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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the criterion or concurrent validity of the Northwick Park Dependency Score (NPDS) for determining nursing dependence in different rehabilitation groups, with the Barthel Index (BI) and the Care Dependency Scale (CDS). DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Centre for Rehabilitation of the University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands. SUBJECTS: Patients after stroke, spinal cord injury, multitrauma, head injury, amputation, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, lung diseases, tuberculosis and coronary artery disease. One hundred and fifty-four patients were included. MEASURES: The Northwick Park Dependency Score (NPDS), the Barthel Index (BI) and the Care Dependency Scale (CDS). RESULTS: The correlation (rho) between the NPDS and the BI for all groups was -0.87; R2=0.76 (n=154). Per patient group rho varied from -0.70 (R2=0.49) to -0.93 (R2=0.86). The overall correlation between the NPDS and CDS was larger than the criterion of rho=0.60 (r=-0.74; R2=0.55) but was <0.60 in the rheumatoid arthritis and tuberculosis group. The overall correlation between BI and CDS exceeded the criterion (r=0.75; R2=0.56). CONCLUSIONS: The NPDS is a generic nursing dependency instrument that can be used as a valid measure across various patient groups in rehabilitation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the reliability and validity of the Swedish language version of the Resilience Scale (RS). Participants were 142 adults between 19-85 years of age. Internal consistency reliability, stability over time, and construct validity were evaluated using Cronbach's alpha, principal components analysis with varimax rotation and correlations with scores on the Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC) and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE). The mean score on the RS was 142 (SD = 15). The possible scores on the RS range from 25 to 175, and scores higher than 146 are considered high. The test-retest correlation was .78. Correlations with the SOC and the RSE were .41 (p < 0.01) and .37 (p < 0.01), respectively. Personal Assurance and Acceptance of Self and Life emerged as components from the principal components analysis. These findings provide evidence for the reliability and validity of the Swedish language version of the RS.  相似文献   

Standardized and well-tested instruments are needed in order to study attitudes toward old people. One scale that has been widely used is Kogan's Old People scale. A Swedish version of the scale has been available since 1987. The aim of this study was to test this Swedish version of the scale for reliability and validity, in a sample consisting of students and different health-care professionals. A convenience sample of 319 individuals in western Sweden took part in the study, and data were collected by means of a questionnaire that included the scale. Reliability was assessed as homogeneity and validity as construct validity. All but 4 of the 34 items were found to have significant item-total correlations. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the total scale was 0.79. Some evidence of construct validity was found in a three-factor solution, which explained 30% of the variances. Strong evidence of construct validity was shown in the scale's capability to differentiate between individuals who rather preferred to work with old people (p < 0.005) than with young clients. Convergent validity, as a form of construct validity, was also supported for the scale.  相似文献   

目的 引进和翻译前切除综合征评分量表,为建立直肠癌前切除患者术后排便功能评估提供研究基础;对翻译后的前切除综合征评分量表的信度、效度进行评价,探索其在国内的适用性.方法 首先对前切除综合征评分量表进行翻译、回译及文化调适,确定前切除综合征评分量表的中文版,对天津某三甲医院普外科40例直肠癌患者进行排便功能评估,验证其信度和效度.结果 中文版前切除综合征评分量表具有良好的重测信度,ICC=0.9615 (95%CI 0.9272~0.9796);量表具有良好的评定者间信度,ICC=0.9394 (95%CI 0.8854~0.9680);量表具有良好的内容效度,内容效度比(CVR)为0.90;量表具有良好的结构效度,因子分析共提取了2个公因子,能解释总方差的60.659%,且各项目在相应因子上有较满意的因子载荷量(>0.4).结论 中文版前切除综合征评分量表简洁易懂,使用方便;测试结果显示量表具有良好的信效度.建议前切除综合征评分量表可用于评估住院直肠癌患者术后是否有前切除综合征的初步筛查工具,作为临床判断的辅助工具.  相似文献   

The psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the Inventory of Traumatic Grief (ITG) were investigated in two studies with bereaved adults who had suffered the loss of a first-degree relative. In Study 1, exploratory factor analysis indicated that the items of the ITG clustered together into one underlying factor. In addition, the internal consistency of the ITG and its short-term temporal stability were found to be high. In Study 2 it was found that the ITG exhibited adequate discriminative, concurrent, and construct validity. Furthermore, an ITG cutoff score for a diagnosis of traumatic grief was determined, with a sensitivity of 86% and a specificity of 76%, providing evidence in favor of the predictive validity of the ITG.  相似文献   

Purpose: The present study aimed to assess the psychometric properties of the Finnish version of the Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS) among foot and ankle patients.

Methods: The LEFS was translated and cross-culturally adapted to Finnish. We assessed the test–retest reliability, internal consistency, floor-ceiling effect, construct validity and criterion validity in patients who underwent surgery due to musculoskeletal pathology of the foot and ankle (N?=?166).

Results: The test–retest reliability was high (ICC = 0.93, 95% CI: 0.91–0.95). The standard error of measurement was 4.1 points. The Finnish LEFS showed high internal consistency (Cronbach’s α?=?0.96). A slight ceiling effect occurred as 17% achieved the maximum score. The LEFS correlation was strong with the 15D Mobility dimension (r?=?0.74) and overall HRQoL (r?=?0.66), pain during foot and ankle activity (r=??0.69) and stiffness (r=??0.62). LEFS correlated moderately with foot and ankle pain at rest (r=??0.50) and with physical activity (r?=?0.46).

Conclusions: The Finnish version of the LEFS showed reliability and validity comparable to those of the original version. This study indicates that the Finnish version of the LEFS serves both clinical and scientific purposes in assessing lower-limb function.

  • Implications for Rehabilitation
  • The Finnish version of the Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS) is a reliable and valid tool for assessing lower-extremity musculoskeletal disability in Finnish-speaking population.

  • Investigation of the psychometric properties of the Finnish version of the LEFS showed validity and reliability comparable to those of the original English version.

  • The Finnish LEFS is easy to complete and suitable for clinical, rehabilitation and research purposes.


中文版孕期身体活动问卷信效度评定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 探讨中文版孕期身体活动问卷(Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire,PPAQ)在孕妇孕期身体活动状况评定中的信、效度.方法 首先通过系统的翻译、修订、回译、专家函询,将英文版PPAQ引入、修订,确立中文版PPAQ问卷的内容和条目,并进行效度检验;然后对30例孕妇进行问卷调查,同时佩戴Live Pod-02型智能人体运动能耗仪7d,然后再次填写问卷,用两种方式评定、测量孕妇在1周内的能量消耗,进行相关性分析,以测定该工具的信度.结果 中文版PPAQ有31个条目,其表面效度较高,内容效度为0.940;问卷重测信度为0.944,问卷与能耗仪测量相关系数为0.768 (P<0.01).结论 中文版PPAQ具有良好的信效度,适合中国文化背景下孕妇孕期身体活动状况的评估与测量.  相似文献   



The Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale (ESAS), created by the Edmonton Group in 1991, is an instrument assessing symptom control that is commonly used in palliative care. It asks patients to rate nine items on 11-point numeric rating scales.


The aim of this study was to translate the ESAS to Thai and validate its final version with transcultural adaptation for Thai palliative care patients. The original ESAS was translated into Thai following the process of cross-cultural adaptation of self-report measures’ standard guidelines, including forward translation, synthesis of the translation, back translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and pretesting.


This cross-sectional study was first undertaken with 44 patients with advanced cancer in an inpatient setting, which led to the final version. The reliability and validity of the final version was then examined in a sample of 37 cancer patients in the outpatient department at Ramathibodi Hospital. Face validity was evaluated through patient interviews, using guide questions. The internal consistency was calculated using Cronbach's alpha.


