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2009年深圳市暗娼综合监测调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解深圳市娱乐场所暗娼AIDS知识和相关危险行为,为AIDS行为干预措施提供依据。方法按国家综合监测点方案的抽样方法抽取4个区娱乐场所暗娼426名,采用一对一匿名的问卷方式进行调查和采血。结果调查对象平均年龄为(23.5±4.9)岁,暗娼AIDS知识较缺乏。其中,蚊虫钉咬会感染艾滋病全对率为35.2%、同桌吃饭会感染艾滋病全对率为67.6%、不共用注射器能预防艾滋病全对率为89.4%、AIDS传播途径全对率为77.6%。安全套使用率低,最近一次与客人发生性关系时只有68.0%的暗娼使用安全套。426名暗娼中未发现HIV感染者,感染梅毒的有19例,占4.5%。结论多数暗娼对艾滋病的严重性认识不足,在卖淫活动中未能100%地使用安全套进行安全的性行为,存在着感染与传播艾滋病的高危险性,应加强综合监测与科学防控。  相似文献   

目的了解重庆市艾滋病流行趋势与特征,为艾滋病防治工作提供建议。方法收集1993—2009年重庆市艾滋病疫情资料与哨点监测数据,描述性分析HIV感染者年龄、性别、婚姻状况、职业、传播途径等的流行趋势,比较分析1999—2009年吸毒人群以及2006—2009年暗娼与男男性行为人群HIV感染率的变化趋势。结果重庆市累计报告HIV感染者7775例,近5年报告的病例数都超过了1000例,2009年经异性和同性性接触传播分别占26.6%和38.5%,50岁及以上年龄组所占的比例由2001年前的1.9%上升至2009年的17.4%。哨点监测发现静脉注射吸毒人群HIV由1999年的0.4%上升至2009年的6.4%,男男性行为人群HIV感染率由2006年的10.4%上升至2009年的19.0%,暗娼人群HIV感染率维持在0.5%以下。结论重庆市男男性行为人群、吸毒人群HIV感染率显著升高,加强针对上述人群的防控工作与HIV感染者的管理工作刻不容缓。  相似文献   

A recent study interviewing several sex workers and health care providers in Lahore's red light district found that sex workers seem to prefer curative care over preventive health measures. That preference, together with the lack of acknowledgement of any kind of commercial sex work, has led to an increase in the incidence of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The commercial sex business is thriving in Lahore, but the stigma of female sexuality has hampered widespread awareness of the causes and treatment of AIDS. Many prostitutes take medication used by a colleague or use herbal concoctions to treat STDs. Language and culture are two of several obstacles to educating these women. Sex workers in Lahore's red light district have neither regular gynecological examinations nor general medical check-ups. Donor assistance for education and HIV/STD prevention interventions among sex workers is lacking.  相似文献   

A psychoeducational program for individuals who are seropositive for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is provided at the Naval Hospital (NH) Bethesda. Education is critical to help patients understand their medical condition, prevent transmission of the virus, and alter lifestyles that may compromise health. The educational program consists of eight classes in which patients receive information on the medical nature of HIV infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), the psychological impact of HIV infection, Navy career implications, how stress affects the immune system, how to reduce stress, how to prevent transmission of HIV through safer sex, religious issues connected with being at high risk for a fatal disease, and alcohol and drug issues. In this paper, background information is provided on the prevalence of AIDS, cofactors for development of AIDS, and how the virus is transmitted. The HIV program at NH Bethesda is described including contents of the eight classes, and a case is presented to facilitate understanding of emotional issues faced by the HIV-seropositive person.  相似文献   

目的调查深圳市艾滋病自愿咨询检测(VCT)人群的社会人口学特征和感染状况,为制定预防措施提供依据。方法对2008-2010年深圳市VCT人群的调查结果进行比较分析。结果 44239名求询者接受了咨询和血清HIV抗体检测,以20~40岁青壮年为主,占82.4%;男女比例为0.89∶1,文化程度以初、高中或中专为主,占62.6%;咨询类型主要为危险性行为28948例,占65.4%;HIV阳性428例,阳性率为0.97%。2008-2010年男男性行为(MSM)感染率分别为9.2%、9.8%和14.6%。结论深圳市MSM感染率逐年升高,应加强对MSM人群的行为干预,并对高危人群进行艾滋病宣传教育。  相似文献   

