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《白内障的治疗》多媒体课件的研制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的:研制眼科多媒体计算机辅助教学课件,改进白内障治疗的传统教学模式。方法:收集和整理我科白内障研究成果和临床资料,参考《眼科学》第5版编写脚本,并应用多种媒体制作软件对白内障治疗各方面的素材进行了编辑、合成。结果:成功研制《白内障的治疗》多媒体课件,该课件正式出版并获陕西省教育技术成果奖。结论:计算机多媒体辅助教学课件技术的应用,可促进眼科学教学的发展。  相似文献   

目的观察实验性自身免疫性葡萄膜视网膜炎(experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis,EAU)大鼠血清以及脾细胞培养上清液中辅助T细胞1/辅助T细胞2(helper T cell 1/helper T cell2,Th1/Th2)类细胞因子水平。方法用Fmoc法合成光感受器间维生素A类结合蛋白R16多肽片段,联合免疫佐剂诱导EAU动物模型。在EAU高峰期取大鼠血清,分离脾细胞,培养后取上清液,应用酶联免疫吸附法检测血清以及脾细胞培养上清液中Th1类细胞因子(interferon-γ,IFN-γ、interleukin-2,IL-2)和Th2类细胞因子(IL-4、IL-10)水平。结果EAU组大鼠血清中IFN-1和IL-2的浓度分别为(33.8±5.2)μg/L,(52.5±7.9)μg/L,显著高于空白对照组[(6.2±1.4)μg/L,(3.7±0.8)μg/L和弗氏完全佐剂对照组[(complete Freund's adjuvant,CFA);(9.2±1.9)μg/L,(5.1±1.1)μg/L](P〈0.05);而IL-4、IL-10的浓度与空白对照组和CFA组相比差异无统计学意义。EAU组大鼠脾细胞培养上清液中IFN-γ、IL-2的浓度分别为(1105.3±197.5)μg/L,(45.0±16.2)μg/L,显著高于空白对照组(5.24±1.7)μg/L,(4.1±1.3)μg/L和CFA组(25.14±5.9)μg/L,(5.1±1.9)μg/L(P〈0.01),IL4、IL-10的浓度与空白对照组和CFA组相比差异无统计学意义;CFA组大鼠脾细胞培养上清液中IFN-1的浓度明显高于空白对照组(P〈0.05),IL-2、IL-4、IL-10的浓度与空白对照组相比差异无统计学意义。结论在EAU高峰期,Th1类细胞因子水平显著升高,提示EAU是Th1细胞诱导的疾病(中国眼耳鼻喉科杂志,2008,8:280-282)  相似文献   

严然  高新晓  谢品雪  朱思泉 《眼科》2021,(6):412-420
目的 探索葡萄膜黑色素瘤(uveal melanoma,UM)转移相关分子标志物,构建预测UM转移风险的基因评分模型.设计病例对照研究和诊断试验.研究对象癌症基因组(TCGA)公共数据库和基因表达综合(GEO)数据库中获取的UM患者原发肿瘤组织的转录组数据.方法 通过获取公共数据库中UM肿瘤组织的转录组数据,分析转移性...  相似文献   

《糖尿病性视网膜病变》教学VCD的制作和应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的:研制《糖尿病性视网膜病变》教学VCD,改进传统教学模式。方法:依据国家眼科学本科生教学大纲,应用各种媒体制作软件对各种素材进行了编辑、合成;在眼科临床教学中予以应用,并对比传统教学与VCD辅助教学,评价其学习效果。结果:研制成功《糖尿病性视网膜病变》教学VCD;初步应用结果显示VCD辅助教学效果好于传统教学方法。结论:教学VCD是一种较好的教学辅助手段,值得进一步发展推广。  相似文献   

《中国角膜病发展回顾》是第一部系统描述我国角膜病诊疗发展历程的书籍,是由中国工程院院士、山东省眼科研究所名誉所长、山东第一医科大学附属青岛眼科医院院长谢立信教授作为荣誉主编;中华医学会眼科学分会角膜病学组组长、山东省眼科研究所所长、山东第一医科大学附属眼科医院院长史伟云教授,山东省眼科研究所副所长、山东第一医科大学附属眼科医院副院长高华教授主编;中华医学会眼科学分会角膜病学组委员参编,人民卫生出版社出版的集我国角膜病诊疗技术发展和历史人文回顾于一体的书籍。  相似文献   

