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Background  Few studies have compared laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy (Lap-DP) and open distal pancreatectomy (open-DP). The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical outcome of Lap-DP and compare it to that of open-DP. Methods  A total of 37 patients who underwent distal pancreatectomy (Lap-DP, 21 patients; open-DP, 16 patients) between January 2000 and March 2007 were enrolled in this study. Prior to January 2004, open-DP was the standard procedure for patients with a lesion in the distal pancreas without invasive ductal cancer; thereafter, Lap-DP was also an approved procedure. All 16 open-DP procedures were performed prior to January 2004. Results  The operating times for the Lap-DP and open-DP patients were 308.4 ± 124.6 and 281.5 ± 83.3 min, respectively, and these were not significantly different (P = 0.4635). Blood loss for the Lap-DP group (249.0 ± 239.8 ml) was significantly smaller than that for the open-DP group (714.1 ± 650.4 ml) (P = 0.0055), and none of the patients in the Lap-DP group received transfusions. The frequency of complications for the Lap-DP and open-DP groups was 0 and 18.8%, respectively, which is not significantly different (P = 0.0784). The average hospital stay for the Lap-DP group was significantly shorter than that for the open-DP group (10.0 ± 2.6 vs. 25.8 ± 8.8 days; P < 0.0001). Conclusion  In pancreatic diseases, other than invasive ductal cancer, arising in the distal pancreas, Lap-DP might be a more feasible and safer than open-DP.  相似文献   

保留脾脏的胰体尾切除术28例报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨保留脾脏的胰体尾切除术(SPDP)的可行性和手术技巧,比较SPDP与胰体尾、脾切除术(DP)患者的临床疗效。方法回顾性分析胰体尾切除术患者临床资料58例,其中DP30例(A组),SPDP28例(B组),B组又分为B1(保留脾血管组)和B2(合并脾血管切除组)两个亚组。比较两组在手术时间、术中出血量、术后并发症发生率及术后Α院时间的差异。结果 A、B组的手术时间、术中出血量、术后并发症发生率、胰瘘发生率、肺部感染发生率的组间差异均无统计学意义;SPDP组术后Α院时间明显较DP组短(P0.05)。B1亚组较B2亚组手术时间明显延长(P0.05);术中出血量、术后总的并发症发生率、胰瘘发生率、肺部感染发生率、术后Α院时间的差异无统计学意义。B1组与B2组的术后并发症发生率及术后Α院时间的差异无统计学意义。结论保留脾脏的胰体尾切除术不增加并发症发生率,而术后Α院时间缩短。保留脾血管㈦否对术后并发症发生率及术后Α院时间无影响。  相似文献   

目的探讨胰体肿瘤行先切断胰颈的逆行性胰体尾切除方法的可行性。方法回顾性分析我院2001-2006年行逆行性胰体尾切除术9例患者的临床资料。结果所有患者均成功完成逆行性胰体尾切除术,平均手术时间(145±72)min,术中平均出血220ml,均未输血,患者术后恢复良好,术后平均住院时间(12±4.3)d,无胰漏及其他并发症发生。无新发糖尿病病例。对所有患者随访(3~57个月),有2例分别存活14个月和33个月,其余患者健在。结论该方法易显露门静脉和肠系膜上静脉,避免了术中门静脉、肠系膜上静脉损伤的风险。先阻断胰体尾脾的主要血供,减少了出血量,降低了手术难度,缩短了手术时间。  相似文献   

腹腔镜胰腺远端切除术临床应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨腹腔镜胰腺远端切除术的安全性及可行性。方法 2005年9月至2009年6月,对36例胰腺体尾部肿物行腹腔镜胰腺远端切除术。术前34例诊断为胰腺体尾部良性肿物,2例不除外恶性,肿物中位直径5cm,平均(1.2~12)cm。结果所有手术均在全腹腔镜下完成。21例行保留脾脏的胰体尾切除(15例保留脾动静脉,6例未保留脾动静脉),14例行胰体尾加脾切除,1例既往行胰体尾及脾切除者行胰体部切除。手术中位时间248min,平均(118~400)min,中位出血量100ml,平均(50~800)ml,术后中位住院时间9d,平均(6~21)d。无胰漏或脾梗死发生,2例包裹性积液,均保守治疗治愈,1例引流管口感染。所有患者得到随访,中位随访时间25.5个月,平均(1~46)个月,均无复发。结论胰腺体尾部肿物行腹腔镜胰腺远端切除术安全、可行。  相似文献   

