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特应性皮炎患者血清IgE测定及其临床意义   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
目的 探讨IgE在特应性皮炎(AD)中的作用。方法 选择确诊的AD患者57例及其双亲98例以及30例无遗传过敏史的正常人,分别检测其血清总IgE,并进行比较。结果 AD患者的IgE值明显高于正常人对照组(P<0.01)。AD伴呼吸道过敏个人史和(或)家族史者IgE值明显升高。IgE随皮损严重度增加而增加。双亲IgE值高者,其子女68.2%IgE值亦高,其中伴呼吸道过敏的子女均为高值。结论 IgE在AD的发生以及在AD的皮炎形成中可能起作用。  相似文献   

成人期特应性皮炎临床的动态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解近10余年来,成人期(≥15岁)特应性皮炎(AD)患者在临床表现方面的变化.方法 随机选择90年代中期(A组)和80年代初期(B组)成人期AD共323例,进行观察、比较.结果 两组的皮疹形态均以湿疹型和苔藓样型为主的皮损较多见,痒疹型较少(A组4.9%,B组2.5%).A组湿疹型(49.4%)比苔藓样型(45.7%)稍多;B组湿疹型(39.1%)少于苔藓样型(58.4%).两组的皮疹分布较多表现在四肢,且皮疹范围<体表面积25%者为多.两组在皮损形态、分布和范围等临床表现上无显著性差异.结论 近10余年中,成人期AD的临床表现虽无显著改变,病情大多较轻,但对湿疹型患者的增加趋势需引起注意.选择正确的治疗方法是防止AD病情加重的措施之一.  相似文献   

90例异位性皮炎的临床研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
异位性皮炎(AD)是一种具有遗传过敏素质并伴有免疫功能紊乱的慢性复发性、瘙痒性、炎症性皮肤病[1],我科1998年1月—2002年3月共治疗了90例,现将有关资料总结和分析如下。1临床资料1.1一般资料90例AD患者均符合Hanifin和Rajka诊断标准[2](HR标准),其中男48例,女42例,年龄1个月~47岁。婴儿期(<2岁)20例;儿童期(2~12岁)40例;成人期(>12岁)30例。1.2遗传过敏史有家族遗传过敏史者38例,占42.22%;有个人过敏史者56例,占62.22%;个人和家族遗传过敏史…  相似文献   

特应性皮炎皮损微生物与外用药对比治疗研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
目的 研究特应性皮炎(AD)皮损微生物感染、金黄色葡萄球菌(金葡菌)耐药与外用药的疗效.方法 2001年11月至2002年3月在北京中日友好医院及北京市儿童医院皮肤科门诊,按照Hanifin-Rajka诊断标准,共诊断AD患者71例.治疗前后于皮损处取材进行真菌直接镜检、真菌培养、细菌培养及药敏试验,以SCORAD方法计分,将其中66例患者随机分成两组,分别采用1%硝酸益康唑+0.1%曲安奈德霜与0.1%丁酸氢化可的松软膏外用对比治疗AD患者.结果 AD患者以婴幼儿、儿童为主(≤12岁者占73.24%);皮损细菌培养阳性率为53.51%(金葡菌阳性率为35.21%),真菌阳性率为1.41%;药敏结果显示金葡菌对利福平、万古霉素、丁胺卡那霉素、环丙沙星、头孢唑啉、头孢呋辛等敏感性好;1%硝酸益康唑+0.1%曲安奈德霜与0.1%丁酸氢化可的松软膏外用治疗AD4周时,前者疗效优于后者(P<0.05),细菌阴转率前者高于后者(P<0.01).两组外用药治疗的患者均未见不良反应.结论 具有抗感染与抗炎双重作用的1%硝酸益康唑+0.1%曲安奈德霜治疗AD的疗效优于0.1%丁酸氢化可的松软膏.  相似文献   

