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Influence of various biomaterials on the complement system in serum has been intensively studied by many research groups, since activation of the complement pathway in vivo has been known to give rise to some pathological conditions, such as inflammation and anaphylaxis. Much effort has been devoted to develop new materials that do not activate or deteriorate the complement system. The present work is aimed at revealing the mode of reactions of anionic poly(2-acrylamido 2-methylpropane sulfonate) grafted on polystyrene bead (PAMPS-g-bead) with serum complement. Complement activity assay, determination of complement proteins levels, and immunoblot analysis were carried out for sera pretreated with PAMPS-g-beads. The results clearly showed that, when PAMPS-g-beads were incubated with serum, those beads adsorbed several complement proteins, i.e. C1q, factor D, factor P, C6, and C8, but the generation of activation fragments of complement components was not observed. Especially, factor D was most effectively removed from serum, resulting in potential inhibition of the alternative pathway. A larger amount of PAMPS-g-beads was needed to decrease the serum CH50 level. That may be caused by removal of C6. Although some polyanions, such as dextran sulfate, were reported to activate the complement system, the obtained results indicate that the PAMPS-g-bead is not an activator of the complement pathway, but acts as an adsorbent of complement components. One possible clinical application of the PAMPS-g-beads is adsorption of serum factor D by extracorporeal treatment of patients with renal failure with a high level of factor D, because the increased quantity of factor D in serum may cause consistent activation of the alternative pathway.  相似文献   

Bioartificial pancreas, in which the islets of Langerhans (islets) are enclosed in artificial membrane to be protected from the host immune system, is expected to be a promising medical device to treat patients who suffer from insulin-dependent diabetes. Our strategy for the preparation of a bioartificial pancreas involves utilizing a membrane including polymeric materials that can inhibit the complement. When we examined a membrane containing poly(styrene sulfonic acid), long survival of islets enclosed in the membrane was observed in recipients carrying antibodies against islet cells. This fact stimulated us to start examinations of effects of PSSa on the complement system. In this study, we examined effects of PSSa on the classical pathway (CP) of the serum complement system to identify the mechanism(s) involved. The electric static interaction between cationic C1q (pI 9.3) and anionic PSSa induces PSSa-C1q complex formation. The dissociation of C1q(r2s2) complex by PSSa results inactivation of the CP activity. Those results indicate that PSSa was not an activator of the CP, but an inhibitor of CP activation. This study clarifies the mechanism by which PSSa protects islets in a microcapsule from the humoral immunity of the recipient carrying anti-islet antibodies. A microcapsule containing PSSa seems to effectively protect the islet from attacks of the host immune system after transplantation carrying antibodies against islet cells.  相似文献   

Gold surfaces were first treated in an alkanethiol solution to form self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). The thiolated Au surface was then subjected to Ar plasma pretreatment, followed by air exposure and UV-induced graft polymerization of poly(ethylene glycol) methacrylate (PEGMA) macromonomer. In comparison with the 3-mercaptopropionic acid-2-ethylhexyl ester (MPAEE) SAM, the (3-mercaptoproply)trimethoxysilane (MPTMS) SAM on Au exhibited higher stability under the conditions of Ar plasma pretreatment. The graft concentration of the PEGMA polymer on SAMmodified Au surface increased with increasing PEGMA macromonomer concentration and UV-graft polymerization time. The modified-Au surfaces were characterized by X-ray spectroscopy (XPS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and water contact angle measurement. The Au surface with a high concentration of grafted PEGMA polymer could completely repel protein adsorption and platelet adhesion.  相似文献   

Bioartificial pancreas, in which the islets of Langerhans are enclosed in artificial membrane to be protected from the host immune system, is expected to be a promising medical device to treat patients who suffer from insulin-dependent diabetes. Our strategy for preparation of a bioartificial pancreas involves utilizing a membrane including polymeric materials that can inhibit the complement reaction. In this study, we examined the effects of poly(styrene sulfonic acid) (PSSa) on the alternative pathway of the serum complement system to identify the mechanism(s) involved. PSSa was dissolved in pooled normal human serum (NHS), and the mixtures were incubated at 37°C for 30 min. Complement activities in sera were determined by hemolytic assays. Amounts of complement activation products released were determined by ELISA. Interactions of PSSa with complement components and fragments were examined with electrophoresis and immunoblotting. From these examinations, it appeared that the manner of PSSa effects on the alternative pathway (AP) highly depends on its concentration. PSSa seemingly acted as an activator when its concentration was 0.005 g/dl to 0.05 g/dl, while it acted as an inhibitor when its concentration was more than 0.1 g/dl. In terms of activation or inhibition of the AP, forming complex of PSSa with factor H induced activation, and that with factor D induced inhibition.  相似文献   

Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO)-grafted polyurethane (PU)/polystyrene (PS) interpenetrating polymer networks (IPNs) were synthesized. The effects of the mobile pendant PEO chains with their microphase separated structure on blood-compatibility were investigated. The morphology of both the fracture surface as well as the top surface indicate that the size of the dispersed domains of the PS-rich phase decreased as the grafting with the PEO was increased. The swelling ratio also decreased as the grafting with the PEO was increased. However, the dynamic contact angle and the interfacial energy between IPN surface and water decreased, due to the structural reorganization of the pendant PEO chains. PU/PS IPNs have an excellent mechanical property as compared with PU homopolymers. The adsorption of bovine plasma fibrinogen (BPF) onto the PU/PS IPNs and PU homopolymers was effectively suppressed by the PEO-grafting. In the platelet adhesion test, the amount of platelets adsorbed, activated, and/or coagulated upon the PEO-grafted PU/PS IPNs were reduced when compared to the ungrafted PU homopolymers.  相似文献   

Mitomycin-C (MMC)-loaded poly(DL-lactide) (PLA)/poly(DL-lactideco-glycolide) (PLGA) films which have different drug loading capacities and thicknesses were prepared by a solvent-evaporation technique. Degradation and release studies were conducted at 37°C in pH 7.4 phosphate buffered saline. The results showed that both the rate and the percentage of released MMC increased as the glycolide content in the copolymer increased from 10 to 30% (w/w) and the drug load increased from 0.5 to 2 mg MMC per 300 mg of polymer. In contrast, they decreased depending upon increasing film thickness from 80 to 300 μm and polymer molecular weight. It was found that the drug release mechanism is diffusion-controlled according to a non-Fickian diffusion mechanism.  相似文献   

The specific interactions of local anesthetic lidocaine hydrochloride with poly(acrylic acid) and poly(2-hydroxyethyl vinyl ether), as well as in a triple system composed of the drug and both polymers, have been studied in aqueous solutions by viscometric, turbidimetric, potentiometric, and FTIR spectroscopic methods. The mechanism of the drug binding to the polymers and the structures of the polycomplexes formed are clarified.  相似文献   

Poly(D,L-lactic acid) (P(D,L)LA) is a biocompatible and biodegradable polymer whose use is limited to orthopaedic applications. In fact, the mechanical properties of P(D,L)LA are not usually utilized for cardiovascular applications, as the polymer has been proven to activate both granulocyte- and platelet-causing inflammation. In order to improve P(D,L)LA haemocompatibility vitamin E (α-tocoferol, 10–30% (w/w)), a natural biological anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, was added during the solvent casting of P(D,L)LA film. The P(D,L)LA films obtained were then analysed using FT-IR analysis to assess vitamin E presence; polymer surface wettability and human plasma protein adsorption were measured by sessile drop test, spectrophotometric protein quantification and Western blot, respectively, and polymer haemocompatibility was assessed measuring platelet and granulocyte adhesion and whole blood coagulation. Vitamin E presence caused an increase in polymer surface wettability and human plasma protein adsorption. The combination of both effects may account for the decrease in platelet and granulocyte adhesion and for the doubling of whole blood clotting time measured onto vitamin-E-enriched P(D,L)LA compared to control P(D,L)LA. Our results indicate that vitamin E addition improves P(D,L)LA haemocompatibility, making this polymer suitable for cardiovascular application.  相似文献   

Growing polymer chains from surface initiators in principle allows much more dense polymer surface layers to be created than can be produced by grafting of whole (self-excluding) chains. We have utilized aqueous atom transfer radical polymerization to graft a series of cleavable hydrophilic poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) homopolymers and block copolymers of substituted acrylamides from polystyrene latex to give brushes of controlled MW and surface density. Average chain separations much less than their free solution radii of gyration have been achieved. Exposure to radiolabeled single proteins or to whole plasma and subsequent analysis by SDS-PAGE shows that PNIPAM brushes decrease protein adsorption relative to the latex surface or other substituted polyacrylamides. The PNIPAM brushes exhibit a second-order phase transition around 30°C as reflected by a decrease in the hydrodynamic thickness of the brush at higher temperatures. Total plasma protein adsorption is increased at 40°C compared to 20°C but there is significant differential adsorption behavior among the proteins detected by gel-electrophoresis analysis.  相似文献   

