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Ultrastructure of apical specializations of taste cells in the mudpuppy, Necturus maculosus 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The first interaction of taste stimuli with lingual chemoreceptors occurs on the apical membrane of taste cells, since only that portion is exposed to the oral cavity. To gain better insight into this interaction, we examined the pore region of taste buds in Necturus maculosus with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy, and high-voltage electron microscopy. SEM of the pore reveals a patchwork distribution of three morphologically distinct types of apical specializations: long and branched (LB) microvilli, short and unbranched (SU) microvilli, and bundles of stereocilia. As demonstrated in thin and thick sections, LB microvilli are specializations of dark cells, SU microvilli are the apical specializations of light cells, and stereocilia arise from a cell that has the cytoplasmic markers characteristic of light cells. When left in place, the pore mucus completely covers the SU microvilli and partially covers the LB microvilli. However, stereocilia project above the surface and thus are highly exposed to taste stimuli in the oral cavity. These three morphologically distinct types of apical specializations may reveal functional differences among taste cells. The initial interaction between chemical stimulus and taste cell, and possibly chemoreceptor specificity itself, may be influenced by the morphology of the apical ending. 相似文献
Ultrastructure of mouse vallate taste buds. I. Taste cells and their associated synapses 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
The ultrastructural features of murine vallate taste bud cells and their associated synapses have been examined in thin and thick sections with conventional transmission electron microscopy and high-voltage electron microscopy. Computer-assisted reconstructions from serial sections were utilized to aid in visualization of taste bud cell-nerve fiber synapses. We have classified taste bud cells on the basis of previously established criteria-namely, size of the nucleus, shape and density of chromatin, density of cytoplasm, and presence or absence of dense-cored or clear vesicles, other cytoplasmic organelles, and synaptic foci. Both dark cells and light cells are present, as well as cells with intermediate morphological characteristics. Synapses were observed from taste bud cells onto nerve fiber processes. In virtually all instances, synapses are associated with the nuclear region of the taste cell. These synapses are characterized by the presence of 40-70 nm clear vesicles embedded in a thickened presynaptic membrane separated from the postsynaptic membrane by a 16-30 nm cleft. Synapses are not unique to any particular cell type. Dark, intermediate, and light cells all synapse onto nerve fibers. Two general types of synapses exist: spot (or macular) and fingerlike. In the latter, the postsynaptic region of the neuronal process protrudes into an invagination of the taste cell membrane. Differences in synaptic morphology are not correlated with taste cell type. In some cases a single taste cell was observed to possess both macular and fingerlike synapses adjacent to one another, forming a synaptic complex onto a single neuronal process. On the basis of the presence of synaptic contacts, we conclude that both "dark" and "light" cells are gustatory receptors. 相似文献
Dye-coupling in taste buds in the mudpuppy, Necturus maculosus 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Electrical coupling in taste buds and in non-taste lingual epithelium in the mudpuppy was examined by injecting cells with a fluorescent dye, Lucifer yellow. Lucifer yellow coupling has been shown to indicate the presence of electrical junctions between cells. Lucifer yellow-filled taste cells usually have an elongate shape. Cells were an average of 111 microns long and were 13 microns in diameter at the widest region (nucleus). In taste buds, from a sample of 105 impalements we detected Lucifer yellow coupling in 21 cases: dye-coupled pairs of cells were observed in 17 cases, and trios of cells in 4 cases. Larger subsets of coupled cells (greater than 3) were not observed. Dye-coupled cells were usually equally intensely stained. In non-taste epithelium, we examined dye-coupling in the superficial and basal layers. Extensive Lucifer yellow coupling was found in the basal layer (15/15 cases). The number of cells coupled to the dye-injected cell varied from 3 to 5. In the superficial epithelium, dye-coupling was rare (1/45 cases). No dye-coupling was observed between epithelial cells and taste cells at the taste pore region. We conclude that strong electrical coupling in groups of 2-3 cells occurs in the mudpuppy taste buds. Coupling may occur selectively between identical types of taste cells (dark, light, etc.), but this remains to be determined. Electrical coupling also exists among basal epithelial cells but not in the superficial epithelial layers. 相似文献
Martha McPheeters Andrew J. Barber Sue C. Kinnamon John C. Kinnamon 《The Journal of comparative neurology》1994,346(4):601-612
