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我安慰他说:“不要着急,慢慢说好吗?怎么称呼你呢?” 相似文献
“我儿子今年上初一,平时这孩子活泼好动,吃完晚饭总是喜欢往外跑。可是那段时间我觉得这孩子不太对劲,他总是一个人偷偷地躲在量子里,门还反锁着。我有些担心,还问他是不是不舒服,可是儿子很不耐烦地告诉我他没事。 相似文献
车老师:我是一个七岁小孩的母亲。最近,我在网上看到一位小学老师说,她班上一位小学生上课时有“自慰”行为,并对他的动作进行了描述。我看了非常震惊,因为我的女儿在家里也曾出现过类似行为。我一直不愿意相信是“自慰”。 相似文献
隔着浩翰的太平洋,中美两国在对青少年性教育的观念和方式上有着天壤之别。詹清女士在纽约生活期间,亲历了美国性文化对她的种种因扰。她曾担心正值青春期的儿子在异国的性文化中迷失方向。不过,她最终发现,儿子入乡随俗,潜移默化,以一种自然平和的心态理解和了解了"性",她原来的忧虑被证明是杞人忧天。 相似文献
“儿子”有11斤重,抱在手上有点沉.所以我现在不太抱着它出去玩,它小的时候.我经常用装鸡蛋的筐拎着它出去逛街,好多人都夸它长得漂亮。 相似文献
This study examined the prevalence and sources of masturbatory practice in a nationally representative sample from China completed
in the year 2000, with analysis of sources focused on 2,828 urban respondents aged 20–59. In this subpopulation, 13% (95%
CI, 10–18) of women and 35% (CI, 26–44) of men reported any masturbation in the preceding year. Prevalence for people in their
20s was higher, and closer to US and European levels, especially for men. Particularly for women, masturbation not only compensated
for absent partners but also complemented the high sexual interests of a subset of participants. For both women and men, practicing
masturbation appeared to be a two-step process. In the first step, events such as sexual contact in childhood, early puberty,
and early sex were related to sexualization and the “gateway event” of adolescent masturbation. In the second step, other
factors, such as liberal sexual values and sexual knowledge, further increased the current probability of masturbation. Overall,
the results suggest that masturbation is readily adopted even at more modest levels of economic and social development, that
masturbation is often more than simply compensatory behavior for regular partnered sex, that masturbatory patterns are heavily
influenced by early sexualization, and that a complex model is needed to comprehend masturbatory practice, particularly for
women. 相似文献
P Gionfriddo 《Health affairs (Project Hope)》2012,31(9):2138-2142
A former state legislator experiences firsthand the devastating consequences of past policy mistakes-and imagines what he'd do differently now. 相似文献
Das A 《Journal of sex & marital therapy》2007,33(4):301-317
Using data from the nationally representative National Health and Social Life Survey, this study queried the correlates of masturbation in the United States in 1992. Among those aged 18-60, 38% (CI, 35-41) of women and 61% (CI, 57-65) of men reported any masturbation over the preceding year. The system of factors underlying masturbation was similar for both genders, consistent with a convergence in gender patterns of sexual expression in the United States. Among both women and men, masturbation responded to a stable sexualized personality pattern, catalyzed by early-life factors and manifested in current sexual traits. Strikingly, the masturbation-partnered sex linkage, often conceptualized either as compensating for unsatisfying sex or complementing a satisfactory sex life, appeared to be bimodal for both genders. For some, masturbation complemented an active and pleasurable sex life, while among others, it compensated for a lack of partnered sex or satisfaction in sex. 相似文献
Chronic penile lymphedema arises from the abnormal retention of lymphatic fluid in the subcutaneous tissues and may be secondary
to local and systemic medical conditions such as sexually transmitted diseases, filariasis, malignancy, local radiotherapy,
and surgery. This case report aims to consider compulsive masturbation as a possible cause of chronic penile edema. A 40-year-old
man was referred to our institute for behavioral disturbance, including compulsive masturbation. Neuropsychiatric evaluation
showed moderate mental retardation, mild dysarthria and limb incoordination, anxiety, depressed mood, and impulse dyscontrol.
Brain MRI pointed out diffuse white matter lesions. Urogenital examination revealed an uncircumcised penis with non-tender
edema of the shaft and prepuce with areas of lichenification. Since the most common local and systemic causes of edema were
excluded, chronic penile edema due to compulsive masturbation was diagnosed and the compulsive behavior treated with an antidepressant
and low-dose neuroleptics. Compulsive masturbation should be taken into account when counselling patients with penile edema. 相似文献
Hans Hessellund Cand. Psych. 《Archives of sexual behavior》1976,5(2):133-147
This article reports some aspects of sociosexual behavior, as a small part of an intensive study of 38 married couples. The persons' experiences and formulations are the primary material in an effort to humanize sexological research. This article reflects the Danish psychological-psychiatric tradition with emphasis on personal interviews instead of questionnaires, inventories, or tests. The analyses are based on differences between husband and wife and between men and women as groups. A number of qualitative thematic differences in personal experience with respect to masturbation and sexual fantasies are reported. Attention is drawn to thematic differences in the psychological significance of these aspects of sexuality which are, in part, dependent on the sex of the subject.This research was supported by Grants 512-786, 512-1060, and 512-2901 from the Danish Medical Research Council. 相似文献