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To analyse the mechanism by which sensory inputs are integrated, interactions of somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) in response to simultaneous stimulation of two nerves were examined in 12 healthy subjects. Right, left and bilateral median nerves were stimulated in random order so that a precise comparison could be made among the SEPs. The arithmetical sum of the independent right and left median nerve SEPs was almost equal within 40 msec of stimulus onset to that evoked by the simultaneous stimulation of bilateral median nerves. However, a difference emerged after 40 msec. The greatest difference was recorded after 100 msec. Sensory information from right and left median nerves may interact in the late phase of sensory processing. Left median, left ulnar, and both nerves together were stimulated. The sum of the SEPs of left median and ulnar nerves was not equal to that evoked by the simultaneous stimulation of the two nerves even at early latencies. Differences between them were first recorded at 14-18 msec and became greater after 30-40 msec. It is suggested that the neural interactions between impulses in the median and ulnar nerves begin below the thalamic level.  相似文献   

Decrement of somatosensory evoked potentials during repetitive stimulation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In normal subjects, cerebral potentials were evoked by brief, passive extension of the wrist joint at various interstimulus intervals (ISIs). The resulting somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) were found to decrease during repetitive stimulation. The greatest decrement occurred between the first and second responses of each series. After cessation of stimuli, the SEP amplitude returned to control values over a prolonged, exponential time course. The authors postulate that the observed response decrement may be a form of habituation, which provides a model for studying the neuronal substrates of behavior.  相似文献   

Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) were monitored in 116 patients receiving halothane anesthesia during spinal fusion surgery. Whereas it has been generally assumed that the use of halogenated inhalational anesthetics should be avoided with SEP monitoring because of their purported deleterious effects on scalp-recorded sensory responses, we found that reproducible SEPs were obtained throughout the surgical procedure in 91% of the cases we monitored while using halothane at concentrations of 0.25-2.0%. In those cases in which halothane was delivered continuously at 0.5%, reproducible evoked responses were recorded in 96% (75 of 78) of the patients. Our data demonstrated 3 major effects of halothane on the SEP: (a) a small but significant decrease in the average amplitude of the first two components (N25 and P30), (b) a significant increase in the average latency of the late positive component (P53) of the wave form, and (c) occasional obliteration of components N25, N40, P53, and N71, but never of P30. These effects did not, in most cases, interfere with our ability to obtain clinically useful recordings. Our results suggest that in many instances the use of halothane anesthesia can be combined successfully with the recording of intraoperative SEPs.  相似文献   

Thalamic somatosensory evoked potentials (ThSEPs) were recorded by averaging technique from various thalamic structures during 59 stereotactic operations. From 372 records, response patterns and latency characteristics were analysed in relation to the intrathalamic localization. The findings can be summarized as follows. In N. ventro-caudalis (VC) and ventro caudalis parvocellularis (Vcpc) ThSEPs showed the most definite (and exclusively contralateral) responses characterized by a single positive (P1) deflection. The latency was shortest in VC (mean value, 17.5 msec) and in Vcpc (15.6 msec). Responses from N. centrum medianum (CM), parafascicularis (Pf) and limitans (Lim) were composed of early P1-N1 and of later P2-N2 components. The P1 latency was relatively consistent, with a mean value of 28.2 msec. Pulvinar responses showed a pattern similar to CM, with a mean P1 latency at 30.5 msec. Responses of N. dorsalis medialis (DM) were small, variable and longest, with a mean P1 latency of 54.2 msec. To ipsilateral stimulation, CM, Pul, DM and N. ventro-lateralis (VL) showed comparable wave forms. The possible role of the CM-Pf-Lim complex and of Pulvinar in the "extra-lemniscal" sensory system was considered. The usefulness of ThSEP recording to identify electrode locations in the thalamus is thus confirmed.  相似文献   