In total, 91.8% of patients declared that the ESAS-Thai questionnaire was generally clear. It yielded a Cronbach's alpha of 0.75 in the inpatient setting. After modifying the words “appetite” and “well-being,” 37 cancer patients, whose mean (standard deviation) age was 52.2 (10.8) years and who were cared for by the Departments of Medicine, Surgery, Gynecology, and Otolaryngology, self-administered the questionnaire in the outpatient department. The Cronbach's alpha in the validation sample was 0.89.


After the translation and cross-cultural adaptation, the Thai version of the ESAS achieved good levels of face validity and internal consistency. It is now available as a patient-administered instrument to evaluate symptoms among palliative care patients in Thailand.  相似文献   

Purpose: Acceptance has been discovered to be successful in improving quality of life when adjusting to chronic pain. Instead of avoiding and controlling the pain, the goal is to confront the pain and to live a value directed life. Thus far, there has not been an instrument in Finnish to assess the acceptance of chronic pain. This study aimed at translating the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire-(CPAQ)-into Finnish and assessing its reliability and validity. Method: Eighty-one persons with different types of chronic pain responded to the CPAQ, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), RAND-36 and questions of sociodemographic and pain-related variables. Results: The responders’ ages varied from 16 to 83 years (mean = 48.5 years) and 63% of them were women. For 55% of the participants, the pain had lasted more than 4 years and 63% from the sample had chronic pain in the low back or lower extremities. In test-retest analysis, the interclass correlation coefficient (ICC ) values were good, 0.81–0.87. Internal consistency was very good (α = 0.86). There was no floor-ceiling effect in the Finnish version of CPAQ. Correlation was found between both subscales of the CPAQ and every domain of the RAND-36 (r = 0.23; 0.68) and the BDI (r = ?0.24; ?0.62). Education, age, pain avoidance, social support and pain intensity correlated with either one of the subscales or total CPAQ. CPAQ revealed no association between fear of pain and pain duration. Conclusions: In conclusion, the Finnish version of the CPAQ is a reliable and valid method for measuring chronic pain acceptance.

Implications for Rehabilitation

Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire

  • There has not been an instrument in Finnish to assess the acceptance of chronic pain.

  • The Finnish version of the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire (CPAQ) is a reliable and valid method for measuring chronic pain acceptance.

  • In physiotherapy, CPAQ can be a useful instrument collecting background information of the chronic pain patient and assessing when to consult a psychologist. In addition in long therapies assessing the enhanced acceptance can be monitored with CPAQ.




Pain and anxiety are a common problem in all recovery phases after a burn. The Burns Specific Pain Anxiety Scale (BSPAS) was proposed to assess anxiety in burn patients related to painful procedures.


To assess internal consistency, discriminative construct validity, dimensionality and convergent construct validity of the Brazilian-Portuguese version of the Burns Specific Pain Anxiety Scale.


In this cross-sectional study, the original version of the BSPAS, adapted into Brazilian Portuguese, was tested for internal consistency (Cronbach's Alpha), discriminative validity (related to total body surface area burned and sex), dimensionality (through factor analysis), and convergent construct validity (applying the Visual Analogue Scale for pain and State-Anxiety—STAI) in a group of 91 adult burn patients.


The adapted version of the BSPAS displayed a moderate and positive correlation with pain assessments: immediately before baths and dressings (r = 0.32; p < 0.001), immediately after baths and dressings (r = 0.31; p < 0.001) and during the relaxation period (r = 0.31; p < 0.001) and with anxiety assessments (r = 0.34; p < 0.001). No statistically significant differences were observed when comparing the mean of the adapted version of the BSPAS scores with sex (p = 0.194) and total body surface area burned (p = 0.162) (discriminative validity). The principal components analysis applied to our sample seems to confirm anxiety as one single domain of the Brazilian-Portuguese version of the BSPAS. Cronbach's Alpha showed high internal consistency of the adapted version of the scale (0.90).


