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In order to study abnormalities of left ventricular diastolic function (LVDF) in heart transplant patients and their possible association with graft rejection, 21 patients who had recently undergone orthotopic heart transplantation were evaluated prospectively, on the day of endomyocardial biopsy, by pulsed and continuous Doppler echocardiography (DEC). Investigation of the LVDF consisted of pulsed DEC of the mitral valve in apical projection (4 cavities) with measurement of isovolumetric relaxation time (IVR), peak velocity of rapid ventricular filling (E), peak velocity of graft atrial contraction (A) and transmitral gradient decrease half-time (mitral T1/2). Each patients had 5 DEC examinations on average over a 2-month period. In patients with subsevere to severe rejection mitral T1/2 decreased significantly from 76.46 +/- 11.6 ms in the absence of rejection to 47 +/- 13.7 ms during rejection (P less than 0.001). When mitral T1/2 decreased by 25 p. 100 or more between two successive DEC, rejection was present in 89 p. 100 of the cases. It is concluded that Doppler echocardiographic studies of left ventricular diastolic function provide useful information in the follow-up of heart transplant recipients and offer hopes, in a not too distant future, of non-invasive detection of cardiac graft rejection.  相似文献   

Assessment of transmitral flow by Doppler echocardiography allows measurement of changes in left ventricular filling patterns in patients with cardiac disease. Typically a decrease in early diastolic flow velocity and increase in late diastolic flow velocity is found in various cardiac diseases. In order to assess the influence of overt heart failure on transmitral velocity profiles these were measured in 20 patients with a history of myocardial infarction and in 10 normal controls (group I). Of those patients with coronary heart disease 10 patients were in overt heart failure according to clinical and radiological criteria (group II); another 10 patients were compensated after treatment for heart failure (group III). In decompensated group II early diastolic flow velocity (E) was 91.2 cm/s and higher than 67.9 cm/s in group III (p less than 0.05) compared to 68.8 cm/s in the control group. In contrast late diastolic flow (A) at the time of atrial contraction was 41.2 cm/s in group II, 81.3 cm/s in group III, and 65.0 cm/s in group I (p less than 0.05). The ratio between early and late diastolic flow velocities (E/A) was 2.58 in group II, 0.87 in group III, and 1.06 in group I (p less than 0.05). Deceleration halftime was significantly shorter in group II as compared to the other two groups (p less than 0.05). These results can be interpreted as masking of the pathological flow patterns of the underlying heart disease (E/A ratio) by elevated left atrial filling pressure that leads to inversion of the pathologically altered velocity profiles of the underlying heart disease. These results might gain practical value for the care of patients in congestive heart failure if follow-up studies should demonstrate conversion of the flow pattern of group II to that of group III under treatment.  相似文献   