湿疹与特应性皮炎皮损处细菌学研究   总被引:37,自引:4,他引:33  
目的 探讨湿疹和特应性皮炎(AD)皮损处的细菌学特点及金黄色葡萄球菌(金葡菌)在湿疹及AD发病中的作用。方法 多中心随机双盲对207例湿疹患者和119例AD患者皮损及非皮损处取材做细菌培养,并对所分离到的金葡菌进行常规药敏试验和噬菌体分型。结果 207例湿疹患者皮损处的细菌检出阳性率、金葡菌的比例及定植均明显高于非皮损处,差异有显著性(P<0.01)。119例AD患者皮损处的细菌检出阳性率及金葡菌的定植明显高于非皮损处,差异有显著性。对分离到的141株金葡菌进行噬菌体分型。Ⅰ组占6.3%,Ⅱ组占7.0%,Ⅲ组占3.5%,Ⅴ组占0.7%,杂组占1.4%,不能分型占56%,MRSA分型噬菌体26株混合组占6.3%。药敏试验结果表明在常用的6种外用抗菌药物中莫匹罗星对金葡菌和表皮葡萄球菌的抗菌活性最强,其MIC范围、MIC90和MIC50是6种抗菌药物中最低的。且莫匹罗星对金葡菌及其中的各噬菌体分型和表皮葡萄球菌中的耐甲氧西林和耐甲氧西林凝固酶阴性菌株也有较好的抑菌能力。结论 湿疹和AD的发病与细菌感染密切相关,其中金葡菌是最重要的细菌,对湿疹和AD患者外用药治疗合并使用外用抗菌药物是必要的,根据对金葡菌抗菌活性的测定,莫匹罗星的效果较好。  相似文献   

100对夫妻间梅毒发病情况分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 了解梅毒在夫妻间的发病情况,探讨近年来梅毒发病率急剧升高的有关原因。方法 对100例首诊为梅毒的患者及其配偶100例的临床资料进行分析。结果 夫妻同患梅毒65对(130例),占65%。其中男性首诊患者25例,主要为一期梅毒。女性首诊患者40例,主要为二期梅毒。65对夫妻同患梅毒中,在夫妻一方首诊为梅毒后,有48例的配偶同时追踪被诊断为梅毒,其余17例同时追踪时未发现梅毒,在追踪1~3个月后才被诊断。配偶被追踪而诊断的梅毒中主要为潜伏梅毒,占83.2%(54/65)。此外,能引起患者注意的硬下疳发生率较低,只有28.5%(37/130),多见于男性。结论 夫妻同患梅毒的比例较高。潜伏梅毒发生率较高。能引起注意的硬下疳发生率较低。这些因素是梅毒较其他性传播疾病更易于传播的主要原因。  相似文献   

目的 探讨湿疹和特应性皮炎(AD)皮损处金黄色葡萄球菌(金葡菌)及其他细菌的定植情况,评价抗菌药物与糖皮质激素联合用药的疗效。方法 采用多中心、随机、双盲试验,在筛选日及治疗后第7、14和28天对皮损评分,并在皮损和非皮损处分离细菌。试验组外用抗菌药物和糖皮质激素,对照组外用基质和糖皮质激素。结果 共入选患者327例,湿疹208例,AD119例。湿疹皮损处细菌的阳性率为70.19%,金葡菌占47.26%;非皮损部位细菌阳性率为32.69%,金葡菌占27.94%。AD皮损处细菌阳性率为74.79%,金葡菌占79.78%;非皮损部位细菌阳性率为34.45%,金葡菌占80.49%。湿疹和AD皮损部位金葡菌的定植量均高于非皮损部位(P<0.01,P<0.05),细菌的定植量与皮损的严重程度呈正相关。两组患者治疗后总体疗效无明显差异(P>0.05),但湿疹临床症状评分指数>8分者及AD评分指数>7分者,在治疗的第7天,试验组与对照组的症状评分指数改善率存在显著差异(P<0.05),在治疗的第14天和第28天,两组差异均无显著性(P>0.05)。结论 湿疹和AD患者皮损部位细菌的检出率和金葡菌的带菌率均明显增高,说明金葡菌与湿疹皮炎的关系密切,早期联用抗菌药物可提高疗效。  相似文献   

30例神经梅毒的临床特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 分析神经梅毒的临床特征。方法 回顾分析我院30例神经梅毒患者的年龄、性别、临床表现、脑脊液改变和神经影像学检查等资料。结果 30例患者符合神经梅毒的诊断。最常见的临床类型为脑膜血管型梅毒占37%,其次为脊髓痨占20%、麻痹性痴呆占20%。平均发病年龄是50.8岁,除了1例为女性外,均为男性。常见的症状是脑卒中,占37%,常见的体征是腱反射减弱、痴呆和深感觉障碍,分别占30%。结论 神经梅毒的临床表现复杂多样,临床上应高度警惕。  相似文献   

