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Day 14 fetal thymocytes and adult dendritic epidermal T cells (dEC) of all mouse strains express a characteristic non-polymorphic gamma delta T-cell receptor which is rarely found in the adult thymus or lymph nodes. We have made transgenic mice expressing this particular set of receptors on T cells in C3H and C57BL/6 mice. In adult mice of the latter strain, a dramatic depletion of transgene expressing T cells occurs and this effect is primarily mediated by thymic radiosensitive cells. The depletion is genetically dominant but not MHC-linked with major factor(s) mapping to chromosome 18. Taken together, our results show that strain-specific developmental changes in the thymic environment may play a role in shaping the gamma delta TCR repertoire.  相似文献   

The numbers, phenotype, and tissue distribution of gamma delta T cells in cattle were studied using two monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) which react with the bovine gamma delta T cell receptor (TCR). Both mAbs stained 20-40% of T cells in peripheral blood, and immunoprecipitated molecules of 44 and 36 kd (reduced) and 70-80 kd (non-reduced). In cattle the majority of circulating gamma delta T cells showed a distinct surface phenotype; they expressed T19, a 215 kd molecule described in sheep and cattle which marks only gamma delta T cells. Bovine gamma delta T cells were also CD2-, CD4-, and mostly CD8-, and failed to express CD6, a molecule possibly involved in T cell activation. The distribution of gamma delta T cells in cattle lymphoid tissues differed markedly from that in humans, in that bovine gamma delta T cells were concentrated around lymph node trabeculae and were usually sparse or absent from the B cell and T cell domains of lymph nodes. Like most other species studied, gamma delta T cells in cattle were localized to epithelial surfaces, particularly within the skin and intestine, indicating that it was at these sites where gamma delta T cells functioned. Our results provide further evidence for the unusual localization, recirculation pattern, and phenotype of gamma delta T cells, and also show that some features of gamma delta T cells can differ quite markedly from species to species.  相似文献   

Three-colour flow cytometry was used to study the distribution of TCR gamma delta+ cells among CD4+CD8-, CD4-CD8+, CD4+CD8+, and CD4-CD8- cell populations during thymic development. Thymocytes were obtained either directly from embryos at different stages of gestation (ex vivo) or from organ cultures maintained in vitro. In both cases, TCR gamma delta+ cells were found predominantly among the double negative (CD4-CD8-) and CD8 single positive subsets. These cells were actively dividing as demonstrated by 7 amino actinomycin D (7AAD) labelling. A small population of TCR gamma delta+ cells expressing low levels of CD4 was identified early and transiently (days 15-18) during development, but this subset was rare in the adult thymus. In newborn mice, adult mice, and late during organ culture, TCR gamma delta+ cells were found mainly within the CD4-CD8- compartment of thymocytes, although a minor population of CD8+ cells (5-10%) bearing gamma delta receptor was routinely observed. In contrast, few gamma delta cells were contained among the CD4+CD8+ subset at any timepoint studied. These data highlight differences between the ontogeny of alpha beta and gamma delta cells in the thymus, and suggest that a CD4+CD8+ intermediate may not be a requisite for the intrathymic differentiation of murine gamma delta T cells.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that gamma delta T cells play important roles in protection during the early stage of infection with Listeria monocytogenes in mice. To generalize the protective roles of gamma delta T cells in listerial infection to different species, we examined the appearance of gamma delta T cells during infection with L. monocytogenes in Fisher F344 rats. The numbers of bacteria in the peritoneal cavity and liver increased to a maximum level on day 3 and then decreased to an undetectable level by day 10 after an intraperitoneal infection with a sublethal dose (1 x 10(8)) of viable L. monocytogenes in rats. CD3+ alpha beta- T cells in the peritoneal cavity and liver began to increase on day 3, reached a maximum level on day 6, and thereafter decreased gradually by day 10 after infection. Northern blot analysis confirmed that the CD3+ alpha beta- T cells expressed TCR delta and gamma gene messages. In vivo treatment with anti-TCR alpha beta mAb, which suppressed most of the alpha beta T cells in the periphery and impaired resistance during the late stage of listerial infection, did not affect the host defense by day 6 after infection. A significantly increased number of gamma delta T cells was detected in the peritoneal cavity of the TCR alpha beta-suppressed rats on day 6 after infection. These results suggest that the early appearing gamma delta T cells may contribute to the host defense at a relatively early stage during listeriosis in rats.  相似文献   

