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Partial characterization of a Candida albicans fimbrial adhesin.   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Candida albicans is the primary etiologic agent of candidiasis, a disease that can vary from superficial mucosal lesions to life-threatening systemic or disseminated diseases. Strains of C. albicans have been reported to possess long, thin filamentous protein cell surface appendages termed fimbriae (R.B. Gardiner, M. Canton, and A. W. Day, Bot. Gaz. 143:534-541, 1982). These fimbriae were isolated, purified, and partially characterized. The major structural subunit of the fimbriae is a glycoprotein which consists of 80 to 85% carbohydrate (consisting primarily of D-mannose) and 10 to 15% protein. The molecular weight of the glycosylated fimbrial subunit is approximately 66,000, while unglycosylated protein has an approximate molecular weight of 8,644. The fimbriae function as adhesins mediating C. albicans binding to human buccal epithelial cells. Amino acid analysis of the purified fimbrial subunit indicates that the fimbrial subunit is composed of 50% hydrophobic amino acid residues. The N terminus of the fimbrial subunit is blocked to N-terminal sequencing.  相似文献   

P fimbriae of extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli mediate digalactoside-specific adherence via the tip adhesin molecule PapG, which occurs in three known variants (I to III), which are encoded by the corresponding three alleles of papG. In the present study, newly discovered variants of papG allele I and the respective wild-type source strains were characterized. One of the new papG allele I variants conferred a unique agglutination phenotype that combined the phenotypes associated with papG alleles I, II, and III. Comparative hydrophilicity analysis of predicted PapG peptides revealed regions that might explain the observed phenotypic similarities and differences between the PapG variants. The new papG allele I variants occurred either as the sole papG allele or together with both papG alleles II and III, rather than with only papG allele III, as in archetypal strains J96 and CP9. They also occurred in the absence of the usual F13 papA allele. One of the new papG allele I variants occurred in a serogroup O6 strain that, according to random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis, was phylogenetically distant from the "J96-like" clonal group of E. coli O4:H5, which includes all previously identified examples of papG allele I. Cluster analysis of nucleotide and predicted peptide sequences suggested that papG allele I represents the earliest evolutionary branch from a common papG ancestor. These results demonstrate unexpected diversity within papG allele I and, together with previous findings, suggest that the J96-like clonal group of E. coli O4:H5 may represent the original source of papG within the species.  相似文献   

Mapping the binding domain of the F18 fimbrial adhesin   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
F18 fimbrial Esherichia coli strains are associated with porcine postweaning diarrhea and pig edema disease. Recently, the FedF subunit was identified as the adhesin of the F18 fimbriae. In this study, adhesion domains of FedF were further studied by constructing deletions within the fedF gene and expressing FedF proteins with deletions either together with the other F18 fimbrial subunits or as fusion proteins tagged with maltose binding protein. The region essential for adhesion to porcine intestinal epithelial cells was mapped between amino acid residues 60 and 109 of FedF. To map the binding domain even more closely, all eight charged amino acid residues within this region were independently replaced by alanine. Three of these single point mutants expressing F18 fimbriae exhibited significantly diminished capabilities to adhere to porcine epithelial cells in vitro. In addition, a triple point mutation and a double point mutation completely abolished receptor adhesiveness. The result further confirmed that the region between amino acid residues 60 and 109 is essential for the binding of F18 fimbriae to their receptor. In addition, the adhesion capability of the binding domain was eliminated after treatment with iodoacetamide, suggesting the formation of a disulfide bridge between Cys-63 and Cys-83, whereas Cys-111 and Cys-116 could be deleted without affecting the binding ability of FedF.  相似文献   

A clone containing the 987P fimbrial gene cluster was selected from a cosmid library of total DNA of the prototype Escherichia coli strain 987 by using 987P-specific antiserum. A subclone of 12 kilobases containing all of the genes required for fimbrial expression on a nonfimbriated K-12 strain of E. coli and a DNA fragment internal to the fimbrial subunit gene were used to probe the prototype strain and various isolates of 987P-fimbriated enterotoxigenic E. coli. All strains had several plasmids, as shown by agarose gel electrophoresis, and each of five strains which expressed 987P fimbriae showed a plasmid of 35 to 40 megadaltons (MDa) hybridizing to both 987P-specific probes. Hybridization to restricted DNA of strain 987 supported a plasmid origin for the cloned 987P gene cluster. Moreover, an isogenic strain which had lost its 35-MDa plasmid was no longer capable of synthesizing fimbrial subunits, but regained fimbrial expression after reintroduction of the TnphoA (Tn5 IS50L::phoA)-tagged 35-MDa plasmid. Absence of fimbrial subunit synthesis in K-12 strains transformed with the 35-MDa plasmid alone suggested the requirement of regulatory elements existing in strain 987 but missing in K-12 strains. A probe for the heat-stable enterotoxin STIa hybridized in each of the 987P-fimbriated strains to the plasmid containing the 987P genes and in most of these strains to an additional plasmid which contained the gene for the heat-stable enterotoxin STII. Occurrence of the 987P and STIa genes on the same replicon correlates with epidemiological observations, STIa being the most prevalent toxin produced by 987P-fimbriated E. coli.  相似文献   

