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When subjects make an erroneous response in a choice reaction time task, an error negativity, or error-related negativity (N(E)/ERN), peaking at about 100 ms after EMG onset, has been described. This wave is often considered to be absent on correct response trials. We report a small N(E)/ERN wave on correct response trials during a choice reaction time task in which surface Laplacians were estimated by the source derivation method. This wave is well focused at FCz, and its time course is the same for correct responses trials, incorrect sub-threshold EMG activation trials, and error trials. Current source density maps, also indicate a focus at FCz. A second experiment showed the existence of a N(E) at FCz on correct trials during a simple RT task. Rather than an error detection process per se, we propose that the N(E)/ERN reflects either a comparison process leading secondarily to error detection, or an emotional reaction.  相似文献   

At a recent HIV workshop held in Chicago, IL, researcher David G. Ostrow discussed the results of four clinical studies on oral sex that yielded a range of conclusions. Of the 548,102 AIDS cases that have been recorded in the United States, between 3 and 17 cases occurred because of oral sex. Workshop speakers noted that there is a much smaller amount of pre-ejaculation fluid than previously thought, and that not all men pre-ejaculate. The workshop offered some basic oral sex guidelines, including waiting two hours after brushing or flossing the teeth, spitting out, and cleansing the mouth with hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: While a female preponderance in unipolar depression is a consistent finding in community-based studies, determinants remain speculative. This study aimed to examine whether a female preponderance in certain anxiety disorders drives a gender difference in depression. METHOD: The relevant data from the National Comorbidity Study (NCS) are analysed. RESULTS: We observed a biphasic pattern in the emergence of a female preponderance in the depressive and anxiety disorders, with an initial pre-pubertal or early adolescent onset, and after attenuation in early to middle adulthood, re-emergence in mid- to late-adulthood. Analyses focused on determinants of the initial female preponderance. Female gender, presence of an anxiety disorder and variable ages of onset in the anxiety disorder all contributed to the increased chance of an initial depressive episode. Some specificity in linking the onset of depressive temporally in early adolescence with two anxiety disorders was demonstrated, specifically generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder. CONCLUSIONS: The separate anxiety disorders and their age of onset had variable links with depression, but female gender remained a significant predictor of depression after accounting for the effects of prior anxiety.  相似文献   

Immunotherapy for allergic diseases give rise to questions about when a decision must be taken to define the number of extracts to be used in a single treatment. This represents a long-lasting matter of debate between American and European allergists, which seems to be without real solution. Through the use of extract-based versus molecule-based diagnostic approaches we suggest a possible solution to this controversial issue. We used four model patients previously tested with allergenic extracts and later on selected on the basis of a panel of available allergenic molecules. Their reactivity patterns in term of extracts and molecules were compared and the decision for allergenic extract immunotherapy was made choosing either the 'classical' approach or the molecular approach. From our study it seems that molecules could offer the solution to the 'mixing' issue of allergenic extracts. This innovative approach seems to provide a solution for both the American and the European approach.  相似文献   

The concept of Chaos has proven to be one of the greatest scientific advances that have led to radical philosophical implications. It deals with dynamic systems whose determining factors are completely unknown to us. Sometimes it seems that these dynamic systems exhibit a stochastic behavior while others portray simpler or better known behaviors where determinism is obvious. When the physician faces chaotic, dynamic systems, he or she wonders if it is healthy for these biologic systems to be chaotic.When analyzing the variation in brain and heart rates mathematically, the conclusion is that these rates are chaotic, complicated and unpredictable. Because each organ regulates its own performance, the mathematical variations seem to be the result of the organ's determinism rather than fluctuation.This healthy variability is neither a random nor an uncontrolled fluctuation. It is a certain, well-harmonized chaos, that 'provides the body with the flexibility to respond to different stimuli'.  相似文献   

