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Viruses, mainly rotaviruses are aetiological agents in more than 80% of the cases of acute diarrhoea in children. In order to determine the epidemiological characteristics and genotypes of human rotaviruses involved in gastroenteritis in diarrheic children aged from 0 to 5 years old in Abidjan, 642 specimens of stools were collected between 1997 and 2000 in the urban health centres and University Teaching Hospitals in Abidjan. The antigenic detection of rotaviruses carried out by ELISA test was followed by the antigenic (VP6 sub-groups) and molecular characterization: polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and genetic typing. The general prevalence of Rotavirus diarrhoea was 27.9%. Among the children who were found positive, those whose age ranged from 0 to 11 months old accounted for 45.8% against 41.3% and 12.9% for those whose age ranged from 1 to 2 and 3 to 5 years old respectively proving thus the precocity of rotavirus infection. From an electrophoretypical and antigenic point of view 74.5% of 141 extracts of RNA had a "long" profile and belonged to the VP6 II sub-group against 24.8% of "short" profile belonging to sub-group I. The electrophoretypes with short profile were identified in majority in infants whose age ranged from 0 to 2 years old. Out of the P genotypes identified, the P [8] genotype (59.6%) was predominant followed by the P [6] genotype (26.2%), P [4] (2.8%) and one mosaic genotype P[6,8] which represented 11.4%. These results will need to be completed by the determination of VP7 genotypes in order to provide interesting information on rotaviruses before the introduction of anti-Rotavirus vaccines in the country.  相似文献   

Circumcision is the most common surgical procedure carried out in boys in our countries. It is performed by medical members but also by traditional practitioners. Circumcision is considered as a benign operation but its complications are common, sometimes severe and the treatment delicate. Authors reported 35 cases of circumcision's complications in boys, aged of 2 days to 14 years old who were circumcised by traditional practitioners and by medical members. The most frequent complications were urinary meatus stenosis (17 cases), haemorrhage (5), total glans section (3), urethral fistula (3), and incomplete circumcision (3). These complications were caused by traditional practitioners in 19 cases, paramedical members in 11 cases, and 5 cases by physicians. Among these complications, fistula and amputation had required delicate surgical procedure. All the stenosis were treated by meatal plasty and fistula were sutured with one recurrence. Partial glans section underwent Mathieu's procedure and the total sections were referred to the plastic surgeon. Authors recommend surgical procedure for circumcision which must be performed in medical center or by well trained practitioners.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry is nowadays the first-line method for immunophenotypic identification of blast cells but is not so usual in limited-resources countries. We have investigated on the usefulness of this tool in Abidjan, C?te d'Ivoire. Bone marrow sample from 13 patients with acute leukemia identified by cytology and cytochemical analysis was immunophenotyped by using monoclonal antibodies directed to: T lymphoid cells (CD3, CD5, CD7); B lymphoid cells (CD10, CD19, CD20, CD22, HLA-DR) and myeloid cells (CD13, CD33). Immunophenotyping allowed us to confirm the diagnosis of 6 de novo acute leukemias (2 acute myeloid leukaemias, 4 acute lymphoid leukemias) and 7 acute leukaemias resulting from chronic myeloid leukaemias. Immunophenotyping also characterizes the atypical/aberrant lineage essential for the prognosis: 2 biphenotypic acute leukemias (myeloid/lymphoid T) were identified. Our results suggest that flow cytometry may be a useful additional tool to identify the specific leukemic cell, to make a better classification as well as a prognosis evaluation of patients with acute leukemias.  相似文献   