Morbidity, mortality, and technical factors of distal pancreatectomy   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
BACKGROUND: Pancreatic leak is a major source of morbidity associated with pancreatic surgery. We sought to identify disease and technique-dependent factors associated with morbidity and mortality after distal pancreatectomy. METHODS: Retrospective review of patients who underwent distal pancreatectomy during a 5-year period. Clinical, technical, and pathologic data were correlated with operative morbidity or mortality. RESULTS: Fifty-one patients underwent distal pancreatectomy for primary pancreatic disease, extrapancreatic malignancy, or trauma. Overall perioperative mortality and morbidity rates were 4% and 47%, respectively. Pancreatic leak was the most common complication, occurring in 26% of patients. Overall complications and pancreatic leaks occurred more often after distal pancreatectomy for trauma and in patients with a sutured pancreatic stump closure. CONCLUSIONS: Distal pancreatectomy can be performed with a low rate of mortality, though pancreatic leak is a common cause of morbidity. The urgency of the procedure and the method of pancreatic stump closure may influence postoperative morbidity.  相似文献   

目的总结腹腔镜胰体尾切除术(laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy,LDP)的手术体会,探讨其治疗胰体尾肿物的可行性和临床应用价值。 方法回顾性分析2016年1月至2019年12月就诊于沧州市人民医院肝胆外科诊断为胰体尾部占位性病变,行LDP的32例患者的临床资料。其中男12例、女20例,年龄13~75岁,平均(41.3±3.7)岁;术中根据肿物性质、肿物与脾血管解剖关系以及术中脾脏具体的损伤程度决定是否保留脾脏。 结果本研究纳入的32例胰体尾部占位性病变的患者中,仅有1例患者因肿瘤较晚侵犯了部分横结肠所以选择了中转开腹行胰腺尾部肿瘤+部分横结肠切除术,其余31例患者均顺利在腹腔镜下完成胰体尾肿瘤切除术。其中行保留脾脏的腹腔镜胰体尾切除术(spleen preserving laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy,SPLDP)12例[其中应用Kimura法(脾血管保留) 8例、应用Warshaw法(脾血管切除)4例],腹腔镜联合脾脏胰体尾切除术20例。平均手术时间(252 ±75)min,平均术中出血量(162±51)ml;平均术后住院时间(11.6±3.2)d。32例胰体尾占位性病变患者的术后病理分别为:实性假乳头状瘤10例、浆液性囊腺瘤6例、黏液性囊腺瘤4例、神经内分泌肿瘤4例、腺癌3例、导管内乳头状黏液瘤3例、胰腺假性囊肿1例、胰尾部外伤性损伤1例。术后并发症:胰瘘10例,该10例患者通过保证创面通畅引流,同时给予抗感染、抑制胰液分泌等对症治疗后好转痊愈出院;乳糜漏1例,术后通畅引流,逐渐退管、闭管后好转痊愈出院;腹腔出血1例,通过给予生长抑素、止血药等保守治疗后痊愈出院;术后新发糖尿病5例,术后内分泌科随诊控制血糖。 结论LDP治疗胰体尾肿瘤是安全有效的,但是需要具有丰富腹腔镜手术经验的术者实施,术前综合精准评估制订良好的手术策略,术中熟练的手术操作技巧是提高LDP安全性、降低术后并发症的关键。  相似文献   

目的探讨手工缝合和切割闭合器(Endo-GIA stapler)处理胰腺残端对胰体尾切除术后并发症的影响。方法回顾性分析南昌大学第一附属医院2014年1月至2018年8月收治的行胰体尾切除术88例病人的临床资料,根据不同闭合方式分为:手工缝合组24例、开腹闭合器组40例及腹腔镜闭合器组24例,比较三组病人在术中相关指标、术后恢复情况及并发症等方面的差异。结果三组病人在术中出血量、术后住院时间、病理良恶性、住院费用等方面差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05),三组病人总并发症发生率及胰瘘发生率差异也无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论切割闭合器与腹腔镜均不能降低胰体尾切除术后总并发症发生率,也不能降低胰瘘发生率。  相似文献   