目的 观察口服盐酸莫西沙星治疗非淋菌性尿道(宫颈)炎的临床疗效和安全性.方法 沙眼衣原体或/和解脲脲原体感染引起的非淋菌性尿道(宫颈)炎患者504例,采用盐酸莫西沙星口服,每次400 mg,每日1次,连续12天.结果 504例患者痊愈率为68.4%,总有效率为83.1%.沙眼衣原体和解脲脲原体感染清除率分别为84.8%和87.2%.不良反应发生率为7.9%.结论 盐酸莫西沙星治疗非淋菌性尿道(宫颈)炎疗效好,安全性高.  相似文献   

31例深部真菌病临床和尸检分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目的 了解尸解患者中真菌感染状况及其与临床的关系。方法 非选择性总结30年来本院成人(年龄≥16岁)尸检资料,依据病理切片真菌形态确定真菌感染的存在,并进行临床和病理对照分析。结果 396例尸检中发生真菌感染31例(7.8%),其中曲霉感染17例,占全部真菌感染的54.8%。真菌感染受累脏器频率高低依次为肺(83.87%)、肾(48.39%)、脑(35.48%)和心脏(29.03%),其中21例成为直接致死的原因。结论 深部真菌感染是危重患者死亡的重要原因之一,曲霉已成为尸检病例中深部真菌感染主要的致死真菌。  相似文献   

Abstract: Various epidemiologic factors and clinical patterns of atopic dermatitis (AD) were evaluated in 672 children. Of these, 210 were infants (up to 1 year) and 462 were children. Mean age at onset and mean duration of the disease were 4.2 months and 3.3 months, respectively, in the “infantile AD” group. In the “childhood AD” group the corresponding figures were 4.1 years and 1.9 years. In both groups, patients from urban areas significantly outnumbered those from rural backgrounds. In the infantile AD group, the disease was aggravated in winter in 67.14%, in summer in 23.36% and in spring in 9.51% of patients. The corresponding figures in the childhood AD group were 58% in winter, 32.92% in summer, 7.43% in spring, and 1.74% in the rainy season. In the infantile AD group, personal and family history of atopy were seen in 0.91% and 36.19% of patients, respectively. No patient had a history of drug allergy. In the childhood AD group, 15.35% had a personal history of atopy, 36.44% had a family history of atopy, and 7.36% had both a personal and family history of atopy. A history of drug allergy was reported in 3.16% of children. In the infantile AD group, 79% had facial involvement, 42% had flexors affected, and 5.70% had both flexors and extensors affected. The types of eczema seen were acute in 52.72%, subacute in 23.35%, chronic in 23.35%, and follicular in 0.46%. In the childhood AD group, 74.50% had facial involvement, 35.53% had flexural involvement, 56.32% had extensor involvement, and 8.24% had both flexors and extensors involved. Acute eczema was seen in 28.79%, subacute in 23.38%, chronic in 47.40%, and follicular in 0.43% of the children.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The relationship between infantile seborrheic dermatitis (ISD) and infantile atopic dermatitis (IAD) is controversial. METHODS: Ninety-six children aged 2-12 months diagnosed with atopic dermatitis and a comparable control group of healthy children were evaluated. Demographic data, personal history of ISD and personal or family history of atopy was considered in both groups. RESULTS: A personal history of ISD was found in 49% of IAD cases and in 17% of controls (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Our result and those of the literature do not demonstrate a relationship between ISD and IAD. However, a number of cases of AD have an ISD-like clinical picture. It is probable that ISD is a syndrome and not a disease.  相似文献   

Many factors may aggravate atopic dermatitis. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of atopic dermatitis in an unselected population sample and to evaluate the role of food allergy. Patients with atopic dermatitis were recruited from the population in Berlin, Germany, using a postal questionnaire. Skin prick tests for allergens were performed, followed by food challenges. A total of 1739 questionnaires was returned. In all, 23.5% of patients stated that they had atopic dermatitis, and 146 persons (8.4%) fulfilled our atopic dermatitis criteria after a detailed telephone interview. Of these, 111 were examined, and 28 (1.6%) were identified as currently suffering from atopic dermatitis. Twenty-seven patients were further evaluated: 9/27 were found to be skin prick test negative, 19/27 were skin prick test positive either to pollen and/or food allergens. Nine of 27 were challenged with the suspected food allergen: 1/9 showed a worsening of the eczema, 3/9 had oral symptoms, and 5/9 were negative. In conclusion, only 20% of adults with a positive history of atopic dermatitis show active eczema lesions at a given time point. The data indicate that most individuals with atopic dermatitis were sensitized against pollen allergens and according to that, pollen-associated food allergens. A non-selected AD patient cohort does not frequently suffer from clinically relevant pollen-associated food allergy.  相似文献   