Women and HIV     
HIV infection rates in women continue to climb and have increased threefold since 1985. HIV infection is now the third leading cause of death in U.S. women aged 25 to 40. Women frequently do not take precautions to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases, and are prone to candidiasis. Pregnancy in HIV-positive women requires AZT treatment to prevent transmission of the disease to the newborn. Public health policy needs to address the special needs of women with AIDS to help stop the spread of the disease in this vulnerable group.  相似文献   

目的了解清远市高危人群HIV感染流行趋势和艾滋病相关知识知晓情况,为采取有针对性的行为干预措施和开展宣传教育工作提供准确的信息。方法于2005-2008年采用横断面调查的方法对强制戒毒者、暗娼和性病门诊就诊者等高危人群进行监测,并调查吸毒者和暗娼的艾滋病相关知识知晓情况。结果吸毒人群HIV抗体阳性率介于2.58%~4.15%之间;吸毒者中注射吸毒的比例为82.05%,其中共用注射器吸毒的比例为57.26%;吸毒者中42.39%有商业性行为,而且从未使用安全套的比例为52.53%。在227名暗娼中未发现HIV抗体阳性者,暗娼中最近1个月与客人发生性行为时坚持每次使用安全套的比例为39.43%。性病门诊就诊者HIV抗体阳性率介于0.20%~0.42%之间;34.56%的性病门诊就诊者最近3个月有非婚性伴,而且从未使用安全套的比例为16.25%。调查人群的艾滋病相关知识总体知晓率为57.17%,其中吸毒者和暗娼艾滋病相关知识总知晓率分别为53.05%、61.73%。结论清远市高危人群中以吸毒者HIV抗体阳性率较高,注射吸毒及共用注射器的比例较高,性乱人群中HIV流行水平较低,但存在不安全性行为;高危人群中艾滋病相关知识知晓率低,需采取有效的行为干预措施,加大宣传力度和覆盖面。  相似文献   

The study investigated the relationship between gender and knowledge, attitude and practice of infection control among oral health care workers in the management of patients with HIV/AIDS in Osun State of Nigeria. It was a cross-sectional survey using 85 oral Health care workers (OHCWs) enlisted in the public dental health clinics. A self-administered questionnaire was designed and used for data collection. A total of 85 questionnaires were distributed. The response rate was 93%; 42 (53%) were males and 37 (47%) females. The majority of the respondents were in the 25-40 year old age group and the mean age was 37.3 years. This study found significant differences in gender and ability to identify HIV/AIDS oral manifestations (p<0.001) and recognition of HIV/AIDS risk factors (p<0.001). There was statistically significant gender difference and infection control practices (p=0.02) among the OHCWs. Males were more compliant to the universal cross-infection control principle than the female respondents. A significant association (p< 0.001) was found between OHCW gender and their attitude to the management of HIV/AIDS patients with males showing a better attitude towards the care of HIV/AIDS patients. This study shows that there are significant gender difference in attitudes, behaviour and practices of OHCW with males faring better than the females. National AIDS Control Programme, Health Control bodies, Health educators and other organizations should make efforts to improve the attitude and practice of oral health care workers regarding the management of patients with HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

HIV is not readily transmitted to health care workers, even after accidental parenteral exposure to infected blood. Existing guidelines for reducing exposure to blood and other body fluids will protect workers who care for patients infected with this pathogen. New infection-control guidelines for patients with AIDS are therefore not required. Awareness of the potential for nosocomial transmission of HIV has resulted in a renewed respect for the principles and practice of infection control. The procedures that the task force recommended to prevent contact with body fluids will reduce exposure not only to HIV but also to other potentially contagious pathogens in the health care environment. Implementation and enforcement of these guidelines for all patients could greatly reduce the incidence of nosocomial and occupationally acquired infections.  相似文献   

