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笔者对地震灾害中群体伤病员现场的组织与实施进行分析探讨,提出地震灾害中的现场医疗救援是"三位一体的救援",即通过搜索、营救、医疗保障三个重要环节的合理配合,达到地震灾害中伤病员的现场救援。 相似文献
本文介绍了对大型灾难及事故紧急医疗救援的研究内容和开展研究的意义.研究内容分为两部分,第一部分是对我国既往对灾难事故救援的现状研究,包括现场救援的总体性研究、救援缺陷研究以及救援法律法规研究.第二部分是对灾难事故的现场救援研究,包括灾难事故损失早期评估研究;建立高素质、高效率的专业救援队伍的研究;救援物资及装备研究;灾难事故导致伤害的原因、种类、性质、特征、概率、后果和最佳应对方案研究;人员和设备输送研究;现场救援的风险评估及对策研究;现场救援的组织指挥研究;受困人员生命探测搜索研究;受困人员解救脱险研究;检伤分类研究;伤员潜在致命情况评估研究;危重症患者现场生命支持研究;战伤自救基本技术研究;特殊情况导致的伤害救援研究;伤员分流及转运研究;停止救援及现场清理时机研究;疫情防控研究;院内强化治疗研究;群众现场避险逃生、自救互救及防灾减灾措施研究. 相似文献
紧急医疗救援体系建设是我国医疗卫生事业的重大变革.由于紧急医疗救援体系功能和任务显著区别于其它医疗卫生机构,并且在社会保障中有着不可替代的重要作用,所以给其文化建设也赋予了特殊内容.本文就紧急医疗救援文化的核心价值观建设,从紧急医疗救援文化的发展背景,以及以救治患者和救治队伍为本两个方面展开了论述;就紧急医疗救援文化的制度建设和物质建设,从紧急医疗救援体系的内涵建设和物质管理等方面论述了紧急医疗救援文化建设的内容. 相似文献
探索特大旱灾医院医学救援的应急管理的组织与指挥,有利于大旱区医学救援的应急管理,有利于抗旱医学救援工作,有安抚旱区群众民心作用,促进大旱区各民族团结。在抗旱医学救援中进行旱区一线流行病学调查,开展抗旱防病知识讲座、心理帮扶和技术帮带。提出完善远程医学会诊数据库,保障医学救援体系手段信息化、医学后勤管理科学化。圆满完成了特大旱灾医学救援的任务。 相似文献
2010年3月28日14时30分左右,中煤集团一建公司63处碟子沟项目部施工的华晋公司王家岭矿(在山西省临汾市乡宁县境内,为中煤集团与山西焦煤集团合作组建的华晋煤业公司所属)北翼盘区101回风顺槽发生透水事故。国家立即委派各地救援队迅速赶往王家岭集结救援,一场生死大营救就此展开。 相似文献
突发公共事件多具有较强的破坏性、复杂性、持续性,及时采取措施对此类事件进行系统化调控能够减少直接或间接损害的发生.医疗机构往往在突发公共事件调控过程中承担着较重的责任,其工作内容包括控制传播、降低社会影响、医学救治等多项活动.有效整合应急医疗救援资源,从体制、机制上保障应急医疗救援的有序、高效,形成标准化、规范化的医疗... 相似文献
北京市朝阳区居民社区首诊制信访风险评估研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 评估北京市朝阳区居民的社区首诊制信访风险。 方法 于2014年9—11月,采用目的性抽样法根据城乡区别、地理位置、区域内医疗资源分布情况在北京市朝阳区抽取8家社区卫生服务中心,采用方便抽样法在该8家社区卫生服务中心抽取非患者居民518例。采用自行设计的问卷对居民进行调查,
主要内容包括居民的基本情况、健康状况、社区卫生服务可及性、是否知晓社区首诊制、是否接受社区首诊制及不接受原因、就诊体验、卫生服务重要性认识,以及对实施社区首诊制的建议。 结果 共回收有效问卷511份,居民的社区首诊制信访风险为43.1%(220/511)。不同性别、年龄、文化程度、家庭人均月收入、年医疗支出、医保类型居民的社区首诊制信访风险比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);不同婚姻状况居民的社区首诊制信访风险比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。不同自评健康状况及两周内是否患病、是否患慢性病居民的社区首诊制信访风险比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。不同离家最近医疗机构居民的社区首诊制信访风险比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);不同步行至相应社区卫生服务机构所需时间居民的社区首诊制信访风险比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。不同社区首诊制认知情况居民的社区首诊制信访风险比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。不同就诊过程方便程度、医疗设备、就诊环境、报销比例、药品种类满意度居民的社区首诊制信访风险比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);不同服务态度、就诊时间、离家距离、医务人员技术水平、医疗费用、药品费用、治疗效果满意度居民的社区首诊制信访风险比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。不同交通便利性重要性认识居民的社区首诊制信访风险比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);不同服务态度、就诊过程方便程度、就诊时间、医务人员技术水平、医疗设备、就诊环境、医疗费用、药品费用、报销比例、转诊过程、与医生熟悉程度、治疗效果重要性认识居民的社区首诊制信访风险比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。居民认为社区本身能力建设和服务水平有待改善,转诊机制有待完善。 结论 朝阳区居民的社区首诊制信访风险较高,相关政策和社区卫生服务能力建设尚有待加强。 相似文献
LIANG Xue-ya LAN Ling CHEN Wei-na ZHANG Ai-ping L Chao-ying L Yan-wei DAI Jian-ping 《中华医学杂志(英文版)》2011,124(7)
