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In this report the authors describe experiences with a computer-assisted teaching system in teaching pharmacology to medical students and other health professionals. The system is composed of both computer-assisted instruction and computer-managed instruction. The "Keller Plan" philosophy was adopted, and the pharmacology course was organized into modules. Students were required to meet minimum proficiency requirements in each module and have multiple chances to reach this or higher levels. The advantages of this system are numerous. The department can provide both scheduled and independent study courses in basic pharmacology to students of different educational levels. Students can progress through a course at various speeds; that is, achievement is constant, but time is variable. Both the students and instructors are provided with frequent and rapid feedback. Most importantly, students with low aptitudes achieve significantly higher scores on the pharmacology portion of the examination of the National Board of Medical Examiners.  相似文献   

Medical schools have a major challenge in teaching students to choose and prescribe medicines safely and effectively. Problem-based learning based on national essential medicine lists and standard treatment guidelines has been strongly recommended to improve prescribing. In Nepal, pharmacology is taught during the first two years of the undergraduate medical course. At KIST Medical College, Lalitpur the Department of Clinical Pharmacology teaches students to use essential medicines rationally. Small group, activity-based learning is used during practical sessions. In this article the author lists the 10 basic competencies which students should have developed by the end of the pharmacology practical module and also describes a selection of activities with regard to a particular competency used during the practical module and an exercise used to assess these competencies during the practical examination.  相似文献   

Evaluation of a gross anatomy program without dissection.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Freshman medical students have been participating in an experimental multimedia gross anatomy program at Emory University for five years. The program includes audiovisuals, computer-assisted instruction, and tutorial sessions using prosected specimens. No lectures are given nor is dissection permitted. Experimental and traditional groups were compared by intramural written and practical examinations and by an extramural written examination prepared by the National Board of Medical Examiners and the Association of Anatomy Chairmen. Study of 35 intramural examinations given to five classes showed students in the traditional course with significantly higher performance in three examinations and students in the experimental course with significantly higher performance in six examinations. Neither group's performance was significantly higher on any extramural examination. It was concluded that, as measured by conventional examinations, students in the multimedia program with prosection tutorials learned human anatomy as well as those in the traditional lecture-dissection program.  相似文献   

药理学精品课程建设探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
精品课程建设是高等学校教学质量与教学改革工程的重要组成部分,通过提高教师素质,优化教学内容,改革教学方法,完善教材体系,加强教学监控,改革考试考核方法,提高教学师生互动交流等方面的探索和实践,加强了药理学精品课程建设,收到了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

The author describes and evaluates two methods developed and used over a ten-year period at London's King's College Hospital Medical School to teach clinical ethics to medical students. One method included an eight-part course as part of the regular "Topic Teaching" lecture series; the other approach enlarged the scope of small discussion groups conducted by general practice physicians on the teaching wards. Higgs, Director of General Practice at the School, concludes that small group teaching appears to be the better method to encourage ethical questioning, to provoke debate, to allow students to see teacher uncertainty, and to help students assume the professional role without losing sight of the patient's viewpoint.  相似文献   

The experience of evaluation of both students and course in pathology at Dalhousie Medical School indicates that valuable reproducible and probably objective information is obtained by the use of frequent multiple-choice tests combined with substantial final oral examinations. Course evaluation by student questionnaires has provided useful information on course modifications and teaching techniques. The most informative feature of the evaluation program is in the provision of mechanisms for feedback from students to faculty and among faculty members. By these means weaknesses in teaching have been identified and often corrected. The method has aided in the early identification of poor students and of their areas of weakness so that remedial instruction can be instituted before the final examination.  相似文献   

高职高专药理学传统教学模式制约了实用型药学人才的培养,肇庆医学高等专科学校在药学专业药理学的教学理念、教学目标、教学主体、教学内容、教学方法和教学评价共六个方面进行了教学改革,探讨了构建培养实用型药学人才的“教、学、做”一体化教学模式。  相似文献   