Background: Burnout has a negative impact on physical health, but the mechanisms underlying this relation remain unclear. To elucidate these mechanisms, possible mediating physiological systems or risk factors for adverse health in burned-out employees should be investigated. Goal: The aim of the present study among 290 Dutch managers was to explore whether allostatic load mediates the relationship between burnout and physical health. Method: Burned-out managers, as identified with the Maslach Burnout Inventory General Survey (MBI-GS), were compared with a healthy control group with regard to their allostatic load. The allostatic load index included eight parameters: Body-mass index (BMI), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP), C-reactive protein (CRP), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), cholesterol, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C) and glucose. Results: Contrary to expectations, burned-out managers did not differ from healthy managers with regard to their scores on the allostatic load index. An additional analysis, using groups of managers in the extreme deciles of exhaustion (the core symptom of burnout), did also not reveal differences in allostatic load. Conclusion: Burnout seems not to be associated with this proxy measure of allostatic load. The mediating physiological mechanisms between burnout and objective physical health remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Autism has been linked to thalidomide exposure at 20-24 days gestation. At this stage, the embryo is roughly the size of this 'C', and has yet to develop its brain (except for brainstem cranial motor nerve nuclei). The neuropathology responsible for autism is presently unknown, but whatever it is, it must logically be one that can be induced by such an early occurring brainstem cranial motor nerve nuclei defect. Many mental faculties impaired in autism (such as theory of mind) depend upon the prefrontal cortex. The maturation of cerebral-cerebellar connections, due to oddities in axon development, is vulnerable to pre-existing brainstem nuclei integrity. Many higher cognitions (including prefrontal ones) are dependent upon these links raising the possibility that abnormalities in them might produce autism. I conjecture that impaired cerebral-cerebellar connections, whether caused early, as by thalidomide, or later (including postnatally) by other factors, is the missing neuropathological cause of autism.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The role of IgG4 during allergen-specific immunotherapy (SIT) is still controversial. The available studies present paramount differences in in vitro techniques, allergens, and clinical outcome parameters. By implementing a sensitive method, and pivotal clinical outcome parameters, we wanted to ascertain the utility of IgG4 as a clinical marker of decreased allergen-specific sensitivity to a common aeroallergen. METHODS: Sera were drawn from 23 birch-pollen-allergic patients during a placebo-controlled clinical trial on birch pollen SIT. Seventeen patients received active treatment. Blood samples were drawn at 0, 2, 4, 7, and 30 treatment weeks, and 36 months. The binding activity of autologous IgG, IgG4, IgE, and IgE- and/or IgG-depleted serum to (125)I-labelled recombinant Bet v 1 was assessed in a fluid-phase radioimmunoassay. Disease severity was assessed subjectively on a visual analogue scale (VAS), and objectively by intradermal late-phase reaction diameters. RESULTS: Before SIT IgG4 fraction of IgG-allergen binding varied from 4 to 74%, with a median of 36%, increasing to 71% after 36 months. Changes in IgG4 or IgG4/IgG fraction were not correlated to clinical outcome parameters. Changes in IgG allergen binding and VAS were significantly correlated (sigma = 0.72; p < 0.05). SIT increased the serum-blocking activity of IgE allergen binding from 25% before SIT to 80% after SIT. No changes were observed in the placebo group. CONCLUSION: The data suggest that IgG4 per se is a poor marker of decreased allergen-specific sensitivity to birch pollen, both as a single measurement and as delta values.  相似文献   

Praziquantel is currently the only drug of choice for the treatment of human schistosomiases. However, it has been proved that Schistosoma japonicum subjected to drug pressure may develop resistance to praziquantel. To evaluate the efficacy of dihydroartemisinin against praziquantel-resistant S. japonicum, mice infected with a praziquantel-resistant isolate and a praziquantel-susceptible isolate of S. japonicum were treated with dihydroartemisinin at a single oral dose of 300 mg/kg given once on each of 35–36 post-infection days, while infected but untreated mice served as controls. All mice were sacrificed 50 days post-infection, and the worm burden reductions were estimated. Administration of dihydroartemisinin at a single oral dose of 300 mg/kg on each of 35–36 post-infection days reduced total worm burdens of 69.8 % and female worm burdens of 86 % in mice infected with the praziquantel-susceptible isolate, and total worm burdens of 66.1 % and female worm burdens of 85.1 % in mice infected with the praziquantel-resistant isolate (both P values?>?0.05). It is concluded that the sensitivity of artemisinin derivative dihydroartemisinin does not reduce in praziquantel-resistant S. japonicum.  相似文献   

People with PTSD often report difficulties remembering day to day information unrelated to their traumatic episode. In addition, structural and functional imaging techniques have identified abnormalities in the brains of people with PTSD in regions known to be important for memory functioning. Nevertheless, studies investigating cognitive functioning in people with PTSD have reported widely varying results. The aim of this review is to investigate studies reporting performance on tests of episodic memory. Specifically, papers were examined in relation to the hypothesised memory functions of the frontal lobes, the hippocampus and the amygdala. It is concluded that while there is reasonable evidence of frontal lobe involvement, memory deficits caused by hippocampal involvement have been more difficult to detect. There are no published studies looking at the involvement of the amygdala although preliminary evidence suggests that people with PTSD do have memory deficits resulting from dysfunction of this structure. Reasons for the inconclusiveness of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Context:Footwear should be designed to avoid trauma and injury to the skin of the feet that can favor bacterial and fungal infections. Procedures and substances for sanitizing the interior of shoes are uncommon but are important aspects of primary prevention against foot infections and unpleasant odor.Objective:To evaluate the efficacy of a sanitizing technique for reducing bacterial and fungal contamination of footwear.Design:Crossover study.Setting:Mens Sana basketball team.Intervention(s):The experimental protocol required a first sample (swab), 1/shoe, at time 0 from inside the shoes of all athletes before the sanitizing technique began and a second sample at time 1, after about 4 weeks, April 2012 to May 2012, of daily use of the sanitizing technique.Results:Before use of the sanitizing technique, the total bacterial counts at 36°C and 22°C and for Staphylococcus spp were greater by a factor of 5.8 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 3.42, 9.84), 5.84 (95% CI = 3.45, 9.78), and 4.78 (95% CI = 2.84, 8.03), respectively. All the other comparisons showed a reduction in microbial loads, whereas E coli and coliforms were no longer detected. No statistically significant decrease in yeasts (P = .0841) or molds (P = .6913) was recorded probably because of low contamination.Conclusions:The sanitizing technique significantly reduced the bacterial presence in athletes'' shoes.Key Words: athlete''s foot, foot infections, bacterial infections, fungal infections, basketball, hygiene