The Brazilian-Portuguese version of the BSPAS 9-items has shown statically acceptable levels of reliability and validity for pain-related anxiety evaluation in burn patients. This scale can be used to assess nursing interventions aimed at decreasing pain and anxiety related to the performance of painful procedures.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Diabetes is a burdensome disease that increases distress among people with diabetes. OBJECTIVES: To test the validity and reliability of an Icelandic version of the problem area in diabetes scale (PAID) and to assess the hitherto unknown distress level of Icelandic people with insulin requiring diabetes. DESIGN: Methodological research design. SETTING: Diabetes clinics. PARTICIPANTS: People with insulin-dependent diabetes, between 18 and 61 years. METHODS: All instruments were translated using a back-translation technique. Participants answered three consecutive questionnaires in succession, the PAID scale, the diabetes empowerment scale (DES) and the diabetes knowledge test (DKT). Principical component analysis with varimax rotation was conducted on the PAID scale to identify latent factors. RESULTS: Factor analysis revealed two factors: (a) distress in relation to life with diabetes, with Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.93 and (b) distress in relation to management of diabetes, with Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.88, for PAID overall Cronbach alpha coefficient was 0.94. PAID showed neither floor nor ceilings effects. Propositions set to indicate validity were generally met. However, PAID's factor structure and predictive validity needs to be tested further. CONCLUSIONS: The Icelandic version of PAID is sufficiently psychometrically robust. PAID is simple to administer and by using the scale clinicians can identify people at risk for developing diabetes-related distress. The results are comparable to results from studies in other countries using the PAID scale.  相似文献   

摘要:目的 对面肌痉挛生活质量量表(Hemifacial spasm 8,HFS-8)进行汉化,并在面肌痉挛患者中检验其信效度。方法 通过正译、回译、文化调适、专家咨询及预试验,最终形成8个条目的中文版HFS-8;进一步通过2轮专家咨询进行内容效度评价。于2022年10月-2022年12月,选取入住上海市某三级甲等医院神经外科的46例面肌痉挛患者采用此汉化量表以分析量表的信效度。结果 中文版HFS-8量表包含8个条目,各条目得分与总分的相关系数为0.427~0.710,(p<0.05),临界比值法中高分组与低分组各条目得分的差异均有统计学差异(p<0.05);内容效度指数(S-CVI)为0.979。因子分析提取3个因子,累计贡献率达71.279%。量表的Cronbach’s α系数为0.758。结论 中文版HFS-8具有良好的信效度,适用于评估中国面肌痉挛患者的生活质量。  相似文献   

Although the Kidney Disease Quality of Life instrument (KDQOL-SF), which was designed to measure the comprehensive quality of life in patients with end stage renal disease, has been tested and widely administered in many other counties, it has not yet been translated, validated and reported for Korea. The primary purpose of this study was to validate a Korean version of KDQOL-SF and to evaluate its psychometric properties. The study subjects were 164 patients with hemodialysis or continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis in university dialysis centers in Korea. In order to investigate the reliability, test-retest reliability and internal consistency reliability were assessed. Both test-retest reliability and internal consistency reliability were found to be high. In order to investigate the construct validation, all the items of the SF-36 scales, an established generic QOL measures, were compared with an overall health rating scale in kidney disease-targeted scale. They found to be highly correlated with each other. Moreover, overall health rating scale was significantly correlated with symptoms/problems, effects of kidney disease, burden of kidney disease, cognitive function (p < 0.001), and quality of social interaction (p < 0.05). These results suggest that the Korean version of KDQOL-SF satisfies its reliability and validity in Korean patients with hemodialysis or continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. This questionnaire provides important and clinically valuable information for understanding the health related quality of life in the Korean patients with dialysis.  相似文献   