Between March 2003 and March 2007, three patients with benign pancreatic tumors underwent a planned laparoscopic spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy with conservation of the splenic artery and vein. Four trocars were placed, and an endoscopic linear stapler was used to transect of the pancreas. The perioperative data and surgical outcomes were examined. This procedure was successfully completed in three patients. The mean operative time was 158.3 min, with mean blood loss of 14.7 ml. The postoperative pathological diagnoses included one insulinoma, one solid pseudopapillary tumor, and one intraductal papillary-mucinous adenoma. The mean size of the tumors was 29.3 mm. Oral intake was initiated on day 1.7, and the length of postoperative hospital stay was 8.7 days on average. No morbidity or mortality was observed. A laparoscopic spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy with conservation of the splenic artery and vein is a safe and feasible treatment option without compromising the splenic function for benign or borderline malignant tumors in the distal pancreas.  相似文献   

目的探讨中段胰腺切除术和远端胰腺切除术术后并发症的差异和远期生存质量的区别。方法计算机检索在2015年12月31日前在Medline、Embase、Web of science、Science direct、Springer link、Cochrane center数据库上公开发表的关于CP和DP手术术式选择的随机对照试验或严格设计的临床对照试验。按纳入排除标准由2位研究者独立进行文献筛选(PRISMA标准)、资料提取和方法学质量评价后,采用Rev Man 5.2软件进行Meta分析。结果共纳入文献10篇,共包含病例数797例,其中行CP例数为355例,行DP例数为442例。Meta分析表明:在术后并发症方面:CP和DP在术后胰瘘[RR=1.46,95%CI(1.07~2.10),P=0.02]、手术时间[WMD 33.40,95%CI(16.36,50.43),P=0.0001];术中失血量[WMD-129.06,95%CI(-233.28,-24.84),P=0.02]和术后总体并发症[RR 1.30,95%CI(1.05,1.62),P=0.02]的差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。而在术后的住院时间、再手术、出血和病死率的差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。远期胰腺内分泌功能障碍[RR=1.46,95%CI(1.07~2.10),P0.05]、胰腺外分泌功能不全[RR=0.61,95%CI(0.44~0.86),P=0.004]的差异有统计学意义。结论中段胰腺切除术由于在术后胰腺内分泌功能障碍和外分泌功能不全低于远端胰腺切除术,值得临床上推广,但需要严格把握手术指征和术后管理,但仍需多中心、大样本、前瞻性RCT研究验证。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜胰体尾切除术(laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy,LDP)中应用Endo-GIA一并闭合、离断胰腺及脾血管的安全性、可行性。方法:2010年3月至2011年11月共为12例患者行LDP,术中应用Endo-GIA一并闭合、离断胰腺及脾血管。术前8例诊断囊腺瘤,不排除恶变可能;4例胰尾部局限性癌变。结果:11例成功完成腹腔镜手术,1例中转开腹。手术时间115~210 min,平均153 min;术中出血量50~400 ml,平均187 ml;术后住院6~20天,平均9.6天。术后均未发生脾血管出血,2例发生胰漏,经充分引流后痊愈。结论:应用Endo-GIA一并闭合、离断胰腺及脾血管安全、可靠,LDP是治疗胰体尾低度恶性肿瘤及局限性癌变的可行术式。  相似文献   

目的:探讨一种新的保留脾脏及脾血管的胰体尾切除术术式。方法:2002年1月至2006年6月,哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院肝胆胰外科施行改良的保留脾脏及脾血管的胰体尾切除手术10例。结果:本组10例均成功地按此术式完成胰体尾切除;术后无出血、感染等并发症;术后住院7-15d。随访无复发和转移。结论:本术式避免了损伤脾脏和脾血管,保护了脾脏的结构和功能。手术安全可行,疗效满意。  相似文献   

直线切割闭合器在胰体尾切除术中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的研究胰体尾切除术中传统手工缝合和直线切割闭合器处理胰腺残端对术后并发症的影响。方法回顾性分析2003年1月至2006年12月间109例接受胰体尾切除术患者的临床资料。结果109例患者中53例患者在开腹手术中手工缝合封闭胰腺残端;56例患者使用直线切割闭合器切断并封闭胰腺组织,其中31例在开腹手术中使用直线切割闭合器,25例在腹腔镜手术中使用腹腔镜直线切割闭合器。直线切割闭合器组患者的术后胰瘘以及腹腔感染发生率分别为21.4%和8.9%,低于手工缝合组的41.5%和28.3%(P=0.024和P=0.009),但在手术持续时间、术后输血、术后再出血以及住院费用方面均无显著性差异。结论使用切割闭合器可以降低术后腹腔感染和胰瘘发生率。  相似文献   



This study evaluated 30-day morbidity and mortality and assessed pancreas-specific complications in patients with major pancreatic injuries who underwent a distal pancreatectomy.