When human blood mononuclear cells (MNC) were incubated with heat-killed bacteria, proliferation of MNC was observed 5 days after stimulation, showing a peak on day 7. Interestingly, the bioassay of the culture supernatant and Northern blot analysis of mRNA demonstrated that no IL-2 production was associated with these proliferative responses. The induced lymphoblasts consisted predominantly of TCR gamma delta + (22.4 +/- 9.3%) and TCR gamma delta-CD2+CD3-(33.2 +/- 11.8%) double negative lymphocytes (n = 10), which were initially minor populations (less than 10%) in freshly isolated MNC. The prominent induction of TCR gamma delta + cells was confirmed by Northern blot analysis. TCR gamma delta + cells induced by bacterial stimulation seemed to generate from lymphocytes lacking the apparent expression of gamma delta TCR. The inducing capability for double negative cells is present in a large number of species of bacteria, especially Gram-positive bacteria. Gel filtration analysis of ultrasonicated filtrates of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes revealed that a substance with an Mr of 25-26 kd could be substituted for whole bacterial particles in the cell proliferative responses. In contrast to the purified protein derivative (PPD)-induced response, the response described here was inducible in the cord blood of neonates who had not yet been exposed to the corresponding bacterial infection. The physicochemical properties of the sonicated filtrates were different from those of PPD. These results suggested that the present phenomenon may be nonspecific, polyclonal (or oligoclonal) activation of TCR gamma delta + and TCR gamma delta -CD2+CD3- cells by bacterial stimulation.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) has evolved complex strategies to evade host immune responses and establish chronic infection. Since human Vgamma9Vdelta2 T lymphocytes play a critical role in the immune response against viruses, we analyzed their antiviral functions on Huh7 hepatoma cells carrying the subgenomic HCV replicon (Rep60 cells). In a transwell culture system, Rep60 cells were co-cultured with either PBMCs or highly purified gammadelta T cells stimulated by non-peptidic antigens. Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cell activation was associated with a dramatic reduction of HCV RNA levels. Neutralizing antibodies targeting IFN-gamma revealed a critical role for this cytokine in the inhibition of HCV replication. Interestingly, drugs already in clinical use, such as Phosphostim and Zoledronate, known to activate gammadelta T cells, were shown to induce the inhibition of HCV replication mediated by Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells of HCV patients. Our data suggest that the therapeutic activation of Vgamma9Vdelta2 T lymphocytes may represent an additional strategy to inhibit HCV replication and to restore a Th1-oriented immune response in HCV-infected patients.  相似文献   

Sheep T cells have been shown serologically to express T19,a membrane protein of 180–200 kDa which is a member ofthe scavenger receptor superfamily. Previous work from thislaboratory resulted in the detection of a multigene family ofT19-like genes in the sheep genome. In this study nucleotidesequences from several T19 genes were determined and are reportedalong with the corresponding segments of a number of expressedmRNA molecules. A segment of a single sheep T19-like gene wassequenced and these data, along with the corresponding sequencesfrom cloned T19-like cDNA molecules from sheep and cow, wereused to design an ollgonucleotide primer system suitable foramplification of corresponding segments of many T19 genes andtheir cDNAs. Between 30 and 40% of cloned T19 genes were amenableto amplification using the selected primers, and sequence analysisof cloned PCR products confirmed that different T19 genes encodeunique amino acid sequences. The expression of multiple T19genes was established using cDNA molecules obtained from a singlesample of sheep lymphocyte mRNA. The possible role of the T19family of genes is discussed.  相似文献   

