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Soft tissue adhesive composed of modified gelatin and polysaccharides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although fibrin glue has been clinically used as a surgical adhesive, hemostatic agent, and sealant, it has the risk of virus infection because its components, fibrinogen and thrombin, are obtained from human blood. To circumvent this problem, we employed bioabsorbable gelatin and polysaccharides to prepare a safer hemostatic glue. Gelatin was modified with ethylenediamine using water-soluble carbodiimide to introduce additional amino groups into the original gelatin, while dextran and hydroxyethyl-starch were oxidized by sodium periodate to convert 1,2-hydroxyl groups into dialdehyde groups. Upon mixing of the two polymer components in aqueous solution, Schiff base was formed between the amino groups in the modified gelatin and the aldehyde groups in the modified polysaccharides, which thus resulted in intermolecular cross-linking and gel formation. The fastest gel formation took place within 2 s, and its bonding strength to porcine skin was about 225 gf cm(-2) when 20 wt% of an amino-gelatin (55% amino) and 10 wt% of aldehyde-HES (>84% dialdehyde) aqueous solutions were mixed. In contrast, the gelation time and bonding strength of fibrin glue was 5 s and 120 gf cm(-2), respectively.  相似文献   

The biocompatibility of a hemostatic gelatin sponge (Cutanplast Standard) was evaluated in vitro. Cytotoxicity was assessed by neutral red uptake and amido black staining tests; genotoxicity was assayed using the Ames test, Sister Chromatides Exchanges (SCE) and chromosomal aberrations. The ability of the hemostatic gelatin sponge to induce platelet adhesion and release reaction was also determined. The undiluted extract of the test material was found to be cytotoxic, but cell viability was not affected by 1:2 and 1:10 diluted extract. The same extract was found to be non-genotoxic using the three assays for genotoxicity. A significant decrease of platelet number, as well as a significant release of platelet factor 4 was found to be caused by the solid material. In conclusion, Cutanplast Standard is neither cytotoxic nor genotoxic, while inducing platelet adhesion and release reaction when challenged with blood.  相似文献   

This study describes the potentiality of crosslinked hydrogels comprised of gelatin and polyacrylic acid (CHGP) as a biological glue for soft tissues and compares its bonding strength with that of fibrin glue. Water-soluble carbodimide (WSC) was used to crosslink the mixture of gelatin and polyacrylic acid (PAA). An addition of PAA to gelatin increases bonding strength and reduces the gelation time and WSC concentration. Increasing the gelatin, WSC and PAA concentration increases the bonding strength. There is a critical concentration to have a maximum bonding strength. The cured hydrogel exhibited sufficient adhesion to mouse skin with a higher bonding strength than fibrin glue. The in vitro test has been done for evaluating CHGP toxicity.  相似文献   

To investigate the tissue adhesive function of a hydrogel composed of biocompatible amphiphilic polymers, polymers with various architectures were prepared from 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC), electrolyte monomers and hydrophobic n-butyl methacrylate (BMA). A polyion complex (PIC) hydrogel was formed within a few minutes after aqueous solutions containing the cationic and anionic MPC polymers were mixed. Provided the electrical charge of the cationic and anionic MPC polymers was approximately balanced, the PIC hydrogel existed stably in a large amount of aqueous medium. The results of the fluorescence study of the MPC polymers suggested that dissociation was suppressed and that the electrostatic interaction was enhanced in the block and graft polymers compared to the random polymers. This is due to the strategically designed architectures and the hydrophobic BMA units. Based on the results of the cytotoxicity test, the cytotoxicity of the MPC polymers was lower than that of glutaraldehyde, a cross-linker contained in aldehydetype tissue adhesives. The cationic MPC polymers demonstrated higher cytotoxicity compared to the anionic ones, which demonstrated no significant cytotoxicity at examined concentrations. The tissue adhesion of the PIC hydrogels was evaluated with a dura incision model. The results indicated that the tissue adhesion strength of the PIC hydrogel was lower than that of a commercially available fibrin glue. However, the tissue adhesion strength increased with an increase in the polymer concentration and could be controlled by the water content of the hydrogel. Although further investigation of the biocompatibility of the PIC hydrogels and control of the water content is crucial, it can be concluded that the PIC hydrogels formed by the amphiphilic MPC polymers can be promising tissue adhesives which demonstrate properties according to the architectures and chemical structures.  相似文献   

