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Mechanoelectrical transducer currents in turtle auditory hair cells adapted to maintained stimuli via a Ca(2+)-dependent mechanism characterized by two time constants of approximately 1 and 15 ms. The time course of adaptation slowed as the stimulus intensity was raised because of an increased prominence of the second component. The fast component of adaptation had a similar time constant for both positive and negative displacements and was unaffected by the myosin ATPase inhibitors, vanadate and butanedione monoxime. Adaptation was modeled by a scheme in which Ca(2+) ions, entering through open transducer channels, bind at two intracellular sites to trigger independent processes leading to channel closure. It was assumed that the second site activates a modulator with 10-fold slower kinetics than the first site. The model was implemented by computing Ca(2+) diffusion within a single stereocilium, incorporating intracellular calcium buffers and extrusion via a plasma membrane CaATPase. The theoretical results reproduced several features of the experimental responses, including sensitivity to the concentration of external Ca(2+) and intracellular calcium buffer and a dependence on the onset speed of the stimulus. The model also generated damped oscillatory transducer responses at a frequency dependent on the rate constant for the fast adaptive process. The properties of fast adaptation make it unlikely to be mediated by a myosin motor, and we suggest that it may result from Ca(2+) binding to the transducer channel or a nearby cytoskeletal element.  相似文献   

Active hair bundle movements in auditory hair cells   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
The frequency selectivity of mammalian hearing depends on not only the passive mechanics of the basilar membrane but also an active amplification of the mechanical stimulus by the cochlear hair cells. The common view is that amplification stems from the somatic motility of the outer hair cells (OHCs), changes in their length impelled by voltage-dependent transitions in the membrane protein prestin. Whether this voltage-controlled mechanism, whose frequency range may be limited by the membrane time constant, has the band width to cover the entire auditory range of mammals is uncertain. However, there is ample evidence for an alternative mode of force generation by hair cells of non-mammals, such as frogs and turtles, which probably lack prestin. The latter process involves active motion of the hair bundle underpinned by conformational changes in the mechanotransducer (MT) channels and activation of one or more isoforms of myosin. This review summarizes evidence for active hair bundle motion and its connection to MT channel adaptation. Key factors for the hair bundle motor to play a role in the mammalian cochlea include the size and speed of force production.  相似文献   

Auditory function in the mammalian inner ear is optimized by collaboration of two classes of sensory cells known as inner and outer hair cells. Outer hair cells amplify and tune sound stimuli that are transduced and transmitted by inner hair cells. Although they subserve distinct functions, they share a number of common properties. Here we compare the properties of mechanotransduction and adaptation recorded from inner and outer hair cells of the postnatal mouse cochlea. Rapid outer hair bundle deflections of about 0.5 micron evoked average maximal transduction currents of about 325 pA, whereas inner hair bundle deflections of about 0.9 micron were required to evoke average maximal currents of about 310 pA. The similar amplitude was surprising given the difference in the number of stereocilia, 81 for outer hair cells and 48 for inner hair cells, but may be reconciled by the difference in single-channel conductance. Step deflections of inner and outer hair bundles evoked adaptation that had two components: a fast component that consisted of about 60% of the response occurred over the first few milliseconds and a slow component that consisted of about 40% of the response followed over the subsequent 20-50 ms. The rate of the slow component in both inner and outer hair cells was similar to the rate of slow adaptation in vestibular hair cells. The rate of the fast component was similar to that of auditory hair cells in other organisms and several properties were consistent with a model that proposes calcium-dependent release of tension allows transduction channel closure.  相似文献   

Two classes of outer hair cells along the tonotopic axis of the cochlea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The molecular basis of high versus low frequency hearing loss and the differences in the sensitivity of outer hair cells depending on their cochlear localization are currently not understood. Here we demonstrate the existence of two different outer hair cell phenotypes along the cochlear axis. Outer hair cells in low frequency regions exhibit early sensitivity for loss of Ca(v)1.3 (alpha1 subunit 1.3 forming the class D L-type voltage-gated Ca(2+) channel), while high frequency regions display a progressive susceptibility for loss of the Ca(2+)-activated large conductance K(+) (BK) channel. Despite deafness, young Ca(v)1.3-deficient mice displayed distortion-product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs), indicating functional outer hair cells in the higher frequency range of the cochlea. Considering that DPOAEs are also found in the human deafness syndrome DFNB9 caused by mutations in the synaptic vesicle protein otoferlin, we tested the expression of otoferlin in outer hair cells. Surprisingly, otoferlin showed a distinct tonotopic expression pattern at both the mRNA and protein level. Otoferlin-expressing, Ca(v)1.3 deletion-sensitive outer hair cells in the low frequency range could be clearly separated from otoferlin-negative, BK deletion-sensitive outer hair cells in the high frequency range. In addition, BK deletion led to a higher noise vulnerability in low frequency regions, which are normally unaffected by the BK deletion alone, suggesting that BK currents are involved in survival mechanisms of outer hair cells under noise conditions. Our findings propose new mechanisms and candidate genes for explaining high and low frequency hearing loss.  相似文献   