The type 3 fimbriae of enteric bacteria mediate agglutination, in vitro, of erythrocytes treated with tannic acid. The gene encoding the polypeptide, MrkD, that mediates this agglutination reaction was placed downstream of an inducible promoter, and the ability of MrkD alone to facilitate hemagglutination was determined. Although Escherichia coli transformants could be shown to produce the MrkD protein, hemagglutination did not occur in the absence of other mrk gene products. In addition, the MrkD polypeptide did not cross the bacterial outer membrane unless a fimbrial chaperone protein was also present. Analysis of the frequency of the mrkD gene within the genus Klebsiella indicated that this gene is conserved in strains of Klebsiella oxytoca but not in other fimbriate Klebsiella species. In the small number of strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae that do possess a related mrkD gene, this determinant could be found on a plasmid in one strain. The ability of type 3 fimbriate bacteria to adhere to type V collagen was found to be a function of a specific MrkD polypeptide. This adhesin is frequently found in strains of K. oxytoca but is rarely associated with the type 3 fimbriae of K. pneumoniae.  相似文献   

Isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae are responsible for opportunistic infections, particularly of the urinary tract and respiratory tract, in humans. These bacteria express type 3 fimbriae that have been implicated in binding to eucaryotic cells and matrix proteins. The type 3 fimbriae mediate binding to target tissue using the MrkD adhesin that is associated with the fimbrial shaft comprised of the MrkA protein. The formation of biofilms in vitro by strains of K. pneumoniae was shown to be affected by the production of fimbriae on the bacterial surface. However, a functional MrkD adhesin was not necessary for efficient biofilm formation. Nonfimbriate strains were impaired in their ability to form biofilms. Using isogenic fimbriate and nonfimbriate strains of K. pneumoniae expressing green fluorescent protein it was possible to demonstrate that the presence of type 3 fimbriae facilitated the formation of dense biofilms in a continuous-flowthrough chamber. Transformation of nonfimbriate mutants with a plasmid possessing an intact mrk gene cluster restored the fimbrial phenotype and the rapid ability to form biofilms.  相似文献   

The chromosomally encoded nonfimbrial adhesion I (NFA-I) from Escherichia coli urinary tract isolate 827 (O83:K1:H4) mediates agglutination of human erythrocytes. Subclones were constructed from an NFA-I-expressing recombinant E. coli K-12 clone, derived from a genomic library of E. coli 827. Minicell analysis and nucleotide sequencing revealed that proteins of 30.5, 9, 80, 15, and 19 kDa encoded on a stretch of approximately 6 kb are involved in the expression of NFA-I. NFA-I exhibits a polymeric structure, which disintegrates with elevated temperature into a 19-kDa monomer but with some relatively stable dimers. By using gold-conjugated monoclonal antibodies directed against NFA-I in electron microscopy, the adhesin could be localized on the outer surface of the recombinant E. coli K-12 bacteria. The nucleotide sequence of the nfaA gene encoding the monomeric structural subunit of the adhesin was determined. An open reading frame of 184 amino acids encoding the NfaA precursor, which is processed to the mature protein, was found; it consisted of 156 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 16,000. Peptide sequencing of the NFA-I subunit protein confirmed that this open reading frame corresponds to the NfaA coding locus. Furthermore, the nucleotide sequence of the open reading frame termed NfaE, located at the proximal part of the DNA stretch responsible for NFA-I expression, was elaborated. NfaE consists of 247 amino acids, including a presumptive 29-amino-acid signal peptide, leading to a molecular weight of 24,000 for the mature protein. The nfaE sequence shares homology with the 27-kDa CS3 protein, which is involved in the assembly of CS3 fibrillae, and might encode the 30.5-kDa protein, detected in minicells.  相似文献   

