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Due to the ageing population, there is an increased demand for home care services. Restorative care is one approach to improving home care services, although there is little evidence to support its use in the community setting. The objective of this trial was to evaluate the impact of a restorative home care service for community-dwelling older people. The study was a cluster randomised controlled trial undertaken at a home care agency in New Zealand. The study period was from December 2005 to May 2007. Older people were interviewed face-to-face at baseline, four and 7 months. A total of 186 older people who received assistance from a home care agency participated in the study, 93 received restorative home care and 93 older people received usual home care. The primary outcome measure was change in health-related quality of life (measured by the Short Form 36 [SF36] Health Survey). Secondary outcomes were the physical, mental, and social well-being of older people (Nottingham Extended Activities of Daily Living, Timed Up and Go, Mastery scale, Duke Social Support Index). Findings revealed that compared with usual care, the intervention demonstrated a statistically significant benefit in health-related quality of life (SF36) at 7 months for older people (mean difference 3.8, 95% CI -0.0 to 7.7, P = 0.05). There were no changes in other scale measurements for older people in either group over time. There was a statistically significant difference in the number of older people in the intervention group identified for reduced hours or discharge (29%) compared with the control group (0%) (P < 0.001). In conclusion, a restorative home care service may be of benefit to older people, and improves home care service efficacy.  相似文献   

To help meet the increased requirements for critical nutrients during and around pregnancy, supplementation with essential nutrients is recommended. This study aims to determine how the previous awareness of nutrient health benefits and/or the provision of this information influences the importance placed on nutrients (folate, iodine, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D) when choosing between dietary supplement products for pregnancy. Discrete choice experiment data were collected as part of a cross-sectional online survey administered to 857 pregnant women living in Australia. Four segments of women were identified that differ in their preference criteria when choosing among dietary supplement products for pregnancy. When choosing between products, the reinforcement of perceived health benefits (i.e., showing information on health benefits to those already aware of the benefits) was most effective at increasing the importance of folate (in all segments) and iodine (in two segments, 63% of the sample). Neither prior awareness of health benefits alone nor information provided at the point-of-purchase without prior awareness were enough to increase the importance of folate. Our findings suggest a need for simultaneous strategies that (1) provide information on health benefits before purchase and (2) ensure that information on health benefits is available at the point-of-purchase.  相似文献   

Breakfast is widely considered the most important meal of the day. Despite this, the consumption of ready to eat industrial products with low nutritional value is increasing. This study correlated longitudinally the nutritional value of breakfast products with advertising discursive strategies. The research design applied quantitative analysis to compile all media advertising data from 2015 to 2019, qualitative analysis of the content, and a study of the adverts’ discourse. Moreover, a Nutri-score analysis was used to determine the products’ nutritional value. Results indicated that breakfast products advertised in Spain presented a low or very low nutritional value. In addition, they showed that the lower the nutritional value of the product, the greater the proportion of positive emotions or moods that emerge from the discourse used in the advertisement. To establish effective policies for the prevention of obesity, greater involvement of the government, and better self-regulation mechanisms for the food industry, communication agencies, and advertisers are needed. In this sense, the hedonistic language used in advertisements for unhealthy food must treated as a priority. This measure would have the aim not only of protecting minors from ads for unhealthy food that are broadcast during breakfast time but would also generate healthy eating patterns within the family.  相似文献   

Objective : This paper examines policies from six local governments (LGs) relevant to promoting a healthy food supply and consumer food environment. Methods : We analysed the six LGs’ food and nutrition policies against a framework based on Australian literature and international policy frameworks. Policy content was collected by searching LG websites and analysed with reference to recommended policy actions in the framework. Results : All LGs took action on reducing food waste, providing food/meal services for disadvantaged groups, and providing information/education on food and nutrition. A sub‐set also supported urban/local food production and markets selling fresh, healthy food. Our search did not identify any indication of a comprehensive policy framework to guide action on food and nutrition, nor did we find policies restricting opening of unhealthy food outlets, encouraging the opening of healthy food outlets, or reducing unhealthy food marketing. Conclusions : Local governments in Australia are implementing policies to support improved nutrition. However, there are further opportunities for action, including discouraging unhealthy food outlets and restricting unhealthy food marketing. Implications for public health : The legal remit of LGs includes responsibilities relevant to food and nutrition. Further research is needed regarding how their powers could be better leveraged to improve diet‐related health.  相似文献   