《中国角膜病发展回顾》是第一部系统描述我国角膜病诊疗发展历程的书籍,是由中国工程院院士、山东省眼科研究所名誉所长、山东第一医科大学附属青岛眼科医院院长谢立信教授作为荣誉主编;中华医学会眼科学分会角膜病学组组长、山东省眼科研究所所长、山东第一医科大学附属眼科医院院长史伟云教授,山东省眼科研究所副所长、山东第一医科大学附属眼科医院副院长高华教授主编.  相似文献   

早产儿视网膜病变(ROP)是早产儿和低体重儿视网膜发生的一种血管增生性病变[1],早期诊断和适时治疗是挽救患儿视力的关键.临床常用的ROP筛查设备广角数码视网膜成像系统(RetCam)因价格昂贵而未普及;双目间接检眼镜检查仍然是国内外公认的ROP诊断与鉴别诊断的主要方法[2].但临床实际工作中,使用双目间接检眼镜检查诊断该病时常有误诊情况发生.现对我们近期接受转诊和会诊过程中,使用计算机辅助双目间接检眼镜成像技术检查发现的6例ROP误诊情况分析如F.  相似文献   

人工智能在眼科的应用将极大减轻眼科临床医师的工作量。机器学习是人工智能的重要分支,深度学习是机器学习中最重要的算法。目前人工智能在眼科已有了成熟的应用。本文汇总近年文献,总结人工智能在眼科的应用,探讨眼科人工智能的不足并展望其未来,以期为在眼科临床进一步发挥人工智能作用提供参考。 (中华眼科杂志,2021,...  相似文献   

目的:观察基于眼底彩色照相的常见眼底疾病六分类智能辅助诊断轻量化模型的诊断价值。方法:应用研究。采集南京医科大学附属眼科医院和浙江省数理医学学会智能眼科数据库的2 400张彩色眼底像数据集,该数据集经脱敏处理及眼底病专科医师标注,包括糖尿病视网膜病变、青光眼、视网膜静脉阻塞、高度近视、老年性黄斑变性、正常眼底像各400...  相似文献   



方法:诊断性研究。共收集患者830例830眼,其中男338例338眼,女492例492眼,年龄14~36(平均23.19±5.71)岁,其中2020-01/2022-03在重庆南坪爱尔眼科医院已行角膜屈光手术患者731例731眼,2015-01/2022-03确诊圆锥角膜患者99例99眼。所有患者行Pentacam角膜地形图显示角膜直径≤11.1mm。由2位角膜科专家通过Pentacam地形图中Belin/Ambrósio增强扩张显示(BAD)系统将患者数据分类为正常角膜、可疑圆锥角膜、圆锥角膜。采用计算机随机采样方法随机筛选其中665例患者的数据作为训练集,另165例患者的数据作验证集。利用卷积神经网络(CNN)提取7个角膜参数特征,分别采用残差网络(ResNet, Residual Network)、Vision Transformer(ViT)及CNN+Transformer建立模型,通过交叉熵损失函数进行训练并采用样本交叉法验证模型的准确性,并采用受试者工作特征曲线评价模型的敏感度与特异度。


结论:对于直径≤11.1mm的角膜,借助CNN+Transformer算法建立的数据模型对圆锥角膜有较高的准确率,可为早期筛查提供真实有效的指导作用。  相似文献   

We report data from eight participants who made alignment judgements between a moving object and a stationary, continuously visible 'landmark'. A reversing object had to overshoot the landmark by a significant amount in order to appear to reverse aligned with it. In addition, an adjacent flash irrelevant to the judgment task reliably increased this illusory 'foreshortening'. This and other results are most simply explained by a model in which the flash causes attentional capture, complemented by processes of temporal integration, or backward inhibition, and object representation. A flash used to probe the perception of a moving object's position disrupts that very perception.  相似文献   

目的:研究3种常用全身麻醉药对豚鼠闪光视诱发电位(F-VEP)的影响。方法:使用多功能电生理诊断仪检测麻醉前、麻醉及麻醉后2小时戊巴比妥钠组、氯氨酮组、乙醚组的F-VEP,测量P1波的潜伏期及振幅值。结果:麻醉后豚鼠的F-VEP波形有明显变化,主要表现为P1波振幅降低及潜伏期延长;麻醉后2小时各组P1波振幅值提高,潜伏期缩短。结论:F-VEP是客观反映视神经功能的简便有效的方法,但麻醉药及麻醉深浅度均对F-VEP有影响。  相似文献   