We describe 6 patients who demonstrated postoperative neurological deficits despite unchanged somatosensory evoked potentials during intraoperative monitoring. Although there is both experimental and clinical evidence that somatosensory evoked potentials are sensitive to some types of intraoperative mishap, the technique should be employed with an awareness of its possible limitations.  相似文献   

Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) following median nerve stimulation were used to monitor cerebral function during 26 carotid endarterectomies. The patients with minor SEP variations had no neurological deficits on regaining consciousness while the one with more serious SEP variations had a transient deficit. The method thus seems useful in the early detection of ischemic brain impairment.
Sommario I Potenziali Evocati Somatosensoriali (PES) da stimolazione del nervo mediano sono stati usati come metodo per monitorare la funzione cerebrale durante endoarteriectomia carotidea. Sono stati eseguiti 26 interventi di endoarteriectomia carotidea in 23 pazienti. Durante il clampaggio carotideo, più frequentemente si è osservato un aumento della latenza della P25, che in nessun caso è risultato superiore ai 2 msec. In un solo paziente si è registrato un appiattimento monolaterale della traccia con scomparsa delle componenti N20 e P25; tale paziente era l'unico a presentare un deficit neurologico al risveglio. I nostri dati sembrano suggerire l'utilità del monitoraggio intraoperatorio del PES del mediano, al fine di svelare una sofferenza ischemica cerebrale.

Theoretically, long-latency somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) provide information on the function of somatosensory associative cortical structures. Their potential role in clinical studies and research has been hampered by the lack of standardized methodology in the use of these SEPs. Other factors, such as drugs, simultaneous stimuli, and state of consciousness, also have far-reaching influences on the various parameters of long-latency SEPs. The knowledge of the origin of most SEP components is at best fragmentary; studies on clinical-electrophysiological correlations seem to be hopeful in this respect. As yet, clinical applications of long-latency SEPs are limited; for future research, studies of disturbances of SEPs are most promising, mainly with regard to diseases of the gray matter, the influence of drugs on the cerebral function, and psychopathology.  相似文献   

This study consists of 45 patients with clinically definite MS, laboratory supported definite MS and clinically probable MS. We compared MEP results with other multimodal evoked potentials (VEP, BAEP and SEP). The abnormal rate of MEP was 87.6%, which was the highest. Abnormal MEP showed prolonged central motor conduction time (CMCT), consistent with pathological change of the demyelination. There was a evident correlation between the abnormal MEP and VEP, which is consistent with the most common MS (Devic Syndrome) in our country.  相似文献   

Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) are attenuated or gated during movement. The mechanism for this includes both centrifugal gating of afferent input and competition with other afferents caused by the movement (peripheral gating). Using a paradigm in which the signal for triggering movement is the electric stimulus for SEPs, we studied the gating of SEPs after tibial nerve stimulation prior to foot movement, and compared it with that during counting task. Significant gating was found for P40 component, which distributed centrally and ipsilaterally to the side of the stimulation, whereas the contralateral N40 component showed no changes. Dissociated gating of P40 and N40 indicates multiple generators of these components, in contrast to the previous view of a single generator dipole projecting tangentially. Together with the previous findings in median SEPs, these gating phenomena should represent a general mechanism for sensori-motor integration in preparation for limb movement.  相似文献   

Somatosensory evoked potentials produced in response to posterior tibial nerve stimulation were studied in 42 normal infants and children, ages 4 months to 16 years. The maturation of afferent conduction from the lower limb was evaluated for the peripheral nerve, spinal cord, and central nervous system. Although the maturation of conduction in the peripheral nerve (from the ankle to the popliteal fossa and from the popliteal fossa to L3) was complete by 6 years of age, afferent conduction in the spinal cord (from L3 to C7) was not complete until 12 years of age or older. Spinal evoked potentials investigated in the thoracolumbar area revealed a phase-reversed potential located between the lower thoracic spine and upper lumbar spine in over 80% of patients. Reciprocal velocities for the major cortical positive potential P1 (corresponding to P37 in adults) and its onset, N1, steadily decreased with age and leveled off at greater than 12 years of age and by 12 years of age, respectively. The propagation velocity from L3 to the cerebral cortex also increased steadily with age, leveling off at greater than 12 years of age. Accordingly, the maturation of afferent conduction in the central nervous system was not complete until affer 12 years of age.  相似文献   