家族过敏史在遗传过敏性皮炎患者中的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解家族过敏史在遗传性过敏性皮炎(AD)患者临床及实验室方面所起的作用,我们将确诊为AD的年龄>2岁的158例患者按有无家族过敏史分成二组(89和69例),分别观察个人及家族过敏史、皮损形态和范围、五项伴发症状及某些实验室指标。结果显示有或无家族过敏史的患者发病年龄<2岁者分别占92.1%和84.1%,连续发病55.1%和43.5%,间断时间平均5.7年和9.6年,呼吸道过敏的平均发生年龄分别为哮喘4.1岁和6.2岁,过敏性鼻炎8.8岁和11.1岁。皮损范围和形态、五项伴发症状差异不大,个人及家族中以哮喘患病率高.并以Ⅰ、Ⅱ级亲属较高。个人及家族有呼吸道过敏史者其血清总IgE高于无过敏史者(P<0.01)。其他各项指标P>0.05。结论:有家族过敏史的AD患者比无家族过敏史者发病年龄较早.连续发病较多,间断时间较短,呼吸道过敏的平均发生年龄较早,个人及家族中以哮喘患病率高,近亲的过敏史比远亲更有价值,个人及家族有呼吸道过敏对患者总IgE有重要影响,并且总IgE升高与皮损严重度一致。  相似文献   

【摘要】 目的 分析和总结特应性皮炎(AD)患者临床特点,探讨Williams、日本和中国AD诊断标准的满足情况及差异。方法 回顾性分析陆军军医大学西南医院2000年10月至2020年5月期间根据Williams标准或中国张氏标准确诊的165例特应性皮炎住院患者病历资料。采用Williams、日本和中国AD诊断标准重新评估,比较不同标准之间的差异。计量资料组间比较采用t检验、方差分析或秩和检验;计数资料组间比较采用卡方检验或Fisher确切概率检验。结果 165例AD患者中,66例(40.00%)2岁之前发病;95例(57.58%)伴有个人和/或家族特应性疾病史,其中75例伴有个人特应性疾病史,最常见的是过敏性鼻炎(28.48%)、哮喘(20.00%),50例伴有家族特应性疾病史,30例同时伴有个人和家族特应性疾病史。98例(59.39%)对尘螨过敏,其中Ⅵ级过敏48例。外源性AD 130例(78.79%),内源性AD 35例(21.21%),两组发病年龄、嗜酸性粒细胞计数差异均有统计学意义(均P < 0.001)。满足Williams标准142例(86.06%),不满足者23例,两组之间发病年龄差异有统计学意义(P = 0.007);满足中国张氏标准150例(90.91%),不满足者15例,两组之间嗜酸性粒细胞计数差异有统计学意义(P = 0.001);满足中国姚氏标准160例(96.97%);全部满足日本标准。满足Williams标准、日本标准、张氏标准和姚氏标准的患者之间发病年龄、嗜酸性粒细胞计数、总IgE水平差异均无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。结论 早期发病的AD更易合并最高级别的尘螨过敏;外源性AD较内源性AD患者发病年龄更低,嗜酸性粒细胞计数更高;满足Williams标准的患者较不满足的患者发病年龄更低,满足中国张氏标准的患者较不满足的患者嗜酸性粒细胞计数更高。  相似文献   

Seven young patients with atopic dermatitis (AD) who presented with a marked photoexposed site dermatitis have been investigated in detail. The results of phototesting, patch testing and other investigations were compatible with the diagnosis of photosensitivity dermatitis/actinic reticuloid syndrome (PD/AR) (chronic actinic dermatitis). It is known that AD patients may have photoaggravation of their dermatitis or exacerbation secondary to a photodermatosis, such as polymorphic light eruption, actinic prurigo or drug-induced phototoxicity. The patients we describe, however, appear to be an uncommon AD subgroup affected by PD/AR. We recommend that all AD patients who have a history of sunlight-induced exacerbation or marked intolerance of PUVA or ultraviolet B phototherapy should have phototesting and patch testing conducted.  相似文献   