目的了解许昌市吸毒人员的高危行为和艾滋病及性病的感染状况,为制定艾滋病性病的预防控制措施提供依据。方法按照国家艾滋病哨点监测实施方案的要求,对监测期间新入所的吸毒人员进行行为学调查和艾滋病、梅毒、丙肝血清抗体检测。结果口吸毒者及注射吸毒者分别占吸毒人员总数的93.2%和6.80%;该吸毒人群中HIV抗体阳性率为0.41%,梅毒感染率为1.04%。结论许昌市吸毒人员艾滋病、性病感染危险因素广泛存在,应加强针对该人群的高危行为干预。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is twofold: to evaluate the extent of knowledge possessed by young people residing in an urban sexually transmitted disease (STD) and AIDS epicenter about STDs, including AIDS; and to determine whether knowledge levels varied by age, gender, race/ ethnicity, and/or previous health instruction. A total of 867 adolescents (472 females and 395 males) attending a large public high school in New York City completed a self-administered survey. Levels of knowledge about AIDS transmission and prevention were high (mean percentage correct = 91.8%). Nonetheless, adolescent respondents locked awareness about the prevalence of common STDs, had limited understanding of the ways in which these diseases can be transmitted and prevented, and were unaware of potentially serious sequelae resulting from exposure to infectious agents (e.g., infertility from chlamydial infections). Young people who had taken a health education course in which STDs were discussed did slightly better on the knowledge survey than did their peers. While the prevention of HIV infection is, and should be, a national priority, more concerted efforts are needed to better educate young people about other STDs in the overall context of sexual health.  相似文献   

The HIV/AIDS surveillance system in Japan, which began collecting data on the number of AIDS patients in 1984 and the number of HIV-infected persons in 1987, has played an important role in monitoring the trend and magnitude of Japan's HIV/AIDS epidemic and its distribution across various population subgroups. However, the system lacks any personal identifiers, making it impossible to eliminate duplication or to track cases for disease progression. It also does not permit the identification of the residence of HIV-infected persons because the residence of only the reporting physician is documented under the New Infectious Diseases Control Law, effective since April 1, 1999. The number of people with HIV/AIDS in Japan continues to grow. Among youth, sexually transmitted diseases, induced abortion, and sexual activities have shown a marked increase since the mid-1990s. Behavioral risk of infection for both injection drug users (IDUs) and men who have sex with men (MSM) remains alarmingly high. Accurate monitoring of infection rates is critical to the planning and evaluation of treatment, care and prevention programs. Japan should restructure its HIV/AIDS surveillance system to more accurately monitor the HIV/AIDS epidemic and related risk behaviors.  相似文献   

目的调查广州地区不同人群女性性传播感染(STI)的流行现状。方法由调查员进行现场问卷调查,采集血液进行HIV、RPR/TPPA、HSV-2抗体检测,采集白带涂片检测白念珠菌、阴道加特纳菌、阴道毛滴虫;宫颈拭子培养萘瑟氏淋病双球菌(GC)、沙眼衣原体(CT)、脲原体(UU)。结果共调查788例不同人群组的女性。流动女工STI总体感染率为41.6%,位居前3位的病原体感染分别为UU(25.1%)、HSV-2(14.9%)、CT(6.2%);妇科门诊人群总体STI感染率为71.1%,位居前3位分别为uu(41.5%)、HSV-2(18.7%)、CT(11.1%);暗娼STI总体感染率为90.1%,前3位感染分别为UU(74.6%)、HSV.2(47.5%)、阴道白念珠菌(17.8%),其它依次为加特纳菌(14.9%)、TP(14.9%)、CT(14.4%)。除了门诊组及暗娼组分别发现1例HIV感染,差异无统计学意义外,不同组间STI感染差异均有统计学意义。结论广州地区3组女性人群中,位居前2位的STI感染率分别为UU(25.1%-74.6%)、HSV-2(14.9%~47.5%),CT感染率为6.2%~14.4%。因此,除了加强妇科门诊STI防治外,加强对流动女工STI感染防治宣传很有必要。  相似文献   

