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Saccade-related activity in the parietal reach region   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In previous experiments, we showed that cells in the parietal reach region (PRR) in monkey posterior parietal cortex code intended reaching movements in an eye-centered frame of reference. These cells are more active when an arm compared with an eye movement is being planned. Despite this clear preference for arm movements, we now report that PRR neurons also fire around the time of a saccade. Of 206 cells tested, 29% had perisaccadic activity in a delayed-saccade task. Two findings indicate that saccade-related activity does not reflect saccade planning or execution. First, activity is often peri- or postsaccadic but seldom presaccadic. Second, cells with saccade-related activity were no more likely to show strong saccadic delay period activity than cells without saccade-related activity. These findings indicate that PRR cells do not take part in saccade planning. Instead, the saccade-related activity in PRR may reflect cross-coupling between reach and saccade pathways that may be used to facilitate eye-hand coordination. Alternatively, saccade-related activity may reflect eye position information that could be used to maintain an eye-centered representation of intended reach targets across eye movements.  相似文献   

We present evidence that neurons in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) of monkey posterior parietal cortex (PPC) are activated by the instruction to make an eye movement, even in the complete absence of a spatial target. This study employed a visually guided motor task that dissociated the type of movement to make (saccade or reach) from the location where the movement was to be made. Using this task, animals were instructed to prepare a specific type of movement prior to knowing the spatial location of the movement target. We found that 25% of the LIP neurons recorded in two animals were activated significantly more by the instruction to prepare a saccade than by the instruction to prepare a reach. This finding indicates that LIP is involved in more than merely spatial attention and provides further evidence for nonspatial effector-specific signal processing in the dorsal stream.  相似文献   

Distinct subregions of the posterior parietal cortex contribute to planning different movements. The parietal reach region (PRR) is active during the delay period of a memory-guided reach task but generally not active during a memory-guided saccade task. We explored whether the reach planning activity in PRR is related to remembering targets for reaches or if it is related to specifying the reach that the monkey is about to perform. Monkeys were required to remember two target locations and then reach to them in sequence. Before the movements were executed, PRR neurons predominantly represented the reach about to be performed and only rarely represented the remembered target for the second reach. This indicates the area plays a role in specifying the target for the impending reach and may not contribute to storing the memory of subsequent reach targets.  相似文献   

Neurons in the parietal reach region (PRR) have been implicated in the sensory-to-motor transformation required for reaching toward visually defined targets. The neurons in each cortical hemisphere might be specifically involved in planning movements of just one limb, or the PRR might code reach endpoints generically, independent of which limb will actually move. Previous work has shown that the preferred directions of PRR neurons are similar for right and left limb movements but that the amplitude of modulation may vary greatly. We now test the hypothesis that frames of reference and eye and hand gain field modulations will, like preferred directions, be independent of which hand moves. This was not the case. Many neurons show clear differences in both the frame of reference as well as in direction and strength of gain field modulations, depending on which hand is used to reach. The results suggest that the information that is conveyed from the PRR to areas closer to the motor output (the readout from the PRR) is different for each limb and that individual PRR neurons contribute either to controlling the contralateral-limb or else bimanual-limb control.  相似文献   

In the lateral intraparietal area (LIP), a saccade-related region of the posterior parietal cortex (PPC), spiking activity recorded during the memory period of an instructed-delay task exhibits temporal structure that is spatially tuned. These results provide evidence for the existence of 'dynamic memory fields' which can be read-out by other brain areas, along with information contained in the mean firing rate, to give the direction of a planned movement. We looked for evidence of dynamic memory fields in spiking activity in two parietal reach areas, the parietal reach region (PRR) and area 5. Monkeys made center-out reaches to eight target locations in an instructed-delay task with a memory component. Neurons in both areas exhibited sustained activity during the delay period that was spatially tuned. Many single cell PRR spectra exhibited spatially tuned temporal structure, as evidenced by a significant and spatially tuned peak in the 20–50 Hz band. The PRR population spectrum of spike trains was also tuned, with the peak power centered on approximately 25 Hz. In contrast, area 5 spiking activity did not exhibit any significant temporal structure. These results suggest that different mechanisms underlie sustained delay period activity in these two areas and that dynamic memory fields, as revealed by our techniques, are more prominent in PRR than in area 5. Temporal structure in the spike train and local field potential (LFP) are related in at least one other brain area (LIP). The present results suggest then that LFP activity obtained from PRR may be better suited than area 5 LFP activity for use in neural prosthetic systems that incorporate analysis of temporal structure as part of a decode mechanism for extracting intended movement goals.  相似文献   