Hair cell mechano-electric transducer (MET) channels play a pivotal role in auditory and vestibular signal detection, yet few data exist regarding their molecular nature. Present work characterizes the MET channel pore, a region whose properties are thought to be intrinsically determined. Two approaches were used. First, the channel was probed with antagonists of candidate channel subtypes including: cyclic nucleotide-gated channels, transient receptor potential channels and gap-junctional channels. Eight new antagonists were identified. Most of the effective antagonists had a partially charged amine group predicted to penetrate the channel pore, antagonizing current flow, while the remainder of the molecule prevented further permeation of the compound through the pore. This blocking mechanism was tested using curare to demonstrate the open channel nature of the block and by identifying methylene blue as a permeant channel blocker. The second approach estimated dimensions of the channel pore with simple amine compounds. The narrowest diameter of the pore was calculated as 12.5 ± 0.8  Å and the location of a binding site ∼45% of the way through the membrane electric field was calculated. Channel length was estimated as ∼31 Å and the width of the pore mouth at < 17  Å. Each effective antagonist had a minimal diameter, measured about the penetrating amine, of less than the pore diameter, with a direct correlation between IC50 and minimal diameter. The IC50 was also directly related to the length of the amine side chains, further validating the proposed pore blocking mechanism. Data provided by these two approaches support a hypothesis regarding channel permeation and block that incorporates molecular dimensions and ion interactions within the pore.  相似文献   

Presynaptic bodies of auditory hair cells of Old World monkeys are separately differentiated in inner, as contrasted with outer, hair cells. The pre-synaptic bodies of outer cells are spherical and of variable electron density, and are thus similar to those of the labyrinth of vertebrates from fish to man. The difficulty in finding them, as compared with the relative ease of finding the presynaptic bodies of inner hair cells, suggests either that they are not present in all outer hair cells or that they undergo a regression-reconstitution cycle. The presynaptic bodies of simian inner hair cells are almost always ring-shaped. The few exceptions reinforce the impression of a later evolutionary development of the inner hair cell system. In any event, our findings serve to reemphasize the remarkable differentiation of outer and inner hair cell systems, and to deepen the mystery of their separate roles in audition.  相似文献   

The passive and active properties of the cochlear outer hair cell are studied. The outer hair cell is currently considered the major candidate for the active component of mammalian hearing. Understanding of its properties may explain the amplification and sharp frequency selectivity of the ear. To analyse the cell behaviour, a model of a nonlinear anisotropic electro-elastic shell is used. Using the data from three independent experiments, where the mechanical strains of the cell are measured, estimates of the cell wall in-plane Young's moduli and Poisson's ratios are given, as well as estimates of three modes of bending stiffness. Based on these estimates and data from the microchamber experiment, where the cell is under the action of transmembrane potential changes, the characteristics of the outer hair cell active behaviour are found. These characteristics include the coefficients of the active force production per unit of the transmembrane potential change and limiting parameters of the electromotile response for extreme hyperpolarisation and depolarisation of the cell. The obtained estimates provide important information for the modelling of organ-level cochlear mechanics.  相似文献   

The passive and active properties of the cochlear outer hair cell are studied. The outer hair cell is currently considered the major candidate for the active component of mammalian hearing. Understanding of its properties may explain the amplification and sharp frequency selectivity of the ear. To analyse the cell behaviour, a model of a nonlinear anisotropic electro-elastic shell is used. Using the data from three independent experiments, where the mechanical strains of the cell are measured, estimates of the cell wall in-plane Young's moduli and Poisson's ratios are given, as well as estimates of three modes of bending stiffness. Based on these estimates and data from the microchamber experiment, where the cell is under the action of transmembrane potential changes, the characteristics of the outer hair cell active behaviour are found. These characteristics include the coefficients of the active force production per unit of the transmembrane potential change and limiting parameters of the electromotile response for extreme hyperpolarisation and depolarisation of the cell. The obtained estimates provide important information for the modelling of organ-level cochlear mechanics.  相似文献   