Infections caused by blood-borne viruses such as hepatitis B and C and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are associated commonly with needlestick injuries, especially in a hospital setting. A prospective investigation was conducted on a medical doctor who suffered an accidental needlestick injury during blood collection from a patient with AIDS. The patient's blood contained 195,000 copies of HIV RNA, 1 × 10(6) IU hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA, and >10(7) copies of parvovirus B19 DNA per 1 ml plasma. It was positive for cytomegalovirus virus and evidence of a resolved hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection was found. HCV viremia was detected in the physician 15 days later and was not resolved by seroconversion after 57 days. HIV infection was not transmitted, possibly because of the immediate use of anti-HIV prophylactic drugs after exposure. Parvovirus B19 infection was presumably prevented by pre-existing specific antibodies in the patient. Considering that many HIV carriers are coinfected with hepatitis B and C viruses, this case report support the knowledge that the risk of HCV transmission from a patient with AIDS is greater than that of HIV.  相似文献   

艾滋病流行病学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 概述艾滋病是严重危害人群健康的疾病之一 ,其病死率极高。自 1981年美国首次报道艾滋病以来 ,艾滋病以传播迅速、病势凶险 ,预后差及危害严重而震惊世界。目前艾滋病已在全球广泛流行 ,严重危害着人类的健康。1 1 全球流行形势联合国艾滋病规划署和世界卫生组织最新报告显示 ,截至 1999年底全球HIV感染者总数已超过5310万人 ,死于AIDS的人数已达 1880万人 (其中成人 150 0万、儿童 380万 )。 1999年全球新增加HIV/AIDS 540万人 ,因艾滋病死亡 2 80万 ,平均每天新增加HIV感染者 1 5万人。而且 95%以上的感染者集中在发…  相似文献   

Although surveillance for HIV infection has traditionally focused on the incidence of AIDS and the prevalence of HIV, new diagnostic technologies that allow the estimation of incident HIV infection have become available. Number and distribution of new cases of HIV infection, rather than old cases, are the data most relevant to guide rational application of HIV prevention programs. Historically, incident HIV infection has been measured in longitudinal cohort studies, diagnosed clinically or since 1993 by detection of seroconverting patients (during the window period before appearance of HIV antibody) who are viremic as measured by p24 antigen or RNA-PCR. The sensitive-less sensitive EIA test (or serologic testing algorithm for recent HIV seroconversion [STAHRS]) has now made the serologic diagnosis of incident HIV infection in individual patients as well as the estimation of HIV incidence in populations possible. Examples of the public health application of this are studies of HIV incidence in anonymous test site attendees, sexually transmitted disease clinic patients, and in-treatment injection drug users in San Francisco. These sorts of studies allow us not only to measure incidence cross-sectionally but also facilitate surveillance for HIV subtypes and primary antiretroviral resistance, targeting early antiretroviral therapy and partner notification, and understanding who is "failing" prevention. Having an HIV surveillance system that focuses on incident rather than prevalent infection should be our long-term goal.  相似文献   

Controlling AIDS in Cuba. The logic of quarantine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cuba has initiated a program to control Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) that is designed to limit the spread of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) by implementing compulsory elements of the public health tradition. Widespread screening for HIV infection began 3 years ago, and persons identified as infected have been sent to a sanatorium located in a Havana suburb. The program also reflects concern over the marked increase in prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases. Educational effects in Cuba stress that AIDS is not a disease exclusively of homosexuals and can affect any individual. Condoms are recommended for protection. In contrast to virtually every other nation, Cuba has not made education the key focus of its anti-AIDS strategy. Education is relegated to a marginal role. Key to the policy is identifying infected individuals and bringing them under medical control. Cuba's HIV surveillance program has been carried out with use of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), Western blot assay, and antigen tests that have been developed domestically. The director of the Cuban AIDS Investigations Laboratory reports that nearly 3 million Cubans have been tested. It is estimated that among the 7 low-infection groups tested in Cuba, between 21 and 53 persons may have been inaccurately considered positive as a result of testing. Cuban authorities have expressed much interest in obtaining commercially available HIV screening kits -- both ELISA and Western blot assays -- as a standard against which to measure their own test. Despite the inevitability of continued viral transmission, Cuba's policy of a modified quarantine certainly will limit the toll of HIV infection markedly yet comes at a great price. For other nations, the imperatives of prevention, however important, are not the only values to be considered in the battle against AIDS.  相似文献   