In Africa, prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) with antiretrovirals is becoming a key component of the response to the pandemic. Toxicity issues remain however a concern and require careful monitoring. We report here three observations of mild neurological deterioration among children for whom a diagnosis of mitochondrial dysfunction was considered possible. These children were identified within a PMTCT research program (ANRS 049) conducted in Abidjan, C?te d'Ivoire, and evaluating a short regimen of maternal zidovudine monotherapy for PMTCT of HIV type 1. Maternal HIV-1 infection was diagnosed during pregnancy before enrolment in the randomised trial (two cases) or in the subsequent open cohort (one case). These three women had been allocated to the ZDV group and had no particular medical history. Pregnancy check-up was negative except the diagnosis of HIV-1 infection. The three children were diagnosed as uninfected by HIV-1. Symptoms developed by the age of six months (two cases) and 13 months (one case): growth failure, anthropometric abnormalities, impaired psycho-motor development, generalised and repeated seizures. The evolution of these three HIV-uninfected children was favourable after 12 to 18 months. The transient nature of these abnormalities is compatible with mild complications of mitochondrial dysfunction. We conclude however that the anticipated benefits of PMTCT with antiretrovirals in Africa greatly outweigh the potential risks and should not lead to reconsider their public health interest  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated bacillary angiomatosis has rarely been described in Africa. We report here the first case in C?te d'Ivoire. Although in industrialised countries bacillary angiomatosis has been described in patients with low CD4 count, this episode occurred in the first year following HIV-seroconversion in an adult patient with more than 500 CD4 cells per cubic millimetre. Symptoms rapidly and totally disappeared under erythromycin treatment, although with a relapse two years after the end of the first episode. In Africa where people living with HIV often present chronic cutaneous lesions, bacillary angiomatosis may be under-diagnosed. Bacillary angiomatosis must be systematically considered in face of lesions similar to Kaposi's sarcoma. Improving knowledge on symptoms of bacillary angiomatosis in Africa should lead to better treatment and a better estimation of its true frequency which may be underestimated.  相似文献   

We conducted a retrospective study on 48 children (with a sex ratio of 22 males to 26 females) who had been operated over the preceding 10 years for typhoid perforation on the viscera ward within the paediatric surgery department of Yopougon teaching hospital in Abidjan, C?te d'Ivoire. The mean age was 9 years 3 months ranging from 3 to 16 years. Typhoid peritonitis was diagnosed on the basis of symptoms, intestinal injuries and only rarely by way of biological examinations. Medical treatment associated three antibiotics: aminosid, metronidazol and the third generation of cephalosporin. Hydroelectrolytical and haematological resuscitation was performed 3 to 6 hours before laparotomy. Excision-suture was made in 81% of cases. Exclusive parenteral nutrition began 48 hours after the laparotomy. Mortality occurred in 6% of patients and morbidity in 46%. Complications were parietal suppurations, digestive fistula, parietal hernia, early occlusive syndromes and necrosed cholecystisis. Rectorragy and leucocytosis were considered as pejorative signs when associated to the classic typhoid peritonitis.  相似文献   

Viral gastroenteritis are a problem of public health because of the high rate of morbidity and mortality, particularly in children. Among the etiologic agents, human Astroviruses are the third agents most often incriminated after Rotaviruses and Caliciviruses. Symptoms of gastroenteritis caused by Astroviruses are generally moderated compared with those observed with Rotaviruses and rarely involve hospitalization. In sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in C?te d'Ivoire, the majority of viral gastroenteritis is attributed to Rotavirus with rates varying from 20 to 26%. No study on the circulation of human Astroviruses has been carried out in C?te d'Ivoire. Our objective was to detect human Astroviruses in the diarrhoeal stools in Abidjan. Seventy-two samples of human diarrhoeal stools were collected in ambulatory patients. This population was made up of 44 patients from 0 to 15 and 28 patients over 15 years old. The concentration of the viral particles of the samples was followed by the extraction of the RNA by the modified method of Boom. The extracted RNA were amplified by RT-PCR by using specific primers targeting a portion of the 3' end of the open reading frame ORF la of the genome of human Astroviruses. The amplified fragment was 192 pb. The genome of human Astroviruses was detected in 3 stools out of the 72 samples. That is a frequency of 4%. Among these 3 stools, 2 came from 4 month and 3 year-old children and the 3rd stool came from a 33 year-old patient. For the first time this survey has pointed out the circulation of human Astroviruses in the C?te d'Ivoire population. This survey also showed that human Astroviruses could be found in children as well as in adults.  相似文献   