Event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to examine activation in the posterior parietal cortex when subjects made pointing movements or saccades to the same spatial location. One region, well positioned to be homologous to the monkey parietal reach region (PRR), responded preferentially during memory-delay trials in which the subject planned to point to a specific location as compared to trials in which the subject planned to make a saccade to that same location. We therefore conclude that activation in this region is related to specific motor intent; i.e. it encodes information related to the subject's intention to make a specific movement to a particular spatial location.  相似文献   

The spiking activity in the parietal reach region (PRR) represents the spatial goal of an impending reach when the reach is directed toward or away from a visual object. The local field potentials (LFPs) in this region also represent the reach goal when the reach is directed to a visual object. Thus PRR is a candidate area for reading out a patient's intended reach goals for neural prosthetic applications. For natural behaviors, reach goals are not always based on the location of a visual object, e.g., playing the piano following sheet music or moving following verbal directions. So far it has not been directly tested whether and how PRR represents reach goals in such cognitive, nonlocational conditions, and knowing the encoding properties in various task conditions would help in designing a reach goal decoder for prosthetic applications. To address this issue, we examined the macaque PRR under two reach conditions: reach goal determined by the stimulus location (direct) or shape (symbolic). For the same goal, the spiking activity near reach onset was indistinguishable between the two tasks, and thus a reach goal decoder trained with spiking activity in one task performed perfectly in the other. In contrast, the LFP activity at 20-40 Hz showed small but significantly enhanced reach goal tuning in the symbolic task, but its spatial preference remained the same. Consequently, a decoder trained with LFP activity performed worse in the other task than in the same task. These results suggest that LFP decoders in PRR should take into account the task context (e.g., locational vs. nonlocational) to be accurate, while spike decoders can robustly provide reach goal information regardless of the task context in various prosthetic applications.  相似文献   

Neurophysiological studies suggest that the transformation of visual signals into arm movement commands does not involve a sequential recruitment of the various reach-related regions of the cerebral cortex but a largely simultaneous activation of these areas, which form a distributed and recurrent visuomotor network. However, little is known about how the reference frames used to encode reach-related variables in a given “node” of this network vary with the time taken to generate a behavioral response. Here we show that in an instructed delay reaching task, the reference frames used to encode target location in the parietal reach region (PRR) and area 5 of the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) do not evolve dynamically in time; rather the same spatial representation exists within each area from the time target-related information is first instantiated in the network until the moment of movement execution. As previously reported, target location was encoded predominantly in eye coordinates in PRR and in both eye and hand coordinates in area 5. Thus, the different computational stages of the visuomotor transformation for reaching appear to coexist simultaneously in the parietal cortex, which may facilitate the rapid adjustment of trajectories that are a hallmark of skilled reaching behavior.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that the activities of neurons in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) and the parietal reach region (PRR) of the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) are modulated by nonspatial effector-specific information. We now report similar modulation in FEF, an area of frontal cortex that is reciprocally connected with LIP. Although it is possible that these effector-specific signals originate in LIP and are conveyed to FEF, it is also possible that these signals originate in FEF and are "fed back" to LIP. We found that signal magnitude was no larger, and onset time no earlier, in FEF compared with LIP. Moreover, effector-specific activity in FEF, but not in LIP, was largely driven by spatial prediction. These results suggest that the saccade-related effector-specific signals found in LIP do not originate in FEF. Conversely, LIP may contribute to the effector-specific signals found in FEF, but does not wholly account for them.  相似文献   