Auditory event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded for 250- and 4,000-Hz tone bursts in an intermodal selective attention task. Tonotopic changes were evident in the scalp distribution of the rising phase of the auditory N1 (mean peak latency 116 ms); the N1 was more frontally distributed following the 4,000-Hz than following the 250-Hz tone bursts, and it included a contralateral P90 component that was absent following 250-Hz tones. ERPs related to intermodal selective attention were isolated as negative and positive auditory difference waves (Nda and Pdas). Neither the Nda nor the Pda showed changes in distribution with tone frequency, but both showed Ear × Frequency changes in distribution. ERPs for deviant tones included mismatch negativities (MMNs) and, in attend auditory conditions, N2b and P3 components. These components did not change in scalp distribution with tone frequency. One possible explanation is that tonotopic displacements of ERP distributions on the scalp surface depend on angular displacements in generator fields on gyral convexities. The results are consistent with the possibility that auditory processing radiates outward with increasing latency from tonotopic fields on Heschl's gyri to more gyrus-free regions of the planun temporale and anterior superior temporal plane.  相似文献   

Properties of auditory nerve responses in absence of outer hair cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1. Recordings were made from chinchilla auditory nerve fibers after portions of the cochlear outer hair cell (OHC) population were destroyed with the antibiotic kanamycin. In most cases the inner hair cell (IHC) population was completely preserved as determined by phase-contrast microscopy. We presume that the remaining IHCs are functionally normal, and thus that recordings obtained from fibers originating from the lesioned cochlear segment reflect IHC behavior. 2. Behavioral thresholds were measured for all animals both before and after the production of the cochlear lesion. The audiograms and the histological evaluation of the ears were the basis for assessing whether a particular fiber originated in a normal, pathological (shifted threshold; IHC only), or border region. These criteria also identified the animals that sustained IHC damage together with the destruction of part of the OHC population. Only the data obtained from those fibers which probably originated from the OHC-free segment of the cochlea are considered in detail. 3. Fibers whose characteristic frequency (CF) identified them as belonging to the normal (audiometrically and histologically) region, were found to be normal in all respects. 4. Fibers from the border region (where the audiogram has a steep slope between normal and hearing-loss regions probably corresponding to the segment where OHC loss progresses from less than 10% to more than 90%) had very complex response patterns. Their frequency threshold curves (FTC) showed great variability. In general, the closer the fiber was to the fully developed lesion, the more abnormal its FTC became. 5. Those units that were concluded to have originated from the OHC-free part of the cochlea could be divided into three categories on the basis of the shape of their FTCs. A small fraction had very broad tuning (9%). The majority (53%) had approximately normal tail segment, normal bandwidth of the tip segment, and highly elevated threshold at CF. A group of fibers (38%) could not be assigned a CF. Probably the FTC of most of these latter fibers are similar to those of the previous group, but the sharply tuned short tip segment was either missed or was not reachable on account of its extremely high threshold level. 6. Such indexes of fiber response as latency, spontaneous rate, and time pattern (PST histograms) were not affected by the loss of OHCs. 7. On the basis of the data and of the assumptions made it was suggested that outer hair cells provide a frequency-dependent sensitizing influence to the inner hair cells. The frequency dependence could best be expressed as a flat-topped band pass characteristic.  相似文献   

The auditory hair cells of adults of eight species of lizards (three gekkonids: Coleonyx variegatus, Gekko gecko, and Cosymbotus platyurus; two teiids: Ameiva ameiva and Cnemidophorus tigris; one anguid: Celestus costatus; one lacertid: Podarcis (Lacerta) sicula; and one iguanid: Crotaphytus wislizeni) were studied by transmission electron microscopy. Heterotopic synaptic bodies were found in some of the auditory hair cells of all of the above species, occurring frequently in the gekkonids but infrequently in other species. The groups of heterotopic synaptic bodies occurred mainly in the infranuclear cytoplasm between the hair cell nucleus and the hair cell plasma membrane. The groups of synaptic bodies that were close to the hair cell nucleus were usually associated with specialized arrays of rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum. The numbers of heterotopic synaptic bodies were greatest in the gekkonid species and were especially large in Coleonyx variegatus, where an average of 36.8 synaptic bodies occur in one group. The functional significance of the presence of heterotopic synaptic bodies in the auditory hair cells of adults animals is not known.  相似文献   

Outer hair cells are centrally involved in the amplification and frequency tuning of the mammalian cochlea, but evidence about their transducing properties in animals with fully developed hearing is lacking. Here we describe measurements of mechanoelectrical transducer currents in outer hair cells of rats between postnatal days 5 and 18, before and after the onset of hearing. Deflection of hair bundles using a new rapid piezoelectric stimulator evoked transducer currents with ultra-fast activation and adaptation kinetics. Fast adaptation resembled the same process in turtle hair cells, where it is regulated by changes in stereociliary calcium. It is argued that sub-millisecond transducer adaptation can operate in outer hair cells under the ionic, driving force and temperature conditions that prevail in the intact mammalian cochlea.  相似文献   