脉冲波多普勒超声心动图评价冠心病左室舒张功能   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

The aim of this study was to provide a further contribution to evaluate the alterations induced by age on a number of simple Doppler indexes of left ventricular diastolic function. A population of 48 healthy subjects aged between 15 and 78 years old was examined using pulsed Doppler analysis of the left ventricular refilling flow. Linear regression analysis revealed a significant inverse correlation between age and peak speed during rapid refilling (r = -0.80); between age and the ratio between peak speed during rapid refilling and peak during atrial systole (r = -0.92); between age and deceleration time of peak E wave speed, although on the contrary the peak speed of diastolic refilling flow during the atrial systole (r = 0.81) increased significantly with age. Variance analysis showed that indexes of left ventricular diastolic function and age continued on the contrary to be significant n the population as a whole and in both sexes. From these findings it is clear that in the different age groups (15-29, 30-49, 50-65, and over 65) the peak speed of rapid refilling flow was significantly lower in over-65-year-olds than in elderly, middle-aged and young subjects (55 +/- 0.8, 60 +/- 0.5, 65 +/- 0.7 and 75 +/- 0.6 respectively; p < 0.001). The ratio between the peak speed of rapid refilling and that during the atrial systole was lower in over-65-year-olds compared to elderly subjects, middle-aged subjects or the youngest age group (0.94 +/- 0.09, 1.05 +/- 0.13, 1.96 +/- 0.21 and 2.68 +/- 0.50 respectively).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The role of Doppler echocardiography of transmitral filling velocities in the assessment of diastolic function in man has not been adequately defined. It is now appreciated that multiple interacting factors such as loading conditions influence the transmitral velocity profile independent of intrinsic left ventricular diastolic function. Extrapolating the status of diastolic function from the transmitral velocity profile is complicated by these factors. The load dependence of ventricular filling has tempered the initial enthusiasm for the clinical application of the Doppler technique. In the present review, studies examining invasive parameters of diastolic function and Doppler indices of diastolic filling are discussed to gain greater insight and understanding of the role of Doppler echocardiography in the noninvasive assessment of diastolic function. These studies have demonstrated a relatively consistent influence of left ventricular relaxation, chamber stiffness, and left atrial pressure on the transmitral velocity filling profile. Impairment of relaxation impedes early filling and may result in a compensatory increase in atrial contribution to filling. An independent decrease in left atrial pressure from altered loading conditions may also reduce filling in early diastole. Increased left ventricular chamber stiffness (i.e., noncompliant left ventricle) impairs atrial contribution to filling and may enhance early filling. Theoretically, reduced left atrial contractility may decrease atrial contribution to filling. Pulmonic vein flow demonstrating increased retrograde flow during atrial systole helps to exclude impaired left atrial contractility. An increased left atrial pressure from altered loading conditions may also augment early filling. Therefore, an invasive or clinical assessment of left atrial pressure as being increased, decreased, or normal greatly aids in the interpretation of the transmitral filling velocity profile when inferences on the status of diastolic function are being made. Diastolic dysfunction is likely when a given pattern of filling cannot be explained on the basis of left atrial pressure. In situations where reasonable estimates on the status of left atrial pressure cannot be done, striking alterations in the transmitral velocity filling profile may be useful.  相似文献   

Transesophageal atrial pacing was performed in 54 patients (mean age 50.0 +/- 6.8 years) to diagnose coronary heart disease (CHD). ECG was recorded in 12 leads during the test. Echocardiography was used to assess local contractile disorders. The diastolic function of the left ventricle was examined by pulsed Doppler echocardiography in the postpacing period. Thirty eight patients were found to have altered Doppler parameters for transmitral blood flow in the postpacing period as compared to the resting period. Sixteen patients without CHD displayed no changes in the left ventricular diastolic function in the postpacing period. Two types of transmitral blood flow disorders were identified in CHD patients in the postpacing period. The so-called "pseudonormal" type of transmitral blood flow was typical of patients with the most severe contractile impairments and grave course. Abnormalities in local contractility and signs of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction were ascertained to be a sensitive marker for myocardial ischemia.  相似文献   

Doppler echocardiography for assessing left ventricular diastolic function   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
During the last 2 years, the use of pulsed Doppler echocardiography for assessing left ventricular diastolic function has received increased attention. This method is based on measurements derived from a waveform that reflects the velocity of blood flow through the mitral valve during ventricular filling. The technique is particularly attractive because it is noninvasive and relatively simple. Technically satisfactory recordings can be obtained in most patients. In a relatively short period, numerous studies using the Doppler technique to assess diastolic function in children and adults with cardiac disease have been published. This review appraises the current status of applications of Doppler echocardiography and critically examines the strengths, limitations, and ultimate potentials of this new method.  相似文献   

The examination of diastolic filling velocities by Doppler echocardiography has provided increasing insights into the understanding of left ventricular diastolic performance in health and disease. However, several recent studies have emphasized the importance of a wide variety of physiologic variables, including heart rate, respiration, age, and loading conditions that need to be considered as potential confounding factors in the interpretation of these filling patterns. Despite this, Doppler echocardiographic assessment has been useful in the evaluation and prognostication of a variety of restrictive cardiomyopathies. Furthermore, the study of Doppler diastolic filling velocities has improved our understanding of common cardiac diseases, including hypertensive and ischemic myocardial disease. Further enhancement of our understanding of left ventricular diastolic filling in health and disease will depend on more precise elucidation of the mechanisms responsible for diastolic function.  相似文献   