Our retrospective study carried out from 1985 to 1998 in the Unit of Infectious Diseases in Abidjan aimed at describing the epidemiological, clinical and prognosis features of severe malaria among native adults. Within 14 years, we have listed 274 cases of severe malaria for 54 098 hospitalizations (0.5%). 164 men and 110 women were recorded (sex-ratio = 1.5), aged of 33 years (16-86), among them 48% were HIV positive. 23% of the patients had already received an antimalarial treatment. The main clinical presentation was cerebral malaria (78%). The other manifestations were respiratory symptoms (13%), kidney failure (11%), anaemia (11%), macroscopic haemoglobinuria (6%), hypoglycaemia (9%), cardiovascular shock (4%). The average parasite load in blood was 27 222 plasmodium/microl (25 000 - 180200). The treatment used was quinine IV (172 patients), and arthemeter (102 patients). The outcome was favourable in 232 cases (84%) and 42 patients died. Prognosis factors identified were age > 65 years, Glasgow coma score < 7, convulsions, cardio-vascular shock, macroscopic haemoglobinuria. HIV infection has not been identified as a pejorative factor Our results confirm that severe malaria in native adult is a reality in tropical area. This study shows how difficult it is to have an adequate care management regarding this pathology in our context.  相似文献   

Our prospective and longitudinal study aimed to analyse the aetiologies, clinical features and prognostic of non viral lymphocytes meningitis (NVLM). We recruited 131 patients, 77 males (59%) and 54 females (41%) sex-ratio 1.4. The mean age was 35 years [15-67]. 117 patients were HIV positive (89%) and 14 (11%) were HIV negative. Feverish meningoencephalitis was present in 85% of cases, with 7 days for mean delay of admission into hospital. 80 germs were found in the C.S.F. 70 Cryptococcus neoformans, 4 Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 3 Streptococcus pneumoniae, 1 Candida albicans, 1 Neisseria meningitis and 1 Trypanosoma gambiense. 63 aetiologies were linked to lymphocytes meningitis by indirect deduction: 41 cases of tuberculous meningitis with lung X-ray anomalies and M. tuberculosis in sputum (11 times), 11 cases of cerebral malaria with Plasmodium falciparum in blood, 11 cases of cerebral toxoplasmosis by significant features with cerebral tomodensitometry. Letality was 53%, 35% of patients improved and 12% were lost to follow-up. Our study shows the difficulties in the management of the NVLM, due to the delay of diagnosis, particularly for tuberculous meningitis.  相似文献   

Limited data exist on the distribution of HIV-1 subtypes in C?te d'Ivoire. The aim of this study is to describe the distribution of genetic subtypes of HIV-1 strains in six regions of C?te d'Ivoire. In 1997, we consecutively collected blood from 172 HIV-1-infected patients from six regional tuberculosis treatment centers. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from these people were analyzed by a restriction fragment-length polymorphism (RFLP) assay that involves a sequential endonuclease digestion of a 297-base pair polymerase chain reaction (PCR) fragment; plasma samples were tested by a V3-loop peptide enzyme immunoassay (PEIA). DNA sequencing of the protease or env genes was performed on all samples discordant in the two assays as well as a random sample of the concordant subtyped samples. Of 172 specimens, 3 were PCR-negative, and 169 were putatively classified as subtype A by RFLP. The 3 PCR-negative samples were unequivocally subtyped A by PEIA. Of the 169 RFLP subtype A samples, 159 (94%) were subtyped A by PEIA. Of the 10 discordant samples, PEIA testing classified 3 as subtype C, 2 as D, and 5 as F. Sequencing of the env gene classified these samples as 1 subtype A, 4 Ds, and 5 Gs. Thus, 163 (95%) of the specimens were subtype A, 3 subtype D, 4 subtype G, 1 A/D, and 1 A/G (IbNG) circulating recombinant forms (CRF). In conclusion, most HIV-1-infected tuberculosis patients throughout the interior of C?te d'Ivoire are infected with HIV-1 subtype A, which are very likely the A/G (IbNG) CRF. The uniform distribution of this subtype makes C?te d'Ivoire a potential site for vaccine trials.  相似文献   

Child poisoning represent a public health problem in Africa and their particularities are linked to the way of life the population. We have made in the course of March 1999 an inquiry on 55 mothers at Yopougon in Abidjan. This inquiry was focused on their knowledge, attitudes and practices in relation acute poisoning children. The results of this inquiry will serve to organize a sanitary education for parents on the behaviour to have in case of an accident.  相似文献   