目的汉化《神经行为认知状态测验》(neurobehavioralcognitivestatusexamination,NCSE),并检验其信度、效度。方法将英文版的NCSE翻译成中文,并进行“互译”和校对。健康人的受测者接受中文翻译后的原版NCSE评定,对原版本中某些测验内容做符合中国民族文化传统的修改后再用于健康受测者,以建立常模。用修改后的NCSE对神经科的脑损害患者60例进行评估。结果NCSE的信度值均在0.770以上(P<0.01);各分测验构想效度也基本满意(P<0.05)。结论NCSE是可靠、值得推广的第2代认知功能筛查量表。  相似文献   

This article presents the findings on the development and validation of a Chinese version of the Worry Scale (WS), a measure of worry about hypoglycemia. A previously developed 16-item WS was back-translated and applied to 117 Chinese diabetic patients living in Hong Kong. An iterative process of factor and item analyses identified a unidimensional 10-item Chinese WS (WS-10), which accounted for 57.15% of the total variance. Cronbach's alpha was 0.91. Strong correlation was demonstrated between the WS-10 and WS with 16 items (r = 0.97, p = 0.000). Comparing the level of worry about hypoglycemia between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetic patients established a contrast-group validity of the WS-10 (p = 0.002). Criterion validity was established by correlating the WS-10 with the respondents' glycosylated hemoglobin (r = -0.29, p = 0.002). Test-retest reliability using intraclass correlation (ICC) was established, ICC(1, 1) = 0.68. As the clinical administration of this scale takes less than 5 min, the Chinese WS-10 offers a useful instrument to identify patients with high levels of worry about hypoglycemia for clinical and education interventions. It also provides public health nurses with a reliable and valid prepost measure of intervention effectiveness. The Chinese WS-10 will facilitate further research about the effects of worry concerning hypoglycemia on self-care behaviors with the Chinese populations.  相似文献   

Fatigue, rated by adolescents as the most distressing symptom experienced during cancer treatment, is essential to the successful clinical care of patients of every culture and nationality. Efforts to provide relief from such symptom, in any area of the world, have been hampered by the lack of reliable and valid instruments used to measure fatigue. Our aims were to examine the semantic, conceptual, and normative equivalence of the Chinese version of the Fatigue Scale-Adolescent (FS-A-C) to the original Fatigue Scale-Adolescent (FS-A) and to estimate the reliability and validity of the FS-A-C. We recruited 51 Taiwanese adolescents in various stages of different types of cancer in this cross-sectional study. Results indicated that the initial panel estimates of semantic, conceptual, and normative equivalence of the FS-A-C with the original instrument (FS-A) were positive. The FS-A-C had acceptable internal consistency (Cronbach alpha =.89) and moderate-to-high content validity (content validity index ranges from 87% to 100%). In addition, the FS-A-C achieved known-groups validity (anemic adolescents reporting higher fatigue than nonanemic adolescents do) and initial construct validity (a significant association between the FS-A-C and the Anxious/Depressed subscale). Its use in measuring the intensity of fatigue in adolescents is likely to yield accurate assessments of their fatigue that could prompt clinical efforts to relieve their fatigue-related distress.  相似文献   

目的评估中文版成套神经心理测验(NTB)的信度和效度。方法为横断面研究,对118例被试者进行简易智力状况检查(MMSE)、阿尔茨海默病评定量表认知分量表(ADAS-cog)与NTB测验,其中30例在4周后进行NTB重测。从同质信度、重测信度和分测验内部一致性进行信度检验;从结构效度和效标关联效度进行效度检验,结构效度包括因素分析和因素结构,效标关联效度包括基线MMSE、ADAS-cog与NTBz分的相关性。结果 NTB测验的Cronbachα系数为0.824。除分类流畅性测验的重测相关系数为0.504外,其余各分测验的重测相关系数为0.590~0.856。NTB各分测验z分与合成z分的相关系数为0.693~0.872;各分测验之间的相关系数为0.297~0.848。主成分分析显示2个特征根≥1的因子可解释方差的71.198%。NTBz分与MMSE、ADAS-cog总分之间的相关系数分别为0.874、-0.799。结论 NTB的同质信度、重测信度、结构效度、效标效度均较理想,符合心理测验的要求。  相似文献   

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