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The chromosomal location of the human fast skeletal muscle troponin C (TNNC2) gene was determined using somatic cell hybrids. PCR-based analysis of a 'monochromosomal' hybrid panel identified the presence of the TNNC2 gene on human chromosome 20 and subsequent analysis of the Genebridge4 radiation hybrid panel located the gene between D20S721 and GCT10F11 with a lod score of >3.  相似文献   

We report a family in which Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome in two children with partial monosomy of the short arm of chromosome 4 is the result of unbalanced segregation of a reciprocal 4;12 translocation in the mother. Studies with the DNA probe G8 show that the translocation breakpoint in this family is distal to the D4S10 locus. Previously reported cases of Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome have involved the deletion of D4S10. These observations may prove helpful in the search for better genetic markers for Huntington's chorea, which maps close to D4S10.  相似文献   

Human vascular smooth muscle actin gene (ACTSA) was cloned and its unique sequence was used as the hybridization probe for Southern blot analysis of DNAs from 18 rodent-human somatic cell hybrids; the gene was assigned to human chromosome 10. Regional mapping by in situ hybridization showed that the gene is located on the long arm (q22-q24) of the chromosome. Thus, the gene is on a different chromosome from the other four actin genes so far examined.  相似文献   

Hybrid cell clones between mouse cells deficient in hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase and human diploid cells were analyzed for the expression of human uridine diphosphate galactose-4-epimerase (UDPGal-4-epimerase, EC and for the segregation of human chromosomes. Ten of the 18 independent hybrid clones analyzed were found to express human UDPGal-4-epimerase. Karyotype analysis of these hybrids showed concordant segregation of human UDPGal-4-epimerase with chromosome 1. Human UDPGal-4-epimerase is expressed as a dimeric structure demonstrated by the formation of an intermediate heterodimer migrating between the human and mouse forms in the cell hybrids. The gene specifying this enzyme was also observed to be syntenic with enolase-1. These results indicate that the structural gene for human UDPGal-4-epimerase is located on chromosome 1.  相似文献   

A cDNA for a putative member of the serine/threonine kinase family was cloned from an adult human testis cDNA library. The predicted translation product was identical to ZIP kinase, which has been suggested to play an important role in the induction of apoptosis. The messenger RNA was ubiquitously expressed in various tissues. The chromosomal location of the gene was determined by fluorescence in-situ hybridization and polymerase chain reaction-based analyses with both a human/rodent monochromosomal hybrid cell panel and a radiation hybrid mapping panel. This gene was mapped on the q13.3 region of chromosome 19. Received: April 24, 1998/Accepted: May 29, 1998  相似文献   

The -l-fucosidases (EC from human and mouse cells could be separated by isoelectric focusing of neuraminidase-treated cell extracts in acrylamide slab gels. Fourteen hybrid clones derived from the fusion of mouse and human cultured fibroblasts and 37 hybrid clones derived from the fusion of human long-term lymphoid lines with mouse RAG cells were tested for expression of human -l-fucosidase. A strong correlation between the expression of the human enzyme and the presence or absence of human chromosome 1 was found. The presence of human -l-fucosidase in clones scored as positive by isoelectric focusing was confirmed by Ouchterlony double immunodiffusion against IgG from rabbits immunized with purified human -l-fucosidase. It is concluded that the structural gene locus for human -l-fucosidase is located on chromosome 1.  相似文献   

Physical maps have been constructed around loci DNF15S2, D3S2, and c-raf1 on the short arm of human chromosome 3 using pulsed field gradient gel electrophoresis. The normal restriction pattern has not been altered by a t(3;8)(p14.2;q24.1) characteristic for a hereditary form of renal cell carcinoma, indicating that the breakpoint itself is not included in any of the mapped areas. We have found a CpG island within the DNF15S2 locus, suggesting the presence of a functional gene in the region.  相似文献   

A method of specific immunoprecipitation of minor isozymes was developed and applied to the detection of human F-type phosphofructokinase in man-rodent somatic cell hybrids.
This method allowed us to assign the gene for this newly discovered isozyme of phosphofructokinase to chromosome 10.  相似文献   

The chromosomal localization of the human ARNO3 gene ( PSCD3 ) was determined using monochromosomal somatic cell hybrid and radiation hybrid mapping panel. PCR analysis of a hybrid DNA panel localized the ARNO3 gene to human chromosome 7. The analysis of the Genebridge4 radiation hybrid panel using PCR amplification located the ARNO3 gene between NIB1822 (9.5 cR) and D7S481 (5.5 cR) with a lod score of >3.0. This region is located in the human chromosome band 7p21.  相似文献   

A non-competitive enzyme immunoassay specific for δ aminolevulinate dehydrase has been devised and applied to rodent–human hybrid cell lines. Two different conditions have been used, one specific for the human enzyme and the other indicative of both rodent and human enzymes. The ratio of the values obtained under the two conditions was used to discriminate between positive and negative clones. By this method the gene for ALA dehydrase has been assigned to chromosome 9.  相似文献   

Hybrid clones (MOGs) were made between the mouse line RAG and a primary fibroblast line from an individual of the rare alphaGLU 2 phenotype. Fifteen independent primary clones and 32 subclones were tested for the presence of human alphaGLU after separation of the human and rodent enzymes by starch gel electrophoresis. Twenty-three other human-mouse hybrids from six different crosses were analysed for the presence of human alphaGLU by exploiting a difference in the thermostability of the human and mouse enzymes. The hybrids were also analysed for up to 25 other enzymes which were used as markers for different human chromosomes. Two of the MOG hybrids were karyotyped and karyotype data were already available for a number of the other hybrids. The combined results demonstrate that alphaGLU is located on chromosome 17, and probably on 17q.  相似文献   