南京医科大学于2019年成立九年本硕博一贯制的临床医学专业,招收天元班学生。生理学是医学生必修课程,也是基础医学与临床医学之间的重要桥梁课程。文章就九年制临床医学专业的线上+线下混合式生理学教学的教学资源、教学设计及教学评价等环节进行深入探讨,为针对该学制的学生特点开展相关课程的教学改革提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

Graduates of a six-year combined Liberal-Arts-Medicine Program and their medical school classmates (traditional "eight-year" students) are compared as to their medical school performance and their professional postgraduate activities. On standardized examinations (Medical College Admission Test and examinations of the National Board of Medical Examiners) the six-year group was somewhat better than the eight-year group. In other aspects, such as class ranking, honors at graduation, and medicine clerkship grades, the six- and eight-year groups were similar. The two groups were remarkably similar in their postgraduate professional career choices and in achieving board certification. The data for the first three classes indicate that qualified high school students can succeed academically in an accelerated collegiate-degree program, do well in medical school, achieve postgraduate certification, and begin the practice of medicine at a younger age.  相似文献   

游秋云 《中国医药导报》2012,9(30):137-138,140
安神药是医药类院校药学专业《中药药理学》教材中的一个小章节。随着人们生活节奏的不断加快,社会环境的影响,越来越多的人出现各种睡眠障碍。因此,为了更好地让学生掌握这一章的内容,将其应用于实际生活及中医临床防治失眠,笔者根据长期致力于治疗失眠疾病相关中药药理学的研究以及对教学方法的不断探索,浅谈安神药的课堂教学思路。  相似文献   

临床医学七年制与五年制药理学试卷对比分析与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了衡量学生对知识的掌握程度、检验教学效果,提高教学质量,对我校临床医学专业2003级七年制和2004级五年制学生药理学期末考试试卷进行了分析。结果提示,两套试题难度及区分度合适,试题设计比较合理,能够正确评价学生对本门课程的掌握程度;2003级七年制学生药理学期末考试平均成绩和主观题得分稍低于2004级五年制,其原因可能与七年制学生心理压力大、专业思想不牢固有关。通过试卷分析还发现了学生及教学中存在的问题,为进一步提高药理学教学质量提供了依据。  相似文献   

During the past five years, the medical pharmacology course at the University of Arkansas College of Medicine has changed from a poorly attended course in which students depended on "canned notes" (from a note-taking and note-distribution system organized among themselves) and had bad rapport with faculty members to a course in which attendance is high, the canned-notes system has been abandoned, and faculty-student interactions are generally pleasant. These changes in student behavior occurred during a period in which the pharmacology faculty implemented changes that anticipated the recommendations of the Panel on the General Professional Education of the Physician and College Preparation for Medicine of the Association of American Medical Colleges. These changes included encouraging independent learning, reduced lecture time, and increased problem-solving. The students' performance on the Part I examination of the National Board of Medical Examiners did not change during this period of curriculum revision.  相似文献   

研究生课程学习新模式的尝试及思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对研究生课程教学方法、考核评价体系中存在的问题,笔者进行了药理学研究生必修课《药理学研究方法导论》授课方式改革的尝试,以“虚拟实验室在药理学中的应用”为内容,采取提前公布主题、学生自查资料、组织材料、当堂限时宣讲的方式,并以学生报告内容及课堂表现进行综合评分。由此发现,学生主动获取信息可提升其思维能力;多角度组织内容使课堂信息量提高;学生有所准备故注意力集中,兴趣提高,学习效率提高;以网络技术为支撑;此种个性化、自主式学习是可取的。  相似文献   

医学生的医学英语应用能力对个人将来的发展具有重要的作用。传统医学英语教学方式束缚了医学生参与教学的主动性和积极性,影响教学效果。首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院医学英语教研室在对七年制学生的医学英语课程上,进行了一系列的改革,取得了初步的成果。本文介绍了教研室的医学英语教学改革的情况。  相似文献   