Isolated Necturus taste receptor cells were studied by giga-seal whole-cell recording and electron microscopy to correlate electrophysiological properties with taste cell structural features. Dark (type I) cells were identified by the presence of dense granular packets in the supranuclear and apical regions of the cytoplasm. In response to a series of depolarizing voltage commands from a holding potential of ?80 mV, these cells exhibited a transient, TTX-sensitive inward Na+ current, a sustained outward K+ current, and a slowly inactivating inward Ca++ current. Light (type II) cells were identified by a lack of granular packets and by an abundance of smooth endoplasmic reticulum distributed throughout the cell. In addition, isolated light cells had clear vesicular inclusions in the cytoplasm and blebs on the plasma membrane. Light cells were divided into two functional populations based upon electrophysiological criteria: cells with inward and outward currents, and cells with outward currents only. Light cells with inward and outward currents had voltage-activated Na+, K+, and Ca++ currents with properties similar to those of dark cells. In contrast, the second group of light cells had only voltageactivated outward K+ currents in response to depolarizing voltage commands. These data suggest that dark cells and light cells with inward and outward currents are capable of generating action potentials and releasing neurotransmitters onto gustatory afferent neurons in response to taste stimulation. In contrast, light cells with outward currents only likely serve a different function in the taste bud. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
David W. Pumplin Chengsi Yu David V. Smith 《The Journal of comparative neurology》1997,378(3):389-410
Cells of mammalian taste buds have been classified into morphological types based on ultrastructural criteria, but investigators have disagreed as to whether these are distinct cell types or the extremes of a continuum. To address this issue, we examined taste buds from rat vallate papillae that had been sectioned transversely, rather than longitudinally, to their longest axis. In these transverse sections, dark (Type I) and light (Type II) cells were easily distinguished by their relative electron density, shape and topological relationships. Cells with electron-lucent cytoplasm (light cells) were circular or oval in outline, while those with electron-dense cytoplasm (dark cells) had an irregular outline with sheetlike cytoplasmic projections that separated adjacent light cells. A hierarchical cluster analysis of 314 cells across five morphological parameters (cell shape and area, and nuclear ellipticity, electron density and invagination) revealed two distinct groups of cells, which largely corresponded to the dark and light cells identified visually. These cells were not continuously distributed within a principal components factor solution. Differences in the means for dark and light cells were highly significant for each morphological parameter, but within either cell type, changes in one parameter correlated little with changes in any other. These analyses all failed to reveal cells with a consistent set of intermediate characteristics, suggesting that dark and light cells of rat vallate taste buds are distinct cell types rather than extremes of a continuum. Sections of taste buds were stained with antibodies to several carbohydrates, then observed by indirect immunofluorescence. Optical sections taken with a confocal laser-scanning microscope showed that the Lewisb antigen was present only on spindle-shaped cells with circular or oval outlines and lacking transverse projections; these characteristic shapes matched those of light cells seen by electron microscopy. The H blood group antigen and the 2B8 epitope appeared at most cell-cell interfaces in the bud and are present on dark cells and possibly on some light cells. These findings relate molecular markers to morphological phenotypes and should facilitate future studies of taste cell turnover, development and regeneration. J. Comp. Neurol. 378:389–410, 1997. © 1997 Wiley Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Several types of cells have been identified in vertebrate taste buds, including dark cells, light cells, intermediate cells, type III cells, and basal cells. The physiological roles of these cell types are not well understood, especially those of basal cells. In this paper we show that there are two types of basal cells in taste buds from Necturus maculosus. One type of basal cell is an undifferentiated cell, presumably a stem cell. By combining light microscopic immunocytochemistry with electron microscopy, we show that the other type of basal cell is positive for serotonin-like immunoreactivity and that these cells have ultrastructural features similar to those found in cutaneous Merkel cells. Based on these findings, and the fact that the Merkel-like taste cells have been shown to make synaptic contacts with adjacent taste cells and with innervating nerve fibers, we conclude that these Merkel-like basal taste cells are serotonergic interneurons. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Synaptobrevin is a vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP) that is believed to play a critical role with presynaptic membrane proteins (SNAP-25 and syntaxin) during regulated synaptic vesicle docking and exocytosis of neurotransmitter at the central nervous system. Synaptic contacts between taste cells and nerve processes have been found to exist, but little is known about synaptic vesicle docking and neurotransmitter release at taste cell synapses. Previously we demonstrated that immunoreactivity to SNAP-25 is present in taste cells with synapses. Our present results show that synaptobrevin-2-like immunoreactivity (-LIR) is present in approximately 35% of the taste cells in rat circumvallate taste buds. Synaptobrevin-2-LIR colocalizes with SNAP-25-, serotonin-, and protein gene product 9.5-LIR. Synaptobrevin-2-LIR also colocalizes with immunoreactivity for type III inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor (IP3R3), a taste-signaling molecule in taste cells. All IP3R3-LIR taste cells express synaptobrevin-2-LIR. However, approximately 27% of the synaptobrevin-2-LIR taste cells do not display IP3R3-LIR. We believe, based on ultrastructural and biochemical features, that both type II and type III taste cells display synaptobrevin-2-LIR. All of the synapses that we observed from taste cells onto nerve processes express synaptobrevin-2-LIR, as well as some taste cells without synapses. By using colloidal gold immunoelectron microscopy, we found that synaptobrevin-2-LIR is associated with synaptic vesicles at rat taste cell synapses. The results of this study suggest that soluble NSF attachment receptor (SNARE) machinery may control synaptic vesicle fusion and exocytosis at taste cell synapses. 相似文献
Tight junctions operate as semipermeable barriers in epithelial tissue, separating the apical from the basolateral sides of the cells. Membrane proteins of the claudin family represent the major tight junction constituents, and some reinforce permeability barriers, whereas others create pores based on solute size and ion selectivity. To outline paracellular permeability pathways in gustatory tissue, all claudins expressed in mouse taste buds and in human fungiform papillae have been characterized. Twelve claudins are expressed in murine taste-papillae-enriched tissue, and five of those are expressed in human fungiform papillae. A subset of the claudins expressed in mouse papillae is uniquely found in taste buds. By immunohistochemistry, claudin 4 has been found in mouse taste epithelium, with high abundance around the taste pore. Claudin 6 is explicitly detected inside the pore, claudin 7 was found at the basolateral side of taste cells, and claudin 8 was found around the pore. With the ion permeability features of the different claudins, a highly specific permeability pattern for paracellular diffusion is apparent, which indicates a peripheral mechanism for taste coding. 相似文献
To investigate synaptic mechanisms in taste buds and collect information about synaptic transmission in these sensory organs, we have examined taste buds of the mudpuppy, Necturus maculosus for the presence of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators. Immunocytochemical staining at the light microscopic level revealed the presence of serotonin-like and cholecystokinin-like (CCK) immunoreactivity in basal cells in the taste bud. Nerve fibers innervating taste buds were immunoreactive for vasoactive intestinal peptide-like (VIP), substance P-like, and calcitonin gene-related peptide-like (CGRP) or compounds closely related to these substances. Immunoreactivity for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) in the taste cells and nerve fibers was absent. These data suggest that serotonin, CCK, VIP, substance P, and CGRP are involved in synaptic transmission or neuromodulation in the peripheral organs of taste. No evidence was found for cholinergic or adrenergic mechanisms on the basis of the absence of immunocytochemical staining for key enzymes involved in these two transmitter systems. 相似文献
The lifespan of cells in the mouse taste bud was examined with high-voltage electron microscopic (HVEM) autoradiography (ARG) after giving a single injection of 3H-thymidine. Animals were killed at 1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, and then daily up through 10 days postinjection. Lingual tissues were prepared for HVEM ARG so that we could identify and characterize labeled cells. Four categories of taste cells were identified: basal, dark, intermediate, and light cells. Basal cells were polygonal cells located near the basolateral sides of the taste buds and were characterized primarily by the presence of filaments attached to the nuclear envelope. Dark and light cells had the typical features described by previous authors. Intermediate cells had features in between those of dark and light cells. Over 90% of the cells labeled in the first 2 days following injection of 3H-thymidine were basal cells. Labeled dark cells appeared 6 hours after injection, reached their peak incidence at the fourth day postinjection, and then gradually decreased. Labeled intermediate cells were identified after the appearance of dark cells (12 hours) and reached a peak incidence at the fifth day after injection of 3H-thymidine. Lastly, labeled light cells were first observed on the fourth day postinjection and continued to increase until the tenth day, when they constituted 45% of the labeled cells. These data support the hypothesis that there is one cell line in the mouse vallate taste bud that undergoes morphological changes in its lifespan. 相似文献