Cells bearing the form of the TCR make up only 1–3% ofT cells in the adult murine thymus and peripheral lymphold organs.Evidence from studies of nude mice suggests that the developmentof at least some T cells is thymus dependent; however, untilnow it has not been directly demonstrated that cells are exportedfrom the thymus. In this paper we have used the technique oflabelling thymocytes in vivo with FITC, followed by flow cytometrlcanalysis to trace cells emigrating from the thymus to the spleen.Using this approach we have been able to demonstrate for thefirst time that T cells are exported from the adult murinethymus to the spleen. We also demonstrate that the cells emigratingto the spleen are a selected subset of thymocytes being heatstable antigen positive, Thy-1+, and expressing low levels ofCD44 (Pgp-1). In addition, investigation of TCR V; gene usageamong adult + thymocytes, recent emigrants, and spleen cells,indicated a selective emigration of cells expressing certainVgenes.  相似文献   

The relationship between an undetected, asymptomatic Chlamydiatrachomatis genital tract infection, the concentration of andb T cells in semen and sperm autoimmunity was examined in 48male partners of couples with unexplained infertility. ImmunoglobulinA (IgA) antibodies to C.trachomatis were detected in seminalfluids from 14 (29.2%) of the men. Only four of these were positivefor circulating anti-chlamydial IgA, suggesting that the stimulusfor antibody production was within the genital tract. In contrast,four men were positive for anti-chlamydial IgG in their semen;all were also seropositive for anti-chlamydial IgG. T lymphocytesbearing the and antigen receptors were present in every semensample. Men with seminal anti-chlamydial IgA, however, had significantly(P = 0.035) elevated semen T cell concentrations (median 3100cells/ml) than did men lacking this antibody (median 1400 cells/ml);concentrations of T cells were comparable in both groups. Genitaltract sperm autoimmunity, as shown by antibodies bound to motileejaculated spermatozoa, was detected in 13 (27.1%) men. Thepresence of these antibodies was associated with elevated concentrationsof both (median 4200 versus 700 cells/ml) and (median 5000versus 850 cells/ml) T cells (P = 0.0002 and 0.0001 respectively).Men with antisperm antibodies only in their serum had seminalT cell concentrations comparable with men testing negative forantisperm antibodies. Anti-chlamydial IgA was identified insemen from four of 10 men with IgA bound to their spermatozoaand in none of the men with only spermatozoabound IgG. Therewas no relationship between sperm quality and the occurrenceof seminal IgA antibodies to either C.trachomatis or spermatozoa.An asymptomatic C.trachomatis infection activates T cells withinthe male genital tract, which may lead to antisperm antibodyformation and immune-mediated infertility.  相似文献   

TCR gamma delta(+) cells constitute <5% of all circulating T cells in healthy, adult Caucasians, and V(delta)1(+) cells constitute a minority of these cells. In contrast to TCR alpha beta(+) cells, their repertoire is selected extrathymically by environmental antigens. Although increased frequencies of V(delta)1(+) cells are found in several diseases, their function remains obscure. Here we show that the frequency of peripheral blood gamma delta T cells in healthy West Africans is about twice that of Caucasians, mainly due to a 5-fold increase in V(delta)1(+) cells, which is consequently the dominant subset. No age dependency of V(delta)1 frequencies was identified and the V(delta)1(+) cells in the African donors did not show preferential V(gamma) chain usage. Analysis of the CDR3 region size did not reveal any particular skewing of the V(delta)1 repertoire, although oligoclonality was more pronounced in adults compared to children. The proportions of CD8(+), CD38(+) and CD45RA(hi)CD45RO(-) cells within the V(delta)1(+) subset were higher in the African than in the European donors, without obvious differences in expression of activation markers. No significant correlations between levels of V(delta)1(+) cells and environmental antigens or immunological parameters were identified. Taken together, the evidence argues against a CDR3-restricted, antigen-driven expansion of V(delta)1(+) cells in the African study population. Our study shows that high frequencies of TCR gamma delta(+) cells with dominance of the V(delta)1(+) subset can occur at the population level in healthy people, raising questions about the physiological role of V(delta)1(+) T cells in the function and regulation of the immune system.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice constitutively expressing IL-7 developed severedermatitis with erythroderma and alopecia. The skin lesionswere characterized by massive infiltration of mononuclear cells.Immunofluorescence staining showed that most of the infiltratingcells were T cells with the majority bearing the TCR otherthan the V5 moiety. Furthermore, the number of T cells hadincreased in the lymphold organs of the dermatitis animals.These findings idicate the strong relationship between the expressionof IL-7 and the development of T cells in vivo and the pathologicalinvolvement of proliferated and/or activated T cells in skindisease.  相似文献   