To plan a reaching movement, the brain must integrate information about the location of the target with information about the limb selected for the reach. Here, we applied rapid event-related 3-T fMRI to investigate this process in human subjects (n = 16) preparing a reach following two successive visual instruction cues. One cue instructed which arm to use; the other cue instructed the location of the reach target. We hypothesized that regions involved in the integration of target and effector information should not only respond to each of the two instruction cues, but should respond more strongly to the second cue due to the added integrative processing to establish the reach plan. We found bilateral regions in the posterior parietal cortex, the premotor cortex, the medial frontal cortex, and the insular cortex to be involved in target-arm integration, as well as the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and an area in the right lateral occipital sulcus to respond in this manner. We further determined the functional properties of these regions in terms of spatial and effector specificity. This showed that the posterior parietal cortex and the dorsal premotor cortex specify both the spatial location of a target and the effector selected for the response. We therefore conclude that these regions are selectively engaged in the neural computations for reach planning, consistent with the results from physiological studies in nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

Local field potentials (LFPs) have shown diverse relations to the spikes across different brain areas and stimulus features, suggesting that LFP-spike relationships are highly specific to the underlying connectivity of a local network. If so, the LFP-spike relationship may vary even within one brain area under the same task condition if neurons have heterogeneous connectivity with the active input sources during the task. Here, we tested this hypothesis in the parietal reach region (PRR), which includes two distinct classes of motor goal planning neurons with different connectivity to the visual input, i.e., visuomotor neurons receive stronger visual input than motor neurons. We predicted that the visual stimulation would render both the spike response and the LFP-spike relationship different between the two neuronal subpopulations. Thus we examined how visual stimulations affect spikes, LFPs, and LFP-spike relationships in PRR by comparing their planning (delay) period activity between two conditions: with or without a visual stimulus at the reach target. Neurons were classified as visuomotor if the visual stimulation increased their firing rate, or as motor otherwise. We found that the visual stimulation increased LFP power in gamma bands >40 Hz for both classes. Moreover, confirming our prediction, the correlation between the LFP gamma power and the firing rate became higher for the visuomotor than motor neurons in the presence of visual stimulation. We conclude that LFPs vary with the stimulation condition and that the LFP-spike relationship depends on a given neuron's connectivity to the dominant input sources in a particular stimulation condition.  相似文献   

The posterior parietal cortex is situated between visual and motor areas and supports coordinated visually guided behavior. Area LIP in the intraparietal sulcus contains representations of visual space and has been extensively studied in the context of saccades. However, area LIP has not been studied during coordinated movements, so it is not known whether saccadic representations in area LIP are influenced by coordinated behavior. Here, we studied spiking and local field potential (LFP) activity in area LIP while subjects performed coordinated reaches and saccades or saccades alone to remembered target locations to test whether activity in area LIP is influenced by the presence of a coordinated reach. We find that coordination significantly changes the activity of individual neurons in area LIP, increasing or decreasing the firing rate when a reach is made with a saccade compared with when a saccade is made alone. Analyzing spike-field coherence demonstrates that area LIP neurons whose firing rate is suppressed during the coordinated task have activity temporally correlated with nearby LFP activity, which reflects the synaptic activity of populations of neurons. Area LIP neurons whose firing rate increases during the coordinated task do not show significant spike-field coherence. Furthermore, LFP power in area LIP is suppressed and does not increase when a coordinated reach is made with a saccade. These results demonstrate that area LIP neurons display different responses to coordinated reach and saccade movements, and that different spike rate responses are associated with different patterns of correlated activity. The population of neurons whose firing rate is suppressed is coherently active with local populations of LIP neurons. Overall, these results suggest that area LIP plays a role in coordinating visually guided actions through suppression of coherent patterns of saccade-related activity.  相似文献   