Key Points

  • Microbes and pathogens can proliferate in athletes'' shoes.
  • Little research has been conducted on methods for sanitizing shoe interiors.
  • The sanitizing technique was effective in reducing the bacterial load.
It is essential that we take care of our feet. They sustain our weight when we stand or move, adapting to any position we take. In a lifetime, a person could cover, on his or her feet, a distance equal to more than 3 times the Earth''s circumference.1Feet may be compromised by bacterial and fungal infections,210 chronic disease,1013 obesity,14 immune suppression,9,10,15 vascular disease,10,15 and uncomfortable or tight shoes. Tight shoes can injure the feet and make them prone to contamination and infections. Unventilated shoes are prone to bacterial and fungal proliferation.16,17 Sweat is a nutrient for bacteria, and bacterial metabolism gives feet, socks, and shoes a strong odor.18 Bacterial and fungal infections and proliferation are influenced by microclimate, temperature, humidity,8 activity,2,8,9,19 lifestyle,20,21 and individual predisposition. Feet have a rich bacterial flora, most of which is not normally pathogenic if the feet are in good health. Lifestyle factors can expose the feet to higher risks of contamination by certain bacteria. For example, going barefoot exposes feet to contamination by Escherichia coli and other potential pathogens. Patients with circulatory problems and certain chronic conditions are susceptible to infection by Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and the coliform group of bacteria3,13 (especially Enterococcus spp). Sport centers are notorious sources of onychomycotic infections.6,8,22Good hygiene is certainly the first step for healthy feet but is not always sufficient. Feet and socks are easily washed and disinfected, whereas the insides of shoes are often neglected. New methods and products that effectively sanitize the insides of shoes are an important aspect of primary prevention against foot infections and strong odor.18,23 For this study, we evaluated the effectiveness of a sanitizing technique in the form of putty, and we measured shoe contamination levels before and after application of the product.  相似文献   

Disturbances in some endocrine hormones have been implicated in the pathophysiology of depression and psychosis. We consider here further the hypothesis that there may be a correlation between suicide risk and the weight of the thyroid gland. The thyroid weight and other relevant information (sex, BMI) were collected retrospectively from 576 autopsies including 299 cases of completed suicide, analyzed in the west area of Paris between 1994 and 2010. Multiple regression model, adjusted on sex and BMI, confirmed that only for subjects more than 60 years of age, deceased by suicide, had a significant decrease in their weight of thyroid compared to those who deceased for another cause (decrease of around 3g, p=0.03, for age class 60 and over). Our hypothesis is that there could exist an anatomical correlate (thyroid weight) among people who have committed suicide, especially old individuals. Various hypotheses regarding the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis dysfunction and the physiopathology of major depression are proposed and discussed. Further studies will be necessary in order to confirm that such a tendency exists on other populations.  相似文献   

Goto Y  Lee YA 《Medical hypotheses》2011,77(5):756-762
Schizophrenia is a devastating mental disorder, with its symptoms typically emerging during late adolescence to young adulthood. In contrast, accumulating evidence suggests that schizophrenia is a developmental disorder in which brain abnormalities may occur even before birth. This has brought the major challenge to explain such discrepancy of brain deficits occurring during prenatal period and emergence of symptoms during adulthood. A number of ideas have been proposed to explain delayed emergence of symptoms at adulthood in relation to maturational processes of various brain systems during adolescence. However, these still lack clear relationship to prenatal deficits. Thus, a key to better understand the pathology of schizophrenia is to unveil a theory or model that can explain the relationship between prenatal deficits and post-pubertal onset of symptoms. Here we propose a novel hypothesis, along with discussion of several lines of evidences supporting it, that schizophrenia may not be a disorder in a strict sense, but rather be understood as the biological state occurring as consequence of adaptation to severe environmental conditions during the prenatal periods, which explains the relationship between prenatal developmental deficits and the postnatal maturational process for onset of symptoms.  相似文献   

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