目的:评价多元化教学模式在医学高等专科学校药理学课程中的教学效果。方法选择郑州澍青医学高等专科学校2012级临床医学专业学生和2012级护理学专业学生作为研究对象,从临床医学班中取两个,将其作为临床实验班和临床对照班,另相应地取两个护理班随机分为护理实验班和护理对照班。药理学课程教学中实验班采用多元化教学模式,对照班实行传统的教学模式。药理学课程教学结束后,通过考试成绩和调查问卷,评价多元化教学模式的教学效果。结果临床医学实验班药理学总评成绩为(81.9±9.4)分,临床医学对照班药理学总评成绩为(74.7±9.7)分,护理学实验班药理学总评成绩为(82.5±8.1)分,护理学对照班药理学总评成绩为(74.0±11.3)分,临床医学实验班和护理学实验班学生药理学总评成绩明显高于相应的对照班(均P〈0.01)。问卷调查显示,临床医学实验班和护理学实验班学生综合能力包括药理学知识掌握程度、沟通和交流能力、检索资料的能力、分析和解决问题的能力、自我学习和个人发展能力、互相协作和团队精神均优于相应的对照班(均P〈0.01)。结论医学高等专科学校药理学课程教学中采用多元化教学模式有助于学生药理学学习成绩和综合能力的提高。  相似文献   

成人医学专科药理学教学探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成人医学专科学生一般来自基层医疗单位,已经具备了一定的药理学知识。在药理学教学的授课前、授课中、授课后及考试各环节均应注意结合成人学生的特点进行教学。在考试环节上,要灵活设计考试内容,严抓考试纪律。成人医学专科教育应当实现文凭与能力的同步提高。  相似文献   

医学基础化学是一门重要的医学基础课程,根据多年的教学经验,针对医科新生的特点,对于如何使学生掌握好医学基础化学从以下六个方面进行了探讨:合理安排教学进度;与中学内容充分衔接;引导学生预习;加强与医学的联系;教会学生系统归纳和总结;运用多媒体辅助教学体系。  相似文献   

目的 评价南京医科大学临床医学专业学生部分试卷的效度,为提高试卷质量、改进课程考核以及教学方法提供理论依据.方法对2 441份来自2003级~2005级五年制临床医学专业学生的病理学、药理学、妇产科学和内科学4门课程考试试卷进行内容效度分析,并对2003级的课程考试成绩与其参加国家执业医师资格考试的成绩进行了效标关联效度分析.结果①在知识点效度上,大多数试卷都涵盖了教科书所有章节的内容,但各章节在试卷中所占的比例各年级之间有大的波动,且与教学大纲学时要求比例有不相吻合之处;②在题型上,尽管所有试卷都采用了主观题和客观题两大类题型,但代表基础课程的两门课程考试试卷主观题题量与分值偏大,检测效能降低;③在教学大纲要求层面和认知层级上,试卷均兼顾了“掌握”、“熟悉”、“了解”大纲要求的不同层次知识的考核,也兼顾了“回忆”、“解释”和“问题解决”三个认知层面的考查,但普遍存在对“掌握”层面的考查偏多的现象,而病理学和药理学试卷对记忆性内容的考核比重明显偏高;④效标关联效度分析结果显示,病理学与药理学课程考试与国家执业医师资格考试成绩间的相关系数r分别为0.22、0.33,均小于0.4的基本要求,而妇产科学与内科学分别为0.41和0.51,符合基本要求.结论 我校被分析的4门课程的试卷质量均有进一步提升的空间,尤其是医学基础课程试卷在加强客观性、全面性和应用能力考核方面有待进一步完善.  相似文献   

我校口腔医学专业主要培养面向基层、农村、城市各级医疗机构,能够熟练掌握岗位操作技能的高素质实用型、技能型口腔助理医师:药理学作为医学基础课程与专业课程之间的桥梁课程,要打破原有学科界限,注重学生能力培养和可持续发展,加大与专业融合步伐,改革原有教学方法。这样才能满足口腔医学专业快速发展的岗位人才需要。  相似文献   

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