The effect of an electrically induced peripheral afferent volley upon electrical and magnetic motor evoked potentials (MEPs) from muscles of the upper and lower extremities was studied in 16 healthy volunteers. A standard conditioning-test (C-T) paradigm was employed whereby the test stimulus (transcranial electric or magnetic) was applied at random time intervals, from 10 msec prior to 90 msec after the conditioning stimulus (peripheral nerve stimulus). MEP amplitude facilitation was observed for the majority of the upper extremity muscles tested at two distinct periods, one occurring at short, and the other at long C-T intervals. This bimodal trend of MEP facilitation was found to be equally as prominent in the lower extremity muscles tested. The period of short C-T interval facilitation is consistent with modifications in the spinal excitability of the segmental motoneuron pool. On the other hand, the period of long C-T interval facilitation is suggested to be due to alterations in excitability of the motor cortex as a result of the arrival of the orthodromic sensory volley. Although most pronounced in muscles innervated by the nerve to which the conditioning stimulus was applied, this bimodal facilitatory effect was also observed in adjacent muscles not innervated by the stimulated nerve. Qualitatively, the conditioned MEPs from the upper and lower extremities responded similarly to both electrical and magnetic trans-cranial stimulation. In addition, our study demonstrates that the C-T paradigm has potential for use in the assessment of spinal and cortical sensorimotor integration by providing quantitative information which cannot be obtained through isolated assessment of sensory and/or motor pathways.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In 12 patients with intractable partial seizures, chronically implanted subdural electrodes were used to define the relationship of the epileptogenic focus to cortical functional areas. Cortical somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) to median nerve stimulation were recorded from these electrodes. The initial cortical positivity, postrolandic primary cortical potential (PCP), was recorded in all 12 patients with a mean latency of 22.3 +/- 1.6 msec. A potential of opposite polarity, prerolandic PCP, was defined in nine patients with a mean latency of 24.1 +/- 2.7 msec. The latency of the postrolandic PCP was 1.61 +/- 1.59 msec shorter than the prerolandic PCP (p less than 0.01, paired t test). The maximum amplitude postrolandic PCP was 2.1 times larger than the maximum prerolandic PCP (p less than 0.02, paired t test). The phase reversal of the SEPs was compared with the position of the rolandic fissure (RF) defined by electrical stimulation. This study shows that the latency and amplitude characteristics of post- and prerolandic PCPs are significantly different and give support to the concept that they are produced by different generators; and cortical SEPs are helpful in locating the RF.  相似文献   

The use of somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) to monitor upper extremity nerves during surgery is becoming more accepted as a valid and useful technique to minimize intraoperative nerve injuries. We present a case illustrating the benefit of utilizing both SSEPs and transcranial electrical motor evoked potentials (TCeMEPs) for preventing position-related injury during surgery. The patient was a 43-year-old male with a history of neck pain, along with numbness and tingling of the upper extremities. While the patient was being draped, upper extremity SSEPs diminished significantly TCeMEP responses in the hands (abductor pollicus brevis-abductor digiti minimi; APB-ADM) vanished shortly after that, followed by the biceps and left deltoid. The surgeons were notified, and the tape on the shoulders was loosened. No improvements were noted in SSEPs nor TCeMEPs due to this intervention, so all tape was removed and the patient's arms were allowed to rest naturally upon the arm boards. Upper extremity TCeMEP responses could then be elicited and SSEPs improved shortly afterward. Surgery was completed with the arms on the arm boards. All signals remained stable for the remaining three hours of the procedure. At two months follow-up, the patient was well with total pain relief and normal upper extremity function when neurological examination was performed. This report demonstrates a case in which intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring was useful in identifying and reversing impending nerve injury during cervical spine surgery. Significant changes were seen in SSEPs as well as TCeMEPs, so we recommend that TCeMEP monitoring be considered as an adjunct to SSEPs for prevention of injury to the brachial plexus.  相似文献   