The FonSIDA is a private clinic created in 1992 within the premises of the National Blood Transfusion Center of Abidjan (CNTS), the largest city in C?te d'Ivoire. It provides medical and psychological follow-up for blood donors which are diagnosed as HIV-infected. This Centre provides blood for transfusions in Abidjan and the surrounding area, which from 1992 to 1999 collected 263,398 blood units. In this period, 5574 subjects were detected HIV-positive. Among those, 1766 (32%) HIV infected blood donors came back to be tested for confirmation of HIV diagnosis. Since then, only 9% of the 5574 donors have been seen at least twice a year for medical and psychological follow-up. Women were more compliant than men in the FonSIDA Clinic: they constituted 62% of the 409 patients who were followed-up (p < 0.001). 53% of men had sex with prostitutes the year before HIV diagnosis. 67% of women stated voluntary abortion at least once. In the same period the systematic use of condoms was reported by only 7% of women and 5% of men. 22% of women and 28% of men reported having two or more sexual partners in the year before HIV diagnosis. The main aim of every blood center is to improve blood safety, particularly in developing countries. The appropriate counseling towards blood donors and especially those detected HIV positive can contribute to reduce new HIV infections in high HIV prevalence cities. Rate of compliance of HIV-infected patients to follow-up has risen to 11% in 1992-1994 to 60% in 1997-1999 and will contribute to reach this aim.  相似文献   

A prospective study in the municipality of Attécoubé (Abidjan, C?te d'Ivoire) evaluated the sensitivity of P. falciparum to amodiaquine with a posology of 35 mg/kg over 3 days (1st day: 15 mg/kg; 2nd day: 10 mg/kg; 3rd day: 10 mg/kg) as well as its tolerance of this dosage. One hundred five WHO in vivo standard tests were performed over 7 days on subjects aged > 15 years from May to December 1995. The subjects were carriers of varying number of trophozoites: between 1000 to 34,000 trophozoites were recorded with a mean of 5193 trophozoites by microliter. We divided the subjects into two groups: group A with 43 patients to whom we administered medication and group B with 62 subjects who took their medication on their own. Clinical and parasitological verifications were made on D0, D2 and D7. Biological verification was conducted for 31 subjects of group A by mean of SGOT and SGPT quantity determination on D0 and D2. This survey revealed that 1.9% of P. falciparum malaria patients had precocious therapeutic failure to amodiaquine (35 mg/kg over 3 days) in this area. Clinical and biological tolerance was good and there was no difference between the two groups. We suggest that amodiaquine might be used for uncomplicated malaria at first intention in Abidjan.  相似文献   

The seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis was assessed from August 2000 to March 2001 on 1025 women in child-bearing age while consulting in the preventive health center (PHC) of Yopougon (Abidjan). Indirect immunofluorescent test was used for detection of IgG and Remington test for detection of IgM. Among the women under investigation, 60% were found to be IG seropositive, including 0.4% IgM seropositive. Soil and food were sources of contamination. When compared to previous studies conducted in the same region for several years, these results give evidence of a stability of the seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis, contributing to increase the risk of toxoplasmic encephalitis occurrence in AIDS patients.  相似文献   