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a multifactorial disease that usually decreases the quality of life of affected patients. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the associated factors for atopic dermatitis, asthma, rhinitis, and food allergy by physical examination of the skin and a questionnaire in nursery school children in Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan. Enrolled in this study were 460 children from 0 to 6 years of age. Physical examination of skin symptoms and blood tests were performed. Information on past history and family history of atopic dermatitis, asthma, rhinitis, and food allergy were collected by questionnaire. The prevalence of atopic dermatitis was 12.2% (56/460). The cumulative prevalence of asthma, rhinitis, and food allergy was 19.9% (91/458), 3.3% (15/457), and 5.5% (25/456), respectively. In multivariate analysis, maternal history of rhinitis, atopic dermatitis siblings, past history of asthma and food allergy, and elevation of total IgE were significantly related to atopic dermatitis. A high total IgE level was a strong risk factor specific for atopic dermatitis in this population.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Very little has been published on whether a relationship exists between atopic dermatitis (AD) and skin cancer. OBJECTIVE: The goal of this study was to investigate whether individuals with AD are more likely than other patients with dermatologic conditions to develop nonmelanoma skin cancer. METHODS: This was a case-control, mailed-survey study. RESULTS: Of those contacted, 69.8% (3207 of 4591) filled out the survey. Of the control patients, 18.4% (254) had a history of AD as defined by the United Kingdom Working Party diagnosis criteria and composed 13.7% (210) of the cases. The unadjusted odds ratio of AD to nonmelanoma skin cancer was 0.70 (95% confidence interval 0.57-0.85). After fully adjusting for age, sex, ethnicity, and topical steroid use the odds ratio was 0.78 (0.61, 0.98). Using different definitions of AD had little effect on this result. CONCLUSIONS: It does not appear that patients with a history of AD are more likely to develop nonmelanoma skin cancers than other patients with dermatologic conditions.  相似文献   

BackgroundAtopic dermatitis is a eczematous disease of the skin with onset during childhood and subsequent flares. The UK Working Party (UKWP) defined the diagnostic criteria normally used for atopic dermatitis. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of atopic dermatitis according to these criteria.MethodsThis was a 2-phase cross-sectional, epidemiologic computer-assisted telephone survey. Parents of children aged 14 years or less participated in the first phase to determine the prevalence of atopic dermatitis in Spain. In the second phase, 6 months later, parents of children with diagnosis of atopic dermatitis according to the UKWP diagnostic criteria in phase 1 were interviewed to assess seasonal variations in disease activity between the 2 phases.ResultsIn total, 1979 parents participated; 8.6 % of the children (95 % confidence interval, 7.4 %-9.8 %) were diagnosed with atopic dermatitis by telephone. Of these, 49.2 % had a family history of atopy and 41.3 % had been diagnosed with atopic dermatitis by a physician. Diagnosis by the physician and that made by interview agreed in 75.3 % of these cases. Of the factors associated with atopic dermatitis, it was found that increased body temperature, periods of stress, dust, use of/contact with wool or fiber clothes, and use of certain soaps and hygiene products showed seasonal variations.ConclusionsThe estimated prevalence of atopic dermatitis in children between 0 and 14 years old in Spain was 8.6 %. Certain factors associated with disease flares showed seasonal variations.  相似文献   

Adult-onset atopic dermatitis (AD) is a recently introduced subgroup of AD. Apart from the most typical flexural lichenified/exudative pattern in adults, patients may also have nontypical morphology and localization. The aim of this retrospective study was to find the frequency of nontypical morphology and localization in adult-onset AD and to evaluate the accuracy of United Kingdom Working Party's criteria in detecting those cases. Among 376 patients consecutively diagnosed with AD according to criteria of a previous study, 63 patients (34 women and 29 men) (16.8%) with onset of AD after the age of 18 years were allocated to the adult-onset group. A total of 7 patients (11.1%) had nonflexural involvement with nummular (6.3%), prurigo-like (3.2%), or follicular (1.6%) patterns that could not be attributed to contact sensitivities. A total of 14 patients (22.2%) did not fulfill the United Kingdom Working Party's criteria. It was interesting that United Kingdom Working Party's criteria did not cover the same patients as did the previous study's criteria in nearly one fourth of the cases.  相似文献   

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