Whole cell transduction currents were recorded from hair cells in early postnatal mouse utricles in response to step deflections of the hair bundle. For displacement steps delivered by a stiff probe (1-ms rise time), half-maximal responses decayed monoexponentially with a mean time constant of 30 ms. Adaptation and other transduction properties did not vary systematically with hair cell type (I vs. II) or region (striola vs. extrastriola). Thus regional variation in the phasic properties of utricular afferents arises through other mechanisms. When bundles were deflected by a fluid jet, which delivers force steps, transduction currents decayed about 3-fold more slowly than during displacement steps. A simple model of myosin-mediated adaptation predicts such slowing through forward creep of the bundle during a force step. For a faster stiff probe (rise time 200 micros), step responses of both mouse utricular and frog saccular hair cells decayed with two exponential components, which may correspond to distinct feedback processes. For half-maximal responses, the two components had mean time constants of 5 and 45 ms (mouse) and 2 and 18 ms (frog). The fast and slow components dominated the decay of responses to small and large stimuli, respectively. Adaptation shifts the instantaneous operating range in the direction of the adapting step. In frog saccular hair cells, the operating range shift is a constant percentage of the displacement. In mouse utricular hair cells, the percentage shift increases for large displacements, extending the range of background stimuli over which adaptation can restore instantaneous sensitivity.  相似文献   

We examined spatio-temporal characteristics of the tonotopic representation in the auditory cortex of the anesthetized guinea pig with a multichannel optical method using voltage-sensitive dye. The response latencies increased, and the response field in the cortex became small when the stimulus intensity levels were decreased. Low frequencies were represented rostrally and high frequencies caudally. The two fields responding to different frequencies at higher intensity levels gradually overlapped as time after stimulus onset increased, though these response field did not overlap at the beginning of the response. These findings indicate that tonotopic representation varies dynamically with time after stimulus onset.  相似文献   

 There is substantial reorganization of the midbrain (inferior colliculus) tonotopic map following neonatally induced partial cochlear lesions in the chinchilla. The most obvious feature of this remapping is a large ”iso-frequency” region in the ventral sector of the central nucleus of inferior colliculus (ICC). Neurons in this region exhibit similar threshold and tuning properties, with a common characteristic frequency which corresponds to the high-frequency audiometric cutoff. This overrepresented frequency range also corresponds to the high-frequency border of the cochlear lesion. Alterations to the tonotopic map corresponding to lower frequencies, in more dorsal regions of ICC, depend on the extent and degree of the cochlear lesion. When there is minimal damage to apical (low-frequency) cochlear areas, the dorsal ICC has relatively normal frequency representations. With more extensive apical cochlear lesions there is a corresponding disruption of ICC tonotopic representation of the low frequencies. We conclude that the tonotopic map within the ICC can become (re)organized postnatally according to the abnormal pattern of neural activity from the auditory periphery. Similar reorganization can be expected to occur in human infants with a partial cochlear hearing loss from birth. Received: 2 February 1998 / Accepted: 3 July 1998  相似文献   

Calcium channel in isolated outer hair cells of guinea pig cochlea.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The physiological and pharmacological properties of the Ca2+ channel in outer hair cells (OHCs) freshly isolated from guinea pig cochlea were investigated using a whole-cell patch-clamp technique. The Ca2+ current (ICa) was activated from a membrane potential of -20 mV and reached peak value around +20 mV in external solution containing 20 mM Ca2+ at a holding potential of -70 mV. The peak amplitude of ICa increased in a hyperbolic manner with increasing extracellular Ca2+ concentration. The ion selectively was Ba2+ much greater than Ca2+ greater than or equal to Sr2+. It was concluded that the Ca2+ channel in OHCs of guinea pig is of the L-type.  相似文献   

Sensory neurons exhibit two universal properties: sensitivity to multiple stimulus dimensions, and adaptation to stimulus statistics. How adaptation affects encoding along primary dimensions is well characterized for most sensory pathways, but if and how it affects secondary dimensions is less clear. We studied these effects for neurons in the avian equivalent of primary auditory cortex, responding to temporally modulated sounds. We showed that the firing rate of single neurons in field L was affected by at least two components of the time-varying sound log-amplitude. When overall sound amplitude was low, neural responses were based on nonlinear combinations of the mean log-amplitude and its rate of change (first time differential). At high mean sound amplitude, the two relevant stimulus features became the first and second time derivatives of the sound log-amplitude. Thus a strikingly systematic relationship between dimensions was conserved across changes in stimulus intensity, whereby one of the relevant dimensions approximated the time differential of the other dimension. In contrast to stimulus mean, increases in stimulus variance did not change relevant dimensions, but selectively increased the contribution of the second dimension to neural firing, illustrating a new adaptive behavior enabled by multidimensional encoding. Finally, we demonstrated theoretically that inclusion of time differentials as additional stimulus features, as seen so prominently in the single-neuron responses studied here, is a useful strategy for encoding naturalistic stimuli, because it can lower the necessary sampling rate while maintaining the robustness of stimulus reconstruction to correlated noise.  相似文献   

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