The evaluation of flow velocities in left ventricular inflow tract (LVIT) by Doppler echocardiography gives information about the diastolic ventricular function. In late diastole, shortly after the flow velocity of atrial contraction V(A), we notice in the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) a laminar flow velocity directed to the aortic valve. The purpose of this study was to compare this flow velocity V(A*) in the LVOT with the flow velocity of the atrial contraction V(A), and the flow velocity of early diastole V(E) in LVIT, to determine whether such comparison would provide information concerning diastolic function. We studied three groups: 39 patients with left ventricular hypertrophy (HY) (mean age 56 +/- 12 y, 77% male), 41 patients with coronary heart disease (KHK) (mean age 53 +/- 10 y, 85% male) and 41 healthy subjects (N) (mean age 50 +/- 16 y, 51% male); all three groups were studied by pulsed Doppler from apical 4 chamber view in LVOT for maximal velocity (Vmax-A*) and time velocity integral of A* (TVI-A*), and in LVIT for maximal velocity of early diastole (Vmax-E), maximal velocity of atrial contraction (Vmax-A), ratio Vmax-E/Vmax-A, and the time velocity integrals (TVI-E, TVI-A). A slight correlation between Vmax-A* and Vmax-A was found (r = .60), being nearly the same as for TVI-A* and TVI-A (r = .64).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   



Determination of left ventricular diastolic function with pulsed Doppler echocardiography: comparison with M-mode echocardiography  相似文献   

The evaluation of left ventricular (LV) diastolic function is an essential component of the echocardiographic examination for dyspneic patients with impaired or preserved LV systolic function. Doppler echocardiography in combination with two-dimensional echocardiographic findings can assist the diagnosis of underlying cardiac dysfunction, give an estimate of LV filling pressures, guide heart failure treatment, and provide important prognostic information. This article reviews the essentials of modern Doppler assessment of diastolic function and highlights recent updates, areas of controversy, and future applications.  相似文献   

Diastolic ventricular function was assessed by Doppler echocardiography in 50 patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) and sinus rhythm. The patients were subdivided into two groups with either a moderately reduced ejection fraction (less than 32%; group 1, n = 25) or a severely reduced ejection fraction (less than 32%; group 2, n = 25), the latter having an unfavorable prognosis. The degree of heart failure according to the NYHA classification was more pronounced in group 2 (p less than 0.05). Mean pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCm) was also higher in group 2 (gr. 1:9.8 +/- 5.5 vs. gr. 2: 16.2 +/- 8.9; p less than 0.02), and the morphological parameters obtained by conventional M-mode echocardiography showed increased left ventricular volumes and mass in both groups with DCM, as compared with a control group (n = 16); there was a reduced volume/mass ratio in group 2. The parameters of systolic function derived from M-mode and Doppler echocardiography were reduced in patients with DCM, but were more pronounced in group 2. Doppler parameters of diastolic ventricular filling were differently affected in both groups with DCM. In group 1 there was a reduced contribution of the early diastolic phase to ventricular filling (FE/FA) (contr.: 2.29 +/- 0.99 vs gr. 1: 1.40 +/- 0.45; p less than 0.05) and a reduced early peak Doppler velocity, indicating an impaired ventricular relaxation. In group 2, as compared with controls and group 1, there was an increased ratio of early/late diastolic peak velocities (VE/VA) (contr.: 1.49 +/- 0.54 vs gr. 2: 2.32 +/- 1.37; p less than 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Left ventricular (LV) filling was examined by Doppler and M-mode echocardiography in 24 patients with LV hypertrophy (five with aortic stenosis, six with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and 13 with LV hypertrophy secondary to systemic hypertension) and in 18 normal subjects. Patients with LV hypertrophy had significantly lower Doppler-determined peak filling rates (218 +/- 17 vs 288 +/- 66 cc/sec, p less than 0.01), but M-mode determined peak rate of chamber enlargement and normalized peak rate of chamber enlargement did not differ significantly between groups. Doppler measures of the ratio between early and late filling were significantly depressed in patients with LV hypertrophy and correlated inversely with age in the normal subjects. The M-mode derived normalized peak rate of chamber enlargement and the Doppler-derived normalized peak filling rate correlated weakly, but significantly, when both groups were combined (r = 0.56, p less than 0.01). Thus Doppler measurements can detect abnormalities of LV filling in patients with LV hypertrophy. These abnormalities are present when M-mode filling indices and systolic function are still normal.  相似文献   