There is considerable uncertainty regarding the cortical areas in the human brain that are involved in gustatory processing. Evidence from nonhuman primates indicates that parts of the peri-central opercular region (secondary somatosensory cortex) and insular cortex may be important for gustatory processing. The aim of the study was to examine changes in cerebral blood flow during gustatory stimulation (with sucrose or water) in the insulo-opercular region of the human brain with positron emission tomography using only movement of the tongue and mouth as control conditions. This is important because subtractions of responses to one gustatory stimulus from those to another may mask gustatory activity that is common to both stimuli, even when the control stimulus is an apparently tasteless one (e.g. water). Bilateral increases in activity were observed in the insulo-opercular region and, consistent with animal work, they indicate that there are a number of separate foci within this general area where primary gustatory inputs may be processed. 相似文献
The isolated brachial spinal cord of Necturus maculosus is useful for studies of neural networks underlying forelimb locomotion, but information about its cellular morphology is scarce. We addressed this issue by using confocal and electron microscopy. Remarkably, the central region of gray matter was aneural and consisted exclusively of a tenuous meshwork of glial fibers and large extracellular spaces. Somata of motoneurons (MNs) and interneurons (INs), labeled by retrograde transport of fluorescent tracers from ventral roots and axons in the ventrolateral funiculus, respectively, were confined within a gray neuropil layer abutting the white matter borders, whereas their dendrites projected widely throughout the white matter. About one-third of labeled INs were found contralaterally, with axons crossing ventral to a thick layer of ependyma surrounding the central canal. Lateral MN dendrites proliferated under the pial surface to form a dense, thin (1-2 microm) plexus immediately beneath a thin layer of glial fibrillary acidic protein-positive glia limitans. The latter contained arrays of unusual tubular structures (diameter 200-400 nm, length 3 microm) that resembled mitochondria but lacked double membranes or cristae. Dorsal roots (DRs) produced dense presynaptic arbors within a wedge-shaped afferent termination zone medial to the dorsal root entry, within which dendrites of MNs and INs mingled with dense collections of synaptic boutons. Our data suggest that a major fraction of synaptic interactions takes place within the white matter. This study provides a detailed foundation for designing electrophysiological experiments to study the neural circuits involved in locomotor pattern generation. 相似文献
David V. Smith Richard A. Akeson Michael T. Shipley 《The Journal of comparative neurology》1993,336(4):493-506
The expression of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) and distinct carbohydrate groups by cells of the taste buds of the rat vallate papilla was investigated by immunohistochemical and biochemical techniques. We employed antibodies against (1) the extracellular (mAb 3F4) and cytoplasmic (mAb 5B8) portions of the NCAM polypeptide, (2) the highly sialylated form of NCAM (mAb 5A5), (3) carbohydrate epitopes associated with glycosylated NCAM forms in the rat (mAb 2B8) or frog (mAb 9-OE) olfactory system, and also (4) the Lewisb blood group carbohydrate epitope (mAb CO431). NCAM mRNA was demonstrated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in samples of the vallate papilla, suggesting the presence of NCAM in cells of the taste buds. Antibodies against NCAM (mAbs 3F4 and 5B8) recognized a subset (about 20%) of cells within the vallate taste buds; fibers of the glossopharyngeal nerve, including those innervating the gustatory epithelium, were NCAM immunoreactive. Taste bud cells did not express polysialic acid (mAb 5A5), but mAb 5A5 immunoreactivity was observed on fibers of the IXth nerve, including a few that entered the taste buds. All or nearly all of the cells within the vallate taste buds were immunoreactive to mAb 2B8, whereas mAbs 9-OE and CO431 reacted with subsets of cells. The carbohydrates recognized by mAbs 2B8 and 9-OE were also abundantly expressed in the ducts and acini of the lingual salivary glands. Bilateral crush of the IXth nerve resulted in the loss of expression of all of these molecules from the gustatory epithelium. If cells of the taste bud express NCAM during their final stage(s) of differentiation, then NCAM could play a role(s) in the growth of gustatory axons toward their target epithelial cells and in the recognition between the nerve fibers and mature taste receptor cells, or among the taste bud cells themselves. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