The 987P fimbriae produced by enterotoxigenic strains of Escherichia coli isolated from piglets mediate bacterial attachment to intestinal epithelial cells. These fimbriae consist essentially of a tight helical arrangement of one structural protein subunit encoded by fasA. Fimbriation and specific adhesion requires the expression of seven additional genes (fasB to fasH). In this study, we investigated whether FasA or another Fas protein, e.g., a potential minor fimbrial component, harbors the binding moiety for the pig 987P receptor glycoproteins. Fas proteins, specifically radiolabeled with an in vivo T7 expression system, were isolated from the periplasm and incubated with receptor-containing brush borders isolated from piglet intestinal epithelial cells. FasG bound best to brush borders, whereas no FasA adhered to them. Additional evidence that FasG, and not FasA, is the 987P adhesin was provided by ligand blotting inhibition assays indicating that FasG alone inhibited fimbrial binding to 987P receptors and that in the absence of FasG, other Fas proteins were not inhibitory. FasG was identified in purified fimbrial preparations with a specific anti-FasG antibody probe. Moreover, FasG was shown to be tightly associated with the fimbrial structure, since it was released only after disassembling fimbriae by heat and sodium dodecyl sulfate treatments. The primary structure of FasG, deduced from the DNA sequence, exhibited 19.1 to 24.4% similarity to FasA and large minor components and/or adhesins of other fimbriae. FasG is the first-described minor fimbrial subunit shown to be essential for both fimbrial biogenesis and specific adhesion.  相似文献   

Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) is an important cause of diarrhea worldwide. We analyzed 17 Danish EAEC strains, isolated in the course of a case control study, for phenotypic and genotypic properties. The strains belonged to at least 14 different serotypes. Using PCR to investigate the prevalence of various putative virulence genes, we found that all but two strains were typical EAEC, as they harbored all or part of the previously described AggR regulon. The majority of the strains harbored genes encoding aggregative adherence fimbriae (AAF). The most common was AAF/I, found in nine strains; eight strains carried no known AAF-related genes. We utilized TnphoA mutagenesis to localize the aggregative adherence (AA) adhesin from one typical EAEC strain, C1010-00, which lacked a known AAF. We identified a TnphoA insertion in a hypothetical Dr-related pilin deposited in GenBank as HdaA. Four additional Danish strains harbored HdaA, and all but one displayed AA to HEp-2 cells. By using PCR primers derived from the pilins and ushers from the three AAF and Hda, we found that 16 of 17 strains exhibited evidence of one of these factors; importantly, the one negative strain also lacked the aggR gene. Cloning of the complete Hda gene cluster and expression in E. coli DH5alpha resulted in AA and complementation of the C1010-00 nonadherent mutant. Four related adhesins have now been found to confer AA in typical EAEC strains; our data suggest that, together, these variants may account for AA in the large majority of strains.  相似文献   

The erythrocyte receptor for Escherichia coli K99 fimbrial adhesin was isolated from equine erythrocytes and characterized as Neu5Gc-alpha(2----3)-Galp-beta(1----4)-GLcp-beta(1----1)-Ceramide. This glycolipid acted as the receptor for K99 by four different experimental approaches: inhibition of equine erythrocyte hemagglutination by preincubation of K99-positive bacteria or purified K99 fimbriae with the isolated glycolipid; inhibition of attachment of K99-positive bacteria to porcine intestinal epithelial cells in the presence of the isolated glycolipid; induction of binding of K99-positive bacteria or purified K99 fimbriae to normally unreactive guinea pig erythrocytes by coating these cells with the isolated glycolipid; and isolation of the receptor by affinity chromatography with K99 coupled to CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B, indicating a strong interaction between K99 and the isolated glycolipid.  相似文献   

New fimbrial hemagglutinin in Serratia species.   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Strains of Serratia marcescens, Serratia liquefaciens, Serratia marinorubra, and Serratia plymuthica produced one or more of the following hemagglutinins (HAs): mannose-sensitive HA and mannose-resistant K-HA (MR/K-HA) and P-HA (MR/P-HA) (J. P. Duguid and D. C. Old, in E. H. Beachey (ed.), Bacterial adherence, vol. 6., p. 185-217, 1980). Most strains (82%) were multiply hemagglutinating. The properties of the three HAs are described. Each HA was associated with a distinct type of fimbria: mannose-sensitive HA with type 1 fimbriae. MR/K-HA with type 3 fimbriae, and MR/P-HA with a new type of thin fimbriae provisionally called MR/P fimbriae. This is the first report of the production of MR/P-HA and MR/P fimbriae by Serratia species. The range of Serratia HAs, which may reflect in vivo colonization potential, is more complex than previously reported.  相似文献   

The ability of Escherichia coli K-12(K88ab) to adhere to immobilized porcine small intestine mucus was examined. E. coli K-12(K88ab) but not the isogenic E. coli K-12 strain was found to adhere readily to immobilized crude mucus but not to bovine serum albumin. The adhesion of E. coli K-12(K88ab) was inhibited in a specific fashion by anti-K88 antiserum. Adhesion was also inhibited by pretreatment of receptor-containing crude mucus preparations with sodium metaperiodate or proteolytic enzymes. Removal of glycolipids from crude mucus by chloroform-methanol extraction did not affect the ability of E. coli K-12(K88ab) to bind to mucus preparations. Adsorption of crude mucus preparations with K88ab fimbriae but not type 1 fimbriae resulted in the removal of K88-specific receptors. Analysis of the pelleted fimbriae-receptor complex by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, together with gel filtration chromatography of crude mucus preparations, suggest that the K88-specific receptor present in porcine small intestine mucus is a 40- to 42-kDa glycoprotein.  相似文献   