The onset of cor pulmonale is a common terminal finding in patients with cystic fibrosis. Since Doppler echocardiography can detect changes in diastolic filling patterns prior to the onset of either systolic dysfunction or clinical symptoms, we utilized this technique to determine whether detectable changes in left ventricular diastolic filling patterns exist in patients with cystic fibrosis. Among 25 patients, the proportion of left ventricular filling attributable to atrial contraction was significantly increased when compared with age-matched control individuals. When filling patterns were compared with severity of pulmonary disease, worsening pulmonary disease was directly correlated to shifts in left ventricular filling patterns. We conclude that changes in left ventricular patterns of relaxation are detectable early in the course of cystic fibrosis and that such changes are probably progressive. Early detection could lead to therapeutic trials designed to improve left ventricular filling and delay the onset of overt cor pulmonale.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE—To test the hypothesis that diastolic mitral annular motion velocity, as determined by Doppler tissue imaging and left ventricular diastolic flow propagation velocity, is related to the histological degree of heart transplant rejection according to the International Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT).
METHODS—In 41 heart transplant recipients undergoing 151 myocardial biopsies, the following Doppler echocardiographic measurements were performed within one hour of biopsy: transmitral and pulmonary vein flow indices; mitral annular motion velocity indices; left ventricular diastolic flow propagation velocity.
RESULTS—Late diastolic mitral annular motion velocity (ADTI) and mitral annular systolic contraction velocity (SCDTI) were higher in patients with ISHLT < IIIA than in those with ISHLT  IIIA (ADTI, 8.8 cm/s v 7.7 cm/s (p = 0.03); SCDTI, 19.3 cm/s v 9.3 cm/s (p < 0.05)). Sensitivity and specificity of ADTI < 8.7 cm/s (the best cut off value) in predicting significant heart transplant rejection were 82% and 53%, respectively. Early diastolic mitral annular motion velocity (EDTI) and flow propagation velocity were not related to the histological degree of heart transplant rejection.
CONCLUSIONS—Doppler tissue imaging of the mitral annulus is useful in diagnosing heart transplant rejection because a high late diastolic mitral annular motion velocity can reliably exclude severe rejection. However, a reduced late diastolic mitral annular motion velocity cannot predict severe rejection reliably because it is not specific enough.

Keywords: heart transplant rejection; diastolic function; Doppler tissue imaging; echocardiography  相似文献   

BACKGROUND. We have previously characterized the left ventricular diastolic filling abnormalities in cardiac amyloidosis by Doppler methods. The various filling patterns were shown to be related to the degree of cardiac amyloid infiltration. The purpose of this study was to determine the value of Doppler diastolic filling variables for assessing prognosis in cardiac amyloidosis. METHODS AND RESULTS. We performed pulsed-wave Doppler studies of the left ventricular inflow and obtained clinical follow-up data in 63 consecutive patients with biopsy-proven systemic amyloidosis. All patients had typical echocardiographic features of cardiac involvement. The patients were subdivided into two groups according to deceleration time: Group 1 (33 patients) had a deceleration time of 150 msec or less, indicative of restrictive physiology, and group 2 (30 patients) had a deceleration time of more than 150 msec. Of the 63 patients, 32 (51%) died during a mean follow-up period of 18 +/- 12 months. Of these deaths, 25 (78%) were cardiac deaths, and 19 of the 25 patients (76%) were from group 1. The 1-year probability of survival in group 1 was significantly less than that in group 2 (49% versus 92%, p less than 0.001). Bivariate analysis revealed that the combination of the Doppler variables of shortened deceleration time and increased early diastolic filling velocity to atrial filling velocity ratio were stronger predictors of cardiac death than were the two-dimensional echocardiographic variables of mean left ventricular wall thickness and fractional shortening. CONCLUSIONS. Doppler-derived left ventricular diastolic filling variables are important predictors of survival in cardiac amyloidosis.  相似文献   