Study design

Records of 107 consecutive patients who underwent a distal pancreatectomy at a Level 1 Trauma Centre in Cape Town between January 1982 and December 2011 were reviewed. Primary endpoints were postoperative morbidity and death. Complications were graded according to the Clavien–Dindo severity classification and the International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery (ISGPS) definitions.


A total of 107 patients [94 men, median age 26, median RTS 7.8, 69 penetrating injuries (63 gunshot wounds, 6 stabs wounds), 38 blunt injuries] underwent distal pancreatectomy. Overall mortality was 12%, 16% for gunshot injuries, 8% for blunt trauma and 0% in patients who had stab wounds. Eighty patients had a post-operative complication. A pancreatic leak (n = 26) was the most common pancreatic related complication. Median postoperative stay in 28 patients with no or grade I complications was 9 days; in 11 patients with grade II complications was 18 days; in 14 grade IIIa, 31 days; in 19 grade IIIb, 38 days; in 8 grade IVa, 33 days in 14 grade IVb, and in 13 grade V the duration of postoperative stay was 14 ± 39.4 days.


Overall mortality for distal pancreatectomy was 12%. Pancreatic leak was a common cause of morbidity. Length of hospitalisation increased with increasing Clavien–Dindo severity grading. There was a significant difference in the duration of hospitalisation in patients with no or grade I complications compared to those with grade II–IV injuries (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

《The surgeon》2021,19(5):e117-e124
BackgroundDistal pancreatectomy with celiac axis resection (DP-CAR) is a surgical procedure with high morbidity and mortality performed in patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer. Preoperative embolization of hepatic artery (PHAE) has been postulated as a technical option to increase resection rate.Objectivecomparison of morbidity and mortality at 90 days, operative time, hospital stay and survival between patients that performed DP-CAR with and without PHAE.MethodsObservational retrospective multicentre study. Inclusion criteria: patient operated in Spanish centers with DP-CAR for pancreatic cancer from April 2004 until 23 June 2018. Preoperative (PHAE, neodjuvant treatment), intraoperative (operative time and blood loss) and postoperative data (morbidity, hospital stay, R0 and survival) were studied. Complications were measured with Clavien classification at 90 days. Specific pancreatic complications were measured using ISGPS classifications. Data were analyzed using R version 3.1.3 (http://www.r-project.org). Level of significance was set at 0.05.Results41 patients were studied. 26 patients were not embolized (NO-PHAE group) and 15 patients received PHAE. Preoperative BMI and percentage of neoadjuvant chemotherapy were the only preoperative variables different between both groups. The operative time in the PHAE group was shorter (343 min) than in the non-PHAE group (411 min) (p < 0.06). Major morbidity (Clavien > IIIa) and mortality at 90 days were higher in the PHAE group than in the non-PHAE group (60% vs 23% and 26.6% vs 11.6% respectively) (p < 0.004). No statistical difference in overall survival was observed between both groups (p = 0.14).ConclusionIn our study PHAE is not related with less postoperative morbidity. Even more, major morbidity (Clavien III-IV) and mortality was higher in PHAE group.  相似文献   

BackgroundCentral pancreatectomy(CP) is more complex surgery and higher complication rate than distal pancreatectomy(DP). However, with the development of minimally invasive surgery, CP has become a safer surgery technique. In this study, we compare minimally invasive CP(MI-CP) and Minimally invasive spleen-preserving subtotal DP(MI-SpSTDP) to figure out the short-term and long-term outcomes of MI-CP.MethodsFrom March 2007 to June 2020, 36 cases of MI-SpSTDP and 23 cases of MI-CP were performed for benign and borderline malignant pancreatic tumors in Severance hospital. The occurrence of postoperative pancreatic fistula(POPF) and Clavian-Dindo classification grade 3 or more in the two group was investigated, and the Controlling nutritional status scores(CONUT score) before and 1-year after surgery were compared to determine the long-term outcomes of exocrine function.ResultsThere was no difference in postoperative complications including POPF between the two groups(17.4% vs 5.1%, p = 0.294). And there were no statistical differences in either the MI-CP group (0.74 ± 0.75 vs. 0.78 ± 0.99, p = 0.803) or the MI-SpSTDP group (0.86 ± 0.83 to 0.61 ± 0.59, p = 0.071).ConclusionsMI-CP had longer operation time and hospital stay and is safe and effective in preserving endocrine and exocrine functions in treatment of benign or borderline tumors located at the neck or proximal body of the pancreas.  相似文献   