Low protein adsorption is believed advantageous for blood-contacting materials and ethylene glycols (EG)-based polymeric compounds are often attached to surfaces for this purpose. In the present study, the adsorption of fibrinogen, serum, and plasma were studied by ellipsometry on a series of well-defined oligo(EG) terminated alkane-thiols self-assembled on gold. The layers were prepared with compounds of the general structure HS-(CH2)15-CONH-EGn, where n = 2, 4, and 6. Methoxy-terminated tri(EG) undecanethiol and hydroxyl-terminated hexadecanethiol self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) were used as references. The results clearly demonstrate that the adsorption depends on the experimental conditions with small amounts of fibrinogen adsorbing from a single protein solution, but larger amounts of proteins from serum and plasma. The adsorption of fibrinogen and blood plasma decreased with an increasing number of EG repeats and was temperature-dependent. Significantly less serum adsorbed to methoxy tri(EG) than to hexa(EG) and more proteins remained on the latter surface after incubation in a sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) solution, indicating a looser protein binding to the methoxy-terminated surface. All surfaces adsorbed complement factor 3 (C3) from serum and plasma, although no surfacemediated complement activation was observed. The present study points to the importance of a careful choice of the protein model system before general statements regarding the protein repellant properties of potential surfaces can be made.  相似文献   

Electrospinning of chitosan solutions with poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) in an aqueous solution of 2 wt% acetic acid was studied. The properties of the chitosan/PEO solutions, including conductivity, surface tension and viscosity, were measured. Morphology of the electrospun chitosan/PEO was observed by using scanning electron micrographs. Results showed that the ultrafine fibers could be generated after addition of PEO in 2:1 or 1:1 mass ratios of chitosan to PEO from 4-6 wt% chitosan/PEO solutions at 15 kV voltage, 20 cm capillary-collector distance and flow rate 0.1 ml/h. During electrospinning of the chitosan/PEO solutions, ultrafine fibers with diameters from 80 nm to 180 nm were obtained, while microfibers with visually thicker diameters could be formed as well. Results of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimeter exhibited the larger electrospun microfibers were almost entirely made from PEO, while the electrospun ultrafine fibers mainly contained chitosan.  相似文献   

In order to obtain heparin-binding polyurethanes, tertiary amino-groups have been introduced in the polymer backbone by attributing a key-role to the chain extender, i.e. substituting butanediol, commonly used in polyurethane synthesis, with a tailor-made diamino-diamide-diol. In this work a poly(ether-urethane-aminoamide) (PEU/PIME/al) was obtained with poly(oxytetramethylene) glycol 2000, 1,6-hexamethylene-diisocyanate and the new chain extender, in the molar ratio 1 :2 : 1. The heparin binding capacity of PEU/PIME/al was evaluated with 125I labelled heparin, using for comparison the analogous polymer obtained with a diamide-diol (i.e. the poly(ether-urethane-amide) PEU/PIBLO/al), and two commercially available biomedical polyurethanes (Pellethane 2363 and Corethane). pH and ionic strength dependence of the heparin uptake were investigated by treating all the polyurethanes with solutions of 125I heparin into buffers from pH 4 to 9 or NaCl molarity from 0.0 to 1.0. The stability of the interaction with bound heparin was investigated by sequential washing treatments (PBS, 1 N NaOH, 2% SDS solution), then analysing the residual radioactivity on the materials. Results indicated that the heparin binding of PEU/PIME/al is significantly higher and more stable than that of the other polyurethanes, with a time-dependent kinetic. The interaction with heparin appears to be prevalently ionic, with the contribution of other electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions. Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), performed on human plasma with polyurethane-coated, heparinized test tubes, indicated that bound heparin maintains its biological activity after the adsorption.  相似文献   