A number of sampling methods are available to recruit drug users and collect HIV risk behavior data. Respondent-driven sampling (RDS) is a modified form of chain-referral sampling with a mathematical system for weighting the sample to compensate for its not having been drawn randomly. It is predicated on the recognition that peers are better able than outreach workers and researchers to locate and recruit other members of a “hidden” population. RDS provides a means of evaluating the reliability of the data obtained and also allows inferences about the characteristics of the population from which the sample is drawn. In this paper we present findings from a pilot study conducted to assess the effectiveness of RDS to recruit a large and diversified group of drug users in New York City. Beginning with eight seeds (i.e., initial recruits) we recruited 618 drug users (injecting and non-injecting) in 13 weeks. The data document both cross-gender and cross-race and -ethnic recruitment as well as recruitment across drug-use status. Sample characteristics are similar to the characteristics of the drug users recruited in other studies conducted in New York City. The findings indicate that RDS is an effective sampling method for recruiting diversified drug users to participate in HIV-related behavioral surveys. Abdul-Quader, Sabin, and Gallagher are with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, USA; Heckathorn is with the Department of Sociology, Cornell University, New York, USA; McKnight, Bramson, and Des Jarlais are with The Baron Edmond de Rothschild Chemical Dependency Institute, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, USA; Nemeth is with the New York State Department of Health, Albany, USA. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

A collaborative partnership launched the Great Grocer Project (GGP) in March 2021 in Detroit, Michigan where health inequities, including deaths due to COVID-19, have historically been politically determined and informed by socially entrenched norms. Institutional and structural racism has contributed to a lack of diversity in store ownership among Detroit grocers and limited access to high-quality, affordable healthy foods as well as disparate food insecurity among Detroit residents. The GGP seeks to promote Detroit’s healthy grocers to improve community health and economic vitality through research, programs, and policies that have the potential to advance health equity. A cross-sectional design was used to explore relationships between scores from the Nutrition Environment Measures Surveys-Stores (NEMS-S) in 62 stores and city-level data of COVID-19 cases and deaths as well as calls to 211 for food assistance. Regression and predictive analyses were conducted at the ZIP code level throughout the city to determine a relationship between the community food environment and food insecurity on COVID-19 cases and deaths. COVID-19 cases and deaths contributed to greater food insecurity. The use of ZIP code data and the small sample size were limitations within this study. Causation could not be determined in this study; therefore, further analyses should explore the potential effects of individual grocery stores on COVID-related outcomes since a cluster of high-scoring NEMS-S stores and calls to 211 for food security resources inferred a potential protective factor. Poor nutrition has been shown to be associated with increased hospitalizations and deaths due to COVID-19. It is important to understand if a limited food environment can also have a negative effect on COVID-19 rates and deaths. Lessons learned from Detroit could have implications for other communities in using food environment improvements to prevent an uptick in food insecurity and deaths due to COVID-19 and other coronaviruses.  相似文献   