The majority of gammadelta T cells in adult human blood exhibit Vgamma2/Vdelta2-TCR and specifically respond to various kinds of non-peptide antigens. In this study, we comparatively analyzed the CDR3 repertoires of Vgamma2-gamma and Vdelta2-delta chain genes in the adult and cord blood. It was confirmed that the vast majority of adult gammadelta T cells exhibited Vgamma2-gamma chains bearing a Jgamma1.2 segment with no or short N-region and Vdelta2-delta chains with a conserved hydrophobic residue (leucine, valine or isoleucine) at position 97 encoded by N-region of Vdelta/Jdelta junction (deltaL97). The cord blood cells stimulated with pyrophosphomonoester antigen in vitro showed preferential expansion of the gammadelta T cells expressing Vgamma2- and Vdelta2-TCR chains with these structural features as compared with those stimulated with a polyclonal mitogen phytohemagglutinin. TCR gene transfer studies indicated that alanine substitution of lysine at position 108 in Jgamma1.2 (gammaK108) or deltaL97 abrogated the responsiveness of Vgamma2/Vdelta2-TCR to all kinds of the non-peptide antigens without affecting the response to anti-CD3 antibody. Furthermore, alanine substitution of arginine at position 51 in Vdelta2 segment (deltaR51) adjacent to gammaK108 in the Vgamma2/Vdelta2-gammadelta TCR also abolished the antigen responsiveness. These results strongly suggested that a hydrophobic and two cationic residues (deltaL97, gammaK108 and deltaR51) clustered in a particular topology at the surface edge of the pocket structure of Vgamma2/Vdelta2-gammadelta TCR played essential roles in the recognition of non-peptide antigens.  相似文献   

Six murine T cell clones expressing TCR were generated frommalaria immunized, ß T celldeficient mice. Phenotypiccharacterization of these clones has revealed that, in contrastto conventional ß T cells, there is a considerabledegree of heterogeneity among these clones with regard to theirsurface markers and their lymphokine profile. One clone wasfound to display significant anti-parasite activity in vivoupon adoptive transfer. We attempted to determine whether theprotective clone differs in one or more key characteristicsfrom the non-protective clones. Although no obvious patternpeculiar to the protective clone was observed, it appears thatmore than one parameter may, in combination, define a distinctprotective phenotype, and thus explain the functional differencebetween the protective and non-protective clones.  相似文献   

Human Vgamma2Vdelta2 T cells are stimulated by prenyl pyrophosphates, such as isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP), and play important roles in mediating immunity against microbial pathogens and have potent anti-tumor activity. (E)-4-hydroxy-3-methyl-but-2-enyl pyrophosphate (HMBPP) has been identified as a metabolite in the 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol-4 phosphate (MEP) pathway for isoprenoid biosynthesis that is used by many bacteria and protozoan parasites. We find that HMBPP is the major Vgamma2Vdelta2 T-cell antigen for many bacteria, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Yersinia enterocolitica and Escherichia coli. HMBPP was a 30 000-fold more potent antigen than IPP. Using mutant bacteria, we show that bacterial antigen levels for Vgamma2Vdelta2 T cells are controlled by MEP pathway enzymes and find no evidence for the production of 3-formyl-1-butyl pyrophosphate. Moreover, HMBPP reactivity required only germ line-encoded Vgamma2Vdelta2 TCR elements and is present at birth. Importantly, we show that bacterial HMBPP levels correlated with their ability to expand Vgamma2Vdelta2 T cells in vivo upon engraftment into severe combined immunodeficiency-beige mice. Thus, the production of HMBPP by a microbial-specific isoprenoid pathway plays a major role in determining whether bacteria will stimulate Vgamma2Vdelta2 T cells in vivo. This preferential stimulation by a common microbial isoprenoid metabolite allows Vgamma2Vdelta2 T cells to respond to a broad array of pathogens using this pathway.  相似文献   