The new biodegradable polyester poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexnoate) (PHBHHx) has a potential application in tissue engineering. The aim of this study was to present a deeper picture of the relationship between the cellular behavior and the surface characteristics of PHBHHx films. The pristine PHBHHx film was prepared by adopting the compression-molding method, and then the acrylic acid molecules were grafted on PHBHHx membrane surface by UV irradiation. The hydrophilic nature and surface roughness of various PHBHHx films were controlled by adjusting the acrylic acid concentration and the UV irradiation time. Although the surface characteristics of various PHBHHx films could not affect the metabolic activity of hMSCs, the performance of morphology of hMSCs was deeply affected by the hydrophilic nature and the orientation of surface scars. The hydrophilic nature would effectively improve the spread of hMSCs, and the orientation of surface scars would guide the growth direction of cytoskeleton (actin) inside hMSCs. In contrast, the behaviors of C3A/HepG2 hepatoma cells presented an opposite outcomes. Those surface characteristics were obviously associated with the performance of metabolic activity of C3A cells, but not with the morphology of C3A cells. Both hMSCs and C3A cells have unique cellular characteristics; therefore, their responses to environmental stimulations are significantly different.  相似文献   

In this study, the functions of rat osteoblasts on o-carboxymethyl chitosan-modified poly(D,L-lactic acid) (PDLLA) films were investigated in vitro. The surface characterization was measured by contact angle and electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA). Cell adhesion and proliferation were used to assess cell behavior on the modified surface and control. The MTT assay was used to determined cell viability and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity was performed to evaluate differentiated cell function. Compared to the control films, cell adhesion of osteoblasts on o-carboxymethyl chitosan-modified PDLLA films was significantly higher (p < 0.05) after 6 and 8 h culture, and osteoblast proliferation was also significantly hlgher (p < 0.01) between 4 and 7 days. The MTT assay suggested cell viability of osteoblasts cultured on o-carboxymethyl chitosan modified PDLLA films was significantly greater (p < 0.05) than that seeded on control one, and the ALP activity of cells cultured on modified PDLLA films was significantly higher (p < 0.01) than that found on control. These results give the first evidence that o-carboxymethyl chitosan could be used to modify PDLLA surface for improving biocompatibility.  相似文献   

Poly(2-methoxystyrene)s (P2MS) were synthesized using n-BuLi in THF and toluene at various temperatures. At ?20°C and higher temperatures, toluene was an effective polymerization solvent for synthesizing poly(2-methoxystyrene). Under these conditions, polymers with good yields and reasonable molecular weight distributions were obtained. Polymers synthesized under all conditions were isotactic; the most highly isotactic polymer was obtained in toluene at ?20°C. The m (isotactic dyad) content of the polymers synthesized in toluene at 0°C and ?20°C was 0.65 and 0.74, respectively. Optically active helical (+) and (?) P2MS were synthesized by asymmetric polymerization utilizing (+) or (?) [2,3-dimethoxy1,4(dimethylamino)butane] (DDB)/tolyl lithium initiating complex in toluene. Asymmetric polymerizations were also carried out at 0°C to synthesize optically active polymers. The optical rotations of the polymers were found to be dynamic and reversible, strongly suggesting contribution of the chiral higher ordered structure to the overall optical rotation. Geometry optimization carried out using various force fields such as MM+, AMBER and CHARMM suggests that isotactic P2MS form low energy stable helical conformations. HeLa cells showed better growth on surfaces prepared using chiral polymers compared to the surfaces prepared with achiral polymers. Similarly, chiral P2MS surfaces were also more effective as supports for mouse and human osteoblast cells. The cell attachment and growth data demonstrate that chiral P2MS surfaces were better supports compared to achiral P2MS surfaces. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) studies on surfaces prepared using chiral poly(2-methoxystyrene) showed more discrete topography features compared to surfaces prepared with achiral polymers. Thus, the surface topography may play a role in determining polymer–cell interactions.  相似文献   

In order to develop a novel biomaterial, films of chitosan blended with poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) were prepared by an emulsion blending technique and their properties were characterized. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that PHB microspheres were formed and were entrapped in chitosan matrices, which made the film surface rough. With increasing PHB content, the roughness of the film surface increased, while the swelling capability of the films decreased. In a wet state, the blended films exhibited a lower elastic modulus, a higher elongation-at-break and a higher tensile strength compared with chitosan films. Cell-culture experiments revealed that the blended films had better cytocompatibility than chitosan films. To explore the potential application of the blended material in tissue engineering, the porous blended scaffolds were fabricated and their pore morphology was observed by SEM. The results revealed that not only pore structure but also pore wall morphology of the blended scaffolds could be controlled by selecting the parameters of the fabrication process. These advantageous properties indicate that the blended chitosan/PHB material is promising for tissue engineering applications.  相似文献   

Poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) films were modified with poly(ethylene imine) (PEI) either by adsorption or covalent binding to prepare the material for immobilization of polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEM). Two different PEI, low- and high-molecular-weight (LMW or HMW, respectively) PEI, were used. The PEI modification efficiency was monitored via surface amino group density, water contact angle and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements. Covalent binding of HMW PEI by a two-step-activation method produced the highest amino group density and the lowest water contact angle. On the other hand, the adsorption method resulted in moderate amounts of immobilized PEI on the surface. Subsequently sulphated hyaluronan and chitosan were used to form PEM on PLLA that was covalently modified with HMW PEI. Regular formation of PEM was achieved, which was demonstrated by change of water contact angles and mass increase measured with quartz crystal microbalance. An osteoblast-like cell line, MG 63, was used to test the effects of modifications on biocompatibility. Contrarily to earlier reports showing that particularly HMW PEI had certain cytotoxicity, it was found that all modifications including PEM resulted in a better biocompatibility than plain PLLA indicated by a more spread phenotype of cells, their increased growth and metabolic activity.  相似文献   

Temperature-responsive hydration/dehydration changes in surface-grafted poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PIPAAm) were utilized for hydrophilic/hydrophobic surface property alterations in cell culture. In this report, we utilized PIPAAm-grafted surfaces to recover confluently-cultured vascular endothelial cells as coherent monolayers from this cell culture substrate and to transfer to new cell culture substrates. For this purpose, we used two different methods to recover and transfer cell monolayer cultures: (1) chitin membranes used as an apical side cell support during cultured cell transfer, allowing cell basal side reattachment to new culture substrates after transfer; and (2) a cell culture insert? (porous PET) used as both a support as well as new substrate, allowing basal surfaces of cultured cells to be exposed to the medium after transfer. In both cases, all cells grown on PIPAAm-grafted surfaces detach completely with maintenance of basement membrane-like structure. Recovered cells attach to the second culture surfaces, covering more than 60% of the new substrate, and retain approximately 90% viability and their original function as judged from tissue-type plasminogen activator secretion. This technique could be utilized to prepare novel bioartificial organs as well as cell co-culture systems by multi-layering different cell types to mimic tissue structures for tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Two self-reinforced poly(L/DL)lactide 70 : 30 or self-reinforced poly(L/DL)lactide 70 : 30/bioactive glass (SR-P(L/DL)LA/bioactive glass) composite rods (2 mm × 40 mm) were implanted into the dorsal subcutaneous tissue and osteotomies of the distal femur were fixed with these rods (2 mm × 26 mm) in 36 rabbits. The follow-up times varied from 3 to 100 weeks. After the animals were killed, three-point bending and shear tests and molecular weight measurements were performed for subcutaneously placed rods. Radiological, histological, histomorphometrical, microradiographic and oxytetracycline-fluorescence studies of the osteotomized and intact control femora were performed. After 12 weeks the SR-P(L/DL)LA rods had fragmented into pieces and the mechanical properties could not be measured. The SR-P(L/DL)LA/bioactive glass rods lost their mechanical properties slower, and at 24 weeks the bending strength had decreased by 39% and the shear strength by 50%. After that the mechanical properties of the SR-P(L/DL)LA/bioactive glass rods could not be measured. All osteotomies healed well, and no gross signs of inflammatory reactions were observed. One slight displacement was seen in the three-week follow-up group with SR-P(L/DL)LA rods. Signs of resorption of the implants were seen after 48 weeks in the SR-P(L/DL)LA group and after 24 weeks in the SR-P(L/DL)LA/bioactive glass group. The SR-P(L/DL)LA/bioactive glass rods were almost totally resorbed from the bone at 100 weeks. The present investigation showed that the mechanical strength and fixation properties of the SR-P(L/DL)LA and the SR-P(L/DL)LA/bioactive glass composite rods are suitable for fixation of cancellous bone osteotomies in rabbits.  相似文献   

Controlled release of cytarabine (ara-C) from poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate-co-N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) [p(HEMA-co-VP)] hydrogels cross-linked with ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) is reported. Three compositions of copolymer, each one with a different cross-linking degree, have been studied: H50/VP50, H75/VP25, and H80/VP20. Ara-C (5-25 mg by disc) was trapped in the gels by including it in the polymerization feed mixture. The ara-C release time was between 1 day from H50/VP50/E0.5 discs and 16 days from H80/VP20/E15 discs. In all cases there is a time period for which the drug release rate is constant.  相似文献   

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