This article presents a novel photochemically driven surgical tissue adhesive technology using photoreactive gelatins and a water-soluble difunctional macromer (poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate: PEGDA).The gelatins were partially derivatized with photoreactive groups, such as ultraviolet light (UV)-reactive benzophenone and visible light-reactive xanthene dye (e.g., fluorescein sodium salt, eosin Y, and rose bengal). A series of the prepared photocurable tissue adhesive glues, consisting of the photoreactive gelatin, PEGDA, and a saline solution with or without ascorbic acid as a reducing agent, were viscous solutions under warming, and their effectiveness was evaluated as hemostasis- and anastomosis-aid in cardiovascular surgery. Regardless of the type of photoreactive groups, the irradiation of the photocurable tissue adhesive glues by UV or visible light within 1 min produced water-swollen gels, which had a high adhesive strength to wet collagen film. These were due to the synergistic action of photoreactive group-initiated photo-cross-linking and photograft polymerization. An increase in the irradiation time resulted in increased gel yield and reduced water swellability. A decrease in the molecular weight of PEGDA and an increase in concentration of both gelatin and PEGDA resulted in reduced water swellability and increased tensile and burst strengths of the resultant gels. In rats whose livers were injured with a trephine in laparotomy, the bleeding spots were coated with the photocurable adhesive glue and irradiated through an optical fiber. The coated solution was immediately converted to a swollen gel. The gel was tightly adhered to the liver tissue presumably by interpenetration, and concomitantly hemostasis was completed. The anastomosis treatment with the photocurable glue in the canine abdominal or thoracic aortas incised with a knife resulted in little bleeding under pulsatile flow after declamping. Histological examination showed that the glues photocured on rat liver surfaces were gradually degraded with time in vivo with infiltration of inflammatory cells and connective tissues without necrotic sign in surrounding tissue. In addition, in the laparoscopic surgery, percutaneous delivery of the glue and its in situ photogelation on rat liver surfaces were demonstrated using a specially designed fiberscope. These results indicate that the photocurable glues developed here may serve as a biodegradable tissue adhesive glue usable in cardiovascular surgery and endoscopic surgery.  相似文献   

A novel photocurable tissue adhesive glue, which is composed of styrene-derivatized (styrenated) gelatin, poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA), and carboxylated camphorquinone in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), was prepared. The prototype formulation suitable for arterial repair was determined based on the gel yield, degree of swelling, tissue adhesive strength, and breaking (or burst) strength in vitro. The formulated photocurable tissue adhesive glue with an appropriate viscosity was converted to a water-swollen gel within 1 min of visible light irradiation. The tissue adhesive glue, which was coated on a rat abdominal aorta incised with a pair of scissors, was immediately converted to a swollen gel upon subsequent irradiation with visible light, and concomitantly hemostasis was completed. Histological examination showed that the produced gel was tightly adhered to the artery shortly after photoirradiation. The gel gradually degraded with time and was completely absorbed within 4 weeks after treatment. These results indicate that the photocurable glue developed here may serve as a tissue adhesive glue applicable to vascular surgery.  相似文献   

A gelatin/hyaluronic acid (GH) sponge has been fabricated by freeze-drying and cross-linking. The GH sponge was insoluble when cross-linked with 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide. The morphologies of sponges were investigated using a field emission scanning electron microscope. The porosity of the GH sponge increased with hyaluronic acid content. The GH sponge was biodegradable, as evidenced by implantation in Wistar rat subcutaneous connective tissue. Fibroblasts infiltrated into the sponge matrix, and regenerated collagen in the matrix to a level of 25% by 15 days after surgery. The GH73 sponge induced an acute inflammatory response compared with the GH91 sponge. This inflammatory response could have been stimulated by the presence of hyaluronic acid up to Day 10, as it decreased afterwards. The C-reactive protein of blood samples also indicated the same result. The blood tests and histological results show that GH sponges have good biocompatibility and low antigenicity for tissue engineering scaffolds.  相似文献   