The present report contrasts neuronal activity in two motor cortical fields after instructions that determine which of two sensory signals will trigger a movement and which will not. The goal of the study was to determine possible differential roles of the two cortical fields in the process of preparing to move in response to one external cue and to ignore another. Single-cell recordings were made from the supplementary motor area (SMA) and the precentral motor area (PCM) of monkeys trained to perform key-press movements in two different modes. In the auditory mode, an instruction signal warned the animal to prepare to start the movement promptly in response to a forthcoming 1,000-Hz tone burst (trigger signal), but to remain motionless if the signal was vibrotactile (nontrigger signal). In the tactile mode, the trigger and nontrigger signals were reversed: a different instruction signal warned the animal to prepare to perform the key-press movement in response to the vibrotactile cue, but to withhold it in response to the 1,000-Hz tone. The instruction signals were auditory tones of 300 Hz for the auditory mode and 100 Hz for the tactile mode. Out of 259 task-related SMA neurons, 128 (49%) responded to instructions. Three types of instruction responses were observed: 1) 95 neurons showed continuous instruction-induced activity changes lasting until the occurrence of the movement-triggering signal, regardless of whether an intervening nontrigger signal occurred. 2) 24 neurons showed increased activity until the occurrence of the nontriggering signal, after which the activity subsided. When there was no nontrigger signal, the activity increased during a period when the nontrigger signal might have been given. 3) Nine neurons responded with a transient, short-latency discharge after the instruction. The responses of SMA neurons to two instructions were often different. Forty-four SMA neurons exhibited a selective response to only one of the two instructions. In 43 neurons the response was differential, with the magnitude of activity increase or decrease being at least three times greater after one instruction than the other. In the remaining 41 neurons the response was nondifferential. Out of 112 task-related PCM neurons, 25 (22%) responded to the instructions. In the majority of them (21 neurons), the instruction response was nondifferential.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We used event-related lateralizations of the EEG (ERLs) and reversed vision to study visuomotor processing with conflicting proprioceptive and visual information during pointing. Reversed vision decreased arm-related lateralization, probably reflecting the simultaneous activity of left and right arm specific neurons: neurons in the hemisphere contralateral to the observed action were probably activated by visual feedback, neurons in the hemisphere contralateral to the response side by the somatomotor feedback. Lateralization related to the target in parietal cortex increased, indicating that visual to motor transformation in parietal cortex required additional time and resources with reversed vision. A short period of adaptation to an additional lateral displacement of the visual field increased arm-contralateral activity in parietal cortex during the movement. This is in agreement with the, which showed that adaptation to a lateral displacement of the visual field is reflected in increased parietal involvement during pointing.  相似文献   

Previous findings suggest the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) contributes to arm movement planning by transforming target and limb position signals into a desired reach vector. However, the neural mechanisms underlying this transformation remain unclear. In the present study we examined the responses of 109 PPC neurons as movements were planned and executed to visual targets presented over a large portion of the reaching workspace. In contrast to previous studies, movements were made without concurrent visual and somatic cues about the starting position of the hand. For comparison, a subset of neurons was also examined with concurrent visual and somatic hand position cues. We found that single cells integrated target and limb position information in a very consistent manner across the reaching workspace. Approximately two-thirds of the neurons with significantly tuned activity (42/61 and 30/46 for left and right workspaces, respectively) coded targets and initial hand positions separably, indicating no hand-centered encoding, whereas the remaining one-third coded targets and hand positions inseparably, in a manner more consistent with the influence of hand-centered coordinates. The responses of both types of neurons were largely invariant with respect to the presence or absence of visual hand position cues, suggesting their corresponding coordinate frames and gain effects were unaffected by cue integration. The results suggest that the PPC uses a consistent scheme for computing reach vectors in different parts of the workspace that is robust to changes in the availability of somatic and visual cues about hand position.  相似文献   