We have previously identified two K88ac adhesion receptors (210 and 240 kDa) which are present in membrane preparations from adhesive but not nonadhesive porcine intestinal brush border cells; these adhesin receptors are postulated to be important determinants of the susceptibility of pigs to K88ac+ enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infections (A.K. Erickson, J.A. Willgohs, S.Y. McFarland, D.A. Benfield, and D.F. Francis, Infect. Immun. 60:983-988, 1992). We now describe a procedure for the purification of these two receptors. Receptors were solubilized from adhesive intestinal brush border vesicles using deoxycholate and were purified by gel filtration chromatography on Sepharose CL-4B and then by hydroxyapatite chromatography. Amino acid compositional analyses indicated that the two receptors have similar amino acid compositions. The most distinguishing characteristic of both receptors is a high percentage of threonine and proline residues. Neuraminidase treatment caused the K88ac adhesin receptors to migrate with a slower mobility on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gels, indicating that these receptors are sialoglycoproteins. Results from lectin-binding studies indicated that the receptors contain O-linked oligosaccharides composed of galactosyl (beta-1,3)N-acetylgalactosamine, alpha-linked fucose, galactosyl(beta-1,4)N-acetylglucosamine, sialic acid, galactose, and N-acetylgalactosamine. Collectively, these characteristics indicate that the K88ac adhesin receptors are mucin-type sialoglycoproteins.  相似文献   

The K88 fimbrial adhesin enables certain strains of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli to adhere to the porcine small intestine. In this study, the ability of the K88 adhesin to bind to glycosphingolipids was monitored by modified enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and thin-layer chromatography overlay binding analysis. The binding of the K88 adhesin to glycosphingolipid-coated microtiter plates was saturable, with 50% maximal binding occurring with gangliotriaosylceramide, gangliotetraosylceramide, and lactosylceramide at 67 +/- 21, 117 +/- 21, and 73 +/- 22 pM, respectively. Thin-layer chromatography overlay binding analysis demonstrated that serotype O8:K87:K88ab:H19 E. coli bound to hydroxylated galactosylceramide, gangliotriaocylceramide, gangliotetraosylceramide, and lactosylceramide but not to globotriaosylceramide, nonhydroxylated galactosylceramide, glucosides, glucosylceramide, or a mixture of ceramides. The K88 adhesin did not bind by either assay to globoside, the Forssman glycolipid, GM1, GM2, GM3, GD1a, GD2, GD3, GQ1b, or GT1b. The binding pattern observed with the K88 adhesin suggests that beta 1-linked galactosyl residues are the minimum determinant required for binding, provided they are presented correctly. It is suggested that beta 1-linked galactose residues may form the molecular basis of both glycoprotein and glycolipid receptors for the K88 fimbrial adhesin in the porcine small intestine.  相似文献   

Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) is a food-borne cause of bloody diarrhea and the hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) in humans. Most strains of EHEC belong to a group of bacterial pathogens that cause distinctive lesions on the host intestine termed attaching-and-effacing (A/E) lesions. A/E strains of EHEC, including the predominant serotype, O157:H7, are responsible for the majority of HUS outbreaks worldwide. However, several serotypes of EHEC are not A/E pathogens because they lack the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE) pathogenicity island. Nevertheless, such strains have been associated with sporadic cases and small outbreaks of hemorrhagic colitis and HUS. Of these LEE-negative organisms, O113:H21 is one of the most commonly isolated EHEC serotypes in many regions. Clinical isolates of LEE-negative EHEC typically express Shiga toxin 2 and carry an approximately 90-kb plasmid that encodes EHEC hemolysin, but in the absence of LEE, little is known about the way in which these pathogens colonize the host intestine. In this study we describe the identification of a novel fimbrial gene cluster related to long polar fimbriae in EHEC O113:H21. This chromosomal region comprises four open reading frames, lpfA to lfpD, and has the same location in the EHEC O113:H21 genome as O island 154 in the prototype EHEC O157:H7 strain, EDL933. In a survey of EHEC of other serotypes, homologues of lpfA(O113) were found in 26 of 28 LEE-negative and 8 of 11 non-O157:H7 LEE-positive EHEC strains. Deletion of the putative major fimbrial subunit gene, lpfA, from EHEC O113:H21 resulted in decreased adherence of this strain to epithelial cells, suggesting that lpf(O113) may function as an adhesin in LEE-negative isolates of EHEC.  相似文献   

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