Cross-linking of gelatin A and B with N,N-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-N′-ethyl-carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) and N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) was optimised by varying the NHS/ EDC molar ratio at constant EDC concentration. Native and cross-linked gelatin gels were characterised using the degree of swelling, the number of free amine groups, the phase transition temperature, and titration of the carboxylic acid residues. The cross-linking reaction was most efficient at a NHS to EDC molar ratio of 0.2. At higher NHS/EDC molar ratios, the reaction of EDC with NHS becomes more pronounced, thereby reducing the effective amount of EDC for cross-linking. Swelling measurements of cross-linked gelatin gels gave deviating results when no NHS was used, which was explained by heterogeneous localisation of cross-links in the gelatin gel. The incorporation of undesired compounds into the gelatin gels during the cross-linking reaction was not observed. At optimal NHS to EDC molar ratio, gelatin A and B were cross-linked using increasing EDC/COOHgelatin molar ratios. A range of samples varying from very low cross-link density to very high cross-link density (at high EDC/COOHgelatin) was obtained. Stability of the gels is enhanced with increasing cross-link density, but a minimal cross-link density is required to obtain gelatin gels which are stable at 40°C.  相似文献   

Scaffold, as an essential element of tissue engineering, should provide proper chemical and structural cues to direct tissue regeneration. In this study, aligned and random polycaprolactone (PCL)/gelatin fibrous scaffolds with different mass ratio were electrospun. Chemical, structural, and mechanical properties of PCL/gelatin fibrous scaffolds were characterized by FTIR and tensile measurements. The average diameters of different groups were between 334.96?±?41.43?nm and 363.78?±?50.49?nm. Blending PCL with gelatin increased the mechanical properties of the scaffolds. The cell culture results demonstrated that the mass ratio of PCL and gelatin showed no obvious effects on cell behavior, whereas the cell growth behavior was affected by the fibers orientation. Higher elongation ratio, enhanced cell proliferation and elevated alkaline phosphatase activity were observed for cells cultured on aligned fibers. The findings in our research provide insightful information for the design and fabrication of scaffolds for bone tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Most bladder tumors arise from the urothelium. However, there are several uncommon but significant bladder lesions that must be differentiated from urothelial carcinomas. These include both benign and malignant spindle cell lesions. The first half of this 2-part review will describe benign myofibroblastic proliferations including inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor and postoperative spindle cell nodule; benign neoplasms including leiomyoma, hemangioma, neurofibroma, and schwannoma; and tumors of uncertain malignant potential including paraganglioma, granular cell tumor, and perivascular epithelioid cell tumor. Common clinical presentations, morphological characteristics, and immunohistochemical features are described to aid the practicing pathologist in the identification of these entities. This review also describes current theories as to the pathogenesis of inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor and postoperative spindle cell nodule and details the current molecular markers identifying several of these lesions.  相似文献   

Although tissue culture is the gold standard for diagnosing infection, histologic examination of surgically resected tissue can be a critical component in the diagnosis of tissue infection. The goal of this brief report is to alert surgical pathologists that Pseudomonas species can appear strikingly filamentous histologically and may somewhat mimic the appearance of filamentous bacteria, such Actinomyces or Nocardia, or thin fungal hyphae. A secondary aim is to raise awareness that Pseudomonas can sometimes only be identified histologically through the use of a modified silver impregnation method (Steiner stain). Five cases of filamentous Pseudomonas were encountered in three different surgical pathology subspecialities (ophthalmic pathology, cardiovascular pathology, and dermatopathology) over a 1-year period. All cases were of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue, stained using hematoxylin & eosin (H&E) and multiple histochemical stains. Four cases grew Pseudomonas aeruginosa in culture and, in the fifth case, a nonaeruginosa species was detected using polymerase chain reaction-based methods. The markedly filamentous-appearing Pseudomonas organisms were identified in five different tissue sites: vascular graft, enucleation (whole eye) specimen, scleral biopsy, soft-tissue excision, and skin punch biopsy. In one of the five cases the organisms were seen on H&E, and in only two of the five were the organisms seen on Brown–Hopps stain. In all five cases, the organisms were identified on Steiner stain. It is therefore important to recognize that Pseudomonas can appear markedly filamentous, Pseudomonas or other bacterial infection is suspected, the surgical pathologist would be advised to employ the Steiner stain to most consistently detect the organisms.  相似文献   

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