The Universal Infant Free School Meal (UIFSM) policy was introduced in September 2014 in England and January 2015 in Scotland and offered all infant schoolchildren (ages 4–7 years) a free school lunch, regardless of income. Yet, impacts of UIFSM on dietary intakes or social inequalities are not known. A difference-in-differences study using the National Diet and Nutrition Survey assessed pooled pre-UIFSM (2010–2014) and post-UIFSM (2014–2017) dietary data. English or Scottish infant schoolchildren (4–7 years; n = 458) were the intervention group, with junior schoolchildren (8–11 years; n = 401) as controls. We found that implementation of UIFSM led to an increase in infant schoolchildren having a school meal. Impacts on key food groups such as fruit and vegetables or sweetened beverages were not seen. However, there was evidence that the UIFSM policy lowered consumption of foods associated with packed lunches, such as crisps, and some nutrients, such as total fat and sodium. Policy impacts differed by income group, with larger effect sizes in low-income children. In conclusion, evaluation of UIFSM demonstrated some improvements in dietary quality but the findings suggest school meal quality needs to be improved to fully realise the benefits of UIFSM.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present evidence on the health effects of a health insurance intervention targeted to poor children using data from a randomized policy experiment known as the Quality Improvement Demonstration Study. Among study participants, using a difference‐in‐difference regression model, we estimated a 9–12 and 4–9 percentage point reduction in the likelihood of wasting and having an infection, respectively, as measured by a common biomarker C‐reactive Protein. Interestingly, these benefits were not apparent at the time of discharge; the beneficial health effects were manifest several weeks after release from the hospital. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The population in the Western Pacific region is aging rapidly. Nutritional deficiency is prevalent in older adults; however, information regarding nutritional deficiency in this population is scarce. Using the 2019 Global Burden of Disease (GBD) results, the age-standardized disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) and years of healthy life lost due to disability (YLDs) from nutritional deficiency were estimated between 1990 and 2019 for this population. Average annual percentage change (AAPC) was used to assess temporal trends, and linear mixed-effects models were used to examine socioeconomic and sex inequalities. From 1990 to 2019, the age-standardized DALYs of nutritional deficiency in this population decreased from 697.95 to 290.95 per 100,000, and their age-standardized YLDs decreased from 459.03 to 195.65 per 100,000, with the greatest declines seen in South Korea (AAPCs < −5.0). Tonga had the least decline in DALYs (AAPC = −0.8), whereas Fiji experienced an increase in YLDs (AAPC = 0.1). Being female and having a lower sociodemographic index score was significantly associated with higher age-standardized DALYs and YLDs. The magnitude and temporal trends of the nutritional deficiency burden among older adults varied across countries and sex in the region, indicating that health policies on nutritional deficiency among older adults must be crafted to local conditions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A study was conducted to describe the sociocultural aspects of tuberculosis (TB) among Mexicans in the U.S. and to provide TB programs with practical recommendations for serving this population. METHODS: In-depth, structured, open-ended interviews were conducted with 50 persons from Mexico living in the U.S. Local bilingual, bicultural researchers conducted the interviews with respondents recruited from TB clinics and surrounding communities. Both qualitative and quantitative strategies were used to analyze the data. RESULTS: We found diverse TB perceptions and attitudes, but few were associated with specific participant characteristics. We detected widespread misperceptions about TB transmission and low perceptions of risk. Anticipated TB stigma among those with no history of disease was qualitatively greater than reported stigma among those who had TB disease. We also detected missed opportunities for TB education. Reported barriers to care included lack of transportation, limited clinic hours, cost of services, inconvenient clinic location, and communication problems with staff. CONCLUSIONS: To address the diverse needs of Mexican-born clients, we recommend that TB programs provide culturally-appropriate, patient-centered care. We suggest several strategies aimed at raising risk awareness and reducing stigma. Finally, we encourage programs to facilitate access by providing language-appropriate services, extending clinic hours, and facilitating transportation.  相似文献   

Healthcare policy reforms enacted through the 1990s explicitly endorsed expanded community care and enhanced equitable access to care. We examine end-of-life home-care service utilization during this time period. We are interested in trends in and predictors of utilization influencing receipt of service or total service use. This is a population-based, retrospective study of home-care utilization by adults 50 years of age and older in British Columbia, Canada, who died in the last 6 months of each year from 1991 to 2000 ( n  = 98 327). Data were drawn from the British Columbia Linked Health Data resource; we examined both receipt and extent of care, using logistic and standard regression models. Independent variables included year of death, age, gender, area of residence and income quintile. Year of death was not significantly associated with receipt of home care in general. However, the odds of receiving home support services declined significantly over time, while annual home support hours increased. In contrast, receipt of home nursing increased, while annual home nursing visits did not change. Social factors frequently emerged as significant predictors of both receipt and extent of care. However, we found only limited evidence for interactions between these factors and year of death acting as determinants of receipt or extent of service. Results suggest that end-of-life home care services did not expand, but instead were reallocated and intensified over the 1990s. As well, there was little evidence to suggest enhanced equity in access to care.  相似文献   