Deletion of DNA sequences from various regions of the short arm of human chromosome 3 (3p13–14, 3p21, and 3p25) has been observed during the development of a variety of solid tumors, including lung and renal cell carcinomas. In this study we have used a set of radiation fusion hybrids to generate a physical map of chromosome 3p to orient the search for putative tumor suppressor genes. Eighty-six human-hamster radiation fusion hybrids were screened on Southern blots for the retention of 55 human chromosome 3p DNA markers. The high marker density enabled us to identify a set of successively overlapping chromosome fragments in the 3p13–22 area guided by eight markers with previously known order. Twenty-four map intervals were suggested using breakpoints determined by partial fragment overlaps. The final order between the markers derived is consistent with previous information about localizations for 26 of the markers to three larger cytogenetic intervals.  相似文献   

Human phosphofructokinase (PFK; EC is under the control of three structural loci which encode muscle-type (M), liver-type (L), and platelet-type (P) subunits; human diploid fibroblasts and leukocytes express all three loci. In order to assign human PFKMlocus to a specific chromosome we have analyzed human × Chinese hamster somatic cell hybrids for the expression of human M subunits, using an anti-human M subunit-specific mouse monoclonal antibody. In 18 of 19 hybrids studied, the expression of the PFKMlocus segregated concordantly with the presence of chromosome 1 (discordancy rate 0.05) as indicated by chromosome and isozyme marker analysis. The discordancy rates for all the other chromosomes were 0.32 or greater, indicating that the PFKMlocus is on chromosome 1. For the regional mapping of PFKM,eight hybrids were studied that contained one of five distinct regions of chromosome 1. These results further localize the human PFKMlocus to region cenq32 of chromosome 1.  相似文献   

Summary We have used a full length cDNA clone (2.2 kb) for the human cytochrome P-450 nifedipine oxidase (CYP3A4) enzyme as a probe to determine its chromosome localization by fluorescencein situ hybridization. CYP3A4 was mapped on R-banded human prometaphase chromosomes, and the precise localization of CYP3A4 on chromosome 7 was further confirmed by a delineation of G-banded pattern on the same prometaphase chromosomes through a combination of UV-filter. We assigned CYP3A4 to chromosome 7 at q22.1.  相似文献   

目的研究重组人促红细胞生成素(rHuEPO)调节体外培养内皮细胞参与血管生成机制。方法从人脐静脉体外分离培养内皮细胞(HUVEC),采用形态学观察及血管内皮细胞Ⅷ因子相关抗原(Ⅷ-R Ag)免疫组织化学方法检测进行内皮细胞鉴定,用逆转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)技术检测HUVEC同源盒HoxB2及HoxD3基因mRNA表达变化。结果与对照组比较,rHuEPO可明显上调内皮细胞HoxB2及HoxD3 mRNA表达水平,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论 rHuEPO可调节内皮细胞HoxB2及HoxD3 mRNA表达,这种调节作用可能是其促血管生成的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

We recently reported an association between the long repeat allele of the dopamine D4 exon III receptor polymorphism and a human personality dimension, novelty seeking, as measured by the tridimensional personality questionnaire (TPQ), a personality instrument designed by Cloninger to reflect heritable facets of human temperament. The D4 receptor polymorphism (D4DR) accounts for only a small percent of the variance for this trait, suggesting that additional genes influence both novelty seeking as well as the other temperaments that are inventoried by the Cloninger TPQ. In the current investigation, we examined, in the original cohort of 120 normal volunteers, two additional coding region polymorphisms, a glycine to serine substitution in the dopamine D3 receptor (D3DR) and a cysteine to serine substitution in the 5-HT2C serotonin receptor (HTR2C). Three-way analysis of variance (TPQ score grouped by D4DR, D3DR and 5-HT2C) demonstrated that reward dependence and persistence scores were significantly reduced by the presence of the less common 5-HT2Cser polymorphism. The effect of the serine substitution in this X-linked serotonin receptor polymorphism on reward dependence was also observed when male and female subject groups were separately analyzed. There was also a significant interaction between the two dopamine receptor polymorphisms and the serotonin polymorphism on reward dependence. In particular, the effect of the 5-HT2C polymorphism on reward dependence was markedly accentuated in individuals who had the long version of the D4DR exon III repeat polymorphism. When present in the same individual, the 5-HT2C and dopamine receptor polymorphisms account for 30% of the observed variance for persistence (RD2) and 13% of the variance for reward dependence scores (RD134). However, the number of subjects with both less common D4DR and 5-HT2C polymorphisms is small, underscoring the importance of verifying this interaction in a larger cohort. Am. J. Med. Genet. 74:65–72, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

CD86 (B70/B7.2) is an antigen of the immunoglobulin superfamily expressed on monocytes, dendritic cells and activated B,T, and natural killer cells. CD86 was recently identified as a second ligand for the T cell antigens CD28 and CTLA-4, and plays an important role in the co-stimulation of T cells in a primary immune response. We report here the assignment of the CD86 gene to human chromosome 3 using Southern blot analysis on a panel of hamster × human somatic cell hybrid genomic DNA. Fluorescence hybridization in situ on metaphase chromosomes coupled with GTG banding (G-bands by trypsin using Giemsa staining) confirmed this assignment and localized the CD86 gene to 3q13-q23 region. The CD86 gene is, therefore, located in the proximity of the CD80 (B7/B7.1) gene, the first identified ligand for CD28 and CTLA-4, previously mapped to chromosome 3q13.3-q21. Deletions, inversions and insertions of chromosome 3q21-q26, as well as translocations of 3q21 with other chromosomes have been described in many cases of acute myeloid leukemia (AML), acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL), chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and myelodisplastic syndromes (MDS), suggesting that this region contains several genes involved in the leukemic process.  相似文献   

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