(Pro)renin receptor (PRR), the newest member of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), is turning out to be an important player in the regulation of the cardiovascular system. It plays a pivotal role in activation of the local RAS and stimulates signalling pathways involved in proliferative and hypertrophic mechanisms. However, the role of PRR in the brain remains unknown. Thus, our objective in this study was to determine whether a functional PRR is present in neurons within the brain. Neuronal co-cultures from the hypothalamus and brainstem areas of neonatal rat brain express PRR mRNA. Immunoreactivity for PRR was primarily localized on the neuronal cell soma and in discrete areas in the neurites. Treatment of neurons with renin, in the presence of 2 microm losartan, caused a time- and dose-dependent stimulation of phosphorylation of extracellular signal related kinase ERK1 (p44) and ERK2 (p42) isoforms of mitogen-activated protein kinase. Optimal stimulation of fourfold was observed within 2 min with 20 nm renin. Electrophysiological recordings showed that treatment of the neurons with renin, in the presence of 2 microm losartan, resulted in a steady and stable decrease in action potential frequency. A 46% decrease in action potential frequency was observed within 5 min of treatment and was attenuated by co-incubation with a PRR blocking peptide. These observations demonstrate that the PRR is present in neurons within the brain and that its activation by renin initiates the MAP kinase signalling pathway and inhibition of neuronal activity.  相似文献   

1. The purpose of this study was to describe the response properties of neurons in the supplementary motor area (SMA), including the supplementary eye fields (SEF) of three rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) performing visually guided eye and forelimb movements. Seven hundred thirty single units were recorded in the dorsomedial agranular cortex while monkeys performed a go/no-go visual tracking task. The unit activity associated with rewarded, task-related movements was compared with that associated with unrewarded, spontaneous movements executed in the intertrial interval or when the task was not running. A number of neuronal response types were identified. 2. Sensory cells were characterized by their response to the visual and/or auditory target stimuli combined with no discharge associated with eye or forelimb movements. New information was provided about the receptive fields of the visual cells; they varied in size and, although many included the ipsilateral hemifield, they tended to emphasize the contralateral. A significant proportion of the visually responsive cells had receptive fields restricted to within 8 degrees of the fovea. The response latency was relatively long (greater than 90 ms) and variable. 3. Preparatory set cells were activated from the appearance of the target until the presentation of the go/no-go cue. This subpopulation ceased firing 50-100 ms before the movement was initiated. These cells tended to respond best in relation to contralateral movements. The response latency was similar to that of the sensory cells, although some of these units began to discharge in anticipation of predictable target presentations. These neurons were not active before unrewarded, spontaneous saccades. 4. Sensory-movement cells comprised the largest population of neurons identified in SMA. They were active from the appearance of the target until after the execution of the saccade. These neurons tended to respond preferentially in association with contraversive saccades. The latency of response to the target was significantly longer than that of the sensory cells. There was a large amount of variability in the time to reach the peak level of activation, and this population of units generally became inactivated shortly after the saccade was initiated. Although there were counterexamples, most sensory-movement cells responded equally in association with visually and auditory guided movements. In addition, these neurons were not active in relation to self-generated eye movements made during the intertrial intervals. 5. Pause-rebound cells were identified by their suppression at the appearance of the target and subsequent discharge associated with the saccade. These units tended to respond preferentially to contralateral targets.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary Visual receptive field properties of neurons in the region of the thalamic internal medullary lamina were studied in alert cats while they fixated in various directions. In slightly more than 50% of the cells, the responsiveness of the cells was found to depend on the location of the stimulus with respect to the head-body axis (stimulus absolute position). A cell could ignore a stimulus outside its absolute field even if it was well placed within its receptive field.Three types of neurons were distinguished. Neurons with small central receptive fields were tonically activated when the animal fixated the stimulus in one half of the screen (usually contralateral). The firing rate of these cells was related to the stimulus absolute position measured along a preferred axis. Similarly, neurons with large receptive fields fired as a function of stimulus absolute position but stimulus fixation was not required. Neurons with eccentric fields responded to stimuli located in a target area defined in head-body coordinates. Such cells gave presaccadic bursts with eye movements terminating in the target area.The conclusion proposed is that neurons exist which code visual spatial information in a non-retinal frame of reference. This coding takes place at the time of stimulus presentation. Its role may be seen in the initiation of visually guided movements.  相似文献   