Lymphoepithelial cysts are rare pancreatic lesions. This case report describes the first excision of such a lesion by laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy which is a recognized procedure for treatment of cystic pancreatic neoplasms. Our patient underwent complete excision of the lesion and has enjoyed complete resolution of his symptoms. Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy may be a suitable choice for first-line therapy for such lesions.  相似文献   

With the maturation of laparoscopic surgical technology and the development of surgical instruments,the scope of application for laparoscopie surgery has expanded constantly in recent years.It is now p...  相似文献   

Although the mortality rate related to pancreatic surgery has been reduced recently, the postoperative morbidity is still high, because of various complications. Pancreatic fistula is one of the most common complications following distal pancreatectomy, and is generally hard to cure. Several surgical techniques and devices, such as the use of fibrin-glue sealing, stapler closure, an ultrasonic dissector, or an ultrasonically activated scalpel have been advocated to prevent pancreatic fistula. In the present review we provide an overview of several devices used for the prevention of pancreatic fistula following distal pancreatectomy.  相似文献   

目的探讨胰体尾切除术后胰瘘的防治。方法回顾性分析2007年1月至2014年5月间83例行胰体尾切除术病人的术前基本资料、术中操作及术后治疗等临床资料,对其中并发胰瘘的19例病人临床资料进行分析。结果行胰体尾切除术的83例病人中,术后并发胰瘘19例,发生率为22.9%,16例经保守治疗痊愈,有效率为84.2%,2例病人行放射治疗后治愈,1例死亡,死亡率为1.2%。单纯缝扎和切割闭合器处理胰腺断端后胰瘘发生率分别为21.6%和23.9%。结论胰体尾切除术后胰瘘的发生率仍然很高,术中正确处理胰腺断端及加强术后管理是预防胰体尾切除术后胰瘘的关键。胰瘘的治疗在于通畅引流、加强营养支持,并积极寻找新的治疗方法。  相似文献   

Initial experience with hand-assisted laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Background Hand-assisted laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy, with or without splenectomy, is gradually gaining acceptance, although its ultimate benefit is yet to be confirmed. This study aimed to report our initial experience with hand-assisted laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy. Methods A retrospective review of a prospectively collected database including 17 patients during the period 2002–2004 was conducted. The median age was 60 years (range, 29–85 years), and the female-to-male ratio was 13:4. The preoperative diagnoses included benign and malignant conditions. Besides two to three ports, a hand port was placed in the upper midline to aid in dissection. The pancreas was divided with a stapler in all the patients, and drains were placed in 10 patients (70%). Results One patient was found to be unresectable because of celiac artery involvement, and 2 of the remaining 16 patients underwent conversion to an open procedure. The median operating time was 196 min (range, 128–235 min). The mean tumor size was 4 cm (range, 2–7 cm), and the estimated blood loss was 125 ml (range, 50–1,250 ml). The median time to resumption of a regular diet was 3.5 days (range, 2–9 days), and the time to conversion to oral pain medications was 3 days (range, 2–9 days). The length of hospital stay was 5.5 days (range, 4–18 days), with a majority of the patients (11 patients, 78%) staying less than 7 days. There were no mortalities. The overall postoperative morbidity rate was 25%, and the morbidities consisted of pancreatic leak/fistula (2 patients, 14%) and fever (1 patient). The margins were negative in 10 (76%) of the relevant 13 patients. At a median follow-up period of 3.8 months (range, 5–14 months), 11 (84%) of 13 patients had no evidence of disease recurrence. Conclusions The minimally invasive approach to pancreatic disease is safe and technically feasible. Further large studies with longer follow-up periods are necessary to determine the role of laparoscopic surgery in the management of pancreatic disease.  相似文献   

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