Background Appropriate planning and staffing for medical services at large-scale athletic events is essential to provide for a safe and successful competition. There are few well-documented accounts describing the demand for such services.The present study provided the data from the Beijing 2008 Olympics and Paralympics,with a view to provide the guidance for planning future events.Methods A total of 22 029 and 8046 patients,who received medical care from a physician at an Olympic or Paralympic medical station,were included. The patient proportion among different personnel,various disease proportions at different kinds of venues,and the disease spectrum at specified venues at the Olympics and Paralympics were analyzed.Results At both games,the patient proportion varied by accreditation status. The staff accounted for the largest number of visits at the Olympics (44.83%) and Paralympics (36.95%),with respiratory diseases the most common. Various disease spectrums were discovered at the different kinds of venues. Surgical diseases were the most frequently listed reason for visits,both at competition and non-competition venues,especially during the Paralympics. The sport-related injuries accounted for a majority of the surgical cases during both games. At training venues,ear nose and throat diseases accounted for the greatest number of visits during both games.Conclusions During both games,people contracted different diseases at different venues. Adequate surgeons should be designated to offer assistance mostly in trauma situations. Appropriate numbers of physicians in respiratory diseases and otorhinolaryngology is of great importance. 相似文献
Background Appropriate planning and staffing for medical services at large-scale athletic events is essential to provide for a safe and successful competition. There are few well-documented accounts describing the demand for such services. The present study provided the data from the Beijing 2008 Olympics and Paralympics, with a view to provide the guidance for planning future events.
Methods A total of 22 029 and 8046 patients, who received medical care from a physician at an Olympic or Paralympic medical station, were included. The patient proportion among different personnel, various disease proportions at different kinds of venues, and the disease spectrum at specified venues at the Olympics and Paralympics were analyzed.
Results At both games, the patient proportion varied by accreditation status. The staff accounted for the largest number of visits at the Olympics (44.83%) and Paralympics (36.95%), with respiratory diseases the most common. Various disease spectrums were discovered at the different kinds of venues. Surgical diseases were the most frequently listed reason for visits, both at competition and non-competition venues, especially during the Paralympics. The sport-related injuries accounted for a majority of the surgical cases during both games. At training venues, ear nose and throat diseases accounted for the greatest number of visits during both games.
Conclusions During both games, people contracted different diseases at different venues. Adequate surgeons should be designated to offer assistance mostly in trauma situations. Appropriate numbers of physicians in respiratory diseases and otorhinolaryngology is of great importance.