By 2000, China will have 1.2 million people infected with HIV and 33,000 people with AIDS. While HIV infection has been reported from almost all provinces and occupational groups in the country, HIV prevalence is highest among IV drug users in Yunnan province. The major source of infection elsewhere in China is through the receipt of tainted blood products and heterosexual intercourse. A National AIDS Committee was formed in October 1986 to advise the government on AIDS policy, and since 1990 to coordinate all AIDS prevention activities. The National Strategies Plan for AIDS/STD Prevention in China during 1996-2000 was prepared in 1995. China's in-country migrant labor population may become the most vulnerable to HIV infection. There are currently about 120 million migrant workers in China, of whom about half are registered, nonpermanent residents working in the fastest developing regions. The open nature of China's economy relative to recent past decades has made it difficult to monitor and control internal migration. Floating populations are the most difficult to reach with preventive health education and they tend to be deprived of access of health care. 61.4% of the migrant population is male and 40% are aged 20-24 years. China's traditional trade routes may be a factor in HIV infection. HIV/AIDS epidemiology, the synergy of STDs and AIDS in China, the international partnership in HIV/AIDS prevention in China, the role of international nongovernmental organizations in China, Hong Kong's contribution to AIDS prevention in China, awareness of the problems associated with HIV infection in China, and the challenges for AIDS-related work in China are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the epidemic of clinically apparent human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) infection in Nicaragua and to discuss the reasons why the number of HIV patients presenting to the public health care system is increasing compared with other Central American countries. From 1987 to 2004, 1,614 HIV-positive patients were officially reported to the Nicaraguan STI/HIV/AIDS national program. Urban areas along the west-central and eastern part of Nicaragua showed the highest prevalence of AIDS, with a maximum of 54.2/year per 100,000 inhabitants. Most of the infections (91%) were acquired sexually: 65% by heterosexual contacts and 26% by homosexual contacts. The highest rate of infection was found in men aged between 20 to 39 years, with a peak around 35 to 39 years (annual incidence of 125.6 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants), and in women aged 20 to 34 years old, with a peak around 20 to 24 years (annual incidence 46.6 per 100,000 inhabitants). The male to female ratio of infection was 3:1. The death rate was stable until the beginning of 1999, but increased sharply thereafter up to 2004, the year that highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) was introduced in Nicaragua. In 2005, we observed a further increase in the mortality. However, our data do not represent the magnitude of the HIV/AIDS epidemic as a whole, due to a lack of systemic surveillance. HIV/AIDS in Nicaragua is in a nascent stage and is concentrated in high-risk populations, such as utility workers, commercial sex workers, men who have sex with men, prisoners, street children, housewives and police and military forces. Education of the population is an urgent need to increase HIV/AIDS-related knowledge, change attitudes, and increase safer sex practice in the community.  相似文献   

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is one of the serious public health problems in India. AIDS education has been considered as one of the main intervention for control. Sexual route is the major route of transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV); however, approximately 2.5% is transmitted through blood and blood products. The present study was carried out to know the level of awareness about HIV infection and blood donation among first time (190) and repeat (310) voluntary donors of all age groups. One pre-structured questionnaire was circulated among altruistic blood donors. About 96.6% donors want to become repeat donors. Majority of the donors had good knowledge about routes of HIV transmission. According to 97.4% donors, it is transmitted by sexual route, according to 87.4% of donors by sharing needle, according to 85% of donors by blood transfusion and 82.4% of donors believe through vertical transmission. However, 32.4% of the donors, still believe that HIV infection could be transmitted through blood donation. Intense motivational program among donors is needed to remove this myth. Regular donors were convinced the importance of regular and repeat blood donation. They came forward to donate blood for the cause of humanity (80.6%) and the sense of pride (27.79%). First time donors were less motivated by the cause of humanity (56.21%) and volunteered because of peer pressure (26.03%) and motivated by relative or friend. Donors were very alert about precaution to be taken for protecting themselves from danger of HIV infection and priority wise use of safe sexual practice (90%), disposable needles (61.43%) and receive tested blood (45.71%) whenever required. When in need of blood for relatives the donors will give priority to the quality (64.65%) and properly tested blood from voluntary blood donors (86.7%).  相似文献   

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