A role for BP-3/BST-1 antigen in early T cell development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the mouse thymus, pre-T cells are defined by their CD3CD4CD8triple-negative, CD4410/– CD25+ phenotype. We made a ratmAb IF-7, that, among all Tcell subsets analyzed, reacted exclusivelywith pre-T cells. Molecular cloning revealed that the antigenrecognized by IF-7 was identical to BP-3/BST-1, a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol-linked,CD38-related molecule previously described asa possible co-activationmolecule of pre-B cells. We found that IF-7 cross-linking enhancesthe proliferative response ofsorted pre-T cells to anti-CD3stimulation. In addition, IF-7 enhances and accelerates thedevelopment of fetal thymic organ culture (FTOC), although the lineage is unaffected by the treatment. In addition, sortedIF-7+ pre-T cells give preferentially rise to ß TCR+thymocytes in FTOC. Our observations strongly suggest that BP-3/BST-1is implicated in both early B and T cell growth and development,and is an early marker for the ß lineage.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to better characterize the expansion of double-negative (DN) T cells in vivo in AIDS patients and to ascertain the discrepant response of an immunodepressed immune system towards two distinct mycobacterial infections. In a large cohort of HIV-1 seropositive patients with low CD4(+) T cell counts (<100/mm(3)), we have recently reported on an expansion of DN T cells which was observed only in patients with disseminated Mycobacterium avium infection, toxoplasmosis and Kaposi sarcoma, but not in patients with tuberculosis. The potential differential gammadelta T cells response observed in vivo in AIDS patients with tuberculosis or disseminated M. avium complex infection was investigated by collecting the concomitant or the closest T lymphocyte counts performed within 2 weeks of bacterial diagnosis of 112 disseminated M. avium infection and 41 tuberculosis patients. The DN and gammadelta T cell percentages were different between the two groups (P < 10(-4)) and the expansion of this compartment was found only with disseminated M. avium infections. An analysis of the variable delta2 segment versus pan-delta bearing T cells ratio disclosed a predominance of non-V(delta)2 T cells in these patients whose average values were identical in both groups. It is therefore concluded that the difference seen between these two types of mycobacterial infections concerning the DN T cells only involved the gammadelta T cells although the mechanism of their preferential expansion in disseminated M. avium infections remains a matter of speculation.  相似文献   

Although the effect of IL-15 has been described on murine cells in vitro and in vivo, its effect on human memory CD8(+) T cells is not well characterized. We show here that IL-15 preferentially enhances the activation and effector function of human effector-memory CD45RA(-)CD62L(-) and CD45RA(+)CD62L(-) CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells in both healthy and HIV-infected individuals. We find that IL-15 increases 2- to 5-fold both the activation and secretion of the effector cytokines IFN-gamma and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha by anti-CD3-stimulated purified CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy and HIV-infected individuals. Furthermore, IL-15 potently inhibits CD95/Fas-induced apoptosis of the effector-memory CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells from HIV-infected individuals. These findings suggest that in addition to being a growth and survival factor for memory CD8(+) T cells, IL-15 is also a potent activator of human effector-memory CD8(+) T cells both in healthy and in HIV-infected individuals.  相似文献   

The third subunit, the so-called common (c) chain, of the IL-2receptor is shared among the receptors for IL-2, IL-4, IL-7and IL-15, and dysfunction of the c chain is thought to causeX-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (XSCID) ascribed toimpairment of early T cell development. However, cytokines linkedto XSCID are as yet unidentified. A mAb specific for the c chain,TUGm2, profoundly inhibited cell proliferation in response toIL-9. Another mAb, TUGm3, immunoprecipltated [125I]IL-9 cross-linkedwith either the IL-9 receptor or the c chain. These resultsdemonstrate that the c chain is included in the functional receptorcomplex for IL-9, which was initially characterized as a T cellgrowth factor and is essential for IL-9-dependent growth signaltransductlon.  相似文献   

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