目的了解北京市朝阳区将台社区居民慢性非传染性疾病的流行现状及其危险因素。方法采用整群随机抽样方法,抽取该社区18岁以上居民1674人,进行问卷调查。结果调查对象的慢性病总患病率为31.9%。前3位慢性病的患病率分别为高血压病(22.9%)、血脂异常(10.6%)、糖尿病(8.3%)。吸烟率、饮酒率分别为28.7%、26.5%。高盐、高脂饮食的发生率为20.8%和10.1%。经Logistic回归,发现慢性病患病的主要因素为年龄、高盐饮食、高脂饮食。结论调查人群社区居民慢性病患病率较高,同时,不良健康行为发生率较高。慢性病预防控制策略和措施亟待加强。 相似文献
背景 变应性鼻炎(AR)是高发的慢性非传染性疾病,目前国内关于AR知晓和治疗的研究主要来自耳鼻喉专科,针对国内基层全科AR诊疗的建议及基层全科医生对AR知识知晓、诊疗情况的相关研究较少。目的 了解基层全科医生AR知识知晓与诊疗情况。方法 2020年8—9月,采用简单随机抽样法于北京市朝阳区抽取21家社区卫生服务机构的432例全科医生为研究对象。调查问卷结合《变应性鼻炎诊断和治疗指南(2015年,天津)》(简称我国2015 AR指南)和Allergic Rhinitis and Its Impact on Asthma(ARIA)Guidelines:2010 Revision及其2016修订版的指南设计,咨询专家及预调查后完善问卷,内容涉及研究对象基本情况、AR知识知晓、诊疗行为、培训和支持需求等。结果 432份问卷中共回收有效问卷383份(88.7%)。AR典型症状、诊断、治疗原则、一线药物类别及指南推荐疗程等题目全部回答正确的基层全科医生仅占0.8%(3/383),32.4%(124/383)的全科医生了解AR指南,其了解的指南包括我国2015 AR指南、ARIA指南等,学习来源包... 相似文献
目的 分析北京市朝阳区使用抗结核固定剂量复合剂的情况。方法 收集2015年1月—12月在北京市朝阳区疾病预防控制中心结核病门诊部277例登记并接受国家免费抗结核治疗的初治活动性肺结核患者使用固定剂量复合剂的临床资料,对其使用情况进行分析。结果 277例使用固定剂量复合剂的患者中,出现不良反应92例(33.21%),因不良反应替换散装药品的患者23例,替换率8.30%,277例初治活动性肺结核转归情况:痰涂片阳性肺结核患者91例,86例治愈(94.51%),91例痰涂片阳性患者抗结核治疗2个月、3个月及6个月痰菌阴转率分别为91.21%、93.41%及94.51%;痰涂片阴性肺结核患者186例,完成疗程174例(93.55%)。结论 抗结核固定剂量复合剂为当前国家结核病防治规划中使用的常规药品,值得进一步推广应用。 相似文献
According to literature reports, the injury rate of the athletes in Olympic Winter Games recent years was as high as 10%-14%. Combined with the background of corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the medical insurance work of the 24th Olympic Winter Games held in Beijing had put forward more complicated requirements and more severe challenges. In order to better optimize anesthesia management, this article summarized the perioperative treatment of athletes in Olympic Winter Games, the safety protection strategy of medical staff under general anesthesia, and the potential impact of peri-operative drugs on athletes. Anesthesiologists, as the core members of the rescue team, should be familiar with the particularity of operative anesthesia of athletes, sum up relevant experience to ensure the safety of perioperative patients. So all kinds of technical measures should be taken in the process of operation to minimize the indoor pollution caused by the patient's cough. For example, all the patients should wear N95 masks from the ward to the operating room, and after the operation, wear the N95 masks back to the ward. Although the International Olympic Committee had banned more than 200 drugs for participants and athletes who had to strictly follow International Olympic Committee requirements during anesthesia, the athletes were no longer participating in this Olympic Winter Games, so opioids (sufentanil and remifentanil) and glucocorticoid (dexamethasone) could be used according to the actual needs of surgery and anesthesia. Five athletes in Yanqing competition area underwent surgical anesthesia in Peking University Third Hospital Yanqing Hospital. All the five patients received general anesthesia, of whom four underwent orthopaedic surgery and one underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy. General anesthesia with laryngeal mask airway was the first choice in the five patients. And the pain after orthopaedic surgery was severe and nerve block technique could effectively relieve the pain after surgery. Three patients received ultrasound-guided nerve block analgesia, the postoperative analgesia lasted 36 h. After the operation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) was infused intravenously in the ward and all the patients recovered uneventfully. As the core member of the trauma rescue team, anesthesiologists should be familiar with the particularity of the athletes' surgical anesthesia, do a good job in medical security, and summarize relevant experience to ensure the life safety of the perioperative patients. 相似文献