目的用M型彩色多普勒超声心动图研究原发性高血压(EH)和冠心病(CAD)的左室舒张功能,并与传统方法比较.方法用M型彩色多普勒超声心动图,研究了36例正常人(Ⅰ组),74例原发性高血压患者(Ⅱ组)和33例冠心病患者(Ⅲ组).测定左室舒张早期、晚期跨二尖瓣血流峰速(E峰和A峰)、早晚期血流峰速比(E/A)和舒张晚期跨二尖瓣血流峰速时间(AD);同时测定肺静脉收缩期血流速度(S)、舒张期血流速度(D)、肺静脉返流速度(Pva)和返流时间(Pvad).采用M型彩色多普勒超声心动图测定了从二尖瓣到心尖的早期充盈峰速传播速率(Vp),早期充盈峰速时间(TD)和Vp/E比值.结果三组在性别、年龄和心率方面无统计学差异.根据EF值将患者分成EF≤60%组(收缩功能障碍组)和EF>60%组(收缩功能正常组).收缩功能障碍组与收缩功能正常组的所有传统舒张功能参数无显著性差异,但两组在Vp、TD和Vp/E差异有统计学意义.对10例收缩功能障碍患者(EF≤60%)而E/A值正常(> 1)(假性正常化)的研究结果显示,在假性正常化组和对照组Vp、T)和Vp/E有显著性差异(P<0.01).而其他舒张功能参数差异无显著性.结论①原发性高血压和冠心病患者存在舒张功能障碍.②M型彩色多普勒超声心动图测定的早期充盈峰速传播速率和时间(vp、TD和Vp/E)是评价左室舒张功能更精确和更可靠的参数,它们可以区别假性正常化的跨二尖瓣血流类型.  相似文献   

In 16 patients with sequential pacing and partly impaired left-ventricular function (mean shortening fraction 23 +/- 7%), the flow through the mitral and aortic valves were studied with Doppler echocardiography at different AV-intervals, keeping heart rate constant at 70/min. The time-velocity integral of the early and late diastolic filling, the first one-third filling fraction, and the diastolic-filling time were found to be significantly dependent on the length of the AV interval (p less than 0.001). In the left ventricular outflow tract, the maximum stroke volume of 85.6 +/- 28.4 ml was measured at an AV interval of 200 ms. The stroke volume under VOO stimulation (70.5 +/- 24.1 cm) was 17% less (p less than 0.003). There was no correlation between the increase in stroke volume during sequential pacing and M mode or Doppler echocardiographic parameters. Thus, the haemodynamic benefit of sequential pacing cannot be predicted by echocardiography. Doppler echocardiography is useful for determining the AV interval leading to the maximal cardiac output at rest. In the Doppler echocardiographic assessment of left-ventricular function, the influence of the AV interval on diastolic-filling parameters must be considered.  相似文献   

D J Huang  D N Zhang  Q X Yin 《中华内科杂志》1990,29(4):210-2, 252-3
According to the data from left ventricular catheterization as well as M-mode and two-dimensional echocardiography in 36 patients, the influence of left ventricular diameter, systolic function, systolic and diastolic filling pressures on the parameters of left ventricular diastolic function derived from Doppler echocardiography was analysed. The results indicate: (1) the left ventricular end diastolic pressure, rapid filling wave pressure and the ratio of the both significantly affect the Doppler diastolic function parameters; (2) the decrease of the ratio of early-to-late diastolic mitral flow velocities (E/A) is only a manifestation of early stage of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction and the E/A ratio returns to normal (false improving) at advanced stage of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction.  相似文献   

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