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近年严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒2(severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2,SARS-CoV-2)大流行对人类健康造成了威胁。研究表明,SARS-CoV-2对人类生育能力有潜在影响,对男性生育力的影响远大于女性。目前研究表明接种疫苗可能不会对人类的生育能力存在不利影响。感染SARS-CoV-2会不会发生性传播、垂直传播及母婴传播,从而对下一代产生影响,目前暂不清楚。尚需要从生殖医学科、传染病学科角度探讨SARS-CoV-2及其疫苗对生育的影响,并讨论可能存在的性传播、垂直传播和母婴传播,以提高对SARS-CoV-2及其疫苗的认识。 相似文献
Farid F. Chehab Ph.D. Jun Qiu Ph.D. Khalid Mounzih Ph.D. Amanda Ewart-Toland Ph.D. Scott Ogus B.S. 《Nutrition reviews》2002,60(S10):s39-s46
Leptin, a hormone secreted from adipose tissue, plays an important role in reproductive physiology. It has been shown to stimulate the reproductive system by rescuing the sterility of leptindeficient mice and advancing the onset of puberty in normal mice. Although leptin is not critical for the biology of pregnancy in mice, its ability to reduce food intake is blunted in midgestation suggesting that late pregnancy may be a leptin-resistant state. Modifier genes originating from the Balb/cJ genetic background profoundly alter the sterile-obese phenotype of ob/ob mice by reducing their obesity and stimulating their reproductive system despite the absence of leptin. The mechanism of leptin's action on the reproductive system remains to be determined but is likely to be mediated by multiple factors. 相似文献
Biomarkers and chemosensory irritations 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Norbäck D Wieslander G 《International archives of occupational and environmental health》2002,75(5):298-304
OBJECTIVES: A literature review on studies in humans, applying physiological methods to monitor environmentally induced reactions in eyes and upper respiratory tract. The focus was on chemical exposures, but other occupational factors and indoor exposures were included. METHODS: Original articles were gathered from Medline until November 2000, combined with peer-reviewed publications from other sources. RESULTS: Ocular methods included measurement of tear film break-up time (BUT), blink frequency, detection of corneal damage, by vital staining, and cells or inflammatory markers in tear fluid. Nasal methods included acoustic rhinometry, rhinostereometry, and nasal peak expiratory flow. In addition, nasal lavage with isotonic sodium chloride solution was applied to measure concentrations of leucocytes, or biomarkers of secretion or inflammation in nasal lavage fluid (NAL). Most occupational studies were on nasal effects of organic or inorganic dust. There were few studies on occupational exposure to organic solvents or chemical irritants. Some studies demonstrated associations between ocular and nasal physiological response and the indoor environment. Finally, there were some exposure-chamber studies on effects of specific volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Little is known about adaptation at repeated ocular or nasal exposure to irritants. CONCLUSION: Physiological measurements can be valuable complements to symptom registration, but there is a need for standardised investigations. There is a lack of studies on ocular and nasal physiological responses in relation to specific chemical compounds. Experimental studies, with repeated exposure and longer follow-up time on biomarkers, are needed. Finally, there is a need for longitudinal epidemiological studies to elucidate if observed effects should be interpreted as variation within normal physiology, or as early signs of impaired ocular and respiratory health. 相似文献
周峰 《国外医学(计划生育.生殖健康分册)》2009,28(2):93-95,113
Glycodelin-A是由分泌期的子宫内膜合成并于妊娠早期在子宫内膜腺体中表达的重要的糖蛋白,其合成受到多种激素的调节。随着对Glycodelin-A研究的深入,Glycodelin-A与人类生殖的关系显得愈加密切。Glycodelin-A具有抑制精卵结合的作用,其在围排卵期子宫内膜中的缺如对正常妊娠有着重要的意义。另外,Glycodelin-A具有免疫抑制作用,在胚胎着床及植入期抑制母体对胚胎的免疫排斥反应中发挥重要的作用。Glycodelin-A不仅在维持人类生殖的生理过程中起到重要作用,而且其低表达与某些病理妊娠密切相关。综述其在生殖方面相关作用的研究。 相似文献
郭婧 《国外医学(计划生育.生殖健康分册)》2010,(1):11-14
微小RNA(microRNA,miRNA)是一种长度约19~25个核苷酸的非编码RNA,通过碱基互补配对与mRNA的3’非翻译区结合降解靶基因或抑制其翻译,进行转录后负调控。迄今,上千种miRNA得到成功鉴定。miRNA不但在细胞的增殖、分化、凋亡、组织更新和干细胞分化过程中发挥作用,且参与生殖细胞发育、成熟和胚胎早期发育、激素分泌等生殖调节。 相似文献
雄激素是男性体内含量最多、最重要的一种类固醇激素。在女性体内,雄激素也是不可或缺的。女性体内雄激素来源于卵巢和肾上腺,具有生物活性的雄激素包括睾酮(T)和双氢睾酮(DHT),肾上腺雄激素在外周组织转化为睾酮。一方面睾酮在女性体内经过芳香化酶的作用合成雌激素,另一方面睾酮和DHT结合雄激素受体(AR)进入细胞核内调控靶基因的转录。AR除了分布于卵巢外,还在大脑、肌肉、骨骼、皮肤、肾脏、肝脏等外周非生殖器官表达。在卵泡发生和成熟中,雄激素也起重要作用。过多雄激素,常与多囊卵巢综合征相关。结合女性体内雄激素的靶器官,综述雄激素在女性卵巢和外周非靶器官的作用,及其与女性生殖相关的事件如乳腺癌的关系。 相似文献