Participation of the thalamic CM-Pf complex in attentional orienting   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The centre médian-parafascicular (CM-Pf) complex is located at the posterior intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus and forms part of the nonspecific thalamocortical projection system and the internal circuit of the basal ganglia. However, the functional roles of this complex remain to be fully elucidated. Here we have examined whether the CM-Pf complex is involved in the process of covert attention. We trained two macaque monkeys to perform a task in which a visual target stimulus for button release appeared at either the same location as the preceding visual instruction cue (a "validly cued target") or a location on the opposite side (an "invalidly cued target"). Reaction times (RTs) to a validly cued target were significantly shorter than those to an invalidly cued target, leading to a "validity effect" of about 20 ms. We recorded the activity of 97 neurons in the CM-Pf while the monkeys performed the attention task with the hand that was contralateral to the neuronal recording. Seventy CM-Pf neurons showed task-related activity after the appearance of either the instruction cue or the target stimulus: 33 neurons responded with a prominent short-latency facilitation (SLF), whereas 37 responded with a short-latency suppression followed by a long-latency facilitation (LLF). Most of the SLF neurons responded preferentially to a cue appearing on the contralateral side (76%) and to an invalidly cued target appearing on the contralateral side (61%). In contrast, LLF neurons showed a short-latency suppression after the cue stimulus, regardless of whether the cue appeared on the contra- or ipsilateral side (84%). Inactivating the CM-Pf complex by local injection (1 microl) of the GABA(A) receptor agonist muscimol (1-5 microg/microl) resulted in a significant increase in the RT to a validly cued target presented on the contra- but not the ipsilateral side. In contrast, inactivating the CM-Pf complex did not affect RTs to invalidly cued targets on either the contra- or the ipsilateral side. Thus the validity effect was abolished only on the contralateral side. We conclude that the CM-Pf complex plays a specific and essential role in the process of attentional orienting to external events occurring on the contralateral side, probably through the projection of primary outputs to the striatum, which is involved in the action-selection mechanisms of the basal ganglia.  相似文献   

Neuronal activities were recorded in the supplementary eye field (SEF) of 3 macaque monkeys trained to perform antisaccades pseudorandomly interleaved with prosaccades, as instructed by the shape of a central fixation point. The prosaccade goal was indicated by a peripheral stimulus flashed anywhere on the screen, whereas the antisaccade goal was an unmarked site diametrically opposite the flashed stimulus. The visual cue was given immediately after the instruction cue disappeared in the immediate-saccade task, or during the instruction period in the delayed-saccade task. The instruction cue offset was the saccade gosignal. Here we focus on 92 task-related neurons: visual, eye-movement, and instruction/fixation neurons. We found that 73% of SEF eye-movement-related neurons fired significantly more before anti-saccades than prosaccades. This finding was analyzed at 3 levels: population, single neuron, and individual trial. On individual antisaccade trials, 40 ms before saccade, the firing rate of eye-movement-related neurons was highly predictive of successful performance. A similar analysis of visual responses (40 ms astride the peak) gave less-coherent results. Fixation neurons, activated during the initial instruction period (i.e., after the instruction cue but before the stimulus) always fired more on antisaccade than on prosaccade trials. This trend, however, was statistically significant for only half of these neurons. We conclude that the SEF is critically involved in the production of antisaccades.  相似文献   

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