Bilateral loss of median nerve cortical somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) in comatose patients is reported to be one of the most discriminating predictors of poor outcome.We reviewed 53 children with bilateral absent cortical SEP with respect to their outcome and their follow-up SEP. Brain injury was caused by global cerebral ischaemia in 18 children, severe head trauma (SHT) in 13, nervous system infections in 10, and other aetiologies in 12 children.Thirty of 53 children died within the first 4 weeks and another 8 children within 4 years after the event. Two children (both ischaemia) survived in a persistent vegetative state, 9 children (1 ischaemia, 2 SHT, 3 nervous system infections, 3 other aetiologies) survived with severe deficits and 4 children (all SHT) with mild or moderate deficits. In 30 children SEP were repeated and in 8 children (5 SHT, 2 nervous system infection, 1 other aetiology) unilateral or bilateral cortical responses reappeared.Although bilateral loss of cortical SEP predicted an unfavourable outcome in most patients, a few comatose children with SHT showed an outcome with mild or moderate neurological deficits.  相似文献   

R Kaji  A J Sumner 《Neurology》1987,37(3):410-418
Generators of median short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials were studied with three orthodiagonal pairs of bipolar electrodes. N11 was attributed to the dorsal root and dorsal column volleys. N13 had at least two subcomponents, generator dipoles of which are directed horizontally (N13a) and axially (N13b). N13a was generated in the lower cervical cord. N13b (bipolar) and P14 far-field (noncephalic reference) appeared to originate in the cuneate nucleus or spinocerebellar tracts as well as in the medial lemniscus. Bipolar recordings were useful in localizing cervical cord lesions, which was impossible in conventional monopolar recordings.  相似文献   

Short latency SEPs recorded in hand-scalp, ear-scalp and upper neck-scalp leads with stimulation of the median nerve were examined in 27 normal subjects and in 11 selected patients with unilateral complete loss of position sense in order to provide information concerning the generator sources of these potentials. Evidences obtained from both normal subjects and patients suggest the following origins for these short latency SEPs. In hand reference recording, P1 may arise in the brachial plexus just beneath the clavicle, P2 in the cervical dorsal column, P3 mainly in the caudal brain stem, and P4 primarily in the brain stem lemniscal pathways and partly in the thalamus. The initial negative potential recorded in upper neck-scalp leads may originate largely in the cervical dorsal columns. The early positive potential recorded in ear-scalp leads may reflect activity mainly in the brain stem lemniscal pathways and partly in the thalamus. The initial negative component of the cortical SEPs (N1) may arise in the thalamus, and the subsequent positive component (P1) may reflect activity in the primary somatosensory cortex.  相似文献   

Short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) following median nerve stimulation were recorded in 42 patients with Down's syndrome and in 42 age- and sex-matched normal subjects. There were no significant differences between the 2 groups in the absolute peak latencies of N9, N11 and N13 components. However, interpeak latencies, N9-N11, N11-N13 and N9-N13, were prolonged significantly in Down's syndrome. These findings suggest impaired impulse conduction in the proximal part of the brachial plexus, posterior roots and/or posterior column-medial lemniscal pathway. Interpeak latency N13-N20, representing conduction time from cervical cord to sensory cortex, was not significantly different between the 2 groups. Cortical potentials N20 and P25 in the parietal area and P20 and N25 in the frontal area were of significantly larger amplitude in Down's syndrome. P25 had double peaks in 16 of 42 normal subjects, but these were not apparent in any of the patients.  相似文献   

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