Increasing visits to emergency departments add strain to public healthcare systems. The misperception of symptoms’ severity can partly explain inappropriate use of hospitals’ emergency departments by non‐urgent patients. This paper focuses on the misperception of symptoms’ severity as a cause for the inappropriate use of emergency departments. It explores the role that informing potential patients of the correct severity level can play in correcting this inefficiency. We implement in an incentivised manner an exploratory economic experiment to elicit the degree of severity of five sets of symptoms, corresponding to frequent causes of emergency department visits. The study was setup in Braga, Northern Portugal, recruiting voluntary participants through civic local organisations. We ask participants to indicate the more suitable health service, before and after revealing the true degree of severity. Results show that there is an overestimation of the degree of severity of some clinical profiles, and when confronted with the real severity, in only half of the cases are choices changed to other health services. Although exploratory, this study provides insights into the potential role of health education policies concerning symptoms’ severity but it also highlights the limits of such policies. Furthermore, the use of economic experiments can provide meaningful insights for the design of policies addressing demand‐side healthcare inefficiencies.  相似文献   

Adult social care continues to be a central policy concern in the UK. The Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) is a range of measures nationally available to drive forward improvement on outcomes and quality in local councils. While there is an emphasis on improving transparency, quality and outcomes, drawing on research evidence to achieve these aims is often difficult because the evidence is not easily identifiable, is disparate or of variable quality. We conducted a meta‐review to analyse and summarise systematic review‐level evidence on the impact of interventions on the four outcomes set out in the ASCOF: quality of life, delaying and reducing the need for services, satisfaction with services and safeguarding of vulnerable adults. This paper focuses on the availability of review‐level evidence and the presence of significant gaps in this evidence base. A range of health and social care databases were searched, including MEDLINE, ASSIA and The Cochrane Library in January and February 2012. All systematic reviews evaluating the efficacy of social care interventions for improving ASCOF outcomes for older people, people with long‐term conditions, mental health problems or physical and/or learning disabilities were eligible. Two reviewers independently screened systematic reviews for quality and relevance and extracted data; 43 systematic reviews were included, the majority of which examined the impact of interventions on quality of life (n = 34) and delaying and reducing the need for support (n = 25). Limited systematic review‐level evidence was found regarding satisfaction with services and safeguarding. There were also significant gaps in relation to key social care interventions and population groups. Research priorities include addressing these gaps and the collation of data on interventions, outcomes and populations more closely related to social care. Overall, a more relevant, comprehensive and robust evidence base is required to support improvement of outcomes for recipients of adult social care.  相似文献   

We evaluated relative vaccine effectiveness (rVE) of 4- vs. 3-dose mRNA-1273 against SARS-CoV-2 infection, and COVID-19 hospitalization and death in immunocompetent adults aged ≥50 years at Kaiser Permanente Southern California. We included 178,492 individuals who received a fourth dose of mRNA-1273, and 178,492 randomly selected 3-dose recipients who were matched to 4-dose recipients by age, sex, race/ethnicity, and third dose date. Adjusted 4- vs. 3-dose rVE against SARS-CoV-2 infection, COVID-19 hospitalization, and COVID-19 hospitalization death were 25.9 % (23.5 %, 28.2 %), 67.3 % (58.7 %, 74.1 %), and 72.5 % (-35.9 %, 95.2 %), respectively. Adjusted rVE against SARS-CoV-2 infection ranged between 19.8 % and 39.1 % across subgroups. Adjusted rVE against SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 hospitalization decreased 2–4 months after the fourth dose. Four mRNA-1273 doses provided significant protection against COVID-19 outcomes compared with 3 doses, consistent in various subgroups of demographic and clinical characteristics, although rVE varied and waned over time.  相似文献   

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