de Brito Sanchez MG Giurfa M de Paula Mota TR Gauthier M 《The European journal of neuroscience》2005,22(12):3161-3170
We combined behavioural and electrophysiological experiments to study whether bitter taste is perceived at the antennal level in honeybees, Apis mellifera. Our behavioural studies showed that neither quinine nor salicin delivered at one antenna at different concentrations induced a retraction of the proboscis once it was extended in response to 1 M sucrose solution delivered to the opposite antenna. Bees that extended massively their proboscis to 1 M sucrose responded only partially when stimulated with a mixture of 1 M sucrose and 100 mM quinine. The mixture of 1 m sucrose and 100 mM salicin had no such suppressive effect. No behavioural suppression was found for mixtures of salt solution and either bitter substance. Electrophysiological recordings of taste sensillae at the antennal tip revealed sensillae that responded specifically either to sucrose or salt solutions, but none responded to the bitter substances quinine and salicin at the different concentrations tested. The electrophysiological responses of sensillae to 15 mM sucrose solution were inhibited by a mixture of 15 mM sucrose and 0.1 mM quinine, but not by a mixture of 15 mM sucrose and 0.1 mM salicin. The responses of sensillae to 50 mM NaCl were reduced by a mixture of 50 mm NaCl and 1 mM quinine but not by a mixture of 50 mM NaCl and 1 mM salicin. We concluded that no receptor cells for the bitter substances tested, exist at the level of the antennal tip of the honeybee and that antennal bitter taste is not represented as a separate perceptual quality. 相似文献
Little information is currently available about which neurotransmitters are involved in signal processing in the peripheral sensory organs of taste, taste buds. Synaptic contacts between taste cells and sensory axons have long been known to exist, but what substances are active at these synapses is not known. Our objective in this study was to test for the presence of the neurotransmitter candidates, GABA, glutamate, serotonin, and histamine in taste buds of Necturus maculosus. Light microscopic immunocytochemical techniques were used to investigate the location of these substances in taste buds and surrounding epithelium. GABA and glutamate were detected in nerve fibers that innervate the taste buds, and, to a substantially lesser extent, in fine, varicose axons that penetrated the surrounding nontaste epithelium. Serotonin immunostaining was strong in basal cells in frog taste discs but was only faintly detected in Necturus taste buds. Histamine was not detected at all in taste buds. We conclude that amino acid neurotransmission may be involved in taste mechanisms and that monoamines may also play a role in chemosensory transduction in the taste bud. On the basis of our inability to detect histamine with immunocytochemical techniques, we conclude that this substance is unlikely to be a major neurotransmitter in Necturus taste buds. 相似文献
Thomas E. Finger Bruce P. Bryant D. Lynn Kalinoski John H. Teeter Brbel Bttger William Grosvenor Robert H. Cagan Joseph G. Brand 《The Journal of comparative neurology》1996,373(1):129-138
The taste system of catfish, having distinct taste receptor sites for L-alanine and L-arginine, is highly sensitive to amino acids. A previously described monoclonal antibody (G-10), which inhibits L-alanine binding to a partial membrane fraction (P2) derived from catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) taste epithelium, was found in Western blots to recognize a single band, at apparent MW of 113,000 D. This MW differs from the apparent MW for the presumed arginine receptor identified previously by PHA-E lectin affinity. In order to test whether PHA-E lectin actually reacts with the arginine-receptor, reconstituted membrane proteins partially purified by PHA-E affinity were used in artificial lipid bilayers. These reconstituted channels exhibited L-arginine-activated activity similar to that found in taste cell membranes. Accordingly, we utilized the PHA-E lectin and G-10 antibody as probes to differentially localize the L-alanine and L-arginine binding sites on the apical surface of catfish taste buds. Each probe labels numerous, small (0.5–1.0 μm) patches within the taste pore of each taste bud. This observation suggests that each bud is not tuned to a single taste substance, but contains putative receptor sites for both L-arginine and L-alanine. Further, analysis of double-labeled tissue reveals that the PHA-E and G-10 sites tend to be separate within each taste pore. These findings imply that in catfish, individual taste cells preferentially express receptors to either L-arginine or L-alanine. In addition, PHA-E binds to the apices of solitary chemoreceptor cells in the epithelium, indicating that this independent chemoreceptor system may utilize some receptor sites similar to those in taste buds. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Taste buds contain two types of taste receptor cells, inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor type 3-immunoreactive cells (type II cells) and synaptosomal-associating protein-25-immunoreactive cells (type III cells). We investigated their postnatal development in mouse fungiform taste buds immunohistochemically and electrophysiologically. The cell density, i.e. the number of cells per taste bud divided by the maximal area of the horizontal cross-section of the taste bud, of type II cells increased by postnatal day (PD)49, where as that of type III cells was unchanged throughout the postnatal observation period and was equal to that of the adult cells at PD1. The immunoreactivity of taste bud cell subtypes was the same as that of their respective subtypes in adult mice throughout the postnatal observation period. Almost all type II cells were immunoreactive to gustducin at PD1, and then the ratio of gustducin-immunoreactive type II cells to all type II cells decreased to a saturation level, ~60% of all type II cells, by PD15. Type II and III cells generated voltage-gated currents similar to their respective adult cells even at PD3. These results show that infant taste receptor cells are as excitable as those of adults and propagate in a subtype-dependent manner. The relationship between the ratio of each taste receptor cell subtype to all cells and taste nerve responses are discussed. 相似文献
In order to study the pattern of innervation of taste buds and the surrounding epithelium, the carbocyanine dye diI was applied to the nerve stump in isolated, paraformaldehyde-fixed barbels obtained from channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. After a diffusion period of 7-41 days, the barbels were sectioned on a vibratome and examined with epifluorescence. Labeled axons were observed up to 1 cm from the site of application. Frequently, a fascicle of labeled axons turned outward toward the epithelium to innervate taste buds or to end apparently as free endings within the epithelium. Within 2-3 mm of the dye-application site, many taste buds contained one or at most 5-10, labeled spindle-shaped, presumed receptor, cells. In taste buds containing multiple labeled cells, the cells usually were arranged as intertwined pairs or triplets rather than being homogeneously distributed within the taste bud. In a few cases, labeled basal cells could be discerned among the labeled axons of the basal plexus. The cells of the taste bud apparently were labeled by transcellular passage of the dye from the nerve fibers into the cells. The limited number of labeled cells within each taste bud may indicate a special relationship between these cells and the nerve fibers innervating them. 相似文献
Immunoelectron-microscopic study on the fine structure of substance-P-containing fibers in the taste buds of the rat 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
The fine structure of substance-P-like immunoreactive [SPI] fibers in the taste buds of the circumvallate papillae of the rat tongue was investigated by means of electron microscopy using the unlabeled antibody-enzyme method. Outside the epithelium, SPI and non-SPI fibers are surrounded by the cytoplasm of Schwann cells. When the SPI fibers enter the epithelium, they immediately lose this cytoplasmic sheath and begin to traverse the taste buds. Though passing through the taste buds, no profiles suggesting clear synaptic contact between SPI fibers and underlying cells are identified. SPI terminals are filled with small synaptic vesicles and contain a few mitochondria. No SPI-positive structures are found in nerve endings that make synaptic contact with type III cells, the gustatory receptor cells. 相似文献
Taste bud cells (TBCs) on soft palates differ from those on tongues in innervation and chemosensitivity. We investigated voltage-gated channels involved in the taste responses of TBCs on mouse soft palates under in-situ tight-seal voltage/current-clamp conditions. Under the cell-attached mode, TBCs spontaneously fired action currents, which were blocked by application of 1 microM TTX to TBC basolateral membranes. Firing frequencies increased in response to taste substances applied to TBC receptor membranes. Under the whole-cell clamp mode, as expected, TBCs produced various voltage-gated currents such as TTX-sensitive Na+ currents (INa), outward currents (Iout) including TEA-sensitive and insensitive currents, inward rectifier K+ currents (Iir), and Ca2+ currents including T-type, P/Q-type, and L-type Ca2+ currents. We classified TBCs into three types based on the magnitude of their voltage-gated Na+ currents and membrane capacitance. HEX type (60% of TBCs examined) was significantly larger in Na+ current magnitude and smaller in membrane capacitance than LEX type (23%). NEX type (17%) had no Na+ currents. HEX type was equally distributed within single taste buds, while LEX type was centrally distributed, and NEX type was peripherally distributed. There were correlations between these electrophysiological cell types and morphological cell types determined by three-dimensional reconstruction. The present results show that soft palate taste buds contain TBCs with different electrophysiological properties, and suggest that their co-operation is required in taste transduction. 相似文献