Clinical signs of malaria are the combined expression of several biological mechanisms. During this parasite infection, anaemia can be the consequence of several different pathogenic mechanisms. It can be an acute haemolytic anaemia due to a mechanical and immune action of the parasite or an inflammation. Besides, in Africa malaria matches with iron deficiency area. So, malarial anaemia in tropical area can be a characteristic of iron deficiency The purpose of this survey was to define the features of malarial anaemia and elucidate the link of all biological processes involved. A black population living in tropical urban areas, with fever and diagnosed Plasmodium-infection was assessed. Parasitaemia, haemoglobin, hematocrit, average corpuscular volume and average corpuscular haemoglobin were determined. For each patient, iron index status and acute phase protein were assessed with the plasmatic iron, ferritin, haptoglobin, transferrin and C-reactive protein. Regardless of gender and age, the characteristics of malarial anaemia are microcythaemia and hypochromia. Anaemia occurs as frequently as parasitaemia is high. When parasitaemia is low anaemia gets a haemolytic feature. When parasitaemia is high, anaemia gets haemolytic and inflammatory features. Anaemia occurs more often with a good iron index status.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the determinants of CD4 change in children during 3 periods: before highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), during the first year after HAART initiation, and past 1 year after HAART initiation. METHODS: One hundred seventy-seven children enrolled in a prospective cohort in Abidjan received HAART during a mean follow-up of 30 months. A linear mixed-effects model was used for the first period, a mixed-effects piecewise model for the second period, and an asymptotic mixed-effects model for long-term CD4 dynamics. RESULTS: Before HAART initiation, CD4 percentage decreased along time [beta = -0.59 (-0.92 to -0.26)] was positively associated with body mass index for age [beta = 0.47 (0.22 to 0.72)] and negatively associated with viral load [beta = -1.01 (-1.90 to -0.13)]. During the first year of treatment, the CD4 decrease reverted to a steep increase that was negatively associated with age at HAART initiation [beta = -0.24 (-0.4 to -0.07)] and with the mean viral load under HAART [beta = -1.51 (-2.21 to -0.81)]. The long-term CD4 percentage was also negatively associated with the mean viral load under HAART [beta = -4.97 (-6.22 to -3.72)] and age at HAART initiation [beta = -0.82 (-1.12 to -0.51)]. CONCLUSIONS: Before HAART initiation, the CD4 cell percentage was associated with growth indicators whereas, after HAART, an early increase and a long-term plateau were negatively associated with the viral load and age at HAART initiation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To estimate adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and its determinants in HIV-infected adults followed in field conditions in Abidjan. METHODS: A standardized questionnaire was administered to all consecutive adults on HAART who attended 3 urban HIV outpatient clinics. Patients were asked to self-report their pill intake during the previous 7 days, and, when necessary, to explain the reason(s) why they missed at least 1 intake. The adherence rate was estimated as the number of pills actually taken divided by the number of pills that should have been taken. The association of incomplete adherence (adherence rate<90%) with patients' characteristics was studied using multivariate logistic regression. RESULTS: Three hundred eight patients (male/female ratio: 1:1, mean time on HAART: 22 months) were interviewed. The median self-reported adherence rate was 78% (interquartile range: 65%-90%), with 76% of patients considered as incompletely adherent (adherence rate<90%). The most frequent self-reported reasons for missing at least 1 intake were an antiretroviral drug being out of stock in the clinic pharmacy (28%), the fear of drug side effects (27%), the impossibility of paying the drug's price (20%), and the intervention of traditional practitioners (18%). The only variables significantly independently associated with incomplete adherence were a school level>or=secondary (odds ratio [OR]=1.88; P=0.03) and the absence of a patient's long-term formal commitment to adhere to HAART (OR=3.08; P=0.01). CONCLUSIONS: These data illustrate the difficulty in obtaining high levels of adherence in field conditions in Abidjan. Sustainable access to treatment should be promoted by combating access barriers such as running out of drugs and costs that are too high.  相似文献   



Malaria is the primary cause of hospitalization in Côte d''Ivoire. Early treatment is one of the strategies to control this illness. However, the spread of resistance of Plasmodium falciparum to antimalarial drugs can seriously compromise this strategy.


The aim of this study was to assess the in vitro susceptibility of P. falciparum to monodesethylamodiaquine and aminoalcohols in Abidjan (Côte d''Ivoire).


We assessed the in vitro susceptibility of isolates collected from patients with uncomplicated malaria by using the WHO optical microtest technique.


The proportions of resistance to monodesethylamodiaquine, méfloquine and halofantrine were 12.5%, 15.6% and 25.9%, respectively. For quinine, none of isolates showed evidence of in vitro resistance. However, two isolates (6.1%) had IC50 values above 300 nM. The IC50 of each drug was positively and significantly correlated to that of the other three drugs, and the correlation was higher between halofantrine and mefloquine.


Our results showed that the in vitro chloroquine resistance reported in previous studies has been extended to other antimalarial drugs investigated in this study except for quinine. Therefore, it is necessary to implement a long-term monitoring system of antimalarial drug resistance.  相似文献   

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