Pola J 《Vision research》2004,44(24):2799-2813
A variety of experiments have shown that subjects tend to perceive a target flash as mislocalized when the flash is presented just before, during or shortly after the occurrence of a saccade. The characteristics of this mislocalization suggest that it arises from an anticipatory, slow extraretinal signal, i.e., the signal starts to change before a saccade and continues to change during and after the saccade. However, a target flash creates a visual signal that can persist for as long as 300 ms. Interaction of this visual persistence with the extraretinal signal could have a significant influence on the perceived location of the target flash, and thus on features of the extraretinal signal as inferred from the perceived location. In this study, several different types of models were used to explore how retinal signal persistence together with an extraretinal signal might affect perception. According to these models, the anticipatory, slow extraretinal signal may be an artifact of using a target flash, and the actual extraretinal signal may begin to change only after saccade onset and relatively quickly.  相似文献   

AIMS: To assess the portability and clinical applicability of a software program based on Photoshop (Adobe Systems Inc, San Jose, CA, USA) for digital drusen quantification. METHODS: Independent graders from the Digital Fundus Photo Reading Center of Columbia University and King's College Hospital used macular background levelling software to quantify the percentage of drusen in the central and middle Wisconsin subfields. 100 images of consecutive patients with choroidal neovascularisation in one eye and significant drusen in the other eye were analysed to determine suitability, and 10 were chosen for assessment by this software. RESULTS: Of the 10 images used in the interinstitutional validation, the random effects ANOVA for the central and middle subfields showed a high degree of interobserver agreement. The ICC for interobserver reliability was 0.83 (95% CI: 67 to 95) for the central subfield and 0.84 (95% CI: 69 to 99) for the middle subfield. Overall agreement with the manual grading results was good and the within patient coefficient of variation was about 20% for all the pairwise comparisons between observers and the manual stereo gradings. Of the 100 images used to assess practical applicability of the software, 79 were suitable for semiautomated analysis. 13 had extensive mixed retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) changes limiting drusen identification, five had a significant number of reticular drusen, which are poorly identified by the software, and three had multiple small areas of RPE atrophy, which are difficult to distinguish from drusen. CONCLUSIONS: The software was successfully used by two institutions demonstrating portability, with good correlation between graders and to the manual stereo grading. Digital drusen quantification was possible in 79% of the images analysed.  相似文献   

Several studies have investigated the effect of elevated intraocular pressure with reduced ocular perfusion pressure on visual neural function by means of compression and suction ophthalmodynamometry. We compared the effects of nominally equivalent reductions in the ocular perfusion pressure induced by compression and suction ophthalmodynamometry retinal function as measured by flash electroretinography. Scotopic blue—flash electroretinograms were recorded in five subjects for baseline conditions; during a 40% reduction in the ocular perfusion pressure effected in a first test session by compression ophthalmodynamometry; and then in a second test session some 4 hours later by suction ophthalmodynamometry. Fifteen consecutive electroretinographic sets were recorded during scleral compression or suction, and also after compression or suction was removed. Compression and suction ophthalmodynamometry decreased the electroretinogram b—wave to different degrees; overall, the electroretinogram was attenuated more by compression than by suction ophthalmodynamometry. In the recovery phase, the group averaged b—wave quickly increased to exceed baseline after both scleral compression and suction. The trends for prolonged implicit times over the duration of the study were similar for compression and suction ophthalmodynamometry.Abbreviations c—ODM compression ophthalmodynamometry - IOP intraocular pressure - OPP ocular perfusion pressure - s—ODM suction ophthalmodynamometry  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that 0.6 mg of scopolamine produces a delay in the flash visual evoked potential of young normal volunteers, while the pattern-reversal response does not change in latency. Recent work has shown that this drug differentially affects parvocellular and magnocellular systems. To investigate this effect, two studies were performed. In the first study, 0.4 mg of scopolamine was injected intramuscularly into 11 young, healthy male volunteers who had fasted overnight. The visual evoked potential was recorded to both binocular flash stimulation and monocular pattern-reversal stimulation by means of a checkerboard consisting of 56 checks in a 28° field. Responses were recorded before administration of the drug and then 1, 2, 4 and 6 hours after administration. The scopolamine produced a slowing of the flash P2 latency of approximately 6 ms (p < 0.05) two hours after drug administration. There was no effect on the latency of the flash N2 or pattern-reversal N75 or P100. There was an increase in amplitude of the flash N2-P2 component 6 hours after drug administration and an increase in the amplitude of the N75 and P100 2, 4 and 6 hours after the drug. Further subjects were investigated with the use of topical administration of 0.125% scopolamine applied monocularly. In all studies the other eye acted as a control. The subjects were again young healthy volunteers. The visual evoked potential was recorded to both flash and pattern-reversal stimulation with a checkerboard consisting of 60 checks counterphasing at 2 Hz within a 5° field. Results suggest that systemic scopolamine affects the tectal pathway but has no peripheral effect.  相似文献   

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