA synthesis is not required for the rescue of VSV in cells superinfected with vaccinia.In both RK-13 and L cells pretreated with homologous interferon and then doubly infected with vaccinia and VSV, there was a significant increase (up to 8 hr) in the lag period before infective VSV progeny appeared. It appears that a product of vaccinia synthesis must accumulate before VSV replication can begin in cells pretreated with interferon. This product could be vaccinia-directed early RNA or a translation product of this RNA.In RK-13 cells pretreated with interferon, the ability of vaccinia to rescue VSV is much more resistant to UV-irradiation than the infectivity of the virus; in L cells there is a close correspondence in the inactivation rates of infectivity and the ability of vaccinia to rescue VSV. These results suggest a difference in the efficiency of uncoating of UV-irradiated vaccinia in RK-13 and L cells. In L cells it is possible that UV-irradiated vaccinia is not uncoated efficiently and the early vaccinia RNA product required for rescue of VSV is not synthesized.  相似文献   

The replication of two DNA viruses, vaccinia and pseudorabies (PsRV), was not inhibited in three cell lines of rabbit origin (RK-13 and RK-1337, rabbit kidney; and RC-60, rabbit cornea) which had been pretreated with rabbit interferon. In contrast, the replication of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), an RNA virus, was susceptible to interferon-induced resistance in rabbit cell lines. These results reinforced the possibility that there are separate interferon-induced resistance factors for RNA and DNA viruses and that cultured rabbit cells are deficient in the synthesis of the resistance factors needed to inhibit DNA viruses.When cell cultures of rabbit origin were pretreated with homologous interferon and doubly infected with vaccinia and VSV, a variety of responses was observed. Vaccinia was able to rescue VSV from the inhibitory effects of interferon-induced resistance in two rabbit cell lines (RK-13 and RC-60), but not in RK-1337 cells. Similar experiments were carried out in mouse L cells and in primary chick embryo (CE) cell cultures; both RNA and DNA viruses were susceptible to inhibition by interferon-induced resistance in these cells. In L cells, double infection with vaccinia was able to rescue VSV; however, in CE cell cultures superinfection with vaccinia did not rescue VSV from the inhibitory effect of interferon. In these cells the synthetic pathways or virion factors furnished by vaccinia which are required for the rescue of VSV are sensitive to the action of interferon.  相似文献   

Meng X  Chao J  Xiang Y 《Virology》2008,372(2):372-383
Vaccinia virus (VACV) C7L is a host-range gene that regulates cellular tropism of VACV. Distantly related C7L homologues are encoded by nearly all mammalian poxviruses, but whether they are host-range genes functioning similar to VACV C7L has not been determined. Here, we used VACV as a model system to analyze five different C7L homologues from diverse mammalian poxviruses for their abilities to regulate poxvirus cellular tropism. Three C7L homologues (myxoma virus M63R, M64R and cowpox virus 020), when expressed with an epitope tag and from a VACV mutant lacking the host-range genes K1L and C7L (vK1L-C7L-), failed to support productive viral replication in human and murine cells. In nonpermissive cells, these viruses did not synthesize viral late proteins, expressed a reduced level of the early protein E3L, and were defective at suppressing cellular PKR activation. In contrast, two other C7L homologues, myxoma virus (MYXV) M62R and yaba-like disease virus (YLDV) 67R, when expressed with an epitope tag and from vK1L(-)C7L(-), supported normal viral replication in human and murine cells and restored the ability of the virus to suppress PKR activation. Furthermore, M62R rescued the defect of vK1L(-)C7L(-) at replicating and disseminating in mice following intranasal inoculation. These results show that MYXV M62R and YLDV 67R function equivalently to C7L at supporting VACV replication in mammalian hosts and suggest that a C7L-like host-range gene is essential for the replication of many mammalian poxviruses in mammalian hosts.  相似文献   

Puumala (PUU) virus causes a form of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), called nephropathia epidemica (NE), in Europe. HFRS is characterized by an increased capillary permeability, which we hypothesize is caused by hyperactivation of the host immune system, especially cellular immune responses. To identify cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) specific for the PUU virus from NE patients, we have made recombinant vaccinia viruses expressing PUU virus proteins, the nucleocapsid (N) and two surface glycoproteins, G1 and G2. Recombinant vaccinia viruses carrying the N or the first half of the G2 cDNA under the control of a strong synthetic promoter were made. To express G1 and the second half of the G2 proteins, however, we needed to use a T7 expression system, where the T7 RNA polymerase is produced from another recombinant vaccinia virus co-infecting the same cells. These recombinant vaccinia viruses were used to detect and clone PUU virus-specific CTLs from the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of NE patients. An HLA-A24-restricted CTL line recognizing the G2 protein was isolated and its 9-mer epitope was determined.  相似文献   

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