Glyeodelin-A是由分泌期的子宫内膜合成并于妊娠早期在子宫内膜腺体中表达的重要的糖蛋白,其合成受到多种激素的调节.随着对Glyeodelin-A研究的深入,Glycodelin-A与人类生殖的关系显得愈加密切.Glycodelin-A具有抑制精卵结合的作用,其在围排卵期子宫内膜中的缺如对正常妊娠有着重要的意义.另外,Glycodelin-A具有免疫抑制作用,在胚胎着床及植入期抑制母体对胚胎的免疫排斥反应中发挥重要的作用.Glycodelin-A不仅在维持人类生殖的生理过程中起到重要作用,而且其低表达与某些病理妊娠密切相关.综述其在生殖方面相关作用的研究. 相似文献
男性生育力呈下降趋势,阐明其发生机制有助于男性不育症的精准医疗.瘦素是一种主要由脂肪组织产生的激素,在调节机体能量代谢、参与炎性反应、促进生殖系统发育及维持其正常功能等方面具有重要的作用.瘦素及其受体在哺乳动物下丘脑-垂体-性腺(HPG)轴的内分泌器官、睾丸、生殖道、附属生殖腺以及精子中均有广泛表达,其表达异常与雄性生... 相似文献
近年来研究发现,抑癌基因Pten及其编码的PTEN蛋白可能通过磷脂酰肌醇3激酶(PI3K)等通路调控细胞的生长、分化及凋亡。在女性生殖系统中,PTEN通过PTEN-PI3K-3-磷酸肌醇依赖性蛋白激酶-1(PDK1)信号网络,不但控制原始卵泡的生存和激活、颗粒细胞的增殖和分化,影响卵泡的发育、生殖衰老的过程和生殖时间的长短,而且调控子宫内膜的增殖及早期胚胎的着床和发育。 相似文献
近年来研究发现,抑癌基因Pten及其编码的PTEN蛋白可能通过磷脂酰肌醇3激酶(PI3K)等通路调控细胞的生长、分化及凋亡。在女性生殖系统中,PTEN通过PTEN-PI3K-3-磷酸肌醇依赖性蛋白激酶-1(PDK1)信号网络,不但控制原始卵泡的生存和激活、颗粒细胞的增殖和分化,影响卵泡的发育、生殖衰老的过程和生殖时间的长短,而且调控子宫内膜的增殖及早期胚胎的着床和发育。 相似文献
微小RNA(microRNA,miRNA)是一种长度约19~25个核苷酸的非编码RNA,通过碱基互补配对与mRNA的3’非翻译区结合降解靶基因或抑制其翻译,进行转录后负调控。迄今,上千种miRNA得到成功鉴定。miRNA不但在细胞的增殖、分化、凋亡、组织更新和干细胞分化过程中发挥作用,且参与生殖细胞发育、成熟和胚胎早期发育、激素分泌等生殖调节。 相似文献
E Hood 《Environmental health perspectives》2002,110(8):A474-A475
Biomarkers, screening and ethics 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Rapid scientific advances, such as those in biomarker technology,have made a significant impact on the ethics and practice ofoccupational health. Biomarkers are extensively used in occupationalhealth practice. In the pre-employment stage, preventive orpredictive testing can be performed. Preventive testing aimsto avert accidents that may occur if a medically unfit workerundertakes a job that he is unable to perform. For safety sensitivejobs, routine testing of a worker's functional capacity in theactual job would suffice in most cases. However, a recentlyquotes application of a test is the screening for mutationsof the cardiac myosin-heavy chain and troponin genes among asymptomaticpersons with a family history of sudden death from hypertrophicobstructive cardiomyopathy. Predictive testing hopes to forecastthe risk of a worker developing an illness. The aims may vary.One aim may be to exclude a susceptible worker from workingin a hazardous environment. Another aim may be to avoid employmentof a worker who is likely to develop an illness which couldlead to higher employer health care costs. A pertinent questionto consider is whether the test undertaken is to benefit theindividual or to fulfil some administrative or financial need.Among exposed workers, screening may be conducted for biomarkersof exposure or effect. As the aim is to prevent the onset ofclinical illness, the physician must take responsibility forinitiating requests for screening. The appropriate responseto the effect of technical and societal advances on ethics isthe updating of ethical guidelines by the profession. However,in the context of unvalidated biomarkers being used for screening,it may be necessary to require a regulatory body to ensure thatthe tests are accurate and effective, and that they are notused to discriminate against individuals. 相似文献
Biomarkers have considerable potential in aiding the understanding of the relationship between diet and disease or health. However, to assess the role, relevance and importance of biomarkers on a case by case basis it is essential to understand and prioritise the principal diet and health issues. In the majority of cases, dietary compounds are only weakly biologically active in the short term, have multiple targets and can be both beneficial and deleterious. This poses particular problems in determining the net effect of types of foods on health. In principle, a biomarker should be able to contribute to this debate by allowing the measurement of exposure and by acting as an indicator either of a deleterious or of an enhanced health effect prior to the final outcome. In this review, the examples chosen - cancer (stomach, colon/rectal, breast); coronary heart disease and osteoporosis - reflect three major diet-related disease issues. In each case the onset of the disease has a genetic determinant which may be exacerbated or delayed by diet. Perhaps the most important factor is that in each case the disease, once manifest, is difficult to influence in a positive way by diet alone. This then suggests that the emphasis for biomarker studies should focus on predictive biomarkers which can be used to help in the development of dietary strategies which will minimise the risk and be of greater benefit. 相似文献